Tethys Petroleum Limited Press Release: 2016 Q3 Results 
November 15, 2016 
Tethys Petroleum Limited Press Release: 2016 Q3 Results 
GRAND CAYMAN, CAYMAN ISLANDS--(Marketwired - Nov. 15, 2016) - Tethys Petroleum Limited (TSX:TPL)(LSE:TPL) today 
announced its Results for the quarter ended September 30, 2016. 
Q3 Financial Highlights (all figures reported in USD unless stated otherwise. 2015 amounts are for the quarter ended 
September 30, 2015). 
=-  Revenues decreased by 46% to USD3.1m from USD5.7m due to a natural 
    decline in production volumes and price reductions in USD terms as a 
    result of the devaluation of the Kazakh currency, the Tenge, in August 
=-  The loss of USD4.0m was higher than loss of USD3.7m in 2015 due to the 
    significantly lower revenue in the current quarter and provision of 
    USD0.8m made for non-fulfilment of Kazakh work programmes penalties. The 
    Company is working to have these withdrawn or reduced; 
=-  EBITDA - adjusted for share based payments increased from negative 
    USD0.6m to negative USD0.8m as a result of significantly lower revenue 
    in the current quarter. This was offset by lower costs; 
=-  Capital expenditure at USD0.3m (Q3 2015: USD1.9m) was lower due to lack 
    of funds to develop the Company's assets with expenditure in the prior 
    period relating to Kazakhstan exploration and development and Tajikistan 
Q3 Operational Highlights 
=-  Average oil production for the quarter decreased to 742 bopd (Q3 2015: 
    1,702 bopd) reflecting a natural decline in overall production; 
=-  Oil production cost per barrel in Q3 2016 increased to USD8.84 compared 
    with USD6.26 in Q3 2015. This was mainly due to the decrease in oil 
    production and non-variable costs of production. There was a decrease in 
    cost per barrel to USD8.27 in YTD Q3 2016 compared with USD8.73 in YTD 
    Q3 2015 as a result of cost reduction initiatives and the Tenge 
=-  Oil prices averaged USD7.81 in the quarter compared with USD12.24 bbl in 
    Q3 2015, a reduction of 36%, reflecting the fall in World oil price 
    which impacted the domestic Kazakh price and the devaluation of the 
=-  Current quarter gas production averaged 2,106 boe/d compared with 3,121 
    boe/d in Q3 2015 reflecting a natural decline in overall production; 
=-  Gas production cost per Mcm in the current quarter reduced to USD14.76 
    compared with USD15.70 in Q3 2015 despite lower production volume as a 
    result of cost reduction initiatives as well as the Tenge devaluation; 
=-  An increase in gas price in local currency of over 50 percent was 
    obtained from January 1, 2016, however, this was negatively affected in 
    USD terms due to the Tenge devaluation. 
    Note: 6,000 cubic feet (169.9 cubic metres) of natural gas = 1 barrel of 
    oil has been used and is based on the standard energy equivalency 
    conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does not 
    represent a value equivalency at the wellhead. 
Q3 Significant Events 
=-  Kenneth J. May was appointed as interim Chief Executive Officer and his 
    permanent appointment has since been confirmed; 
=-  The Grand Court in the Cayman Islands approved a reduction in the par 
    value of the Company's ordinary shares from USD0.10 per share to USD0.01 
    which was done to facilitate the Investment Agreement between Tethys and 
=-  A new cost optimisation programme, that once fully implemented, should 
    save the company an estimated USD2.5 million a year commenced. The 
    programme followed an extensive review into costs and operations 
    following the Company's AGM; 
=-  Claims brought against the Company in Kazakhstan in relation to the USD 
    7.5 million debenture due June 30, 2017 originally issued to AGR and 
    which resulted in a seizure order over the Company's assets and freezing 
    of the Company's bank accounts were successfully defended and dismissed 
    by the Courts; 
=-  The Company worked to complete the private placement with Olisol, 
    however Olisol failed to meet its funding commitments and breached the 
    terms of the Investment Agreement. The Company announced it would 
    continue to work with Olisol to complete the private placement; 
Significant Events Subsequent to September 30, 2016 
=-  The private placement with Olisol did not close by the outside date 
    under the Investment Agreement. Tethys took all steps required to close 
    the private placement and was ready, willing and able to do so, however, 
    Olisol failed to provide Tethys with any of the CAD9.8 million purchase 
    price. Olisol claims that it is entitled to terminate the Investment 
    Agreement and has also demanded immediate repayment of its working 
    capital loan. Tethys disagrees with Olisol that it has the right to 
    terminate the Investment Agreement and disagrees that the loan is 
=-  Eurasia Gas Group LLP ("EGG") the sole customer for oil produced by the 
    Company's subsidiary Tethys Aral Gas LLP ("TAG"), and a related party of 
    Olisol, lodged a court claim seeking an award equivalent to USD2.6 
    million for the alleged failure by TAG to deliver certain minimum 
    volumes of crude oil to EGG. The Company's view is that the claim is 
    without merit or substance. As a consequence of EGG's Court claim the 
    bank accounts of TAG have been blocked. 
=-  Alexander Abramov, a principal of Olisol, was removed from the Board of 
    Directors of the Company by a majority vote of the Board and in 
    accordance with the Company's Articles of Association. Alexander Abramov 
    was replaced as Chairman of the Board by William P. Wells. 
=-  Allegations of improper conduct were made against certain employees of 
    TAG in an action initiated by Mr. Abramov and searches and seizures at 
    TAG's offices in Kazakhstan took place by law enforcement agencies. 
    These claims have since been dismissed. Tethys wishes to acknowledge the 
    assistance of the Office of the Almaty City Prosecutor in quickly 
    reviewing the claims and dismissing the case. Property taken during the 
    investigation has been returned to the Company and we work to have the 
    Court imposed freezing order over TAG's bank accounts lifted and restore 
    normal business operations as soon as possible. 
=-  Proposals from two private investors have been received which would 
    result in each investor acquiring approximately 9.9% (when measured 
    individually against the current number of shares outstanding) of the 
    enlarged share capital of the Company. The price for the ordinary shares 
    would be USD0.01593 per share and the total proceeds would amount to 
    approximately USD1.4m. The investors would also be granted warrants 
    giving them the right to acquire additional ordinary shares of Tethys 
    with an exercise price of USD0.031 per share. Each of the investors 
    would be appointed to the Board of the Company on closing of the 
    placings which the parties are working to complete as soon as possible. 
    If completed, the placements will bring much needed funding to the 
    Company as well as provide it with strong in-country partners in 
    Kazakhstan and internationally. 
=-  The full Q3 Results together with Management's Discussion & Analysis 
    have been filed with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities. 
    Copies of the filed documents may be obtained via SEDAR at www.sedar.com 
    or on the Tethys website at www.tethyspetroleum.com. The summary 
    financial statements are attached to this press release. 
Cautionary Statements 
This press release contains "forward-looking information" which may include, but is not limited to, statements with 
respect to our operations. Such forward-looking statements reflect our current views with respect to future events. 
These forward-looking statements are subject to certain risks and uncertainties. See our Annual Information Form for 
the year ended December 31, 2015 for a description of risks and uncertainties relevant to our business, including our 
exploration activities. 
About Tethys Petroleum 
Tethys Petroleum's aim is to become the leading independent E&P Company in Central Asia, by exercising capital 
discipline, by generating cash flow from existing discoveries and by maturing large exploration prospects within our 
highly attractive frontier acreage. 
Tethys Petroleum Limited 
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
(in thousands of US dollars) 
                                                    As at 
                                    September 30, 2016    December 31, 2015 
Non-current assets 
Intangible assets                               67,227               64,202 
Property, plant and equipment                  105,699              113,397 
Restricted cash                                  2,237                2,233 
Investment in joint arrangements                     4                    4 
Trade and other receivables                      1,910                2,457 
Deferred tax                                       211                  226 
                                               177,288              182,519 
Current assets 
Cash and cash equivalents                        1,800                3,272 
Trade and other receivables                      7,349                3,710 
Inventories                                        821                  879 
Restricted cash                                     65                  215 
                                                10,035                8,076 
Total assets                                   187,323              190,595 
Non-current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                            70                  133 
Financial liabilities - borrowings               1,811               22,873 
Deferred tax                                    10,133               10,792 
Provisions                                         894                  846 
                                                12,908               34,644 
Current liabilities 
Financial liabilities - borrowings              32,356                9,159 
Derivative financial instruments                     -                  275 
Current taxation                                   491                  398 
Trade and other payables                        18,133               14,189 
Provisions                                          25                  360 
                                                51,005               24,381 
Total liabilities                               63,913               59,025 
Share capital                                    4,000               33,696 
Share premium                                  357,803              321,803 
Other reserves                                  43,349               43,166 
Accumulated deficit                           (287,838)            (273,189) 
Non-controlling interest                         6,096                6,094 
Total equity                                   123,410              131,570 
Total equity and liabilities                   187,323              190,595 
Tethys Petroleum Limited 
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (Loss) 
(in thousands of US dollars except per share information) 
                                  Three months ended    Nine months ended 
                                     September 30          September 30 
                                      2016       2015       2016       2015 
Sales and other revenues             3,119      5,736     10,103     18,528 
Sales expenses                        (665)    (1,182)    (2,132)    (3,563) 
Production expenses                 (1,979)    (1,811)    (4,503)    (8,578) 
Depreciation, depletion and 
 amortisation                       (2,473)    (3,716)    (8,256)   (25,004) 
Administrative expenses             (1,354)    (2,073)    (4,379)    (7,608) 
Restructuring costs                     23       (586)    (1,400)    (2,907) 
Transaction costs of assets held 
 for sale                                -          -          -     (1,065) 
Share based payments                   (20)       (93)      (183)      (358) 
Profit on sale of fixed assets           -         10         10         53 
Foreign exchange gain/(loss)            18       (716)       141       (931) 
Fair value gain/(loss) on 
 derivative financial instrument         6        236        275       (233) 
Loss from jointly controlled 
 entity                                  -        (15)         -       (250) 
Finance costs                         (893)      (321)    (4,835)    (2,848) 
                                    (7,337)   (10,267)   (25,262)   (53,292) 
Loss before tax from continuing 
 operations                         (4,218)    (4,531)   (15,159)   (34,764) 
Taxation                               182        833        512      3,754 
Loss from continuing operations     (4,036)    (3,698)   (14,647)   (31,010) 
Loss from discontinued 
 operations net of tax                   -        (11)         -        (88) 
Loss and total comprehensive 
 income                             (4,036)    (3,709)   (14,647)   (31,098) 
Loss and total comprehensive 
 income attributable to: 
Shareholders                        (4,196)    (3,711)   (14,649)   (31,097) 
Non-controlling interest               160          2          2         (1) 
Loss and total comprehensive 
 income                             (4,036)    (3,709)   (14,647)   (31,098) 
Loss per share attributable to 
Basic and diluted - from 
 continuing operations (USD)         (0.01)     (0.01)     (0.04)     (0.09) 
Basic and diluted - from 
 discontinued operations (USD)           -          -          -          - 
Tethys Petroleum Limited 
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 
(in thousands of US dollars) 
                                  Three months ended    Nine months ended 
                                     September 30          September 30 
Cash flow from operating 
Loss before tax from continuing 
 operations                         (4,218)    (4,531)   (15,159)   (34,764) 
Loss before tax from 
 discontinued operations                 -        (11)         -        (88) 
Adjustments for: 
Share based payments                    20         93        183        358 
Net finance cost                       893        321      4,835      2,848 
Depreciation, depletion and 
 amortisation                        2,473      3,716      8,256     25,004 
Profit on sale of fixed assets           -        (10)       (10)       (53) 
Fair value gain on derivative 
 financial instruments                  (4)      (236)      (274)       233 
Net unrealised foreign exchange 
 loss/(gain)                           109        (87)      (246)       (61) 
Loss from jointly controlled 
 entity                                  -         15          -        250 
Movement in provisions                (100)    (1,308)    (1,736)    (3,298) 
Net change in working capital         (883)    (3,085)    (1,099)      (970) 
Cash used in operating 
 activities                         (1,710)    (5,123)    (5,250)   (10,541) 
Corporation tax paid                    (7)         -        (28)      (134) 
Net cash used in operating 
 activities                         (1,717)    (5,123)    (5,278)   (10,675) 
Cash flow from investing 
Interest received                        -         46          -        137 
Expenditure on exploration and 
 evaluation assets                     (90)    (1,588)      (545)    (5,530) 
Expenditure on property, plant 
 and equipment                        (228)      (350)      (509)    (2,389) 
Proceeds from sale of fixed 
 assets                                  -          8         33        121 
Movement in restricted cash             (2)       (87)       146       (238) 
Movement in advances to 
 construction contractors              193        (11)        (6)       179 
Movement in value added tax 
 receivable                            131        339        559      1,058 
Net change in working capital          200        598        239       (924) 
Net cash generated/(used) in 
 investing activities                  204     (1,045)       (83)    (7,586) 
Cash flow from financing 
Proceeds from issuance of 
 borrowings, net of issue costs      4,430      5,000      7,930     23,235 
Repayment of borrowings               (715)      (288)    (1,289)    (4,953) 
Interest paid on borrowings           (903)      (311)    (2,616)    (1,219) 
Movement in other non-current 
 liabilities                           (22)       (27)       (90)       (83) 
Net cash generated from 
 financing activities                2,790      4,374      3,935     16,980 
Effects of exchange rate changes 
 on cash and cash equivalents         (177)     1,138        (46)     1,699 
Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
 and cash equivalents                1,100       (656)    (1,472)       418 
Cash and cash equivalents at 
 beginning of the period               700      4,942      3,272      3,868 
Cash and cash equivalents at end 
 of the period                       1,800      4,286      1,800      4,286 
Tethys Petroleum 
Web: http://www.tethyspetroleum.com 
Tethys Petroleum Limited 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

November 16, 2016 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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