SIEMENS Earnings Release Q2 2013 January 1 to March 31, 2013




Lower Revenue & Total Sectors profit Double-digit order growth, EPS up 17%


Peter Löscher, President and Chief Executive Officer of Siemens AG "Results for the second quarter show a mixed picture. While we were able to clearly increase orders, we still have challenges regarding revenue and profit. Even more we're focusing on the factors that lie in our own hands: we're rigorously executing our company-wide Siemens 2014 program."


Financial Highlights:*

    -- Orders for the second quarter rose 20% year-over-year, to EUR21.451 

billion, due primarily to large orders. The book-to-bill ratio was

1.19, and Siemens' order backlog increased to EUR101 billion at the end

of the quarter.

    -- Revenue for the second quarter was EUR18.011 billion, 7% below the 

prior-year level.

    -- Total Sectors Profit declined to EUR1.374 billion due primarily to lower 

profit in Industry and Infrastructure & Cities.

    -- Income from continuing operations increased slightly to EUR982 million. 

For comparison, the prior-year period included an equity investment

loss of EUR640 million related to NSN.

    -- Net income improved to EUR1.030 billion, including a positive 

contribution from discontinued operations. Corresponding basic EPS was

EUR1.20, up from EUR1.03 in the prior-year period, benefiting from share

buybacks between the periods under review.

    -- Free cash flow from continuing operations improved to EUR1.375 billion 

from EUR532 million in the second quarter a year ago.


* At the end of the second quarter Siemens' solar business no longer fulfilled the conditions to be classified as discontinued operations according to IFRS. It was therefore reclassified to continuing operations and its results are reported within the Energy Sector. Results for prior periods are presented on a comparable basis. Siemens still intends to exit the solar business.




Double-digit order growth, book to bill above 1 While macroeconomic conditions remained challenging in the second quarter, Siemens won major long-cycle contracts for wind power and trains that drove a 20% increase in orders year-over-year. In contrast, revenue came in 7% lower compared to the prior-year period. On a comparable basis, excluding currency translation and portfolio effects, revenue was 6% lower. The book-to-bill ratio for Siemens was 1.19, the order backlog (defined as the sum of the order backlogs of the Sectors) increased to EUR101 billion.


Broad-based revenue decline Weaker investment sentiment in recent quarters was evident in second-quarter revenue, which declined in all Sectors and reporting regions. On a regional basis, revenue declined significantly in the Americas and moderately in the region comprising Europe, the Commonwealth of Independent States, Africa and the Middle East (Europe/CAME) and in the Asia, Australia region. Emerging markets on a global basis declined 4% year-over-year, and accounted for EUR5.938 billion, or 33%, of total revenue for the second quarter.


Orders climb on large contract wins in Europe The Energy and Infrastructure & Cities Sectors both won a pair of major orders in Europe/CAME that drove their double-digit order increases compared to the prior-year period. Healthcare showed moderate order growth year-over-year, while orders fell at Industry on weaker demand for its short-cycle businesses and renewable energy offerings. On a geographic basis, Europe/CAME and the Americas showed double-digit increases due to higher volumes from large orders. Emerging markets on a global basis grew faster than orders overall, at 24% year-over-year, and accounted for EUR6.795 billion, or 32%, of total orders for the quarter.




Profit declines at Industry, Infrastructure & Cities Total Sectors profit declined to EUR1.374 billion from EUR1.929 billion in the second quarter a year earlier. Industry profit declined to EUR350 million from EUR662 million a year earlier, due mainly to more challenging market conditions for its short-cycle businesses. Profit in Infrastructure & Cities fell to EUR27 million from EUR270 million a year earlier, due largely to charges of EUR161 million related to high-speed rail projects. Energy delivered EUR551 million in profit, down 4% compared to the prior-year period. Charges related to grid connection projects totaled EUR84 million in the second quarter compared to EUR278 million a year earlier. Healthcare contributed EUR445 million in profit, up 5% year-over-year.


Total Sectors profit included charges of EUR104 million for the "Siemens 2014" productivity improvement program: EUR49 million in Industry, EUR23 million in Infrastructure & Cities, EUR20 million in Energy, and EUR13 million in Healthcare. The program is expected to generate substantially higher charges in the second half of the fiscal year.


Stable income from continuing operations Income from continuing operations of EUR982 million was slightly above the prior-year level, as lower Total Sectors profit was offset by improvements outside the Sectors. Above all, Equity Investments posted a profit of EUR8 million in the current quarter compared to a loss of EUR594 million a year earlier. Basic EPS from continuing operations rose to EUR1.14 from EUR1.08 a year earlier, benefiting from share buybacks between the periods under review.


Discontinued operations turns positive Second-quarter net income was up 10%, at EUR1.030 billion. Corresponding EPS rose 17%, to EUR1.20 from EUR1.03 in the prior-year period, due to share buybacks as mentioned above. The increase in net income was due primarily to discontinued operations, which contributed EUR48 million in the current period. A year earlier, discontinued operations posted a loss of EUR41 million, due mainly to a burden of EUR142 million (pretax) from a settlement related to Greece. Income from discontinued operations related to Siemens IT Solutions and Services in the current period was a negative EUR9 million compared to a positive EUR42 million a year earlier. Income from discontinued operations related to OSRAM rose to EUR57 million, up from EUR25 million a year ago. OSRAM reported a 3% decline in revenue compared to the second quarter a year ago (0% decline on an organic basis). Additional information regarding OSRAM is on page 13.




Strong improvement in Free cash flow Free cash flow from continuing operations was EUR1.375 billion, up strongly from EUR532 million in the same period a year ago, due primarily to an improved cash performance at the Sector level. The main component of Free cash flow from continuing operations in the second quarter was Income from continuing operations. Cash inflows related to the decrease in operating net working capital were EUR0.4 billion, including customer payments received particularly in Energy.


Siemens again took advantage of extraordinarily favorable conditions to raise new long-term debt. The total amount raised was EUR3.5 billion, denominated in both euros and the U.S. dollar, with maturities ranging from 2018 to 2028. The new debt raised was partly offset by the redemption of bonds totaling EUR2 billion. Another major cash outflow during the second quarter was EUR2.5 billion for dividend payments. All these cash flows were financing activities and therefore not part of Free cash flow.


Pension plan underfunding remains largely unchanged The estimated underfunding of Siemens' pension plans as of March 31, 2013 amounted to EUR9.0 billion, compared to an underfunding of EUR8.9 billion at the end of the first quarter.




Profit near prior-year level, double-digit order growth Energy reported second-quarter profit of EUR551 million, down 4% year-over-year due mainly to lower revenue. Power Transmission narrowed its loss due largely to substantially reduced project charges. Fossil Power Generation contributed lower earnings than a year earlier, but still accounted for most of the Sector's profit and was the highest profit performer among all Siemens Divisions. Profit at Wind Power fell compared to the strong second quarter a year ago, while earnings at Oil & Gas came in close to the prior-year level. Siemens' solar business was reclassified from discontinued operations during the second quarter, and its results are reported within Energy. The business posted a loss of EUR21 million, nearly unchanged from the second quarter a year earlier. Additional information regarding the solar business is on page 13. Energy recorded EUR20 million in charges under the "Siemens 2014" productivity program.


Second-quarter revenue declined 9%, including lower revenue at Fossil Power Generation and Wind Power. On a geographic basis, lower revenue in the current period was due primarily to the Americas region, where Wind Power orders were strongly influenced in the second half of calendar 2012 by uncertainties in the U.S. market. Orders for the quarter jumped 46% year-over-year, due mainly to two large offshore wind-farm orders at Wind Power. Order intake remained close to prior-year levels at Fossil Power Generation and Oil & Gas, while lower orders at Power Transmission were influenced by more selective order intake. On a regional basis, orders rose sharply in Europe/CAME and the Americas but fell in Asia, Australia. The book-to-bill ratio for Energy was 1.35, and its order backlog was EUR58 billion at the end of the quarter.


Lower revenue reduces profit contribution Second-quarter profit at Fossil Power Generation came in at EUR431 million, including a strong contribution from the service business. The main factor in the Division's profit decline year-over-year was significantly lower revenue, resulting mainly from declining order intake for turnkey projects in prior quarters. Orders for the current period were up 4% year-over-year, with increases in the Americas and Europe/CAME more than offsetting lower orders in Asia, Australia.


Sharp order growth, revenue and profit down Second-quarter profit at Wind Power was EUR53 million, down from EUR130 million in a particularly strong quarter for revenue-driven profit a year earlier. Key factors in the change included lower revenue and a less favorable revenue mix. Revenue declined 19% due to the onshore wind farm business, where the U.S is the largest national market for Wind Power. New projects in the U.S. were halted or postponed in late 2012 due to uncertainty regarding continuation of production tax incentives. The resulting order gap led to a steep drop in second-quarter revenue in the Americas region compared to a year earlier. In contrast, orders in the current period climbed sharply due mainly to the off-shore wind farm business, which typically has longer lead times between orders and revenue recognition. The Europe/CAME region posted the two large orders mentioned above as well as a major service contract in Germany, and led strong order growth for all three reporting regions.


Stable profit contribution Second-quarter profit at Oil & Gas was EUR125 million, compared to EUR131 million in the same period a year earlier. Revenue and orders for the Division were close to prior-year levels.


Grid connection charges fall, though challenges remain Power Transmission reported a loss of EUR49 million, compared to a loss of EUR169 million in the same quarter a year earlier. The improvement is due primarily to substantially lower charges related mainly to grid connections to offshore-wind farms, totaling EUR84 million in the current period. A year earlier, these charges totaled EUR278 million, partly offset by the release of a provision of EUR64 million related to a successful project completion. Second-quarter revenue for the Division was close to the prior-year level, while orders came in 9% lower in part due to more selective order intake in Europe/CAME. The Division expects continuing challenges in coming quarters, including the transport and installation of platforms for grid connections to certain offshore wind farms.




Order growth, continued strong profit performance Second-quarter profit in the Healthcare Sector rose to EUR445 million, due to improvements in cost position resulting from the Sector's ongoing Agenda 2013 initiative as well as lower charges associated with this initiative. These charges totaled EUR13 million in the current period compared to EUR38 million in the prior-year period. Profit development improved despite lower revenue and an excise tax on medical devices sold in the U.S., which was introduced on January 1, 2013 and affected most businesses in the Sector.


Profit at Diagnostics rose to EUR84 million from EUR67 million in the prior-year period. The increase was due in part to Agenda 2013, including both improve-ments in cost position and lower charges associated with the initiative compared to the prior-year period. These charges declined to EUR8 million from EUR20 million a year ago. Purchase price allocation (PPA) effects related to past acquisitions at Diagnostics were EUR42 million in the second quarter. A year earlier, Diagnostics recorded EUR43 million in PPA effects.


Second-quarter revenue for Healthcare was down 2% year-over-year, on declines at most businesses. Orders were up 3%, driven by the Sector's imaging businesses. On a regional basis, slight growth in Asia, Australia did not offset lower revenue in Europe/CAME and the Americas. Significant order growth in the region Asia, Australia was highlighted by double-digit increases in China. The book-to-bill ratio for the Sector was 1.02, and Healthcare's order backlog was EUR7 billion at the end of the second quarter.


The Diagnostics business saw a slight revenue decline to EUR963 million from EUR976 million a year earlier. On a regional basis, Diagnostics revenue followed the same pattern as the Sector.




Challenging market conditions continue Industry continued to face more challenging market conditions compared to the prior year, affecting results for both short-cycle businesses and renewable energy offerings. Due mainly to lower capacity utilization and a less favorable business mix, profit at Industry declined to EUR350 million in the second quarter, well below EUR662 million a year earlier. Profit was also burdened by EUR49 million in charges under the "Siemens 2014" productivity program, with the majority of the charges coming at Drive Technologies.


Revenue and orders were down 9% and 10% respectively on declines in both Divisions and in the metals technologies business. On a geographic basis, revenue was lower in all three regions including double-digit declines in Asia, Australia and the Americas. The decline in orders was spread more evenly among the regions but was particularly evident in the important Chinese and German markets. The Sector's book-to-bill ratio was 1.00 and its order backlog at the end of the quarter was EUR11 billion.


Lower revenue, M&A and mix effects take profit lower Profit at Industry Automation declined sharply year-over-year, to EUR201 million, as lower sales reduced capacity utilization and resulted in a less favorable revenue mix compared to the prior-year period. Profit also included PPA effects associated with the integration of LMS International NV (LMS) beginning in the current quarter. Revenue and orders both fell 7% including declines in most of the Division's businesses. A notable exception was the Division's industrial IT and software business, which benefited from recent acquisitions including LMS. PPA effects related to the acquisition of UGS Corp. in fiscal 2007 were EUR38 million in the current quarter, compared to EUR36 million a year earlier. PPA effects related to long-lived assets from the acquisition of LMS were EUR11 million in the current quarter. Effects from deferred revenue adjustments and inventory step-ups related to LMS totaled an additional EUR14 million. Based on current assumptions, similar amounts are expected in the final two quarters of fiscal 2013.


Short-cycle businesses burden profit Second-quarter profit at Drive Technologies fell to EUR147 million, due mainly to profit declines in the Division's higher-margin short-cycle businesses and offerings for renewable energy. Both saw double-digit declines in revenue year-over-year. For the Division overall, second-quarter revenue was down 10% from the prior-year level, including double-digit declines in the Americas and Asia, Australia. Orders came in 11% lower, due mainly to weaker demand in Europe/CAME.




Profit falls on project charges, weaker revenue Profit at Infrastructure & Cities declined to EUR27 million in the second quarter from EUR270 million in the same period a year earlier. The Sector recorded project charges of EUR161 million related to high-speed trains, and took charges of EUR23 million related to the "Siemens 2014" productivity program. Profit development was held back also by a 5% decline in revenue compared to the prior-year period. Both Europe/CAME and the Americas posted lower revenue year-over-year, more than offsetting higher sales in the Asia, Australia region. In contrast, orders rose substantially year-over-year, driven by major orders in Europe/CAME. The Sector's book-to-bill ratio was 1.28 and its order backlog at the end of the quarter was EUR25 billion.


Rolling stock charges burden profitability Transportation & Logistics posted a loss of EUR156 million compared to profit of EUR75 million a year earlier. This decline was due mainly to the EUR161 million in charges mentioned above, which primarily involve delays related to receiving certification for new trains. In addition, Transportation & Logistics' business mix was less favorable due to lower margins associated with large long-term contracts from prior periods and revenue declined 7% year-over-year. Order intake in the current period rose sharply, benefiting from two major rolling stock orders in Europe/CAME. The Transportation & Logistics business expects continuing challenges in coming quarters, related to fulfillment of contracts for high-speed rail projects.


After the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2013, the European Commission authorized Siemens' acquisition of Invensys Rail. The transaction is expected to close in the third quarter, at the beginning of May.


Stable profit and revenue Power Grid Solutions & Products posted EUR98 million in second-quarter profit, near the prior-year level. While earnings from the smart grid solutions business rose on a more favorable business mix, profit from the low and medium voltage business declined compared to the prior-year period. Revenue came in slightly below the prior-year level, with revenue growth in the Americas partly offsetting a decline in Europe/CAME. Orders were down 6% year-over-year, including lower demand in the Americas and Europe/CAME.


Profit falls on lower revenue Second-quarter profit at Building Technologies declined to EUR59 million from EUR77 million a year earlier, driven mainly by a 5% decline in revenue. Orders for the second quarter were nearly level year-over-year. On a geographic basis, revenue was lower in all three reporting regions. Orders in the Americas region rose, including a large order for an energy efficiency project in the U.S. while orders in Asia, Australia were lower year-over-year.




Loss from NSN sharply reduced Profit from Equity Investments in the second quarter was EUR8 million compared to a loss of EUR594 million a year earlier. This improvement was due mainly to a substantially smaller loss related to Siemens' share in Nokia Siemens Networks B.V. (NSN). The loss was EUR62 million in the current quarter compared to a loss of EUR640 million in the prior-year quarter. NSN reported to Siemens that in the current quarter it took EUR129 million in restructuring charges and other associated items, including net charges related to country and contract exits. Restructuring charges and other associated items totaled EUR772 million in the second quarter a year earlier. Results from equity investments are expected to be volatile in coming quarters.


Sharp profit increase at Financial Services Financial Services (SFS) continued to execute its growth strategy. Higher total assets year-over-year helped generate a higher interest result compared to the second quarter a year ago. For comparison, the prior-year period included burdens on profit related to certain activities in the U.S.


As a result, profit (defined as income before income taxes) rose to EUR113 million from EUR74 million in the prior-year period. Total assets rose to EUR17.872 billion, a moderate increase from the level at the beginning of the fiscal year.




Corporate items and pensions reported a loss of EUR153 million in the second quarter compared to a positive EUR12 million in the same period a year earlier. The loss at Corporate items was EUR46 million, compared to a positive EUR101 million in the same quarter a year earlier. The prior-year period included positive effects totaling EUR95 million related to legal and regulatory matters. Centrally carried pension expense totaled EUR106 million in the second quarter, compared to EUR89 million in the prior- year period.




At the end of the second quarter of fiscal 2013, Siemens' solar business no longer fulfilled the conditions to be classified as discontinued operations according to IFRS. The business therefore was reclassified to continuing operations and is reported within the Energy Sector. Prior-period results are presented on a comparable basis.


In fiscal 2012, orders and revenue of the business were EUR50 million and EUR199 million, respectively; it posted a pre-tax loss of EUR259 million. In the first quarter of fiscal 2013, the business recorded a pre-tax loss of EUR157 million, which included an impairment charge of EUR115 million. In the second quarter of fiscal 2013, the pre-tax loss amounted to EUR21 million.


Siemens still intends to exit the solar business, and expects a total negative impact on income from continuing operations of approximately EUR0.3 billion from this portfolio matter in fiscal 2013.




At the Annual Shareholders' Meeting of Siemens AG on January 23, 2013, Siemens' shareholders approved the previously proposed spin-off of OSRAM. Siemens plans to retain a 17.0% stake in OSRAM after the spin-off and will additionally contribute a 2.5% stake to the Siemens Pension Trust e.V. Based on the shareholders' approval Siemens recognized a spin-off liability amounting to EUR2.6 billion. The spin-off liability reflects 80.5% of the fair value of OSRAM and reduces retained earnings at the same amount.


During the second quarter of fiscal 2013, an action for annulment and voidance was brought against the OSRAM spin-off resolution of the Annual Shareholders' Meeting, blocking its registration into the German Commercial registers in Berlin and Munich. As part of a so-called judicial release procedure, Siemens filed a motion with the Munich Higher Regional Court to remove the blocking. After the end of the second quarter, the Court approved Siemens' motion. The Company is continuing to take appropriate steps to complete the spin-off as approved and expects a public listing of OSRAM Licht AG in July 2013.




In fiscal 2013, Siemens is implementing "Siemens 2014," a company-wide program supporting our One Siemens framework for sustainable value creation. The goal of the program is to raise our Total Sectors profit margin to at least 12% by fiscal 2014.


For fiscal 2013, we confirm our expectations of moderate organic order growth. With continuing challenges for our businesses whose results react strongly to short-term changes in the economic environment, we now anticipate a moderate decline in revenue on an organic basis compared to the prior year. Charges associated with the Siemens 2014 program in the Sectors are expected to total up to EUR0.9 billion for the full fiscal year. Given these developments and financial results for the first half, we expect income from continuing operations in fiscal 2013 to approach the low end of our original expectation, EUR4.5 billion, before impacts related to legal and regulatory matters and significant portfolio effects which we expect to burden income by up to EUR0.5 billion due primarily to the solar business.




All figures are preliminary and unaudited.


FinancialPublications are available for download at:www.siemens.com/ir -> Publications & Events.


This document includes supplemental financial measures that are or may be non-GAAP financial measures. Orders and order backlog; adjusted or organic growth rates of revenue and orders; book-to-bill ratio; Total Sectors profit; return on equity (after tax), or ROE (after tax); return on capital employed (adjusted), or ROCE (adjusted); Free cash flow, or FCF; cash conversion rate, or CCR; adjusted EBITDA; adjusted EBIT; adjusted EBITDA margins, earnings effects from purchase price allocation, or PPA effects; net debt and adjusted industrial net debt are or may be such non-GAAP financial measures. These supplemental financial measures should not be viewed in isolation as alternatives to measures of Siemens' financial condition, results of operations or cash flows as presented in accordance with IFRS in its Consolidated Financial Statements.


Other companies that report or describe similarly titled financial measures may calculate them differently. Definitions of these supplemental financial measures, a discussion of the most directly comparable IFRS financial measures, information regarding the usefulness of Siemens' supplemental financial measures, the limitations associated with these measures and reconciliations to the most comparable IFRS financial measures are available on Siemens' Investor Relations website at www.siemens.com/nonGAAP. For additional information, see supplemental financial measures and the related discussion in Siemens' most recent annual report on Form 20-F, which can be found on our Investor Relations website or via the EDGAR system on the website of the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.


This document contains statements related to our future business and financial performance and future events or developments involving Siemens that may constitute forward-looking statements. These statements may be identified by words such as "expects," "looks forward to," "anticipates," "intends," "plans," "believes," "seeks," "estimates," "will," "project" or words of similar meaning. We may also make forward-looking statements in other reports, in presentations, in material delivered to stockholders and in press releases. In addition, our representatives may from time to time make oral forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on the current expectations and certain assumptions of Siemens' management, and are, therefore, subject to certain risks and uncertainties. A variety of factors, many of which are beyond Siemens' control, affect Siemens' operations, performance, business strategy and results and could cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Siemens to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or anticipated on the basis of historical trends. These factors include in particular, but are not limited to, the matters described in Item 3: Key information--Risk factors of our most recent annual report on Form 20-F filed with the SEC, in the chapter "Risks" of our most recent annual report prepared in accordance with the German Commercial Code, and in the chapter "Report on risks and opportunities" of our most recent interim report.


Further information about risks and uncertainties affecting Siemens is included throughout our most recent annual and interim reports, as well as our most recent earnings release, which are available on the Siemens website, www.siemens.com, and throughout our most recent annual report on Form 20-F and in our other filings with the SEC, which are available on the Siemens website, www.siemens.com, and on the SEC's website, www.sec.gov. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, actual results, performance or achievements of Siemens may vary materially from those described in the relevant forward-looking statement as being expected, anticipated, intended, planned, believed, sought, estimated or projected. Siemens neither intends, nor assumes any obligation, to update or revise these forward-looking statements in light of developments which differ from those anticipated.


Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.


For tables omitted, please go to:http://www.siemens.com/press/pool/de/events/2013/corporate/2013-Q2/2013-Q2-earnings-release-e.pdf


For the full report, please go to:http://www.siemens.com/investor/pool/en/investor_relations/financial_publications/speeches_and_presentations/q22013/q2_interim_report.pdf


Media Relations:Alexander BeckerPhone: +49 89 636-36558E-mail: becker.alexander@siemens.com


Oliver SantenPhone: +49 89 636-36669E-mail: oliver.santen@siemens.comSiemens AG,80333 Munich, Germany

This information is provided by Business Wire 
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