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NaturalShrimp Incorporated (CE)

NaturalShrimp Incorporated (CE) (SHMP)

Closed March 10 4:00PM

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StayHumble StayHumble 11 hours ago
Markets Primed💹Xperts Are ✅JUMBO SHORT✅ $SHMP💹 $10 wow!!
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jimr1717 jimr1717 23 hours ago
🏆️ Absolutely No One got left holding the bag more than power11.

No one
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jimr1717 jimr1717 1 day ago
Please don’t feel bad for me. Feel bad for the guy still doing the limbo waiting on 5 bucks a share!

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power11 power11 1 day ago
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StayHumble StayHumble 1 day ago
Xperts Are💹 JUMBO SHORT✅ $10 💹Markets Primed! wow
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 days ago
You still doing the limbo? Lmfao
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power11 power11 2 days ago
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 days ago
“North” thinkin it’s the wrong “North”
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 days ago

$5.00 or .00000000005?
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Propain Propain 3 days ago
Check out ASII and AFFU
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 4 days ago
And taking your claim and face value...they put me on ignore at the peril of their "investment".

And guess what? I was right. So were many others here.

SHMP is all but out of business. Gone...not with a bang...but with a whimper. Take a look at Delgado's other disaster on He filed an NT a year ago...and nothing since. I don't believe SHMP will even file an NT.

Please tell us the next POS stock you intend to support. I need another train wreck to watch.
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StayHumble StayHumble 5 days ago
Markets Primed💹Xperts Are✅JUMBO SHORT✅ $SHMP💹 $10 wow!
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Saving Grace Saving Grace 6 days ago
but I'm not an accountant No you're not and why most have you on ignore.
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jimr1717 jimr1717 7 days ago
It’s fka soon but should have been revoked long ago Shrimpfraud
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MFranny MFranny 7 days ago
Delgado lost control to the Receiver so he has no authority to file anything for or on behalf of the Company. It's Ampleo's company now.
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 1 week ago
So SHMP will be Delgado's second publicly-traded company to simply stop filing with the SEC. Or so it looks to me.
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StayHumble StayHumble 1 week ago
Xperts Are💹 JUMBO SHORT✅ $10 💹Markets Primed! wow
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jimr1717 jimr1717 1 week ago
The ones that “ look like fools” are the ones that didn’t listen to the “ones” that called this scam a very long time ago.
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MFranny MFranny 1 week ago
NSI and its stock, SHMP, will still exist, but they will have no assets of any kind and may still have creditors that they owe money to. Not all creditors will be paid in the sale to Fife. Another reason bankruptcy was more favorable for NSI and shareholders than a receivership. NSI Management were made to look like fools by Fife.
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MFranny MFranny 1 week ago
As I've stated many times, I've always taken NSI Management at its word. First, legally they are required not to lie (yes, I know that's not how life works though). Second, there's never been any real factual information to fully discredit NSI Management's statements or "catch them in a lie." For instance, everytime the sale numbers were bad didn't necessarily equal a problem with the patented EC system. Once NSI was supposed to be putting shrimp in tanks, there was always some external market force or non-related event that created ambiguity, uncertainty and masked the efficiency (or lack thereof) of the patented EC system. For instance, the first fire, the PL virus, Covid, etc. Consequently, I can't really answer this question. I suspect that it's probably a combination of "it works," but it has "kinks that still need to be ironed out." However, even in that event, it wouldn't justify the pie in the sky representations made by NSI or the aggressive expansion that it undertook via equity financing. I will say this, Fife clearly feels that there's value in NSI's assets above and beyond $35 million, otherwise he would have insisted on Ampleo selling them off, rather than buying them himself. I'll ask again, what's he going to do with the Patents?
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 2 weeks ago
SHMP didn't have an exhibit. Chef Pete was doing a demo (for cookware?) and apparently used SHMP shrimp...allegedly.
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 2 weeks ago
Thanks for the helpful insight.

Still, I have no problem accepting the SHMP's patents are..and were...essentially worthless. I'll say they should have been written down given SHMP's horrible sales and lack of licensing...but I'm not an accountant.

Do you believe SHMP's patents are worth what was book value?
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StayHumble StayHumble 2 weeks ago
Markets Primed💹Xperts Are ✅JUMBO SHORT✅ $SHMP💹 $10 wow
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
“ Just can't get the PPS below $.33.”

Incorrect.000000033 soon
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
Yes, power 11 now has 900 million shares
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PaladinKingdom14 PaladinKingdom14 2 weeks ago
As someone who is totally ignorant about this kind of stuff, will shmp come back you think?

also in terms of negligence , don't forget those clowns had an exhibit at the state fair in Dallas last year, pretending everything was fine and ok.
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StayHumble StayHumble 2 weeks ago
Xperts Are💹 JUMBO SHORT✅ $10 💹Markets Primed! wow!
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MFranny MFranny 2 weeks ago
Fife only lent 19 million. 16 million is interest. The fact that he did receive shares in exchange should offset what he claims he owes. Especially if he was selling (which we know he was). As a seller, if he was unregistered than the sales should be investigated further by the SEC. Let's be serious, Ampleo was appointed by Fife. Of course they're going to have a hard time valuing assets. Ampleo's goal is to depress asset value and overstate liabilities. The goal is not to maximize value for shareholders, but to keep value depressed so Fife can secure the assets on a credit bid. However, its a tight needle to thread; liabilities exceeding assets would have obligated Ampleo to file for bankruptcy. Bankruptcy is far less favorable to creditors than a receivership. Classic case of vulture capitalism. Fife fancies himself a Bain Capital. Management should have filed for bankruptcy before Fife sought a receiver. In the top three most negligent things Management did / didn't do.
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 2 weeks ago
From what I read in Ampleo's filing with the court (admittedly...stale info at this point), Ampleo was having difficulty finding someone to even attempt to value the patents. Personally, I think the patents are nearly worthless and should have been written down by SHMP long ago. We' way or another...they're getting written down by Ampleo.

Why Fife lent SHMP $35M is beyond me. I hope they made some back along the way selling shares. Maybe the Iowa properties have some value we're not recognizing? LaCosteUnknown certainly doesn't.

Bottom line...SHMP is not an outlier. Two othe publicly-traded shrimp firms are also DOA at this point.

Looking back, the smartest man in the room was Pete. Too bad he wasn't around longer to enjoy his profits. I hope his family is.

Of course, no substitute for a brother, father, husband....
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MFranny MFranny 2 weeks ago
I wonder what Fife wants with the Patents.
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StayHumble StayHumble 2 weeks ago
Markets Primed💹Xperts Are ✅JUMBO SHORT✅ $SHMP💹 $10 wow!
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 2 weeks ago
What's the best fork to use for SHMP? Cuz somebody needs to stick a fork in it.
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 2 weeks ago

Not as explosive as the 8-K SHMP filed last week:


From the filing: Due to Lenders’ large, secured and administrative expense claims and their credit bid of the same, the Receiver does not anticipate that there will be any sale proceeds available for distribution to creditors, investors, shareholders, or equity holders.

You can stop lying about SHMP now. SHMP's demise should give you time to seek help.
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
Just need a Revoked notice
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Saving Grace Saving Grace 2 weeks ago
Exactly, the next 10Q may be explosive.
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 2 weeks ago
You've declared 17 of the last two world economic collapses.

And that $500K? Long ago spent by the receiver on things that SHMP had no money to pay for. Like insurance, taxes, utilitities. That's why the receiver is in the process of selling off the crappy assets that SHMP had left before receivership.
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StayHumble StayHumble 2 weeks ago
💹1.8M+ JUMB0 BUYS✅$10 $SHMP in ShortSupply💹✅
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jimr1717 jimr1717 2 weeks ago
100%!! Buy all you can! Get a second mortgage on the mobile home and slap the ask.
Utah said that everything is on for the NASD suitor!!
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Saving Grace Saving Grace 2 weeks ago
Just the beginning as short selling banks are defunct and becoming insolvent one by one.

Easterly is in a good position as he was awarded $500,000 to continue operations.
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JoshTaeger JoshTaeger 3 weeks ago
BWAHAHAHA!!!! SHMP's market cap went up a whole thousand dollars.
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Saving Grace Saving Grace 3 weeks ago
$SHMP Natural Shrimp Inc. Up 233.33%
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jimr1717 jimr1717 4 weeks ago
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StayHumble StayHumble 1 month ago
Markets Primed💹Xperts Are ✅JUMBO SHORT✅ $SHMP💹 $10 wow
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jimr1717 jimr1717 1 month ago
.000000000000001 Soon Shrimpfraud
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Propain Propain 1 month ago
0.000001 -0.000099 (-99.00%)
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disgusted investor disgusted investor 1 month ago
this stock is worse than my PKTX AAGP stock Protokinetix
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StayHumble StayHumble 1 month ago
Xperts Are💹 JUMBO SHORT💹 $10 💹Markets Primed! huzzah
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StayHumble StayHumble 1 month ago
Markets Primed💹Xperts Are✅JUMBO SHORT✅ $SHMP💹 $10 wow!!
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