RNS Number : 4145Y

DCG IRIS Limited

24 January 2014



The Company has today, in accordance with DTR 6.3.5, released its Interim Financial Report for the period from 1 June 2013 to 30 November 2013. The Report will shortly be available from the Company's website www.dexioncapital.com.


Principal Activity

DCG IRIS Limited (the "Company") is a Guernsey authorised closed-ended investment company admitted to the Official List and to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange. Trading in the Company's Shares commenced on 27 June 2012.

Investment Objective and Investment Policy

The Company's investment objective is to seek to achieve positive returns through investing in insurance-linked contracts and assets carrying exposure to risks related to insured event risks.

The Company pursues its investment objective by principally investing its assets (to the extent not retained in cash) in CS IRIS Low Volatility Plus Fund Limited (the "Master Fund") which invests in a broadly diversified portfolio of insurance-linked contracts, securities and derivatives as well as various types of investments related to insurance risks over the long-term.

The Company may not borrow or incur leverage for investment purposes although as well as holding cash and investing in cash equivalents it may borrow for cash management and short term purposes. The borrowings of the Company are limited to ten per cent. of the Company's gross assets at the time of drawdown.

Shareholder Information

The Net Asset Value (the "NAV") of the Company and the NAV per Share for each class of Ordinary Shares are published monthly and are calculated by the Administrator (or such other person as the Directors may appoint for such purpose from time to time) as at the NAV Calculation Date.

Weekly NAV estimates are also published by the Company and these are based primarily upon information obtained by the Administrator from the Master Fund Manager in relation to the portfolio valuations of the Master Fund, in each case with adjustments to account for the ongoing costs of the Company.

The NAV per Share for each class of Ordinary Shares in the capital of the Company is published via a Regulated Information Service ("RIS") on both a weekly and a monthly basis, approximately 19 Business Days (but not later than 20 Business Days) after the end of each month in the case of the monthly NAV and approximately 3 Business Days (but not later than 5 Business Days) following the end of the previous week in the case of a weekly NAV.

Financial Highlights

                            30 November    31 May  30 November 
                                   2013      2013         2012 
--------------------------  -----------  --------  ----------- 
Total NAV                      GBP68.8m  GBP60.2m     GBP39.6m 
NAV per share                    99.46p    99.79p       98.56p 
Mid-Market Share price           99.25p   100.63p      100.50p 
(Discount)/premium to NAV       (0.21%)     0.84%        1.97% 
--------------------------  -----------  --------  ----------- 

As at 23 January 2014, the Company's share price stood at a small discount of 0.19% to NAV. The estimated NAV per Share and Mid-Market Share price stood at 98.69p and 98.5p respectively.


I have pleasure in presenting this interim report for the period 1 June to 30 November 2013 on behalf of the Board of DCG IRIS Limited (the 'Company').

During the period a further GBP8.9 million has been raised from two equity issues and net assets are currently in excess of GBP68 million. The Company declared and paid dividends totalling 2.50 pence per Share to Shareholders.

The total return of the Company for the period was +2.20% and the Shares traded at an average premium to their NAV of 0.64%.

The Company issued a number of event reports including in relation to Superstorm Sandy, Winter Storm Christian and Supertyphoon Haiyan; however, due to the investments of the Master Fund at the time of each event, the Company's portfolio is not expected to be materially impacted.

The Directors and Investment Manager continue to believe that the Company offers a unique and attractive proposition for investing in insurance-linked strategies. Since its launch in June 2012, the Company has delivered an annualised NAV total return to 29 November 2013 of 5.07% and dividends of 6.00 pence per Share.

The Directors and Investment Manager are aware that the majority of investors wish to see the Company continue to grow in size and continue to keep the opportunity to raise further capital under review.

On behalf of the Board, I would like to thank you for your continued support and look forward to writing to Shareholders again at the time of the Company's results for the year ending 31 May 2014.

Talmai Morgan


23 January 2014


Investment Review

We report that the NAV of the Company's Shares (in GBP terms) increased by 7.25% net of fees and expenses over the period from 1 June 2012 to 30 November 2013. During this period, the Company has declared and paid dividends totalling 6.00 pence per Share to Shareholders. During the period from 1 June 2013 to 30 November 2013, the Company has declared and paid dividends totalling 2.50 pence per Share to Shareholders.

The following provides the review of the performance of the Master Fund by the Master Fund Manager to 30 November 2013. References to the allocated investments are, where the context requires, to those of CS IRIS Low Volatility Plus Fund Limited (the "Master Fund") of which the Company is a Feeder Fund.

30 November 2013 marks the end of another successful half-year for the Master Fund which was launched in January 2012. The Master Fund's steady Assets under Management ("AuM") growth has continued with the fund ending the half-year with close to USD 740 million under management. The past six months have been focused on rebalancing the portfolio, with a strategic move away from relatively under-priced Cat Bonds into private collateralised reinsurance transactions. The fund return for the six-month period was +2.67% (USD A class, net).

As investors will be aware, the second half of the year is dominated by the US wind season. This was the Master Fund's second US wind season, and it proved to be an uneventful one from the perspective of hurricanes making landfall. The period began with the US renewal in June. In the run up to June, the Master Fund was holding a larger Cat Bond portfolio compared to today. Both in the lead up to the June renewal as well as over the course of the wind season the primary Cat Bond market has seen high activity with issuance in the year reaching close to record levels. This has been primarily driven by investor demand which in turn has put pressure on spreads in this space. Anticipating this pricing pressure, the investment team actively sought to rebalance the portfolio over the course of the season by strategically selling attractively priced bonds that were trading at a premium. The proceeds from these sales were reinvested in both private transactions as well as the Industry Loss Warranty market, which saw some pricing improvements in July. The US tornado season saw some activity with one of the most devastating tornados of the year touching down in Moore County in Oklahoma. Europe also saw some severe weather over the period with some of the worst flooding in over a decade impacting parts of Germany, Austria and Switzerland. However, these events were not large enough to impact fund performance.

Property Claim Services ("PCS"), an independent company which investigates reported disasters and determines the extent of damage, issued its final loss report with respect to Superstorm Sandy in late July and the final figure stands at USD 18.75 billion. As a result, and as investors have been informed, the remaining side pockets established with respect to positions with valuation uncertainty following Superstorm Sandy could be fully moved back to the main portfolio. We are pleased to report that the net impact on the Master Fund from Superstorm Sandy was approximately - 0.24% as a percentage of the Fund NAV as of 31 October 2013.

Loss Events Impacting the Fund

There were no loss events that had an impact on fund performance over the period.

General Market Overview

After a quiet US wind season, it has been a successful start to the 2013/14 financial year for the Master Fund with the fund continuing to grow. Notwithstanding the growth, the fund has a well-balanced and mature portfolio. The lack of a market turning event has continued to put pressure on premiums. Going into the new year we expect to see some pricing pressure at the 1 January renewals but are cautiously optimistic about the year ahead. We continue to see large inflows of capital in the Cat Bond space depressing pricing in the sector on a risk adjusted basis. From our perspective, private transactions in the traditional market continue to offer some of the best value for investors in the Master Fund. The focus of the investment team going forward is on the year end renewal season as well as the Japanese renewal in April.

Analysis of Significant Investments

The Company's sole investment is in CS IRIS Low Volatility Plus Fund Limited and equates to 99.9% (including subscriptions paid in advance) of the Company's NAV. 67% of the net assets of CS IRIS Low Volatility Plus Fund Limited comprises collateral held on insurance products.

Whilst it is generally considered best practice to disclose the full portfolio of an investment company, the composition of the Master Fund's investment portfolio is the subject of confidentiality provisions with the Master Fund.

Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited

23 January 2014


The Company's assets are mainly comprised of an investment in the Master Fund, which invests in insurance linked contracts and assets carrying exposure to risks related to insured event risks. The Company's principal risks relate to the insured event risk underlying the Master Fund's investments (for example seismic activity and extreme weather events). The Company is also exposed to market, capital, liquidity and credit risks. These risks and the way in which they are managed, are described in more detail in the Annual Report for the period ended 31 May 2013.

The Company's principal risks and uncertainties have not changed materially since the date of that report and are not expected to change materially for the remaining six months of the year.


We confirm to the best of our knowledge that:

-- these Condensed Interim Unaudited Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting; and

-- the interim management report (comprising of the Chairman's Statement and Manager's Report) meet the requirements of an interim management report and include a fair review of the information required by:

(a) DTR 4.2.7.R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the six months ended 30 November 2013 and their impact on the condensed set of Interim Unaudited Financial Statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and

(b) DTR 4.2.8.R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the Company during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report for the period ended 31 May 2013, that could do so.

Signed on behalf of the Board by:

   Talmai Morgan          Michael Poulding 
   Chairman                      Director 

23 January 2014


We have been engaged by DCG IRIS Limited (the "Company") to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 November 2013 which comprises the Condensed Unaudited Statement of Financial Position, the Condensed Unaudited Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Condensed Unaudited Statement of Changes in Shareholders' Equity, the Condensed Unaudited Statement of Cash Flows and the related explanatory notes. We have read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the Company in meeting the requirements of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (the "DTRs") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority (the "UK FCA"). Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the Company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the Company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTRs of the UK FCA.

As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34, "Interim Financial Reporting".

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 November 2013 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 and the DTRs of the UK FCA.

KPMG Channel Islands Limited

Chartered Accountants Guernsey

23 January 2014


                              Note                       As at 
                                    As at 30 November   31 May 
                                                 2013     2013 
                                               GBP000   GBP000 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Current Assets 
Financial assets at 
 fair value through profit 
 or loss                        3a             61,173   51,029 
Cash and cash equivalents                          73      167 
Subscriptions paid in 
 advance                        3a              7,550    9,025 
Other receivables                                  11       14 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Total assets                                   68,807   60,235 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Current Liabilities 
Accounts payable and 
 accrued expenses                6                 53       59 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Total liabilities                                  53       59 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Net assets                                     68,754   60,176 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Represented by:                  7 
 Shareholders' equity 
  and reserves 
 Share capital                                 68,294   59,546 
 Other reserves                                   460      630 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Total Shareholders' 
 equity                                        68,754   60,176 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 
Net assets per Share             8             99.46p   99.79p 
---------------------------  -----  -----------------  ------- 

The condensed unaudited financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 23 January 2014.

   Talmai Morgan                    Michael Poulding 
   Chairman                               Director 


                                                              For the period from 
                                                For the six   24 April 2012 (date 
                                               month period     of incorporation) 
                                          ended 30 November   to 30 November 2012 
                                   Note         2013 GBP000                GBP000 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
  Net changes in fair value 
  on financial assets at fair 
  value through profit or loss      3b                1,558                   877 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
Net income                                            1,558                   877 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
Directors' remuneration and 
 expenses                           9a                 (34)                  (39) 
Administration fee                  9f                 (37)                  (22) 
Audit fee and interim review                           (15)                  (15) 
Other professional fees                                (50)                  (23) 
Other operating expenses                               (70)                  (36) 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
Total operating expenses                              (206)                 (135) 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
Total comprehensive income                            1,352                   742 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
Basic and diluted return 
 per Share                          11                2.18p                 1.85p 
---------------------------------  ----  ------------------  -------------------- 
All items derive from continuing 



                                              Share      Other     Total 
                                            Capital   Reserves    GBP000 
                                             GBP000     GBP000 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  -------- 
Balance as at 31 May 2013                    59,546        630    60,176 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  -------- 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period                                       -      1,352     1,352 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  -------- 
Transactions with Shareholders, recorded 
 directly in equity 
Shares issued                                 8,876          -     8,876 
Share issue costs                             (128)          -     (128) 
Distributions paid                                -    (1,522)   (1,522) 
---------------------------------------  ----------  ---------  -------- 
Balance as at 30 November 2013               68,294        460    68,754 
 30 NOVEMBER 2012 
                                              Share      Other 
                                            Capital   Reserves     Total 
                                              GBP000    GBP000    GBP000 
---------------------------------------  -----------  --------  -------- 
Balance as at 24 April 2012                        -         -         - 
---------------------------------------  -----------  --------  -------- 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the period                                        -       742       742 
---------------------------------------  -----------  --------  -------- 
Transactions with Shareholders, recorded directly 
 in equity 
Shares issued                                 40,149         -    40,149 
Share issue costs                              (602)         -     (602) 
Distributions paid                                 -     (719)     (719) 
---------------------------------------  -----------  --------  -------- 
Balance as at 30 November 2012                39,547        23    39,570 
---------------------------------------  -----------  --------  -------- 


For the period from

24 April 2012

                                    For the six month                         (date of 
                                       period ended        incorporation) to 
                                  30 November 2013    30 November 2012 
                                          GBP000                              GBP000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
 Total comprehensive income for the period                   1,352       742 
 Adjustments for:                                          (1,558)     (877) 
 Net gains on financial assets held at fair value 
  through profit or loss Decrease/(increase) in debtors          3       (6) 
 (Decrease)/increase in creditors                              (6)        46 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Net cash used in operating activities                        (209)      (95) 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Purchase of financial assets at fair value through 
 profit and loss                                           (9,003)  (39,410) 
Proceeds from sale of investments                            1,892       402 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Net cash outflows from investing activities                (7,111)  (39,008) 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Cash inflows from financing activities 
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares                       8,876    40,149 
Share issue costs                                            (128)     (602) 
Distributions paid                                         (1,522)     (402) 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Net cash inflows used in financing activities                7,226    39,145 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Net (decrease)/increase in cash and cash equivalents          (94)        42 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the 
 period                                                        167         - 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period              73        42 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 
Analysis of cash and cash equivalents at the end 
 of the period 
Cash at bank                                                    73        42 
--------------------------------------------------------  --------  -------- 


1. General information

DCG IRIS Limited (the "Company") was incorporated with limited liability in Guernsey, Channel Islands as a closed-ended investment company on 24 April 2012. The Company's Shares were listed with a Premium Listing on the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 27 June 2012.

The Company invests substantially all of its capital through a "master-feeder" structure in CS IRIS Low Volatility Plus Fund Limited (the "Master Fund") which is an open-ended investment company incorporated under the laws of Guernsey on 28 October 2011 for an unlimited period and is a Qualifying Investor Fund authorised under The Collective Investment Schemes (Qualifying Professional Investor Funds) (Class Q) Rules 1998, issued by the Guernsey Financial Services Commission pursuant to the 1997 Law (Protection of Investors, Bailiwick of Guernsey). The Company invests in the Class D Sterling Share Class and Class D Sterling S Share Class of the Master Fund.

The Company's investment objective is to seek to achieve positive returns through investing in insurance linked contracts and assets carrying exposure to risks related to insured event risks.

The Company pursues its investment objective by principally investing its assets (to the extent not retained in cash) in the Master Fund which invests in a broadly diversified portfolio of insurance-linked contracts, securities and derivatives as well as various types of investments related to insurance risks over the long-term.

The Company may hold cash and invest in cash equivalents and may also borrow for cash management and short-term purposes.

The Investment Manager of the Company is Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited (the "Investment Manager"). The Investment Manager of the Master Fund is Credit Suisse AG ("Credit Suisse").

2. Significant accounting policies

a) Statement of Compliance

The condensed unaudited interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 November 2013 have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Statements and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules ("DTRs") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority.

The condensed unaudited interim financial statements do not include all of the information required for full annual financial statements and should be read in conjunction with the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the period from 24 April 2012 (date of incorporation) to 31 May 2013. The Annual Report and Accounts of the Company for the period from 24 April 2012 to 31 May 2013 were prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS").

The information for the period ended 31 May 2013 is derived from the Financial Statements delivered to the UK Listing Authority, and does not constitute Statutory Accounts as defined by Guernsey Law. A copy of the Statutory Accounts for that period has been delivered to the Shareholders. The Auditor's Report on those Financial Statements was not qualified.

The accounting policies, applied by the Company in these Interim Financial Statements are consistent with those applied by the Company in its Annual Financial Statements for the period from 24 April 2012 (date of incorporation) to 31 May 2013, except as detailed below.

The Company has adopted the following new standard with a date of initial application of 1 January 2013:

IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement. IFRS 13 establishes a single framework for measuring fair value and making disclosures about fair value measurements, when such measurements are required or permitted by other IFRSs. In particular, it unifies the definition of fair value as the price at which an orderly transaction to sell an asset or to transfer a liability would take place between market participants at the measurement date. It also replaces and expands the disclosure requirements about fair value measurements in other IFRSs, including IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures. Some of these disclosures are specifically required in interim financial statements for financial instruments; accordingly, the Company has included additional disclosures in this regard (see Note 12).

In accordance with the transitional provisions of IFRS 13, the Company has applied the new fair value measurement guidance prospectively, and has not provided any comparative information for new disclosures. Notwithstanding the above, the change had no significant impact on the measurements of the Company's assets and liabilities.

IFRS 10, 'Consolidated Financial Statements', replaces guidance within IAS 27, 'Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements'. The standard establishes principles for the presentation and preparation of consolidated financial statements when an entity controls one or more other entities. IFRS 10 requires entities to consolidate entities it controls. Control requires exposure or rights to variable returns and the ability to affect those returns through power over an investee. IFRS 10 includes an exception from consolidation for entities, which meet the definition of an investment entity, and requires such entities to recognise all investments at fair value through profit or loss. The Fund meets the definition of an investment entity under IFRS 10. The Fund invests directly in the Master Fund. The Investment is held at fair value through profit or loss, and the Fund does not have control over the Investments held in the Master Fund as defined under IFRS 10. The amendments did not have any impact on the Fund's financial position or performance. The standard is applicable for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013.

The following new standards, new interpretations and amendments to standards and interpretations have been issued but are not effective for the period ended 30 November 2013 and have not been early adopted:

-- Offsetting Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (Amendments to IAS 32) clarify the offsetting criteria in IAS 32 and address inconsistencies in their application. This includes clarifying the meaning of 'currently has a legally enforceable right of set-off' and that some gross settlement systems may be considered equivalent to net settlement. The amendments did not have any impact on the Fund's financial position or performance. The standard is applicable for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2014.

-- IFRS 9, 'Financial instruments', was updated in October 2010. The standard addresses the classification and measurement of financial assets. IFRS 9 divides all financial assets that are currently in the scope of IAS 39 into two classifications - those measured at amortised cost and those measured at fair value. The standard is applicable for periods beginning on or after 1 January 2017 but is available for early adoption. IFRS 9 requires that the effects of changes in credit risk of liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss are presented in other comprehensive income unless such treatment would create or enlarge an accounting mismatch in profit or loss, in which case all gains or losses on that liability are presented in profit or loss. Other requirements of IFRS 9 relating to classification and measurement of financial liabilities are unchanged from IAS 39. Its adoption is not expected to have a significant impact on the Company's financial statements because the majority of the Company's financial assets are designated as at fair value through profit or loss and there are presently no financial liabilities designated as at fair value through profit or loss.

The Directors believe that the adoption of the other standards and interpretations effective in a future period will not have a material impact on the financial statements of the Company.

b) Basis of preparation

The unaudited financial statements are prepared in pounds sterling (GBP), which is the Company's functional and presentation currency, rounded to the nearest thousand pounds. They are prepared on a fair value basis for financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Other financial assets and financial liabilities are stated at amortised cost.

On 18 July 2013, in accordance with the Company's articles of incorporation and commitments given in the prospectus dated 12 November 2012, the Company proposed a Continuation Vote of the Company and offered investors a Redemption Offer.

The Continuation Vote and the Redemption Offer were required because the NAV of the Company as at 30 June 2013 was less than GBP150 million. On the 9 August 2013, the Company sent a circular to its Shareholders to convene the required EGM to approve, amongst other things, the Continuation Vote and to set out full details of the Redemption Offer. On 2 September 2013, the Company announced that no acceptances of the Redemption Offer had been received. On 5 September 2013, the Company announced the results of the EGM were that the Shareholders voted in favour of the continuation of the Company.

The Company's Articles provide that the Directors are required to propose an ordinary resolution for the continuation of the Company if the average of the three month end NAVs of the Company is less than GBP50million. On 5 September 2013, the Company announced that Shareholders voted in favour of a proposed amendment to the articles of incorporation such that the Directors will not be required to propose another vote on this basis for a period of one year from the end of the relevant consecutive three month period. The proposed amendment was effective from 10 September 2013.

After making sufficient and appropriate enquiries of key service providers and after taking into account the fact that there were no tenders for redemption in connection with the Redemption Offer, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Company has and will maintain adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. Accordingly, the Directors have adopted the going concern basis in the preparation of the financial statements.

3. Financial Instruments                              As at 30 November            As at 31 May 2013 
 a) Categories of financial instruments                   2013 Carrying                     Carrying 
                                                            amount % of                  amount % of 
                                                      GBP000 net assets            GBP000 net assets 
--------------------------------------------  -------------------------  --------------------------- 
Financial assets and liabilities at 
 fair value through profit or loss: 
Classified as fair value through profit 
 or loss: 
Investment in the Master Fund                      61,173        88.98%        51,029         84.80% 
Loans and Receivables:                              7,634        11.10%         9,206         15.30% 
Financial liabilities measured at amortised 
 cost:                                               (53)       (0.08%)          (59)        (0.10%) 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
                                                   68,754       100.00%        60,176        100.00% 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 

Loans and Receivables presented above represent cash and cash equivalents and other receivables including subscriptions paid in advance, which represent subscriptions into the Master Fund, as detailed in the Condensed Unaudited Statement of Financial Position.

Financial liabilities measured at amortised cost presented above represent distributions payable, accounts payable and accrued expenses as detailed in the Condensed Unaudited Statement of Financial Position.

b) Net changes in fair value on financial assets at fair value through profit or loss

                                                               For the period from 
                                                                     24 April 2012 
                                     For the six month     (date of incorporation) 
                                       period ended 30                          to 
                                         November 2013            30 November 2012 
                                                GBP000                      GBP000 
--------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------- 
   Realised (losses)/gains on 
   investments                                    (65)                          37 
 Movement in unrealised gains 
  on investments                                 1,623                         840 
--------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------- 
   Net changes in fair value 
   on financial assets 
   at fair value through profit 
   or loss                                       1,558                         877 
--------------------------------  --------------------  -------------------------- 

4. Financial Risk Management

The Company's financial risk management objectives and policies are consistent with those disclosed in the financial statements for the period from 24 April 2012 (date of incorporation) to 31 May 2013. In the opinion of the Directors, there have been no changes to the financial risk management objectives.

5. Operating segments

Information on realised gains and losses derived from sales of investments are disclosed in Note 3(b) of the financial statements. The Company is domiciled in Guernsey. Substantially all of the Company's income is from its investment in the Master Fund, which is incorporated in Guernsey.

The Company has no assets classified as non-current assets. The investment in the Master Fund as at 30 November 2013 represents an effective holding of 13.55% (31 May 2013: 12.51%) of the Master Fund. The Company, indirectly, has a highly diversified portfolio of investments via the Master Fund.

Segment information provided to management is measured on the same basis as that which is used in the preparation of the Company's Financial Statements. Therefore no reconciliation between segmental information provided to management and the segmental information disclosed in the Financial Statements is required.

The Company also has a diversified Shareholder base. As at 30 November 2013, registered shareholders with holdings greater than 10% in the Company were:

                                                             % of issued 
Shareholder                                        Shares  share capital 
Ericsson Pensionsstiftelse (A)                 15,208,000         22.00% 
  Credit Suisse Asset Management Investment 
  Limited                                      10,000,000         14.47% 
6. Accounts payable and accrued expenses 
                                                    As at          As at 
                                              30 November         31 May 
                                                     2013           2013 
                                                   GBP000         GBP000 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
Audit fee                                              15             20 
Directors' remuneration                                11             11 
Administration fee                                     14              8 
Other professional fees                                 4              4 
Other operating expenses                                9             16 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 
                                                       53             59 
--------------------------------------------  -----------  ------------- 

7. Share capital

                                              As at    As at 
                                        30 November   31 May 
                                               2013     2013 
                                             GBP000   GBP000 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------- 
 Unlimited number of Shares at no par             -        - 
 Issued at no par value 
 69,127,278 (31 May 2013: 60,299,440)             -        - 
  Sterling Shares 
-------------------------------------  ------------  ------- 

Reconciliation of number of Shares

                                        As at                 As at 
                                      30 November            31 May 
                                        2013                 2013 
                                    No. of Shares   No. of Shares 

Shares at the beginning of the period 60,299,440 -

Issue of Shares 8,827,838 60,299,440

Total Shares in issue at the end of the period 69,127,278 60,299,440

Share capital account

                                                                                                                                                             As at                   As at 
                                                                                                                                               30 November               31 May 
                                                                                                                                                             2013                   2013 
                                                                                                                                              Share Capital   Share Capital 
                                                                                                                                                                       GBP000                   GBP000 

Share Capital at the beginning of the period 59,546 -

Issued Share Capital 8,876 60,450

Share issue costs (128) (904)

Total Share Capital at the end of the period 68,294 59,546

The Share Capital of the Company consists of an unlimited number of Shares with or without par value which, upon issue, the Directors may designate as: (a) Shares; (b) B Shares; or (c) C Shares, in each case of such classes and denominated in such currencies as the Directors may determine.

As at 30 November 2013 one (31 May 2013: one) Sterling share class has been issued, being the ordinary Shares of the Company. No Shares have been issued in the B Class.

Pursuant to the placing programme, 1,170,000 Sterling Shares were issued at a price of 100.5 pence per Sterling Share and listed on the Official List and admitted to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange on 19 July 2013. Pursuant to the placing programme, a further 7,657,838 Sterling Shares were issued at a price of 100.54 pence per Sterling Share and listed on the Official List and admitted to trading on the main market of the London Stock Exchange on 11 November 2013.

The rights attaching to the Shares are as follows:

a) the holders of Shares shall confer the right to all dividends in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation of the Company.

b) the Shareholders present in person or by proxy or (being a corporation) present by a duly authorised representative at a general meeting have, on a show of hands, one vote and, on a poll, one vote for every Share held.

c) B Shares and, save in certain limited circumstances, C Shares will not carry the right to attend and receive notice of any general meetings of the Company, nor will they carry the right to vote at such meetings.

d) the capital and surplus assets of the Company remaining after payment of all creditors shall, on winding-up or on a return (other than by way of purchase or redemption of own Shares) after conversion, be divided amongst the Shareholders on the basis of the capital attributable to the Shares at the date of winding up or other return of capital.

8. Net asset value

The NAV of each Share of 99.46 pence (31 May 2013: 99.79 pence) is determined by dividing the net assets of the Company attributed to the Shares of GBP68,754,209 (31 May 2013: GBP60,175,183) by the number of Shares in issue at 30 November 2013 of 69,127,278 (31 May 2013: 60,299,440).

9. Related parties and significant agreements

Related parties

a) Directors' Remuneration & Expenses

The Directors of the Company are remunerated for their services at such a rate as the Directors determine provided that the aggregate amount of such fees does not exceed GBP300,000 per annum.

The annual Directors' fees comprise GBP37,500 payable to Mr Morgan, the Chairman and GBP30,000 to Mr Poulding as Chairman of the Audit Committee. Mr Fuller has waived his right to a fee. On 24 September 2013, Mrs Carol Kilby was appointed as an alternate Director for Mr Fuller for the period 25 September 2013 to 11 November 2013. No fees were payable to Mrs Kilby for this service. During the period ended 30 November 2013, Directors fees of GBP33,704 (30 November 2012: GBP39,087) were charged to the Company, of which GBP11,234 (31 May 2013: GBP11,281) remained payable at the end of the period.

b) Investment Manager

No management or performance fees are payable by the Company to the Investment Manager. The Master Fund pays a monthly management fee equal to one-twelfth of 1.1% of the NAV of the Class D Sterling Share Class and Class D Sterling S Class in respect of the Master Fund Shares held by the Company. This is shared between the Investment Manager and the Master Fund Manager.

During the period ended 30 November 2013, the Investment Manager received a fee of GBP63,852 (30 November 2012: GBP31,355) as its share of the monthly management fee paid by the Master Fund.

Robin Fuller, a director of the Company, is also an employee of the Investment Manager.

c) Secretary

Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited ("the Secretary") performs secretarial duties for which it was remunerated at an annual fee of GBP25,000. During the period ended 30 November 2013, secretarial fees of GBP20,364 (30 November 2012: GBP10,766) were charged to the Company, of which GBP4,109 (31 May 2013: GBP4,425) remained payable at the end of the period.

d) Placing Agent

For its services as the Company's placing agent (the "Placing Agent") pursuant to a second placing agreement dated 12 November 2012 in connection with the Placing Programme, the Company paid Dexion Capital plc a commission in respect of each placing based on the gross issue proceeds of each placing, out of which the Placing Agent has agreed to pay for all the costs of the Placing Programme. As at 30 November 2013, commissions of GBP302,067 had been paid in connection with the second placing agreement.

The commissions payable under the second placing agreement constitute a smaller related party transaction for the purposes of Listing Rule 11.1.10 of the UK Listing Authority ('UKLA') because the Placing Agent is a member of

the Investment Manager's group and is therefore a related party for the purposes of the Listing Rules of the UKLA.

On 20 May 2013 and 5 September 2013, independent Shareholders approved related party transactions to permit Ericsson Pensionsstiftelse (A) ("Ericsson") to participate in placings. Independent Shareholder approval was required because Ericsson was a substantial shareholder and therefore a related party for the purposes of Listing Rules of the UKLA.

On 5 September 2013, independent Shareholders approved a related party transaction to permit the Placing Agent to be able to acquire Shares as principal under the Placing Programme on an ongoing basis in its capacity as a market maker for the Company.

e) Shares held by related parties

As at 30 November 2013, Directors of the Company held the following shares beneficially:

                                                                                                                                                      Number of       % of issued 
                                                                                                                                                       sterling shares     share capital 
Talmai Morgan      30,000  0.04% 
Robin Fuller       49,838  0.07% 
Michael Poulding   20,000  0.03% 
-----------------  ------  ----- 

As at 30 November 2013, Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited beneficially held 4,000,000 shares (31 May 2013: 4,000,000), which is 5.79% of issued share capital (31 May 2013: 6.63%). Dexion Capital plc, held a market making position of 1,535,100 shares (31 May 2013: 1,535,100), which is 2.22% (31 May 2013: 2.55%) of the total shares in issue. Ericsson held 15,208,000 shares (31 May 2013: 10,967,000), which is 22% (31 May 2013: 18.19%) of the total shares in issue.

Significant agreements

f) Administrator

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Limited (the "Administrator") performs administrative duties for which it was remunerated at a rate of 0.025% per annum on the first GBP500 million of the net assets of the Company and 0.01% per annum thereafter, subject to a minimum of GBP75,000 per annum. During the period ended 30 November 2013, administration fees of GBP37,397 (30 November 2012: GBP21,507) were charged to the Company, of which GBP12,329 (31 May 2013: GBP8,767) remained payable at the end of the period.

10. Taxation

The Company has been granted tax exempt status in Guernsey where it pays an annual fee of GBP600 under The Income Tax (Exempt Bodies) (Guernsey) Ordinances 1989.

11. Earnings per Share

The calculation of the return per Share of 2.18 pence (30 November 2012: 1.85 pence) is based on the total return for the period attributable to Ordinary Shareholders of GBP1,352,964 (30 November 2012: GBP742,045) and on the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period ended 30 November 2013 of 62,076,776 (30 November 2012: 40,148,950).

12. Fair value measurement

All assets and liabilities are carried at fair value or at carrying value which equates to fair value.

IFRS 13 requires the Company to classify the fair value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the measurements. IFRS 13 establishes a fair value hierarchy that prioritises the inputs to valuation techniques used to measure fair value.

The hierarchy gives the highest priority to unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities (Level 1 measurements) and the lowest priority to unobservable inputs (Level 3 measurements).

The three levels of the fair value hierarchy under IFRS 13 are as follows:

 Level   Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical 
  1       assets or liabilities; 
 Level   Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 
  2       1 that are observable for the asset or liability, 
          either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that 
          is, derived from prices including interest rates, yield 
          curves, volatilities, prepayment speeds, credit risks 
          and default rates) or other market corroborated inputs. 
 Level   Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on 
  3       observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs). 

The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. For this purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that measurement is a Level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires judgement, as well as/and considering factors specific to the asset or liability.

The determination of what constitutes 'observable' requires significant judgement by the Company. The Company considers observable data to be that market data that is readily available, regularly distributed or updated, reliable and verifiable, not proprietary, and provided by independent sources that are actively involved in the relevant market.

The following table presents the Company's financial assets and liabilities by level within the valuation hierarchy as of 30 November 2013.

Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                                            Level 1           Level 2           Level 3            Total 

At 30 November 2013 GBP000 GBP000 GBP000 GBP000

Financial assets and liabilities at fair

value through profit or loss:

Investment in the Master Fund - 61,173 - 61,173

Total assets - 61,173 - 61,173

Level 2 is comprised of one investment in the Master Fund Class D Shares which was fair valued using the NAV as supplied by the administrator of the Master Fund.

The Board believes it could have redeemed the Company's investment in the Class D Shares at this NAV per share on 30 November 2013 considering the redemption terms and that the Master Fund NAV is established based on IFRS requirements.

In the opinion of the Directors, the NAV of the Master Fund is representative of the fair value and no adjustments are required.

The following table presents the Company's financial assets and liabilities by level within the valuation hierarchy as of 31 May 2013.

Assets and Liabilities at Fair Value

                                                                                                                           Level 1            Level 2            Level 3             Total 

At 31 May 2013 GBP000 GBP000 GBP000 GBP000

Financial assets and liabilities at fair value

through profit or loss:

Investment in the Master Fund - 50,646 383 51,029

Total assets - 50,646 383 51,029

Level 3 is comprised of one investment in the Master Fund's side pocket, Class D S Shares. This investment was fair valued using the NAV, as supplied by the administrator of the Master Fund, which takes into account that the illiquid investments held in the side pocket may be illiquid for a certain amount of time as the collateral held there may not be released until there is more certainty that Superstorm Sandy will have no further impact. Investments in the Master Fund that are potentially impacted by Superstorm Sandy were transferred from Level 2 to Level 3 as at 31 May 2013.

On 16 September 2013, the Company announced that the Directors of the Master Fund released the remaining side pocketed investments and moved all four remaining positions back into the Master Fund's main portfolio effective as of the valuation point falling on 30 August 2013.

The following table presents the movements in level 3 Investments for the six months ended 30 November 2013 and for the period from 24 April 2012 to 31 May 2013. Gains and losses are included in the Statement of Comprehensive Income.

For the period

                                                                                                                                 For six month               from 24 April 2012 
                                                                                                                                    period ended          (date of incorporation) 
                                                                                                                        30 November 2013                      to 31 May 2013 
                                                                                                                                  Investment in                          Investment in 
                                                                                                                                   Master Fund                           Master Fund 
                                            GBP000  GBP000 
------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Opening balance                                383       - 
  Net Transfers                              (322)     247 
  Realised (loss)/gain on investment          (36)     111 
  Unrealised (loss)/gain on investment        (25)      25 
------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Closing balance                                  -     383 
------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
Total losses for the period included in 
 the Statement of Comprehensive 
Income relating to assets and liabilities 
 held at the period end                       (61)     136 
------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

13. Ultimate Controlling Party

In the opinion of the Directors on the basis of shareholdings advised to them, the Company has no ultimate controlling party.

14. Short term borrowing

The Company may not borrow or incur leverage for investment purposes although it may borrow for efficient cash management and short term purposes. The borrowings of the Company shall be limited to ten per cent. of the Company's gross assets at the time of drawdown. The Company did not have any borrowing facilities in place at 30 November 2013.

15. Distribution policy

Subject to market conditions and the Master Fund's performance, the financial position of the Company and the financial outlook, it is the Directors' intention to declare interim dividends to Shareholders in October, January, April and July. There are however, no assurances that these dividends will be paid or that the Company will pay any dividends.

The Company declared the following dividends for the period from 1 June 2013 to 30 November 2013. Note 17 details the dividend proposed and paid after the period end.

                    Dividend  Net dividend               Ex-dividend 
Period to          per share       payable  Record date         date    Pay date 
-----------------  ---------  ------------  -----------  -----------  ---------- 
30 June 2013       GBP0.0125    GBP753,743   12/07/2013   10/07/2013  12/08/2013 
30 September 2013  GBP0.0125    GBP768,368   11/10/2013   09/10/2013  12/11/2013 

Under Guernsey law, companies can pay dividends in excess of accounting profit provided they satisfy the solvency test prescribed under the Companies (Guernsey) Law, 2008. The solvency test considers whether a company is able to pay its debts when they fall due; and whether the value of a company's assets is greater than its liabilities.

16. Ongoing Charges

The Ongoing Charges for the period ended 30 November 2013 have been prepared in accordance with the AIC's recommended methodology and was 0.50% (31 May 2013: 0.45%).

17. Subsequent Events

These financial statements were approved for issuance by the Board on 23 January 2014. Subsequent events have been evaluated until this date.

On 2 January 2014 the Company declared its third interim dividend of 0.0125p per ordinary share in respect of the period ending 31 December 2013, payable on 11 February 2014 to ordinary Shareholders on the register on 10 January 2014. The ex-dividend date was 8 January 2014.

As at 23 January 2014, the date of this Report, the Company had 69,127,278 Sterling Shares in issue.



Talmai Morgan - Chairman

Robin Fuller

Michael Poulding

Investment Manager and Secretary of the Company

Dexion Capital (Guernsey) Limited

1 Le Truchot

St. Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 1WD

Manager of the Master Fund

Credit Suisse AG


Kalanderplatz 1

8070 Zurich


Administrator of the Company and the Master Fund

Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services

(Guernsey) Limited

P.O. Box 255

Trafalgar Court

Les Banques

St. Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 3QL

Corporate Broker

Dexion Capital plc

1 Tudor Street

London EC4Y 0AH

UK Legal Adviser to the Company

Dickson Minto W.S.

Broadgate Tower

20 Primrose Street

London EC2A 2EW

Guernsey Legal Adviser to the Company

Carey Olsen

PO Box 98

Carey House

Les Banques

St. Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 4BZ

Registrar, Paying Agent and Transfer Agent

Computershare Investor Services (Guernsey) Limited

3rd Floor

NatWest House

Le Truchot

St. Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 1WD

Receiving Agent

Computershare Investor Services PLC

Corporate Actions Projects

Bristol BS99 6AH

Auditors of the Company and the Master Fund

KPMG Channel Islands Limited

PO Box 20

20 New Street

St. Peter Port

Guernsey GY1 4AN

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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