RNS Number : 3216M

Invesco Property Income Trust Ltd

15 August 2011

15 August 2011


PROPOSED restructuring of existing loan facility




On 24 March 2011, the Board announced that it had reached agreement in principle with the Group's lending banks, The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited and The Royal Bank of Scotland plc, to restructure the Group's existing loan facility. The Board is pleased to report that the Group and the Banks have now agreed the detailed terms for the Restructuring, conditional on, inter alia, certain approvals by Shareholders.

The Shareholder approvals that are required in order for the Restructuring to become effective relate to proposed material changes to the Company's investment objective and policy and the approval of the Principal Restructuring Agreements. In any event, the UK Listing Rules require any material change to the Company's published investment policy to be subject to prior Shareholder approval. A circular containing further details of the Proposals and convening an extraordinary general meeting of the Company at which the requisite resolutions will be proposed will be sent to Shareholders as soon as practicable. It is expected that the EGM will be convened at 11.45 a.m. on Monday, 12 September 2011.

The Board believes that, if implemented, the Proposals will finally remove much of the uncertainty over the Company's future that has persisted for almost three years. In view of the duration of the Board's discussions with the Banks and the number of alternatives considered, the Board believes that the Proposals are in the best interests of Shareholders as a whole.

Background to the Proposals

The summer of 2007 witnessed the beginning of a sharp correction in commercial property values. This correction reflected in part a measure of over-pricing at the end of an extended period of strong capital performance to June 2007, and also early symptoms of the subsequent credit crunch. The resulting substantial declines in the values of the Group's property investments led to a significant increase in the Group's LTV ratio in 2008 and 2009.

As a result, the Group has not complied with the maximum LTV covenant permitted under the Existing Loan Facility (currently 65%) since 31 December 2008 and, as at 30 June 2011 (being the last date as at which compliance with the financial covenants under the Existing Loan Facility were measured), the Group's LTV ratio was 97.2%. Furthermore, since 30 September 2010, the Group's interest cover has been below the minimum (145%) permitted under the Existing Loan Facility and, as at 30 June 2011, stood at 135.1%. Shareholders' funds have now been negative for more than two years, although the Company remains solvent as under Jersey insolvency laws this is measured on a cashflow basis and the Company is currently able to meet its obligations as they fall due.

In view of the uncertain outlook for valuations in the summer of 2008 and, anticipating that the Group would breach the LTV covenant applicable under the Existing Loan Facility following the 31 December 2008 valuations of the Group's property investments, the Board, together with its advisers, began exploring options to address the level of the Group's bank borrowings in August 2008. Options explored included the Group continuing to dispose of assets and using the net proceeds to pay down the Existing Loan Facility, seeking capital from third parties, potential mergers with other companies, refinancing the Existing Loan Facility and winding up the Company. Since then, discussions and negotiations exploring various options have taken place with a wide variety of third parties, but, with the exception of a limited number of asset disposals, it has not proved possible to reach agreement with any third party. In conjunction with exploring third party options, the Company has also pursued negotiations with the Group's major creditors, being the Banks and Invesco, and this has culminated in the Proposals.

Benefits of the Proposals

The process outlined above has lasted almost three years and has encompassed a review of a large number and a wide variety of alternative proposals without there being any final agreement on terms. This leads the Board and its financial advisers to conclude that the revised terms agreed with the Group's major creditors constitute the best outcome achievable for Shareholders. In particular, under the Restructured Loan Facility, the margin will be the same rate currently being paid to the Banks and the final maturity date will be the same as under the Existing Loan Facility. In addition, the Restructured Loan Facility will not impose any obligation on the Group to repay debt or sell properties prior to the final maturity date of 28 September 2014. This will allow the Board and the Manager to continue to manage the Group's assets with a view to optimising Shareholder value through an orderly realisation of the Group's property portfolio rather than simply to meet debt repayment targets.

Proposed Restructuring of the Existing Loan Facility

Restructured Loan Facility

The principal terms of the Restructured Loan Facility will be as follows:

-- Final repayment date: As with the Existing Loan Facility, the Restructured Loan Facility will have a maturity date of 28 September 2014.

-- Borrowing limit: The LTV ratio must not exceed 110% during the period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on 31 December 2012. Thereafter, until the Final Repayment Date, the LTV ratio must not exceed 100%.

-- Pricing: The margin will be unchanged from that currently being paid to the Banks.

-- Interest cover ratio: The Group's interest cover will be measured on two bases - forward looking over the next 12 months and backward looking over the previous 12 months. In both cases, on each interest payment date falling within the period from the Effective Date up to 30 June 2012 (forward looking) or 31 December 2012 (backward looking), the Group's relevant interest cover must be not less than 110%. Thereafter, until the Final Repayment Date, on each interest payment date the Group's relevant interest cover must be not less than 145%.

-- Acquisitions and disposals: The Group will not be permitted to make any new acquisitions. All net proceeds from property disposals will be used to prepay borrowings under the Restructured Loan Facility and meet any hedging termination payments.

-- Observer rights: The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited will be entitled to nominate a non-executive director to the Board at any time. The Royal Bank of Scotland International Limited has not yet advised the Company whether it intends to exercise that right.

Under the terms of the Restructured Loan Facility, there are also a number of operating restrictions applicable to the Group's activities and day to day operations (these operating restrictions include requiring the Banks' consent for the development or material change of use of the Group's properties and any new financial indebtedness being incurred by the Group, as well as restrictions on the entering into of new occupational leases and making any changes to rents payable under existing leases).

Profit Participation Fee Agreement

The Restructured Loan Facility provides for a higher maximum LTV covenant and, initially, a lower minimum interest cover covenant. The Board recognises that the revised covenants are more typical of a mezzanine credit facility than a senior loan, which reflects the fact that the current level of the Group's LTV ratio represents a higher risk profile for the Banks. Accordingly, and as a pre-condition to the Restructuring becoming effective, the Jersey Companies are also required to enter into a profit participation fee agreement with West Register Number 2 Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of The Royal Bank of Scotland plc.

Under the Profit Participation Fee Agreement, fees will be payable to West Register on the Final Repayment Date or, if earlier, on the date on which (i) all sums due to the Banks under the Restructured Loan Facility have been repaid or (ii) any material default occurs under the Profit Participation Fee Agreement (e.g. the insolvency of either of the Jersey Companies).

The fees payable to West Register under the Profit Participation Fee Agreement will be calculated by reference to the balance of the proceeds of sale of the Group's property investments (or, where appropriate, the market value of any remaining property investments) remaining after payment by the Jersey Companies of all sums due under the Restructured Loan Facility, payment of (or provision for) the remaining Management Fee Arrears and certain other permitted deductions (e.g. taxes and contractual payments due to tenants) (together, the "Net Proceeds"). Different percentages (ranging from 50% up to a maximum of 80%) of the Net Proceeds are payable to West Register until the IVZ Working Capital Facility has been repaid and West Register has received a fee broadly equivalent to a return of 20% on the Group's borrowings in excess of a 65% LTV ratio as at 30 June 2011. Thereafter, West Register will be entitled to 20% of any remaining Net Proceeds.

West Register may transfer its rights under the Profit Participation Fee Agreement without the Company's consent, although the Company will be given a right of first offer. If the RBS Group no longer holds the position of a majority lender under the Restructured Loan Facility, West Register will be required to give its consent for changes to certain operating restrictions applicable to the Group (being the operating restrictions summarised under the sub-heading "Restructured Loan Facility" above, other than the restriction on incurring financial indebtedness).

Arrangements with Invesco

Management Fees

Since 1 January 2009, the Manager has been entitled to a reduced management fee at an annual rate equal to the higher of 1% of the Group's adjusted net assets (determined in accordance with the accounting policies of the Group) and GBP1 million. Following the Restructuring, the Manager will be entitled to a quarterly management fee of GBP250,000 (equivalent to an annual rate of GBP1 million). In addition, in respect of the accrued but unpaid management fees due to the Manager in respect of the nine months ended 30 September 2007 (which amounted to GBP3.13 million as at the date of this announcement), the Manager will be entitled to payments of up to GBP125,000 per quarter, provided that the aggregate of such payment and the quarterly management fee payable to the Manager in respect of the relevant quarter does not exceed 8.5% of the net rental income received by the Group from its property investments in the relevant quarter.

The Manager will be entitled to payment of any remaining Management Fee Arrears in priority to any fees payable to West Register under the Profit Participation Fee Agreement. However, the Manager has agreed to defer payment of 50% (or, if lower, GBP1.0 million) of any remaining Management Fee Arrears (the "Deferred Management Fee Arrears") until such time as the aggregate value of all cash distributions paid to Shareholders after the Effective Date has exceeded the amount of the Deferred Management Fee Arrears (and, until that rime, the deferred amount will be ring-fenced for the benefit of Shareholders). Once the aggregate value of all cash distributions paid to Shareholders after the Effective Date has exceeded the Deferred Management Fee Arrears, the Deferred Management Fee Arrears will then be payable to Invesco in priority to any further cash distributions to Shareholders.

IVZ Working Capital Facility

In March 2008, Invesco agreed to provide the Company with a working capital facility for up to GBP10.0 million, originally bearing rolled-up interest at the rate of 8% per annum and being repayable on 31 March 2011. Invesco has agreed, with effect from 31 March 2011, to extend the repayment date for the amounts drawn down and due under the IVZ Working Capital Facility to 28 September 2014 and to waive the accrual of any interest after 31 March 2011. As at the date of this announcement, the amount outstanding under the IVZ Working Capital Facility (including rolled-up interest) was GBP2.3 million.

If the net sale proceeds resulting from the sale of any of the Group's property investments exceed 110% of that property's valuation as at 30 June 2011, 15% of such excess will be used to prepay the amount outstanding under the IVZ Working Capital Facility.

Furthermore, once all sums due to the Banks under the Restructured Loan Facility have been repaid, any net sale proceeds from the Group's investment properties will be applied equally to the repayment of the IVZ Working Capital Facility and the payment of the fee payable to West Register under the Profit Participation Fee Agreement.

Proposed Changes to Investment Objective and Policy

The Company's current investment objective is to provide Shareholders with an attractive level of income together with the prospect of income and capital growth through investing in commercial properties in the European Union. Given the Group's current level of gearing and the Board's assessment of the outlook for the commercial property markets in which the Group operates, the Board does not expect to be able to refinance the Group's current borrowings as they fall due in 2014. Accordingly, the Group will aim to fund payment of the amounts owing to the Banks in full on or before 28 September 2014 principally out of the net proceeds from sales of existing property investments. The Board does not expect that, even with the Restructured Loan Facility in place, the Company's residual assets following debt repayment will constitute a viable business. Furthermore, the Board does not expect that the Company will be able to resume the payment of dividends, which were suspended at the end of 2008, in the foreseeable future. Accordingly, Shareholder approval is being sought for the Company's investment objective to be changed to:

The Company's investment objective is to repay its bank borrowings and other liabilities on or before 28 September 2014 and, having met those obligations, to provide a return for Shareholders.

The Company's investment policy will also require amendment to reflect the proposed new investment objective. However, the UK Listing Rules and the CISX Listing Rules require any material change to the Company's published investment policy to be subject to prior Shareholder approval. Accordingly, and as a pre-condition to the Restructured Loan Facility being effective, the Directors will also seek Shareholder approval at the EGM to change the Company's published investment policy. If Shareholder approval is obtained, the Company will adopt and adhere to the following new investment policy:

The Company will pursue its investment objective by seeking to optimise value from the Group's current portfolio, comprising a diversified portfolio of investment properties located in the UK and continental Europe. It is expected that the principal source of funds from which to repay borrowings and meet other liabilities will be the net proceeds from disposals of assets in the Group's property portfolio. It is possible that all, or substantially all, of the property investments will need to be sold to meet the Company's obligations to its lending banks and other creditors. Diversification of the Group's property portfolio is therefore likely to reduce significantly as assets are sold and it is possible that, in due course, the Group's real estate assets will comprise a single property which may subsequently be sold.

Until the repayment in full of the Company's bank borrowings or such time as the balance sheet shows a significant surplus of assets over liabilities:

-- no new investments will be made (other than cash or near cash equivalent securities);

-- no new borrowings will be drawn down; and

-- no dividends will be paid.

Outlook if the Restructuring Becomes Effective

Management and Realisation of the Group's Property Assets

There are, as yet, few causes for optimism in the market for secondary quality assets of the type held by the Company, despite some positive signals and returns from prime property assets. It seems likely that the Company will need to be patient before economic growth and/or investor appetite provides a stimulus for these markets. The Board believes that the Restructuring, with no reduction in the bank facility term, will leave the Company as well placed as it could be for this outcome.

Notwithstanding difficult market conditions, the Company has achieved three asset disposals since 30 September 2010, realising aggregate proceeds of approximately GBP24.1 million (in aggregate, 3.2% ahead of their respective latest valuations prior to their sale, and 22% ahead of their combined valuations as at 30 September 2010). In addition, recent asset management initiatives have resulted in leasing activity that has surpassed the Board's previous expectations. Pending any market upturn, such asset level successes need to continue. Accordingly, the Board and the Manager will continue to focus on seeking to add value through asset level initiatives.

Trading in the Ordinary Shares

The Directors believe that it is in the interests of Shareholders to maintain a market in the Ordinary Shares whilst the Company implements its new investment objective and policy and the Group seeks to realise its property investments in an orderly manner with the objective of repaying the Group's bank borrowings and other liabilities on or before 28 September 2014 and, having met those obligations, provide a return to Shareholders. Accordingly, following the Restructuring, the Ordinary Shares will continue, at least for the time being, to be listed on the UK Official List and the CISX Official List and traded on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market and the CISX. However, the Board will monitor and review on an ongoing basis the costs, direct and indirect, of maintaining these arrangements relative to the benefits to Shareholders of such maintenance. Whilst the Company continues to fulfil the requirements of the UK Listing Rules for the continued listing of the Ordinary Shares on the UK Official List, that listing may only be cancelled with the prior approval (by special resolution) of Shareholders.

If at any time the Board believes that the Company no longer fulfils, or will no longer fulfil, the requirements of the UK Listing Rules for the continued listing of the Ordinary Shares on the UK Official List (in particular by reason of not having an adequate spread of investment risk following disposals of the Group's property investments), the Board will notify the UK Listing Authority and request the suspension and subsequent cancellation of the Ordinary Shares on the UK Official List (cancellation of the listing in these circumstances does not require Shareholder approval).

The Ordinary Shares would no longer be capable of being traded on the Main Market if their listing on the UK Official List were to be cancelled. The listing of the Ordinary Shares on the CISX Official List would also be cancelled at the same time as the listing of the Ordinary Shares on the UK Official List is cancelled.

Returns to Shareholders

The Directors currently expect that, once all or substantially all of the Group's property investments have been disposed of, an extraordinary general meeting of the Company will be convened to consider a special resolution for the winding up of the Company. At present, the Board believes that it is unlikely that the Company will distribute any cash to Shareholders until after that resolution has been passed.

Risk Factors

The Board considers the following to be key risk factors relating to the Proposals (assuming they are implemented):

-- There is no guarantee that the changes to the Company's investment policy will result in the Company achieving its new investment objective.

-- In order to repay the Group's borrowings under the Restructured Loan Facility, the Directors anticipate that all, or substantially all, of the Group's current property investments will need to be realised. Having regard to the current level of the Group's bank borrowings (GBP201.2 million as at 30 June 2011) relative to the value of the Group's property investments (GBP207.2 million as at 30 June 2011) and the lack of any apparent recovery in the secondary markets persisting, it may take a considerable period of time to achieve this. During that time, the Group's portfolio of property investments will not be managed in a balanced manner and will become increasingly more concentrated. As a result, the performance of an individual property investment can be expected to have a greater impact on the portfolio than it would on the current portfolio. This may adversely affect the portfolio's performance.

-- Disposals of the Group's property investments and repayment of the Group's bank borrowings may result in the termination of some or all of the Group's interest rate and currency swaps. Termination of the Group's interest rate swaps and currency swaps may reduce the proceeds that may be available for distribution to Shareholders in due course. These costs are already reflected in the Company's NAV. However, when the Company terminates the interest rate and/or currency swaps, any losses associated with those swaps will change from unrealised losses to realised losses. As at 30 June 2011, the Group had unrealised losses of GBP8.7 million and GBP14.1 million attributable to its interest rate swaps and currency swaps respectively. The actual termination costs of any of the interest rate and/or currency swaps will vary depending on the market conditions as of the dates of termination. The Manager's business plan for realising the Group's property investments will take into account the potential termination costs of the Company's interest rate and currency swaps, but it is unlikely that such costs can be avoided in their entirety.

-- There can be no guarantee that the NAV will rise and, even if it does, that it will return to a positive number. In any event, Shareholders will have to wait until after all, or substantially all, of the Group's current property investments have been realised before receiving any cash distributions from the Company and there is no guarantee that the Company will have sufficient profits or net assets, after satisfying or providing for all of its liabilities, to enable it to make any distributions to Shareholders, on a winding up or otherwise, at any time in the future.

-- If the Proposals become effective, the listing of the Ordinary Shares may subsequently be cancelled, at which point the Ordinary Shares will no longer be capable of being traded on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market or the CISX.


The Company will continue to announce its portfolio valuations, the amount of the outstanding borrowings under the Restructured Loan Facility, the Company's LTV ratio and interest cover and the NAV per Ordinary Share on a quarterly basis consistent with its current practices.

Consequences of the Restructuring Not Becoming Effective

The Restructuring remains conditional on the resolutions to be proposed at the EGM being passed. The Directors believe that, if those resolutions are not passed, it is likely that the Banks will seek to accelerate the repayment of the Existing Loan Facility and exercise their rights in relation to an event of default accordingly. In that event, the Company would not be able to continue as a going concern, the Ordinary Shares would no longer be capable of being traded on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market or the CISX and the Company could be made subject to a Jersey or UK insolvency procedure (such as administration, creditors' winding up or desastre, a form of bankruptcy), with the administrator, liquidator, Viscount or other relevant insolvency officer seeking to realise the Group's assets as soon as practicable. In the Directors' opinion, if the Banks were to enforce their rights in relation to an event of default under the Existing Loan Facility and seek to exercise their rights accordingly, it is unlikely that, after satisfying or providing for all of its liabilities, the Group would have sufficient profits or net assets to enable it to make any distributions to Shareholders, on a winding up or otherwise, at any time in the future.


A circular convening an extraordinary general meeting of the Company at which the requisite resolutions approving the proposed restructuring of Existing Loan Facility and the proposed changes to investment objective and policy described in this announcement will be proposed will be sent to Shareholders as soon as practicable. It is expected that the EGM will be convened at 11.45 a.m. on Monday, 12 September 2011. The EGM will be held at the offices of R&H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited at Ordnance House, 31 Pier Road, St Helier, Jersey JE4 8PW.


Sue Inglis         Canaccord Genuity Limited               020 7050 6779 
Richard Barnes     Invesco Property Income Trust Limited   01534 629 001 
Rory Morrison/     Invesco Asset Management Limited        020 7543 3581/ 
 Angus Pottinger                                            020 7065 3714 


Canaccord Genuity Limited is acting solely for Invesco Property Income Trust Limited and no one else in connection with the matters referred to in this announcement and will not be responsible to anyone other than Invesco Property Income Trust Limited for providing the protections afforded to clients of Canaccord Genuity Limited or for providing advice in relation to the matters referred to in this announcement.


The following definitions apply throughout this announcement unless the context otherwise requires:

 "Banks"                                The Royal Bank of Scotland 
                                        International Limited and The Royal 
                                        Bank of Scotland plc 
 "Board" or "Directors"                 the directors of the Company 
 "CISX"                                 The Channel Islands Stock Exchange, 
 "CISX Listing Rules"                   the listing rules produced by the CISX 
                                        for companies whose securities are 
                                        listed on the CISX 
 "CISX Official List"                   the Daily Official List of the CISX 
 "Company"                              Invesco Property Income Trust Limited 
 "Effective Date"                       the date on which the Restructured 
                                        Loan Facility becomes effective 
 "EGM"                                  the extraordinary general meeting of 
                                        the Company at which the requisite 
                                        resolutions approving the proposed 
                                        restructuring of Existing Loan 
                                        Facility and the proposed changes to 
                                        investment objective and policy 
                                        described in this announcement will be 
                                        proposed, which will be convened as 
                                        soon as practicable and is expected to 
                                        be held on Monday, 12 September 2011 
                                        at 11.45 a.m. 
 "Existing Loan Facility"               the loan facility granted to the 
                                        Company and certain of its 
                                        subsidiaries by the Banks pursuant to 
                                        the amended and restated credit 
                                        agreement between the Company, the 
                                        Banks and others dated 25 June 2008 
 "Final Repayment Date"                 28 September 2014 or, if earlier, the 
                                        date on which all borrowings under the 
                                        Restructured Loan Facility have been 
                                        repaid in full 
 "FSA"                                  Financial Services Authority 
 "Group"                                the Company and each of its subsidiary 
                                        undertakings from time to time 
 "Invesco"                              the Manager in relation to management 
                                        fees and Invesco Ltd. in relation to 
                                        the IVZ Working Capital Facility 
 "IVZ Working Capital Facility"         the working capital facility provided 
                                        to the Company by Invesco Ltd (the 
                                        parent company of the Manager) 
                                        pursuant to the credit agreement 
                                        between the Company and Invesco Ltd 
                                        dated 31 March 2008 (as subsequently 
                                        amended by agreements between those 
                                        parties dated 30 April 2008 and 31 
                                        March 2011) 
 "Jersey Companies"                     the Company and Invesco PIT Limited (a 
                                        wholly owned subsidiary of the 
 "LTV"                                  the loan to value of the Group's cash 
                                        and property portfolio that has been 
                                        directly or indirectly charged to the 
                                        security agent under the Existing Loan 
                                        Facility or the Restructured Loan 
                                        Facility (as the case may be) 
 "Manager"                              Invesco Asset Management Limited 
 "Management Fee Arrears"               the accrued but unpaid asset 
                                        management fees due to the Manager in 
                                        respect of the nine months ended 30 
                                        September 2007 
 "NAV"                                  net asset value 
 "Ordinary Shares"                      ordinary shares of no par value in the 
                                        capital of the Company 
 "Principal Restructuring Agreements"   the Restructured Loan Facility and the 
                                        Profit Participation Fee Agreement 
 "Profit Participation Fee Agreement"   the profit participation fee agreement 
                                        to be entered into between the Jersey 
                                        Companies and West Register, details 
                                        of which are set out under the 
                                        sub-heading "Profit Participation Fee 
                                        Agreement" in this announcement 
 "Proposals"                            the Restructuring and the proposed 
                                        changes to the Company's investment 
                                        objective and policy described under 
                                        the heading "Proposed Changes to 
                                        Investment Objective and Policy" in 
                                        this announcement 
 "RBS Group"                            The Royal Bank of Scotland plc and its 
                                        subsidiary undertakings from time to 
 "Restructured Loan Facility"           the loan facility entered into by the 
                                        Company, certain of its subsidiaries 
                                        and the Banks pursuant to the amended 
                                        and restated credit agreement between 
                                        the Company, the Banks and others 
                                        dated 8 August 2011, which agreement 
                                        remains conditional on, inter alia, 
                                        the passing of the resolutions to be 
                                        proposed at the EGM 
 "Restructuring"                        the restructuring of the Existing Loan 
                                        Facility by replacing that facility 
                                        with the Restructured Loan Facility 
                                        and the execution of the Profit 
                                        Participation Fee Agreement by the 
                                        Jersey Companies 
 "Shareholders"                         holders of Ordinary Shares 
 "UK Listing Authority"                 the FSA acting in its capacity as the 
                                        competent authority for the purpose of 
                                        admissions to the UK Official List 
 "UK Listing Rules"                     the listing rules made by the FSA 
                                        under section 73A of the Financial 
                                        Services and Markets Act 2000 
 "UK Official List"                     the Official List of the UK Listing 
 "West Register"                        West Register Number 2 Limited (a 
                                        wholly owned subsidiary of The Royal 
                                        Bank of Scotland plc) 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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