RNS No 2556r
14th July 1998

   Earnings and dividend up 30% for International Greetings
          Acquisition of  Copywrite for #2.1 million

International  Greetings PLC (IG) today announces  preliminary
results  for  the  year  ended March 31 1998  showing  pre-tax
profits  of  #6.6 million, 29% ahead of last year's comparable
pre-exceptional #5.1 million. Earnings per share were  up  30%
at  33.7p  and the Board is recommending a final  dividend  of
6.0p  payable  on  1  September 1998 to  shareholders  on  the
register on 14 August 1998.

The company also announces that it has acquired the UK
business of Copywrite Limited (in Administrative
Receivership), a children's character stationery business from
the receivers for a cash consideration, payable at completion,
equal to the net assets acquired of #2.1 million. In the year
to 31 December 1997 unaudited management accounts for that
company which consists primarily of the acquired business had
turnover of approximately #23.5m.

In  order  to secure the future development of this  business,
International  Greetings has entered into  long  term  licence
agreements  with  Disney Consumer Products and representatives
of  Mattel  and Hasbro, the principal former product licensors
of the acquired business.

Commenting on the results for the year, Anders Hedlund,  Joint
Chief  Executive, said: "These are excellent results. We  have
continued  to improve both gross and net margins and  with  an
increase  in  sales this has brought a very strong performance
at  the  earnings level. We are expecting a good Christmas  in
1998  and  are confident that this growth and the acquisitions
of  The  Cracker  Company and Copywrite will show  significant
benefits during the next financial year".

Commenting  on  the  acquisition  Nick  Fisher,  Joint   Chief
Executive,   said:   "This   is  a   great   acquisition   for
International  Greetings. It adds a new and  exciting  product
range  to  our  activities and the synergy benefits  with  our
existing customers and licence partners are highly attractive.
We will refocus the business and we are confident that it will
achieve our required levels of profitability in due course."

"Both  this acquisition and of The Cracker Company in May  fit
our  strategy of acquiring businesses closely related  to  our
current   operations,  particularly  where  our   design   and
management strengths can be best  applied."

Copies of this announcement will be available to the public at
the  Company's  offices at Belgrave House, The Merlin  Centre,
Acrewood Way,  St Albans, Herts, AL4 0JY until 27 July 1998.

For further information, contact:
International Greetings PLC
Nick Fisher, Joint Chief Executive              01727-844 888

Michael Henman/ Christian Judge                 0171-417 4170

Chairman's Statement

I  am  once again delighted to report another set of excellent
results for the Group, highlighted as follows:

Profit before taxation*   -     #6.6m up 29%
Earnings per share*       -     33.7p up 30%
Dividend for the year     -      8.6p up 29%

*figures exclude exceptional items

In  addition  to  the  continuing strong  performance  of  our
existing  businesses, I am pleased to report to you  that  the
Group has recently completed two acquisitions.

Both fit in with our strategy of identifying opportunities
that are closely related to our current operations, but
particularly where the Group's design and management strengths
can be utilised to develop them to their fullest potential.

Copywrite Limited
On 13 July 1998 the UK business of Copywrite Limited (in
Administrative Receivership), a children's character
stationery business, was acquired from the receivers for a
cash consideration, payable in full at completion, equal to
net assets acquired of #2.1m. In the year to 31 December 1997
unaudited management accounts for that company which consists
primarily of the acquired business had turnover of
approximately #23.5m. It has not been possible to separately
identify the profit or loss atttributable to the net assets
acquired. However, unaudited management accounts for Copywrite
Limited, its subsidiaries and associates for the year ended 31
December 1997 show turnover of approximately #34m and an
operating loss of #1.5m.

In order to secure the future development of this business,
International Greetings has entered into long term licence
agreements with Disney Consumer Products and representatives
of Mattel and Hasbro, the principal former product licensors
of the acquired business. It is our intention to retain
certain key members of the management team of this business
and negotiations to this effect are continuing.

This acquisition adds a new range of products to the group's
activities. We believe that the application of our management
strengths to Copywrite's strong market position will, in due
course, restore the business to our required levels of

The Cracker Company Limited
The Cracker Company, purchased in May 1998 for a maximum cash
consideration of #0.2m, is the market leader in confectionery
and games Christmas crackers. The company had turnover of
approximately #2m in the year to 31 December 1997.

Your  Board  continues its recognition of the  importance  our
employees  make to the continued success of the business,  and
here  I  pay tribute to the commitment and professionalism  of
all of them. Our operating divisions based in South Wales are well into the
process of incorporating the working practices of the
"Investors in People" standards, and initial assessments have
now commenced at the St Albans location.

An Employee Share Purchase Scheme has been approved by the
Board, and all employees are being actively encouraged to
become shareholders in the Company.

Board Responsibilities
Due  to  the continued expansion of the business it  has  been
decided to clearly identify the roles and responsibilities  of
the Joint Chief Executives.

Anders Hedlund will have sole responsibility for all day to
day operational activities, and for the strategic development
of each product area.

Nick Fisher will concentrate on corporate affair matters -
particularly the identification and integration of
acquisitions and investor relations.

We  all  felt  a  great  sense  of  pride  when  International
Greetings  was  awarded the AIM Company of the  Year  accolade
last  October.  We  received further professional  recognition
when  our  Joint  Chief Executive, Anders Hedlund,  was  voted
Welsh  Business  Achiever of the Year at  the  Welsh  Business
Awards  in  May.  Although this was a personal  award,  Anders
accepted   it   on  behalf  of  all  International   Greetings
employees,  particularly those with whom he has worked  during
his  20  years in South Wales. He commented that, "The success
of  our  business  activities in Wales has been  as  a  direct
result  of  the  commitment and dedication our  workforce  has

The  trading  year to date, together with the  seasonal  order
book, is in line with our expectations and I am confident that
this  year's  organic growth, together with  the  acquisitions
made, will show significant benefits during the next financial
year.   This   confidence  is  reflected   in   your   Board's
recommendation of a final dividend of 6p, making a  total  for
the  year  of 8.6p, a 29% increase over last year.  The  final
dividend  will be paid on 1 September 1998 to shareholders  on
the register at the close of business on 14 August 1998.

John Elfed Jones CBE DL

Finance review

The  Group's  strategy  of  focusing on  margin  improvements,
combined  with  controlled  turnover  growth  has  again  been
responsible   for  another  excellent  set  of  figures,   and
continues the trend of recent years.

Turnover for the year to 31 March 1998 showed an increase of
10% to #53.5m (1997: #48.4m) with operating profit up by 31%
to #7.6m (1997: #5.8m). The giftwrap division performed
particularly well, with operating profit up by 33% in the UK
and 71% in the US.

The gross profit margin improved to 33.5% from 29.9%, and
reflected productivity improvements resulting from a
combination of organisational changes and increased capital
investment programmes. Interest payable increased from #0.7m
to #1m due to a combination of higher interest rates and the
redemption of preference shares in February 1997.

Profit before taxation rose to #6.6m, an increase of 29% over
the previous year's underlying figure of #5.1m*.

This  year's  overall  tax  charge of  #2.149m  represents  an
effective   rate  of 32.5% compared with last year's  rate  of

Earnings per Share and Dividends
Earnings  per share for the year to 31 March 1998 were  33.7p.
This represents an increase of 30% in underlying earnings  per
share from 26p*.

* (excluding exceptional items)

The final dividend of 6p makes a total dividend for the year
of 8.6p, which is covered 3.9 times by earnings per share.

Cash flow
As  a  result of a combination of the anticipated increase  in
Christmas  1998  volumes,  and the objective  of  continuously
improving   customer  service  levels  by  reducing   seasonal
production peaks, manufacturing volumes were greatly increased
in  the  January  to  March 1998 quarter over  the  comparable
period  in  the  previous year. Working capital movements,  in
particular   the   increase   in   stock,   reflected    this.
Nevertheless,   the   Group's  cash  inflow   from   operating
activities amounted to #4.9m.

Net capital investments during the year amounted to #3.8m,
compared with #2.5m in the previous year. The increase is
largely due to several one-off projects, the largest of which
was an investment of #0.8m in a Thermal Regenerative Unit for
the gravure print facility. Other significant projects
included the installation of fire protection systems
throughout all the Group's main premises and new business
computer systems for our US division.

We  maintain  excellent relations with our principal  bankers,
HSBC   Midland   who,  in  addition  to  providing   increased
facilities  for  organic growth, have provided  the  financial
support  required for the recent acquisitions referred  to  in
the Chairman's Statement.

The Group's borrowings amounted to #6.6m at 31 March 1998 and
gearing was a modest 49%. However, due to the seasonality of
the Group's business, interest cover is considered a more
meaningful determinant in assessing the Group's debt capacity.
With operating profits covering the interest expense 7.5
times, the Group's financial position remains strong. This
financial strength will enable us to continue to follow our
strategic objective of maximising earnings and hence
shareholder value and returns.

Mark Collini
Finance Director

Review of operations


Technological advances in the printing industry mean  that  we
continually  evaluate new opportunities to improve facilities.
In  addition to the commissioning of a new printing press,  we
invested in a state-of-the-art  Thermal Regenerative Unit  for
the  gravure  print  facility.  This  equipment  significantly
increases  the efficiency of waste handling and  reflects  our
commitment as an environmentally conscious business.

Further investments were made in the print plant to achieve
specialist finishes. Design is of paramount importance to our
products, not only in terms of the surface pattern, but also
in texture and feel, and we believe these investments will
give us a distinct competitive advantage.

A new 135,000 sq ft group distribution warehouse was
officially opened on 1 June 1998 by the Right Honourable Ron
Davies, MP, Secretary of State for Wales. The extra space
allows for continued growth in seasonal sales and is shared
with the cracker division.

The investment in ribbon extrusion machinery during 1996 has
paid off handsomely with significant increases in both
turnover and UK market share in this product area.
Consequently, to handle future growth, the ribbon
manufacturing operation has been reorganised within the main
giftwrap plant to be an autonomous manufacturing division.
Additional new products are being developed to be sold at the
luxury end of the market in both the UK and US.

We  have developed specialist machines to automate some of the
processes previously performed manually. This will enable  the
production  of a superior product in terms of quality  and  at
the same time reduce manufacturing costs.

The additional storage space created by the new Group
distribution warehouse provides the opportunity to manufacture
many orders earlier than previous years. This has the effect
of easing capacity constraints during the peak summer season
and allows production space for late repeat orders to be made.

A hygienic packing area was established in January to
facilitate the production of confectionery crackers and will
be instrumental in the manufacture of the additional volumes
created by the acquisition of "The Cracker Company".  This
purchase gives the cracker division the opportunity to not
only broaden its ranges, but by utilising existing facilities
mentioned above, we expect an immediate positive effect to the
bottom line.

The card division continues to focus on private label fixed
orders for boxed Christmas cards. Increased investment in
design and new licenced properties resulted in turnover
increasing by 25%. The division has recently been reorganised
in order to implement a strategy of reducing production costs
by worldwide sourcing for both the printing and finishing of
cards and will facilitate further growth in our market share.

The extension to the Georgia factory was completed on time and
was  fully operational by 1 May this year. The total area  now
exceeds  200,000 sq ft, encompassing printing,  manufacturing,
warehouse and distribution activities.

To complement the enlarged plant further operational
investments have been made. Investment in new computer
business systems and additional conversion equipment will
improve efficiency in all areas of the business, and provide
the necessary capacity to fulfill our rapid expansion plans
over the next few years.

A key element in our strategic plan in the US has been the
continual improvement in the quality of designs and product
ranges. By benefitting from the UK's design expenditure and
resources, our US division, trading as "The Gift Wrap Company"
now offers the best range of giftwrap products in the US
market. This success is reflected in the willingness of
leading independent sales organisations to enter into
exclusive agreements to promote and sell our ranges of
products, at the expense of our competitors. Over the last 12
months five such agreements have been signed, covering a total
of 15 states.

Group Design and Marketing
The  importance  of offering the best designs  in  our  chosen
markets  is  of primary importance to International Greetings.
To  this end, we maintain an on-going investment programme  in
this area.Our creative design team has increased in number by over 50%
during the past two years. This reflects the growing design
demands in our markets, which we recognise and support fully
as our main catalyst for growth. Our designers not only create
looks from within the International Greetings design "stable",
but are continually expanding our design horizons with
worldwide research, thereby keeping our customers' ranges at
the forefront of the market place.

We continue with our strategy of offering ranges to include
the most commercial licensed properties and many agreements
are now in place including The Walt Disney Company, Warner
Brothers and BBC Enterprises.

With the widening of product ranges the primary sales drive is
to increase sales to our existing customer base by making
International Greetings a one-stop supplier for as many design
led disposable paper products as possible. We believe this
strategy will create further new account opportunities in the
UK and also in Continental Europe.

New Product Areas
Concentrating on our strengths, we embarked on two new product
trials  with a number of our major customers. During the  year
our design and product development teams successfully launched
ranges  of  calendars and packaged everyday cards  which  have
performed  well.  We  believe both  these  categories  can  be
further developed to provide future growth opportunities.

This  past year was an important one for the Group. Apart from
adding   the  exciting  new  product  category  of  children's
character   stationery  to  our  portfolio,   we   have   also
consolidated and focused our existing operations to  create  a
solid foundation to achieve our corporate goals.

Anders Hedlund           Nick Fisher
Joint Chief Executive    Joint Chief Executive

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 March 1998

                                    1998               1997
                     Notes          #000                #000

Turnover             2            53,496              48,431
Cost of sales                    (35,597)            (33,945)
                                   _____               _____

Gross profit                      17,899              14,486
Distribution expenses             (3,784)             (2,924)
Administrative expenses           (6,479)             (5,742)
                                   _____               _____

Operating Profit                   7,636               5,820
Exceptional surplus on disposal 
 of fixed assets                       -                 742
Interest payable and similar 
 charges                          (1,014)               (686)
                                   _____               _____

Profit on ordinary activities 
 before taxation        2          6,622               5,876
Tax on profit on ordinary
 activities             3         (2,149)             (1,726)
                                   _____               _____

Profit on ordinary activities
a fter taxation                    4,473              4,150
Minority interests                   (27)               (17)
                                   _____               _____

Profit for the financial year      4,446              4,133
  Equity                         (1,135)               (866)
  Non-equity                           -               (135)
                                   _____               _____

Retained profit for the 
 financial year                     3,311              3,132
                                    =====              =====
Earnings per share   4
Basic                               33.7p               31.7p
Excluding exceptional items         33.7p               26.0p
Fully diluted                       31.8p
                                   =====               =====

The above results relate to continuing activities.

Consolidated balance sheet
at 31 March 1998

                                1998            1997
                          #000     #000    #000     #000
Fixed assets
Intangible assets          214                 -
Tangible assets         12,291             9,614
                         _____             _____
                                12,505            9,614
Current assets
Stocks                  14,135             9,846
Debtors                  9,747             7,161
Cash at bank and in hand     -                 1
                        ______            ______

                        23,882            17,008

Creditors: amounts 
 falling due within 
 one year              (19,712)          (14,637)
                       ______            ______
Net current assets               4,170             2,371
                                ______            ______

Total assets less current 
 liabilities                    16,675            11,985

Creditors: amounts falling 
 due after more than one year  (2,128)              (721)
Provisions for liabilities 
 and charges                     (479)              (355)
Deferred income                  (624)              (745)
                                ______             ______
Net assets                      13,444             10,164

Capital and reserves
Called up share capital            661                660
Share premium account            1,631              1,582
Other reserves                   1,232              1,254
Profit and loss account          9,920              6,609
                                ______             ______

Equity shareholders' funds      13,444             10,105

Minority interests                   -                 59
                                ______             ______
                                13,444             10,164
                                ======             ======

These financial statements were approved by the board of
directors on 13 July 1998 and were signed on its behalf by:

N Fisher, Director
M Collini, Director

Consolidated cash flow statement
for the year ended 31 March 1998

                                   1998              1997
                                   #000              #000

Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities                       4,867             6,719
Returns on investments and 
 servicing of finance              (900)             (885)
Taxation                         (1,447)           (1,229)
Capital expenditure              (3,770)           (2,537)
Acquisitions and disposals         (250)                -
Equity dividends paid              (937)             (691)
                                   _____             _____
Cash (outflow)/inflow 
 before financing                (2,437)             1,377

Financing                         1,065             (2,723)
                                  _____              _____

Decrease in cash                 (1,372)            (1,346)
                                 ======             ======

Reconciliation of net cash flow to movement in net debt
for the year ended 31 March 1998

                                  1998                1997
                                  #000                #000

Decrease in cash in the year    (1,372)             (1,346)
Cash (inflow)/outflow 
 from financing                   (852)                948
                                  _____              _____
Change in net debt resulting 
 from cash flows                 (2,224)             (398)

Inception of  finance leases       (650)              (62)
Translation differences              46                82
                                   _____             _____
Movement in net debt in the year  (2,828)             (378)
Net debt at beginning of year     (3,809)           (3,431)
                                   _____             _____
Net debt at end of year           (6,637)           (3,809)
                                  ======             ======

The results for the year ended 31 March 1997 shown above are
not the Group's financial statements for that financial year.
These results have been extracted from the financial
statements which contain unqualified audit reports with no
adverse statements under Section 237(2) or (3) of the
Company's Act 1985. The financial statements for the year
ended 31 March 1997 have been filed with the Registrar of
Companies. Copies of this announcement are available to the
public at the Company's offices at Belgrave House, The Merlin
Centre, Acrewood Way,  St Albans, Herts, AL4 0JY until 27 July


1.   Accounting policies

This statement has been prepared on the basis of the
accounting policies as set out in the Group's 1997/8 Annual

2  Segmental analysis

                 UK and Europe        USA           Group
                 1998     1997    1998   1997    1998    1997
                 #000     #000    #000   #000    #000    #000

Turnover       45,713   41,202   7,783  7,229  53,496  48,431
               ======   ======   =====  =====   =====  ======
 profit         6,969    5,422     667    398   7,636   5,820
                =====    =====   =====  =====   =====   =====

 surplus on
 disposal  of 
 fixed assets                                       -     742
Net interest                                   (1,014)   (686)
                                                _____   _____
Profit on  ordinary 
 before  taxation                               6,622   5,876
                                                =====   =====
Net assets     11,349    8,371   2,095   1,793 13,444  10,164
                =====    =====   =====   =====  =====   =====

There is no material difference between turnover by origin, as
shown  above, and turnover by destination.  The above  results
relate entirely to continuing operations.

3  Taxation
                                          1998        1997
                                          #000        #000

UK Corporation tax                       1,844       1,656
Deferred taxation                          137          45
Overseas taxation  - current                62           8
                   - deferred               38          72
Adjustments relating to an earlier year:
 Corporation tax                            70         (33)
 Deferred taxation                          (2)        (22)
                                           ____       _____
                                          2,149       1,726
                                          =====       =====

In 1997 profits of #680,000 included within the exceptional
surplus on disposal of fixed assets were not taxable as relief
was available.

4  Earnings per share
                                      1998              1997
                                      #000              #000

Earnings per share excluding 
 exceptional items                   33.7p              26.0p
Earnings per share on 
 exceptional items                      -                5.7p
                                       ____             _____
Basic earnings per share              33.7p             31.7p
                                       ====              ====

The  basic  earnings  per share is based on  the  earnings  of
#4,446,000 (1997: #3,998,000) and the weighted average  number
of  ordinary shares in issue of 13,198,969 (1997: 12,622,375).
Fully  diluted earnings per share are 31.8p based on  earnings
of #4,505,000 and a weighted average number of ordinary shares
in  issue  of  14,163,969 which assumes that  all  outstanding
options are exercised.

Earnings  per share excluding exceptional items is based  upon
the  earnings,  as above, after adjusting for the  exceptional
surplus on disposal of fixed assets of #Nil (1997: #742,000).



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