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Globestar Therapeutics Corporation (PK)

Globestar Therapeutics Corporation (PK) (GSTC)

Closed September 20 4:00PM

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m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 2 days ago
looking forward to updates---bid is strong 0005x0006. rediculously undervalued
Mike198571 Mike198571 3 days ago
Interesting article about Monster beverage which in the past was OTC ticker..
kaeamrjs kaeamrjs 6 days ago
Not until they get rid of Jim. He is absolutely horrible.
Zorch305 Zorch305 7 days ago
I do have some of this though because i heard it was a cure but they can cure anything in consciousness without polluting environment or water supply with drugs
Zorch305 Zorch305 7 days ago
to all those globestar people the cures are in the consciousness with drug programmers and they use drugs as a front thats what needs to be addressed
Zorch305 Zorch305 7 days ago
wondering if i should buy more since there seems to be some action with the jacksons
Zorch305 Zorch305 7 days ago
hmmmm I dont have much of a position here but I noticed the negativity al of a sudden
Mike198571 Mike198571 1 week ago
You still here ? 😂 come on.. move on.. f..k this old prick.. GSTC is dead because of this moron.. I've already sold my shares.. good luck to all
👍️ 1
BluePuppet BluePuppet 2 weeks ago
Maybe it all went to extend the patent lmao. This is a dumpster fire cuz Jim can’t get anything done. Anything he has said has just been a tool to get shares dumped. Absolutely zero progress made in three years or However long it’s been
👍️ 1
MonopolyTrader MonopolyTrader 3 weeks ago
Filings and an accountant doesn’t cost $120-$400k a year. Which it’s been that for the last 5 years. Hes sold close to a half a million in his dumb preferred along with a few hundred thousand in other loans.

I’m sure important people and organizations would love to know where the money went
price_and_volume price_and_volume 3 weeks ago
Who knows, maybe he doesn't?
How does jim pay his bills? Or maybe he has a sugar-daddy who pays his bills?

Would anyone be surprised if they heard he owed money all over town?

Does he still pay the rent on the famous "company HQ" listed on filings?

MonopolyTrader MonopolyTrader 3 weeks ago
The ego of Jim ruined this. He has to live with his decisions
MonopolyTrader MonopolyTrader 3 weeks ago
How does jim pay his bills?
price_and_volume price_and_volume 3 weeks ago
I guess those are better than intentional deceitfulness...
Laziness and incompetence seem to be the best of his traits. Laziness & incompetence imply he's just in over his head.

Others may consider him an outright liar, a conman, a scam-artist.

Who knows?
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 3 weeks ago
Laziness and incompetence seem to be the best of his traits.
price_and_volume price_and_volume 3 weeks ago
How delinquent is JK gonna let this one go?

Lazy financial-reporting is common w/ this guy, seems to struggle w/ the basics.
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 3 weeks ago
I am man enough to admit when I am wrong. Share structure unchanged, recent 150 million share volume day was not the additional shares granted last quarter.

Only other reason I can think of is Power-up was forced to liquidate as per a court order.

I don’t think retail was able to create that kind of shake up.
MonopolyTrader MonopolyTrader 4 weeks ago
Jim is tied with Kramer. He’ll get talked
MonopolyTrader MonopolyTrader 4 weeks ago
Jim allowed Kramer. Worked with him
price_and_volume price_and_volume 4 weeks ago
What money? It's gone. Poof.
...please tell me how the money is in their pockets. Welcome to the sub-penny OTC sewers.
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 4 weeks ago
mailman69 mailman69 4 weeks ago
Please explain how they fill their pockets. The shares that the top guys have they don’t sell once in a while the issue a little bit more shares but small amounts to amount to enough money to make a difference so please tell me how the money is in their pockets.
BluePuppet BluePuppet 4 weeks ago
They just filling their pockets while shareholders get screwed. Nothing will ever happen here
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 4 weeks ago
Ooofff…..This next Q is gonna be ugly. I’m gonna guess about another 200 million at .0001
NebraskaOTC NebraskaOTC 4 weeks ago
I tried to tell people. This was allllllll pushed by the same ol' pump crew who knew allllll along there was nothing going on here. It was VERY easy to do just a tiny bit of "DD" and see this was nothing but a game. Sending emails is NOT going to get a legit drug into trials. Those emails were sent as a smoke screen... part of his "iNiTiAtiNg TaLkS". Again, anyone can email Tesla (or any other legit company, hospital, Etc.) and say they are in "talks" with the company. Stay far away from anything the kitty kat, water crew or Garrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr boy are pushing. Those guys are a 1000% sign the price is about to crash.
Miss my FAM!!!!
price_and_volume price_and_volume 4 weeks ago
When's the Form 15 coming?

There's no way $GSTC should still be SEC-reporting.

I'd guess JK's only hung-on this long in order to prevent defaults or other contingencies from occurring if he reverts to non-reporting PINK - that's not unusual.

When you have no operational business occurring, and you can't maintain timely filing w/ SEC, what's the point (other than to convince "funders" you're legit lol)?

Kinda seems like the jig is up.

Who knows? could still cycle thru some pumps tho...

BluePuppet BluePuppet 4 weeks ago
Cmon you know better than this lol nothing coming here but more dilution. The extended the patent to make more money for themselves.
👍️ 1
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 4 weeks ago
has to be some good news coming...huge accumulation 0005
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 4 weeks ago
buying OPP to average down ?
BeeHaus2 BeeHaus2 4 weeks ago
ha! that storm is a long way off...
on our way to .0001 before any storm hits.
Ashley250nelson Ashley250nelson 1 month ago
the calm before the storm $1 by 2027
😂 1 🤣 1
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 1 month ago
well if Kramer isn't he under indictment? regardless with 150m traded yesterday he must be out or close....time to load aquatraders
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
No one in their right mind will throw money at this with two sketchy llc’s getting 50 mil each for $5K a pop and another one of Kramers spinoffs getting 150 mil at .000175 lol
👍️ 1 ✔️ 1
BluePuppet BluePuppet 1 month ago
Retail getting screwed, nothing crazy about that
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
Call me crazy but I think I have this mapped out. We’ll dilute to 1,650,xxx,xxx ish by mid December. He’ll secure a funder, but retail is going to get the shaft big time here because funding will come with a conditional R/S (most likely 1 for 20). Lender will get 100 million at .002 for $200k cash and will rest us at 180 mil/190 mil o/s when finished.
BluePuppet BluePuppet 1 month ago
Nothing will ever happen here, expect more dilution. Its a scam
👍️ 2
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
We’ll know on the next update of the O/S. If i’m right, we should be at 1,342,xxx,xxx
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 1 month ago
how and where can they deposit shares so cheap? this has to be a MONEY RAISE from company...imo
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
He will have to to take out more notes (most likely at .0001 or .000175) to file next Q
price_and_volume price_and_volume 1 month ago
Same thing gonna happen to JK's other stock.

Folks on that board claim "billions in revenue coming to $VXIT" lol.

Tigers don't change their stripes.
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
Lol no. This is a dump of people who were given shares at .0001
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 1 month ago
could this be a money raise for filings and the TOXICITY study?
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
Honestly man, i’d wait for .0002. There’s a lot coming to the o/s before end of year. And this next Q, when filed, will be just as horrendous.
BeardOfWallSt BeardOfWallSt 1 month ago
The way Jim handles his business, I assume he got absolutely fukt with his divorce. I wouldn't be surprised if his dilution is to continously pay it off lul
pacman181 pacman181 1 month ago
When do we hit a dollar.. multi billion company this
m$teamworkotc m$teamworkotc 1 month ago
time to load aquatraders. 0005 thin af
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
Revers split before end of year. Calling it now
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
I mean what did people think would happen with 250 million + given out at an aberage of .000175 and lower
BluePineCapital BluePineCapital 1 month ago
Lol so easy to spot
pacman181 pacman181 1 month ago
Trip 2's on route

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