RNS Number : 8983P

Heavitree Brewery PLC

13 February 2019

The Heavitree Brewery PLC

Trood Lane


Exeter EX2 8YP

   Date:                13 February 2019 
   Contact:           Graham Crocker - Managing Director - 01392 217733 

Nicola McLean - Company Secretary - 01392 217733

Patrick Castle /Anita Ghanekar - Shore Capital - 0207 408 4052

Following a Board Meeting held today, 13 February 2019, the Directors announce the preliminary statement of results for the year ended 31 October 2018.

ISIN: GB0004182720 for 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares

ISIN: GB0004182506 for Ordinary Shares

Chairman's statement

Turnover for the Group has increased by GBP315,000 to GBP7,614,000 returning a Group operating profit of GBP1,632,000 for the year under review. This is a reduction in Group operating profit of GBP146,000 against the previous year. When making a comparison with the previous year, it should be noted that the Group operating profit line in 2017 had been increased by over 25% as a result of one-off transactions which included GBP104,000 from the sale of development land held by Heavitree Inc., GBP107,000 for a write back after an over provision in expense for bad debts and a further GBP36,000 for compensation and a repayment of legal fees following a land dispute.

Having considered these one-off transactions to the previous year before making comparisons, I am pleased with the results in this report.


Group Turnover increased by GBP315,000 to GBP7,614,000. Group Operating Profit has decreased by GBP146,000 to GBP1,632,000.

Heavitree Inns remained dormant throughout the year.

Heavitree Inc. generated an operating profit of GBP12,000 (2017 - GBP104,000).

Key Performance Indicators

Group operating profit before Taxation of GBP1,632,000 was down 8.21% on last year.

Interest costs were covered 9.60 times.


The Directors recommend a 6.25% increase in the final dividend to 4.25p per Ordinary and 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Share (2017 - 4.00p) making a total for the year of 7.925p (2017-7.675p). The dividend will be paid on 18 April 2019, subject to shareholder approval at the Annual General Meeting on 10 April 2019, to those shareholders on the Register at 22 March 2019.

Sale of Property

The King of Prussia in Bovey Tracey was sold in November 2017, The Kings Arms in Strete was sold in March 2018, The Crown and Sceptre in Newton St.Cyres was sold in April 2018 together with a small block of four flats in Exeter. I reported on these at the half year. The total book profit realised on the sale of these sites was GBP814,000.

A house on the same site as the above-mentioned block of flats has been sold subject to contract and I hope to report further on this at the upcoming half year.

Capital Investments

Significant investments during the year include GBP85,000 on improvements and upgrades to the kitchen, lavatories and baby-changing facilities at The Cleave in Lustleigh, GBP30,000 on a new bar and installation of a central heating system at The Green Dragon in Stoke Fleming and GBP158,000 on part one of a refurbishment of The Church House in Stokenham.

Pension Scheme

Following the completion of the actuarial triennial valuation of the Final Salary Pension Scheme deficit that had fallen due in December 2016, a new set of correction payments were issued and approved in March 2018. These correction payments were to start at GBP588,000 and be subject to a 3% uplift year on year. Since the approval of this new set of correction payments three deferred members have transferred out of the scheme as detailed in note 30. Consequently, the Scheme's independent actuary has issued a replacement schedule of correction payments and this confirms that the Company is no longer required to make contributions to fund the Scheme's deficit.

The Company continues to operate the Scheme for the remaining retired members and their dependants.

Repurchase of shares

The Company did not repurchase any of its own shares during the year under review but the Directors intend to seek shareholder approval at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting for the continuing authority to do so.


Another pleasing performance of good progress has created the platform for a further increase in the final Dividend.

At the time of writing it is hard to avoid making mention of the political uncertainty the Country is facing. Despite this, the quality of our houses and of our tenants and leaseholders who operate them and the dedicated support they receive from all of our staff at Head Office, have combined to help deliver this year's strong set of results.



13 February 2019

Group income statement

for the year ended 31 October 2018

                                 Notes      Total      Total 
                                             2018       2017 
                                           GBP000     GBP000 
 Revenue                                    7,614      7,299 
                                        ---------  --------- 
 Other operating income                       279        384 
 Purchase of inventories                  (3,109)    (2,968) 
 Staff costs                              (1,407)    (1,353) 
 Depreciation of property, 
  plant and equipment                       (235)      (248) 
 Other operating charges                  (1,510)    (1,336) 
                                        ---------  --------- 
                                          (5,982)    (5,521) 
                                        ---------  --------- 
 Group operating profit                     1,632      1,778 
 Profit on sale of property 
  plant and equipment                         824          6 
 Group profit before 
  finance costs and taxation                2,456      1,784 
 Finance income                                 5          7 
 Finance costs                              (175)      (182) 
 Other finance costs 
  - pensions                                 (35)       (55) 
                                        ---------  --------- 
                                            (205)      (230) 
 Profit before taxation                     2,251      1,554 
 Tax expense                                (324)      (226) 
 Profit for the year 
  attributable to equity 
  holders of the parent                     1,927      1,328 
                                        ---------  --------- 
 Basic earnings per 
  share                           2         39.6p      27.0p 
                                        ---------  --------- 
 Diluted earnings per 
  share                           2         39.6p      27.0p 
                                        ---------  --------- 

All amounts in 2018 and 2017 relate to continuing operations.

Group statement of comprehensive income

for the year ended 31 October 2018

                                                2018      2017 
                                              GBP000    GBP000 
 Profit for the year                           1,927     1,328 
                                            --------  -------- 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to profit or loss 
 Actuarial (losses)/gains on defined 
  benefit pension plans                        (248)       428 
 Tax relating to items that will not 
  be reclassified                                 42      (74) 
                                            --------  -------- 
                                               (206)       354 
   Items that may be reclassified to 
   profit or loss 
 Fair value adjustments                          (4)         6 
 Exchange rate differences on translation        (2)         - 
  of subsidiary undertaking 
                                                 (6)         6 
 Other comprehensive income for the 
  year, net of tax                             1,715     1,688 
                                            --------  -------- 
 Total comprehensive income attributable 
  Equity holders of the parent                 1,715     1,688 

Group balance sheet

at 31 October 2018

                                              2018       2017 
                                            GBP000     GBP000 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment              17,812     17,022 
 Investment property                         1,094      1,094 
                                         ---------  --------- 
                                            18,906     18,116 
 Financial assets                               47         46 
 Deferred tax asset                             38        221 
                                         ---------  --------- 
                                            18,991     18,383 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                    10         10 
 Trade and other receivables                 1,292      1,696 
 Cash and cash equivalents                      44         56 
                                         ---------  --------- 
                                             1,346      1,762 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Assets held for sale                           62        890 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Total assets                               20,399     21,035 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                  (1,078)      (871) 
 Financial liabilities                       (818)    (1,624) 
 Income tax payable                          (131)      (190) 
                                         ---------  --------- 
                                           (2,027)    (2,685) 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Other payables                              (311)      (256) 
 Financial liabilities                     (6,067)    (6,045) 
 Deferred tax liabilities                    (300)      (345) 
 Defined benefit pension plan deficit         (39)    (1,300) 
                                         ---------  --------- 
                                           (6,717)    (7,946) 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Total liabilities                         (8,744)   (10,631) 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Net assets                                 11,655     10,404 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Equity share capital                          264        264 
 Capital redemption reserve                    673        673 
 Treasury shares                           (1,317)    (1,223) 
 Fair value adjustments reserve                 23         27 
 Currency translation                           15         17 
 Retained earnings                          11,997     10,646 
                                         ---------  --------- 
 Total equity                               11,655     10,404 
                                         ---------  --------- 

Group statement of cash flows

for the year ended 31 October 2018

                                                         2018            2017 
                                                       GBP000          GBP000 
 Operating activities 
 Profit for the year                                    1,927           1,328 
 Tax expense                                              324             151 
 Net finance costs                                        206             231 
 Profit on disposal of non-current assets 
  and assets held for sale                              (824)             (6) 
 Depreciation and impairment of property, 
  plant and equipment                                     235             248 
 Difference between pension contributions 
  paid and amounts                                          5             (3) 
   recognised in the income statement                 (1,544)           (438) 
 Decrease/(increase) in trade and other 
  receivables                                             284            (76) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade and other 
  payables                                                380           (170) 
                                                    ---------  ---  --------- 
 Cash generated from operations                           993           1,265 
 Income taxes paid                                      (188)           (110) 
 Interest paid                                          (176)           (182) 
 Net cash flow from operating activities                  629             973 
                                                    ---------  ---  --------- 
 Investing activities 
 Interest received                                          6               6 
 Proceeds from sale of property, plant 
  and equipment and assets held for sale                1,454             193 
 Payments to acquire property, plant 
  and equipment                                         (777)         (1,117) 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from investing 
  activities                                              683           (918) 
                                                    ---------  ---  --------- 
 Financing activities 
 Preference dividend paid                                 (1)             (1) 
 Equity dividends paid                                  (373)           (333) 
 Consideration received by EBT on sale 
  of shares                                                54              49 
 Consideration paid by EBT on purchase 
  of shares                                             (145)            (15) 
  Capital element of finance lease rental 
   payments                                              (68)            (21) 
 New long-term borrowings                                   -               - 
 Net cash flow from financing activities                (533)           (321) 
                                                    ---------  ---  --------- 
 Increase/(decrease) in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                             779           (266) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning 
  of the year                                         (1,536)         (1,270) 
                                                    ---------  ---  --------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the year 
  end                                                   (757)         (1,536) 
                                                    ---------  ---  --------- 

Group statement of changes in equity

for the year ended 31 October 2018

                    Equity       Capital                       Fair                       Cash 
                     share    redemption     Treasury         value        Currency       flow     Retained      Total 
                   capital       reserve       shares    adjustment     translation      hedge     earnings     equity 
                    GBP000        GBP000       GBP000       reserve          GBP000    reserve       GBP000     GBP000 
                                                             GBP000                     GBP000 
 At 1 November 
  2016                 264           673      (1,254)            21              17          -        9,323      9,044 
 Profit for the 
  year                   -             -            -             -               -          -        1,328      1,328 
 income for the 
  net of income 
  tax                    -             -            -             6               -          -          354        360 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 income for the 
  year                   -             -            -             6               -          -        1,682      1,688 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
  by EBT on 
   shares                -             -           49             -               -          -            -         49 
  paid by 
 EBT on 
  of shares              -             -         (15)             -               -          -            -       (15) 
 Loss by EBT on 
  of shares              -             -          (3)             -               -          -            3          - 
  paid                   -             -            -             -               -          -        (362)      (362) 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 At 31 October 
  2017                 264           673      (1,223)            27              17          -       10,646     10,404 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
                    Equity       Capital                       Fair                       Cash 
                     share    redemption     Treasury         value        Currency       flow     Retained      Total 
                   capital       reserve       shares    adjustment     translation      hedge     earnings     equity 
                    GBP000        GBP000       GBP000       reserve          GBP000    reserve       GBP000     GBP000 
                                                             GBP000                     GBP000 
 At 1 November 
  2017                 264           673      (1,223)            27              17          -       10,646     10,404 
 Profit for the 
  year                   -             -            -             -               -          -        1,927      1,927 
 income for the 
  net of income 
  tax                    -             -            -           (4)             (2)          -        (206)      (212) 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 income for the 
  year                   -             -            -           (4)             (2)          -        1,721      1,715 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
  by EBT on 
   shares                -             -           54             -               -          -            -         54 
  paid by 
 EBT on 
  of shares              -             -        (145)             -               -          -            -      (145) 
 Gain by EBT on 
  of shares              -             -          (3)             -               -          -            3          - 
  paid                   -             -            -             -               -          -        (373)      (373) 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 
 At 31 October 
  2018                 264           673      (1,317)            23              15          -       11,997     11,655 
                 ---------  ------------  -----------  ------------  --------------  ---------  -----------  --------- 

Equity share capital

The balance classified as share capital includes the total net proceeds (nominal amount only) arising or deemed to arise on the issue of the Company's equity share capital, comprising Ordinary Shares of 5p each and 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares of 5p each.

Capital redemption reserve

The capital redemption reserve arises on the re-purchase and cancellation by the Company of Ordinary Shares.

Treasury shares

Treasury shares represent the cost of The Heavitree Brewery PLC shares purchased in the market and held by The Heavitree Brewery PLC Employee Benefits Trust and Employee Share Option Scheme ('EBT').

At 31 October 2018 the Group held 146,082 Ordinary Shares and 262,885 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares (2017: 142,082 Ordinary Shares and 232,643 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary Shares) of its own shares. During the year there were purchases of 4,000 Ordinary Shares and 55,352 'A 'Limited Voting ordinary Shares and sales of 25,110 'A; Limited Voting Ordinary Shares.

Fair value adjustments reserve

The fair value adjustments reserve is used to record differences in the market value of the available-for-sale investment year on year.

Foreign currency translation reserve

The foreign currency translation reserve is used to record exchange differences arising from the translation of the financial statements of foreign subsidiaries.

Notes to the preliminary announcement

1. Basis of preparation

These figures do not constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section 396 of the Companies Act 2006. They have been extracted from the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2018. The statutory financial statements have not yet been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

The financial information in this statement has been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted for use in the European Union. The accounting policies have been consistently applied and are described in full in the statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 October 2018, which are expected to be mailed to shareholders on 7 March 2019. The financial statements will also be available on the Group's website www.heavitreebrewery.co.uk.

The Directors are of the opinion that the Group has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the financial statements.

2. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share amounts are calculated by dividing profit for the year attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of Ordinary shares and 'A' Limited Voting Ordinary shares outstanding during the year.

The following reflects the income and shares data used in the basic and diluted earnings per share


                                               2018      2017 
                                             GBP000    GBP000 
 Profit for the year                          1,927     1,328 
                                           --------  -------- 
                                               2018      2017 
                                             N(o) .    N(o) . 
                                              (000)     (000) 
                                           --------  -------- 
 Basic weighted average number of shares 
  (excluding treasury shares)                 4,866     4,877 
                                           --------  -------- 

There have been no other transactions involving ordinary shares or potential ordinary shares between the reporting date and the date of completion of these financial statements.

3. Dividends paid and proposed

                                                       2018      2017 
                                                     GBP000    GBP000 
 Declared and paid during the year: 
 Equity dividends on ordinary shares: 
   Final dividend for 2017: 4.00p (2016: 3.675p)        211       198 
   First dividend for 2018: 3.675p (2017: 
    3.675p)                                             198       194 
   Less dividend on shares held within employee 
    share schemes                                      (36)      (30) 
 Dividends paid                                         373       362 
                                                   --------  -------- 
 Proposed for approval at AGM 
 (not recognised as a liability as at 31 
    Final dividend for 2018 4.25p (2017: 4.00p)         224       211 
     Cumulative preference dividends                      1         1 
                                                   --------  -------- 

4. Segment information

Primary reporting format - business segments

During the year the Group operated in one business segment - leased estate.

Leased estate represents properties which are leased to tenants to operate independently from the Group, under tied tenancies.

Secondary reporting format - geographical segments

The following tables present revenue, expenditure and certain asset information regarding the Group's geographical segments for the years ended 31 October 2018 and 2017. Revenue is based on the geographical location of customers and assets are based on the geographical location of the asset.

 Segment information 
 Year ended 31 October 2018            UK    United     Total 
                                   GBP000    States    GBP000 
 Sales to external customers        7,614         -     7,614 
 Other segment information 
 Segment assets                    20,542        43    20,585 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
 Total Assets                      20,542        43    20,585 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
 Capital expenditure 
 Property, plant and equipment        839         -       839 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
 Year ended 31 October 2017            UK    United     Total 
                                   GBP000    States    GBP000 
 Sales to external customers        7,299         -     7,299 
 Other segment information 
 Segment assets 
                                   20,885       150    21,035 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
 Total Assets                      20,885       150    21,035 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 
 Capital expenditure 
 Property, plant and equipment      1,117         -     1,117 
                                 --------  --------  -------- 

5. General information

The 2018 Annual Report and Financial Statements will be published and posted to shareholders on 7th March 2019. Further copies may be obtained by contacting the Company Secretary at The Heavitree Brewery PLC, Trood Lane, Matford, Exeter EX2 8YP. The 2018 Annual Report and Financial Statements will also be available on the Company's website at http://www.heavitreebrewery.co.uk/financial/

The Annual General Meeting will be held at the Registered Office on 10 April 2019 at 11.30am.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 13, 2019 12:00 ET (17:00 GMT)

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