RNS Number : 1577Y

HSBC Holdings PLC

02 May 2023


2 May 2023

Notification of Transactions by Persons Discharging Managerial Responsibilities ("PDMRs")

The following transactions of US$0.50 ordinary shares (the "Shares") in HSBC Holdings plc (the "Company"), relating to the second interim dividend for 2022 (the "interim dividend"), took place on 27 April 2023:

   1.   Shares allocated in lieu of the interim dividend 

The following transactions relate to additional Shares being allocated to PDMRs' unvested share plan interests in lieu of the interim dividend at US$7.42336 per Share, being the average closing price of the Company's Shares on the London Stock Exchange for the five business days between 2 March and 8 March 2023, converted into USD.


    Name       Shares allocated 
 Noel Quinn          575 

Other PDMRs

    Name       Shares allocated 
 Colin Bell          427 
  Pam Kaur           439 
 Ian Stuart          374 
   2.   Acquisitions as part of the reinvestment of the interim dividend 

The following transactions relate to additional Shares being added to PDMRs' vested share plan interests through the automatic reinvestment of the interim dividend. The price per Share was GBP5.77734.

Other PDMRs

       Name         Shares acquired 
    David Liao          10,846 
    Nuno Matos        11,550.7794 
   Stephen Moss          4,459 
  Barry O'Byrne          7,417 
 Michael Roberts        16,316 
  Surendra Rosha      5,874.95217 
    Ian Stuart            21 

The following disclosures are made in accordance with the UK version of the EU Market Abuse Regulation 596/2014.

 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Noel Quinn 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Group Chief Executive 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
    Shares allocated 
    in lieu of the second 
    interim dividend 
    for 2022 
  ---------------------------                   ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                                 US$ 7.42      575        US$4,268.43 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.423      575        US$4,268.43 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                                       Colin Bell 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                              Chief Executive, HSBC Bank plc 
                                                               and HSBC Europe 
 Initial notification/amendment                               Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                                      HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                                 MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of              Financial        Identification       Place of Transaction     Currency 
   Transaction           Instrument       Code 
   2023-04-27           Ordinary         GB0005405286         London Stock             USD - United 
                         shares                                Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                         of US$0.50                            Market (XLON) 
  -------------------  ---------------  -------------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                                     Price          Volume    Total 
    Shares allocated 
    in lieu of the second 
    interim dividend 
    for 2022 
  ------------------------------------                       -------------  --------  --------------- 
                                                              US$ 7.42       427       US$3,169.77 
        -------------  ---------------  -------------------  -------------  --------  --------------- 
                                         Aggregated           US$7.423       427       US$3,169.77 
        -------------  ---------------  -------------------  -------------  --------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Pam Kaur 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Group Chief Risk and Compliance 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
    Shares allocated 
    in lieu of the second 
    interim dividend 
    for 2022 
  ---------------------------                   ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                                 US$ 7.42      439        US$3,258.86 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                Aggregated       US$7.423      439        US$3,258.86 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          David Liao 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Co-Chief Executive, Asia-Pacific 
                                                  - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking 
                                                  Corporation Limited 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock               GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main             Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  -------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price          Volume      Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  ---------------------------                   -------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                                 GBP5.78        10,846      GBP62,661.03 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------  -------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP5.777       10,846      GBP62,661.03 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------  ----------  -------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Nuno Matos 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, Wealth and Personal 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock Exchange,     GBP - British 
                   shares                         Main Market (XLON)         Pound 
                   of US$0.50 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  -------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price       Volume         Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  ---------------------------                   ----------  -------------  -------------- 
                                                 GBP5.78     11,550.7794    GBP66,732.78 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------  -------------  -------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP5.777    11,550.7794    GBP66,732.78 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------  -------------  -------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                             Stephen Moss 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                    Regional Chief Executive, Middle 
                                                     East, North Africa and Türkiye 
 Initial notification/amendment                     Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                            HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                       MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of         Financial      Identification    Place of Transaction                Currency 
    Transaction     Instrument     Code 
   2023-04-27      Ordinary       GB0005405286      London Stock                        GBP - British 
                    shares                           Exchange, Main                      Pound 
                    of US$0.50                       Market (XLON) 
  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ----------------------------------  -------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                           Price                    Volume     Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  -----------------------------                    -----------------------  ---------  -------------- 
                                                    GBP5.78                  4,459      GBP25,761.16 
  --------------  -------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ---------  -------------- 
                                  Aggregated        GBP5.777                 4,459      GBP25,761.16 
  --------------  -------------  ----------------  -----------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                             Barry O'Byrne 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                    Chief Executive, Global Commercial 
 Initial notification/amendment                     Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                            HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                       MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of         Financial      Identification    Place of Transaction              Currency 
    Transaction     Instrument     Code 
  --------------                 ----------------  --------------------------------  -------------- 
   2023-04-27      Ordinary       GB0005405286      London Stock                      GBP - British 
                    shares                           Exchange, Main                    Pound 
                    of US$0.50                       Market (XLON) 
  --------------  -------------  ----------------  --------------------------------  -------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                           Price                  Volume     Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  -----------------------------                    ---------------------  ---------  -------------- 
                                                    GBP5.78                7,417      GBP42,850.53 
  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------------  ---------  -------------- 
                                  Aggregated        GBP5.777               7,417      GBP42,850.53 
  --------------  -------------  ----------------  ---------------------  ---------  -------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Michael Roberts 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Chief Executive, HSBC USA and 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             GBP - British 
                   shares                         Exchange, Main           Pound 
                   of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  -------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price         Volume     Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  ---------------------------                   ------------  ---------  -------------- 
                                                 GBP5.78       16,316     GBP94,263.08 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  -------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP5.777      16,316     GBP94,263.08 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  -------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                          Surendra Rosha 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                 Co-Chief Executive, Asia-Pacific 
                                                  - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking 
                                                  Corporation Limited 
 Initial notification/amendment                  Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                         HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                    MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of        Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction       Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock Exchange,     GBP - British 
                   shares                         Main Market (XLON)         Pound 
                   of US$0.50 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  -------------------------  -------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                        Price       Volume         Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  ---------------------------                   ----------  -------------  -------------- 
                                                 GBP5.78     5,874.95217    GBP33,941.60 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------  -------------  -------------- 
                                Aggregated       GBP5.777    5,874.95217    GBP33,941.60 
  -------------  ------------  ---------------  ----------  -------------  -------------- 
 1 - Details of the person discharging managerial responsibilities 
  / person closely associated 
 Name of natural person                            Ian Stuart 
 2 - Reason for the notification 
 Position/status                                   Chief Executive, HSBC UK Bank 
 Initial notification/amendment                    Initial Notification 
 3 - Details of the issuer, emission allowance market participant, 
  auction platform, auctioneer or auction monitor 
 Full name of the entity                           HSBC Holdings plc 
 Legal Entity Identifier code                      MLU0ZO3ML4LN2LL2TL39 
 4 - Details of the transaction(s) 
    Transaction(s) summary table 
   Date of          Financial     Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction      Instrument    Code 
   2023-04-27       Ordinary      GB0005405286     London Stock             USD - United 
                     shares                         Exchange, Main           States Dollar 
                     of US$0.50                     Market (XLON) 
  ---------------  ------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                          Price         Volume     Total 
    Shares allocated 
    in lieu of the second 
    interim dividend 
    for 2022 
  -----------------------------                   ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                                   US$ 7.42      374        US$2,776.34 
  -------------    ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                  Aggregated       US$7.423      374        US$2,776.34 
  -------------    ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
   Date of        Financial       Identification   Place of Transaction     Currency 
    Transaction    Instrument      Code 
  -------------                  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   2023-04-27     Ordinary        GB0005405286     London Stock             GBP - British 
                   shares                           Exchange, Main           Pound 
                   of US$0.50                       Market (XLON) 
  -------------  --------------  ---------------  -----------------------  --------------- 
   Nature of Transaction:                          Price         Volume     Total 
    Acquisition as part 
    of the reinvestment 
    of the second interim 
    dividend for 2022 
  -----------------------------                   ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                                   GBP5.78       21         GBP121.32 
  -------------    ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 
                                  Aggregated       GBP5.777      21         GBP121.32 
  -------------    ------------  ---------------  ------------  ---------  --------------- 

For any queries related to this notification, please contact:

Bayo Adeyeye

Corporate Governance & Secretariat

+44 (0) 203 359 2160

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 02, 2023 11:30 ET (15:30 GMT)

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