The Group's trading activity has
remained in line with expectations and the profitability of the
Group in the second half of the year will be similar to the first
six months, with the current workload at the time of writing being
£252 million.
During the year, the Board has created
an Executive Leadership Team that consists of the five Main Board
Executive Directors and currently two additional members to broaden
the experience at the senior level. We are pleased to
announce that the Executive Directors have been joined by Adam
Deeth, who following the retirement of John Connolly has been the
Group Chief Accountant for the past year, and Anthony Thomas, the
Group's General Counsel. Both individuals bring a wealth of
experience from their previous roles within significant engineering
groups and are actively contributing to the progression of the
In line with our activities to reduce
CO2 emissions in relation to our manufacturing
activities, our woodland creation plan that involves the planting
of over 500,000 trees has been formally approved by the Welsh
Government and verified by Natural Resource Wales. The
planting of the scheme is expected to commence over the next two
years and over the life of the scheme has the potential to generate
an estimated yield of 150,000 tonnes of carbon equivalent (tCO2e).
Such a scheme was necessary as it would currently be impossible
using carbon neutral alternatives that are commercially available
to substitute natural gas within the energy costs of some of our
manufactured products. We are still awaiting permission from
the Distribution Network Operator to connect a further 1MWp solar
installation into Goodwin Steel Castings and for planning
permission on a 4.3MWp Solar installation at Hoben International to
compliment the 5.2MWp of Solar already installed.
Following a record order input last
year at Goodwin Steel Castings of £77.2 million, higher than the
cumulative input over the last five years, the level of throughput
at the foundry is increasing. Consequently, the foundry will
be contributing a greater level of profits moving forward as a
higher proportion of the work will relate to highly technical and
specialist mission critical castings that are priced accordingly.
Over the past five years nearly all of these components have been
through a development process and have successfully been delivered
to our customers. With activity levels continuing to increase
throughout the year, the Board sees this as an exciting time for
Goodwin Steel Castings going forward.
We commented in the 2023/24 Outlook
section of the Interim Report that we believed Easat Radar Systems,
over the next six months, will be announced as the successful
bidder of a number of contracts, though we have nothing further to
report at this time as the tendering processes are still ongoing.
In turning around this part of the business, no different than what
has been achieved at Goodwin Steel Castings to address different
market areas, the Easat team have been diligently working to
position Easat to deliver commercially attractive and technically
advanced Radar Systems rather than just components to integrators
and as such our confidence level of success remains
resolute. We look forward to updating
shareholders as the Easat story evolves in due course.
With respect to dividend payments, we
confirm that the second and final instalment of 57.5p per share in
relation to the year ending 30th April 2023, which was
approved at the last Annual General Meeting on the 29th
September 2023, will be paid on the 12th April
T.J.W. Goodwin
LEI: 213800N4T1NMSJ57B322