RNS Number : 0525B

Charter European Trust plc

10 February 2011

For immediate release 10th February 2011



The following comprises extracts from the Company's Annual Financial Report for the year ended 30th November 2010. The full Annual Financial Report is available to be viewed on or downloaded from the company's website at www.chartereuropean.co.uk. Copies will be mailed to shareholders shortly.

Chairman's Statement

Unusually, our net asset value per share barely changed during the financial year, (and was up by just 0.1p), compared to our benchmark, the FTSE World Europe (ex UK) Index, which fell by 3.4%, in sterling terms. This result reflects another good performance against the Index by your Fund.

Earnings per share increased 10.9% to 4.37p. Given the concentrated nature of the portfolio and the Manager's investment approach, which emphasises total return rather than income, our earnings will be determined by the dividends received from a relatively small number of stocks, and any changes to these holdings will have a greater impact on our revenue than in a more broadly diversified portfolio. In view of the forecast of likely income from our current portfolio in 2011, the Board has decided to maintain rather than increase the total payout for 2010 and it is possible that revenue reserves will be used to maintain the dividend in 2011.

The Board is thus recommending a final ordinary dividend of 2.65p per Ordinary Share payable on 4th April 2011 to shareholders on the Register at 25th February 2011, making a total dividend for the year to 30th November 2010 of 4.05p per Ordinary Share. The Board has not instructed the Manager to target any particular level of dividend income, as the Manager's bottom up stock-picking approach has served the Company very well in recent years. It is worth emphasising, however, that the revenue deriving from the portfolio is a result of decisions taken primarily to maximise relative total return.

During the year, Mark Lovett resigned from RCM, and I would like to record the Board's thanks to Mark for the excellent performance record enjoyed by Charter since he became portfolio manager in 2004.

I am delighted that Neil Dwane, who manages a number of similar focused funds, has been appointed as the new portfolio manager. Neil is a very experienced fund manager with a strong performance record in European equities, and is also European Chief Investment Officer at RCM. We have been extremely fortunate to have had very talented portfolio managers at RCM over the last decade and we look forward to working with Neil in the future.

During the course of the year, the Company's facility with The Bank of Ireland expired, and I am pleased to say we have now negotiated a new 10 million euro credit facility with Scotiabank. At the time of writing, the Manager has not drawn down on this facility, but we intend to deploy gearing again should a suitable opportunity arise during the year.

This year the Company has bought back 712,000 shares for cancellation and 385,000 shares for Treasury and, since the year end has purchased a further 219,000 shares for cancellation. The Board continues to believe that a buyback policy is helpful in reducing the volatility of the discount to asset value, as well as modestly enhancing the net assets as a consequence of the buyback.

All the Directors are standing for annual re-election and their biographies are set out on page 13.

Although there remain considerable uncertainties about the future direction of a number of European economies, and indeed the ability of their governments to repay their outstanding liabilities, much of the recent economic data from Germany has been encouraging. If this encouraging trend in Germany can be sustained and even spread to other countries-and we believe, on balance, that it will- European markets should make further progress in 2011. However, it is also clear that many of the problems in some of the smaller countries in the Euro bloc, and indeed the Euro itself, have not yet conclusively been resolved and we will, no doubt, see further nervousness on this front during the course of the year.

Giles Weaver

10th February 2011

Manager's Review

Market Background

Net assets per share ended the period broadly unchanged, whilst the benchmark fell 3.42% in sterling terms. Volatility, although lower than in 2009, was still very high compared to historic levels. Although a semblance of normality has returned to the world's major financial institutions, there remain countries on the periphery of Europe where the banks are under enormous pressure and are unable to finance themselves satisfactorily in the interbank market. This year we were again reminded of the interdependence of the world's financial system and how the problems in one area can create systemic risks elsewhere. We will therefore remain vigilant to developments in these struggling countries both for opportunities and threats.

In the US, where fiscal and monetary easing is being pursued most aggressively, the economy is now looking relatively healthy. In Europe, however, the idea of quantitative easing is anathema to the Bundesbank. Should growth stall, it may be necessary to resort to more aggressive policy options.

A positive surprise from the period was the ability of many companies to navigate their way through the crisis by protecting margins and squeezing out efficiencies. This will make future earnings higher and underpin their valuations. In Europe valuations remain very attractive relative to history and other asset classes. Balance sheets are now generally very strong as managers have learnt the lessons of excessive leverage. Corporate cash balances are particularly high and this is likely to lead to a heightened level of Mergers and Acquisitions activity. It should also lead to increased investment once capacity utilisation picks up and the economic outlook stabilises further.

Emerging markets remained the primary growth driver throughout the period, and many European stocks have significant exposure to these growth areas. This remains a theme in the portfolio, especially as the valuation of these European listed stocks is often more attractive than their locally listed alternatives. China is a recent good example of the benefits of economic stimulus, although it now faces potential overheating and we have seen various moves to 'dab the brakes' as inflation accelerates. Most recently the reserve requirement for the banks was increased to reduce money supply. Trying to moderate inflation and increase domestic consumption will be no easy feat, and we will actively monitor the situation.

Portfolio Review

Turnover during the period reflected in part transactions prompted by the change in portfolio manager, but the decision to keep a number of promising mid cap names such as Barco and EVS Broadcast Equipment has served the portfolio well. A new position was initiated in Pandora. This is a recently listed global company, with headquarters in Denmark, which sells jewellery, including charm bracelets. The brand is building a very strong following and recent results have backed up the investment thesis. Strong cash flow will also speed up the roll out of the product in emerging markets, which should prove very profitable. We are in the process of conducting proprietary market research to confirm that the sales trends remain intact.

CSM was another new introduction to the Trust. This is the world's largest supplier of bakery products, and we are particularly interested in its Purac subsidiary with its innovations in the field of lactic acid bioplastics (Poly Lactic Acid). The stock trades at an attractive valuation on the basis of the bakery division alone, and the current price makes very little allowance for the promising bioplastics angle. The company learned the hard way in 2008 that input costs can rise rapidly and require hedging and monitoring; so, despite the outlook for further increases in soft commodities and food price inflation, we believe this stock can continue to perform in the future.

During the past year the strong performance of the Trust against the Index has been driven by stock selection rather than sector allocation which, given our fundamental bottom up investment process, is encouraging. Barco was the single biggest positive contributor and performance was driven by earnings upgrades as the performance of its medical imaging and cinema projector products grew strongly. This company is under researched by the investment banks and through our management meetings we have been able to gain a good understanding of its principal businesses. Following a recent meeting we remain committed to the holding, as the other later cycle business areas such as events and conference displays are picking up and should ensure positive momentum is maintained.

Yara International was another strong performer, based on our long term views that we are facing structural food price inflation driven by a variety of factors such as increased protein requirements in developing economies and population growth. Yara International specialises in nitrates, and the pricing and demand for these has steadily improved. Higher soft commodity prices have helped agricultural profitability and increased demand for the yield enhancing nitrates.

During the year exposure to financial stocks was reduced significantly. Given the strong performance of many financial companies since the March 2009 lows it was increasingly hard to see much further upside. We remain wary of financials at a general level given the opaque nature of their accounting. Many European banks have high exposure to troubled peripheral European regions as well as major refinancing requirements in the future. More specialist names such as Intermediate Capital and International Personal Finance were sold as they had appreciated to a point where the risk/reward was unattractive. The recent steepening of the yield curve in Europe has drawn our attention back to the sector but in most cases valuations still look full.


Looking at 2011, currencies are likely to remain a major theme. Most indebted countries are keen to see weaker currencies in order to stimulate their exports. For countries such as China this has been achieved by refusing to allow their currency to appreciate, much to the annoyance of other nations competing with them. The "one size fits all" euro is currently under much debate, and we foresee this continuing throughout 2011. On balance, we believe that that the political will exists to preserve the current composition of the Euroland bloc, and that mechanisms will be found to prevent a major systemic crisis. However, in our view some form of debt restructuring is likely in Greece.

Inflation will continue to be a focus for the markets given that it is rising despite the early and fragile stage of the economic recovery. It will be of particular concern to companies which cannot pass on increased costs. We will be regularly reviewing our investments to ensure that they are well placed to weather this threat. However, inflation may be the solution the world economy needs to erode real debt levels.

We will become more confident in the recovery when we see employment levels picking up, as many governments are still running extremely large deficits and a jobless recovery is not a particularly reliable or desirable phenomenon. This is especially the case when so much of the recovery has been reliant on the resurgent growth in countries such as China, which are currently facing pressures of their own.

European equities remain attractively valued despite the strong performance since the market lows of March 2009. This is especially true when compared to the US and emerging equity markets. Given that many European stocks derive a large proportion of their earnings from these high growth regions, we believe many European shares are underappreciated and will in due course attract more buyers. Intra-sector correlations remain at a high level, so that stocks tend to rise and fall together rather than the best companies outperforming. This year will hopefully see this feature of the markets subside, allowing greater scope for outperformance from stock picking.

Neil Dwane

10th February 2011

Principal Risks and Uncertainties

With the assistance of the Manager, the Board has drawn up a risk matrix which identifies the key risks to the Company. These key risks fall broadly under the following categories:

Investment and Strategy: An inappropriate investment strategy, for example asset allocation or the level of gearing, may lead to under-performance against the Company's benchmark index and peer companies. The Board manages these risks by diversification of investments through its investment restrictions and guidelines which are monitored and reported on. RCM (UK) Limited ("RCM") provides the Directors with timely and accurate management information, including performance data and attribution analyses, revenue estimates, liquidity reports and shareholder analyses. The Board monitors the implementation and results of the investment process with the Investment Manager, who attends all Board Meetings, and reviews data which show statistical measures of the Company's risk profile. The Investment Manager employs the Company's gearing tactically, within a strategic range set by the Board. Currently, gearing must not exceed 20% of net assets at the time of drawdown.

Market: Market risk arises from volatility in the prices of the Company's investments. It represents the potential loss the Company might suffer through holding investments in the face of negative market movements. The Board reviews stock selection and levels of gearing on a regular basis and has set investment restrictions and guidelines which are monitored and reported on by RCM. The Board monitors the implementation and results of the investment process with the Investment Manager. Further disclosure on market and other financial risks faced by the Company are disclosed in Note 16 on pages 43 to 45.

Concentration Risk: The Company has a focused portfolio of around 30 holdings, which may be more volatile than a more diversified portfolio.

Accounting, Legal and Regulatory: In order to qualify as an investment trust, the Company must comply with Section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 (formerly Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988) ("Section 1158"). Details of the Company's approval are given under "Business of the Company" on page 15. Should the Company breach Section 1158, it may lose investment trust status and as a consequence realised capital gains within the Company's portfolio would be subject to Corporation Tax. The Section 1158 qualification criteria are monitored by RCM and results reported to the Board at each Board Meeting. The Company must also comply with the provisions of the Companies Act 2006 and, as its shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange, the UKLA Listing Rules. A breach of the Companies Act could result in the Company and/or the Directors being fined or the subject of criminal proceedings. A breach of the UKLA Listing Rules may result in the Company's shares being suspended from listing, which in turn would breach Section 1158. The Board relies on its Company Secretary and its professional advisers to ensure compliance with the Companies Act 2006 and the UKLA Listing Rules.

Corporate Governance and Shareholder Relations: Details of the Company's compliance with Corporate Governance best practice, including information on relations with shareholders, are set out in the Corporate Governance Report on pages 23 to 26.

Operational: Disruption to, or failure of, RCM's accounting, dealing or payments systems or the custodian's records may prevent accurate reporting and monitoring of the Company's financial position. RCM has transferred operational functions, principally relating to trade processing and investment administration, to BNY Mellon Asset Servicing - London Branch. Details of how the Board monitors the services provided by RCM and other suppliers and the key elements designed to provide effective internal control are included within the Internal Control section of the Corporate Governance Report on pages 23 to 26.

Related Parties' Transactions

During the financial year, no transactions with related parties have taken place, which have materially affected the financial position or the performance of the Company during the period.

Directors' Responsibilities

The Directors each confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

a) the financial statements, prepared in accordance with applicable accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the financial position and profit or loss of the Company; and

b) the Annual Financial Report, to be published shortly, includes a fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position of the Company, together with a description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces.

155 Bishopsgate For and on behalf of the Board

London EC2M 3AD C G H Weaver

10th February 2011 Chairman


for the year ended 30th November 2010

                                          Revenue     Capital   Total Return 
                                              GBP         GBP            GBP 
 Net gains on investments at 
  fair value                                    -     161,257        161,257 
 Gains on foreign currencies                    -     220,018        220,018 
 Income                                 1,699,385           -      1,699,385 
 Investment management fee              (124,505)   (668,697)      (793,202) 
 Administration expenses                (370,865)     (8,331)      (379,196) 
 Net return before finance costs 
  and taxation                          1,204,015   (295,753)        908,262 
 Finance costs: interest payable 
  and similar charges                     (5,330)    (14,376)       (19,706) 
                                       ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                       1,198,685   (310,129)        888,556 
 Taxation                               (185,880)           -      (185,880) 
 Net return attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                          1,012,805   (310,129)        702,676 
                                       ----------  ----------  ------------- 
 Return per Ordinary Share (Note          4.37p      (1.34)p           3.03p 
 (basic and diluted) 


as at 30th November 2010

 Investments held at fair value through 
  profit or loss                               53,708,489 
 Net Current Assets                             1,725,832 
 Total Net Assets                              55,434,321 
 Called up Share Capital                          250,789 
 Capital Redemption Reserve                       284,880 
 Special Reserve                               32,406,589 
 Capital Reserve                               20,543,102 
 Revenue Reserve                                1,948,961 
 Shareholders' Funds (all equity interests)    55,434,321 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share                245.3p 

The net asset value is based on 22,598,917 Ordinary Shares in issue at the year end.


for the year ended 30th November 2009

                                          Revenue      Capital   Total Return 
                                              GBP          GBP            GBP 
 Net gains on investments at 
  fair value                                    -   16,596,268     16,596,268 
 Losses on foreign currencies                   -     (38,036)       (38,036) 
 Income                                 1,575,116   -               1,575,116 
 Investment management fee              (112,466)    (558,400)      (670,866) 
 Investment management fee VAT 
  refund                                   11,551       34,653         46,204 
 Administration expenses                (269,357)      (8,433)      (277,790) 
 Net return before finance costs 
  and taxation                          1,204,844   16,026,052     17,230,896 
 Finance costs: interest payable 
  and similar charges                     (1,234)      (1,271)        (2,505) 
                                       ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Net return on ordinary activities 
  before taxation                       1,203,610   16,024,781     17,228,391 
 Taxation                               (259,961)       79,412      (180,549) 
 Net return attributable to Ordinary 
  Shareholders                            943,649   16,104,193     17,047,842 
                                       ----------  -----------  ------------- 
 Return per Ordinary Share (Note            3.94p     67.32p        71.26p 
 (basic and diluted) 


as at 30th November 2009

 Investments held at fair value through 
  profit or loss                                59,808,860 
 Net Current Liabilities                       (1,715,671) 
 Total Net Assets                               58,093,189 
 Called up Share Capital                           257,909 
 Capital Redemption Reserve                        277,760 
 Special Reserve                                34,821,631 
 Capital Reserve                                20,853,231 
 Revenue Reserve                                 1,882,658 
 Shareholders' Funds (all equity interests)     58,093,189 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share                 245.2p 

The net asset value is based on 23,695,917 Ordinary Shares in issue at the year end.


for the years ended 30th November 2010 and 30th November 2009

                     up      Capital 
                  Share   Redemption       Special      Capital       Revenue 
                Capital      Reserve       Reserve      Reserve       Reserve         Total 
                    GBP          GBP           GBP          GBP           GBP           GBP 
-------------  --------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net Assets 
  at 30th 
  2008          261,666      274,003    35,939,140    4,749,038     1,969,772    43,193,619 
  Return              -            -             -            -       943,649       943,649 
  during the 
  year          (3,757)        3,757   (1,117,509)            -             -   (1,117,509) 
 Dividends on 
  Shares              -            -             -            -   (1,030,763)   (1,030,763) 
  Return              -            -             -   16,104,193             -    16,104,193 
               --------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net Assets 
  at 30th 
  2009          257,909      277,760    34,821,631   20,853,231     1,882,658    58,093,189 
               --------  -----------  ------------  -----------  ------------  ------------ 
 Net Assets 
  at 30th 
  2009          257,909   277,760    34,821,631   20,853,231   1,882,658    58,093,189 
  Return              -         -             -            -   1,012,805     1,012,805 
  during the 
  year          (7,120)     7,120   (2,415,042)            -           -   (2,415,042) 
 Dividends on 
  Shares              -         -             -            -   (946,502)     (946,502) 
  Return              -         -             -    (310,129)           -     (310,129) 
               --------  --------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Net Assets 
  at 30th 
  2010          250,789   284,880    32,406,589   20,543,102   1,948,961    55,434,321 
               --------  --------  ------------  -----------  ----------  ------------ 


for the year ended 30th November 2009 and 30th November 2010

                                               2010         2010          2009 
                                           GBP           GBP          GBP 
Net cash inflow from operating 
 activities                                              476,412       856,934 
Return on investment and servicing of 
Interest paid                                           (21,402)       (2,505) 
Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchase of fixed asset investments    (66,723,692)               (63,413,740) 
Sale of fixed asset investments         73,601,370                 61,333,697 
                                       ------------               ------------ 
Net cash inflow (outflow) from 
 capital expenditure and financial 
 investment                                            6,877,678   (2,080,043) 
Equity dividends paid                                  (946,502)   (1,030,763) 
                                                     -----------  ------------ 
Net cash inflow (outflow) before 
 financing                                             6,386,186   (2,256,377) 
Purchase of Ordinary Shares for 
 cancellation and holding in 
 treasury                               (2,414,327)                (1,118,394) 
Drawdown (Repayment) of loan            (2,784,818)                  2,992,764 
Net cash (outflow) inflow from 
 financing                                           (5,199,145)     1,874,370 
Increase (Decrease) in cash                            1,187,041     (382,007) 
                                                     -----------  ------------ 

EQUITY HOLDINGS as at 30th November 2010

                                              % of 
                             Value (GBP)     Funds  Sector 
---------------------------  -----------  --------  -------------------------- 
Roche Holdings                                      Pharmaceuticals & 
 (Switzerland)                 2,798,702       5.2  Biotechnology 
Compagnie Financiere 
 Richemont (Switzerland)       2,335,202       4.3  Personal Goods 
Inmarsat (UK)                  2,334,589       4.3  Mobile Telecommunications 
Total (France)                 2,285,780       4.3  Oil & Gas Producers 
                                                    Pharmaceuticals & 
Sanofi-Aventis (France)        2,219,300       4.1  Biotechnology 
Michelin (France)              2,167,575       4.0  Automobiles & Parts 
Sodexo (France)                2,163,231       4.0  Travel & Leisure 
Bwin Interactive (Austria)     2,106,660       3.9  Travel & Leisure 
                                                    Technology Hardware & 
Aixtron (Germany)              2,096,753       3.9  Equipment 
Yara International (Norway)    2,089,751       3.9  Chemicals 
                             -----------  -------- 
Value of ten largest 
 holdings                     22,597,543      41.9  % of Total Invested Funds 
                             -----------  -------- 
Credit Suisse Group 
 (Switzerland)                 1,999,711       3.7  Banks 
Fresenius Medical Care                              Healthcare Equipment & 
 (Germany)                     1,774,471       3.3  Services 
CSM (Netherlands)              1,769,358       3.3  Food Producers 
D'Ieteren (Belgium)            1,768,861       3.3  General Retailers 
Galp Energia (Portugal)        1,758,441       3.3  Oil & Gas Producers 
                                                    Electronic & Electrical 
Barco (Belgium)                1,757,766       3.3  Equipment 
GFK (Germany)                  1,714,997       3.2  Media 
Koninklijke DSM 
 (Netherlands)                 1,644,985       3.1  Chemicals 
Pandora (Denmark)              1,637,661       3.1  Personal Goods 
Borders & Southern 
 Petroleum (UK)                1,601,178       3.0  Oil & Gas Producers 
ASM International                                   Technology Hardware & 
 (Netherlands)                 1,508,729       2.8  Equipment 
Ryanair (Ireland)              1,504,791       2.8  Travel & Leisure 
Siemens (Germany)              1,415,976       2.7  General Industrials 
EVS Broadcast Equipment                             Electronic & Electrical 
 (Belgium)                     1,406,158       2.6  Equipment 
Hochtief (Germany)             1,404,207       2.6  Construction & Materials 
GEA Group (Germany)            1,394,033       2.6  Industrial Engineering 
Bayer (Germany)                1,164,685       2.2  Chemicals 
BG Group (UK)                  1,132,451       2.1  Oil & Gas Producers 
Randgold Resources (UK)        1,097,205       2.0  Mining 
EDP Renovaveis (Portugal)        834,478       1.6  Electricity 
Vestas Wind Systems 
 (Denmark)                       820,804       1.5  Alternative Energy 
                              53,708,489     100.0  % of Total Invested Funds 
                             -----------  -------- 

Note A

The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention, except for the measurement at fair value of investments, and in accordance with United Kingdom law, United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) and the Statement of Recommended Practice - Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts (SORP) issued in January 2009 by the Association of Investment Companies.

Note B

The return per Ordinary Share has been calculated using a weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the year of 23,191,456 shares (2009 - 23,922,184 shares).

Note C

The financial information set out in this announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 30th November 2010 or 30th November 2009. The financial information for the year ended 30th November 2009 has been extracted from the statutory accounts for that year, which were filed with the Registrar of Companies on 31st March 2010. The auditors' report on those accounts was unqualified, and did not contain a statement under either section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. The statutory accounts for the year ended 30th November 2010 will be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the Directors in this announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies following the Company's Annual General Meeting.

For further information please contact:

Peter Ingram

Company Secretary

Telephone: 020 7065 1467

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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