RNS Number:1315M
Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
13 June 2000

Strategy develops to target SMEs

Atlantic  Telecom  Group PLC, a leading European broadband telecommunications
provider, reports its preliminary results for the year to 31 March 2000.

Highlights for the year to 31 March

-  Overall  revenues rise over 43% to #21.3 million, with  telecoms  revenues
   rising over 63% to #15.2 million.
-  Gross profit jumps over 65% to #9.6 million.
-  Directly  connected  customer base nearly doubled to 24,394,  representing
   51,959 lines, compared to 12,478 customers and 26,004 lines at 31 March
-  Strategic partnership completed with Marconi.
-  Successfully raised nearly #350 million for network expansion (#150 million
   via an equity issue  #197 million through high yield issue).

Key activities since the year end

-  Acquisition of First Telecom Group for #350 million, giving Atlantic access
   to over 300,000 SME and residential customers in UK, Germany and France and
   a leading position in DSL technology.
-  Agreement with Metromedia Fiber Network to swap access to 16 European city
   networks with capacity on Atlantic's  national network.
-  Launch of high speed service and atlantic-e.com, an ISP service.
-  Strategy and capital expenditure to be focused on SME market.
-  New management structure outlined.

Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman of Atlantic Telecom, commented:

"This  year has been  another of immense progress for the Group, in which  we
started  our  transformation  into a leading  European  broadband  integrated
communications provider, offering customers in the UK, Germany and  France  a
portfolio  of  services using the best of fibre, fixed wireless  and  digital
subscriber  line  ("DSL") technologies.   We look forward  to  expanding  our
network reach both in the UK and Europe during this financial year and intend
to  deliver  the  very best portfolio of services to our  expanding  customer
base, whether they be SMEs or residential customers."

For further information please contact:

Graham J Duncan, Executive Chairman, Atlantic Telecom Group PLC
Tel: 0171 638 9571 (until 4.30pm on 13 June)
Tel: 01224 454000 (thereafter)
Patrick Toyne Sewell/Sara Thomas, Citigate Dewe Rogerson
Tel: 020 7638 9571



This  year  has been another of immense progress for the Group, in  which  we
started  our  transformation  into a leading  European  broadband  integrated
communications provider, offering customers in the UK, Germany and  France  a
portfolio  of  services using the best of fibre, fixed wireless  and  digital
subscriber line ("DSL") technologies.

The  transformation began in early December when we successfully completed  a
#150  million  equity  issue and were delighted  to enter  into  a  strategic
partnership with Marconi plc, one of the UK's biggest companies and a  leader
in  the  development  of  new telecommunications technologies.   Among  other
things, this partnership delivered to us the means to develop a state-of-the-
art  UK  national  fibre  network  and access  to  Marconi's  expertise  and

The  involvement of Marconi allowed us to bring our high-speed,  two-way  2.4
Mbs service to market and in April this year this technology obtained all its
final  regulatory  approvals for deployment by Atlantic anywhere  within  our
licensed  areas.  Our own ISP service, atlantic-e.com, was launched alongside
this  high-speed  service,  within the timescales  originally  outlined.   It
offers  portals targeted specifically towards residential and SME  customers,
called  atlantic-live.com and atlantic-info.com respectively.  The innovative
bundled  pricing  package  we have created around these  products  gives  our
customers  always-on,  unmetered  high-speed  Internet  access  as  well   as
unmetered  UK  fixed  voice  calls,  a first  in  the  UK  telecommunications

In  February  this year, we also completed an important issue of  high  yield
securities on the capital markets, raising #197 million.  Atlantic, like  all
alternative telecommunication companies, will continue to need access to  the
capital markets over time in order to advance its plans.  However, we are  in
the  enviable position of having approximately #250 million of  cash  at  our
disposal at the year-end and so will be able to expand the geographical reach
of  our networks without needing to return to the markets in the medium term.
We  will  continue to ensure our capital expenditure remains highly  focused,
as  has  been our style and a key strength in the Group's expansion to  date.
Along with pro-forma net assets of over #600 million, following completion of
the acquisition of First Telecom, we believe we are in a very strong position
going forward.

We  have now completed our Scottish network build, subject only to in-filling
gaps  in  our coverage over time and will be launching services in Manchester
in  July.   Some  aspects  of  the  network build  in  Manchester  have  been
accelerated  by  leasing  duct space from Norweb,  the  regional  electricity
company, and we were particularly delighted when we were named Communications
Partner to the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester, a very significant  win
for  Atlantic  which  was announced on 5 April by the Prime  Minister.   This
prestigious  contract, which was won against competition from major  national
telecoms  providers, gives us the telecommunications rights to all fixed  and
mobile  traffic  associated with the Games as well as  allowing  Atlantic  to
design and host the official web site for the Games.

Following  the  year-end,  in late April 2000, we announced  the  significant
acquisition of First Telecom Group plc in an all share transaction  involving
the  issue  of  up  to  68  million new ordinary  shares  in  Atlantic.   The
transaction  closed on 8 June 2000, valuing First Telecom  at  #350  million.
First  Telecom provides telephony and Internet services to over 11,000  small
and  medium sized businesses ("SMEs") and over 290,000 residential  customers
in  UK,  Germany  and  France,  and it will be launching  directly  connected
services  in  Frankfurt  during July using DSL technologies.   The  expertise
gained  from the early adoption of this technology in Germany, which  is  the
largest telecommunications market in Europe, will stand us in good stead when
other  European  countries,  including the UK,  open  their  local  telephone
networks to wider competition.

Also  in  April, the Group reached an in-principle agreement with  Metromedia
Fiber Network BV ("MFN") and AboveNet UK Ltd under which we will receive dark
fibre  throughout  the 16 European city networks currently planned  or  under
construction  by MFN.  These networks include London, Paris and Amsterdam  as
well  as  eight  major cities in Germany and a number of other  key  European
cities.    In  exchange  the  Group  will  provide  MFN  with  two  dedicated
wavelengths of bandwidth capacity on our UK national network.  The ability to
gain  access  to  metropolitan fibre, particularly in Germany,  will  greatly
assist our ability to role out our DSL plans.


Total revenue for the Group in the year  to 31 March 2000 was #21.3 million,
an increase of 43% over the previous year.  Revenue from telecommunications
services, both direct and indirect, increased by 64% during the year as a
result of the continued expansion of the business and residential customer

The overall gross margin for the year was 45% compared to 39% for the
previous year reflecting a move to higher margin telephony business compared
to the margin achieved in the cable television business.

Our operating losses widened to #28.4 million as we expanded our networks and
customer base.  As we continue to expand the business, our operating losses
will continue to widen until we build our revenues and gross margins to
levels that can sustain our operating costs.  This pattern is normal and
planned for in our forward projections.

Our network coverage expanded by 30% during the year and we increased our
employee numbers from an average of 324 last year to 495 this year.

Our balance sheet has been transformed by the transactions completed during
the financial year, particularly the Marconi partnership and fund raising.
Net assets have grown from #53 million at the end of last year to #315
million at 31 March 2000.  With the addition of First Telecom after the year-
end, our pro-forma net assets increased to in excess of #600 million at the
completion of that transaction.

First Telecom had a turnover of #59.9 million for the year ended 31 December
1999 and had an operating loss of #33.6 million for the year ended 31
December 1999.


Atlantic's  strategy  remains focused  on accessing a  niche  customer  base,
although  this  will  be  targeted more closely at  small  and  medium  sized
business customers.  This emphasis allows us to concentrate our resources  to
ensure that what we deliver to customers is packaged, priced and delivered in
a  way which satisfies their needs both today and in the future.  It is  only
through  having a direct connection from our infrastructure to the  customers
premises that we are able to deliver the full service package and this direct
connection can be achieved by using a last mile wireless link, by leasing the
incumbent    operator's   infrastructure   or    by    building   underground
infrastructure.   Over time, SME customers will increasingly  use  electronic
means  to  do  business and we intend to continue to develop our systems  and
services to ensure that Atlantic is the company of choice in this market.

We  intend  to  capitalise on our expertise across a number  of  metropolitan
areas  both  in the United Kingdom and in Western Europe and will  focus  the
future  build  of  our wireless access networks, which we  have  successfully
deployed in Scotland, on the key SME marketplaces in the UK.  At the  end  of
March,  we  were  issued with all our wireless licences in  the  UK  and  our
national  network will be fully activated by Christmas 2000.  It is  therefore
our  intention  to build SME focused networks across all our  licensed  areas
while  reducing, at least in the medium term, the amount of capital  that  we
commit to accessing the residential market.  This changed emphasis will allow
us  to  secure a meaningful and commercial first mover advantage in the niche
SME  market,  leveraging off the additional benefits our  high  speed  access
technologies  bring  to  SMEs, particularly in  the  expanding  world  of  e-


The  increased size and scope of the Group's operations has meant we have had
to  significantly strengthen the management team to maintain our focus on our
key  existing  markets while being able to exploit new ones.  I am  delighted
that  we  have brought Mark Daeche, one of the founders of the First  Telecom
Group, on to our main Board as an Executive Director with responsibility  for
special  projects, particularly DSL, and Paul Salem, a Managing  Director  of
Providence Equity Partners Ltd, as a Non-Executive.  Their knowledge of First
Telecom's  markets,  and in particular the German DSL market,  will  be  very
valuable  as we move forward.  I am also delighted to announce that  we  have
appointed  John  Maxwell  as a Non-Executive Deputy Chairman  of  the  Group,
effective today.  John has enormous experience in business including roles as
Corporate Development Director of Prudential Corporation plc and as  Director
General  of the Automobile Association and will greatly strengthen our  team.
At  the  same  time,  Marconi have now exercised their  right  to  appoint  a
representative  to  the  Board, and I am delighted to  welcome  Damian  Reid,
Senior  Vice-President, Corporate Finance at Marconi, as an  additional  Non-
Executive  Director.  The restructuring of the Board is  completed  with  the
departure  of Nicholas Berry from the Board, so that he can pursue  his  many
other business interests.  Nicholas has been a Non-Executive Director of  the
Group  since the Company floated in January 1995 and his experience and  wise
words have always been appreciated.  We all wish him well for the future.

Importantly,  we  have now completed the integration of our  core  management
teams  following the creation of the enlarged Atlantic.  As  from  today,  we
have put in place a Management Board consisting of 10 members, excluding  our
Executive Directors, made up of six senior executives from Atlantic and  four
from First Telecom.  Their expertise covers all the main disciplines required
to build the business in the UK and Europe and control its development in the
careful  style  that  is our strength.  These vastly experienced  individuals
have  the  capabilities  to  build the Group into  a  principal  supplier  of
telecommunication  services to the SME market across  Europe,  and  all  look
forward to the challenge.


During  the  year,  we  nearly doubled our directly connected  customers  and
lines, with our directly connected customer base at 24,394 at 31 March  2000,
representing  51,959 lines.  Importantly the penetration of our SME  services
reached  4.7% at 31 March, ahead of our expectations in this important  area.
We  added 32 base stations during the year and with over 735,000 premises now
passed  by our four Scottish networks, we have completed what we set  out  to
achieve  in Scotland.  Our first network in England is under construction  in
Manchester, where our new switch is currently being commissioned and we  will
launch services in parts of  Manchester on schedule in July.

Our  high-speed  access  technology is now installed  on  a  number  of  base
stations in Central Glasgow.  The rest of the base stations in Scotland  will
be  fitted  with the technology during this financial year and all new  build
will incorporate the high-speed technology as a matter of course.

Our  average revenues per customer continue to hold up well. In the important
SME  market, the average was #86.95 per month, an increase of 4.3%  over  the
last year while our residential revenue averaged #38.44 per month an increase
of 4.7% on last year.  Churn also remained subdued at less than 17% per annum
in both markets.


Our  service  package which currently uses BT s access network  continues  to
move forward. At 31 March 2000 we had 25,870 customers with 46,313 lines,  an
increase  of  17,302  customers over last year, or over  200%,  an  excellent
performance.  The average revenues vary with mix and remain in line with  our
expectations.  The  activation of our national network in  November,  coupled
with  the  addition of First Telecom's significant indirect access base  will
give  us enhanced margins and scale in this part of our business.  We  intend
to  enhance  the  service  package available to the enlarged  base  with  the
addition of our existing ISP and mobile services while we will also  look  to
resell BT's ADSL service on an indirect basis, as part of our bundled package


Our  cable  television service in the City of Aberdeen has  had  a  difficult
year,  although  not unexpected, in the face of significant competition  from
the  digital  services of Sky and On-Digital and ended the year  with  16,074
customers, a decline of 2,145 compared to last year.  The average revenue per
customer  has averaged #28.71 per month over the year, a marginal decline  of
#1.05  from last year.  This part of our business, which contributed  28%  to
our annual turnover this year, will become relatively insignificant following
the  First Telecom transaction.  The Board has decided it cannot economically
justify  the  cost  of upgrading the network for digital transmission,  which
would  cost  up  to #15 million or nearly #1,000 for every  customer  on  the
system.  We therefore plan to further integrate the analogue service into our
telephone packages in Aberdeen to add value to the telephone offering.


With  a  much-expanded operation in three countries following the acquisition
of First Telecom, it is important to recruit and retain top quality staff who
share  our vision and are capable of executing on that vision.  We intend  to
put  proposals  to  shareholders at the AGM which  will  expand  our  limited
existing  share option schemes to provide incentives for all our  staff,  who
have  done so much to ensure our transformation has gone so smoothly, as well
as  expanded terms for more senior staff.  The new schemes will,  of  course,
comply with best practice and relevant guidelines.


The telecommunications world is characterised by change.  Our focus is now to
serve an SME customer base over a wide geographic area using state-of-the art
technologies.  Consolidating the First Telecom results for the year ended  31
December  1999 with Atlantic's for the year to 31 March 2000, gives  us  pro-
forma   consolidated  historical  revenues  of  #81  million,  and  pro-forma
consolidated  net  assets  of over #600 million.   This  is  a  fundamentally
changed  position compared to last year and one which gives us  an  excellent
platform to take the Group further.  We look forward to expanding our network
reach  both  in  the UK and Europe during this financial year and  intend  to
deliver  the  very best portfolio of services to our expanding customer  base
whether  they  be SMEs or residential customers. As always,  we  will  remain
opportunistic in this highly dynamic industry in order to continue to deliver
excellent shareholder value.

Executive Chairman
13 June 2000


For the year ended 31 March 2000

                              Note        2000        1999
                                         # 000       # 000

Turnover                                21,307      14,924
                                      ----------  ---------
Ongoing                                (49,753)    (29,647)
Exceptional                                   -     (1,121)
                                      ----------  ---------
                                       (49,753)    (30,768)
                                      ----------  ---------
Loss                                   (28,446)    (15,844)

Net interest
payable and
similar charges                         (4,931)       (419)
                                      ----------  ---------
Loss on
before taxation                        (33,377)    (16,263)
Tax on loss
on ordinary
activities                        2           -           -
                                      ----------  ---------
Retained loss
for the
financial year                         (33,377)    (16,263)
                                      ==========  =========
Loss per share
- basic and
diluted                            3   (31.32)p    (22.50)p
                                      ==========  =========

There were no recognised gains or losses other than the loss for the
financial year.


As at 31 March 2000

                                           2000        1999
                                          # 000       # 000
Fixed assets
assets                                    3,754       3,718
assets                                  203,101      56,022
Investments                                 855           -
                                      ----------  ---------
                                        207,710      59,740
                                      ----------  ---------
Current assets
Stocks                                    4,139       6,183
Amounts falling
due after more
than one year                            10,435       8,600
Amounts falling
due within
one year                                 13,473       6,286
Investments                              48,701           -
Cash at bank
and in hand                             263,226       5,680
                                      ----------  ---------
                                        339,973      26,749

Amounts falling
due within
one year                               (35,070)    (25,006)
                                      ----------  ---------
Net current assets                      304,903       1,743
                                      ----------  ---------
Total assets
less current
liabilities                             512,613      61,483

Amounts falling
due after
more than
one year                              (197,772)     (8,389)
                                      ----------  ---------
                                        314,841      53,094
                                      ==========  =========
Capital and
Called up
share capital                            38,430      21,150
Share premium
account                                 328,639      61,619
Other reserve                            10,690           -
Profit and
loss account                           (62,918)    (29,675)
                                      ----------  ---------
Shareholders' funds                    314,841      53,094
                                      ==========  =========


For the year ended 31 March 2000
                              Note        2000        1999
                                         # 000       # 000
Reconciliation of
operating loss
to net cash
outflow from
Operating loss
from continuing
activities                            (28,446)    (15,844)
Depreciation and
amortisation                             7,439       4,309
of lease
prepayment                                 165         165
Exchange gain                               38           -
Network lease
prepayments                            (2,000)     (2,000)
in stock                                 2,094     (5,468)
in debtors                             (1,935)       (961)
in creditors                             2,984      10,146
for consultancy                          (415)           -
Gain on
disposal of
fixed assets                              (27)        (41)
                                      ----------  ---------
Net cash
outflow from
activities                            (20,103)     (9,694)
                                      ----------  ---------

Cash Flow

Net cash
outflow from
activities                            (20,103)     (9,694)

Returns on
investments and
servicing of
finance                                (9,146)       (419)

and financial
investment                            (17,818)    (25,904)

Acquisitions                             (283)           -

of liquid
resources                        4   (103,885)           -

Financing                              352,965      43,019
                                      ----------  ---------
in cash                          4     201,730       7,002
                                      ==========  =========


For the year ended 31 March 2000

                                          2000        1999
                                         # 000       # 000

Loss for the
financial year                        (33,377)    (16,263)
Issue of shares
net of expenses                        284,434      47,286
Issue of warrants                       10,690           -
                                      ----------  ---------
Net increase
in shareholders
funds                                  261,747      31,023
funds at
1 April 1999                            53,094      22,071
                                      ----------  ---------
funds at
31 March 2000                          314,841      53,094
                                      ==========  =========


For the year ended 31 March 2000


The  financial  statements  have  been prepared  under  the  historical  cost
convention and in accordance with applicable accounting standards.

The  principal accounting policies of the Group have remained unchanged  from
the previous year.


There is no tax charge for the year due to trading losses.


The  loss  per  share  is  based  on the loss attributable  to  the  Ordinary
Shareholders  of  #33,377,000 (31 March 1999 - #16,263,000) and  on  weighted
average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period of 106,559,708
(31 March 1999 - 72,273,690).

At  31  March 2000 outstanding warrants and share options were in  existence.
The  shares  that  would  be issued in respect of these  warrants  are  anti-
dilutive as their issue would decrease loss per share.


                                          2000        1999
                                         # 000       # 000

Increase in
cash in
the period                              201,730       7,002
Cash outflow
from movement
in liquid
resources                               103,885           -
Cash (inflow)/
outflow from
movement in debt                      (177,042)         478
Cash outflow
from lease
financing                                 5,068       2,521
                                      ----------  ---------
Change in
net debt
resulting from
cash flows                              133,641      10,001
Inception of
finance leases                         (18,991)     (4,512)
differences                                (38)           -
Acquisitions                               (12)           -
Other non-cash
items                                     (335)           -
                                      ----------  ---------
Movement in
net funds/(debt)
in the year                             114,265       5,489
Net debt at
1 April 1999                            (7,424)    (12,913)
                                      ----------  ---------
Net funds/(debt)
at 31 March 2000                        106,841     (7,424)
                                      ==========  =========


The  financial information set out in this preliminary announcement does  not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 240 of the Companies  Act

The  summarised balance sheet at 31 March 2000 and the summarised profit  and
loss  account,  summarised cash flow statement and associated notes  for  the
year  then ended have been extracted from the Group's 31 March 2000 statutory
financial statements upon which the auditors  opinion is unqualified and does
not include any statement under Section 237 of the Companies Act 1985.


On  27  April  2000  the  Board announced that it had agreed  terms  for  the
acquisition of First Telecom.  This transaction was approved at the E.G.M  on
7  June  2000.   The  Company  issued up to 67,973,856  new  ordinary  shares
(representing  29.7  per  cent. of the fully-diluted  share  capital  of  the
Company)  to the Vendors, in consideration for 100% of the share  capital  of
First Telecom Group plc.


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