RNS Number : 3383J

AfriTin Mining Ltd

26 April 2022

26 April 2022

AfriTin Mining Limited

("AfriTin" or the "Company")

Uis Phase 2 Expansion: Preliminary Economic Assessment (PEA) Results

AfriTin Mining Limited (AIM: ATM), an African tech-metals mining company with a portfolio of mining and exploration assets in Namibia, is pleased to announce the results of its internally produced Preliminary Economic Assessment ("PEA") for the Phase 2 expansion of the Company's flagship polymetallic asset, the Uis Mine ("Uis").

Link to full pdf version with images: https://afritinmining.com/uis-phase-2-expansion-preliminary-economic-assessment-pea-results/


   --      After-tax NPV8 of US$2.1 billion, and IRR of 75%*; 

-- Significant annual cashflow with rapid payback of 1.5 years from an open-pit tin, lithium, and tantalum mine*;

-- Proven profitable Phase 1 Pilot plant significantly de-risks the execution and process flow design of Phase 2*;

-- Average production of 10 Mtpa ROM per year with 14-year mine life and low strip ratio of 1:2.6*;

   --      EBITDA margin of 64%, or US$62/t ROM*; and 
   --      Owner's CAPEX of $440m, including a 30% contingency.*. 

* subject to the assumptions, qualifications and limitations set out below

Anthony Viljoen (CEO) commented:

"I am delighted to present the preliminary economic assessment for Phase 2 at our flagship Uis asset in Namibia. This PEA shows outstanding economics and returns for the expansion and allows us to move forward with excitement to a full bankable feasibility. The fact we have successfully brought phase 1 into production allows us to significantly de-risk phase 2 from the considerable learnings in building a new mine. Phase 2 will see AfriTin produce globally significant volumes of tin, lithium and tantalum which are vital in meeting the demands of the transition to a new efficient greener technology future. "

Background to the PEA

The historic Uis Mine in Namibia was owned and operated by ISCOR between 1958 and 1991 as a tin mine. AfriTin set out to re-establish the operation in two phases: Phase 1 is a low capital, cash generating initial production facility, serving as a pilot for Phase 2, which is planned as a scaled-up version of the initial phase. Both phases also aim to exploit the tantalum and lithium by-product potential of the deposit. The Company has successfully established the tin producing circuits of Phase 1, with the by-product circuits currently in the design and testing stages. This puts the Company in a position to proceed with a feasibility study for the ultimate Phase 2, of which the PEA represents the first step.

Summary of Phase 2 Project Economics

The salient results of the Base Case of the Phase 2 PEA, including tin, lithium and tantalum, are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 : Summary of Economics (Base Case)

 NPV (after tax, 8.0% real WACC)    US$2.10 billion 
 IRR (after tax)                          75% 
 Life of Mine                          14 years 
 Initial CAPEX                      US$440 million 
 Payback Period (after tax)            1.5 years 
 Annual Gross Revenue               US$880 million 
 Annual EBITDA                      US$620 million 
 Ore Throughput                     10 million tpa 
 AISC per ROM Tonne                   US$35/t ROM 
 Gross Revenue per ROM Tonne          US$97/t ROM 
 EBITDA per ROM Tonne                 US$62/t ROM 
 EBITDA Margin                            64% 


The sensitivity of the project economics to commodity prices was tested for Low and High price scenarios, in addition to the Base Case assumptions.

Table 2 : Project sensitivity to commodity prices (nominal, 2025 forecast)

 Parameter                          Low         Base Case           High 
 Tin Price                         30,000       40,500 *           50,000 
                                 ---------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Petalite Price                     800         1,150 **            1,600 
                                 ---------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 Tantalite (Ta(2) O(5) ) Price    180,000      240,000 ***         300,000 
                                 ---------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 NPV (after tax)                  US$1.12    US$2.10 billion   US$3.01 billion 
                                 ---------  ----------------  ---------------- 
 IRR (after tax)                    49%            75%               94% 
                                 ---------  ----------------  ---------------- 

* Bloomberg Consensus Pricing (11 April 2022) - 2025 forecast (nominal)

** Wood MacKenzie February 2022 Quarterly Update - 2025 forecast (nominal)

*** Roskill Tantalum Outlook to 2029, 15(th) Edition - 2025 forecast (nominal)

Whilst the Directors believe these assumptions to be reasonable based on informed forecasts and trends it is nevertheless noted that (i) the valuation of the Uis project is particularly sensitive to the price of tin - the current tin price of US$43,949 per tonne is at a historic high; therefore there is no guarantee that the tin prices quoted here will be achieved; and (ii) not all the resources which form the basis of the assumptions are part of a JORC compliant resource update. Further information is provided below.

The sensitivity of the Phase 2 project economics was also tested for the exclusion of by-products, for the following three scenarios:

Table 3 : Project sensitivity to the exclusion of by-products

 Parameter        Tin Only, No By-Products   Tin, & Lithium        Tin, & Lithium 
                                                By-product      By-product & Tantalum 
 Initial CAPEX         US$333 million        US$430 million        US$440 million 
                 -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------------- 
 NPV8 (after           US$610 million        US$1.95 billion      US$2.10 billion 
                 -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------------- 
 IRR (after 
  tax)                      40%                    72%                  75% 
                 -------------------------  ----------------  ----------------------- 

Project Development Planning

The project development programme for the Uis Phase 2 project consists of the following planned work streams:

   --      Metallurgical test work related to the potential lithium and tantalum by-products; 

-- Exploration drilling with an ambition to expand the JORC-compliant mineral resource estimate and increase the geological confidence for by-product elements;

-- Feasibility studies including scoping analysis, trade-off analysis and refinement to bankability stage; and

-- Board approval for the the construction and commissioning of Phase 2 mining and processing facilities upon the successful completion of feasibility studies and associated project financing.

Metallurgical Test Work

The metallurgical and cost performance of the current tin producing operation provides a definitive input for the tin related aspects of the feasibility study for Phase 2. However, the Company is conducting a comprehensive test work programme for the potential lithium and tantalum by-products, and new, complementary technologies. The test work consists of off-site research and development by reputable service providers, and on-site bulk test work using pilot plant facilities.

Test work for a lithium product in the form of petalite concentrate is in progress with FT Geolabs (South Africa), Nagrom (Australia) and Anzaplan (Germany). In parallel, the Company intends to appoint an EPCM contractor for the construction and commissioning of a bulk test facility at Uis, to enable the pilot production of a 4.0% Li(2) O petalite concentrate that could potentially be sold into both the technical market (glass/ceramics) and the chemical market (converters to lithium carbonate/hydroxide).

Test work for the production of a tantalum concentrate is in progress with LightDeepEarth (Pty) Ltd (South Africa) and AfriMet Resources AG (Switzerland). The results of this work will inform the construction of a potential tantalum separation circuit at Uis.

Sensor-based ore sorting has been identified as a concentration technology with the potential to transform the capacity and cost base of processing facilities at Uis for tin, tantalum and lithium. Ore sorting can potentially pre-concentrate dry, coarsely crushed ore by two to four times the run-of-mine grade. AfriTin is collaborating with Steinert GmbH (Germany) to test and develop the metallurgical parameters as input to the feasibility study. In addition, the Company intends to appoint an EPCM contractor for the construction and commissioning of a bulk test facility at Uis, enabling the pilot production of both a tin/tantalum and lithium pre-concentrate.

Exploration programme

An exploration drilling programme is currently underway at Uis with the aim of expanding the mineral resource for tin over fourteen additional, historically mined pegmatites, all of which occur within a five km radius of the current processing plant. Further work is required to achieve a mineral resource target of 200 Mt of ore, which we believe is possible based on our knowledge of the area and the historic work already undertaken. The company has planned and is executing a full exploration drilling requirement of 150,000 m that will run concurrently with ongoing operations and feasibility studies. The programme aims to confirm the historical drill hole database for tin over the additional pegmatites and provide infill drilling data for the expansion of lithium and tantalum mineral resources.

Funding Strategy

The development of the Uis Phase 2 project is underpinned by the Company's technical, financial and managerial capability built up through the operation of the Uis Phase 1 project. The current Phase 1 operation produces approximately 850 tpa of tin concentrate, resulting in revenues of approximately US$20 million pa and an EBITDA of approximately US$10 million pa.

The Company believes that the expansion of Uis Phase 1, as set out in the announcement of 6 April 2022, can further enhance the cash generating capability of the Phase 1 operation. Table 4 sets out the EBITDA potential for the various stages of expansion of Phase 1, as well as for Phase 2.

Table 4 : Project milestones for Uis and projected EIBTDA impact

 Phase     Milestone                         Potential Commissioning Date   Potential EBITDA (US$ pa) 
 Phase 1   Crushing Circuit Expansion                  Q4 2022                    US$20 million 
          --------------------------------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 
           Ore Sorting Implementation                  Q4 2023                    US$50 million 
          --------------------------------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 
           By-product Implementation                   Q2 2023                   US$100 million 
          --------------------------------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 
 Phase 2   Ultimate Phase 2 Implementation               2026                    US$620 million 
          --------------------------------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 

The funding of the Phase 2 project will be determined by the Company and its Directors in due course but is likely to be derived from operational cash flows generated from the Phase 1 operation (Table 4), from project debt financing and/or a strategic equity component.

Mineral Resource

The mineral resource target for Uis Phase 2 consists of a JORC-compliant resource estimate of 72.54 Mt (see announcement dated 19 September 2019), the details of which are set out below; estimates are based on historical drill hole data (non-JORC-compliant, produced by ISCOR from 1958 to 1991) and internal estimates based on modelling of extensions to known pegmatites (non-JORC compliant).

A mineral resource estimate (MRE) for the V1/V2 pegmatite orebody has been reported by CSA Global in accordance with the JORC Code (2012 Edition) (see Appendix A below and the announcement dated 16 September 2019). The mineral resource has been reported above a cut-off of 0.05% Sn on 16 September 2019. Exploration targets for the other pegmatites proximal to V/V2 have been defined by the Company and are included in Table 4. Combined with the existing MRE, the total mineral resource target amounts to more than 200 million tonnes of ore. However, the non-JORC compliant resource and the Company's internal estimates, which are also not JORC compliant, are still subject to verification, validation and external review; accordingly, such numbers are provided for guidance only. There can be no guarantee that the final JORC-compliant resource estimate will reconcile with these early-stage calculations.

Table 5 : Mineral Resource target

 Area                    Commodity    Resource Classification     Classification Ore      Grade    Contained Metal (t) 
                                                                     Tonnes (Mt)* 
 V1/V2                       Sn           JORC - Measured               21.54            0.139 %         29 899 
                        -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
                        JORC - Indicated                                13.05            0.136 %         17 765 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
                        JORC - Inferred                                 36.95            0.130 %         47 875 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
                                                     Subtotal           71.54            0.134%          95 539 
  -----------------------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
      Ta                      JORC - Inferred                           71.54            85 ppm           6 091 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
   Li(2) O                    JORC - Inferred                                            0.63 %          450 265 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
 Northern Cluster            Sn              Non-JORC                   34.26            0.141 %         48 419 
                        -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
      Ta                          Non-JORC                                               80 ppm           2 740 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
   Li(2) O                        Non-JORC                                                0.50%          171 277 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
 Central Cluster             Sn              Non-JORC                   10.78            0.142 %         15 277 
                        -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
      Ta                          Non-JORC                                               80 ppm            863 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
   Li(2) O                        Non-JORC                                                0.50%          53 908 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
 Southern Cluster            Sn              Non-JORC                   37.52            0.128%          48 065 
                        -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
      Ta                          Non-JORC                                               80 ppm           3 001 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
   Li(2) O                        Non-JORC                                                0.50%          187 593 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
 Far Southern Cluster        Sn              Non-JORC                   51.85            0.130%          67 410 
                        -----------  ------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
      Ta                          Non-JORC                                               90 ppm           4 667 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
      Li                          Non-JORC                                                0.50%          259 267 
 -----------  -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
 TOTAL                                    Sn                            205.95           0.134%          274 710 
                        -------------------------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
                   Ta                                                                    81 ppm          17 362 
 -------------------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 
                Li(2) O                                                                  0.54 %         1 122 310 
 -------------------------------------  ---------------------  -----------------------  --------  -------------------- 

* this is the gross to the project; the net attributable to AfriTin is 85% of this total.

Geology and Mineralisation

The mining licence ML 134 is approximately 200 km(2) in size and includes a large portion of a Sn-Nb-Ta type pegmatite swarm in the Uis area. The pegmatites are granitic in composition and are homogeneous intrusions without prominent mineral zonation. Mineralisation in terms of Sn, Ta and Nb is generally associated with alteration zones known as greisens and saccharoidal aplitic units. In addition to the Sn and Ta mineralisation within the Uis swarm, lithium phases have also been identified in the form of lepidolite, petalite, eucryptite and cookeite. On ML 134 the primary lithium mineral is petalite.


Mining will consist of conventional open pit methods employing low carbon truck and excavator combinations and is planned to take place over multiple pegmatite ore bodies from four to five pits concurrently. The total non-JORC compliant mining reserve (provided for guidance purposes only) is 134 million tonnes of ore, which could result in mine life of 14 years. The mining plan features a production rate of 10 Mtpa ROM ore at an average overburden stripping ratio of 2.6.

Metallurgy and Processing

An intensive ongoing test work programme in conjunction with the established Uis Phase 1 processing operations is underway to increase the level of confidence in the selected testing of processing technologies for production of saleable tin, tantalum, and lithium concentrates. For the production of tin the Phase 1 operation serve as a proof-of-concept for the larger scale Phase 2 development.

For Phase 2 the beneficiation process may involve dry crushing of the ROM ore and the use of sensor-based ore sorting once confirmed through test work. The pre-concentrates from this process could then be treated through various wet concentration circuits to produce saleable concentrates.

The tin and tantalum minerals could be pre-concentrated by employing x-ray transmission (XRT) ore sorting and concentrated through dense medium separation (DMS), gravity separation and magnetic separation. The lithium mineral petalite could be pre-concentrated through near-infrared (NIR) ore sorting, concentrated through DMS and cleaned through milling and flotation.

The following overall processing plant recoveries have been modelled in the PEA:

Table 6 : Overall processing plant recoveries.

 Commodity    Overall Processing Plant 
 Tin                    70% 
 Lithium*               30% 
 Tantalum*              20% 

* These by-products are not currently in production; figures based on metallurgical test work and theoretical process modelling.

A zero effluent plant is planned to include dewatering systems for all concentrate and discard streams to aim for maximum water conservation and eliminate the need for tailings dams. Dry tailings will be co-disposed with course plant discard onto a discard dump.

Bulk Infrastructure

Uis is connected to the main industrial centres by road. Gravel roads are regularly maintained and are suitable for heavy transport. Imports from South Africa are by road via Windhoek. The nearest port is Walvis Bay (230 km away). The intention is that all goods and products will be handled through this port. The port infrastructure is considered by the Directors to be of a high standard with capacity for container handling and bulk materials export.

The total estimated water supply for ore processing and domestic use for the project is 1,350,000 m(3) pa. The Directors consider the Erongo desalination plant between Swakopmund and Henties Bay on the west coast of Namibia to have sufficient capacity to supply water to the project. An existing pipeline delivers desalinated water to the Orano Mining facility at Trekkopje, where offtake is available for supply to Uis by way of a new pump system and pipeline. The feasibility study for Phase 2 will also investigate alternative water supply solutions, including a standalone desalination facility at the coast 110 km away. The Company is employing infrastructure specialist advisory Bigen to assist with technical and financial studies, including the exploration of alternative funding and offtake models.

A connection to the national power grid is planned for the Uis Project with a new feeder connected to the southern grid at a NamPower substation located at Trekkopje, due south of Uis. The estimated future demand for Uis is 40 MVA. The Phase 2 feasibility study will also explore alternative power infrastructure solutions, including a standalone renewable energy option, and alternative funding and offtake models.

Product Offtake

AfriTin has established an offtake agreement (valid until 2023 with the option to renew) for tin concentrate with the Thailand Smelting and Refining Company Ltd (Thaisarco), located in Phuket, Thailand. Thaisarco is one of the main tin smelting and refining companies outside China. The agreement, in place since 2019, provides for the sale of concentrate from Uis Tin Mining Company (the operational entity) directly to Thaisarco.

AfriTin has an established offtake agreement with AfriMet for all the tantalum concentrate produced. The agreement, in place since 2021, provides for the sale of tantalum concentrate from Uis Tin Mining Company (the operational entity) directly to AfriMet.

Long-term off-take agreements with conversion facilities, as well as sales on the spot market, will be fully investigated for lithium in the next phase of study. AfriTin has commenced with initial discussion with potential lithium chemical conversion companies, as well as various traders. The Company expects to produce bulk samples for potential offtake partners from its petalite bulk test facility from Q4 2022. Further updates will be provided in due course.

Under steady state conditions the Uis Phase 2 project is projected to produce:

   --      15,000 tonnes of tin concentrate per annum (9,000 tonnes of contained tin per annum) 

-- 1,000 tonnes of tantalum concentrate per annum (200 tonnes of contained Ta(2) O(5) per annum)

-- 450,000 tonnes of 4% lithium petalite concentrate per annum (18,000 tonnes of contained Li(2) O, or 45,000 tonnes of contained LCE per annum)

Considering the stage of the feasibility study, these production rates cannot be guaranteed.

Operating Expenditure (OPEX) and Capital Expenditure (CAPEX)

The assumptions for operating expenditure and capital expenditure utilised in the Company's internal PEA are set out below:

Table 7 : OPEX table

 Description          Units                         Value (US$) 
 Ore mining cost      US$/tonne of ore mined        4.30* 
                     ----------------------------  ------------ 
                      US$/tonne of waste 
 Waste mining cost     mined                        1.30 
                     ----------------------------  ------------ 
 Processing cost      US$/tonne of ore processed    7.50 
                     ----------------------------  ------------ 
 Mine overheads       US$ per annum                 7,200,000 
                     ----------------------------  ------------ 
 Selling cost         US$/tonne of ore processed    20.30 
                     ----------------------------  ------------ 

* Including rehandling & plant tailings co-disposal costs

Table 8 : Initial CAPEX Table

 CAPEX Item                                 Value (US$) 
 Study Costs                                13,000,000 
 Exploration                                30,000,000 
 Working Capital                            20,000,000 
 Mining Engineering and Mine Development    2,500,000 * 
 Ore Processing Engineering                  6,000,000 
 Ore Processing Infrastructure              140,000,000 
 Mine Support Infrastructure                30,000,000 
 Bulk Electricity Supply                    40,000,000 
 Bulk Water Supply                          57,000,000 
 Contingency @ 30%                          101,550,000 
 Project Total Initial Capital              440,050,000 

* Excludes mining equipment, assumes contractor mining

ESG Considerations and Credentials

AfriTin is committed to developing projects through responsible and sustainable mining operations that recognise tin, lithium and tantalum mining as fundamental to shaping the fourth industrial revolution and a green energy future. With this in mind, AfriTin is taking steps to build its approach to sustainability by the implementation of a five-year ESG roadmap aimed to deliver leading industry practise during Phase 2 operations. The Company's roadmap is aligned with leading international sustainability benchmarks, including the United Nations Suitability Development Goals, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Standards, and International Council of Metals and Mining (ICMM) Principles.

AfriTin's current operations in Namibia has established the Company as a respected employer and corporate citizen. The Directors believe that the Uis Phase 2 Project will act as catalyst for further economic growth and employment opportunities both directly and indirectly for the community around our operation, but also for the region and country. The Project is expected to be a significant contributor to the Namibian treasury through tax revenue. Through partnerships with government and civil society, we aim to ensure that benefits of our operational expansion extend beyond the life of the mine itself, so that the operations have a positive impact on the natural environment, climate change, and social capital.

AfriTin is committed to developing relationships with our stakeholders built on open, transparent, and constructive engagement, and securing a strong and stable social licence to operate.

Competent Person

The technical data in this announcement has been reviewed by Laurence Robb, a Non-Executive Director of AfriTin. Laurence Robb (BScHons, MSc, PhD, FGS, FGSSA, FRSSA) has more than 40 years of industry-related mineral project development experience. He is registered as a Professional Natural Scientist with The South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions, and Chartered Geologist with the Geological Society of London. He was Professor of Economic Geology and Director of the Economic Geology Research Institute in the University of the Witwatersrand's School of Geosciences. He is currently based at Oxford University as a Visiting Professor. He has reviewed the technical disclosures in this release and consents to the release of the information contained herein.

Forward-Looking Statements

This announcement may contain some references to forecasts, estimates, assumptions and other forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that its expectations, estimates and forecast outcomes are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that they will be achieved. They may be affected by a variety of variables and changes in underlying assumptions that are subject to risk factors associated with the nature of the business, which could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed herein. All references to dollars ($) and cents in this announcement are in United States currency, unless otherwise stated. Investors should make and rely upon their own enquiries before deciding to acquire or deal in the Company's securities.

Glossary of abbreviations

 EMP                Environmental management plan 
 ESG                Environmental, social and governance 
 ESIA               Environmental and social impact assessment 
 ICMM               International Council on Mining and Metals 
 IRR                Internal rate of return 
 JORC               The Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves 
 km                 Kilometres 
 LCE                Lithium carbonate equivalent 
 Li                 Symbol for Lithium 
 Li -> Li (2) O     Metal to metal-oxide conversion factor of 2.153 
 Li (2) O           Lithium oxide 
 MVA                Megavolt amperes 
 Nb                 Symbol for Niobium 
 NPV                Net present value 
 pa                 Per annum 
 ppm                Parts per million 
 ROM                Run-of-mine 
 Sn                 Symbol for Tin 
 Ta                 Symbol for Tantalum 
 Ta -> Ta(2) O(5)   Metal to metal-oxide conversion factor of 1.211 
 Ta(2) O(5)         Tantalum pentoxide 
 tpa                Tonnes per annum 
 WACC               Weighted average cost of capital 

Glossary of Technical Terms

Indicated Mineral Resource  The part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade, quality, etc., can be estimated 
                            with a level of confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical 
                            economic parameters, to support mine planning and evaluation of economic viability 
Inferred Mineral Resource   The part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity and grade or quality can be estimated on 
                            the basis of geological evidence and limited sampling and reasonably assumed, but not 
                            geological and grade continuity 
Measured Mineral Resource   The part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or quality, etc., are well enough 
                            established that they can be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate 
                            application of technical parameters to support production planning and evaluation of 
Mineral Resources           Mineral Resources are sub-divided, in order of increasing geological confidence, into 
                            Indicated and Measured categories. An Inferred Mineral Resource has a lower level of 
                            than that applied to an Indicated Mineral Resource. An Indicated Mineral Resource has a 
                            level of confidence than an Inferred Mineral Resource but has a lower level of confidence 
                            than a Measured Mineral Resource 
Petalite                    A lithium aluminium phyllosilicate mineral LiAlSi(4) O(10) 
 AfriTin Mining Limited                +27 (11) 268 6555 
 Anthony Viljoen, CEO 
 Nominated Adviser                     +44 (0) 207 220 1666 
 WH Ireland Limited 
  Katy Mitchell 
 Corporate Advisor and Joint Broker 
 H&P Advisory Limited 
  Andrew Chubb 
  Jay Ashfield 
  Nilesh Patel                         +44 (0) 20 7907 8500 
 Stifel Nicolaus Europe Limited 
  Ashton Clanfield 
  Callum Stewart                       +44 (0) 20 7710 7600 
 Tavistock Financial PR (United 
  Kingdom)                             +44 (0) 207 920 3150 
 Jos Simson 
  Oliver Lamb 
  Nick Elwes 

About AfriTin Mining Limited

Notes to Editors

AfriTin Mining Limited is a London-listed tech-metals mining company with a vision to create a portfolio of globally significant, conflict-free, producing assets. The Company's flagship asset is the Uis Tin Mine in Namibia, formerly the world's largest hard-rock open cast tin mine.

AfriTin is managed by an experienced board of directors and management team with a current strategy to ramp-up production at the Uis Tin Mine in Namibia to more than 10,000 tonnes of tin concentrate and 350,000 tonnes of lithium concentrate in a Phase 2 expansion, having reached Phase 1 commercial production in 2020. The Company strives to capitalise on the solid supply/demand fundamentals of tin and lithium by developing a critical mass of resource inventory, achieving production in the near term and further scaling production by consolidating assets in Africa.


Mineral Resource Estimate for Uis (taken from the announcement of 19 September 2019)

Table 1: AfriTin Mining tin (Sn) Mineral Resource estimate (JORC- 2012) of the Uis Tin Mine V1 and V2 pegmatites at a cut-off grade of 0.05% Sn.

                              Gross                Net Attributable (85%*)     Operator 
                    Tonnes    Sn     Contained   Tonnes     Sn     Contained 
     Resource        (Mt)     (%)      metal       (Mt)     (%)      metal 
  Classification                        (t)                           (t) 
                   -------  ------  ----------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
     Measured       21.54    0.139    29,899      18.31    0.139    25,414      Mining 
                   -------  ------  ----------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
    Indicated       13.05    0.136    17,765      11.09    0.136    15,100      Mining 
                   -------  ------  ----------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
     Inferred       36.95    0.130    47,875      31.41    0.130    40,694      Mining 
                   -------  ------  ----------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 
      Total         71.54    0.134    95,539      60.81    0.134    81,208      Mining 
                   -------  ------  ----------  --------  ------  ----------  --------- 

Source: CSA Global

Note: The constraining pit shell is based on a revenue factor of 1.5, employing a 3-year trailing average tin price of USD 20,000/t. Ore losses and mining dilution were set at 5%. Pit slope angles were assumed to be 50deg with an assumed metallurgical recovery of Sn of 80%, producing a concentrate of 60% Sn. Mining, Treatment, G and A and Selling Costs have been supplied by AfriTin and reviewed for reasonableness by CSA Global. A Sn cut-off grade of 0.05% Sn has been applied to resources within the constrained pit. Tabulated data have been rounded off and this may result in minor computational errors.

* AfriTin has an attributable ownership of 85% in Uis with the remaining 15% owned by The Small Miners of Uis (SMU)

Table 2: AfriTin mining Inferred resource (JORC-2012) estimate of ancillary elements within the Uis Tin Mine V1 and V2 pegmatites.

                            Gross           Net Attributable    Operator 
                      Ta (ppm)    Li(2)    Ta (ppm)    Li(2) 
 Inferred Resource                O (%)                O (%) 
                     ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
       Grade             85       0.63        85       0.63      Mining 
                     ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
    Tonnes (Mt)        71.54      71.54     60.81      60.81     Mining 
                     ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 
  Contained metal                                               AfriTin 
         (t)           6,091     450,265    5,177     382,725    Mining 
                     ---------  --------  ---------  --------  --------- 

Source: CSA Global

Note: Tabulated data have been rounded off and this may result in minor computational errors. Contained metal for lithium refers to lithium oxide (Li(2) O)

* AfriTin has an attributable ownership of 85% in Uis with the remaining 15% owned by The Small Miners of Uis (SMU)

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

April 26, 2022 02:02 ET (06:02 GMT)

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