AEW UK REIT plc: NAV Update and Dividend Declaration 
23-Jul-2020 / 07:00 GMT/BST 
Dissemination of a Regulatory Announcement, transmitted by EQS Group. 
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 
           23 July 2020 
     AEW UK REIT Plc (the "Company") 
     NAV Update and Dividend Declaration 
     AEW UK REIT plc (LSE: AEWU) (the "Company"), which, as at 23 July 2020, 
 directly owns a diversified portfolio of 34 regional UK commercial property 
assets, announces its unaudited Net Asset Value ("NAV") and interim dividend 
           for the three month period ended 30 June 2020. 
  · The Company today announces an interim dividend of 2.00 pence per share 
  for the three months ended 30 June 2020, in line with the targeted annual 
  dividend of 8.00 pence per share. 
  · EPRA earnings per share ("EPRA EPS") for the quarter of 1.81 pence (31 
  March 2020: 2.12 pence). 
  · NAV of GBP148.24 million or 93.37 pence per share as at 30 June 2020 (31 
  March 2020: GBP147.86 million or 93.13 pence per share). 
  · NAV total return of 2.40% for the quarter (31 March 2020: -2.17%). 
  · During the quarter, the Company disposed of 2 Geddington Road, Corby, 
  for gross proceeds of GBP18.80 million, 25% ahead of prior valuation. The 
  property was purchased for GBP12.40 million in February 2018. 
  · EPRA occupancy 95.70% (31 March 2020: 96.32%). During the quarter, the 
  Company completed a lease renewal with the Secretary of State for Housing, 
  Communities and Local Government at Sandford House, Solihull for term of 
  15 years at a rent of GBP662,785 per annum. The property's valuation 
  increased by 37% over the quarter. 
  · For the rental quarter commencing on 24 June, 84% of rent has been 
  collected or is expected to be received under monthly payment plans prior 
  to quarter end. A further 6% of income is expected to be received under 
  agreed, longer term payment plans with an additional 4% still under 
  · The Company remains conservatively geared with a gross loan to value 
  ratio of 30.03% (31 March 2020: 27.21%). The Company had a cash balance of 
  GBP28.09 million and net loan to value ratio of 13.65% as at 30 June 2020. 
  Post quarter-end, the Company repaid GBP12.00 million of the facility, 
  reducing the gross loan to value to 23.03%. 
     Alex Short and Laura Elkin, Portfolio Managers, AEW UK REIT, commented: 
"We are very pleased to be able to announce today an increase in NAV for the 
     quarter providing a NAV total return of 2.4%. We are also confirming an 
     interim dividend of 2 pence per share for the quarter, in line with the 
annual dividend target of 8 pence per share. This success is a result of two 
     main factors, firstly, the unceasing hard work carried out by our asset 
    management team whose proactive approach is such a key piece of the AEWU 
     strategy. Asset Management gains have resulted in two significantly NAV 
   accretive wins for the Company during the period at our asset in Solihull 
   and our former asset in Corby. Both of these transactions are examples of 
  the Investment Manager's major business plans reaching fruition and it has 
been very encouraging to see our assets demonstrating such resilience in the 
       current market. The second factor here is the defensive nature of the 
  portfolio assets which has always been a focus for us when selecting stock 
     for AEWU. This, combined with the portfolio's majority weighting in the 
    industrial sector, we believe will continue to provide a robust base for 
           investors' capital. 
    Another major Management focus in recent weeks has been to take steps to 
  ensure that the Company has the ability to retain its conservative outlook 
   towards its borrowings across a range of market conditions, including the 
        current. We have therefore taken a number of steps during the period 
   including amending the facility to allow unrestricted rights of repayment 
   and draw down which will allow AEWU to bring its borrowing below its long 
  term target of 25% in the short term whilst not prejudicing its ability to 
access borrowing over the long term. Another action taken has been to obtain 
        a waiver of interest cover covenant tests until 2021 with the lender 
       pledging further support past this date if needed. These changes were 
       enacted despite banking covenants having been passed with significant 
    headroom at their most recent test date in April and without increase in 
 cost of debt. We would like to thank our lender RBS International for their 
           support to the Company. 
      A highlight of the Company's announcement today is confirmation of the 
  Company's dividend of 2p per share for the quarter to 30 June 2020. We are 
very pleased to be able to announce this as it shows the continuation of the 
    Company's track record, now in excess of 4 years, in paying dividends at 
      this level. Our outstanding performance in achieving the sale of Corby 
     during May at a level 25% ahead of valuation, has created a significant 
 profit in cash reserves that we can call on at this time. Going forward, we 
would hope to see normalisation in our rent collection that will continue to 
           support the dividend at this level over the long term. 
   The aforementioned sale of Corby leaves the Company holding a significant 
  cash balance which we believe is advantageous in current market conditions 
    as it increases Management optionality. We have held regular discussions 
  with Directors over recent weeks to assess potential uses of this capital. 
We also believe that the investment market will continue to yield attractive 
  purchasing opportunities over coming weeks and months and we are currently 
           analysing a number of opportunities within our pipeline." 
       The like-for-like valuation decrease for the quarter of GBP2.81 million 
           (1.61%) by sector is broken down as follows: 
    Sector      Valuation 30 June   Valuation movement for the 
                             2020                      quarter 
             GBP million          %      GBP million             % 
Industrial       89.61       52.2         (1.59)        (1.75) 
    Office       46.25       27.0           1.35          3.01 
    Retail       22.48       13.1         (0.92)        (3.91) 
     Other       13.15        7.7         (1.65)       (11.15) 
     Total      171.49      100.0         (2.81)        (1.61) 
           Net Asset Value 
        47.8% of the Company's portfolio valuation as at 30 June 2020, which 
 includes all of its assets that do not sit within the industrial sector, is 
 subject to material uncertainty following the Standing Independent Valuer's 
 determination of material valuation uncertainty as per VPS 3 and VPGA 10 of 
     the RICS Red Book Global, due to the unprecedented set of circumstances 
surrounding the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Consequently, less certainty and a 
      higher degree of caution should be attached to the NAV. The industrial 
     sector was removed from this clause a short time prior to the valuation 
   date. This set of circumstances is not unique to the Company and is being 
reported by all major UK Commercial RICS registered property valuers at this 
The Company's unaudited NAV as at 30 June 2020 was GBP148.24 million, or 93.37 
   pence per share. This reflects an increase of 0.26% compared with the NAV 
        per share as at 31 March 2020. The Company's NAV total return, which 
includes the interim dividend for the period from 1 January 2020 to 31 March 
 2020 of 2.00 pence per share, was 2.40% for the three-month period ended 30 
 June 2020. As at 30 June 2020, the Company owned investment properties with 
            a fair value of GBP171.49 million. 
                                      Pence per share  GBP million 
                 NAV at 1 April 2020            93.13     147.86 
      Gain on disposal of investment             2.31       3.67 
                 Capital expenditure           (0.03)     (0.05) 
        Valuation change in property           (1.84)     (2.92) 
     Valuation change in derivatives           (0.01)     (0.01) 
        Income earned for the period             2.71       4.31 
  Expenses and net finance costs for           (0.90)     (1.44) 
                          the period 
               Interim dividend paid           (2.00)     (3.18) 
                 NAV at 30 June 2020            93.37     148.24 
       The NAV attributable to the ordinary shares has been calculated under 
International Financial Reporting Standards. It incorporates the independent 
        portfolio valuation as at 30 June 2020, which is subject to material 
 uncertainty and income for the period, but does not include a provision for 
           the interim dividend for the three month period to 30 June 2020. 
           Dividend declaration 
 The Company today announces an interim dividend of 2.00 pence per share for 
  the period from 1 April 2020 to 30 June 2020. The dividend payment will be 
  made on 28 August 2020 to shareholders on the register as at 31 July 2020. 
           The ex-dividend date will be 30 July 2020. 
The dividend of 2.00 pence per share will be designated 2.00 pence per share 
           as an interim property income distribution ("PID"). 
  The EPRA EPS for the three-month period to 30 June 2020 was 1.81 pence (31 
           March 2020: 2.12 pence). 
           Dividend outlook 
   It remains the Company's intention to continue to pay future dividends in 
line with its dividend policy, however the outlook remains unclear given the 
 current COVID-19 situation. In determining future dividend payments, regard 
will be had to the circumstances prevailing at the relevant time, as well as 
  the Company's requirement, as a UK REIT, to distribute at least 90% of its 
       distributable income annually, which will remain a key consideration. 
           Equity and share buy-back 
The Company's share capital consists of 158,774,746 Ordinary Shares and 
there was no movement during the quarter. 
         The Board announces that it has approved a share buy-back programme 
 utilising cash available for this purpose. Liberum Capital Limited has been 
         appointed in connection with the buy-back programme and can use its 
           discretion to buy-back shares within set parameters. 
Shareholders should be aware that a purchase of shares by the Company on any 
     trading day may represent a significant proportion of the daily trading 
      volume in the shares and could exceed 25 per cent of the average daily 
           trading volume of the preceding 20 business days. 
The Company had borrowings of GBP51.50 million as at 30 June 2020, producing a 
           gross loan to value of 30.03% and a net loan to value of 13.65%. 
      During the quarter, the Company amended its loan facility to allow the 
         flexibility to make repayments and re-draw these amounts, akin to a 
  revolving credit facility, without incurring additional fees or increasing 
  the loan margin. On 20 July 2020, the Company repaid GBP12.00 million of the 
           facility, reducing the gross loan to value to 23.03%. 
       Whilst the Company passed its banking covenant tests with significant 
headroom in April, in order to be prudent in the current market environment, 
      the Company, during the quarter, obtained consent from its lender, RBS 
  International, to waive the interest cover tests within its loan agreement 
   for July and October with the next proposed test date being January 2021. 
      The lender also conveyed a willingness to review the position again in 
December based on circumstances then prevailing. The Company is not required 
    to place funds on account or to comply with additional terms in order to 
    qualify for the waiver and, during the period of the waiver, the Company 
           intends to maintain its usual interest payments on the loan. 
   The loan continues to attract interest at LIBOR + 1.4% and as a result is 
  currently benefitting from the reduction in LIBOR rates. The Company's all 
           in interest rate as at 30 June 2020 was 2.05%. 
To mitigate the risk of interest rates rising, the Company has interest rate 
  caps effective for the remaining term of the loan. During the quarter, the 
   Company, replaced it existing interest rate caps covering the period from 
   October 2020 to October 2023, which capped the interest rate at 2.0% on a 
    notional value of GBP49.51 million, with new caps covering the same period 
capping the interest rate at 1.0% on a notional value of GBP51.50 million. The 
            Company paid a premium of GBP62,968. 
           Rent Collection 
  The Investment Manager maintains close contact with all tenants, which has 
  been particularly relevant over recent months where rent collection across 
    the real estate sector has proved more challenging than usual. As at the 
   date of this announcement, the Company had collected the following rental 
     payments for the rental quarter commencing 24 June 2020, expressed as a 
           percentage of the quarter's total rental income: 
Current Position                              As at 23 July 2020 
Received                                      66% 
Monthly Payments Expected Prior to Quarter    17% 
Agreed on longer term payment plans           6% 
Under Negotiation - pending the agreement     4% 
of potential asset management transactions 
Outstanding                                                   7% 
Total                                                       100% 
      In respect of the quarter commencing on the 25 March 2020, the Company 
      reports that 86% of rents have now been collected with a further 8% of 
       payments expected to be received over coming periods by way of agreed 
           payment plans which, once received, will total 94%. 
   It should be noted that this is an evolving picture with further payments 
           being received each day. 
           Asset Management Update 
     During the quarter the Company completed the following asset management 
          Bank Hey Street, Blackpool - During May 2020, the Company signed a 
  reversionary lease with existing tenant JD Wetherspoon. This documents the 
  removal of the tenant's break option in 2025 and provides an additional 10 
    year lease term taking the earliest expiry from 2025 to 2050. The annual 
rent payable by the tenant has reduced from GBP96,750 to GBP90,000 but the lease 
           now provides five yearly fixed increases reflecting 1% per annum. 
      2 Geddington Road, Corby - On 22 May 2020, the Company disposed of its 
     largest asset at 2 Geddington Road, Corby, for gross proceeds of GBP18.80 
million, 25% ahead of valuation level immediately prior and 52% ahead of its 
acquisition price in 2018. The asset had been delivering an income stream to 
           the Company of 10% per annum. 
Sandford House, Solihull - During June 2020, the Company completed a 15 year 
 renewal lease with its existing tenant, the Secretary of State for Housing, 
   Communities and Local Government. The agreement documents the increase of 
 rental income from the property by 30% as well as providing for five yearly 
   open market rent reviews and a tenant break option at year 10. The tenant 
 intends to carry out a full refurbishment of the property over coming weeks 
  requiring no capital payment by the Company either by way of refurbishment 
cost or capital incentive to the tenant. In addition, no rent free incentive 
  has been granted to the tenant. Throughout its hold period the Company has 
 so far received a net income yield from the asset in excess of 9% per annum 
            against its purchase price of GBP5.4 million. 
 Bessemer Road, Basingstoke - Post period end, the Company has completed a 5 
  year lease renewal at its 58,000 sq ft industrial premises in Basingstoke. 
  The lease has been granted with no rent free incentive given to the tenant 
 and secures a rental income to the Company 6% ahead of independent valuer's 
   estimated levels. The tenant has the benefit of a break option in year 3. 
                      AEW UK 
                  Alex Short 
                                        +44(0) 20 7016 4848 
                 Laura Elkin 
                                        +44(0) 20 7016 4869 
             Nicki Gladstone 
                                        +44(0) 7711 401 021 
           Company Secretary 
Link Company Matters Limited 
                                        +44(0) 1392 477 500 
                   TB Cardew      
                  Ed Orlebar           +44 (0) 7738 724 630 
              Lucas Bramwell           +44 (0) 7939 694 437 
             Liberum Capital 
Gillian Martin/Owen Matthews           +44 (0) 20 3100 2000 
           Notes to Editors 
           About AEW UK REIT 
   AEW UK REIT plc (LSE: AEWU) aims to deliver an attractive total return to 
    shareholders by investing predominantly in smaller commercial properties 
 (typically less than GBP15 million), on shorter occupational leases in strong 
   commercial locations across the United Kingdom. The Company was listed on 
the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and admitted to trading on the 
   Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 12 May 2015, raising GBP100.5m. 
            Since IPO it has raised a further GBP58m. 
 The Company is currently invested in office, retail, industrial and leisure 
          assets, with a focus on active asset management, repositioning the 
           properties and improving the quality of the income stream. 
           AEWU is currently paying an annualised dividend of 8p per share. 
  [1] [2] 
           About AEW UK Investment Management LLP 
AEW UK Investment Management LLP employs a well-resourced team comprising 26 
 individuals covering investment, asset management, operations and strategy. 
   It is part of AEW Group, one of the world's largest real estate managers, 
  with &euro71.2bn of assets under management as at 31 March 2020. AEW Group 
         comprises AEW SA and AEW Capital Management L.P., a U.S. registered 
   investment manager and their respective subsidiaries. In Europe, as at 31 
March 2020, AEW Group managed &euro33.5bn of real estate assets on behalf of 
    a number of funds and separate accounts with over 420 staff located in 9 
        offices. The Investment Manager is a 50:50 joint venture between the 
principals of the Investment Manager and AEW. In May 2019, AEW UK Investment 
 Management LLP was awarded Property Manager of the Year at the Pensions and 
           Investment Provider Awards. 
LEI: 21380073LDXHV2LP5K50 
ISIN:           GB00BWD24154 
Category Code:  MSCM 
TIDM:           AEWU 
LEI Code:       21380073LDXHV2LP5K50 
OAM Categories: 3.1. Additional regulated information required to be 
                disclosed under the laws of a Member State 
Sequence No.:   77425 
EQS News ID:    1099815 
End of Announcement EQS News Service 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 23, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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