Reunion Gold Corporation (TSXV: RGD; OTCQX: RGDFF) (the “Company”
or “Reunion Gold”) is pleased to continue reporting positive drill
results from its ongoing infill and deep drilling programs. The
infill program is designed to upgrade the classification of the
Inferred mineral resources within the maiden Mineral Resource
Estimate (MRE) to an Indicated category. The deep drilling program
is aimed at testing and defining the potential for an underground
resource at depths greater than 500 meters below surface.
For a detailed list of results associated with
this press release, please see Reunion Gold’s website: Results
“We are very encouraged with the results of the
deep drilling program to date, which indicate the potential for a
high-grade zone at depth,” said Rick Howes, President and CEO of
Reunion Gold. “With these results, we see the potential to add
significant value as a combined open pit and underground project
and therefore we intend to continue the depth extension drilling
program and delay the release of the PEA to allow for inclusion of
an underground resource and evaluation of combined open pit and
underground option to the PEA study, which we would expect to
release in Q2 of 2024.”
Deep Drilling Program
Highlights of results from the deep drilling
program below Block 4 can be seen in Table 1 and on Figure 1 which
reports the broader intervals using a 0.3 g/t cutoff and includes
the higher-grade intercepts using a 1.5 g/t cutoff. In addition to
hole D-243-W1, results of note include holes D-316 and D-320, both
of which reported high grade gold intercepts, representing a
significant expansion of known mineralization at depth. These
intercepts are being interpreted as the depth extension of the
high-grade zone that was identified in the maiden MRE reported on
June 13, 2023 (see associated press release on that date).
Hole D-316 intercepted 88.8 m @ 4.13 g/t Au,
including 10.8 m @ 14.96 g/t Au from 772.4 m to
783.2 m downhole and 21.8 m @ 6.45 g/t Au from
787.9 m to 809.7 m downhole (reported using a 1.5 g/t cutoff
grade). Hole D-320 reported 83.0 m @ 1.92
g/t including 3.0 m @ 4.79 g/t Au from
777m to 780 m downhole and 20.0 m @ 4.41 g/t Au
from 800 m to 820 m downhole. Hole D-243-W1
reported significant high-grade intercepts including 71.0 m
@ 5.77 g/t Au from 504.0 m to 575.0 m downhole.
“On-going structural work is continuing to
demonstrate a steep northerly plunge to our high grade zone, which
sits within the larger volume of mineralization apparent along the
2 km trend from Block 1 through Block 4 to Blocks 5 and 6. The
high-grade zone appears to have a relatively sharp boundary along
its southern margin, an orientation confirmed through structural
analysis of our oriented drill core, although we are confident that
drilling to date is demonstrating a 150 m to 300 m wide high-grade
zone of mineralization that plunges well below the drill holes
reported in this release,” Justin van der Toorn, VP Exploration for
Reunion Gold explained.
Table 1 – Selected Significant Intersects
below 500m depth within Blocks 1 & 4
Hole ID |
From(m) |
To(m) |
DownholeInterval(m) |
Au Grade(g/t) |
Grade xDownholeInterval(gm/t) |
ETT *(m) |
Cutoff(Au g/t)** |
OKWD23-243-W1 |
439.0 |
577.0 |
138.0 |
3.12 |
430 |
133.67 |
0.3 |
inc. |
504.0 |
575.0 |
71.0 |
5.77 |
410 |
42.64 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-243-W3 |
432.0 |
578.0 |
146.0 |
2.10 |
306 |
135.24 |
0.3 |
inc. |
435.3 |
438.5 |
3.2 |
3.57 |
11 |
2.24 |
1.5 |
inc. |
442.5 |
447.0 |
4.5 |
8.18 |
37 |
3.16 |
1.5 |
inc. |
457.5 |
462.0 |
4.5 |
2.39 |
11 |
3.17 |
1.5 |
inc. |
494.9 |
501.6 |
6.8 |
4.62 |
31 |
4.79 |
1.5 |
inc. |
503.8 |
531.5 |
27.8 |
4.90 |
136 |
19.77 |
1.5 |
inc. |
535.1 |
549.0 |
13.9 |
2.77 |
39 |
9.99 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-316 |
696.1 |
719.6 |
23.4 |
0.34 |
8 |
21.15 |
0.3 |
OKWD23-316 |
730.2 |
819.0 |
88.8 |
4.13 |
367 |
79.58 |
0.3 |
inc. |
743.6 |
750.8 |
7.2 |
5.85 |
42 |
5.56 |
1.5 |
inc. |
772.4 |
783.2 |
10.8 |
14.96 |
161 |
8.32 |
1.5 |
inc. |
787.9 |
809.7 |
21.8 |
6.45 |
140 |
16.89 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-320 |
768.0 |
851.0 |
83.0 |
1.92 |
160 |
72.77 |
0.3 |
inc. |
777.0 |
780.0 |
3.0 |
4.79 |
14 |
2.40 |
1.5 |
inc. |
800.0 |
820.0 |
20.0 |
4.41 |
88 |
16.12 |
1.5 |
* Estimated True Thickness ("ETT") based on an
average dip / dip direction of -65° / 095° to represent the
orientation of the mineralized zone in Block 4.** Significant
intervals calculated using a 0.3 g/t Au cutoff, 10m minimum length
and 10m maximum consecutive internal waste. Included intervals
calculated using a 1.5 g/t Au cutoff, 3m minimum length and a 2m
maximum consecutive internal waste.
Infill Drill Results
The infill drilling program is designed to
upgrade the inferred resources within the MRE pit shell to an
Indicated mineral resource category. The drill results shown in
Table 2 and Figure 1 continue to illustrate the strong continuity
of the mineralization within the MRE pit constraints. Highlights
include D-328, which intersected 75 m@ 4.07 g/t Au, hole
D-288A which intersected 100 m @ 2.24 g/t Au, hole D-243W2
intersecting 98.8 m @ 2.13 g/t Au and hole D-325A intersecting 67.2
m grading 3.06 g/t all reported using a 0.3 cutoff. The
infill drill program will be completed by the end of this year.
Table 2 – Selected Significant Intersects
above 500m depth within Blocks 1 & 4
Hole ID |
From(m) |
To(m) |
DownholeInterval(m) |
Au Grade(g/t) |
xDownholeInterval(gm/t) |
ETT*(m) |
Cutoff(Au g/t) |
OKWD23-243-W2 |
419.0 |
517.8 |
98.8 |
2.13 |
211 |
81.16 |
0.3 |
inc. |
425.0 |
436.0 |
11.0 |
2.44 |
27 |
9.37 |
1.5 |
inc. |
482.0 |
497.0 |
15.0 |
6.51 |
98 |
12.93 |
1.5 |
inc. |
500.0 |
507.0 |
7.0 |
2.63 |
18 |
6.04 |
1.5 |
inc. |
512.2 |
515.7 |
3.5 |
10.98 |
38 |
3.03 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-287 |
256.0 |
279.0 |
23.0 |
0.96 |
22 |
18.03 |
0.3 |
OKWD23-287 |
302.8 |
369.0 |
66.3 |
3.64 |
241 |
49.04 |
0.3 |
inc. |
302.8 |
306.0 |
3.3 |
5.01 |
16 |
2.93 |
1.5 |
inc. |
316.0 |
354.0 |
38.0 |
5.75 |
218 |
34.54 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-288A |
241.0 |
341.0 |
100.0 |
2.24 |
224 |
80.90 |
0.3 |
inc. |
261.0 |
266.0 |
5.0 |
3.90 |
20 |
4.32 |
1.5 |
inc. |
269.0 |
275.0 |
6.0 |
2.47 |
15 |
5.18 |
1.5 |
inc. |
298.0 |
302.0 |
4.0 |
30.59 |
122 |
3.46 |
1.5 |
inc. |
320.0 |
324.0 |
4.0 |
1.71 |
7 |
3.48 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-325A |
361.0 |
389.0 |
28.0 |
0.78 |
22 |
23.12 |
0.3 |
OKWD23-325A |
403.0 |
470.2 |
67.2 |
3.06 |
206 |
54.76 |
0.3 |
inc. |
404.0 |
408.2 |
4.2 |
2.31 |
10 |
3.60 |
1.5 |
inc. |
434.0 |
461.0 |
27.0 |
6.04 |
163 |
23.53 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-328 |
364.0 |
374.0 |
10.0 |
0.75 |
8 |
7.40 |
0.3 |
OKWD23-328 |
396.0 |
471.0 |
75.0 |
4.07 |
305 |
53.40 |
0.3 |
inc. |
423.0 |
455.0 |
32.0 |
7.00 |
224 |
29.99 |
1.5 |
OKWD23-332A |
374.0 |
459.0 |
85.0 |
1.94 |
164 |
67.96 |
0.3 |
inc. |
390.9 |
399.0 |
8.2 |
1.57 |
13 |
7.09 |
1.5 |
inc. |
416.0 |
421.0 |
5.0 |
3.05 |
15 |
4.36 |
1.5 |
inc. |
428.0 |
443.0 |
15.0 |
5.72 |
86 |
13.08 |
1.5 |
inc. |
447.0 |
459.0 |
12.0 |
2.18 |
26 |
10.49 |
1.5 |
* Estimated True Thickness ("ETT") based on an
average dip / dip direction of -65° / 095° to represent the
orientation of the mineralized zone in Block 4.** Significant
intervals calculated using a 0.3 g/t Au cutoff, 10m minimum length
and 10m maximum consecutive internal waste. Included intervals
calculated using a 1.5 g/t Au cutoff, 3m minimum length and a 2m
maximum consecutive internal waste.
Update on release of PEA
With the strong results that have been reported
from the deep drilling program, which confirm the potential for the
higher-grade zone to continue at depth, the Company has decided to
delay the release of the PEA until the end of Q2/2024. This will
allow the Company to continue to drill the high-grade zone down to
a depth of approximately 1000 meters with the goal of including an
underground mineral resource for use in the PEA. In addition, it
will give the Company time to investigate the potential to develop
a combined open pit and underground mining operation as part of the
PEA. The PEA will also look at, amongst other things, the optimal
transition point between open pit and underground mining as well as
the sequencing of the potential underground mine.
In addition to the ongoing drilling at the
Kairuni zone the Company also continues to advance its exploration
programs on the remainder of the Oko West Prospecting License with
the implementation of ground magnetics and IP geophysical surveys,
RC drill programs and follow up diamond drill programs.
Drilling to the south of Block 4, on Blocks 5,
6, and 7, focuses on the southern continuation of the main Kairuni
mineralized trend and contact zone. Follow up diamond drilling in
this area has intersected additional zones of mineralization as
shown on Figure 2 and as detailed in the associated tables of
significant intervals available on the Company’s website.
Follow up of the geochem anomalies generated
from shallow Scout RC drilling (sampling below the duricrust) on
the High Road target commenced with 23 conventional RC holes
completed, for a total of 2,444 m of drilling. The location of
these RC drill collars on the High Road target area, located
approximately 2 km northwest of the Kairuni MRE, is shown on Figure
3. Assays were received for five of these holes, with R-1414
reporting 3.0 m @ 8.75 g/t Au from 58.0 m
downhole. Further assays are pending for this High Road target area
and other new target areas.
Sample Collection, Assaying and Data
Significant intervals in this press release have
been calculated using a grade cut-off of 0.3 g/t Au, a minimum
length of ten meters, and up to ten meters maximum length of
consecutive internal waste. Included significant intervals have
been calculated using a grade cut-off of 1.5 g/t Au, a minimum
length of three meters, and up to two meters maximum length of
consecutive internal waste. Gold grades are uncapped. Mineralized
intersection lengths are not necessarily true widths and estimated
true thickness (“ETT”) has been calculated using an assumed plane
of mineralization dipping 65° towards 095°, representative of the
mineralization identified in Block 4. Complete drilling results and
drill hole data are posted on the Company's Website. Diamond drill
(DD) samples consist of half of either HQ or NQ core taken
continuously at regular intervals averaging 1.4 m, bagged, and
labelled at the site core shed. Reverse circulation (RC) drill
samples are obtained from a rotary splitter attached to a Metzke
cyclone, weighed, bagged, and tagged at the drill site. All
resource drilling samples are shipped to the Actlabs certified
laboratory in Georgetown, Guyana, respecting best-practice chain of
custody procedures. Samples from the Scout RC program and recent
conventional RC samples are shipped to MS Analytical in Georgetown
using the same chain-of-custody procedures. At each laboratory,
samples are dried, crushed to 80% passing 2 mm, riffle split (250
g), and pulverized to 95% passing 105 μm. Coarse blanks are
inserted by the Company, and are used between and following
suspected high-grade intervals. Barren sand flushes are inserted by
the analytical laboratory after each sample is pulverized to clean
the bowl. Gold analysis is carried out through a 50 g fire assay
with an atomic absorption finish. Initial assays with results above
3.0 g/t Au are re-assayed with a gravimetric finish. Samples with
visible gold are additionally assayed with a metallic screen method
using 1 kg of pulp. Certified reference materials and blanks are
inserted at a rate of 5% of samples shipped to the laboratories. RC
field duplicates and DD umpire pulp duplicates are also generated
at a rate of 5% of samples. Pulp umpire duplicates are analyzed at
the MSALabs certified laboratory in Georgetown. Assay data is
subject to QA/QC prior to accepting into the Company database
managed by an independent consultant.
Qualified Person
The technical information in this press release
has been reviewed and approved by Justin van der Toorn, the
Company's VP, Exploration. Mr. van der Toorn (CGeol FGS, EurGeol)
is a qualified person under Canadian National Instrument
About Reunion Gold
Reunion Gold Corporation is a leading gold
explorer and developer in the Guiana Shield, South America. In
early 2021, the Company announced an exciting new greenfield gold
discovery at the Kairuni zone on its Oko West project in Guyana,
where in June 2023, after 22 months of resource definition
drilling, the Company announced an initial Mineral Resource
Estimate containing 2.475 Moz of gold in Indicated resources
grading 1.84 g/t Au and 1.762 Moz of gold in Inferred resources
grading at 2.02 g/t (see NI 43-101 Technical Report Oko West Gold
Project, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Mining Districts, dated effective June 1,
2023 available under the Company’s profile on SEDAR+). In addition
to advancing development of the Kairuni zone resource, the Company
is actively exploring several additional priority exploration
targets at Oko West with the objective of outlining additional
satellite deposits.
The Company's common shares are listed on the
TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol 'RGD' and trade on the OTCQX
under the symbol 'RGDFF'. Additional information about the Company
is available on SEDAR+ ( and the Company's website
For further information, please contact:
and CEO, or Doug Flegg, Business Development AdvisorE:
doug_flegg@reuniongold.comE: info@reuniongold.comTelephone: +1
Cautionary Disclaimer Regarding
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking
statements and forward-looking information within the meaning of
Canadian securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking
statements"). Statements and information that are not historical
facts are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements
are frequently, but not always, identified by words such as
"expects", "anticipates", "believes", "intends", "estimates",
"potential", "possible" and similar expressions, or statements that
events, conditions, or results "will", "may", "could" or "should"
occur or be achieved. Forward-looking statements and the
assumptions made in respect thereof involve known and unknown
risks, uncertainties and other factors beyond the Company's
control. Forward-looking statements in this press release include
statements regarding plans to complete drilling and other
exploration programs and studies, exploration and drill results,
interpretation of such exploration and drill results, potential
mineralization, expectations regarding completion of a preliminary
economic assessment, forward looking assumptions used relating to
the mineral resources estimates, expectations to expand the
resources at depth and elsewhere within the Oko West Project, as
well as statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or
intentions of the Company. Mineral exploration is highly
speculative, characterized by several significant risks, which even
a combination of careful evaluation, experience and knowledge may
not eliminate. Refer to the Company's most recent annual
information form dated May 9, 2023 for a description of such
Forward-looking statements in this press release
are made as of the date herein. Although the Company believes that
the assumptions and factors used in preparing the forward-looking
statements in this press release are reasonable, undue reliance
should not be placed on such statements. The Company undertakes no
obligation to update publicly or otherwise revise any
forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information
or future events or otherwise, except as may be required by
Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its
Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the
policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accept responsibility for the
adequacy or accuracy of this press release.
Figure 1 - Inclined long section across Block 4,
showing selected results and drill hole locations reported in this
press release. ETT = Estimated True Thickness; Significant
intersects are calculated using a 0.3 g/t Au cutoff, 10 m minimum
down hole length and 10 m maximum consecutive internal dilution;
Included intersects are calculated using a 1.5 g/t Au cutoff, 3 m
minimum down hole length and 2 m maximum consecutive internal
dilution.LINK TO FIGURE 1:
Figure 2 - Inclined long section across Block 4,
showing selected results and drill hole locations reported in this
press release. Significant intersects are calculated using a 0.3
g/t Au cutoff, 10 m minimum length and 10 m maximum consecutive
internal dilution; Included intersects are calculated using a 1.5
g/t Au cutoff, 3 m minimum length and 2 m maximum consecutive
internal dilution.LINK TO FIGURE 2:
Figure 3 - MaxCAT RC drilling of geochem anomalies
located on the High Road target area, shown in relation to the Oko
West resource.LINK TO FIGURE 3:
Reunion Gold (TSXV:RGD)
Historical Stock Chart
From Dec 2024 to Jan 2025
Reunion Gold (TSXV:RGD)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jan 2024 to Jan 2025