Fairmount Energy Inc. ("Fairmount" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:FMT) is
pleased to present a summary of its operating and financial results for the
three and nine months ended December 31, 2008. For a complete copy of
Fairmount's quarterly financial statements and management's discussion and
analysis ("MD&A") please visit Certain information contained in
this news release, including development plans, drilling locations, and
anticipated production from Gold Creek and Thorsby constitute forward-looking
information which are subject to risks and uncertainties. See "Forward - Looking


- Cash flow for the nine months increased 35% to $1,154,580 as compared to
$855,712 in the prior year period.

- Bank loan facilities were renewed in November, 2008, at $7,000,000 for the
revolving operating demand loan and $4,000,000 for the acquisition and
development facility with a Canadian chartered bank.

- Total borrowings of $3,800,000 at December 31, 2008 with all of this drawn
under the acquisition and development facility, leaving $7,000,000 of available
borrowing under the revolving operating demand loan.

- Drilled and cased 2 wells (0.8 net) during the quarter, one (0.3 net) at Gold
Creek and one (0.5 net) at Thorsby.

- Two new Gold Creek wells (1.0 net) were tied in at Gold Creek during the quarter.

- On January 21, 2009, Fairmount announced that the Board of Directors has
initiated a process to review the Company's business plan and to identify,
examine and consider a range of strategic alternatives available to Fairmount
for enhancing shareholder value. This may include, among other things, exploring
a corporate sale or business combination, potential asset divestments, adoption
of a dividend policy, making a substantial issuer bid or other alternatives to
increase shareholder value. The Board of Directors has engaged Rundle Energy
Partners to act as its independent financial adviser to assist in the conduct of
this review. Currently, Rundle is soliciting interest in the Company, and the
Company's properties with expressions of interest expected in early March. No
decision on any particular alternative has been reached at this time and there
can be no assurance that the process will result in any change in the Company's
current plan to explore and develop its current oil and gas properties or that
the Company will pursue any particular transaction or course of action.

- We are pleased to report current production has increased to approximately 625
boe/day, with an additional 300 boe/day of estimated productive capacity
currently constrained by facility limitations. The Company expects fourth
quarter production to average approximately 650 boe/day and a March 31, 2009
exit rate of 900 boe/day.


                                               Three Months Ended
                                     December September      June     March
                                           31,       30,       30,       31,
                                         2008      2008      2008      2008
Wells drilled - gross                       2         3         1         2
Wells drilled - net                       0.8       2.5       0.5       1.0
Natural gas production - mcf/day          990       914     1,412     1,439
Oil production bbl/day                      2         8         7        12
NGL production bbl/day                     89        84       162       162
Average daily production - boe/day        256       245       404       414
Average selling price - natural gas
 $/mcf                                $  7.13  $   8.73  $   9.40   $  7.94
Average selling price - oil $/bbl     $ 54.04  $ 111.12  $ 123.35   $ 97.84
Average selling price - NGL's $/bbl   $ 43.56  $  62.73  $  60.73   $ 52.91
Average selling price - $/boe         $ 43.16  $  57.82  $  59.34   $ 51.16

                                               Three Months Ended
                                     December September      June     March
                                           31,       30,       30,       31,
                                         2007      2007      2007      2007
Wells drilled - gross                       3         0         1         3
Wells drilled - net                       1.8       0.0       0.1       1.6
Natural gas production - mcf/day        1,307     1,333     1,402     1,000
Oil production bbl/day                     13        19        17        15
NGL production bbl/day                    138       116       140       107
Average daily production - boe/day        369       357       390       289
Average selling price - natural gas
 $/mcf                                $  6.07   $  5.17   $  7.06   $  7.32
Average selling price - oil $/bbl     $ 86.70   $ 78.61   $ 69.99   $ 66.68
Average selling price - NGL's $/bbl   $ 48.01   $ 40.26   $ 41.99   $ 37.93
Average selling price - $/boe         $ 42.55   $ 36.51   $ 43.41   $ 42.89

Gold Creek

The Gold Creek area is located on the southern flank of the Peace River Arch,
near Grande Prairie, Alberta. Fairmount has working interests ranging from 30%
to 84% in 13.75 contiguous sections of land in the Gold Creek area. Fairmount is
the operator of all of its existing Gold Creek wells.

During the quarter, Fairmount participated in the drilling of one new well (0.3
net) at Gold Creek and the tie-in of two wells (1.0 net), including one (0.5
net) which was drilled in the first quarter and one (0.5 net) which was drilled
in the second quarter.

In June, the BP Canada South Wapiti plant was shut down for a major scheduled
plant turn-around for a three week period. Historically, this plant had been
shut down for one to three day periods as compared to the extended shut down in
2008. Due to the lengthened shut down of the system, upon start-up Fairmount's
production was backed out of the gathering system until such time as flush
production from wells which had priority over our wells came off. As a result,
Fairmount's production at Gold Creek was nominal through all of June, July and
August and into early September. We have been advised by the plant operator
there is no major turnaround work planned for the next 3-5 years and that there
are no planned outages for calendar 2009.

Gold Creek contributed an average of 220 boe/day of production for the three
months ended December 31, 2008 as compared to the estimated productive capacity
of over 900 boe/day during the quarter due to constraints in the BP gathering
system to which we are connected. Subsequent to quarter end, in January, 2009
production has increased to approximately 550 boe/day as production from
pre-existing wells was ramped up and the two new wells drilled this fiscal year
were placed on production. We expect production to increase further to 900
boe/day after the bottlenecks in the gathering system are resolved. 

Fairmount and partners own gathering and compression facilities sufficient to
process 11 mmcf/day of raw gas from the Gold Creek area. Based on the productive
capability of existing wells and anticipated productive capability from planned
future wells, we anticipate the current infrastructure capacity will not be
sufficient to allow unrestricted production from all of our wells. This means we
will need to create new or expand existing infrastructure to handle the total
productive capability of our Gold Creek wells. The Company has started planning
alternatives to provide additional capacity should this be required.

Based on the results of the ten wells drilled to date on this property, geologic
mapping, and/or 2D and 3D seismic Fairmount has identified an additional 6
drilling locations on existing Company lands.


The Thorsby property is located in west central Alberta, approximately 32
kilometres southwest of Edmonton. Fairmount entered into a farm-in agreement
with a major Canadian independent oil and gas company and drilled a successful
exploratory well in January 2008, and as a result earned a 100% working interest
in 2 sections of land, with drilling options on additional lands. The well was
completed in 3 zones and was placed on production during September 2008. During
the quarter, this well contributed 20 boe/day of production. Fairmount drilled
and cased 1 well (0.5 net) at Thorsby during the third quarter. Completion
operations for this well will occur during the fourth quarter. This well was
originally planned to be drilled 100% by Fairmount. Prior to drilling the well,
Fairmount was approached by an offsetting leaseholder to pool our lands,
resulting in Fairmount having a 50% working interest in the well and the
offsetting section. As a result of this pooling, Fairmount has another potential
location for future drilling.

Financial Results and selected financial information

                                         Three Months Ended
                         December     September          June         March
                               31,           30,           30,           31,
$ except number of shares    2008          2008          2008          2008
Natural gas sales         649,772       734,434     1,207,795     1,039,287
Crude oil and natural
 gas liquids sales        367,986       566,234       974,173       888,314
Interest income                 -             -             -           111
Royalties                (220,285)     (250,232)     (614,863)     (537,145)
Revenue                   754,849     1,307,152     1,419,772     1,351,713
Production expenses       253,395       216,791       340,903       328,057
General and administrative
 expenses                 366,528       322,300       359,315       303,737
Depletion, depreciation
 & accretion              562,261       478,442       886,186       907,170
Interest expense           54,641       171,763       197,207       176,920
Net income (loss) before
 income taxes            (468,388)       42,713     (479,032)      (408,837)
Recovery of future
 income taxes                   -             -            -      1,402,166
Net income (loss)        (468,388)       42,713     (479,032)       993,329
Net income (loss) per
 share - basic         $    (0.03)  $      0.00  $     (0.03)   $      0.06
       - diluted       $    (0.03)  $      0.00  $     (0.03)   $      0.06
Weighted average common
 shares outstanding:
 - Basic               16,702,606    17,167,204   17,198,400     17,241,614
 - Diluted             16,702,606    17,277,979   17,198,400     17,241,614

                                         Three Months Ended
                         December     September          June         March
                               31,           30,           30,           31,
$ except number of shares    2007          2007          2007          2007
Natural gas sales         729,918       633,856       900,622       658,422
Crude oil and natural
 gas liquids sales        714,465       565,123       641,013       455,324
Interest income             3,511         3,840         4,667         6,956
Royalties                (317,908)     (345,581)     (420,662)     (321,739)
Revenue                 1,142,088       865,907     1,133,766       806,166
Production expenses       288,903       315,449       215,645       262,958
General and
 administrative expenses  247,875       344,248       394,290       220,661
Depletion, depreciation
 & accretion              834,993       764,453       789,912       569,914
Interest expense          164,867       179,169       135,604        21,405
Net income (loss)
 before income taxes     (463,674)     (820,840)     (503,684)     (376,085)
Recovery of future
 income taxes                   -             -             -     1,475,074
Net income (loss)        (463,674)     (820,840)     (503,684)    1,098,989
Net income (loss)
 per share - basic     $    (0.03) $      (0.06) $      (0.04) $       0.08
           - diluted   $    (0.03) $      (0.06) $      (0.04) $       0.08
Weighted average common
 shares outstanding:
 - Basic               15,457,889    13,671,889    13,671,889    13,671,889
 - Diluted             15,457,889    13,671,889    13,671,889    13,920,761

Reconciliation of cash flow from operations to net income (loss):

The terms "cash flow" or "cash flow from operations" as used below do not have
any standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP and should not be considered an
alternative to, or more meaningful than, cash flow from operating activities or
net income (loss) as determined in accordance with GAAP as an indicator of the
Company's performance. In addition, the Company's determination of cash flow
from operations may not be comparable to that reported by other companies. The
reconciliation between net income (loss) and cash flow from operations is set
out below. Fairmount believes this measure is meaningful because it is an
indicator of funding sources for on-going efforts to replace production volumes
and increase reserve volumes. The Company also presents cash flow from
operations per share which is calculated using the same methodology as earnings
per share; however this measurement also does not correspond to GAAP.

             Nine Months
                   Ended                   Three Months Ended
                December    December    September        June         March
$ except per          31,         31,          30,         30,           31,
share amounts       2008        2008         2008        2008          2008
Net Income
 (loss)         (904,707)   (468,388)      42,713    (479,032)      993,329
 and accretion 1,926,889     562,261      478,442     886,186       907,170
 compensation    176,748     (13,588)      75,143     115,193        44,666
Loss (gain)
 on forward
 contracts       (44,350)     48,925     (254,285)    161,010        44,350
Future income
 taxes (recovery)      -           -            -           -    (1,402,166)
Cash flow from
 operations    1,154,580     129,210      342,013     683,357       587,349
Cash flow per
 common share:
 - Basic     $      0.07  $     0.01  $      0.02  $     0.04  $       0.03
 - Diluted   $      0.07  $     0.01  $      0.02  $     0.04  $       0.03

             Nine Months 
                   Ended                   Three Months Ended
                December    December    September        June         March
$ except per          31,         31,          30,         30,           31,
share amounts       2007        2007         2007        2007          2007
Net Income
 (loss)       (1,788,198)   (463,674)    (820,840)   (503,684)    1,098,989
 and accretion 2,389,359     834,993      764,453     789,912       569,914
 compensation    254,551      69,124       83,428     101,999       107,313
Future income
 taxes (recovery)      -           -            -           -    (1,475,074)
Cash flow from
 operations      855,712     440,443       27,041     388,227       301,142
Cash flow per
 common share:
 - Basic    $       0.06  $     0.03  $      0.00  $     0.03  $       0.02
 - Diluted  $       0.06  $     0.03  $      0.00  $     0.03  $       0.02

Forward - Looking Information

This news release contains forward-looking information, including but not
limited to future exploration and development plans, anticipated production
levels, anticipated productivity of certain wells, and potential drilling
locations. This information relates to future events or the Company's future
performance. All statements and information other than statements of historical
fact are forward-looking information. In some cases, forward-looking information
can be identified by terminology such as "may", "will", "should", "expect",
"plan", "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "predict", "potential", "continue",
or the negative of these terms or other comparable terminology. By its nature,
forward-looking information involves numerous assumptions, known and unknown
risks and uncertainties, both general and specific, that contribute to the
possibility that the predictions, forecasts, projections and other
forward-looking information will not occur. Forward-looking information is based
on assumptions, including, among other things, the Company's ability to benefit
from the combination of growth opportunities and the ability to grow through the
capital markets; the Company's acquisition strategy, the criteria to be
considered in connection therewith and the benefits to be derived therefrom;
sustainability and growth of production and reserves through prudent management
and acquisitions; commodity prices, the emergence of accretive growth
opportunities; the impact of Canadian governmental regulation on the Company;
the strategy of the Company regarding commodity price risk management, changes
in oil and natural gas prices and the impact of such changes on financial
performance; the level of capital expenditures devoted to development activity
rather than exploration; the use of development activity and/or acquisitions to
replace and add to reserves; the quantity of oil and natural gas reserves and
oil and natural gas production levels; and currency, exchange and interest

Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the
forward-looking information are reasonable, there can be no assurance that such
expectations will prove to be correct. The Company can not guarantee future
results, levels of activity, performance, or achievements. Moreover, neither the
Company nor any other person assumes responsibility for the accuracy and
completeness of the forward-looking information. Some of the risks and other
factors, some of which are beyond the Company's control, which could cause
results to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking
statements contained in this press release include, but are not limited to,
general economic conditions in Canada, the United States and globally; the
actual productive capacity from new and existing wells in the Gold Creek area
and Thorsby area may differ materially from the Company's forecasted production
rates once wells come onto production and the timing of wells coming onto
production may differ materially from that expected by the Company; industry
conditions, including fluctuations in the price of crude oil, natural gas and
natural gas liquids and services used by the Company; uncertainties associated
with estimating reserves; royalties payable in respect of oil and gas
production; governmental regulation of the oil and gas industry, including
income tax and environmental regulation; fluctuation in foreign exchange or
interest rates; stock market volatility and market valuations; the impact of
environmental events; the need to obtain required approvals from regulatory
authorities; unanticipated operating events which can reduce production or cause
production to be shut-in or delayed; failure to obtain industry partner and
other third party consents and approvals, when required; and third party
performance of obligations under contractual arrangements. Subject to the
company's obligations under applicable securities laws, the Company is not under
any duty to update any of the forward-looking information after the date of this
news release to conform such statements to actual results or to changes in the
Company's expectations.

Per barrel of oil equivalent amounts have been calculated using a conversion
rate of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to one barrel of oil (6:1).
Barrel of oil equivalents ("boe") may be misleading, particularly if used in
isolation. A boe conversion of ratio 6 mcf:1 bbl is based on an energy
equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the burner tip and does
not represent a value equivalency at the wellhead.

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