RNS Number:3378S
Kajima Corporation
21 November 2003

                               KAJIMA CORPORATION


                              FINANCIAL STATEMENTS

              (For the Period from April 1 to September 30, 2003)

1. Date of the Board of Directors' Meeting to Approve

the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements              : November 21, 2003

2. Financial Highlights 

(1) Results of Operations
                        First Half of Financial Years from April 1 to September 30
                                        Millions of Yen               Thousands of
                                                                      U.S. Dollars
                       ------------              -----------           -----------
                           2003                      2002                  2003
                       -----------               -----------           -----------
Revenues           Yen    783,372             Yen  822,792          $  7,057,405
Operating                 17,011                    12,505               153,252
Net                        6,080                     2,472                54,775
Income                 -----------  ---          -----------           -----------
                                          Yen                         U.S. Dollars
                          -------------------------------              -----------
Basic Net               Yen 6.35                  Yen 2.58                $ 0.06
Income per

(2) Assets and Equity
                                           As of September 30
                                  Millions of Yen                    Thousands of
                                                                     U.S. Dollars
                          -----------             -----------          -----------
                             2003                    2002                   2003
                          -----------             -----------          -----------
Total               Yen  1,896,364             Yen  2,081,334         $ 17,084,360
Total                      180,148                    168,777            1,622,955
Stockholders Equity
Equity/                       9.5                        8.1                 9.5
Assets Ratio  
                              Yen                                      U.S. Dollars
                        -------------------------------------          ------------
Equity per               Yen 188.32                 Yen 176.07            $ 1.70

(3) Cash Flows
                   First Half of Financial Years from April 1 to September 30
                    ---------------------------------               ------------
                                 Millions of Yen                    Thousands of
                                                                    U.S. Dollars
                           2003                2002                      2003
                       -----------         -----------               -----------
-Operating          Yen    35,556        Yen    4,243                 $  320,324
Investing                 (8,225)             (6,490)                   (74,099)
Financing                 (5,444)             (3,626)                   (49,045)
Cash and Cash
End of the               108,739              89,548                     979,631

(4) Forecast of major financial results for the financial year from April 1,
2003 to March 31, 2004

                                Year ending March 31, 2004
                    Millions of Yen                        Thousands of
                                                           U.S. Dollars
                  -----------------                        ------------
Revenues          Yen   1,680,000                        $   15,135,135

Net Loss                   (5,000)                             (45,045)

(5) Basis of Presentation

(a) The accompanying consolidated financial statements of Kajima Corporation
(the "Company") and its consolidated subsidiaries (together, the
"Companies") have been prepared in accordance with the provisions set forth in
the Japanese Securities and Exchange Law and its related accounting regulations
and in conformity with accounting principles and practices generally accepted in
Japan, which are different in certain respects as to application and disclosure
requirements of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). Differences
between the accounting policies followed by the Companies and IFRSs are
described in Note 2. The consolidated financial statements are not intended to
present the consolidated financial position and the consolidated results of
operations and cash flows in accordance with accounting principles and practices
generally accepted in countries and jurisdictions other than Japan.

In preparing this Notice (the "NOTICE") of the consolidated financial
statements, certain reclassifications and rearrangements have been made to the
NOTICE issued domestically in order to present these consolidated statements in
a form which is more familiar to readers of these statements outside Japan. In
accordance with accounting procedures generally accepted in Japan, certain
comparative disclosures are not required to be and have not been presented

The accounts of the Company and its Japanese subsidiaries are maintained in
Japanese yen, the currency of the country in which they are incorporated and
principally operate. The U.S. dollar amounts included in Financial Highlights
above and elsewhere in the NOTICE are presented solely for convenience of the

Such dollar amounts have been translated from yen at the approximate exchange
rate in Tokyo on September 30, 2003 of Yen111 = U.S. $1. The translations should
not be construed as representations that Japanese yen have been, could have
been, or could in the future be, converted into U.S. dollars at that or any
other rate.

(b) Scope of Consolidation

The consolidated financial statements for the first half of financial year from
April 1 to September 30, 2003 include the accounts of the Company and its 85
significant subsidiaries. Under the control or influence concept, those
companies in which the Company, directly or indirectly, is able to exercise
control over operations are fully consolidated, and those companies over which
the Companies have the ability to exercise significant influence are accounted
for by the equity method.

Other 62 subsidiaries were not consolidated as they would not have a material
effect on the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

All unconsolidated subsidiaries and 34 affiliates were accounted for using the
equity method.

The excess of the cost of an acquisition over the fair value of the net assets
of the acquired subsidiary and affiliate at the date of acquisition is being
amortized over a period of 5 years. All significant inter-company balances and
transactions have been eliminated in consolidation. All material unrealized
profit included in assets resulting from inter-company transactions is

The breakdown and changes of fully consolidated companies and companies
accounted for using the equity method are summarized below:

i) Breakdown as of September 30, 2003
Number of consolidated    : 85
Principal consolidated    :   Taiko Trading Co., Ltd.
subsidiaries                  Kajima Leasing Corporation
                              Kajima Road Co., Ltd.
                              Kajima U.S.A. Inc.
                              Kajima Europe B.V.
                              Kajima Overseas Asia Pte. Ltd.

Number of unconsolidated  : 62
accounted for using the       ARTES Corporation, Japan Sea Works Co., Ltd. and
equity method                 60 other companies

Number of affiliated      : 34
accounted for using the       Katabami Kogyo Co., Ltd., Yaesu Book Center Co.,
equity method                 Ltd. and 32 other companies

ii) Changes in the first half of financial year from April 1 to September 30,
Newly consolidated           :  3 subsidiaries of Kajima Europe B.V.
Companies excluded from      :  1 subsidiary of Kajima U.S.A. Inc. and 1
consolidation                   subsidiary of Kajima Europe B.V.
Companies newly accounted
using the equity method      :  1 subsidiary

Companies excluded from the  :  1 affiliated company
equity method

(c) Per Share Information
Basic net income per share is computed by dividing net income available to
common stockholders by the weighted-average number of common shares outstanding
for the period, retroactively adjusted for stock splits. The weighted-average
number of common shares used in the computation for the first half of financial
years from April 1 to September 30, 2003 and 2002 were 956,671,298 and
958,686,086 shares, respectively.
Equity per share data is calculated using the number of shares at the end of
each period.
Diluted net income per share is not disclosed because the Companies have nothing
which might dilute the per share information for the first half of financial
year from April 1 to September 30, 2003 and 2002, respectively.

3. Further information is available at              :

   Mr. Hironobu Takano

   General Manager

   Accounting Department

   Treasury Division

   Kajima Corporation

   2-7, Motoakasaka 1- chome,

   Minato-ku, Tokyo 107-8388, Japan

   Telephone  (03)3404-3311

     International 81-3-3404-3311

   Facsimile   (03)3746-7168

     International 81-3-3746-7168

I.Summary and Forecast of Business Performance

(a) Business Performance

1.Summary of Business Performance for the first half of financial year from
April 1 to September 30, 2003


As of the mid-point of the current financial year, the jury still seemed to be
out on whether the current economic uptrend would represent the beginning of a
full-fledged recovery. We saw positive signs in robust exports, increased
capital spending by some businesses, better corporate earnings and the stock
market rallies. Negatives, however, abounded. Land values kept falling in a
continuing deflationary environment. Weak job markets, combined with wage
erosion, served to constrain personal spending. On top of this came the recent
surges of the Japanese yen which tend to put a damper on further export-led

Domestic construction markets continued to scale down as a whole. The public
sector, both on local and central government levels, awarded less projects under
tight budget constraints, while the private sector demand for construction
services rebounded in certain manufacturing segments.

In overseas markets, the U.S. economic recovery as well as China?fs continued
growth provided causes for optimism.

Against such economic backdrop, the Companies performed during the first half of
this financial year as follows.

Consolidated revenues for this six-month period came in at Yen783.3 billion,
down 4.8% from the same period of last year, reflecting the setbacks in total
construction revenues of the Company and its subsidiaries.

An improved gross profit margin on a lower consolidated revenue base resulted in
a consolidated gross profit that is roughly on a par with the same period of
last year. Furthermore, the reduction in selling, general and administrative
cost of the Company and its domestic subsidiaries helped the consolidated
operating profit Yen17.0 billion, up 36.0% from the same period of last year.
Consolidated net income reached Yen6.1 billion, up 145.9% from the same period
of last year.

Segment Performance

(1) Construction Operations

i) Domestic Operations

New construction orders for the Group companies for first half of this year
totaled Yen592.7 billion, up 12.6% from the same period of last year. The
Company itself accounted for Yen122.3 billion in civil engineering contracts (up
8.9% from the same period of last year) and Yen414.7 billion in architectural
construction contracts (up 17.1% from the same period of last year), for a total
of Yen537.0 billion (up 15.1% from the same period of last year). The civil
engineering business advanced mainly due to increase in private orders from the
oil sector, while the architectural construction business increased in contracts
both from manufacturing and non-manufacturing clients.

Group revenues for the period stood at Yen 537.7 billion, a 11.5% slide from the
same period of last year, mostly attributable to the drops in revenue to the
Company, Taiko Trading Co., Ltd. and others. The Company registered total
revenues of Yen491.9 billion (down 11.7% from the same period of last year),
with Yen131.0 billion in civil engineering contracts (down 9.5% from the same
period of last year) and Yen361.0 billion in architectural construction
contracts (down 12.5% from the same period of last year). The
percentage-of-completion method, adopted in April of 2000, had tended to inflate
reported period revenues, but such impact mostly ceased during the current

ii) Overseas Operations

New orders received amounted to Yen51.7 billion (down 31.1% from the same period
of last year), which breaks down to Yen42.8 billion awarded to overseas
subsidiaries and Yen8.9 billion secured by the Company and its domestic
subsidiaries. This meant that good results for the same period of last year,
when large-scale infrastructure contracts poured in, were unsustainable.

Total revenues reached Yen63.4 billion (up 35.2% from the same period of last
year), consisting of Yen50.0 billion posted by overseas subsidiaries and Yen13.4
billion by the Company and its domestic subsidiaries.

iii) Profit Margins

The Group finished the semi-annual period with a gross profit of Yen43.2
billion, down Yen0.8 billion from the same period of last year. This means that,
while the Group companies?f gross profit margin on completed construction jobs
improved from 6.7% last year to 7.2% this year, it was swamped by the negative
impact from an 8.1% decline in total revenue base . The Company itself enjoyed a
year-on-year improvement in the same margin from 6.8% to 7.4%.

Group?fs construction business generated consolidated operating income of Yen2.5
billion, up 6.2% from the same period of last year, as a result of the reduction
of selling, general and administrative expenses.

iv) Principal works awarded during the first half of financial year ended
September 30, 2003
( Client )                                    ( Works )
Mitsubishi Estate Co., Ltd.                   Tokyo Building
UDX Special Purpose Company                   Akihabara IT Center UDX Building
ORIX Real Estate Co., Ltd.; Mitsui Fudosan    Benten 1-Chome Multi-Purpose
Co., Ltd.; Hankyu Realty Co., Ltd.            Complex

Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd.                         Shizuoka Pipeline
Pioneer Corporation                           Pioneer Display Products
                                              Corporation, Yamanashi Plant #1
Japan LPG Storage Co., Ltd.                   The National LPG Storage Project,
                                              Kurashiki Base 1
Note: All of the above are the contracts awarded to the Company.

v) Principal works completed during the first half of financial year ended
September 30, 2003
( Client )                            ( Works )
Kyodo News                              Shiodome Media Tower
Mori Trust Co., Ltd.                    MARUNOUCHI TRUST TOWER NORTH
Nippon Express Co., Ltd.                New Headquarters Building
Teikoku Oil Co., Ltd.                   Matsumoto-Kofu Pipeline
UMCi Pte. Ltd.                          FAB 12S Main Contractor Works (*)
Izumi Co., Ltd.                         Youme Town Kurume Store

Note: Project with (*) was awarded to Kajima Overseas Asia Pte. Ltd.
(Singapore); all the rest are projects of the Company.

(2)Real Estate Operations

Consolidated revenues from real estate operations advanced to Yen126.2 billion,
up 16.6% from the same period of last year, with Yen93.0 billion from domestic
operations and Yen33.3 billion from overseas. The big jump was due to revenues
posted by Kajima Shiodome Kaihatsu co., Ltd. for the sale of a large project in
downtown Tokyo. Consolidated operating income from real estate operations
overall was Yen9.6 billion, down 8.9% from the same period of last year.


Other segments, consisting mainly of processed construction materials and design
/engineering and property management services, reported consolidated revenues of
Yen56.0 billion (down 7.2% from the same period of last year) and consolidated
operating loss of Yen0.5 billion (Loss of Yen0.3 billion was reported for the
same period of last year).

2. Declaration of Dividends

We plan on declaring an ordinary semi-annual payout of Yen2.5 per share.

3. Business Performance Forecast for the Whole Financial Year

While Japan?fs real GDP growth for the financial year is expected to be above
zero, negative forces, such as slow deflationary trends, strengthening of the
Japanese Yen, weak consumer spending, and uncertainties in the global economy,
are also likely to remain over the short run. We expect a real economic revival
to come about only after these are resolved.

Domestically, we expect the private sector to continue on with a mild upward
trend in capital investments, whereas further reductions in public works
spending are likely throughout the period under the tight budget constraints;
thus, we are looking at an industry where competition is to intensify in
shrinking markets.

We expect positive spillovers from the expanding U.S. economy and the robust
growth of China. For the overseas markets in general, however, it remains to be
seen how extensive such effects will be.

Finally, the Company projects its consolidated financial performance as follows:

Revenue is projected at Yen1,680 billion, down 10.4% from last year.

However, net loss is projected at Yen5 billion for this accounting period. This
is a direct result of a Yen40 billion extraordinary loss to be posted in
conjunction with the proposed dissolution of Kajima Pension Fund and the
adoption of a defined-contribution program. All of this is part of our bid to
revamp the Company?fs retirement benefit program and thereby establish a solid
foundation for superior financial performance.

Shown below are contract award and revenue targets for the financial year
respectively of the Group and the Company itself broken down by segment.

The Group aims at winning construction contract awards worth Yen1,160 billion
from domestic works and Yen150 billion from overseas. The Company itself expects
to secure construction contracts worth Yen1,034 billion from the domestic market
and Yen36 billion from overseas.

(b) Financial Condition

Net cash provided by operating activities was a surplus of Yen35.6 billion (up
738.1% from the same period of last year). This resulted from net income before
income taxes and minority interests of Yen12.8 billion, which was adjusted,
among others, by adding back depreciation and an increase provision for doubtful
account, which was then increased, among others, by a Yen127.9 billion decrease
of receivables and reduced, among others, by a Yen97.9 billion decrease in
payables and Yen13.5 billion decrease in advances received.

Net cash used in investing activities amounted to Yen8.2 billion (up 26.7% from
the same period of last year) as payment for purchase of property and equipment
etc. exceeded proceeds from sales of marketable and investment securities etc.

Net cash used in financing activities amounted to Yen5.4 billion (up 50.1% from
the same period of last year), most of which consisted the amount to reduce
interest-bearing liabilities of the Consolidated Group and paid out in

Thus, the balance of cash and cash equivalents as of the end of first half of
financial year totaled Yen108.7 billion, up Yen22.0 billion from the end of last
financial year.


                                                  As of September 30
                                                                     ---    ---------
                                         Millions of Yen                 Thousands of
                                                                         U.S. Dollars
                                                 ------------------         ---------
                                        2003                 2002                 2003
       ------------------------      ---------  ---       ---------  ---       ---------
       ------------------------      ---------  ---       ---------  ---       ---------
Cash and cash equivalents        Yen 108,739           Yen 89,548            $ 979,631
Marketable securities                    145                  804                1,306
Notes and accounts                   351,014              343,570            3,162,288
Allowance for doubtful               (12,113)             (12,881)            (109,126)
Construction projects in             217,111              358,522            1,955,955
Development projects in              236,864              229,108            2,133,910
progress, real estate and
Deferred income taxes                 68,861               77,772              620,369
Other current assets                 174,344              193,709            1,570,667
                                     ---------            ---------            ---------
Total current assets               1,144,965            1,280,152           10,315,000
                                     ---------            ---------            ---------

Land                                 174,174              179,096            1,569,135
Buildings and structures             333,233              331,029            3,002,099
Machinery and equipment              112,676              116,469            1,015,099
Construction in progress              29,446               38,905              265,279
                                     ---------            ---------            ---------
                        Total        649,529              665,499            5,851,612
Accumulated depreciation            (254,898)            (252,347)          (2,296,378)
                                     ---------            ---------            ---------
Net property and equipment           394,631              413,152            3,555,234
                                     ---------            ---------            ---------

Investments in securities            180,161              193,454            1,623,072
Investments in unconsolidated         26,232               23,945              236,324
subsidiaries and affiliates
Long-term loans receivable            49,988               48,447              450,342
Long-term loans to
unconsolidated subsidiaries and
                                      23,315               25,626              210,045
Allowance for doubtful               (69,539)             (67,217)            (626,477)
Deferred income taxes                 77,843              81,085            701,288
Other                                 68,768              82,690            619,532
                                     ---------           ---------          ---------
Total investments and other          356,768             388,030          3,214,126
assets                               ---------           ---------          ---------
                        TOTAL   Yen 1,896,364       Yen 2,081,334      $ 17,084,360
                                     =========           =========          =========

                                                  As of September 30
                                            Millions of Yen            Thousands
                                          2003            2002           2003
Short-term borrowings                  Yen 135,112     Yen 163,660    $ 1,217,225
Commercial paper                            28,000          84,500        252,252
Current portion of long-term debt           82,691         103,470        744,964
Notes and accounts payable-trade           426,145         416,578      3,839,144
Advances received:
Construction projects in progress          211,638         339,684      1,906,649
Development projects in progress,           35,530          32,477        320,090
real estate and other
Income taxes payable                         4,420           1,336         39,820
Accrued expenses                            23,938          27,200        215,658
Other current liabilities                  201,788         204,196      1,817,910
Total current liabilities                1,149,262       1,373,101     10,353,712

Long-term debt                             345,629         306,491      3,113,775
Deferred income taxes on revaluation        11,325          10,406        102,027
of land
Liability for retirement benefits           96,847          93,918        872,495
Allowance for loss on development           21,695          22,156        195,450
Equity loss in excess of investments
in and loans to unconsolidated
subsidiaries and affiliates                11,515          21,137        103,739
Other long-term liabilities                64,794          70,247        583,730
Total long-term liabilities                551,805         524,355      4,971,216

MINORITY INTERESTS                          15,149          15,101        136,477


Common stock, authorized,
issued 961,312,022 shares                   64,071          64,071        577,216
Additional paid-in capital                  32,147          32,147        289,613
Retained earnings                           41,893          34,682        377,415
Revaluation surplus of land                 16,012          14,149        144,252
Unrealized gain on available-for-sale       25,803          24,225        232,459
Foreign currency statements                  1,497             404         13,486
translation adjustments
Treasury stock - at cost, 4,696,062
shares in 2003
and 2,733,242 shares in 2002               (1,275)            (901)       (11,486)
Total stockholders' equity                 180,148         168,777      1,622,955
TOTAL                                          Yen             Yen              $
                                         1,896,364       2,081,334     17,084,360

                                      First Half of Financial Years from April
                                                  1 to September 30
                                           Millions of Yen           Thousands
                                         2003           2002           2003

Construction projects                 Yen 601,102    Yen 654,136    $ 5,415,333
Real estate and other                     182,270        168,656      1,642,072

Total revenues                            783,372        822,792      7,057,405
Construction projects                     557,878        610,132      5,025,928
Real estate and other                     158,869        146,018      1,431,252

Total cost of revenues                    716,747        756,150      6,457,180
Gross profit                               66,625         66,642        600,225
AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                49,614         54,137        446,973
Operating income                           17,011         12,505        153,252
Interest and dividends                      2,129          3,079         19,180
Interest expense                          (5,411)        (6,261)       (48,748)
Equity in earnings (losses) of
unconsolidated subsidiaries and
affiliates                                     44          (184)            396
Valuation loss on marketable and            (271)        (1,889)        (2,441)
investment securities
Gain on sales of marketable and             1,394          1,883         12,559
investment securities-net
Loss on sales or disposals of               (149)          (215)        (1,342)
property and equipment-net
Provision for doubtful accounts           (2,026)        (2,636)       (18,252)
Other-net                                      83        (2,019)            747
Other expenses-net                        (4,207)        (8,242)       (37,901)
MINORITY INTERESTS                         12,804          4,263        115,351
Current                                     4,294          1,518         38,685
Deferred                                    3,282            581         29,567
Total income taxes                          7,576          2,099         68,252
MINORITY INTERESTS                            852            308          7,676
NET INCOME                              Yen 6,080      Yen 2,472       $ 54,775

                                          First Half of Financial Years from April
                                                     1 to September 30
                                               Millions of Yen          Thousands
                                             2003           2002          2003

Income before income taxes and minority    Yen 12,804     Yen 4,263      $ 115,351
Adjustments for :
Income taxes-paid                             (3,126)       (2,471)       (28,162)
Depreciation and amortization                  10,197        10,789         91,865
Provision for doubtful accounts                 2,185         4,782         19,685
Equity in (earnings) losses of
unconsolidated subsidiaries and
                                                 (44)           184          (396)
Valuation loss on marketable and                  271         1,889          2,441
investment securities
Loss on sales or disposals of property            149           215          1,342
and equipment ?? net
Gain on sales of marketable and               (1,394)       (1,883)       (12,559)
investment securities ?? net
(Increase) decrease in receivables            127,868       132,518      1,151,964
(Increase) decrease in inventories             11,087      (13,944)         99,883
Increase (decrease) in payables              (97,928)      (76,549)      (882,234)
Increase (decrease) in advances received     (13,452)      (25,870)      (121,189)
Increase (decrease) in liability for            2,445         (745)         22,027
retirement benefits
Other  net                                 (15,506)      (28,935)      (139,694)
Net cash provided by operating activities      35,556         4,243        320,324
Payment for purchases of marketable and      (12,933)       (4,605)      (116,514)
investment securities
Proceeds from sales and redemption of
and investment securities                       5,933        14,581         53,450
Payment for purchases of property and         (4,741)      (15,053)       (42,712)
Proceeds from sales of property and             1,410         4,363         12,703
Disbursements for loans                       (1,799)       (3,408)       (16,207)
Proceeds from collection of loans               1,035         1,782          9,324
Other ?? net                                    2,870       (4,150)         25,857
Net cash used in investing activities         (8,225)       (6,490)       (74,099)
Decrease in short-term borrowings              14,047        18,096        126,550
Net issuance (repayment) of commercial       (26,000)           500      (234,234)
Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt       46,780        31,645        421,441
Repayment of long-term debt                  (62,523)      (65,672)      (563,270)
Proceeds from issuance of bonds                24,764        15,231        223,099
Cash dividends paid                           (2,389)       (3,347)       (21,523)
Other ?? net                                    (123)          (79)        (1,108)
Net cash used in financing activities         (5,444)       (3,626)       (49,045)
ON CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENT                      107        (1,066)            965
CASH EQUIVALENTS                               21,994        (6,939)        198,145
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, BEGINNING OF        86,745        97,015        781,486
YEAR                                       -                   (528)              -
CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS, END OF THE     Yen 108,739    Yen 89,548      $ 979,631

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange