RNS Number:6877R
Millennium & Copthorne Hotels PLC
05 November 2003

                                                                 5 November 2003

                       MILLENNIUM & COPTHORNE HOTELS PLC
                               30 SEPTEMBER 2003

Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc today provides a trading update and results
for the nine months ended 30 September 2003.

Group results

                      Three months    Three months Nine months to Nine months to
                   to 30 Sept 2003 to 30 Sept 2002   30 Sept 2003   30 Sept 2002
                                #m              #m             #m             #m
Group turnover               134.6           138.9          377.6          422.7
Group operating profit        14.5            22.7           30.0           66.9
Profit before tax              6.6            10.6            0.3           36.2


* Return to profit - #6.6m profit in third quarter compared to #6.3m
  loss in first half of 2003
* Group occupancies increased to 68.7% in the quarter from 61.0% in
  first half of 2003
* Continued recovery in RevPAR performance - up 12.1% compared to first
  half of 2003
* Ongoing tight control on costs and capital expenditure

Commenting today, Mr Kwek Leng Beng, Chairman said:

"We believe that the worst is over and that our industry is recovering, albeit
at a gradual pace. We are encouraged by the signs of recovery in Group RevPAR
and anticipate this recovery will continue. Volumes are encouraging and historic
trends indicate that an improvement in rates should follow.

"Looking forward, we remain confident that our ownership of quality assets in
key locations makes us uniquely placed to benefit from the ongoing improvement
in trading. However, the market remains challenging and the recovery that we
have seen is gradual."


John Wilson, Chief Executive            020 7872 2444
David Thomas, Finance Director          020 7872 2444
Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc

Nick Claydon/Kate Miller/Chi Lo         020 7404 5959
Brunswick Group Limited



We are pleased to report that the gradual improvement in trading that we had
begun to see at the time of our interim results has continued. As a result, we
have returned to profitability in this quarter despite the impact of SARS on
travel patterns in Asia.

For the three months to end of September Group turnover was #134.6m (2002:
#138.9m). Group operating profit was #14.5m (2002: #22.7m) and the profit before
tax was #6.6m (2002: #10.6m).

For the nine months to 30 September Group turnover was #377.6m (2002: #422.7m).
Group operating profit was #30.0m (2002: #66.9m) and our profit before tax was
#0.3m (2002: #36.2m). This compares with a loss before tax of #6.3m for the
first half of 2003.

At our interim results we announced that Group RevPAR for the month of July was
8.0% down compared to 2002, a clear improvement on the 14.5% decline reported
for the half year. This improvement has continued gradually throughout the third
quarter and, for the three months to 30 September 2003, the Group's RevPAR was
down 6.7% on the equivalent period in 2002. Comparing the third quarter to the
first half, it is encouraging to note that Group occupancies increased from
61.0% to 68.7%, with Group RevPAR increasing by 12.1% to #41.29 (6 months to 30
June 2003: #36.83).

Operationally, we have continued to monitor and reduce our cost base and
maintain a tight control on capital expenditure. We expect the total capital
expenditure for the year, including US$25m on the Millenium Hilton, to be in the
region of #30m.

Our decision to have a scrip dividend alternative for the 2003 interim dividend
was well received by our shareholders, although the actual take-up was
relatively small. Going forward, we will continue to keep the allocation of our
cash resources under close review.

Summary of performance

New York City has continued to enjoy high volumes of business and we have
improved occupancies. However, we have experienced ongoing rate pressure in the
corporate market. Despite this, the RevPAR shortfall compared to the third
quarter 2002 was 5.8% and this shows a much better position than the 11.3%
shortfall for the six months to 30 June 2003. The Millenium Hilton continues to
trade well and we expect significant benefits from it during the fourth quarter
and into 2004.

We continue to benefit from the capital investment in the refurbishment of our
regional US hotels in 2001. RevPAR in this region was down 3.2% for the quarter
compared to 5.6% in the 6 months to 30 June 2003.

The London market remains challenging with continued pressure on rate. We saw an
improvement in performance in September resulting from a return of corporate
business. Third quarter RevPAR was down 10.0% compared to 15.6% in 6 months to
30 June 2003. In respect of the Rest of Europe, our Regional UK operations
continue to be resilient but Germany remains difficult.

The recovery in Asia has continued following the end of the SARS epidemic. We
are pleased with the dramatic recovery of our hotels in Taipei and Hong Kong.
There has been a good improvement in Singapore, albeit at a more gradual rate.
The performance of our hotel in Seoul was disappointing compared to its very
strong performance in 2002 when it benefited from the Asian Games and the
football World Cup. For the region as a whole RevPAR for the three months was
down 11.9% compared to down 35.4% for the first half of 2003.

Our Australasian portfolio continues to perform well and saw RevPAR improve to
last year by 2.2%. Again this is a better performance than in the first six
months of 2003.


We believe that the worst is over and that our industry is recovering, albeit at
a gradual pace. Group RevPAR for the 4 weeks to 28 October 2003 was 3.9% down
compared to 2002. We are encouraged by the signs of recovery in Group RevPAR and
anticipate this recovery will continue. Volumes remain strong and historic
trends would indicate that an improvement in rates should follow.

Looking forward, we remain confident that our ownership of quality assets in key
locations makes us uniquely placed to benefit from the ongoing improvement in
trading. However, the market remains challenging and the recovery that we have
seen is gradual.

Kwek Leng Beng

5th November 2003

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the quarter ending 30 September 2003
                                                      3 months        3 months
                                                         ended           ended
                                                  30 September    30 September
                                                          2003            2002
                                                            #m              #m
                                                     Unaudited       Unaudited

Group and share of joint ventures                        149.2           153.6
Less share of turnover of joint
ventures                                                 (14.6)          (14.7)
                                                    ----------       ---------

Group turnover                                           134.6           138.9
Cost of sales                                            (63.7)          (60.4)
                                                    ----------       ---------

Gross profit                                              70.9            78.5
Administrative expenses                                  (55.9)          (56.9)
Other operating (expense)/income                          (0.5)            1.1
                                                    ----------       ---------

Group operating profit                                    14.5            22.7

Share of operating profits of joint ventures               1.2             0.5
Share of operating profits of associated undertakings        -             0.1
                                                    ----------       ---------

Total operating profit                                    15.7            23.3

Profit on sale of fixed assets                               -               -
                                                    ----------       ---------
Profit before interest and taxation                       15.7            23.3

Interest payable less receivable
Group                                                     (7.9)          (12.2)
Joint ventures                                            (1.2)           (0.4)
Associated undertakings                                      -            (0.1)
                                                    ----------       ---------
                                                          (9.1)          (12.7)
                                                    ----------       ---------

Profit on ordinary activities before taxation              6.6            10.6
Tax on profit on ordinary activities                      (1.7)           (2.2)
                                                    ----------       ---------
Profit on ordinary activities after taxation               4.9             8.4
Minority interests - equity                               (2.0)           (1.7)
                                                    ----------       ---------
Profit for the financial period                            2.9             6.7
Dividends paid and proposed                                  -               -
                                                    ----------       ---------

Retained profit for the financial period                   2.9             6.7
                                                    ----------       ---------

Key Operating Statistics
for the quarter ending 30 September 2003

                                         3 months        3 months     3 months
                                            ended           ended        ended
                                     30 September    30 September 30 September
                                             2003            2002         2002
                                 Millenium Hilton   Like for Like
                                         Reported        Constant     Reported
                                         Currency        Currency     Currency
Occupancy (%)
New York                                     84.9            82.8         82.8
Rest of USA                                  64.9            61.0         61.4
USA                                          68.6            65.0         65.6
London                                       89.9            87.6         87.6
Rest of Europe                               72.3            70.3         70.3
Europe                                       80.1            78.0         78.0
Asia                                         61.4            67.4         67.4
Australasia                                  61.4            62.7         63.9
Group                                        68.7            68.7         69.0
                                        ---------      ----------    ---------

Average room rate (#)
New York                                    99.51          108.26       113.13
Rest of USA                                 59.26           65.14        69.16
USA                                         68.41           75.23        79.99
London                                      70.00           79.86        79.86
Rest of Europe                              63.57           69.05        66.73
Europe                                      66.77           74.44        73.27
Asia                                        52.35           54.14        55.77
Australasia                                 36.94           35.41        30.26
Group                                       60.10           64.41        64.20
                                        ---------      ----------    ---------

RevPAR (#)
New York                                    84.48           89.64        93.67
Rest of USA                                 38.46           39.74        42.46
USA                                         46.93           48.90        52.47
London                                      62.93           69.96        69.96
Rest of Europe                              45.96           48.54        46.91
Europe                                      53.48           58.06        57.15
Asia                                        32.14           36.49        37.59
Australasia                                 22.68           22.20        19.34
Group                                       41.29           44.25        44.30
                                        ---------      ----------    ---------

Like for like statistics include

- Four points Sunnyvale for the three months July 1 to 30 September 2002 and

The Millenium Hilton is excluded from both 2002 and 2003 statistics. Including
the Millenium Hilton in 2003 would produce the following statistics.

New York                                    81.2
USA                                         68.9
Group                                       68.8

New York                                  103.43
USA                                        72.05
Group                                      61.62

New York                                   83.99
USA                                        49.64
Group                                      42.39

Consolidated profit and loss account
for the nine months ended 30 September 2003

                                           9 months     9 months          Year
                                              ended        ended         ended
                                       30 September 30 September   31 December
                                               2003         2002          2002
                                                 #m           #m            #m
                                          Unaudited    Unaudited       Audited

Group and share of joint ventures             417.9        473.8         641.1
Less share of turnover of joint ventures     (40.3)       (51.1)        (73.6)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Group turnover                                377.6        422.7         567.5
Cost of sales                                (177.4)      (187.0)       (252.1)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Gross profit                                  200.2        235.7         315.4
Administrative expenses                      (162.7)      (173.0)       (225.6)
Other operating (expense)/income               (7.5)         4.2           6.5
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Group operating profit                         30.0         66.9          96.3

Share of operating
profits of joint ventures                       1.8          5.7          12.2
Share of operating profits of
associated undertakings                           -          0.3           0.4
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Total operating profit                         31.8         72.9         108.9

Profit on sale of fixed assets                  0.4            -             -
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------
Profit before interest and taxation            32.2         72.9         108.9

Interest payable less receivable
Group                                         (28.1)       (32.7)        (41.8)
Joint ventures                                 (3.8)        (3.7)         (6.5)
Associated undertakings                           -         (0.3)         (0.4)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------
                                              (31.9)       (36.7)        (48.7)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Profit on ordinary activities before
taxation                                        0.3         36.2          60.2
Tax on profit on ordinary activities           (0.1)        (9.5)        (14.4)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------
Profit on ordinary activities after
taxation                                        0.2         26.7          45.8
Minority interests - equity                    (3.6)        (7.0)         (7.8)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------
(Loss)/profit for the financial period         (3.4)        19.7          38.0
Dividends paid and proposed                   (11.9)       (11.9)        (35.3)
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Retained (loss)/profit for the 
financial period                              (15.3)         7.8           2.7
                                          ---------    ---------    ----------

Basic (loss) /earnings per share               (1.2p)        7.0p         13.4p
Diluted (loss) /earnings per share             (1.2p)        7.0p         13.4p
Dividends per share                             4.2p         4.2p         12.5p

Key Operating Statistics
for the nine months ending 30 September
                         9 months        9 months       9 months          Year
                            ended           ended          ended         ended
                     30 September    30 September   30 September   31 December
                             2003            2002           2002          2002
                Millenium Hilton    Like for Like
                        Reported         Constant       Reported      Reported
                        Currency         Currency       Currency      Currency
Occupancy (%)
New York                     83.4            82.6           82.6          83.3
Rest of USA                  58.1            54.5           54.9          54.0
USA                          62.8            59.7           60.3          59.7
London                       79.7            83.8           83.8          83.1
Rest of Europe               69.7            68.6           68.6          68.6
Europe                       74.1            75.3           75.3          75.0
Asia                         52.5            66.6           66.6          66.4
Australasia                  66.2            68.2           68.5          70.4
Group                        63.6            66.8           67.2          67.2
                        ---------       ---------     ----------    ----------

Average room rate (#)
New York                    97.33          108.37         118.10        120.28
Rest of USA                 59.10           66.07          72.22         70.83
USA                         68.43           76.83          84.50         84.29
London                      72.25           79.62          79.62         79.86
Rest of Europe              66.65           71.40          68.91         68.94
Europe                      69.32           75.45          74.19         74.30
Asia                        52.61           57.49          60.57         59.26
Australasia                 36.48           34.91          30.70         31.46
Group                       60.28           65.03          66.20         65.73
                        ---------       ---------     ----------    ----------

RevPAR (#)
New York                    81.17           89.51          97.55        100.19
Rest of USA                 34.34           36.01          39.65         38.25
USA                         42.97           45.87          50.95         50.32
London                      57.58           66.72          66.72         66.36
Rest of Europe              46.46           48.98          47.27         47.29
Europe                      51.37           56.81          55.87         55.73
Asia                        27.62           38.29          40.34         39.35
Australasia                 24.15           23.81          21.03         22.15
Group                       38.34           43.44          44.49         44.17
                        ---------       ---------     ----------    ----------

Gross operating profit
margin (%)
New York                     25.3                           31.3          32.5
Rest of USA                  21.3                           25.1          23.7
USA                          22.7                           27.3          27.0
London                       48.7                           51.3          51.4
Rest of Europe               27.8                           30.5          30.5
Europe                       36.8                           40.1          40.1
Asia                         30.3                           37.2          38.8
Australasia                  38.8                           35.5          37.3
Group                        30.5                           34.6          35.1
                        ---------       ---------     ----------    ----------

Like for like statistics include

- Four points Sunnyvale for the nine months to 30 September 2002 and 2003
- Millennium Hotel Sydney for the three months ended 31 March 2002 and 2003
- Quality Hotel Willis Street Wellington for the three months ended 31 March
  2002 and 2003

The Millenium Hilton is excluded from both 2002 and 2003 statistics. Including
the Millenium Hilton, after deduction of preopening expenses, in 2003 would
produce the following statistics.

New York                     81.9
USA                          63.2
Group                        63.7

New York                    99.71
USA                         70.38
Group                       61.06

New York                    81.66
USA                         44.48
Group                       38.90

New York                     27.4
USA                          23.6
Group                        30.7

Segmental information
for the nine months ending 30 September
                      New York   Rest of USA   London  Rest of Europe    Asia   Australasia   Group
                          2003          2003     2003            2003    2003          2003    2003
                           #'m           #'m      #'m             #'m     #'m           #'m     #'m

Hotel                     47.0          79.3     49.1            65.0    89.1          30.4   359.9
Non-hotel                    -           2.7        -               -     1.3          13.7    17.7
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Total                     47.0          82.0     49.1            65.0    90.4          44.1   377.6
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------

Hotel gross operating
profit                    12.9          16.9     23.9            18.1    27.0          11.8   110.6
Hotel fixed charges      (11.3)        (15.1)    (8.8)          (13.4)  (16.0)         (6.9)  (71.5)
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Hotel operating
profit                     1.6           1.8     15.1             4.7    11.0           4.9    39.1
Non-Hotel operating
profit                       -           1.0        -               -     0.6           5.5     7.1
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Profit before central 
costs                      1.6           2.8     15.1             4.7    11.6          10.4    46.2
Other operating
expenses                  (7.5)                                                                (7.5)
Central costs                                                                                  (8.7)
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Group operating
profit                                                                                         30.0
Share of operating
profits of joint 
ventures                   0.5                                            1.3                   1.8
Share of operating                                                                                
profits of associated
undertakings                                                                                      -
Profit on sale of 
fixed assets                                                                                    0.4
Net interest payable                                                                          (31.9)
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation                                                                                        0.3
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------

Segmental information
for the nine months ending 30 September

Reported Currency     New York   Rest of USA   London  Rest of Europe    Asia   Australasia   Group
                          2002          2002     2002            2002    2002          2002    2002
                           #'m           #'m      #'m             #'m     #'m           #'m     #'m

Hotel                     49.9          88.0     55.7            64.3   117.4          29.0   404.3
Non-hotel                    -           2.9        -               -     1.3          14.2    18.4
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Total                     49.9          90.9     55.7            64.3   118.7          43.2   422.7
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------

Hotel gross operating
profit                    15.6          22.1     28.6            19.6    43.7          10.3   139.9
Hotel fixed charges       (8.9)        (16.2)   (10.9)          (13.2)  (20.6)         (6.1)  (75.9)
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Hotel operating
profit                     6.7           5.9     17.7             6.4    23.1           4.2    64.0
Non-Hotel operating
profit                       -           1.1        -               -     1.2           5.9     8.2
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Profit before
central costs              6.7           7.0     17.7             6.4    24.3          10.1    72.2
Other operating
income                     4.2                                                                  4.2
Central costs                                                                                  (9.5)
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Group operating
profit                                                                                         66.9
Share of operating
profits of joint 
ventures                   1.5                                            4.2                   5.7
Share of operating
profits of 
undertakings                             0.3                                                    0.3
Profit on sale of                                                                                 -
fixed assets
Net interest payable                                                                          (36.7)
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------
Profit on ordinary
activities before
taxation                                                                                       36.2
---------------------   ------        ------   ------          ------  ------       -------  ------

For 2003 the New York hotel operating profit excludes pre-opening and legal
fees with respect to the Millenium Hilton, these are disclosed in other 
operating expense

For 2002 the New York hotel operating profit excludes business interruption
income with respect to the Millenium Hilton, this is disclosed in other
operating income

Consolidated statement of total recognised
gains and losses
                                             9 months     9 months        Year
                                                ended        ended       ended
                                         30 September 30 September 31 December
                                                 2003         2002        2002
                                                   #m           #m          #m
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited

(Loss)/profit for the financial period           (3.4)        19.7        38.0
Loss on foreign currency translation            (15.1)       (46.0)      (62.6)
Deficit on revaluation of fixed assets              -         (2.0)       (0.3)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
Total gains and
losses relating to
the period                                      (18.5)       (28.3)      (24.9)
Prior year
adjustment                                          -        (62.5)      (62.5)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
Total gains and losses recognised
since last annual report                        (18.5)       (90.8)      (87.4)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Note of historical costs profits and losses
                                             9 months     9 months        Year
                                                ended        ended       ended
                                         30 September 30 September 31 December
                                                 2003         2002        2002
                                                   #m           #m          #m
                                            unaudited    unaudited     audited

Reported profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                                   0.3         36.2        60.2

Difference between a historical cost
depreciation charge and the actual
depreciation charge for the period
calculated on the revalued amount                 0.3          0.3         0.5
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Historical profit on ordinary activities 
before taxation                                   0.6         36.5        60.7
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Historical cost (loss)/profit for the 
period retained after taxation,
minority interests and dividends                (15.0)         8.1         3.2
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Consolidated balance sheet
                                     30 September   30 September   31 December
                                             2003           2002          2002
                                               #m             #m            #m
                                        Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
Fixed assets
Tangible assets                           2,177.2        2,204.6       2,185.4
Investments in joint ventures
Share of gross assets                       273.0          292.5         288.1
Share of gross liabilities                 (189.5)        (212.6)       (205.1)
Share of minority interests                 (20.6)         (21.2)        (21.2)
Loans to joint ventures                      35.7           38.3          36.1
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
                                             98.6           97.0          97.9
Investments in associated undertakings        1.4            5.2           6.2
Investments                                   0.4            0.4           0.3
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
                                            100.4          102.6         104.4

                                          2,277.6        2,307.2       2,289.8
Current assets
Stocks                                       14.5           15.6          15.7

Debtors falling due within one year          74.7           73.5          75.6
Debtors falling due after more than 
one year                                      2.0            7.3           2.0
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
                                             76.7           80.8          77.6

Cash and short term deposits                 35.4           58.5          59.1
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
                                            126.6          154.9         152.4

Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year
Bank loans, overdrafts and finance
lease obligations                           (96.5)        (185.1)       (115.8)
Other liabilities                          (120.7)        (167.5)       (176.4)
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
                                           (217.2)        (352.6)       (292.2)

Net current liabilities                     (90.6)        (197.7)       (139.8)
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------

Total assets less current liabilities     2,187.0        2,109.5       2,150.0

Creditors: amounts falling due after
more than one year
Bank loans, overdrafts and finance
lease obligations                          (674.2)        (569.8)       (618.8)
Other liabilities                           (16.6)         (17.0)        (15.2)
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
                                           (690.8)        (586.8)       (634.0)

Provisions for liabilities and charges      (52.8)         (47.9)        (49.7)
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
Net assets                                1,443.4        1,474.8       1,466.3
                                        =========      =========     =========

Share capital                                84.8           84.8          84.8
Share premium                               845.7          845.6         845.6
Revaluation reserve                         306.2          307.3         308.4
Profit and loss account                      83.9          133.2         112.1
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
Shareholders' funds - equity              1,320.6        1,370.9       1,350.9

Minority interests - equity                 122.8          103.9         115.4
                                        ---------      ---------     ---------
Total Capital Employed                    1,443.4        1,474.8       1,466.3
                                        =========      =========     =========

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
                                             9 months     9 months        Year
                                                ended        ended       ended
                                         30 September 30 September 31 December
                                                 2003         2002        2002
                                                   #m           #m          #m
CASH FLOW STATEMENT                         Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited

Net cash inflow from operating activities        51.6         93.4       122.2
Dividends received from associated
undertakings                                        -          0.2         0.2
Dividends received from joint ventures            0.1            -         0.1
Returns on investment and servicing of
finance                                         (36.2)       (40.1)      (50.0)
Taxation paid                                    (5.1)        (9.7)      (11.6)
Capital expenditure and financial investment    (19.9)       (17.5)      (12.2)
Acquisitions and disposals                      (28.0)           -           -
Equity dividends paid                           (23.5)       (23.5)      (35.3)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Cash (outflow)/inflow before use of liquid 
resources and financing                         (61.0)         2.8        13.4
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Management of liquid resources                   (5.4)        39.9        30.6
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
Net cash from the issue of shares and
purchase of minority interests                    0.1        (37.2)      (37.2)

Increase in debt and lease financing             40.4         21.2         8.1
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
                                                 40.5        (16.0)      (29.1)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period       (25.9)        26.7        14.9
                                            =========    =========   =========


(Decrease)/increase in cash in the period       (25.9)        26.7        14.9
Cash outflow/(inflow) from increase/
(decrease) in liquid funds                        5.4        (39.9)      (30.6)
Cash inflow from the increase in debt 
and lease financing                             (40.4)       (21.2)       (8.1)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
Change in net debt resulting from cash
flows                                           (60.9)       (34.4)      (23.8)
Acquisitions                                    (12.6)           -           -
Deferred finance costs                            0.4          0.2         0.2
Translation differences and
other non-cash movements                         13.3         23.2        33.5
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------

Movement in net debt in the period              (59.8)       (11.0)        9.9
Net debt at the beginning of the period        (675.5)      (685.4)     (685.4)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
Net debt at the end of the period              (735.3)      (696.4)     (675.5)
                                            =========    =========   =========

                                             9 months     9 months        Year
                                                ended        ended       ended
                                         30 September 30 September 31 December
                                                 2003         2002        2002
                                                   #m           #m          #m
                                            Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited

Operating profit                                 30.0         66.9        96.3
Depreciation                                     30.0         29.2        39.8
Loss on disposal of fixed assets                    -          0.2         0.4
Decrease in stocks                                1.1          0.2         0.1
Decrease/(increase) in debtors                    0.9         (0.5)       (4.3)
Decrease in creditors                           (10.0)        (2.3)       (9.7)
Decrease in provisions                           (0.4)        (0.3)       (0.4)
                                            ---------    ---------   ---------
Net cash inflow from operating activities        51.6         93.4       122.2
                                            =========    =========   =========

                                              Acquisitions     differences    
               As at 1             Deferred      excluding       and other    As at 30
               January              finance       cash and        non cash   September
                  2003   Cashflow     costs     overdrafts       movements        2003
                    #m         #m        #m             #m              #m          #m

Cash              46.2      (26.8)        -              -            (1.9)       17.5
Overdrafts        (1.8)       0.9         -              -               -        (0.9)

Short term
deposits          12.9        5.4         -              -            (0.4)       17.9

Debt due after
one year        (465.0)     (71.2)      0.4              -            11.3      (524.5)
Debt due
within one
year             (86.5)      51.1         -          (12.6)           (0.2)      (48.2)
Finance Leases   (18.3)      11.1         -              -            (0.3)       (7.5)
Bonds due
after one year  (147.4)         -         -              -             3.6      (143.8)
Bonds due
within one
year             (15.6)     (31.4)        -              -             1.2       (45.8)
                ------     ------    ------       --------         -------    --------
                (675.5)     (60.9)      0.4          (12.6)           13.3      (735.3)
                ======     ======    ======       ========         =======    ========

                                             9 months     9 months        Year
                                                ended        ended       ended
                                         30 September 30 September 31 December
                                                 2003         2002        2002
                                                   #m           #m          #m
Returns on investment and servicing of
Interest received                                 2.6          3.1         4.6
Interest paid                                   (30.8)       (36.4)      (46.5)
Payment of interest on deferred
consideration                                    (4.8)           -           -
Loan arrangement fees paid                       (0.4)        (1.9)       (2.9)
Interest element of finance lease
rental payments                                  (0.9)        (0.9)       (1.2)
Dividends paid to minorities                     (1.9)        (4.0)       (4.0)
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
Net cash outflow for returns on
investments and servicing of finance            (36.2)       (40.1)      (50.0)
                                            =========    =========    ========

Capital expenditure and financial
Purchase of tangible fixed assets               (13.9)       (21.2)      (28.6)
Millennium Hilton New York capital
expenditure                                     (14.3)        (2.4)       (5.1)
Insurance capital claims receipts                   -          3.3        18.9
Purchase of development properties                  -         (1.6)       (2.1)
Proceeds from the sale of development
properties                                        1.6          0.2         0.3
Proceeds from the sale of investments             2.5            -           -
Sale of properties held for resale                  -          3.2         3.2
Sale of other fixed assets                        4.2          0.1         0.3
Repayment from loans to associates
and joint ventures                                  -          0.9         0.9
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
Net cash outflow for capital expenditure 
and financial investment                        (19.9)       (17.5)      (12.2)
                                            =========    =========    ========

Acquisitions and disposals
Acquisitions of subsidiary undertakings          (2.6)           -           -
Payment of deferred consideration               (25.4)           -           -
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
Net cash outflow for acquisitions
and disposals                                   (28.0)           -           -
                                            =========    =========    ========

Management of liquid resources
Cash (placed on)/withdrawn from short
term deposit                                     (5.4)        39.9        30.6
                                            ---------    ---------    --------

Net cash (outflow)/ inflow from
management of liquid resources                   (5.4)        39.9        30.6
                                            =========    =========    ========

Issue of shares from the exercise of options      0.1          0.2         0.2
Purchase of shares in minorities                    -        (37.4)      (37.4)
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
                                                  0.1        (37.2)      (37.2)
                                            ---------    ---------    --------

Drawdown of third party loans                   261.8        121.6       165.2
Repayment of third party loans                 (210.3)       (99.1)     (155.0)
Capital element of finance lease repayment      (11.1)        (1.3)       (2.1)
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
                                                 40.4         21.2         8.1
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
                                            ---------    ---------    --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from financing         40.5        (16.0)      (29.1)
                                            =========    =========    ========


1.       Basis of preparation These statements have been prepared under the
historical cost convention, modified to include the revaluation of certain
hotels. Preparation is in accordance with the Group's accounting policies as set
out in the financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2002.

The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2002 are not
the Group's statutory accounts for that financial year but are abridged from
them. Those accounts have been reported on by the Group's auditors and delivered
to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors was unqualified and
did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) and (3) of the Companies Act

2.       Basis of consolidation The financial statements consolidate the
accounts of Millennium & Copthorne Hotels plc and its subsidiary undertakings
together with the Group's share of the net assets and results of its joint
ventures and associated undertakings

The results of the subsidiary undertakings acquired are included in the profit
and loss account from the effective date of acquisition. The Group's share of
the results and the net assets of its associated undertakings and joint ventures
are included in the consolidated profit and loss account and balance sheet under
the equity method of accounting.

3.       Taxation A tax charge has been accrued to reflect the estimated
effective tax rate for the full year of 20.0% (2002 full year: 23.9%).

4.       (Loss)/earnings per share The basic loss per share of 1.2p (2002:
earnings per share of 7.0p) are based on a loss of #3.4 million (2002: profit of
#19.7 million) and a weighted average number of shares in issue of 282.6 million
(2002: 282.6 million) being the average number of shares in issue in the period.
The fully diluted loss per share of 1.2p (2002: earnings per share of 7.0p) are
based on a weighted average number of shares in issue of 282.6 million (2002:
282.7 million) being the average number of shares in issue in the period
adjusted for the exercise of dilutive share options.

5.       Deferred Consideration. In December 1999 the Group acquired a number of
hotels in the USA and, under the terms of the acquisition, US$45.0m (plus
interest) of the consideration for these hotels was deferred for a period of two
years. This consideration was not paid when it originally fell due in December
2001 pending adequate financial assurances that the vendor could honour its
indemnity obligations under the terms of the agreement. The parties have now
reached agreement and a total of US$48.8m was paid in September 2003. The full
amount had already been fully provided for by the Group.

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange