The Audit Committee oversees the Companys financial reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors. Management has the primary
responsibility for the financial statements and the reporting process including the systems of internal controls. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities, the Audit Committee reviewed the audited financial statements in the Annual Report with
management including a discussion of the quality and the acceptability, of the accounting principles, the reasonableness of significant judgments, and the clarity of disclosures in the financial statements.
The Audit Committee reviewed with the independent auditors, who are responsible for expressing an opinion on the conformity of those audited
financial statements with generally accepted accounting principles, their judgments as to the quality, not just the acceptability, of the Companys accounting principles and such other matters as are required to be discussed with the Audit
Committee under generally accepted auditing standards. These include, but are not limited to, those matters under Auditing Standard No. 1301, as amended and adopted by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. In addition, the Audit
Committee has discussed with the independent auditors the auditors independence from management and the Company including the matters in the written disclosures required by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board. The Companys
auditors do not perform financial information system design and implementation services, internal audit or tax services for the Company.
The Audit Committee discussed with the Companys independent auditors the overall scope and plans for their audits. The Audit Committee
meets with the independent auditors, with and without management present, to discuss the results of their examinations, their evaluations of the Companys internal controls, and the overall quality of the Companys financial reporting.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above, the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors (and the Board
has approved) that the audited financial statements be included in the Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2022, for filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Audit Committee |
H. Gifford Fong, Chairman |
Thomas S. T. Gimbel |
Clint Hurt |
This report of the Audit Committee shall not be deemed incorporated by reference by any general
statement incorporating by reference this proxy statement into any filing under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, except to the extent that the Company specifically incorporates this
information by reference, and shall not otherwise be deemed filed under such Acts.
The Company is committed to observing sound, ethical principles in the conduct of its business and operations and by our
officers and employees in the course of their duties. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics adopted by the Company was last amended in December, 2011. The Code, as amended, is available at the Companys website at
The Code of Conduct is applicable to the Companys operations and to all of its employees, including the Companys principal executive officer, principal financial officer and Directors. Any amendments to or waivers of the Code, to the
extent applicable to the Companys principal executive officers, will be posted on the Companys website.