Statement re Further Cautionary Announcement
July 24 2003 - 11:47AM
UK Regulatory
Mvelaphanda Resources Limited Gold Fields Limited
Registration number: 1980/001395/06 Registration number: 1968/004880/06
ISIN: ZAE000037610 JSE Code:MVL ISIN: ZAE000018123 JSE Code: GFI
("Mvela Resources") ("Gold Fields")
In the announcement date 10 June 2003, shareholders were advised that agreement
in principle had been reached in terms of which a broad based black economic
empowerment consortium, led by Mvela Resources will, for a consideration of
R4.1 billion, acquire a beneficial interest of 15% in the South African gold
mining assets of Gold Fields ("the transaction").
Further to this announcement on 10 June 2003, shareholders are advised that
while the transaction is progressing, Gold Fields and Mvela Resources are still
finalising certain aspects of the transaction.
Accordingly, shareholders of both Gold Fields and Mvela Resources are advised
to continue to exercise caution when dealing in securities of the respective
companies, until a further announcement is made.
24 July 2003
Merchant Bank to Mvela Resources Financial Advisor and transactional
sponsor to Gold Fields
RMB Corporate Finance
JP Morgan
A division of FirstRand Bank Limited
Attorneys to Mvela resources for the Corporate law advisors and consultants
transaction to Gold Fields
Werksmans Inc. Edward Nathan & Friedland (Pty) Limited
(Registration number 1990/007215/21) Corporate Law Advisors and Consultants
(Registration number 1999/026464/21)
Sponsor to Mvela Resources
PricewaterhouseCoopers Corporate
Finance (Proprietary) Limited