By Serena Ruffoni

A large number of borrowers Thursday came to the European credit market offering bonds, presenting investors with a wide choice of currency, size and geography to choose from.

Turkish giant holding company, Koc Holding A.S. (KCHOL.IS), went ahead Thursday with its first bond issue, which will be dollar-denominated.

Other emerging markets were also present with Russian oil giant Gazprom Neft (SIBN.RS) and steel producer Magnitogorsk (MAGN.RS), while high-yield investors have one more bond issue, Wind Acquisition Finance to add to the two already in the market, Elior and TeamSystem, which will price this week.

Slovenia, in a reversal of fortune, said it intends to speak with investors shortly regarding funding plans for 2013. The announcement came after a successful short-term bills auction Wednesday helped to ease fears about the small country's capacity to fund itself in international markets.

Here's a rundown of who's selling bonds Thursday and how the credit default swaps market stands:


Europe index: stable at 113 bps

Crossover index: 2 bps wider at 452 bps


Koc Holding A.S., Turkey's largest diversified holding company is looking to price later a dollar bond with a seven-year maturity.

Koc Holding is rated Baa3 by Moody's Investors Service Inc. and BBB- by Standard & Poor's Corp.

The European Financial Stability Facility, the euro zone's temporary bailout fund, is planning to increase the size of its bond maturing in March 2016. The EFSF is rated Aa1 by Moody's Investors Service Inc., AA+ by Standard and Poor's Corp., and AAA by Fitch Ratings.

Wind Telecomunicazioni SpA, through its financing arm Wind Acquisition Finance SA, is planning to sell the equivalent of 500 million euros ($654.4 million) of senior secured bonds in euros and dollars.

Telefonica SA (TEF), said Thursday it has completed a dollar-denominated bond issue worth $2 billion, in two tranches.

U.K. private healthcare provider British United Provident Association Ltd., or Bupa, is planning a 500-million-pound ($764.9 million), 10-year subordinated bond. The bond is expected to be rated Baa3 by Moody's Investors Service and BBB by Fitch Ratings.

Russian oil producer OAO Gazprom Neft (SIBN.RS) is planning a euro-denominated, five-year bond. The issuer is rated Baa3 by Moody's Investors Service and BBB- by Standard & Poor's.


Russia-based OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works (MAGN.RS) has hired banks to arrange a series of investor meetings ahead of a potential dollar bond, starting next Monday.

Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works is rated Ba3 by Moody's and BB+ by Fitch.

Slovenia is planning to meet global bond investors to discuss potential funding opportunities this year,

Slovenia's government said earlier this year that it would need EUR1 billion to repair its damaged banks, a figure the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said last week is probably a significant underestimate of the likely cost.

(Art Patnaude, Ben Edwards, Carol Dean and David Roman contributed to this report)

-Write to Serena Ruffoni at serena.ruffoni@