BLOCK LISTING SIX MONTHLY RETURN                        

To: Listing Applications

UK Listing Authority

Financial Services Authority

25, The North Colonnade

Canary Wharf

London, E14 5HS

Please ensure the entries on this return are type

1. Name of company SSL International plc                                       

2. Name of scheme Sharesave option schemes                                     

3. Period of return: From **1 February 2003***to***31 July 2003**..            

4.  Number and class of share(s) (amount  27,335 Ordinary shares               
    of stock/debt security) not issued                                         
    under scheme                                                               

5.  Number of shares issued/allotted      Nil                                  
    under scheme during period:                                                

6.  Balance under scheme not yet issued/  27,335 Ordinary shares               
    allotted at end of period                                                  

7.  Number and class of share(s) (amount  400,000 Ordinary shares              
    of stock/debt securities) originally                                       
    listed and the date of admission;     11 August 1999                       

Please confirm total number of shares in issue at the end of the period in     
order for us to update our records                                             

Contact for queries: Maria Buxton-Smith Address: SSL International plc, 35 New 
                                        Bridge St. London EC4V 6BW             

Name:                                   Telephone: 020 7367 5775               

Person making return Name:*****Maria Buxton-Smith*.

Position:***Assistant Company Secretary**.