Emerging Markets Report: Betting on Blockchain

Orlando, FL, -- May 08, 2018 -- InvestorsHub NewsWire -- In our investing careers there are ever so infrequently these special waves of opportunities often led by a wholesale social movement or other agent of economic change. The advent of the Internet is a perfect example of a technology driven revolution that soon affected most every part of our lives and caused and causes huge movements in the stock market.

It is beginning to be quite clear that another such change is here in Blockchain.

For the uninitiated, Blockchain can be succinctly described as follows:


“The blockchain is an incorruptible digital ledger of economic transactions that can be programmed to record not just financial transactions but virtually everything of value.”
--  Don & Alex Tapscott, authors Blockchain Revolution (Source: https://bit.ly/2nna7Ac )

It’s the “virtually anything of value” which really needs to be considered. Blockchain isn’t just securing cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and that type of value. It’s also capable of securing most any kind of informational value. Think food integrity, health care, automotive, etc.  If you want a real glimpse of the monetizable future take a look at what IBM, no stranger to being at the forefront of a tech revolution, is ALREADY doing in Blockchain: https://www.ibm.com/blockchain/industries/

Obviously, this disruptive wave of opportunity opens huge new doors for better emergent companies like Black Cactus Global (OTCQB: BLGI), which is deeply entrenched in Blockchain commercialization. To date, Black Cactus Global is a technology development company with a focus on Blockchain, machine learning and the Internet of Things.  The company partners with large corporations and specialized groups on global development and consulting projects in its key development areas of Fintech, digital media, financial services, cyber security, and healthcare.

Clearly, Black Cactus is targeting massive industries aggressively. Last week, the Company offered a shareholder update which transparently outlines Black Cactus’s current plan and vision. It is most apparent that Black Cactus is focused on building a broad network of Blockchain engineers to capture their share of this market opportunity. (Source: https://yhoo.it/2rfCuni)

Both Blockchain and Black Cactus warrant some review as the last time we saw technology to be quite so potentially disruptive was the aforementioned Internet and frankly, if we’re still explaining what Blockchain actually is to investors (as we have in this missive) then we are still in the earliest phase of opportunity for the investing public.

For more information on Black Cactus, please visit:

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