Table of Contents






Washington, D.C. 20549




For the month of February, 2018

Commission File Number: 001-31221

Total number of pages: 45




(Translation of registrant’s name into English)



Sanno Park Tower 11-1, Nagata-cho 2-chome

Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6150


(Address of principal executive offices)



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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.


Date: February 5, 2018     By:  


      Keisuke Yoshizawa
      Managing Director, Investor Relations Department

Information furnished in this form:


1. Report filed on February 5, 2018 with the Director of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau of Japan pursuant to the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan

Table of Contents



Quarterly Securities Report

(The Third Quarter of the 27 th Business Term)


Table of Contents

Table of Contents




Item 1. Overview of the Company


1. Selected Financial Data


2. Description of Business


Item 2. Business Overview


1. Risk Factors


2. Material Contracts


3. Analysis of Consolidated Financial Condition, Results of Operations, and Cash Flow Condition


Item 3. Information related to NTT DOCOMO


1. Information related to NTT DOCOMO’s Shares


2. Changes in Directors and Senior Management


Item 4. Financial Information


Consolidated Financial Statements




This document is an English translation of certain items that were disclosed in our Quarterly Securities Report for the nine month period ended December 31, 2017, which we filed on February 5, 2018 with the Financial Services Agency of Japan.

The forward-looking statements and projected figures concerning the future performance of NTT DOCOMO, INC. and its subsidiaries and affiliates contained or referred to herein are based on a series of assumptions, projections, estimates, judgments and beliefs of the management of NTT DOCOMO, INC. in light of information currently available to it regarding NTT DOCOMO, INC. and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the economy and telecommunications industry in Japan and overseas, and other factors. These projections and estimates may be affected by the future business operations of NTT DOCOMO, INC. and its subsidiaries and affiliates, the state of the economy in Japan and abroad, possible fluctuations in the securities markets, the pricing of services, the effects of competition, the performance of new products, services and new businesses, changes to laws and regulations affecting the telecommunications industry in Japan and elsewhere, other changes in circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forecasts contained or referred to herein, as well as other risks included in our most recent Annual Securities Report on Form 20-F and other filings and submissions with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission.

Table of Contents



[Document Filed]      Quarterly Securities Report (“Shihanki Hokokusho”)
[Applicable Law]      Article 24-4-7, Paragraph 1 of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act of Japan
[Filed to]      Director, Kanto Local Finance Bureau
[Filing Date]      February 5, 2018
[Fiscal Year]      The Third Quarter of the 27 th Business Term (From October 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017)
[Company Name]      Kabushiki Kaisha NTT DOCOMO
[Company Name in English]      NTT DOCOMO, INC.

[Title and Name of Representative]

     Kazuhiro Yoshizawa, Representative Director, President and Chief Executive Officer
[Address of Head Office]      11-1, Nagata-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
[Phone No.]      +81-3-5156-1111
[Contact Person]      Hideki Maeda, Senior Manager, General Affairs Department
[Contact Address]      11-1, Nagata-cho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
[Phone No.]      +81-3-5156-1111
[Contact Person]      Hideki Maeda, Senior Manager, General Affairs Department

[Place Where Available for Public Inspection]


Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.

(2-1, Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo)



*Names of companies, products, etc., contained in this release are the trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective organizations.



Table of Contents

Item 1. Overview of the company

1. Selected Financial Data



     Nine Months
December  31,
    Nine Months
December 31,
    Fiscal year

March 31,

Operating revenues

   Millions of yen     









Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

   Millions of yen      846,165       957,994       949,563  

Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   Millions of yen     









Comprehensive income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   Millions of yen      562,051       694,152       662,281  

NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

   Millions of yen      5,430,946       5,891,103       5,530,629  

Total assets

   Millions of yen      7,196,513       7,882,515       7,453,074  

Basic earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.










Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   Yen      —         —         —    

Equity ratio

(Ratio of NTT DOCOMO, INC. Shareholders’ Equity to Total Assets)

   %      75.5       74.7       74.2  

Net cash provided by operating activities

   Millions of yen      924,858       1,161,083       1,312,418  

Net cash used in investing activities

   Millions of yen      (668,082     (589,771     (943,094

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

   Millions of yen      (429,203     (329,833     (433,097

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period

   Millions of yen      179,601       531,451       289,610  



  (1)   As we prepare quarterly consolidated financial reports, changes in non-consolidated key financial data, among others, are not provided.
  (2)   Operating revenues do not include consumption taxes.
  (3)   Basic earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. are calculated after subtracting the number of treasury shares from the total number of shares outstanding.
  (4)   Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. are not stated because we did not have potentially dilutive common shares that were outstanding during the period.
  (5)   The amounts in brackets for operating revenues, net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. and basic earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. indicate their respective amounts for the three months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017.



Table of Contents

2. Description of Business

There were no material changes to the business of NTT DOCOMO, INC. or its affiliated companies during the nine months ended December 31, 2017. Material changes with respect to affiliated companies during the nine months ended December 31, 2017 were as follows:

Equity-method Affiliates

NTT Plala Inc. became an equity-method affiliate of NTT DOCOMO, INC. from the three months ended June 30, 2017 due to our acquisition of its equity shares.

NTT DOCOMO, INC discontinued the application of the equity method to the investment in Tata Teleservices Limited (TTSL) from the three months ended December 31, 2017 upon the transfer of NTT DOCOMO, Inc.’s shares in TTSL.



Table of Contents

Item 2. Business Overview

1. Risk Factors

No risks, such as unusual changes in consolidated financial condition, results of operations or cash flow conditions, were newly identified during the nine months ended December 31, 2017. There was no material change in the risk factors that were described in our Annual Securities Report for the fiscal year ended March  31, 2017.

2. Material Contracts

There were no material contracts relating to our operations that were agreed upon or entered into during the three months ended December 31, 2017.



Table of Contents

3. Analysis of Consolidated Financial Condition, Results of Operations, and Cash Flow Conditions

(1) Business Overview

The environment surrounding our business has changed significantly. In Japan’s telecommunications market, competition has intensified due to the government’s pro-competition policy, the rise of low-cost smartphones offered by Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) and other factors. In addition, we have seen technical advancements in areas such as artificial intelligence (AI), IoT* 1 and drones, as well as an expansion of customer touchpoints by various service providers leveraging loyalty point programs and other means. These changes have brought about both active competition in the telecommunications market and collaboration with new players from other industries, accelerating competition in new markets that transcend the conventional boundaries of the telecommunications business.

Amid these changes in the market environment, in April 2017, we developed and unveiled our Medium-Term Strategy 2020 “Declaration beyond” to realize a richer future with 5G. We have positioned the fiscal year ending March 31, 2018 as a year to “Challenge to Evolve” by taking the first steps towards the delivery of our Medium-Term Strategy 2020, “Declaration beyond.” We will do so by moving forward with the creation and evolution of services, the evolution of our business through “+d,” through which we seek to co-create new value with our partners, and the reinforcement and evolution of our business foundations.

During the three months ended December 31, 2017, we stepped up returns to our customers through various measures, such as the revision of monthly charges for our “Mobile Device Protection Service,” the expansion of the applicability of our “Simple Plan” and the introduction of “docomo Student Discount” for users who are 25 years old and under. We also undertook various other actions as our first steps toward the realization of our Medium-Term Strategy 2020, “Declaration beyond,” including the launch of a new car-sharing service, “d car share,” which allows users, with only a “d Account,” to choose and use a car that suits their requirements in terms of purpose, location and date, and the establishment of DOCOMO Innovation Fund II, L.P.

<Actions for Future Growth>



Toward the realization of 5G, we, in collaboration with Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT), provided a system to perform real-time spatial information transmission over 5G connections during “YOYOGI CANDLE 2020,” a public event that marked 1,000 days until the 2020 Tokyo Olympic/Paralympic games held in October and November 2017. In addition, from November 2017, we started a vehicle driving test jointly with Toyota Motor Corporation, Ericsson AB and Intel Corporation, using a compact car-mount antenna and multiple 5G base station sites, to verify the communications performance in connected cars and the potential of future services.



Starting from November 2017, we conducted a verification trial on a last-mile autonomous transport service* 2 in Chikushigaoka, Kita-ku, Kobe City, jointly with the Kobe Autonomous Vehicle Consortium, The Japan Research Institute, Ltd., National University Corporation Gunma University and Kobe City. Under the trial, we tested “short-distance low-speed mobility” (in which the vehicle drives at a maximum speed of approximately 20km/hour for safe operation in residential areas), which is expected to be applicable in autonomous vehicles, and an “AI-operated bus* 3 ” (in which optimal vehicle dispatch is performed based on reservations from passengers) to see if these services can meet the requirements of local residents.



In November 2017, in a joint effort with Tokyo Gas Co. Ltd., we started a verification trial on a DOCOMO-developed LTE device compatible with technology called eDRX* 4 for the first time in Japan* 5 . Using test gas meters and the LTE devices installed in apartments and other collective housings, we performed evaluations on successful connection rates, required communication time and power consumption of the LTE devices, aiming for commercial implementation in the future.



Table of Contents

From December 2017, in collaboration with East Nippon Expressway Company Limited (NEXCO East), using population statistics* 6 derived from our cellular network data and the historical congestion data and other records owned by NEXCO East, we started a verification trial of the “AI-based congestion prediction* 7 ” technology developed by DOCOMO to predict traffic congestions on the Tokyo Bay Aqua-Line Highway.



Leveraging our patented “spatial interface technology* 8 ” and 5G technology, we developed an “AR live video viewing system” that allow users to view various types of content projected on smart glasses* 9 while moving around or changing the size of objects following the user’s hand motion, and carried out a verification trial of this technology during a Japan Rugby Top League game.

For the nine months ended December 31, 2017, operating revenues increased by ¥126.1 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥3,595.7 billion. This was mainly due to an increase in optical-fiber broadband service revenues due to growth in the number of “docomo Hikari” users as well as the recovery of mobile communications services revenues as a result of growth in packet consumption and a decrease in the negative impact of the “Monthly Support” discount program, despite the negative impact from our various billing initiatives implemented for the purpose of enhancing returns to our customers, due mainly to our provision of lower cost services.

Operating expenses increased by ¥133.1 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥2,760.3 billion. This was mainly due to an increase in expenses associated with the expansion of “docomo Hikari” revenues, an increase in expenses associated with point programs as a result of an increase in our provision of “d POINTs,” an increase of the commissions as a result of enhancing agent resellers’ operations for improving the quality of customer attendance and an increase of depreciation expenses.

As a result, operating income decreased by ¥7.0 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥835.3 billion for the nine months ended December 31, 2017.

Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates increased by ¥111.8 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥958.0 billion, due mainly to recognition of an arbitration award from Tata Sons Limited in “Other income,” and net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC. increased by ¥64.9 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥654.3 billion for the nine months ended December 31, 2017.


*1: Abbreviation for Internet of Things. A concept that describes a world in which everything is connected to the Internet, enabling remote control and management of devices, etc.
*2: A new transportation service that leverage autonomous driving and other IoT technologies to transport people between their homes and locations within a short distance (nearby railway station/bus stop, shops and hospitals, etc.).
*3: An on-demand shared transport service, which operates efficiently at the optimal time and route calculated in real time by AI based on actual demand.
*4: Abbreviation for extended Discontinuous Reception, a communication technology that realizes low-power data transmission.
*5: The first verification trial in Japan of devices that adopt eDRX technology for gas smart meters.
*6: Population statistics used in this trial represents information that indicates the number of people in a group defined by areas/attributes, and does not contain any information that enables identifying a specific individual. In the trial, population statistics are used in compliance with the mobile spatial statistics guidelines developed and published by NTT DOCOMO, INC.
*7: One of the component technologies of NTT Group’s AI technology “corevo”.
*8: A technique that allows users to maneuver CG or other content projected in front of them with a sensation as if they are touching a physical object.
*9: A wearable device worn by the user in the same way as eyeglasses.



Table of Contents

Consolidated results of operations for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:

<Results of operations>


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Operating revenues

     ¥ 3,469.6          ¥ 3,595.7          ¥ 126.1       3.6

Operating expenses

       2,627.3        2,760.3        133.1       5.1  













Operating income

       842.3        835.3        (7.0     (0.8

Other income (expense)

       3.8        122.6        118.8       —    













Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

       846.2        958.0        111.8       13.2  

Income taxes

       260.1        298.5        38.4       14.8  













Income before equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

       586.1        659.5        73.4       12.5  

Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

       5.3        (3.2      (8.5 )          —    













Net income

       591.4        656.3        64.9       11.0  

Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

       (2.0      (2.0      0.0       0.1  













Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

     ¥ 589.4      ¥ 654.3      ¥ 64.9       11.0  













EBITDA margin *

       34.6      34.0      (0.6)point       —    














       11.0      11.5      0.5 point       —    














* “Reconciliations of the Disclosed Non-GAAP Financial Measures to the Most Directly Comparable GAAP Financial Measures” is below.

<EBITDA and EBITDA margin>


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017


     ¥ 1,201.3      ¥ 1,222.2  







Depreciation and amortization

       (334.4      (361.5

Loss on sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment

       (24.6      (25.3







Operating income

       842.3        835.3  







Other income (expense)

       3.8        122.6  

Income taxes

       (260.1      (298.5 )  

Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

       5.3        (3.2 )  

Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

       (2.0      (2.0 )  







b. Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

       589.4        654.3  







c. Operating revenues

       3,469.6        3,595.7  







EBITDA margin (=a/c)

       34.6      34.0 %  

Net income margin (=b/c)

       17.0      18.2 %  








Note:    EBITDA and EBITDA margin, as we use them in this quarterly securities report, are different from EBITDA as used in Item 10(e) of Regulation S-K and may not be comparable to similarly titled measures used by other companies.



       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

a. Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

     ¥ 589.4      ¥ 654.3  

b. Shareholders’ equity

       5,366.6        5,710.9  








       11.0      11.5 %  








Note:    Shareholders’ equity = The average of NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity, each as of March 31, 2017 (or 2016) and December 31, 2017 (or 2016).



Table of Contents

<Operating revenues>


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Telecommunications services

     ¥ 2,225.2          ¥ 2,362.2          ¥ 137.0       6.2

Mobile communications services revenues

       2,129.1        2,191.6        62.4       2.9  

Voice revenues

       660.2        713.9        53.7       8.1  

Packet communications revenues

       1,468.9        1,477.6        8.7       0.6  

Optical-fiber broadband service and other telecommunications services revenues

       96.1        170.6        74.6       77.6  

Equipment sales

       586.3        577.6        (8.7 )          (1.5

Other operating revenues

       658.1        655.9        (2.2     (0.3













Total operating revenues

     ¥ 3,469.6      ¥ 3,595.7      ¥ 126.1       3.6














Note:    Voice revenues include data communications revenues through circuit switching systems.

<Operating expenses>


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Personnel expenses

     ¥ 217.3          ¥ 216.9          ¥ (0.4 )         (0.2 )% 

Non-personnel expenses

       1,754.8        1,819.0        64.2       3.7  

Depreciation and amortization

       334.4        361.5        27.1       8.1  

Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets

       41.3        43.9        2.6       6.2  

Communication network charges

       247.6        288.3        40.7       16.4  

Taxes and public dues

       31.8        30.7        (1.1     (3.5













Total operating expenses

     ¥ 2,627.3      ¥ 2,760.3      ¥ 133.1       5.1















Table of Contents

Segment Results

Telecommunications business—

<Results of operations>


       Billions of yen  
         Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Operating revenues from telecommunications business

     ¥ 2,814.0          ¥ 2,946.3          ¥ 132.4       4.7

Operating income (loss) from telecommunications business

       744.2        720.0        (24.2 )          (3.2

Operating revenues from telecommunications business for the nine months ended December 31, 2017 increased by ¥132.4 billion, or 4.7%, from ¥2,814.0 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥2,946.3 billion. This was mainly due to an increase in optical-fiber broadband service revenues due to growth in the number of “docomo Hikari” users as well as the recovery of mobile communications services revenues as a result of growth of packet consumption and a decrease in the negative impact of the “Monthly Support” discount program, despite the negative impact from our various billing initiatives implemented for the purpose of enhancing returns to our customers, due mainly to our provision of lower cost services.

Operating expenses from telecommunications business increased by ¥156.5 billion, or 7.6%, from ¥2,069.8 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥2,226.3 billion. This was mainly due to an increase in expenses associated with the expansion of “docomo Hikari” revenues, an increase in expenses associated with point programs as a result of an increase in our provision of “d POINTs,” an increase of the sales commissions as a result of enhancing agent resellers’ operations for improving the quality of customer attendance and an increase of depreciation expenses.

Consequently, operating income from telecommunications business was ¥720.0 billion, a decrease of ¥24.2 billion, or 3.2%, from ¥744.2 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

<<Key Topics>>



Total subscriptions to our “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing scheme, which was launched in June 2014, exceeded 40 million in November 2017. Total subscriptions to our “docomo with” billing plan, which was introduced in June 2017 targeting customers who use one handset for an extended period of time, exceeded one million in December 2017.



Total subscriptions to our “docomo Child Raising Support Program” exceeded one million in November 2017, one year after this program’s launch in November 2016.



Starting from December 2017, we expanded the applicability of our “Simple Plan”—a package that offers unlimited voice calling between family members for a monthly rate of ¥980—so it can be combined with our large data packages for individual subscribers, “Ultra Data L Pack (20GB)” and “Ultra Data LL Pack (30GB)”. We also introduced a discount package for users who are 25 years old and under, “docomo Student Discount,” in an effort to strengthen our returns to our customers.



The total number of our smartphone and tablet users grew to 37.47 million as of December 31, 2017, an increase of 2.55 million from December 31, 2016, driven mainly by the brisk sales of handsets covered under the “docomo with” program as well as the continued implementation of our “Senior Smartphone Debut Discount” package.



To promote the construction of a network that provides a convenient communication environment, we expanded the coverage of our “PREMIUM 4G” service to 1,583 cities and 95,000 base stations across Japan as of December 31, 2017. Toward the goal of further expanding the area coverage of our LTE service, we increased the total number of LTE-enabled base stations to 175,100 stations nationwide as of December 31, 2017. Meanwhile, starting from October 2017, we started operating a new carrier aggregation* method, “4CA”, which aggregates four different frequency bands to enable high-speed communications in broader areas.


*: A technology that enhances the communication speed by aggregating multiple carrier frequency bands.



Table of Contents

Number of subscriptions by services and other operating data are as follows:

<Number of subscriptions by services>


       Thousand subscriptions  
         December 31, 2016      December 31, 2017     Increase

Mobile telecommunications services

              73,588        75,678       2,090       2.8

Including: “Kake-hodai & Pake-aeru” billing plan

       35,198        40,598       5,401       15.3  

Mobile telecommunications services (LTE(Xi))

       42,671            48,200       5,529       13.0  

Mobile telecommunications services (FOMA)

       30,917        27,478            (3,439 )          (11.1

“docomo Hikari” optical broadband service

       2,969        4,480        1,510       50.9  



  Number of subscriptions to Mobile telecommunications services, Mobile telecommunications services (LTE(Xi)) and Mobile telecommunications services (FOMA) includes Communication Module services subscriptions.

<Number of units sold* 1 >


       Thousand units  
         Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Number of units sold

        20,140            18,598            (1,542 )          (7.7 )% 

Mobile telecommunications services (LTE(Xi))


New LTE(Xi) subscription *2

       7,019        7,085       66       0.9  

Change of subscription from FOMA

       2,050        2,307       257       12.6  

LTE(Xi) handset upgrade by LTE(Xi) subscribers

       6,968        7,601       633       9.1  

Mobile telecommunications services (FOMA)


New FOMA subscription *2

       2,301        940       (1,360     (59.1

Change of subscription from LTE(Xi)

       53        21       (32     (60.4

FOMA handset upgrade by FOMA subscribers

       1,750        643       (1,107     (63.3













Churn rate *3

       0.57      0.63 %       0.06point       —    

Handset churn rate *4

       0.45      0.49 %       0.04point       —    


*1: “Number of handsets sold” has been renamed to “Number of units sold” from the three months ended September 30, 2017.
*2: New subscriptions include mobile line subscriptions of MVNOs and Communication Module subscriptions.
*3: “Churn rate” is calculated excluding the subscriptions and cancellations of subscriptions of MVNOs.
*4: Churn rate in Basic Plans (excluding Data Plans and Device Plus 500), Xi/FOMA Billing Plans and Type Limit Value / Type Limit for smartphones and feature phones etc.

<Trend of ARPU and MOU>


         Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Aggregate ARPU

     ¥ 4,400      ¥ 4,680     ¥ 280       6.4

Voice ARPU

       1,250          1,360            110            8.8  


       3,150            3,320       170       5.4  

Packet ARPU

             2,970        2,990       20       0.7  

“docomo Hikari” ARPU

       180        330       150       83.3  













MOU (minutes)

       137        137       —         —    



1. Definition of ARPU and MOU

a. ARPU (Average monthly Revenue Per Unit):

Average monthly revenue per unit, or ARPU, is used to measure average monthly operating revenues attributable to designated services on a per user basis. ARPU is calculated by dividing telecommunications services revenues (excluding certain revenues) by the number of active users of our wireless services in the relevant periods, as shown below under “ARPU Calculation Method.” We believe that our ARPU figures provide useful information to analyze the average usage per user and the impacts of changes in our billing arrangements. The revenue items included in the numerators of our ARPU figures are based on our U.S. GAAP results of operations.

b. MOU (Minutes of Use):

Average monthly communication time per user


2. ARPU Calculation Methods

Aggregate ARPU= Voice ARPU + Packet ARPU + “docomo Hikari” ARPU

Data ARPU= Packet ARPU + “docomo Hikari” ARPU


- Voice ARPU   

: Voice ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication charges)

/ Number of active users

- Packet ARPU   

: Packet ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, packet communication charges)

/ Number of active users

-“docomo Hikari”

: “docomo Hikari” ARPU Related Revenues (basic monthly charges, voice communication changes)

/ Number of active users



Table of Contents
3.    Active Users Calculation Method

Sum of number of active users for each month ((number of users at the end of previous month + number of users at the end of current month) /2) during the relevant period


4. The number of “users” used to calculate ARPU and MOU is the total number of subscriptions, excluding the subscriptions listed below:
  a. Subscriptions of communication module services, “Phone Number Storage,” “Mail Address Storage,” “docomo Business Transceiver” and wholesale telecommunication services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to MVNOs; and
  b. Data Plan subscriptions in the case where the customer contracting for such subscription in his/her name also has a subscription for “Xi” or “FOMA” services in his/her name.

Revenues from communication module services, “Phone Number Storage,” “Mail Address Storage,” “docomo Business Transceiver” and wholesale telecommunications services and interconnecting telecommunications facilities that are provided to MVNOs are not included in the ARPU calculation.



Table of Contents

Smart life business—

<Results of operations>


       Billions of yen  
         Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Operating revenues from smart life business

     ¥ 382.0          ¥ 349.4          ¥ (32.6 )          (8.5 )% 

Operating income (loss) from smart life business

       58.7        53.3        (5.4     (9.2

Operating revenues from smart life business for the nine months ended December 31, 2017 were ¥349.4 billion, a decrease of ¥32.6 billion, or 8.5%, from ¥382.0 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to a decrease in revenues from a subsidiary which began recording revenues on a net basis as a result of a change in its business model effective from April 1, 2017. This decrease in revenues was greater than increases in revenues from our finance/payment services and other services.

Operating expenses from smart life business were ¥296.1 billion, a decrease of ¥27.2 billion, or 8.4%, from ¥323.3 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to a decrease in expenses attributable to a subsidiary as a result of the change in its business model described above. This decrease in expense was greater than an increase in expenses associated with various initiatives that we undertook towards future growth.

As a result, operating income from smart life business was ¥53.3 billion, a decrease of ¥5.4 billion, or 9.2%, from ¥58.7 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

<<Key Topics>>



In October 2017, we made functional upgrades to our “Shabette Concier” mobile concierge service so that some features of “dhits” or “radiko” can be operated by voice commands, in order to provide users with a glimpse of our “AI agent service* 1 ” prior to its official launch planned for spring 2018. From November 2017, we also started offering a new application, called “oshaberi,” which allows users to use some features of “dgourmet” and “dliving” by talking to their mobile device.



In November 2017, we launched “d car share,” a service that allows users, with only a “d Account,” to choose and use a car that suits their requirements in terms of purpose, location and date from various options including cars offered by the operators of car-sharing or car-rental services and those owned by individuals.



We expanded the number of stores where “d POINTs” can be used by adding the “PLAZA” stores (operated by StylingLife Holdings Inc.) and “Megane Super” eyewear shops (operated by MEGANESUPER Co. Ltd). We also added new merchants supporting “d Mobile Payment Plus,” including “Jetstar” (operated by Jetstar Japan, Co. Ltd.) and “Soccer Shop KAMO” (operated by KAMO Trading, Co. Ltd.). As of December 31, 2017, the total number of “d POINT Club” members had grown to 64.32 million, the total number of “d POINT Card users* 2 ” had reached 19.74 million and the number of partners participating in the “d POINTs” program was 185.



As of December 31, 2017, the total number of “d CARD” members* 3 grew to 18.60 million, an increase of 1.29 million from December 31, 2016, due mainly to initiatives that we undertook such as a campaign for acquiring new subscribers. The total amount of transactions processed through our finance/payment services reached ¥2,324.0 billion for the nine months ended December 31, 2017, an increase of ¥416.7 billion from the same period of the previous fiscal year.


*1: An AI capability that enables the provision of services or operations of various IoT devices by precisely responding to users’ individual requirements through a dialogue. NTT group’s AI technology “corevo” is adopted.
*2: The total number of users who have registered their personal information to accumulate and use “d POINT” at participating stores.
*3: The total number of members of “dCARD” and “d CARD mini.”



Table of Contents

Other businesses—

<Results of operations>


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Operating revenues from other businesses

     ¥ 294.9          ¥ 324.4          ¥ 29.5            10.0

Operating income (loss) from other businesses

       39.5        62.0          22.6       57.1    

Operating revenues from other businesses for the nine months ended December 31, 2017 amounted to ¥324.4 billion, an increase of ¥29.5 billion, or 10.0%, from ¥294.9 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year, driven mainly by an increase in the number of subscriptions to our “Mobile Device Protection Service” and the growth of revenues relating to IoT businesses.

Operating expenses from other businesses were ¥262.4 billion, an increase of ¥7.0 billion, or 2.7%, from ¥255.4 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year, due mainly to an increase in expenses associated with IoT businesses, despite a decrease in expenses as a result of pursuing further cost efficiency.

Consequently, operating income from other businesses was ¥62.0 billion, an increase of ¥22.6 billion, or 57.1%, from ¥39.5 billion for the same period of the previous fiscal year.

<<Key Topics>>



In October 2017, we established a new ¥15.0 billion venture fund, DOCOMO Innovation Fund II, L.P., jointly with NTT DOCOMO Ventures, Inc. and NTT Finance Corporation, to strive to support and collaborate with venture companies that possess innovative technologies or novel business models in various fields including AI, IoT, FinTech* 1 , AR* 2 /VR* 3 , drone technology and others.



In October 2017, we launched two new billing options for IoT devices: a low-speed “IoT Plan” targeting use cases with limited data usage, and a high-speed “IoT Plan HS” assuming large-capacity data usage. By providing plans that can accommodate diverse customer needs and use cases, we aim to expand the usage of IoT services.



In October 2017, leveraging LPWA* 4 technology, we started providing “LoRaWAN* 5 ”, an IoT network service for our enterprise customers. The service was deployed in areas where conventional cellular radio signals had been difficult to reach or other remote areas where there had been difficulties in securing power supply, as well as in some limited areas densely installed with a large number of surveillance objects such as equipment in a factory, in order to improve user convenience and thereby expand the adoption of IoT services.



From November 2017, we revised the monthly charges of our “Mobile Device Protection Service” for the new “docomo with” handsets to be released in 2017-2018 winter/spring, so that customers can join the service at a more affordable cost.



The total number of subscriptions to “Anshin Pack,” a package that combines “Mobile Device Protection Service” and various other services to ensure worry-free use of smartphones, grew to 18.76 million as of December 31, 2017.


*1: Abbreviation for financial technology, various innovative movements combining finance service with information and communication technology.
*2: Abbreviation for Augmented Reality, a concept or technology that overlays computer generated digital information with a user’s real time environment.
*3: Abbreviation for Virtual Reality, a concept or technology that simulates a user’s physical presence in an artificial environment by specialized equipment such as goggles and others equipment.
*4: Abbreviation for Low Power Wide Area, a general term representing communication technologies that realize long-distance communication and multi-access with low power consumption.
*5: A wide-area network standard advocated by LoRa Alliance



Table of Contents

(2) CSR Activities

We aspire to help build a society in which everyone can share in a prosperous life of safety, security and comfort, beyond borders and across generations. We believe it is our corporate social responsibility (CSR) to fulfill the two aspects of (i) “Innovative docomo,” to solve various social issues in the fields of mobility, healthcare and medicine, education and learning, and climate change through the “co-creation of social values,” an initiative that we plan to pursue together with various partners to create new services and businesses, and (ii) “Responsible docomo,” to thoroughly ensure fair, transparent and ethical business operations as a foundation for the creation of such values. Accordingly, we will strive to realize a sustainable society while expanding our own businesses.

In July 2017, we unveiled our CSR Mid-Term Target for 2020, which will serve as a new guideline for our CSR activities. Looking ahead to the year 2020 and beyond, we will take on the challenge to create a richer future in accordance with the clear directions and objectives laid out in our CSR Mid-Term Target for 2020.

The principal CSR actions we undertook in the three months ended December 31, 2017 are summarized below:

<Innovative docomo>



“Mierudenwa,” a service that converts in real time the words spoken over a phone and displays them in text, which has been offered as a free trial service since October 2016 to assist hearing impaired customers, was selected among “Good Design Best 100” products in the Good Design Award 2017.



In November 2017, we conducted a verification trial of a drone port system for logistics service as a part of research and development related to “drone port system” carried out by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, which seeks to enable a drone to take off and land safely and to unload parcel, in collaboration with Blue Innovation, Co. Ltd, the University of Tokyo, Japan Post Co. Ltd. and Autonomous Control Systems Laboratory Ltd., with the cooperation of Ina City, Nagano Prefecture. Aiming for commercial implementation in remote islands and other areas, experiments were performed on whether a flying drone under invisible environments can be monitored continuously through LTE network as well as confirming operational suitability on the scene by a logistics company.

<Responsible docomo >



For customers in the areas subject to the Disaster Relief Act in the aftermath of Typhoon No. 21 of 2017, we implemented measures to assist disaster victims, including free-of-charge provision of battery chargers and other equipment and partial waiver of handset repair charges, etc.



In the “PRIDE Index* 1 ,” an index promoted by non-profit organization “work with Pride (wwP)” to evaluate corporate LGBT-related initiatives, we were granted the highest “Gold” certification for two consecutive years. We were selected among the best practices in the social contribution and public relations section for our TV commercial film featuring people of different orientations that enjoyed great reviews.



We were granted the “2017 Top 100 Telework Pioneers: Prime Minister’s Award,” a prize selected by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications for the purpose of promoting the introduction and utilization of telework* 2 . We were recognized for creating an environment that enables employees to use applications that are necessary for their duties on mobile devices, and for our track record of successfully increasing the number of employees utilizing work-at-home system and reducing overtime work hours.



To create an easy-to-work workplace for the staff of docomo Shops, so it could lead to enhanced quality of customer attendance and improved customer satisfaction, we instituted one or more holidays in 2,170 of 2,357 docomo Shops in total nationwide during the New Year period between December 31, 2017 and January 3, 2018.



Through our “Smartphone and Mobile Phone Safety Classes,” we teach participants the rules and manners of using smartphones and mobile phones, as well as how to respond to troubles that may arise with their use. We held a total of approximately 6,500 sessions with cumulative participation of approximately 1.21 million people during the nine months ended December 31, 2017.


*1: An index developed by wwP for the purpose of supporting the creation of LGBT-inclusive workplace and sharing best practices to convey to the companies concrete methods to create such work environment and the degree of acceptance of such methods, so that workplaces that are friendly to people of different orientations including LGBTs can be established in Japan.
*2: An ICT-based flexible workstyle free from the constraints of work locations/hours.



Table of Contents

(3) Trend of Capital Expenditures

<Capital expenditures>


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Total capital expenditures

     ¥ 399.4          ¥ 403.6          ¥ 4.2       1.0

Telecommunications business

       386.3        384.2        (2.1 )          (0.5

Smart life business

       9.0        10.1        1.1       11.8  

Other businesses

       4.1        9.3        5.2       127.7  

While pursuing more efficient use of capital expenditures and further cost reduction, we constructed a more convenient mobile telecommunications network by expanding the area coverage of our “PREMIUM 4G” service and increased capital expenditure for the growth of smart life business and other businesses. As a result, the total amount of capital expenditures we made increased by 1.0% from the same period of the previous fiscal year to ¥403.6 billion for the nine months ended December  31, 2017.



Table of Contents

(4) Financial Position


       Billions of yen  
       December 31, 2016      December 31, 2017      Increase
March 31,  2017

Total assets

     ¥ 7,196.5      ¥ 7,882.5      ¥ 686.0        9.5    ¥ 7,453.1  

NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

       5,430.9        5,891.1        460.2        8.5        5,530.6  


       1,708.4        1,936.3        227.9        13.3        1,869.0  

Including: Interest bearing liabilities

       222.1        221.7        (0.4      (0.2      221.9  
















Shareholders’ equity ratio (1) (%)

       75.5      74.7      (0.8)point        —          74.2

Debt to Equity ratio (2) (multiple)

       0.041        0.038        (0.003      —          0.040  


Notes:   (1)   Shareholders’ equity ratio = NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity / Total assets
  (2)   Debt to Equity ratio = Interest bearing liabilities / NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

(5) Cash Flow Conditions


       Billions of yen  
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months ended
December 31, 2017

Net cash provided by operating activities

     ¥ 924.9          ¥  1,161.1          ¥  236.2            25.5

Net cash used in investing activities

       (668.1      (589.8      78.3       11.7  

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

       (429.2      (329.8      99.4       23.2  

Free cash flows (1)

       256.8        571.3        314.5       122.5  

Changes in investments for cash management purposes

       (185.3      (79.6      105.7       57.0  

Free cash flows excluding changes in investments for cash management purposes (2)

       442.1        650.9        208.9       47.3  


Notes:   (1)   Free cash flows = Net cash provided by operating activities + Net cash used in investing activities
  (2)   Changes in investments for cash management purposes = Changes by purchases, redemption at maturity and disposals of financial instruments held for cash management purposes with original maturities of longer than three months

For the nine months ended December 31, 2017, net cash provided by operating activities was ¥1,161.1 billion, an increase of ¥236.2 billion, or 25.5%, from the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was mainly due to receipt of payment of an arbitration award from Tata Sons Limited.

Net cash used in investing activities was ¥589.8 billion, a decrease of ¥78.3 billion, or 11.7%, from the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to an increase in cash inflows from proceeds from redemption of short-term bailment for consumption to a related party.

Net cash used in financing activities was ¥329.8 billion, a decrease of ¥99.4 billion, or 23.2%, from the same period of the previous fiscal year. This was due mainly to a decrease in cash outflows for payments to acquire treasury stock, despite an increase in dividends paid.

As a result of the foregoing, the balance of cash and cash equivalents was ¥531.5 billion as of December 31, 2017, an increase of ¥241.8 billion, or 83.5%, from the previous fiscal year end.

(6) Operational and Finance Issues Facing the Corporate Group

There were no material changes in the operational and finance issues facing the corporate group for the nine months ended December 31, 2017 and no new additional issues arose during the period.

(7) Research and Development

Our research and development expenses for the nine months ended December 31, 2017 were ¥67.3 billion.



Table of Contents

Item 3. Information related to NTT DOCOMO

1. Information related to NTT DOCOMO’s Shares

(1) Total Number of Shares and Issued Shares

Total Number of Shares


       As of December 31, 2017  


     Total Number of Shares Authorized to be Issued

Common stock










Issued Shares




   Number of Shares Issued
as of December 31, 2017
     Number of Shares Issued
as of the Filing Date

(February 5, 2018)

Stock Exchange on
which the Company is Listed



Common Stock

     3,899,563,000        3,899,563,000     

Tokyo Stock Exchange

(The First Section)

New York Stock Exchange

   The number of shares per one unit of shares is 100 shares








     3,899,563,000        3,899,563,000      —      —  







(2) Information on the Stock Acquisition Rights and other items

Not applicable.

(3) Information on Moving Strike Convertible Bonds and other items

Not applicable.

(4) Information on Shareholder Rights Plans

Not applicable.

(5) Changes in the Total Number of Issued Shares, the Amount of Common Stock, and Others



     Changes in
the total
number of
issued shares

       Balance of
the total
number of
issued shares

       Changes in

(millions of
       Balance of
(millions of
       Change in
(millions of
       Balance of
(millions of

October 1, 2017 - December 31, 2017

       —            3,899,563,000          —            949,679          —            292,385  



Table of Contents

(6) Major Shareholders

Not applicable for the three months ended December 31, 2017.

(7) Information on Voting Rights

All details provided in this section “(7) Information of Voting Rights” are based on the register of shareholders as of the preceding reference date for the three months ended September 31, 2017, as the register of shareholders for the three months ended December 31, 2017 cannot be confirmed.

Issued Shares


As of September 30, 2017



Number of Shares



Number of Voting Rights




Shares without Voting Rights

   —      —      —  

Shares with Restricted Voting Rights (treasury stock and other stock)

   —      —      —  

Shares with Restricted Voting Rights (others)

   —      —      —  

Shares with Full Voting Rights (treasury stock and other stock)


(Treasury Stock)

194,977,400 shares of common stock

   —      —  

Shares with Full Voting Rights (others)

   3,704,525,300 shares of common stock    37,045,253    —  

Shares Representing Less than One Unit

   60,300 shares of common stock    —      —  

Number of Issued Shares

   3,899,563,000 shares of common stock    —      —  

Total Number of Voting Rights

   —      37,045,253    —  


Note: The total number of shares in “Shares with Full Voting Rights (others)” includes 38,800 shares held in the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center. “Number of Voting Rights” includes 388 voting rights associated with “Shares with Full Voting Rights” held in the name of the Japan Securities Depository Center.

Treasury Stock


                        As of September 30, 2017  

Name of Shareholder



   Number of
Shares Held
Under Own
Name (shares)
     Number of
Shares Held
Under the
Names of
Others (shares)
     Total Shares
Held (shares)
Percentage to the
Total Number of
Issued Shares


   11-1, Nagatacho 2-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo      194,977,400        —          194,977,400        5.00














   —        194,977,400        —          194,977,400        5.00













Note: Number of shares held under own name was 194,977,500 for the three months ended December 31, 2017.



Table of Contents

2. Changes in Directors and Senior Management

The change in directors and audit & supervisory board members during the period from the filing date of the Securities Report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2017 to the filing date of this Quarterly Securities Report is as follows:

Change in Positions and Responsibilities






New Responsibilities


Former Responsibilities




Hozumi Tamura


Executive Vice President,

Member of the Board of Directors


Executive General Manager of Network Department,

Responsible for Network


General Manager of Network Department,

Responsible for Network

     July 1, 2017



Table of Contents

Item4. Financial Infomation

Preparation Method of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements

The quarterly consolidated financial statements of DOCOMO have been prepared in accordance with accounting terminology, forms and preparation methods required in order to issue American Depositary Shares, and in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles, pursuant to Article 95 of “Ordinance on the Terminology, Forms, and Preparation Methods of Quarterly Consolidated Financial Statements” (Cabinet Office Ordinance No.64, 2007).

Figures in DOCOMO’s quarterly consolidated financial statements have been rounded to the nearest million yen.



Table of Contents



MARCH 31, 2017 and DECEMBER 31, 2017


       Millions of yen  
       March 31, 2017     December 31, 2017  



Current assets:


Cash and cash equivalents

     ¥ 289,610     ¥ 531,451  

Short-term investments

       301,070       380,604  

Accounts receivable

       239,137       249,039  

Receivables held for sale

       936,748       900,876  

Credit card receivables

       347,557       429,061  

Other receivables

       398,842       408,140  

Allowance for doubtful accounts

       (19,517     (23,705


       153,388       198,556  

Deferred tax assets

       81,025       —    

Prepaid expenses and other current assets

       108,412       134,174  







Total current assets

       2,836,272       3,208,196  







Property, plant and equipment:


Wireless telecommunications equipment

       5,084,923       5,116,206  

Buildings and structures

       906,177       912,145  

Tools, furniture and fixtures

       441,513       448,843  


       198,980       199,274  

Construction in progress

       204,413       235,465  

Accumulated depreciation and amortization

       (4,295,111 )          (4,338,393







Total property, plant and equipment, net

       2,540,895       2,573,540  







Non-current investments and other assets:


Investments in affiliates

       373,758       390,369  

Marketable securities and other investments

       198,650       208,036  

Intangible assets, net

       608,776       589,845  


       230,971       232,764  

Other assets

       434,312       459,629  

Deferred tax assets

       229,440       220,136  







Total non-current investments and other assets

       2,075,907       2,100,779  







Total assets

     ¥ 7,453,074     ¥ 7,882,515  









Current liabilities:


Current portion of long-term debt

     ¥ 60,217     ¥ 170,070  

Short-term borrowings

       1,623       1,633  

Accounts payable, trade

       853,538       863,840  

Accrued payroll

       59,187       48,542  

Accrued income taxes

       105,997       107,821  

Other current liabilities

       194,494       240,558  







Total current liabilities

       1,275,056       1,432,464  







Long-term liabilities:


Long-term debt (exclusive of current portion)

       160,040       50,000  

Accrued liabilities for point programs

       94,639       94,169  

Liability for employees’ retirement benefits

       193,985       201,317  

Other long-term liabilities

       145,266       158,386  







Total long-term liabilities

       593,930       503,872  







Total liabilities

       1,868,986       1,936,336  







Redeemable noncontrolling interests

       22,942       23,352  









NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity


Common stock

       949,680       949,680  

Additional paid-in capital

       326,621       326,356  

Retained earnings

       4,656,139       4,977,014  

Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

       24,631       64,495  

Treasury stock

       (426,442     (426,442

Total NTT DOCOMO, INC. shareholders’ equity

       5,530,629       5,891,103  

Noncontrolling interests

       30,517       31,724  







Total equity

       5,561,146       5,922,827  







Commitments and contingencies








Total liabilities and equity

     ¥ 7,453,074     ¥ 7,882,515  







See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).



Table of Contents





Consolidated Statements of Income


     Millions of yen  
     Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2016
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2017

Operating revenues:


Telecommunications services

   ¥ 2,225,197     ¥ 2,362,180  

Equipment sales

     586,268       577,615  

Other operating revenues

     658,128       655,884  







Total operating revenues

     3,469,593       3,595,679  







Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     969,354       991,105  

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     592,460       613,218  

Depreciation and amortization

     334,418       361,538  

Selling, general and administrative

     731,025       794,472  







Total operating expenses

     2,627,257       2,760,333  







Operating income

     842,336       835,346  







Other income (expense):


Interest expense

     (368 )       (145

Interest income

     434       366  

Income from arbitration award

     —         147,646  

Other, net

     3,763       (25,219







Total other income (expense)

     3,829       122,648  







Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     846,165       957,994  







Income taxes:



     199,214       232,843  


     60,867       65,663  







Total income taxes

     260,081       298,506  







Income before equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     586,084       659,488  







Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates (including impairment charges of investments in affiliates)

     5,306       (3,238







Net income

     591,390       656,250  







Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (1,964 )       (1,962







Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 589,426     ¥ 654,288  







Per share data


Weighted average common shares outstanding — Basic and Diluted

     3,733,198,134       3,704,585,523  







Basic and Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 157.89     ¥ 176.62  






Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income       
     Millions of yen  
     Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2016
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2017

Net income

   ¥ 591,390     ¥ 656,250  

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, net of applicable taxes

     7,863       17,695  

Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of applicable taxes

     14       (51

Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     (36,653 )       21,091  

Pension liability adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     997       1,280  







Total other comprehensive income (loss)

     (27,779 )       40,015  







Comprehensive income

     563,611       696,265  







Less: Comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (1,560 )       (2,113







Comprehensive income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 562,051     ¥ 694,152  







See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).



Table of Contents





Consolidated Statements of Income


     Millions of yen  
     Three Months Ended
December 31, 2016
    Three Months Ended
December 31, 2017

Operating revenues:


Telecommunications services

   ¥ 750,704     ¥ 793,406  

Equipment sales

     206,160       274,095  

Other operating revenues

     224,386       228,049  







Total operating revenues

     1,181,250       1,295,550  







Operating expenses:


Cost of services (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     337,119       334,675  

Cost of equipment sold (exclusive of items shown separately below)

     228,337       276,798  

Depreciation and amortization

     113,880       121,515  

Selling, general and administrative

     245,175       275,992  







Total operating expenses

     924,511       1,008,980  







Operating income

     256,739       286,570  







Other income (expense):


Interest expense

     (11 )       (10

Interest income

     143       96  

Income from arbitration award

     —         147,646  

Other, net

     8,131       (30,814







Total other income (expense)

     8,263       116,918  







Income before income taxes and equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     265,002       403,488  







Income taxes:



     69,545       50,069  


     11,842       75,031  







Total income taxes

     81,387       125,100  







Income before equity in net income (losses) of affiliates

     183,615       278,388  







Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates (including impairment charges of investments in affiliates)

     1,966       2,781  







Net income

     185,581       281,169  







Less: Net (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (1,562 )       (792







Net income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 184,019     ¥ 280,377  







Per share data


Weighted average common shares outstanding — Basic and Diluted

     3,714,091,197       3,704,585,503  







Basic and Diluted earnings per share attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 49.55     ¥ 75.68  






Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income       
     Millions of yen  
     Three Months Ended
December 31, 2016
    Three Months Ended
December 31, 2017

Net income

   ¥ 185,581     ¥ 281,169  

Other comprehensive income (loss):


Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities, net of applicable taxes

     13,180       17,134  

Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges, net of applicable taxes

     72       (26

Foreign currency translation adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     (4,916     18,133  

Pension liability adjustment, net of applicable taxes

     357       681  







Total other comprehensive income (loss)

     8,693       35,922  







Comprehensive income

     194,274       317,091  







Less: Comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

     (1,585     (819







Comprehensive income attributable to NTT DOCOMO, INC.

   ¥ 192,689     ¥ 316,272  







See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).



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     Millions of yen  
     Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2016
    Nine Months Ended
December 31, 2017

Cash flows from operating activities:


Net income

   ¥ 591,390     ¥ 656,250  

Adjustments to reconcile net income to net cash provided by operating activities–


Depreciation and amortization

     334,418       361,538  

Deferred taxes

     60,867       65,663  

Loss on sale or disposal of property, plant and equipment

     24,574       25,307  

Inventory write-downs

     8,878       4,128  

Loss on transfer of investment in an affiliate

     —         29,841  

Impairment loss on marketable securities and other investments

     2,070       3,379  

Equity in net (income) losses of affiliates (including impairment charges of investments in affiliates)

     (5,306     3,238  

Dividends from affiliates

     8,413       10,869  

Changes in assets and liabilities:


(Increase) / decrease in accounts receivable

     4,884       (9,576

(Increase) / decrease in receivables held for sale

     11,673       35,872  

(Increase) / decrease in credit card receivables

     (32,410     (34,737

(Increase) / decrease in other receivables

     281       (9,318

Increase / (decrease) in allowance for doubtful accounts

     2,549       4,385  

(Increase) / decrease in inventories

     1,544       (49,336

(Increase) / decrease in prepaid expenses and other current assets

     (22,822     (22,286

(Increase) / decrease in non-current receivables held for sale

     29,141       (9,562

Increase / (decrease) in accounts payable, trade

     (23,224     37,535  

Increase / (decrease) in accrued income taxes

     (96,056     1,791  

Increase / (decrease) in other current liabilities

     28,974       39,418  

Increase / (decrease) in accrued liabilities for point programs

     (2,936     (470

Increase / (decrease) in liability for employees’ retirement benefits

     7,376       7,318  

Increase / (decrease) in other long-term liabilities

     5,277       12,133  

Other, net

     (14,697     (2,297 )  







Net cash provided by operating activities

     924,858       1,161,083  







Cash flows from investing activities:


Purchases of property, plant and equipment

     (337,446     (336,520

Purchases of intangible and other assets

     (142,444     (146,699

Purchases of non-current investments

     (2,030     (13,684

Proceeds from sale of non-current investments

     5,889       1,335  

Purchases of short-term investments

     (116,212     (161,373

Redemption of short-term investments

     70,938       191,752  

Short-term bailment for consumption to a related party

     (180,000     (660,000

Proceeds from redemption of short-term bailment for consumption to a related party

     40,000       550,000  

Other, net

     (6,777     (14,582 )  







Net cash used in investing activities

     (668,082     (589,771 )  







Cash flows from financing activities:


Proceeds from short-term borrowings

     19,679       16,622  

Repayment of short-term borrowings

     (19,526     (16,622

Principal payments under capital lease obligations

     (886     (801

Payments to acquire treasury stock

     (149,607     (0

Dividends paid

     (280,359     (333,316

Cash distributions to noncontrolling interests

     (3,500     (118 )  

Other, net

     4,996       4,402  







Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities

     (429,203     (329,833







Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents

     (2,409     362  







Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents

     (174,836     241,841  

Cash and cash equivalents as of beginning of period

     354,437       289,610  







Cash and cash equivalents as of end of period

   ¥ 179,601     ¥ 531,451  







Supplemental disclosures of cash flow information:


Cash received during the period for:


Income tax refunds

   ¥ 742     ¥ 200  

Cash paid during the period for:


Interest, net of amount capitalized

     323       312  

Income taxes

     297,562       232,316  







See accompanying notes to consolidated financial statements (unaudited).



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1. Basis of presentation:

The accompanying quarterly consolidated financial statements of NTT DOCOMO, INC. and its subsidiaries (“DOCOMO”) were prepared in accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“U.S. GAAP”). Certain disclosures required by U.S. GAAP have been omitted. Since DOCOMO’s American Depositary Shares were listed on the New York Stock Exchange in March 2002, DOCOMO has prepared its consolidated financial statements pursuant to the terminology, forms and preparation methods required in order to issue American Depositary Shares, which are registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United States of America.

2. Summary of significant accounting and reporting policies:

(a) Adoption of new accounting standards

Balance sheet classification of deferred taxes —

On November 20, 2015, the Financial Accounting Standards Board (“FASB”) issued Accounting Standards Update (“ASU”) 2015-17 “Balance Sheet Classification of Deferred Taxes.” Effective April 1, 2017, DOCOMO adopted prospectively ASU 2015-17 “Balance Sheet Classification of Deferred Taxes.” This ASU requires that all deferred tax liabilities and assets be classified as noncurrent on the consolidated balance sheet.

(b) Recently issued accounting standards

Revenue from Contracts with Customers —

On May 28, 2014, FASB issued ASU 2014-09 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606),” which requires an entity to recognize the amount to which it expects to be entitled for the transfer of promised goods or services to customers. The ASU will replace most existing revenue recognition guidance in U.S. GAAP when it becomes effective.

The FASB also issued ASU 2016-08 “Principal versus Agent Considerations (Reporting Revenue Gross versus Net),” ASU 2016-10 “Identifying Performance Obligations and Licensing,” ASU 2016-12 “Narrow-Scope Improvements and Practical Expedients,” ASU 2016-20 “Technical Corrections and Improvements to Topic 606,” and ASU 2017-05 “Clarifying the Scope of Asset Derecognition Guidance and Accounting for Partial Sales of Nonfinancial Assets” in March, April, May and December 2016, and February 2017, respectively, to partially amend ASU 2014-09.

On August 12, 2015, the FASB issued ASU 2015-14 “Revenue from Contracts with Customers (Topic 606): Deferral of the Effective Date,” and deferred the effective date of the ASU by one year. Consequently, the standard is expected to take effect for DOCOMO on April 1, 2018 and early adoption with original effective date for periods beginning April 1, 2017 is permitted.



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The two permitted transition methods under the new standard are the full retrospective method, or the modified retrospective method. Under the full retrospective method, all periods presented will be updated upon adoption to conform to the new standard and a cumulative adjustment for effects on periods prior to the reporting period will be recorded to retained earnings at the beginning of the initial reporting period. Under the modified retrospective approach, the current reporting period will be updated to conform to the new standard and a cumulative adjustment for effects of applying the new standard to periods prior to the reporting period that includes the date of initial application is recorded to retained earnings as of the date of initial application, and also incremental disclosures related to the amount affected by the application of this new standard are required. DOCOMO has not decided on a transition method and are currently evaluating the impact of the new standard on DOCOMO’s consolidated financial statements and related disclosures. The impact on revenue resulting from the application of the new standard will be subject to assessments that are dependent on many variables, including, but not limited to, the terms, the transaction prices including discounts and the mixture of the goods and services of DOCOMO’s contractual arrangements. While DOCOMO is continuing to assess all potential impacts resulting from the application of the new standard, DOCOMO believes that the most significant impacts may include the following items:



The standard requires the recognition of incremental costs of obtaining and direct costs of fulfilling contracts with customers as assets. Accordingly, DOCOMO expects that part of the sales commissions and other charges that have previously been treated as expenses will be recognized as additional assets, which will be amortized over the estimated average period of the subscription for each service.



The standard requires that if customers are granted by an entity the option to acquire additional goods or services at a discount by a contract agreed between the customer and the entity, the entity shall identify this option as a separate performance obligation upon granting such option as a part of the consideration of the transaction being recognized as contract liabilities, and recognize revenue when the additional good or service is transferred at a discount to the customer or when such option expires. Accordingly, DOCOMO expects that in relation to “docomo POINTs” and “d POINTs” which have traditionally been recorded as accrued liabilities, DOCOMO will recognize a part of the considerations for the transaction of mobile communications and other services as contract liabilities at the time when the points are granted, and recognize revenue when the points are used for the additional good or service at a discount or when the points expire.

DOCOMO has established a team to implement the introduction of the new standard. DOCOMO is in the process of implementing changes to DOCOMO’s systems and setting up reporting processes and internal controls for the adoption of the new revenue recognition standard.



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Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities —

On January 5, 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-01 “Recognition and Measurement of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities,” which makes targeted improvements to the accounting for, and presentation and disclosure of, financial instruments. ASU 2016-01 requires that most equity investments be measured at fair value, with subsequent changes in fair value recognized in net income. ASU 2016-01 does not affect the accounting for investments that would otherwise be consolidated or accounted for under the equity method. The new standard also affects the recognition of changes in fair value of financial liabilities under the fair value option and the presentation and disclosure requirements for financial instruments. The new standard is effective for DOCOMO on April 1, 2018. DOCOMO is currently evaluating the effect of adopting the ASU.

Lease —

On February 25, 2016, the FASB issued ASU 2016-02 “Lease,” which requires all lessees to recognize the right-of-use asset and lease liability, principally. The new standard is effective for DOCOMO on April 1, 2019. DOCOMO is currently evaluating the effect of adopting the ASU.

Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment —

On January 26, 2017, the FASB issued ASU 2017-04 “Simplifying the Test for Goodwill Impairment,” which eliminates Step 2 from the goodwill impairment test. Instead, the amendments in this update require that an entity should perform its annual, or interim, goodwill impairment test by comparing the fair value of a reporting unit with its carrying amount and an entity should recognize an impairment charge for the amount by which the carrying amount exceeds the reporting unit’s fair value. The amendments in this update are effective for DOCOMO on April 1, 2020. Early adoption of the standard for goodwill impairment tests with measurement dates after January 1, 2017 would also be permitted. DOCOMO is currently evaluating the effect of adopting the ASU.



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3. Investment in affiliates

Tata Teleservices Limited —

Tata Teleservices Limited (“TTSL”) is a telecommunication operator in India and a privately held company.

Until October 31 2017, DOCOMO had held approximately 21.6% of the outstanding common shares of TTSL and accounted for the investment under the equity method.

Under the shareholders agreement (the “Agreement”) entered into among TTSL, Tata Sons Limited (“Tata Sons”) and DOCOMO when DOCOMO entered into a business alliance with TTSL in March 2009, DOCOMO shall have certain shareholder rights, including the right to require Tata Sons to find a suitable buyer for DOCOMO’s entire stake (1,248,974,378 shares, or approximately 26.5% of outstanding shares) in TTSL for 50% of the DOCOMO’s acquisition price, which amounts to 72.5 billion Indian rupees (or ¥127.6 billion* 1 ), or at fair value, whichever is higher, in the event that TTSL fails to achieve certain specified performance targets by March 31, 2014. The right became exercisable on May 30, 2014, and DOCOMO exercised the right on July 7, 2014.

The obligation of Tata Sons under the Agreement was not fulfilled, although DOCOMO repeatedly held discussions with Tata Sons regarding the sale of DOCOMO’s entire stake in TTSL pursuant to the Agreement. Accordingly, DOCOMO submitted a request for arbitration to the London Court of International Arbitration (“LCIA”) on January 3, 2015.

DOCOMO received a binding arbitration award from the LCIA on June 23, 2016. The award ordered that Tata Sons pay damages to DOCOMO in the amount of approximately $1,172 million (or ¥132.6 billion* 2 ) for Tata Sons’ breach of the Agreement, upon DOCOMO’s tender of its entire stake in TTSL to Tata Sons or its designee.

On July 8, 2016, DOCOMO submitted an application to the High Court in India (“the Court”) requesting enforcement of the LCIA Award in India. On February 25, 2017, DOCOMO and Tata Sons submitted a joint application to the Court requesting that the Court declare the LCIA Award enforceable in India. On April 28, 2017, the Court delivered a court decision approving the joint application.

On October 31, 2017, DOCOMO received payment of an arbitration award* 3 from Tata Sons in accordance with the Court decision. As a result of this transaction, DOCOMO recorded the award amount of ¥147,646 million as “Income from arbitration award” on its consolidated statement of income for the three month period ended December 31, 2017.

Concurrent with the receipt of the above award amount, all shares in TTSL held by DOCOMO were transferred to Tata Sons and companies designated by Tata Sons. Upon the transfer of DOCOMO’s shares in TTSL, DOCOMO discontinued the application of the equity method to the investment in TTSL. As a result, DOCOMO recorded ¥29,841 million of loss on transfer of investment in an affiliate, equal to the reclassification adjustments of foreign currency translation adjustments, in “Other, net” on its consolidated statement of income for the three month period ended December 31, 2017.


*1 1 rupee = ¥1.76 as of October 31, 2017
*2 $1 = ¥113.16 as of October 31, 2017
*3 The amount received included interest earned and other costs awarded.



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4. Equity:

(a) Dividends

The Companies Act of Japan (the “Companies Act”) provides that (i) dividends of earnings require approval at a general meeting of shareholders, (ii) interim cash dividends can be distributed upon the approval of the Board of Directors, if the articles of incorporation provide for such interim cash dividends and (iii) an amount equal to 10% of the decrease in retained earnings, as a result of a dividend payment, shall be contributed to a legal reserve that can be funded up to an amount equal to 25% of capital stock. The legal reserve is available for distribution upon approval of the shareholders. In accordance with (ii) above, a provision in NTT DOCOMO, INC.’s articles of incorporation stipulates that NTT DOCOMO, INC. may, pursuant to a resolution of the Board of Directors, pay interim dividends with a record date as of September 30th of the relevant year.

In the general meeting of shareholders held on June 20, 2017, the shareholders approved cash dividends of ¥148,183 million or ¥40 per share, payable to shareholders of record as of March 31, 2017, which were declared by the Board of Directors on April 27, 2017. The source of such dividends was “Retained earnings.” NTT DOCOMO, INC. started paying the dividends on June 21, 2017.

On October 26 2017, the Board of Directors declared interim cash dividends of ¥185,229 million or ¥50 per share, payable to shareholders of record as of September 30, 2017. The source of such dividends will be “Retained earnings.” NTT DOCOMO, INC. plans to start paying the interim cash dividends on November 21, 2017.

(b) Issued shares and treasury stock

With regard to the acquisition of treasury stock, the Companies Act provides that (i) it can be executed according to a resolution of the general meeting of shareholders, and (ii) the acquisition of treasury stock through open market transactions can be done according to a resolution of the Board of Directors, if the articles of incorporation contain such a provision. In accordance with (ii) above, a provision in NTT DOCOMO, INC.’s articles of incorporation stipulates that NTT DOCOMO, INC. may repurchase treasury stock through open market transactions, by a resolution of the Board of Directors, for the purpose of improving capital efficiency and implementing flexible capital policies in accordance with the business environment.



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The changes in the number of issued shares and treasury stock were as follows. NTT DOCOMO, INC. has not issued shares other than shares of its common stock.


       Number of
issued shares
     Number of
treasury stock

As of March 31, 2016

       3,958,543,000        197,926,250  







Acquisition of treasury stock based on the resolution of the Board of Directors

       —          56,031,000  

Acquisition of treasury stock through purchase of less-than-one-unit shares

       —          167  

As of December 31, 2016

       3,958,543,000        253,957,417  







Acquisition of treasury stock through purchase of less-than-one-unit shares

       —          50  

Retirement of treasury stock

       (58,980,000      (58,980,000







As of March 31, 2017

       3,899,563,000        194,977,467  







Acquisition of treasury stock through purchase of less-than-one-unit shares

       —          83  

As of December 31, 2017

              3,899,563,000               194,977,550  







On April 28, 2016, the Board of Directors resolved that NTT DOCOMO, INC. may acquire up to 99,132,938 outstanding shares of its common stock by way of the Tokyo Stock Exchange Trading Network Off-Auction Own Share Repurchase Trading System (“ToSTNeT-3”) and market purchases in accordance with the discretionary dealing contract, at an amount in total not exceeding ¥192,514 million from May 2, 2016 through December 31, 2016.

Based on this resolution, NTT DOCOMO, INC. repurchased 9,021,000 shares of its common stock at ¥24,433 million using the ToSTNeT-3 on May 18, 2016, and also repurchased 47,010,000 shares of its common stock for a total purchase price of ¥125,174 million by way of market purchases in accordance with the discretionary dealing contract as of December 31, 2016.

NTT DOCOMO, INC. also carried out compulsory acquisition of less-than-one-unit shares upon request.

On March 24, 2017, the Board of Directors resolved that NTT DOCOMO, INC. would retire 58,980,000 shares held as treasury stock on March 31, 2017 and the share retirement on March 31, 2017 resulted in decreases of “Retained earnings” by ¥128,997 million.

The aggregate number and price of shares repurchased for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:



Table of Contents




       Share/Millions of yen  
       Nine months ended
December 31, 2016
       Nine months  ended
December 31, 2017

Aggregate number of shares repurchased

                      56,031,167          83  

Aggregate price of shares repurchased

     ¥ 149,607        ¥                    0  

The aggregate number and price of shares repurchased for the three months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Share/Millions of yen  
       Three months  ended
December 31, 2016
       Three months  ended
December 31, 2017

Aggregate number of shares repurchased

                    15,670,067          83  

Aggregate price of shares repurchased

     ¥ 40,426        ¥                    0  

On October 26, 2017, the Board of Directors resolved that NTT DOCOMO, INC. may repurchase up to 120 million outstanding shares of its common stock for an amount in total not exceeding ¥ 300,000 million during the period from October 27, 2017 through March 31, 2018.

On December 11, 2017, the Board of Directors resolved that NTT DOCOMO, INC. may acquire up to 93,248,787 outstanding shares of its common stock by way of tender offer at an amount in total not exceeding ¥250,000 million from December 12, 2017 through January 15, 2018. Based on this resolution, NTT DOCOMO, INC. will repurchase 75,678,037 shares of its common stock at ¥202,893 million on February 6, 2018. The aggregate number of shares to be acquired from our parent company, NIPPON TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CORPORATION, is 74,599,000 shares and the amount in total is ¥ 200,000 million.

The Board of Directors also resolved that NTT DOCOMO, INC. may acquire up to 44,321,963 outstanding shares of its common stock* by way of repurchases on Tokyo Stock Exchange for an amount in total not exceeding ¥97,107 million* from the next business day of following the expiration of the tender offer through March 31, 2018. NTT DOCOMO, INC. did not make repurchase by way of repurchases on the market in January 2018.


* The number of shares remaining after subtracting the number of shares to be acquired by way of tender offer from the maximum limit of 120 million shares and the amount remaining after subtracting the total amount used to repurchase the shares to be acquired by way of tender offer from the maximum limit of ¥ 300,000 million.



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(c) Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

Changes in a ccumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of applicable taxes, for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen  
     Nine months ended December 31, 2016  
       Unrealized holding
gains (losses) on
     Unrealized gains
(losses) on cash
flow hedges
     Foreign currency
     Pension liability

Balance as of March 31, 2016

     ¥ 61,624      ¥ (218    ¥ 6,281      ¥ (52,799    ¥ 14,888  
















Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications

       8,846        (22      (37,235      (754      (29,165

Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

       (983      36        582        1,751        1,386  
















Other comprehensive income (loss)

       7,863        14        (36,653      997        (27,779
















Less: other comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

       —          —          404        —          404  
















Balance as of December 31, 2016

     ¥ 69,487      ¥ (204    ¥ (29,968    ¥ (51,802    ¥ (12,487















       Millions of yen  
     Nine months ended December 31, 2017  
       Unrealized holding
gains (losses) on
     Unrealized gains
(losses) on cash
flow hedges
     Foreign currency
     Pension liability

Balance as of March 31, 2017

     ¥ 73,363      ¥ (133    ¥ (6,509    ¥ (42,090    ¥ 24,631  
















Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications

       17,529        (84      (5,919      (597      10,929  

Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

       166        33        27,010        1,877        29,086  
















Other comprehensive income (loss)

       17,695        (51      21,091        1,280        40,015  
















Less: other comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

       (141      —          (10      —          (151
















Balance as of December 31, 2017

     ¥ 90,917      ¥ (184    ¥ 14,572      ¥ (40,810    ¥ 64,495  


















Table of Contents




Changes in accumulated other comprehensive income (loss), net of applicable taxes, for the three months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen  
     Three months ended December 31, 2016  
       Unrealized holding
gains (losses) on
(losses) on cash
flow hedges
     Foreign currency
     Pension liability

Balance as of September 30, 2016

     ¥ 56,313      ¥ (276    ¥ (25,035    ¥ (52,159    ¥ (21,157
















Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications

       13,179        60        (5,421      (222      7,596  

Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

       1        12        505        579        1,097  
















Other comprehensive income (loss)

       13,180        72        (4,916      357        8,693  
















Less: other comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

       (6      —          (17      —          (23
















Balance as of December 31, 2016

     ¥ 69,487      ¥ (204    ¥ (29,968    ¥ (51,802    ¥ (12,487















       Millions of yen  
     Three months ended December 31, 2017  
       Unrealized holding
gains (losses) on
(losses) on cash
flow hedges
     Foreign currency
     Pension liability

Balance as of September 30, 2017

     ¥ 73,783      ¥ (158    ¥ (3,534    ¥ (41,491    ¥ 28,600  
















Other comprehensive income (loss) before reclassifications

       17,134        (82      1,444        (253      18,243  

Amounts reclassified from accumulated other comprehensive income (loss)

       —          56        16,689        934        17,679  
















Other comprehensive income (loss)

       17,134        (26      18,133        681        35,922  
















Less: other comprehensive (income) loss attributable to noncontrolling interests

       (0      —          (27      —          (27
















Balance as of December 31, 2017

     ¥ 90,917      ¥ (184    ¥ 14,572      ¥ (40,810    ¥ 64,495  


















Table of Contents




Reclassifications out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) to net income —

Amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) to net income and affected line items in the consolidated statements of income for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen
       Amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (*1)
       Nine months
December 31,
     Nine months
December 31,

            Affected line items in the consolidated            

statements of income

Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities

     ¥ 1,401      ¥ (237    “Other, net” of “Other income (expense)”
       62        —        “Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates”






       1,463        (237    Pre-tax amount
       (480      71      Tax benefit (expense)






       983        (166    Net-of-tax amount







Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges

       (53      (48    “Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates”






       (53      (48    Pre-tax amount
       17        15      Tax benefit (expense)






       (36      (33    Net-of-tax amount







Foreign currency translation adjustment

       —          (29,841    “Other, net” of “Other income (expense)”
       (880      (15,383    “Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates”






       (880      (45,224    Pre-tax amount
       298        18,214      Tax benefit (expense)






       (582      (27,010    Net-of-tax amount






Pension liability adjustment        (2,552      (2,736    (*2)






       (2,552      (2,736    Pre-tax amount
       801        859      Tax benefit (expense)






       (1,751      (1,877    Net-of-tax amount






Total reclassified amounts      ¥ (1,386    ¥ (29,086    Net-of-tax amount








(*1) Amounts in parentheses indicate decreased effects on net income.
(*2) Amounts reclassified out of pension liability adjustment are included in the computation of net periodic pension cost.



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Amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) to net income and affected line items in the consolidated statements of income for the three ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen
       Amounts reclassified out of accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) (*1)
       Three months
December 31,
     Three months
December 31,

            Affected line items in the consolidated            

statements of income

Unrealized holding gains (losses) on available-for-sale securities

     ¥ 28      ¥ —        “Other, net” of “Other income (expense)”
       (0      —        “Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates”






       28        —        Pre-tax amount
       (29      —        Tax benefit (expense)






       (1      —        Net-of-tax amount







Unrealized gains (losses) on cash flow hedges

       (18      (82    “Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates”






       (18      (82    Pre-tax amount
       6        26      Tax benefit (expense)






       (12      (56    Net-of-tax amount







Foreign currency translation adjustment

       —          (29,841    “Other, net” of “Other income (expense)”
       (770      —        “Equity in net income (losses) of affiliates”






       (770      (29,841    Pre-tax amount
       265        13,152      Tax benefit (expense)






       (505      (16,689    Net-of-tax amount







Pension liability adjustment

       (845      (1,362    (*2)






       (845      (1,362    Pre-tax amount
       266        428      Tax benefit (expense)






       (579      (934    Net-of-tax amount







Total reclassified amounts

     ¥ (1,097    ¥ (17,679    Net-of-tax amount








(*1) Amounts in parentheses indicate decreased effects on net income.
(*2) Amounts reclassified out of pension liability adjustment are included in the computation of net periodic pension cost.



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5. Segment information:

DOCOMO’s chief operating decision maker (the “CODM”) is its Board of Directors. The CODM evaluates the performance and makes resource allocations of its segments based on the information provided by DOCOMO’s internal management reports.

DOCOMO has three operating segments, which consist of telecommunications business, smart life business and other businesses.

The telecommunications business includes mobile phone services (LTE(Xi) services and FOMA services), optical-fiber broadband services, satellite mobile communications services, international services and the equipment sales related to these services. The smart life business includes video and music distribution, electronic books and other services offered through DOCOMO’s “dmarket” portal, as well as finance/payment services, shopping services and various other services to support our customers’ daily lives. The other businesses primarily include “Mobile Device Protection Service,” as well as the development, sales and maintenance of IT systems.

Accounting policies used to determine segment operating revenues and operating income (loss) are consistent with those used to prepare the consolidated financial statements in accordance with U.S. GAAP.

Segment operating revenues:


       Millions of yen  
       Nine months ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months ended
December 31, 2017

Telecommunications business-


External customers

     ¥           2,813,130      ¥           2,945,208  


       822        1,110  








       2,813,952        2,946,318  

Smart life business-


External customers

       370,817        335,999  


       11,136        13,369  








       381,953        349,368  

Other businesses-


External customers

       285,646        314,472  


       9,238        9,932  








       294,884        324,404  







Segment total

       3,490,789        3,620,090  


       (21,196      (24,411








     ¥ 3,469,593      ¥ 3,595,679  









Table of Contents




       Millions of yen  
       Three months ended
December 31, 2016
     Three months ended
December 31, 2017

Telecommunications business-


External customers

     ¥              956,892      ¥           1,075,091  


       438        453  








       957,330        1,075,544  

Smart life business-


External customers

       127,329        114,394  


       4,256        4,777  








       131,585        119,171  

Other businesses-


External customers

       97,029        106,065  


       4,450        3,162  








       101,479        109,227  







Segment total

       1,190,394        1,303,942  


       (9,144      (8,392








     ¥ 1,181,250      ¥ 1,295,550  








Segment operating income (loss):


       Millions of yen  
       Nine months ended
December 31, 2016
     Nine months ended
December 31, 2017

Telecommunications business

     ¥ 744,186      ¥ 720,032  

Smart life business

       58,651        53,265  

Other businesses

       39,499        62,049  








     ¥ 842,336      ¥ 835,346  






       Millions of yen  
       Three months ended
December 31, 2016
     Three months ended
December 31, 2017

Telecommunications business

     ¥ 219,449      ¥ 245,648  

Smart life business

       21,676        19,774  

Other businesses

       15,614        21,148  








     ¥ 256,739      ¥ 286,570  







Segment operating income (loss) is segment operating revenues less segment operating expenses.

DOCOMO does not disclose geographical information because the amounts of operating revenues generated outside Japan are immaterial.



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6. Contingencies:

(a) Litigation

DOCOMO is involved in litigation and claims arising in the ordinary course of business. DOCOMO believes that none of the litigation or claims outstanding, pending or threatened against DOCOMO would have a materially adverse effect on DOCOMO’s results of operations, financial position or cash flows.

(b) Guarantees

DOCOMO enters into agreements in the normal course of business that provide guarantees for counterparties. These counterparties include subscribers, related parties, foreign wireless telecommunications service providers and other business partners.

DOCOMO provides subscribers with guarantees for product defects of cellular phone handsets sold by DOCOMO, but DOCOMO is provided with similar guarantees by the handset vendors and no liabilities were recognized for these guarantees.

Though the guarantees or indemnifications provided in transactions other than those with the subscribers are different in each contract, the likelihood of almost all of the performance of these guarantees or indemnifications are remote and amount of payments DOCOMO could be claimed for is not specified in almost all of the contracts. Historically, DOCOMO has not made any significant guarantee or indemnification payments under such agreements. DOCOMO estimates the fair value of the obligations related to these agreements is not significant. Accordingly, no liabilities were recognized for these obligations.



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7. Fair value measurements:

Fair value is defined as “the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.” U.S. GAAP establishes a three-tier fair value hierarchy, which prioritizes the inputs used in measuring fair value according to observability. The inputs are described as follows:

Level 1—quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities

Level 2—inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability

Level 3—unobservable inputs for the asset or liability

DOCOMO also distinguishes assets and liabilities measured at fair value every period on a recurring basis from those measured on a nonrecurring basis in certain circumstances.

(a) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis

DOCOMO’s assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis include available-for-sale securities and derivatives.

DOCOMO’s assets and liabilities that were measured at fair value on a recurring basis at March 31, 2017 and December 31, 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen  
       March 31, 2017  
       Total        Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  



Available-for-sale securities


Equity securities (domestic)

     ¥     83,974        ¥     83,974        ¥ —          ¥ —    

Equity securities (foreign)

       95,680          95,680          —            —    

Debt securities (foreign)

       5          5          —            —    













Total available-for-sale securities

       179,659          179,659          —            —    















Foreign exchange forward contracts

       0          —            0          —    













Total derivatives

       0          —            0          —    














     ¥ 179,659        ¥ 179,659        ¥ 0        ¥ —    

















Foreign currency option contracts

     ¥ 1,336        ¥ —          ¥ 1,336        ¥ —    

Foreign exchange forward contracts

       11          —            11          —    













Total derivatives

       1,347          —            1,347          —    














     ¥ 1,347        ¥ —          ¥     1,347        ¥ —    













There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2.



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       Millions of yen  
       December 31, 2017  
       Total        Level 1        Level 2        Level 3  



Available-for-sale securities


Equity securities (domestic)

     ¥     96,117        ¥     96,117        ¥ —          ¥ —    

Equity securities (foreign)

       91,354          91,354          —            —    

Debt securities (foreign)

       5          5          —            —    













Total available-for-sale securities

       187,476          187,476          —            —    















Foreign exchange forward contracts

       0          —            0          —    













Total derivatives

       0          —            0          —    














     ¥ 187,476        ¥ 187,476        ¥ 0        ¥ —    

















Foreign currency option contracts

     ¥ 683        ¥ —          ¥ 683        ¥ —    

Foreign exchange forward contracts

       1          —            1          —    













Total derivatives

       684          —            684          —    














     ¥ 684        ¥ —          ¥        684        ¥ —    













There were no transfers between Level 1 and Level 2.

Available-for-sale securities

Available-for-sale securities include marketable equity securities and debt securities, which are valued using quoted prices in active markets for identical assets. Therefore, these securities are classified as Level 1.


Derivative instruments are foreign currency option contracts and foreign exchange forward contracts, which are valued based on observable market data. Therefore, these derivatives are classified as Level 2.



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(b) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis

Certain assets and liabilities are measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis in certain circumstances.

DOCOMO may be required to measure fair value of receivables held for sale, long-lived assets, equity securities whose fair values are not readily determinable, and other assets or liabilities on a nonrecurring basis.

DOCOMO’s assets that were measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis for the nine months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen  
       Nine months ended December 31, 2016  
       Total        Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Gains (losses)
(before  taxes)



Receivables held for sale

     ¥ 798,949        ¥ —          ¥ 798,949        ¥ —          ¥ (6,801















       Millions of yen  
       Nine months ended December 31, 2017  
       Total        Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Gains (losses)
(before  taxes)



Receivables held for sale

     ¥ 789,225        ¥ —          ¥ 789,225        ¥ —          ¥ (6,465
















DOCOMO’s assets that were measured at fair value on a nonrecurring basis for the three months ended December 31, 2016 and 2017 were as follows:


       Millions of yen  
       Three months ended December 31, 2016  
       Total        Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Gains (losses)
(before  taxes)



Receivables held for sale

     ¥ 501,327        ¥ —          ¥ 501,327        ¥ —          ¥ (5,510

















       Millions of yen  
       Three months ended December 31, 2017  
       Total        Level 1        Level 2        Level 3        Gains (losses)
(before  taxes)



Receivables held for sale

     ¥ 547,760        ¥ —          ¥ 547,760        ¥ —          ¥ (5,763
















Receivables held for sale

Receivables held for sale are measured at the lower of cost or fair value.

Receivables held for sale are classified as Level 2. DOCOMO measures the fair value of the receivables held for sale by discounting, at LIBOR-based discount rates, estimated future cash flows while taking into account factors such as default probabilities and loss severity of similar trade receivables.



Table of Contents




8. Subsequent event:

NTT DOCOMO, INC. will repurchase its common stock. Related information is disclosed in “Note 4 Equity.”



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