RNS No 2154w
21st September 1998

                            WELLINGTON HOLDINGS PLC
                       INTERIM RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR
                                TO 30 JUNE 1998
  Trading profit from continuing operations up 3% to #3.35m; pro forma
                          EPS up 4.6% to 8.68p
           Restructuring completed and acquisition of CDI Seals Inc.

Wellington   Holdings,  a  global  specialist  in  manufacturing   seals   and
compounding polymers, announces its interim results for the six months  to  30
June 1998.


*    Trading profit from continuing operations #3.35m (1997:  #3.25m)
*    Pre tax profit #1.6m after exceptional costs of #1.4m (1997:  #2.9m)
*    Pro forma EPS 8.68p (8.30p)
*    Interim dividend 2.70p (1997:  2.70p)
*    Sale of L & H Polymers completed in July 1998
*    Acquisition of CDI Seals in Texas for up to #5.4m cash
*    Interest cover 8 times

Divisional Highlights

Seals:       operating profit up 9%;
             strong growth in US at Dynamic Seals
Compounding: operating profit fell 9%;
             Hatcham Rubber now poised to exploit competitive
             advantages of single site operations

Commenting on the results and the outlook Brian Kent, Chairman said:

"Much  has been achieved in reshaping the company in the last year ...although
market  conditions  have  been  unhelpful.  Last year's  acquisition,  Dynamic
Seals,  is continuing with strong profit growth, our exit from Conversion  was
completed  at  the  end  of July and now we have further  expanded  the  Seals
division with the purchase of CDI.  These are major strategic achievements and
provide an exciting basis for the future."

For further information contact:
Brian Kent, Chairman                           Tel:  0181 941 3774
Peter Bennett, Group Chief Executive           Tel:  0181 941 3774
David Hardy, Binns & Company                   Tel:  0171 786 9600

Note:  Analyst meeting today at 11:30am at Binns & Company, 16 St Helen's
Place, Bishopsgate,
       London EC3A 6DE

Editors Note
The Company manufactures from sites at Hampton (Middlesex), Hertford and
Keighley in the UK and Houston, Texas and Troy, Michigan in USA.


This  half  year  has been a period of great change with the company  now  re-
positioned strategically.

We  have  appointed  a  new  Chief Executive and disposed  of  the  Conversion
division and simultaneously strengthened the Seals division by the acquisition
of CDI Seals.

The  half  year  operating profit of the ongoing business is  #3.35m  (#3.25m)
which  is  up 3% on last year.  Pro forma earnings per share rose by  4.6%  to
8.68p (8.30p).

The two divisions performed as follows:-

Seals Division

Operating Profit rose 9% to #2.42m from #2.20m.  Dynamic Seals continued their
strong  growth,  based  on high levels of activity at major  U.S.  off-highway
original   equipment   manufacturers.   In   the   Americas,   Hallite   Seals
International  has  substantial after-market business and experienced  tougher
conditions  as  price competition increased.  Worldwide sales  to  the  mining
industry  were  lower.   However, new initiatives in  France  and  Italy,  and
improved  demand in Germany, yielded profit growth.  Polytek,  the  specialist
seal  business, has maintained its recovery momentum helped by improving order
levels in aerospace, fluid handling and oil industry products.

Compounding Division

Operating  profit fell 9% to #1.31m (#1.43m) due mainly to extended new  plant
difficulties  as  the  run  up of the single site operation  at  Hertford  for
Hatcham  Rubber took longer than expected.  The exceptional operating expenses
associated with this were #0.4m.  Logistics, planning and management have  all
been  improved and the business has demonstrated its capacity to produce  more
than the two-site operation, with significantly lower operating costs.   It is
now in a good position to exploit these important competitive advantages.

Ondura, the tyre retread compounder, had very tough trading conditions as  the
strong  pound encouraged the importation of foreign tyres at low prices,  with
the  result that margins were further eroded.  We also lost 6 weeks output  on
one  of  our  mixing lines due to a machine fire.  The equipment  is  back  in
production and our insurance covered all losses.

Plysolene achieved good sales of polymeric pipe insulation due to demand  from
the U.K. building industry.

CDI Seals

We  are pleased to be able to announce today the acquisition of CDI Seals.  It
is  being  purchased for a maximum of up to #5.4m of which #0.9m is  dependent
upon  profit  growth  in the next year and #0.8m is assumed  debt.   #0.6m  is
deferred  for four years.  In the year to June 1998, CDI reported an operating
profit of #0.45m on #6.5m sales and net assets of #0.9m.

CDI  designs  and manufactures sealing products from a range of  sophisticated
polymeric  materials for use in very demanding environments and  applications,
including  oil  extraction  and processing, fluid  handling  and  fluid  power
systems.  It is based in Houston, Texas, and employs 128 people.

The  business is an excellent fit with our existing Seals Division operations.
Mr. Bill Heathcott, aged 52, who founded the company in 1974, will continue as
President.  It is our intention to add the CDI range of fluid power  seals  to
our  existing  Worldwide network and widen our product  offering  to  the  oil
industry, where Hallite Polytek and CDI complement each other.

Balance Sheet

Whilst  the  #2.5m  net  cash  received from  the  L&H  sale  reduced  gearing
initially, we also decided to proceed with the acquisition for cash of CDI  in
Texas  which  will now result in gearing around 100% for the  next  6  months.
Interest  cover,  however,  remains  satisfactory  at  approximately  8  times


The  Board  has  maintained its dividend payment at 2.7p  to  be  paid  on  19
November to ordinary shareholders on the register at the close of business  on
2 October 1998.


The  new executive directors' team, ably led by Peter Bennett as C.E.O.,  have
had  a challenging first three months and I am delighted with the way in which
they have responded to these testing times.

The profile of the Group has now evolved further with two-thirds of the profit
coming  from the International Seals business and one-third from the  European
Rubber Compounding business.

Much  has been achieved in reshaping the company in the last year  and  it  is
disappointing  that the market conditions, particularly in the U.K., have been

Forecasting at this time is impossible with manufacturing being very hard  hit
by high interest rates and the strength of the pound.  It is unlikely that the
profit  generated  by the ongoing businesses will exceed that  of  last  year.
However, we are adjusting rapidly to these new conditions.

Last  year's  acquisition,  Dynamic Seals, is continuing  with  strong  profit
growth, our exit from Conversion was completed at the end of July and  now  we
have further expanded the Seals division with the purchase of CDI.  These  are
major strategic achievements and provide an exciting basis for the future."

B.H. Kent

21 September 1998

for half year ended 30 June 1998

                                   Half year to  Half year to  Full Year to
                                     30 June        30 June     31 December
                                       1998          1997          1997
                                   (unaudited)    (unaudited)        
                                      #'000          #'000         #'000
CONTINUED OPERATIONS                  24,471        26,841        52,362
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS               4,927          4,189         7,826
                                      ------        ------        ------
                                      29,398        31,030        60,188
                                      ======        ======        ======
TRADING PROFIT                                                       
CONTINUED OPERATIONS                  3,353          3,252         6,644
EXCEPTIONAL OPERATING                                                
EXPENSE                               (420)            0           (588)
                                      ------        ------        ------
                                      2,933          3,252         6,056
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS                 53            76           (115)
                                      ------        ------        ------
                                      2,986          3,328         5,941
PROVISIONS FOR                                                       
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS              (3,291)                      (2,291)
LESS PROVISION MADE                                                  
IN PREVIOUS YEARS                     2,291                          
                                      ------                      ------
                                     (1,000)                      (2,291)
PROFIT BEFORE INTEREST                                               
AND TAXATION                          1,986          3,328         3,650
NET INTEREST PAYABLE                  (417)          (396)         (829)
                                      ------        ------        ------
PROFIT BEFORE TAXATION                1,569          2,932         2,821
TAXATION                              (621)          (918)        (1,366)
                                      ------        ------        ------
PROFIT AFTER TAXATION                  948           2,014         1,455
ORDINARY DIVIDEND                     (638)          (638)        (1,962)
                                      ------        ------        ------
RETAINED PROFIT/(LOSS)                 310           1,376         (507)
                                      ======        ======        ======
EARNINGS PER SHARE                    4.01p          8.52p         6.15p
PRO FORMA EARNINGS PER SHARE          8.68p          8.30p        17.34p
NET ORDINARY DIVIDEND PER SHARE       2.70p          2.70p         8.30p

as at 30 June 1998
                                  30 June       30 June     31 December
                                    1998          1997          1997
                                (unaudited)   (unaudited)         
                                   #'000         #'000         #'000
FIXED ASSETS                       17,894        17,957        19,194
                                   ------        ------        ------
CURRENT ASSETS                                                    
STOCKS                             7,235         7,796         6,969
DEBTORS                            14,006        14,069        13,481
CASH AT BANK AND IN HAND            759          1,716          949
                                   ------        ------        ------
                                   22,000        23,581        21,399
CREDITORS:  amount falling                                        
due within one year               (17,240)      (19,049)      (17,625)
                                   ------        ------        ------
NET CURRENT ASSETS                 4,760         4,532         3,774
CREDITORS:  amounts falling                                       
due after more than one year      (7,735)       (6,015)       (8,341)
PROVISIONS FOR LIABILITIES                                        
AND CHARGES                        (669)         (792)         (719)
                                   ------        ------        ------
NET ASSETS                         14,250        15,682        13,908
                                   ======        ======        ======
CALLED UP SHARE CAPITAL            2,364         2,364         2,364
SHARE PREMIUM ACCOUNT              3,148         12,581        12,581
PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT            7,169         8,820         6,827
CAPITAL REDEMPTION RESERVE         1,569         1,569         1,569
GOODWILL WRITE OFF RESERVE           0          (9,652)       (9,433)
                                   ------        ------        ------
                                   14,250        15,682        13,908
                                   ======        ======        ======

Results for the half year ended 30 June 1998

                                Half year to  Half year to  Full Year to
                                  30 June       30 June     31 December
                                    1998          1997          1997
                                (unaudited)   (unaudited)         
                                   #'000         #'000         #'000
SEALS                              11,251        10,741        21,861
COMPOUNDING                        13,220        16,100        30,501
DISCONTINUED                       4,927         4,189         7,826
                                   ------        ------        ------
                                   29,398        31,030        60,188
                                   ------       -------        ------
SEALS                              2,426         2,219         4,900
CONTINUING BUSINESS                1,313         1,429         2,474
RESTRUCTURING COSTS                (420)           0           (588)
                                   ------       -------        ------
                                    893          1,429         1,886
                                   ------       -------        ------
DISCONTINUED                         53            76          (115)
PROVISION FOR                     
DISCONTINUED OPERATIONS           (1,000)           0         2,291)
CENTRAL COSTS                      (386)         (396)         (730)
                                   ------        ------        ------
                                   1,986         3,328         3,650
                                   ======        ======        ======


1. The  comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 1997  are
   not  the  company's  statutory accounts for  that  financial  year.   Those
   accounts  have been reported on by the company's auditors and delivered  to
   the  registrar  of companies.  The report of the auditors  was  unqualified
   and  did  not  contain a statement under section 237  (2)  or  (3)  of  the
   Companies Act 1985.

2. The  net  Interim  dividend of 2.7p will be paid on  19  November  1998  to
   shareholders on the register on 2 October 1998.

3. The   exceptional  costs  relate  to  the  closure  costs  of  the  Hatcham
   compounding  leasehold site at Croydon and the expansion onto the  existing
   compounding freehold site at Hertford.

4. As  explained  in  the  Chairman's Report,  the  Board  consider  that  the
   business  of L & H Polymers no longer meets the Group's strategic ambition.
   In  the  statutory accounts for 1997 the operations of that  business  were
   analysed  as  "operations  to  be  discontinued"  and  provision  made  for
   diminution in asset values and liabilities which would crystallise on  sale
   of the operation.  On 31 July 1998 the Group completed the disposal of L  &
   H  Polymers for #2.8m and the increased provision required on its  disposal
   has been made in the period ending 30 June 1998.

5. The  earnings  per share have been calculated by reference to  the  average
   number  of  ordinary  shares  of 10p each in issue  in  the  period,  being
   23,641,946, and on the profit after taxation.

   In  the  opinion  of the directors there is no material difference  between
   the calculation of earnings per share calculated on a fully diluted basis.

   The  pro forma earnings per share is calculated after eliminating both  the
   provision  for  loss  on  disposal  and  results  of  the  business  to  be
   discontinued, the exceptional costs outlined in note 3 and after  adjusting
   for  the  tax effect thereon.  The directors believe that the earnings  per
   share  calculated  by  adjusting  for the above  gives  a  more  meaningful
   indication of the Group's underlying performance.

6. On  19  September 1998 the Group conditionally acquired CDI Seals  Inc.  of
   Houston,  Texas,  for consideration of up to #4.6m, and the  assumption  of
   circa #0.8m of debt.

7. Financial  Reporting  Standard 10, Goodwill and  Intangible  Assets,  which
   will  apply  for  the  year  ended 31 December 1998,  sets  out  new  rules
   relating  to  Goodwill  and includes transitional  provision  for  Goodwill
   previously  written off.  Following approval of the special  Resolution  at
   the  Annual  General Meeting on 19 May 1998 the Share Premium  Account  was
   reduced  by  #9,433k on 29 June 1998 and a reserve created to  be  used  to
   eliminate  the  Goodwill Write-Off Reserve.  Therefore, in accordance  with
   FRS10,  the  balance  of  the Goodwill Write-Off  Reserve  of  #9,433k  was
   eliminated against the new reserve.

8. Financial  Reporting Standard 11 (Impairment of Fixed Assets and  Goodwill)
   will  be  applicable  for the year ended 31 December 1998.   The  directors
   intend  to  consider the implication of its requirement  in  the  year  end
   financial statements.

9. Copies   of   the  Interim  Results  are  being  sent  to  all   registered
   shareholders.   Further  copies  may be  obtained  upon  request  from  the
   Company Secretary at 130 Oldfield Road, Hampton, Middlesex  TW12 2HT.



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