UTV Media plc

                   ("UTV" or "the Company" or "the Group")


                     UTV DECLARES A 17% DIVIDEND INCREASE

Belfast, London & Dublin - 19 March 2013: UTV Media plc today announces preliminary results for the year ended 31 December 2012

Financial highlights on continuing operations*

- Group revenue of £120.1m (2011: £121.6m)
- Pre-tax profits of £21.0m (2011: £23.3m)
- Group operating profit of £23.9m (2011: £26.8m)
- Radio GB operating profit up 5% to £13.0m (2011: £12.4m)
- Excluding talkSPORT International, Radio GB operating profit up 12%
- Continued reduction in net debt to £49.4m (2011: £54.7m)
- Net finance costs down by 13% to £3.0m (2011: £3.5m)
- Diluted adjusted earnings per share from continuing operations of 16.92p (2011: 18.96p)
- Proposed final dividend of 5.25p resulting in a full year dividend growth of 17% to 7.00p (2011: 6.00p)

* As appropriate, references to profit include associate income but exclude discontinued operations and exceptional items

Operational Highlights

- talkSPORT signed deal for Barclays Premier League worldwide audio broadcasting rights to 2016
- talkSPORT acquired worldwide commercial radio rights to FA Cup and Capital One Cup
- Television and Radio Ireland revenues impacted by difficult economic conditions in Ireland
- New Television Network Affiliate Agreement signed with ITV
- Renewal process for Channel 3 Licence to 2024 agreed
- Acquisition of Simply Zesty in March driving New Media revenue growth
- Successful refinancing of bank facilities at competitive terms and pricing
- Strong cash management and reduction in debt with Net Debt:EBITDA ratio of 1.91 times
- Compliance with the provisions of the UK Corporate Governance Code following the appointment
of a new Chairman and three new Non-Executive Directors to the UTV Board during the year

John McCann, Group Chief Executive, UTV Media plc, said:

"This is a robust performance in what continues to be a challenging economic environment, especially in Ireland. We have maintained effective control over costs coupled with strong cash management and continued debt reduction while at the same time maintaining the market leading positions enjoyed by our media assets. We have also continued to invest in the development of our businesses, in particular the establishment of talkSPORT International; concluded the Network Affiliate Agreement with ITV; acquired and integrated Simply Zesty and proceeded with the renewal of the Channel 3 TV licence.

Reflecting our strong cash generation and our confidence in the future, we have increased the full year dividend by 17% and remain confident that the Group is well placed to maximise opportunities going forward."

Key Dates

- 16 May 2013 - Annual General Meeting & Interim Management Statement
- 24 May 2013 - Record date for payment of dividends
- 15 July 2013 - Payment of dividends
- 27 August 2013 - Interim Results Announcement
- 15 November 2013 - Interim Management Statement

For further information contact:


James Devas/Tom Buchanan                    +44 (0) 20 7379 5151

UTV Media plc John McCann, Group Chief Executive +44 (0) 28 9032 8122 Norman McKeown, Group Finance Director +44 (0) 28 9032 8122 Orla McKibbin, Head of Communications +44 (0) 28 9026 2188

Investor Enquiries                     www.utvmedia.com/investors

Chairman's Statement


I am pleased to present my first Chairman's Statement following my appointment on 30 July 2012. I was delighted and honoured to be appointed Chairman of your Company having admired its achievements for a number of years and I very much hope that my many years of media industry and plc board experience can bring long term benefit to the Company and its shareholders.

The Group has a portfolio of high quality media assets in radio, television and digital media and a strong track record of outperformance. With revenues derived primarily from advertising and a fixed cost base, the businesses are strong cash flow generators and enjoy high levels of operational gearing. Advertising expenditure however, is closely aligned to the health of the economy and levels of consumer confidence.

Football pundits on talkSPORT often refer to a "game of two
halves", meaning a game characterised by different fortunes in the first and
second halves. To some extent, a similar sentiment applies to the advertising
markets in which your Group operated in 2012.

In particular, the positive effect of the Euro 2012 football tournament in the first six months was replaced by a lacklustre performance around the Olympics in the second half of the year. More generally, a stronger advertising market in the first half softened in the second six months to deliver an overall year on year performance which was slightly down but in line with market expectations.

The volatile nature of the macroeconomic conditions continue to challenge all of us, but what remains constant, however, is the high quality of the leading media assets which the Group holds and which enable it to maintain a competitive advantage in the markets in which it operates.

Results *

A slight increase in Radio operating profit to £19.0m (2011: £18.9m)
was more than offset by a fall in Television and New Media operating profits
to £3.9m (2011: £6.4m) and £0.9m (2011: £1.5m) respectively. Group operating
profit, therefore, was down 11% at £23.9m (2011: £ 26.8m). After a net
interest charge of £3.0m (2011: £3.5m) and foreign exchange of £0.2m
(2011: £Nil). Group profit before tax and exceptional items was 10% lower than
last year's record £23.3m at £21.0m. Diluted adjusted earnings per share were
16.92p (2011: 18.96p).

[* As appropriate, references to operating profit include associate income but exclude discontinued operations and exceptional items.]


In May 2012 we successfully refinanced our bank facilities for five years. The competitive margins and covenant headroom obtained reflect a highly cash generative business with a strong balance sheet.


It is testament to the resilience of your company and the cash
generative nature of its businesses that a dividend continued to be declared
every year during the downturn despite the most difficult macroeconomic
environment. For a few years that dividend was constrained by our objective to
reduce debt. That objective still remains in place, but with net debt now some
54% lower than at 31 December 2008, and with our net debt/EBITDA ratio below 2
times, your Board believes that it is appropriate to continue with its
progressive dividend policy while maintaining a due degree of prudence during
uncertain economic conditions.

Accordingly, your Board is recommending a final dividend of 5.25p
per share making a total for the year of 7.00p, which represents an increase
of 17% over last year and a 75% increase from 2010. The final dividend will be
paid on 15 July 2013 to all shareholders on the Register at the close of
business on 24 May 2013.

Radio *

Our Radio GB division performed well in 2012, with a 5% improvement
in operating profit to £13.0m (2011: £12.4m). Within this, talkSPORT's
performance was particularly strong, again outperforming the market in revenue
growth and increasing its contribution to the Group by 26% before accounting
for the expected operating losses of £0.9m (2011: £Nil) in its new
international division. This international division has extensive audio rights
agreements with the Premier League, the Football Association and the Football
League, enabling it to exploit those rights on all audio platforms throughout
most of the world. talkSPORT content in English, Mandarin, Spanish and Bahasa
Malay, can now be heard in many different countries on both radio and other
digital platforms, extending the talkSPORT brand beyond the UK. That brand,
supported by our investment in sports rights and presenters, is of course now
a household name within the UK with over 3 million listeners in our domestic
market tuning in every week to listen to talkSPORT's unique style of sports
commentary and analysis.

Our local radio stations in GB attract 1.2 million listeners weekly
by focussing on providing local content. That local content is attractive not
only to local listeners, but also to local advertisers, a fact which the
Competition Commission noted recently in its preliminary findings on the
Global/GMG merger. However, while local advertising in 2012 performed strongly
for us, up by 9%, national advertising on our local radio stations didn't fare
as well, decreasing by 9%.

The Irish advertising market has declined much more severely than
the GB market in the last few years. This trend continued in 2012 when the
radio market is believed to have been down by 7% to 10%. However, the worst
effects of this further market deterioration were countered by the continuing
strong outperformance of our local radio stations in Ireland which recorded
only a 1% reduction in advertising revenue in local currency. Outperformance
has been, and remains, the keynote of our radio assets in Ireland which enjoy
market leading audience positions in the major cities in Ireland. The
audiences from our stations are aggregated with those of two independent local
stations to create an "Urban Access" package for advertisers which now
provides greater daily reach than the State broadcaster's top national radio
channel. With this reach also concentrated in the urban areas, we are able to
provide a unique and attractive marketing proposition for our advertisers
which drives our outperformance of the market. Adverse movements in the
currency exchange rate resulted in our sterling-denominated Irish radio
advertising revenue decreasing by 7%. As a consequence Radio Ireland operating
profit was also down by 7% to £6.0m (2011: £ 6.4m).


Two important long term strategic objectives were secured during
the year. Firstly, in March we signed a new Network Affiliate Agreement with
ITV plc which provides a stable commercial basis for the delivery of services,
including programmes and new media, for the Channel 3 network. Secondly, in
November, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport announced her
agreement to Ofcom engaging in the process for the renewal of our television
licence for a further ten years from 1 January 2015 until the end of 2024.
Together, these two agreements will help to underpin our ability to deliver a
regional television service in Northern Ireland for the long term.

In Television, we maintained our outperformance in audience with a
25.9% share of the peaktime viewership compared to the ITV network average
peaktime share of 21.3%. However, this was not translated into advertising
outperformance due to the continuing decline in Irish television advertising.
While we matched our network colleagues in our television advertising revenue
from our London clients, we suffered a 12% reduction in our Irish television
advertising, recording an overall reduction of 7% for the year. As a result,
Television operating profit was down to £3.9m (2011: £6.5m).

New Media

Revenue in our New Media division increased to £12.3m (2011: £11.4m) with the inclusion of Simply Zesty from 5 March 2012. However, operating profit declined to £0.9m (2011: £1.5m), with a reduction in profitability at UTV Internet and the diversion of internal resources within Tibus to deliver a distribution platform for talkSPORT International, being the main contributory factors.

In late 2012 into 2013 we restructured our digital assets to bring
greater focus to the individual offerings. UTV Internet was rebranded as UTV
Connect with a greater emphasis being placed on customer service rather than
just price. Technical infrastructure formerly provided by UTV Internet is now
being delivered by Tibus, which will focus on hosting and network services.
The creative web development solutions previously offered by Tibus have been
brought under the Simply Zesty brand. These changes are already having a
positive impact on the overall profitability of the New Media division.

Digital Platforms

We made significant progress in 2012 in attracting audiences to our
various digital platforms. At talksport.co.uk, unique user numbers grew by 45%
to an average monthly figure of over 2.5 million, with monthly page
impressions of more than 18 million. u.tv was re-launched with the
introduction of a new mobile site and new downloadable Apps, resulting in a
38% uplift in traffic to the u.tv website. Across our portals dedicated to
property, jobs and cars, traffic grew collectively by 55%, with PropertyPal
further cementing its market leadership position as the most searched property
portal brand in Northern Ireland.

Emphasis continues to be placed on growing digital revenues across the UTV Media Group and strong revenue growth is envisaged for our digital and online assets in 2013.


The significant improvement in revenue which talkSPORT has enjoyed
over the last few years has been characterised by revenue spikes during the
major sporting events. The absence of any major sporting event in the first
half of 2013, therefore, will have a temporary negative effect when compared
to the revenue boost from the Euro football tournament in 2012. However, this
will be tempered across the year by the inclusion of the Lions Tour of
Australia, for which talkSPORT has exclusive rights, with a further spike in
revenue anticipated from the World Cup in 2014. First quarter 2013 revenue in
our Radio GB division is expected to be down by about 6%. talkSPORT
International development initiatives will see our multiple language live
commentary services, and ancillary programming, delivered to more overseas
markets in the form of both radio and digital distribution deals.

Advertising revenue budgets in Ireland continued to be squeezed in
the early months of 2013. This was felt most acutely in January and February
and was exacerbated by advertising being cancelled as a result of civil
disturbances in Belfast. The position is improving in March and in the first
quarter of 2013 our Irish radio advertising is expected to be down by 6%. Our
Television advertising revenue, helped by a more buoyant London market, is
expected to be down by 1% in that three month period. The changes which we
have implemented in our New Media division are already bearing fruit and in
the first quarter of 2013, revenue is expected to be up by 12%.

While the Irish economy is still fragile, nevertheless there is
some encouraging commentary around recent economic data. Whether or not this
translates into a confidence about a sustained economic recovery remains to be
seen. What we can be confident about is the quality and strength of our
broadcasting assets in Ireland and our ability, therefore, to leverage
significant growth in our revenue from an Irish economic recovery.

Board and People

In my Interim Statement, I highlighted my immediate priority to
restore the Board to full independence. Since that Statement, we have
appointed three new, high calibre, independent Non-Executive Directors who
bring both a wealth of experience, and complementary expertise, to the Board.
We now have a strong, independent Board which is well equipped to lead the
company through the next stage of its strategic development with the objective
of maximising long-term shareholder value.

Whilst we welcome our new Board members to the Company, we also say
a sad farewell to our longstanding director, Roy Bailie who has served on the
Board since 1996. It had been Roy's intention to retire from the Board last
year after completing the task of selecting the new Chairman. However, upon my
appointment, Roy graciously acceded to my request to remain on the Board until
May this year to facilitate the induction of the new members of the Board
through his wealth of knowledge and experience of the company. I am immensely
grateful to Roy for his sage advice and unfailing good humour and, on behalf
of all the shareholders, I would like to thank him for the immense
contribution he has made to the development of the UTV Group over the years.

Finally, on behalf of all shareholders, I would like to thank our
management and staff throughout the Group for their hard work, passion and
commitment to the UTV cause over the past year in what has been a particularly
challenging environment. We are very fortunate to have such a wonderful team
of people working with us and I look forward to their continuing significant
contributions to the future success of the Company.

Richard Huntingford
19 March 2013

Group Income Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2012

                                                    Results                          Results
                                                     before                           before
                                                Exceptional Exceptional          Exceptional Exceptional
                                                      Items       Items    Total       Items       Items    Total

                                          Notes        2012        2012     2012        2011        2011     2011
                                                       £000        £000     £000        £000        £000     £000

Continuing operations
Revenue                                       2     120,105           -  120,105     121,551           -  121,551
Operating costs                                    (96,383)           - (96,383)    (94,841)           - (94,841)
                                                    -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  -------
Operating profit from continuing
operations before tax and finance costs              23,722           -   23,722      26,710           -   26,710

Impairment of intangible assets                           -           -        -           -    (45,000) (45,000)
Share of results of associates accounted
for using the equity method                             129           -      129         136           -      136
                                                    -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  -------
Profit/(loss) from continuing operations
before tax and finance costs                         23,851           -   23,851      26,846    (45,000) (18,154)

Finance revenue                                          98           -       98         165           -      165
Finance costs                                       (3,119)           -  (3,119)     (3,653)           -  (3,653)
Foreign exchange gain/(loss)                            151           -      151        (15)           -     (15)
                                                    -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  -------
Profit/(loss) from continuing operations
before tax                                    2      20,981           -   20,981      23,343    (45,000) (21,657)

Taxation                                      3     (4,407)       (936)  (5,343)     (4,743)       1,142  (3,601)
                                                    -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  -------
Profit/(loss) from continuing operations
after tax                                            16,574       (936)   

15,638 18,600 (43,858) (25,258)

Discontinued operations
Loss from discontinued operations                         -           -        -       (213)           -    (213)
                                                    -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  -------
Profit/(loss) for the year                           16,574       (936)   

15,638 18,387 (43,858) (25,471)

                                                    -------     -------   ------     -------     -------   ------
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                         16,217       (936)   15,281      17,972    (43,858) (25,886)
Non-controlling interest                                357           -    
 357         415           -      415
                                                    -------     -------  -------     -------     -------  -------
                                                     16,574       (936)   15,638      18,387    (43,858) (25,471)
                                                    -------     -------   ------     -------     -------   ------

Earnings per share                                                                                  2012     2011
Continuing operations
Basic                                         4                                                   16.05p (26.94)p
Diluted                                       4                                                   15.94p (26.94)p
Adjusted                                      4                                                   17.03p   19.08p
Diluted adjusted                              4                                                   16.92p   18.96p

Continuing and discontinued operations
Basic                                         4                                                   16.05p (27.16)p
Diluted                                       4                                                   15.94p (27.16)p
Adjusted                                      4                                                   17.03p   18.86p
Diluted adjusted                              4                                                   16.92p   18.74p

Group Statement of Comprehensive Income
For the year ended 31 December 2012

                                                    Note    2012     2011
                                                            £000     £000

Profit/(loss) for the year                                15,638 (25,471)
                                                         -------  -------
Other comprehensive income
Exchange difference on translation of foreign
operations                                               (1,153)  (2,328)

Actuarial loss on defined benefit pension schemes (4,568) (3,281)

Cash flow hedges:
Loss arising during the year                               (188)    (448)
Less transfers to the income statement                       551      550

Tax relating to other comprehensive income             3     854      783
                                                         -------  -------

Other comprehensive loss for the year, net of tax (4,504) (4,724)

                                                         -------  -------
Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the year,
net of tax                                                11,134 (30,195)
                                                         -------  -------
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the parent                              10,777 (30,610)
Non-controlling interest                                     357      415
                                                         -------  -------
                                                          11,134 (30,195)
                                                         -------  -------

Group Balance Sheet
For the year ended 31 December 2012

                                                   Notes    2012     2011
                                                            £000     £000


Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment                             11,910   11,273
Intangible assets                                        176,589  173,776
Investments accounted for using the equity
method                                                       104      126
Deferred tax asset                                         4,250    6,511
                                                         -------  -------
                                                         192,853  191,686
                                                         -------  -------
Current assets
Inventories                                                1,643    1,533
Trade and other receivables                               25,163   25,857
Cash and short term deposits                           7  10,958    7,205
                                                         -------  -------
                                                          37,764   34,595
                                                         -------  -------
TOTAL ASSETS                                             230,617  226,281
                                                         -------  -------

Equity attributable to equity holders of the
Equity share capital                                      55,557   55,557
Capital redemption reserve                                    50       50
Treasury shares                                          (1,523)  (1,523)
Foreign currency reserve                                   6,018    7,171
Cash flow hedge reserve                                    (251)    (521)
Retained earnings                                         28,680   22,414
                                                         -------  -------
                                                          88,531   83,148
Non-controlling interest                                     480      469
                                                         -------  -------
TOTAL EQUITY                                              89,011   83,617
                                                         -------  -------
Non-current liabilities
Financial liabilities                                  6  58,948   53,752
Derivative financial liabilities                               -      207
Pension liability                                      8  12,409    8,569
Provisions                                                   800      766
Deferred tax liabilities                                  36,154   35,932
                                                         -------  -------
                                                         108,311   99,226
                                                         -------  -------
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables                                  26,033   31,948
Financial liabilities                                  6   4,292    8,167
Derivative financial liabilities                             324      479
Tax payable                                                2,275    2,409
Provisions                                                   371      435
                                                         -------  -------
                                                          33,295   43,438
                                                         -------  -------
TOTAL LIABILITIES                                        141,606  142,664
                                                         -------  -------
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                             230,617  226,281
                                                         -------  -------

Group Cash Flow Statement
For the year ended 31 December 2012

                                                   Note     2012     2011
                                                            £000     £000
Operating activities
Profit/(loss) before tax (i)                              20,981 (21,870)
Adjustments to reconcile profit/(loss)
before tax to

net cash flows from operating activities
Foreign exchange (gain)/loss                               (151)       15
Net finance costs                                          3,021    3,488
Share of results of associates                             (129)    (136)
Amortisation and impairment of intangible
assets                                                        71   45,000
Depreciation of property, plant and
equipment                                                  1,758    1,597
Profit from sale of property, plant and
equipment                                                  (191)     (31)
Share based payments                                         556      605
Difference between pension contributions
paid and amounts

recognised in the income statement                         (728)  (1,512)
(Increase)/decrease in inventories                         (110)      208
Decrease in trade and other receivables                      956    2,102
Decrease in trade and other payables                     (6,806)    (415)
(Decrease)/increase in provisions                           (30)       37
                                                         -------  -------
Cash generated from operations before
exceptional costs                                         19,198   29,088

Exceptional costs                                              -     (19)
Tax paid                                                 (1,237)  (2,288)
                                                         -------  -------
Net cash inflow from operating activities                 17,961   26,781
                                                         -------  -------
Investing activities
Interest received                                             85      165
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and
equipment                                                    272       31
Purchase of property, plant and equipment                (2,436)  (2,155)
Dividends received from associates                           151      182
Outflow on acquisition of subsidiary
undertaking                                              (1,670)        -
Outflow on acquisition of radio licences                   (180)        -
                                                         -------  -------
Net cash flows from investing activities                 (3,778)  (1,777)
                                                         -------  -------
Financing activities
Borrowing costs                                          (2,200)  (3,032)
Refinancing costs                                        (1,059)        -
Swap cost                                                  (551)    (550)
Dividends paid to equity shareholders                    (5,934)  (4,279)
Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                (300)    (421)
Acquisition of treasury shares                                 -    (265)
Repayment of borrowings                                 (65,948) (20,474)
Proceeds from borrowings                                  65,595        -
                                                         -------  -------
Net cash flows used in financing activities             (10,397) (29,021)
                                                         -------  -------
Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash
equivalents                                                3,786  (4,017)

Net foreign exchange differences                            (33)     (28)
Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January                     7,205   11,250
                                                         -------  -------
Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December              7   10,958    7,205
                                                         -------  -------

(i) The 2012 figures represent continuing operations. The 2011 comparative includes both continuing and discontinued operations.

Group Statement of Changes in Equity
For the year ended 31 December 2012

                    Equity    Capital           Foreign Cashflow             Share        Non-
                     share redemption Treasury currency    hedge Retained  

holder controlling

                   capital    reserve   shares  reserve  reserve earnings   equity    interest    Total
                      £000       £000     £000     £000     £000     £000     £000        £000     £000

At 1 January 2011 55,557 50 (1,258) 9,499 (581) 54,441 117,708 475 118,183

                    ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  

------- ------- -------

Loss for the year - - - - - (25,886) (25,886) 415 (25,471)

(loss)/income in
the year                 -          -        -  (2,328)       60  (2,456)  (4,724)           _  (4,724)
                    ------     ------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  -------
Total net
(loss)/income in
the year                 -          -        -  (2,328)       60 (28,342) 

(30,610) 415 (30,195)

Share based
payment                  -          -        -        -        -      605      605           -      605
Acquisition of
treasury shares          -          -    (265)        -        -        -    (265)           -    (265)
Equity dividends
paid                     -          -        -        -        -  (4,290) 

(4,290) (421) (4,711)

                    ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  -------
At 31 December
2011                55,557         50  (1,523)    7,171    (521)   22,414   83,148         469   83,617
                    ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  -------

Profit for the
year                     -          -        -        -        -   15,281  

15,281 357 15,638

(loss)/income in
the year                 -          -        -  (1,153)      270  (3,621)  (4,504)           -  (4,504)
                    ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  -------
Total net
(loss)/income in
the year                 -          -        -  (1,153)      270   11,660   10,777         357   11,134

Share based
payment                  -          -        -        -        -      556      556           -      556
Equity dividends
paid                     -          -        -        -        -  (5,950)  

(5,950) (346) (6,296)

                    ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  -------
At 31 December
2012                55,557         50  (1,523)    6,018    (251)   28,680   88,531         480   89,011
                    ------    -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------     -------  -------

Notes to the accounts

For the year ended 31 December 2012

1. Basis of preparation

The Group's financial statements consolidate those of UTV Media plc, and its subsidiaries (together referred to as the "Group") and the Group's interest in associates and jointly controlled entities.

The Group financial statements have been prepared in accordance
with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the
European Union as they apply to the financial statements of the Group for the
year ended 31 December 2012 and applied in accordance with the Companies Act
2006. The accounts are principally prepared on the historical cost basis
except where other bases are applied under the Group's accounting policies.

The financial information set out in the preliminary announcement
does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of
the Companies Act 2006 in respect of the accounts for the year ended 31
December 2012. The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2011,
upon which the Company's auditors have given a report which was unqualified
and did not contain a statement under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies
Act 2006, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The statutory
accounts for the year ended 31 December 2012 have yet to be signed. They will
be finalised on the basis of the financial information presented by the
directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the
Registrar of Companies in due course.

2. Revenue and segmental analysis

The Group operates in four principal areas of activity - radio in
GB, radio in Ireland, commercial television and new media. These four
principal areas of activity also form the basis on which the Group is managed
and reports are provided to the Chief Executive and the Board. Discontinued
operations relate to an interactive television business which ceased to trade
in February 2011.

Revenue represents the amounts derived from the provision of goods
and services which fall within the Group's ordinary activities, stated net of
value added tax. Revenue from radio and television activities is generated
from advertising and sponsorship. Revenue from new media is generated from the
provision of internet and social media services. The amount of revenue derived
from the sale of goods or other activities is immaterial and therefore has not
been separately disclosed. Transfer prices between business segments are set
on an arm's length basis in a manner similar to transactions with third

The following tables present revenue and segment result information regarding the Group's business segments for the years ended 31 December 2012 and 2011.


Year ended 31 December 2012

                       Radio GB    Ireland Television New Media   Total
                           £000       £000       £000      £000    £000

Sales to third parties   54,407     20,943     32,484    12,271 120,105
Intersegmental sales        787      1,294      2,628       298   5,007
                        -------    -------    -------   ------- -------
                         55,194     22,237     35,112    12,569 125,112
                        -------    -------    -------   ------- -------

Year ended 31 December 2011

                       Radio GB    Ireland Television New Media   Total
                           £000       £000       £000      £000    £000

Sales to third parties   52,065     22,514     35,569    11,403 121,551
Intersegmental sales        787      1,250      2,625         -   4,662
                        -------    -------    -------   ------- -------
                         52,852     23,764     38,194    11,403 126,213
                        -------    -------    -------   ------- -------


Year ended 31 December 2012

                       Radio GB    Ireland Television New Media   Total
                           £000       £000       £000      £000    £000

Segment operating
profit before
exceptional costs        12,898      5,987      3,901       936  23,722
                        -------    -------    -------   -------

Associate income                                                    129
Profit before
exceptional costs, tax
and finance costs                                                23,851

Exceptional costs                                                     -

Net finance cost                                                (3,021)
Foreign exchange gain                                               151
Profit before taxation                                           20,981

Year ended 31 December 2011

                       Radio GB    Ireland Television New Media   Total
                           £000       £000       £000      £000    £000

Segment operating
profit before
exceptional costs        12,291      6,438      6,453     1,528  26,710
                        -------    -------    -------   -------

Associate income                                                    136
Profit before
exceptional costs, tax
and finance costs                                                26,846

Exceptional costs                                              (45,000)

Net finance cost                                                (3,488)
Foreign exchange loss                                              (15)
Loss before taxation                                           (21,657)

3. Taxation

(a) Tax on profit on ordinary activities

                                                          2012     2011
                                                          £000     £000

Current income tax:
UK corporation tax on profits for the year             (1,174)    (949)
Adjustments in respect of previous years                    55     (92)
                                                       -------  -------
                                                       (1,119)  (1,041)
                                                       -------  -------
Foreign tax:
ROI corporation tax on profits for the year              (527)    (594)
Adjustments in respect of previous years                     -       18
                                                       -------  -------
                                                         (527)    (576)
                                                       -------  -------
Total current tax                                      (1,646)  (1,617)

Deferred tax: Origination and reversal of timing differences (2,937) (3,761) Adjustments in respect of previous years

                   176      635
                                                       -------  -------
Tax charge in the income statement on operating
activities                                             (4,407)  (4,743)

Exceptional deferred tax (charge)/credit                 (936)    1,142
                                                       -------  -------
Total tax charge                                       (5,343)  (3,601)
                                                       -------  -------

The tax charge in the Income Statement is disclosed as: Tax charge on continuing operations

                    (5,343)  (3,601)
Tax credit on discontinued operations                        -        -
                                                       -------  -------
Tax charge in the income statement                     (5,343)  (3,601)
                                                       -------  -------
Tax relating to items in the Statement of
Comprehensive Income
Deferred tax:
Actuarial loss on pension schemes                        1,051      820
Revaluation of cash flow hedges                           (81)     (29)
Valuation of long term incentive plan                        5      (8)
Exceptional deferred tax charge                          (121)        -
                                                       -------  -------

Tax credit in the statement of comprehensive income 854 783

                                                       -------  -------

(b) Exceptional (charge)/credit

                                                          2012     2011
                                                          £000     £000

Exceptional tax credit                                   1,499    1,142
Exceptional tax charge                                 (2,435)        -
                                                       -------  -------
                                                         (936)    1,142
                                                       -------  -------

During the year, the corporation tax rate in the UK was revised
from 25% to 23% (effective from April 2013). Accordingly all the deferred tax
assets and liabilities in respect of the reporting segments subject to UK
corporation tax were restated to recognise the future gains or charges thereon
at this rate. This resulted in a net credit of £1,499,000 in the year.

In 2011, the corporation tax rate in the UK was revised from 27% to
25% (effective from April 2012). Accordingly all the deferred tax assets and
liabilities in respect of the reporting segments subject to UK corporation tax
were restated to recognise the future gains or charges thereon at this rate
resulting in a net credit of £1,142,000.

In the Finance Bill published on 8 February 2012 and passed into law on 2 April 2012, the rate of corporate capital gains in the Republic of Ireland was increased from 25% to 30%. The exceptional tax charge of £2,435,000 (2011: £Nil) arises from the restatement of the relevant deferred tax assets and liabilities to reflect this.

4. Earnings per share

Basic earnings per share are calculated based on the profit for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent and on the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

Adjusted earnings per share are calculated based on the profit for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent adjusted for the exceptional items. This calculation uses the weighted average number of shares in issue during the period.

Diluted adjusted earnings per share are calculated based on profit
for the financial year attributable to equity holders of the parent adjusted
for the exceptional items. The weighted average number of shares is adjusted
to reflect the dilutive potential of the Long Term Incentive Plan.

The following reflects the income and share data used in the basic, adjusted, diluted and diluted adjusted earnings per share calculations:

Net profit attributable to equity holders

                                                      2012                             2011

                                       Continuing Discontinued         Continuing Discontinued
                                       Operations   Operations   Total Operations   Operations    Total
                                             £000         £000    £000       £000         £000     £000

Net profit/(loss)
attributable to equity holders             15,281            -  15,281   (25,673)        (213) (25,886)
Exceptional items                             936            -     936     43,858            -   43,858
                                           ------       ------  ------     ------       ------   ------
Total adjusted and diluted profit
attributable to equity holders             16,217            -  16,217    
18,185        (213)   17,972
                                          -------      ------- -------    -------      -------  -------

Weighted average number of shares

                                                          2012      2011
                                                     thousands thousands

Shares in issue                                         95,903    95,903
Weighted average number of treasury shares               (700)     (600)
                                                       -------   -------

Weighted average number of shares for basic and

adjusted earnings per share (excluding treasury
shares)                                                 95,203    95,303

Effect of dilution of the Long Term Incentive Plan 649 609

                                                       -------   -------
                                                        95,852    95,912
                                                       -------   -------
Earnings per share

                                                          2012      2011
From continuing operations

Basic                                                   16.05p  (26.94)p
                                                       -------   -------

Diluted                                                 15.94p  (26.94)p
                                                       -------   -------

Adjusted                                                17.03p    19.08p
                                                       -------   -------

Diluted adjusted                                        16.92p    18.96p
                                                       -------   -------

From continuing and discontinued operations

Basic                                                   16.05p  (27.16)p
                                                       -------   -------

Diluted                                                 15.94p  (27.16)p
                                                       -------   -------

Adjusted                                                17.03p    18.86p
                                                       -------   -------

Diluted adjusted                                        16.92p    18.74p
                                                       -------   -------
From discontinued operations

Basic and diluted                                            -   (0.22)p
                                                       -------   -------
Adjusted and diluted adjusted                                -   (0.22)p
                                                       -------   -------

5. Dividends
                                                          2012      2011
                                                          £000      £000
Equity dividends on ordinary shares
Declared and paid during the year
Final for 2011: 4.50p (2010: 3.00p)                      4,284     2,862
Interim for 2012: 1.75p (2011: 1.50p)                    1,666     1,428
                                                       -------   -------
Dividends paid                                           5,950     4,290
                                                       -------   -------

Proposed for approval at Annual General Meeting (not recognised as a liability at 31 December) Final dividend for 2012: 5.25p (2011: 4.50p)

             4,998     4,284
                                                       -------   -------

6. Financial liabilities

                                                          2012      2011
                                                          £000      £000
Current instalments due on bank loans                    3,852     8,167

Current instalment due on contingent consideration 440 -

                                                        ------    ------
                                                         4,292     8,167
                                                        ------    ------


Non-current instalments due on bank loans               56,500    53,752

Non-current instalment due on contingent consideration 2,448 -

                                                        ------    ------
                                                        58,948    53,752
                                                        ------    ------

                                                        63,240    61,919
                                                        ------    ------

The bank loans at 31 December 2012 are stated net of £939,000 (2011: £249,000) of deferred financing costs.

The contingent consideration is in respect of the acquisition of Simply Zesty Limited. The balance at 31 December 2012 reflects the amount of future consideration that is expected to be payable.

7. Net Debt

                                                          2012      2011
                                                          £000      £000

Bank loans                                            (60,352)  (61,919)
Cash and short term deposits                            10,958     7,205
                                                        ------    ------
                                                      (49,394)  (54,714)
                                                        ------    ------

8. Pension schemes

The IAS 19 deficit at 31 December 2012 is £12,409,000 compared with
a deficit of £8,569,000 at 31 December 2011. The increase in the deficit was
primarily driven by a decline in the discount rate assumption arising from the
reduction in corporate bond yields plus an increase in life expectancy. Both
of these factors led to an increase in the scheme's liabilities which were
greater than the gain in the scheme's assets.

The Group funded a discretionary amount of £1,181,000 towards the actuarial deficit in 2012 (2011: £1,181,000) by means of a cash transfer and has agreed to make further payments of £1,209,000 each year to 2015 in addition to normal contributions.

9. Related party transactions

The nature of related parties disclosed in the consolidated financial statements for the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2011 has not changed. There have been no significant related party transactions in the year ended 31 December 2012.

This summary has been approved by our Directors for release to the
Press today 19 March 2013 and the full printed Annual Report and Accounts will
be posted to Shareholders and Stock Exchanges on 17 April 2013. Copies will be
available to the public at the Company's registered office Ormeau Road,
Belfast BT7 1EB from that date.

Copyright h 18 PR Newswire

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