The full Annual Report and Accounts can be accessed via the Company's website 
at www.premierassetmanagment.co.uk or by contacting the Company Secretary on 
telephone 01392 412122. 
Investment objective and policy 
Investment objective 
The investment objective is for the portfolio to be managed to provide the 
Shareholders with capital growth, for the Income Shareholders to be repaid 
their final adjusted capital entitlement on 31 May 2011 of 120.82p per Income 
Share and for the portfolio to be managed so as to provide the Capital 
Shareholders with a cash return on or shortly after 31 May 2011. The Directors 
will seek to distribute substantially all of the net revenue to Income 
Shareholders by way of dividend, although this is not expected to be a material 
Investment policy 
Asset allocation 
The investment policy of the Company is to achieve the investment objective 
through investment in equity and equity-related instruments which are 
predominantly securities domiciled, listed, quoted or traded in North America 
(some of these securities may however have an underlying business that is not 
in North America), but with the ability to invest up to 25% of the gross assets 
of the Company (at the time of investment) opportunistically in listed or 
unlisted equity or debt securities issued by issuers situated anywhere in the 
The portfolio is managed on the basis that the Company is fully invested in 
equity and equity-related instruments to the extent practicable for the 
remainder of its life (subject to the recommendation of the Investment Managers 
and the Investment Adviser who may wish to increase the cash holding due to 
market conditions). Liquidity is managed so that the costs of realising the 
portfolio (including market impact costs) are reduced to the extent practicable 
as the end of the life of the Company approaches. It is expected that 
liquidation of investments will take place in the last three months of the life 
of the Company, so that a mixture of liquid securities and cash are handed to 
the liquidator. 
Up to 40% of the gross assets of the Company (measured at the time of 
investment) may be invested in unquoted securities. "Unquoted securities" for 
these purposes means those investments which are not listed or quoted or traded 
on a recognised stock exchange or another exchange available and used by 
professional investors, nor convertible into securities listed, quoted or 
traded on such exchanges. 
The Company may invest in bonds, warrants, contracts for difference, other 
forms of derivative investment (for the purpose of efficient portfolio 
management), bank debt or other debt securities, although this will not amount 
to more than 20% of the gross assets of the Company at the time of investment. 
Risk diversification 
The investment policy provides the Company with a global mandate, albeit with a 
particular emphasis on North America. The Company is managed with a view to 
maintaining an adequate spread of investment risk in terms of the concentration 
and in terms of size of its investments. Except in the case of cash deposits 
awaiting investment or pending any winding-up of the Company, the Company will 
not lend to any one company or group, or invest in the securities of any one 
company or group, more than 20% of the value of its gross assets (at the time 
the loan or investment is made). 
The Company will not invest more than 10% in aggregate of the value of its 
gross assets at the time of a new investment, in other investment companies or 
investment trusts which are listed on the Official List (except to the extent 
that those investment companies or investment trusts have stated policies to 
invest no more than 15% of their gross assets in other investment companies or 
investment trusts which are listed on the Official List). 
The Company may use gearing and the Directors reserve the right to borrow up to 
a maximum of 25% of the gross assets (at the time of drawdown). 
Company summary 
Launch date              12 April 2001 
Wind-up date             31 May 2011 
Domiciled                United Kingdom 
Shareholder funds        GBP12,228,000 at 31 May 2010 
Market capitalisation    GBP12,773,000 at 31 May 2010 
Revolving credit         $500,000 facility 
Zero Dividend Preference 206,037: Redeeming at 182.608201p on 31 May 2011. 
shares                   De-listed 31 July 2008 
Income shares            25,035,008: Aiming to redeem at 120.82p on 31 May 2011 
Capital shares           50,000,000 
Total voting rights      50,070,016* 
Units                    One Income share and one Capital share may be held 
                         together and traded as a Unit 
Dividends                Paid on Income shares and Units 
Dividend history        In respect of 
                        ended 31 May     Total dividends declared 
                        2010             Nil 
                        2009             Nil 
                        2008             3.40p 
                        2007             3.20p 
                        2006             2.80p 
                        2005             2.10p 
                        2004             1.40p 
                        2003             2.09p 
                        2002             7.05p** 
Investment Managers     Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited and 
                        Premier Fund Managers Limited 
Investment Adviser      RENN Capital Group, Inc. 
Management fee          0.75% per annum, plus performance fee. This is charged 
                        70% to capital and 30% to revenue in accordance with 
                        the accounting policies set out in note 1. 
AIC                     Global Special Opportunities Trust PLC is a member of 
                        the Association of Investment Companies. 
* See below for details of the voting rights attached to each Company's shares. 
** Included one initial dividend and four interim dividends. 
Financial calendar 
Year end                   31 May 
Year end results announced September 
Annual General Meeting     October 
Half-year end              30 November 
Half-year results          January 
Interim management         February, August 
Chairman's statement 
for the year ended 31 May 2010 
Dear Shareholder, 
During the 12 months to 31 May 2010 further progress was made in selling or 
reducing exposure to the more illiquid investments within the portfolio, in 
line with the objective of liquidating the fund by 31 May 2011. NAV performance 
was, however, disappointing. 
Market background 
A year ago, I reported that the market conditions in the first year following 
the extension of life of the Company had been far from conducive to the 
liquidation of an illiquid small cap portfolio. The year to 31 May 2010 brought 
much improved conditions. Over the 12 months investor confidence returned. The 
S&P 500 index, an index of the US stockmarket, rose 20.99%. The Russell 2000 
total return index, an index of smaller company shares and the most relevant 
benchmark for your Company, rose 33.64%. The strength of the dollar translated 
that return into 48.58% for the sterling investor. The background for initial 
public offerings for private companies was still relatively weak, but 
nevertheless much improved from the previous year when the IPO market was 
virtually closed. 
Over the year, the NAV of the Income shares fell by 5.94% from 50.33p to 
47.34p. This was clearly a disappointing outcome against the favourable 
background of rising markets, the good performance of the Russell 2000 total 
return index and the strength of the dollar against sterling. The share price 
of the Income shares rose by 29.87% over the year from 38.50p to 50.00p, 
benefiting from a narrowing in the discount to asset value at which they trade. 
At 31 May 2010 the Income shares were trading at a premium of 5.62% to NAV. 
The improved market conditions, however, did enable some reduction in more 
illiquid investments to be made. Our holding in Asian Financial (Duoyuan 
Printing) listed during the year and part of the holding was sold. At the year 
end, 88% of the Company's net assets were held in cash and listed securities 
compared to 70% a year earlier. However, the Directors are conscious that the 
listed portfolio does contain some positions (notably Integrated Securities 
Systems, Hemobiotech Inc. and CMSF Corporation) where daily turnover is 
extremely low and an exit from these stocks may require some corporate event 
rather than normal market sales. 
Proceeds from the sale of less liquid investments have been reinvested in more 
liquid stocks so that the portfolio can remain substantially invested but more 
easily liquidated as the wind-up date approaches. 
At the year end, 20% of the listed securities were in companies with a market 
capitalisation of over $100m. Our largest holding was Cover-All Technologies 
Common Stock, representing 11.24% of net assets at the year end. 
Earnings per Income share for the year ended 31 May 2010 were (0.64p) against 
0.26p for the prior year ended 31 May 2009. No dividends were paid during the 
course of the year. 
Bank facility 
The Company maintained a $500,000 bank facility throughout the year. The loan 
is at a margin of 300 basis points over LIBOR and falls very comfortably within 
the capital and interest cover covenants that relate to it. 
Valuation policy and unlisted securities 
During the year the Directors wrote down the value of the unlisted shares in 
Heyspace, e-original, Vertical Branding and Narrowstep to zero. Subsequent to 
the year end, the Board of Directors carried out a review of the Company's 
portfolio in light of information received from its Investment Adviser which 
resulted in the write down of Aurasound, BPO Management, Hemobiotech Inc and 
Integrated Securities Systems (which was previously held at Directors valuation 
rather than market price given the very low turnover in this stock) to zero. 
Caminosoft was written down by 50% and Cover-All was written down by 15%. These 
investments were written down to reflect their likely realisation value in the 
timescale available as the Company approaches its 31 May 2011 liquidation date. 
Subsequent to the portfolio review referred to above our Manager successfully 
sold five of our more illiquid holdings. These were CaminoSoft Corporation 
common stock and warrants, China Greenscape preference shares, Cover-All 
Technologies common stock and warrants, Integrated Security Systems common 
stock and warrants and PetroHunter 8.5% convertible debenture. In aggregate 
these holdings were sold for $2.736m which represented an increase of $254,000 
in net assets compared to the $2.482m at which these holdings were valued at 31 
August 2010. 
With a fixed wind-up date less than 12 months away the year end accounts have 
been prepared on a break up basis rather than a going concern basis in 
accordance with accounting standards. Proposed wind-up costs of GBP50,000 have 
been included in the accounts. 
The focus remains very much on selling the remaining illiquid investments and 
our Manager is actively pursuing exit strategies for each stock. Shareholders 
should be aware that, while valuations reflect the best information available 
to the Board, the timescale for the liquidation of the portfolio, the high 
level of stock specific risk and the exposure to changes in the sterling dollar 
exchange rate, mean that realisation proceeds may be lower. 
Duncan Abbot 
17 September 2010 
Investment Adviser's report 
for the year ended 31 May 2010 
In May 2008, shareholders voted in favour of the continuation of the Company 
for an additional three years in order to provide time to maximise the value of 
the remaining holdings. We are now in the final year and aim to have liquidated 
the entire Company's portfolio by the end of May of 2011. During the year your 
Manager was successful in liquidating several positions, making modest new 
investments, and working to get several companies closer to liquidity events 
which are set out below. 
Top Five Holdings 
At 31 May 2010, the following top five holdings in companies made up 
approximately 46% of the portfolio. A description of each of these top five 
holdings is below. 
                                                                           % of 
Company              Symbol  Industry         Value USD        % of liabilities 
SinoHub Inc.         SIHI    Electronics     $2,082,849       12.1%       11.7% 
Cover-All            COVR    Business        $2,046,066       11.9%       11.5% 
Technologies Inc.            software 
Global Axcess        GAXC    Consumer        $1,308,333        7.6%        7.4% 
Corporation                  finance 
Hollysys Automation  HOLI    Electronic      $1,260,840        7.4%        7.1% 
Technologies Ltd             equipment 
Duoyuan Printing     DYP     Industrial      $1,221,669        7.1%        6.9% 
SinoHub Inc. (AMEX: SIHI) engages in electronic component sales, outsourced 
electronics product production and sales, and electronic component supply chain 
management (SCM) services in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China. Its 
electronic component sales include procurement-fulfilment and electronic 
component sales to manufacturers. The company's SCM services include 
warehousing, delivery, and import/ export. The company provides its products to 
contract manufacturers and design houses, as well as to OEMs and EMS companies. 
SinoHub is headquartered in Shenzhen, the People's Republic of China. 
Cover-All Technologies Inc., (OTCBB: COVR) through its subsidiary, Cover-All 
Systems, Inc., provides software products, services, and solutions to the 
property and casualty insurance industry. Its software products and services 
focus on the functions required to market, underwrite, rate, issue, print, 
bill, and support the life cycle of insurance policies. Cover-All Technologies 
Inc. serves insurance companies, agents, brokers, and managing general agents. 
Cover-All Technologies Inc. was founded in 1971 and is headquartered in 
Fairfield, New Jersey. 
Global Axcess Corporation, (OTCBB: GAXC) through its subsidiaries, provides 
automated teller machine (ATM) services primarily in the United States. The 
company owns and operates a network of ATMs located at grocery stores, regional 
and national retailers, hotels, shopping malls, airports, colleges, amusement 
parks, sports arenas, bars/clubs, theatres, and bowling alleys, as well as 
convenience stores, and combination convenience stores and gas stations. It 
offers ATM branding and processing services for approximately 53 financial 
institutions that have approximately 512 branded sites under contract with it. 
Global Axcess also provides network processing services. As of 31 December 
2009, it operated approximately 4,483 ATMs of which approximately 1,712 were 
company-owned, 2,644 merchant-owned, and 127 under a service-only agreement. 
The company was founded in 1984 and is headquartered in Jacksonville, Florida. 
Hollysys Automation Technologies Limited, (NASDAQ: HOLI) Hollysys Automation 
Technologies is a leading provider of automation and control technologies and 
applications in China that enables its diversified industry and utility 
customers to improve operating safety, reliability, and efficiency. Founded in 
1993, Hollysys has approximately 2,100 employees with 9 sales centres and 13 
service centres in 21 cities in China and serves over 1,700 customers in the 
industrial, railway, subway & nuclear industries. Hollysys is also one of only 
five automation control systems and products providers approved by China's 
Ministry of Railways in the 200-250kph high-speed rail segment and is one of 
only two automation control systems and product providers in the 300-350kph 
high-speed rail segment. The company was founded in 2006 and is headquartered 
in Beijing, the People's Republic of China. 
Duoyuan Printing (NYSE: DYP) is a leading manufacturer of commercial offset 
printing presses in China. The Company combines technical innovation and 
precision engineering to offer a broad range of printing equipment and 
solutions. Duoyuan Printing has manufacturing and research and development 
facilities in Langfang, Hebei Province and Shaoyang, Hunan Province in addition 
to a distribution and service network with over 85 distributors that operate in 
over 65 cities and 28 provinces in China. The company was founded in 2001 and 
is headquartered in Beijing, the company is one of the largest non-government 
owned major offset printing equipment and solutions providers in China. 
Disposals, adjustments & new investments 
Since 31 May 2009, we made a partial sale of Bovie Medical Corporation 
providing proceeds of $2,070,554 and a capital gain of $1,590,169. The Company 
sold all of its securities in A-Power Energy Systems, Datapath Inc., Dyadic 
International, Narrowstep Inc., Obsidian Enterprises Inc., Riptide Worldwide, 
Symbollon Pharmaceuticals and Trans-Lux Corp. AnchorFree was written up from 
$0.30 per share to $0.40 per share due to its rapid growth and strong 
profitability. We wrote off the full value of Heyspace International as it 
became increasingly clear that the probability of recovery was low. We 
converted our debt holding in Integrated Security Systems Inc. to common stock 
and elected to value the common stock at $nil per share, which we believe to be 
the fair value given the lack of liquidity implicit in the price derived from 
the market. We made a partial sale of SinoHub Inc. common shares and exercised 
our in-the-money warrants netting an approximate $195,000 addition to our cost 
basis. SinoHub has a cost basis now of $1,197,175 and a quoted value of 
$2,082,849 and is the largest holding in the fund. 
Your Company invested $1,015,296 into the common stock of SearchMedia Holdings 
Ltd. SearchMedia operates one of the largest outdoor advertising networks in 
China with a current portfolio of over 1,500 high-impact billboards with over 
500,000 square feet of display area in 15 cities and over 140,000 print and 
digital poster frames in residential and office buildings across 57 major 
cities. We also invested in the common stock of American Lorain Corporation, 
which manufactures over 230 food products and markets in China and 42 foreign 
countries; Biostar Pharmaceuticals Inc. which develops, manufactures and 
markets pharmaceutical and medical nutrient products in China; YAYI 
International a leading producer and distributor of premium goat milk formula 
for infants, toddlers, young children and adults; and ZST Digital Networks, 
Inc. a China-based company that distributes digital and optical network 
equipment and provides installation services to cable system operators. 
Liquidity Progress 
During the fiscal year one of the unlisted holdings, Duoyuan Printing Inc., 
completed an initial public offering raising approximately $42 million. Your 
Company sold one-third of its position for $8.50 per share, compared to a cost 
basis of $3.84 per share. Since the public offering the company has performed 
well and has picked up research coverage from two firms. The remaining liquid 
position was quoted at a value of $1,172,224 on 31 May 2010. 
Subsequent to the year end we sold, in a private transaction, Pipeline Data 
Inc. for $1,109,550 to The ComVest Group, a private equity group. Although it 
was at a discount, we felt it was a reasonable bid for an illiquid holding. At 
31 May 2010 the portfolio had three unlisted securities not convertible into 
listed securities. The three remaining private companies are AnchorFree Inc., 
Business Process Outsourcing and China Greenscape. 
AnchorFree provides a free virtual private network platform for internet users, 
advertisers, and publishers. AnchorFree is a profitable and rapidly growing 
company with users in over 100 countries. 
Business Process Outsourcing is a profitable finance and accounting outsourcing 
China Greenscape supplies trees and plants to major property developers and 
municipalities throughout central China. 
Subsequent to the year end a number of the more illiquid holdings, including 
China Greenscape, have been successfully sold as reported in the Chairman's 
statement. Your Manager continues to seek buyers for the remaining illiquid 
positions either through open market sales or by seeking to initiate other 
means of realisation such as selling shares back to the investee company. As 
proceeds are raised from the sale of illiquid stocks they are being reinvested 
in liquid investments to maintain market exposure and these investments have 
included a Russell 2000 total return index exchange traded fund. 
RENN Capital Group, Inc. 
17 September 2010 
Portfolio of investments 
as at 31 May 2010 
                                                                            % of 
                                                          Valuation*        less 
Stock                         Industrial classification        GBP'000 liabilities 
Unlisted convertible 
iLinc Communication 12%       Technology services                241        1.97 
PetroHunter Energy            Oil and gas exploration             82        0.67 
Corporation 8.5% 
Pipeline Data 10%             Business services                  764        6.25 
                                                               1,087        8.89 
Unlisted warrants**| 
Cover-All Technologies        Business software                   35        0.29 
Duoyuan Printing              Industrial machinery                79        0.64 
Global Axcess Corporation     Consumer finance                    99        0.81 
PetroHunter Energy            Oil and gas exploration             26        0.21 
SinoHub                       Electronics                        128        1.05 
Symbollon Pharmaceuticals     Pharmaceuticals                      2        0.02 
                                                                 369        3.02 
Unlisted convertible 
preference shares** 
BPO Management Services       Pharmaceuticals &                    -           - 
Ronco Corporation             Consumer products                    -           - 
                                                                   -           - 
Unlisted equities 
Business Process Outsourcing  Business services                   55        0.45 
                                                                  55        0.45 
Unlisted preference shares 
AnchorFree                    Wireless communications             76        0.62 
China Greenscape              Forestry development &             516        4.22 
                                                                 592        4.84 
Listed equities 
Access Plans                  Consumer services                  167        1.36 
American Lorain Corporation   Food manufactures                  490        4.01 
AuraSound                     Technology                           -           - 
Biostar Pharmaceuticals       Pharmaceuticals &                  578        4.73 
Bovie Medical Corporation     Healthcare services                679        5.55 
CaminoSoft Corporation        Network storage                     24        0.20 
Cover-All Technologies        Business software                1,374       11.24 
Duoyuan Printing              Industrial machinery               762        6.23 
Geos Communications           Communications                      41        0.34 
Global Axcess Corporation     Consumer finance                   801        6.55 
Hemobiotech Inc               Biotechnology                        -           - 
Hollysys Automation           Electronic equipment               868        7.10 
Integrated Security Systems   Security products                    -           - 
Merriman                      Financial services                  89        0.73 
PetroHunter Energy            Internet software                    8        0.06 
Points International          Internet software                  181        1.48 
SearchMedia Holdings          Media                              356        2.91 
Silverleaf Resorts            Travel and Leisure                 206        1.68 
SinoHub                       Electronics                      1,305       10.67 
Skystar                       Pharmaceuticals &                  621        5.08 
Wonder Auto Technology        Financial services                 572        4.68 
YAYI International            Food manufacturers                 325        2.66 
ZST Digital Networks          Network equipment                  251        2.05 
                                                               9,698       79.31 
Total corporate investments                                   11,801       96.51 
Net current assets***                                            427        3.49 
Total assets less current                                     12,228      100.00 
* At fair value. 
** Unlisted with conversion rights into listed investments. 
*** Net current assets excludes net assets attributable to Shareholders. 
| Warrants with no value have not been listed above. 
Financial summary 
                                       31 May      31 May           %  Premium* 
                                         2010        2009      change    31 May 
Assets attributable to                12,228      13,065       (6.41) 
Shareholders (GBP'000) 
Gross assets (GBP'000)                  12,713      13,494       (5.79) 
Net asset value per Zero Dividend     182.61p     182.61p        n/a 
Preference share * 
Mid-market price per Zero                n/a         n/a         n/a         - 
Dividend Preference share** 
Net asset value per Income share*      47.34p      50.33p      (5.94) 
Mid-market price per Income share      50.00p      38.50p      29.87      5.62 
Net asset value per Capital share       0.00p       0.00p           - 
Mid-market price per Capital            0.51p       1.76p     (71.02)        - 
Net asset value per Unit*              47.34p      50.33p      (5.94) 
(1 Capital share and 1 Income 
Mid-market price per Unit              50.00p      38.25p      30.72      5.62 
                                            Year to      Year to             % 
                                             31 May       31 May        change 
                                               2010         2009 
Return per Income share                     (0.64p)       0.26p       (346.15) 
Net dividend paid per Income share            nil         1.00p       (100.00) 
Total expense ratio (excluding VAT            2.47%        3.25%        (0.78) 
recovered on Investment Managers fees 
and tender offer costs) 
* Net asset values calculated in accordance with the Articles of Association 
** De-listed on 31 July 2008. 
The business of the Company 
The Company is an investment company in accordance with the provisions of 
Section 833 of the Companies Act 2006. The Directors do not envisage any change 
in the Company's activity before its wind-up on 31 May 2011. A full description 
of the Company's activities during the year under review is given in the 
Chairman's statement and the Investment Adviser's report. 
The principal activity of the Company is to conduct business as an investment 
trust. The Company has received written approval from HM Revenue & Customs as 
an authorised investment trust, under Section 842 of the Income and Corporation 
Taxes Act 1988 ("Section 842"), for the year ended 31 May 2009. It is the 
opinion of the Directors that the Company has subsequently directed its affairs 
so as to enable it to continue to qualify for such approval and the Company 
will continue to seek approval under Sections 1158 and 1159 of the Corporation 
Taxes Act 2010 (formerly Section 842). The Company will retain no more than 15% 
of its eligible investment income. 
The Company's status as an investment trust allows it to obtain an exemption 
from paying taxes on the profits made from the sale of its investments. 
Investment trusts offer a number of other advantages for investors, including 
access to investment opportunities that might not be open to private investors 
and to professional stock selection skills at low cost. 
On incorporation, the planned wind-up date of the Company was 31 May 2008. On 
30 May 2008 Shareholders voted to extend the life of the Company for a further 
three years. The Company's planned wind-up date is now 31 May 2011. 
Management of the Company 
The Company's assets are managed by Premier Fund Managers and Premier Asset 
Management (Guernsey) Limited. RENN Capital Group, Inc. acts as Investment 
Adviser to the Company. Premier Fund Managers Limited is a subsidiary of 
Premier Asset Management Limited, which manages a range of UK and offshore 
funds and provides bespoke discretionary management services for both private 
and corporate clients. RENN Capital Group is based in Dallas and has a 
thirty-six year track record in identifying growth opportunities in US smaller 
Future of the Company 
On 30 May 2008 the life of the Company was extended for a further three years 
to 31 May 2011 based on the belief that certain investments in the portfolio 
would require a longer period of time to deliver potential value than the 31 
May 2008 wind-up date would allow; a number of the Company's investments have 
very poor liquidity and others only trade on a matched bargain basis. The 
portfolio is managed with a view to maximising the returns that will be 
available to Shareholders on 31 May 2011. It is the Company's intention to 
wind-up on 31 May 2011. Therefore it is anticipated that a General Meeting 
shall be convened on 31 May 2011 at which a resolution (the "Winding-up 
Resolution") will be proposed pursuant to Section 84 of the Insolvency Act 
The Company made no political or charitable donations during the period. 
Payment of suppliers 
It is the Company's payment policy to obtain the best possible terms for all 
business and therefore there is no consistent policy as to the terms used. The 
Company agrees with its suppliers the terms on which business will be 
transacted and it is the Company's policy to abide by those terms. There were 
no trade creditors outstanding at the year end (31 May 2009: GBPnil). 
Going concern 
As the Company is expected to be wound up on 31 May 2011, the accounts have 
been prepared on a 'break up' basis. Further explanation is provided in the 
Accounting Policies note below. 
Results and dividends 
During the year no dividend was paid to holders of Income shares. There were no 
proposed dividends in respect of the year ended 31 May 2010. 
Borrowing facility 
At 29 May 2009 the Company extended its facility of $500,000 for a further 12 
months to give the Company the opportunity to use gearing in the event of a 
rising market. On 29 May 2010, the facility of $500,000 was extended for two 
months to 28 July 2010 to allow time for the extension agreement to be drawn 
up. On 26 July 2010 the extension of the facility to 31 May 2011 at a margin of 
300 basis points over LIBOR was approved. The loan falls well within the 
capital and interest cover covenants that relate to it. 
Transactions in the Company's own shares 
At the Company's AGM held on 5 October 2009, Shareholders granted the Company 
the authority to purchase up to 14.99% of each of its issued Income shares 
(being 3,778,980) and Capital shares (being 7,495,000). During the year ended 
31 May 2010, 175,000 Income shares (with a nominal value of GBP1,750) were 
purchased for cancellation, representing 0.350% of the issued share capital at 
the year end, for an aggregated amount of GBP77,000. No shares were held in 
treasury during the year ended 31 May 2010. No further purchases of Income or 
Capital shares have been made as at the date of this report using these 
authorities. These authorities will only be utilised if the Board believes that 
purchases of either Income shares or Capital shares will be in the best 
interests of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole. In considering 
whether to exercise the authority to make market purchases, the Board will take 
into account the investment opportunities available to the Company and any 
discount at which the shares are trading in the market relative to their net 
asset value. These existing authorities will expire on 5 January 2011 or, if 
earlier, at the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting of the Company in 
2010. Shares purchased by the Company pursuant to the authority to make market 
purchases will be cancelled. The Company will seek to renew these authorities 
at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting, which will expire twelve months from 
the passing of the resolutions. 
Principal risks associated with the Company 
The market price of the shares may not fully reflect their underlying net asset 
values. If stock market prices fall the potential returns available to 
Shareholders may decline. There can be no guarantee that the Company's 
investment objectives will be achieved. 
Zero Dividend Preference shares 
Although the Zero Dividend Preference shares rank ahead of the Income shares 
and the Capital shares for participation in a distribution of assets on the 
winding-up of the Company, they rank behind the Company's liabilities. The Zero 
Dividend Preference shares were de-listed on 31 July 2008. There is no 
secondary market in which these shares can be traded. 
Income shares 
The Income shares rank for repayment after the Zero Dividend Preference shares. 
Capital shares 
The Capital shares rank for repayment after the other two classes of shares. 
Due to the substantial gearing provided by the prior capital entitlements of 
the Income shares, the Zero Dividend Preference shares and by any debt 
financing, the market value of the Capital shares can be expected to be 
volatile and particularly sensitive to changes in the value of the Company's 
gross assets. The Capital shares' NAV remained at zero throughout the year. 
Accordingly, the Capital shares should be considered to be a high risk 
Smaller companies 
The Company invests directly in smaller companies. As smaller companies do not 
generally have the financial strength, diversity and resources of large 
companies they may find it more difficult to overcome periods of economic slow 
down or recession. In addition, the relatively small market capitalisation of 
such companies may make the market in their shares less liquid, therefore 
impacting on the Company's ability to realise value before its liquidation 
date. In the event that smaller companies under perform, this may affect the 
performance of US smaller companies in which the Company is invested. 
Unlisted securities 
The Company may invest in unlisted securities, or other securities, in which 
there is no active market. In such cases it may be difficult to determine the 
value of such securities and/or to realise the investment or to do so on 
acceptable terms. There is no certainty that a listing or trading facility will 
be obtained for such securities. Holders of such securities may not have the 
benefit of market rules designed for the protection of holders of listed or 
public traded securities. This may include the absence of publicly available 
information on such securities or their issuers. 
Derivative risk 
The Company's investment policy allows it to enter into derivative transactions 
where the Investment Managers consider that it is prudent to do so in order to 
protect the value of the Company's portfolio and is in the best interests of 
the Company. Markets in derivatives can be highly volatile and such investments 
carry a high risk of loss. In the case of certain derivatives a relatively 
small adverse market movement may result not only in the loss of the original 
investment but also in unquantifiable further loss exceeding any margin 
deposited. Any such loss suffered by the Company may adversely affect the 
Company's ability to meet the capital and income returns to Shareholders. 
Dividend levels 
Dividends paid on the Company's Income shares rely on receipt of interest 
payments and dividends from the securities in which the Company invests and 
therefore dividend levels are likely to vary. The Board expects dividend 
levels, if any, to be negligible. 
Currency risk 
The portfolio invests in US securities and its assets are therefore subject to 
fluctuations in the US dollar/ sterling exchange rate and the sterling value of 
its assets, plus declines in US equity markets as a whole. Bearing in mind that 
the final redemption payment will be a sterling payment made to holders of 
Income shares at 31 May 2011, in the future the Board will look at taking 
advantage of any future dollar strength versus sterling by hedging some or all 
of the dollar exposure into sterling. 
Liquidity risk 
A significant proportion of the portfolio is held in smaller and unquoted 
companies. Such companies are inherently higher in risk and lower in liquidity 
than, for example, blue-chip equities. Unlisted companies have the additional 
risk of not benefiting from market rules designed to protect investors. Some of 
the investments are in unlisted convertible bonds or preference shares, which 
may at any time be converted into a listed common stock, giving an effective 
level of liquidity equal to the liquidity in the common stock. Other unlisted 
investments do not have the option of converting into a listed stock. This 
issue is particularly relevant regarding the 31 May 2011 wind-up date of the 
Credit risk 
The portfolio may contain some fixed income securities, however, many of these 
are convertible into common stock (equity). The benefit of a convertible 
debenture is that, if a portfolio company becomes troubled, the Company is 
protected through its position as a creditor. If the underlying portfolio 
company performs well, the Company can participate in the upside by converting 
into common stock. However, it is possible that such investee companies might 
default on these debentures or wind-up prior to their repayment. 
Market price risk 
The Company is exposed to market price risk due to fluctuations in the market 
prices of its investments. Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty 
about future prices of financial instruments used in the Company's business. 
It represents the potential loss the Company might suffer through holding 
market positions in the face of price movements. The Investment Manager 
monitors the prices of financial instruments held by the Company on an ongoing 
Discount volatility 
The Company's shares may trade at a discount to its net asset value being a 
closed-end fund. The magnitude of this discount fluctuates daily and can vary 
significantly. Thus, for a given period of time, it is possible that the market 
price could decrease despite an increase in the Company's net asset value. The 
Company is seeking to extend its existing authority from Shareholders at the 
forthcoming AGM to purchase Income and Capital shares for cancellation. If 
granted, the Directors will consider using share buybacks to control the 
Company's discount levels when in the interest of all Shareholders and the 
Company as a whole. 
Regulatory risk 
If the Company did not comply with the provisions of Sections 1158 and 1159 of 
the Corporation Taxes Act 2010 (formerly contained in Section 842 of the Income 
and Corporation Taxes Act 1988), it would lose its investment trust status and 
could be liable to pay taxes on investment gains. A breach of the Listing Rules 
may result in censure by the Financial Services Authority ("FSA") and/or the 
Company's suspension from Listing. In order to minimise these risks, the 
Directors, the Investment Managers, the Investment Adviser and the Company 
Secretary monitor the Company's compliance with the key criteria of Section 
1158 and 1159 on a monthly basis and an ongoing review of compliance with the 
FSA Listing Rules. On a quarterly basis, compliance with these provisions is 
discussed in detail between the Board, the Company Secretary, the Investment 
Managers and the Investment Adviser. 
Risks associated with the engagement of third parties 
There are a number of potential operational risks associated with the fact that 
third parties undertake the Company's administration and custody of assets. 
Most seriously, there is the risk that third parties could fail to ensure that 
statutory requirements, such as the Companies Act and the FSA Listing Rules, 
are complied with. There is also the risk associated with the directorships 
held by the Investment Advisers employees on investee companies, which may 
prohibit them from dealing in those companies' shares during prohibited periods 
throughout the year, this could result in the inability to wholly liquidate the 
Company's portfolio by 31 May 2011. Details of how these risks are managed are 
included below under 'Internal control process'. 
During the year there were no qualifying third party indemnity provisions in 
Risk diversification 
The Company's investment policy provides it with a global mandate, albeit with 
a particular emphasis to invest primarily in equities and equity related 
instruments issued by companies domiciled, listed, quoted or traded in North 
America. The Company is managed with a view to maintaining an adequate spread 
of investment risk in terms of the concentration and size of its investments as 
detailed in the investment policy. 
There is the risk that the Company's portfolio may become more concentrated as 
investments are realised in the months leading up to the Company's liquidation. 
The Company will continue to re-invest in liquid assets that are easily 
realisable before 31 May 2011. 
Internal control process 
The Directors acknowledge that they are responsible for the Company's systems 
of internal control and for reviewing their effectiveness. An ongoing process, 
in accordance with the guidance of the FRC "Internal Control: Revised Guidance 
for Directors on the Combined Code", has been established for identifying, 
evaluating and managing risks faced by the Company. This process has been in 
place throughout the year and up to the date the financial statements were 
approved. Key procedures established with a view to providing effective 
financial control have been in place for the full financial year and up to the 
date the financial statements were approved. No significant failings or 
weaknesses within the Company's internal controls were identified. 
The risk management process and systems of internal control are designed to 
manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve the Company's 
objectives. It should be recognised that such systems can only provide 
reasonable and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. 
The risk assessment and review of the effectiveness of the Company's system of 
internal controls is undertaken by the Audit Committee in the context of the 
overall investment objective. The review covers the key business, operational, 
compliance and financial risks facing the Company. In arriving at its judgement 
of what risks the Company faces, the Audit Committee has considered the 
Company's operations in the light of the following factors: 
* the nature and extent of risks which it regards as acceptable for the Company 
to bear within its overall business objective; 
* the Company's ability to reduce the incidence and impact of risk on its 
performance; and 
* the cost to the Company and benefits related to the Company and third parties 
operating the relevant controls. 
Against this background, in the review of risk and associated controls the 
Board has split the review into five sections reflecting the nature of the 
risks being addressed. These are: corporate strategy; published information; 
compliance with laws and regulations; relationship with service providers and 
investment and business activities. 
Given the nature of the Company's activities and the fact that most functions 
are subcontracted, the Directors have obtained information from key third party 
suppliers regarding the controls operated. To enable the Board to make an 
appropriate risk and control assessment the information and assurances sought 
from third party suppliers include the following: 
* details of the control environment operated by the third party suppliers; 
* identification and evaluation of risks and control objectives by third party 
* assessment of the communication procedures with third party suppliers; and 
* assessment of the control procedures operated by third party suppliers. 
The key procedures which have been established to provide effective internal 
control are as follows: 
* investment management is provided by Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) 
Limited and Premier Fund Managers Limited, who are advised by RENN Capital 
Group, Inc. The Board is responsible for setting the overall investment policy 
and monitors the actions of the Investment Managers and Investment Adviser at 
regular Board meetings; 
* administration and company secretarial duties for the Company are performed 
by Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited; 
* custody of assets is undertaken by Frost National Bank Inc. and HSBC Bank 
* the duties of investment management, administration and the custody of assets 
are segregated. The procedures of the individual parties are designed to 
complement one another; 
* the Directors of the Company, all of whom are non-executive, clearly define 
the duties and responsibilities of their agents and advisers. The appointment 
of agents and advisers is conducted by the Board after consideration of the 
quality of the parties involved; the Board monitors their ongoing performance 
and contractual arrangements; 
* mandates are granted by the Board for investment transactions. The Board sets 
the policy for authorising expense payments; and 
* the Board reviews financial information produced by the Investment Managers, 
the Investment Adviser and the Company Secretary in detail on a regular basis. 
Analysis of the Company's performance and position 
In order to provide Shareholders with a clear understanding of the Company's 
performance and position, this section of the business review will consider how 
the Company has performed against the following key performance indicators: 
1) The assessment of the value added through the portfolio by comparing 
performance before the impact of expenses against relevant benchmarks. 
2) The performance of the Company's total assets after all expenses (including 
bank interest) have been charged. This measure includes the cost of gearing but 
will not reflect the benefit of the gearing that will arise if total assets are 
3) The performance of the Company at the net asset level. This shows how 
Shareholders' funds as a whole have performed and includes the cost of bank 
interest, but also the impact of the gearing provided by bank debt. If gross 
assets have grown by a greater amount than the cost of management and bank 
interest, returns to Shareholders will have been enhanced by the gearing. If 
total assets have declined the gearing will accelerate that decline in net 
4) The performance of the individual share classes, both in terms of share 
price total return (i.e. accounting for dividends received) and in terms of net 
asset value total return. The share price performance is the measure of the 
return that Shareholders have actually received and will reflect the impact of 
widening or narrowing of discounts to NAV. 
Portfolio performance for the year 
During the course of the year the net asset value of the Income shares 
decreased 5.94% from 50.33p to 47.34p. The NAV entitlement of the few remaining 
Zero Dividend shares was fixed at 182.61p and the Capital shares' NAV remained 
at zero throughout the year. 
* Company's performance 
Over the year, the Company's gross assets also decreased. On 31 May 2009, the 
Company's gross assets were GBP13.49 million of which GBP0.31 million was bank 
debt. At 31 May 2010 gross assets were GBP12.71 million of which GBP0.34 million 
was bank debt. 
* Share price performance 
The listing for the Zero Dividend Preference shares ceased on 31 July 2008 and 
there was therefore no market price for the shares at the year end. The share 
price of the Income shares increased 29.87% from 38.50p to 50.00p; the Capital 
share price fell 71.02% from 1.76p to 0.51p and the Unit price increased 30.72% 
from 38.25p to 50.00p. 
Future developments and events subsequent to the year end 
The Directors are aware of the AIC/JPMorgan Claverhouse judgement which was 
made during 2007 regarding the charging of VAT on investment management fees. 
It is possible that, during the forthcoming year, the Company may be able to 
recover further amounts of VAT that it has paid on its investment management 
fees although the Directors do not believe that any such recoverable sums will 
be of a material amount. 
Further details on events subsequent to the year end are detailed in the 
Chairman's Statement and Investment Adviser's report. 
Social, environmental and ethical policy 
Global Special Opportunities Trust plc seeks to invest in companies that are 
well managed, with high standards of corporate governance. The Directors 
believe this creates the proper conditions to enhance value for Shareholders. 
In aiming to achieve a high level of corporate performance the Company adopts a 
positive approach to corporate governance and engagement with companies. 
The Company's investments are managed by Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) 
Limited and Premier Fund Managers Limited, as advised by RENN Capital Group, 
Inc. These arrangements are governed by two `Investment Management Agreements' 
and an `Investment Advisory Agreement' each dated 5 April 2001, as amended by 
the Novation Agreement dated 21 October 2005 (following the acquisition of the 
business of BFS Investments PLC by Premier Asset Management plc) and by side 
letters dated 2 May 2008 which took effect from 1 June 2008. As at 31 May 2008, 
the management fees, payable monthly in arrears, were calculated at a monthly 
rate of 0.0417% of the value of the gross assets less current liabilities of 
the Income portfolio, reduced by the value of investments held in companies 
managed by Premier Fund Managers Limited, plus 0.125% of the gross assets less 
current liabilities of the US Growth portfolio. In addition a performance fee 
(payable annually) of an amount equal to 10% of the amount by which the 
Company's gross assets less current liabilities exceed, on the calculation 
date, either the initial gross assets increased by a compound rate of 5.5% per 
annum or the gross assets less current liabilities by reference to which the 
performance fee was last paid, and prior to payment of such fee, as increased 
by a compound rate of 5.5% per annum. The performance fee was subject to a cap 
equal to 5% of the gross assets on the relevant calculation date. 
The management of the portfolio is delegated by Premier Asset Management 
(Guernsey) Limited to RENN Capital Group, Inc. under the Investment Advisory 
Agreement dated 5 April 2001 as amended by a side letter dated 2 May 2008 which 
took effect from 1 June 2008. RENN Capital Group, Inc. is an investment 
management company based in Dallas, Texas, USA, which was founded in 1973 by 
Russell Cleveland. RENN Capital Group, Inc. is a registered investment adviser 
under the United States Investment Advisers Act 1940 and currently has funds 
under management of approximately $375 million. Under the previous investment 
advisory agreement, and until 31 May 2008, RENN Capital Group, Inc. received 
60% of the management fees and performance fees payable on the portfolio. 
With effect from 1 June 2008, the Investment Management and Investment Advisory 
Agreements were amended. Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited is now 
entitled to a monthly fee of 0.0625% of the gross assets less the current 
liabilities of the portfolio. 
Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited is also entitled to a performance 
fee which shall be payable in respect of financial years ending on or after 31 
May 2010 equal to 15% of the amount by which the net asset value per Income 
share (assuming and deeming, for the purposes of this calculation only, that 
the Income shares do not have a capped final capital entitlement) exceeds 
either: (a) GBP1.00 as increased from 1 June 2008 at an annual rate of 8% per 
annum (if no performance fee has been paid prior to the date of such 
calculation); or (b) the net asset value per Income share (assuming and 
deeming, for the purposes of this calculation only, that the Income shares do 
not have a capped final capital entitlement) by reference to which the 
performance fee was last paid and prior to payment of such fee (if a 
performance fee has previously been paid) as increased at an annual rate of 8% 
per annum. Any performance fee to be paid by the Company in any performance 
period will be capped at 4.99% of net assets. Any unrewarded outperformance (as 
a result of the cap) will be carried forward. Such carried forward unrewarded 
outperformance will only be payable in future periods to the extent that it 
does not result in a performance fee payment exceeding 4.99% of net assets in 
any performance period. No performance fee was payable in respect of the year 
under review. 
Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited is required to pay 60% of the fee 
attributable to the portfolio and 70% of any performance fee to RENN Capital 
Group, Inc. under the terms of the revised Investment Advisory Agreement. 
The management agreements and the investment advisory agreements are terminable 
on 12 months' notice, such notice not to expire prior to 31 May 2010 provided 
always that they will terminate automatically upon a winding-up at the Company 
on 31 May 2011. No additional compensation is payable to the Investment 
Managers or the Investment Adviser on the termination of these agreements. 
Under another agreement (`the administration agreement') dated 5 April 2001, 
company secretarial services and the general administration of the Company are 
undertaken by Capita Sinclair Henderson Limited. Their fee is subject to annual 
upward adjustments in accordance with the Retail Price Index and review by the 
Board. The administration agreement may be terminated by twelve months' written 
notice, or at any time by written notice on liquidation of the Company with no 
compensation payable. 
Statement of Directors' responsibilities 
In respect of the financial statements 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the annual report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. Company law 
requires the Directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. 
Under that law the Directors have elected to prepare financial statements in 
accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United Kingdom Generally 
Accepted Accounting Practice). The financial statements are required by law to 
give a true value and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company and of 
the profit or loss of the Company for that period. In preparing these financial 
statements, the Directors are required to: 
? select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; 
? make judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; 
? state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject 
to any material departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; 
? prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is 
inappropriate to presume that the Company will continue in business. 
The Directors, to the best of their knowledge, state that: 
? the financial statements, prepared in accordance with UK Accounting 
Standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial 
position and profit or loss of the Company; and 
? the Report of the Directors includes a fair review of the development and 
performance of the business and the position of the Company together with a 
description of the principal risks and uncertainties that it faces. 
The Directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
Company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the 
Companies Act 2006. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of 
the Company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and 
detection of fraud and other irregularities. 
The Directors are responsible for the maintenance and integrity of the 
financial statements included on the Manager's website. Legislation in the 
United Kingdom governing the preparation and dissemination of financial 
statements may differ from legislation in other jurisdictions. 
Duncan Abbot 
17 September 2010 
Independent Auditors' report 
The Company's financial statements for the year ended 31 May 2010 have been 
audited by Grant Thornton UK LLP. The text of the Auditor's report can be found 
in the Company's Annual Report and Accounts at: 
Income statement 
for the year ended 31 May 2010 
                                   Year ended 31 May 2010   Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Note Revenue  Capital  Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                                    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Losses on investments at      9         -    (523)   (523)       -   (5,066) (5,066) 
fair value through profit or 
Income                        2       216        -    216      454        -     454 
Investment management fee     3       (35)     (80)  (115)     (35)     (80)   (115) 
VAT recovered on investment             2        5      7        3        7      10 
management fees 
Other expenses                4      (315)       -   (315)    (311)       -    (311) 
Tender offer costs written              -        -      -        2        2       4 
Liquidation costs                     (25)     (25)   (50)       -        -       - 
Exchange gains on capital               -       31     31        -        6       6 
Net return before finance            (157)    (592)  (749)     113   (5,131) (5,018) 
costs and taxation 
Finance costs 
Interest payable and similar  5        (3)      (8)   (11)     (22)     (52)    (74) 
Appropriations in respect 
Income shares                 7       160      600    760      (65)   5,161   5,096 
Return on ordinary                      -        -      -       26      (22)      4 
activities before taxation 
Taxation on ordinary          6         -        -      -      (26)      22      (4) 
                                        -        -      -        -        -       - 
Return per share                    pence  pence   pence  pence   pence   pence 
Capital share                   8       -      -       -      -       -       - 
Income share                    8   (0.64) (2.39)  (3.03)  0.26  (20.47) (20.21) 
Zero Dividend Preference        8       -      -       -      -       -       - 
Unit (1 Capital, 1 Income)      8   (0.64) (2.39) (3.03)   0.26  (20.47) (20.21) 
The total column of this statement is the profit and loss account of the 
Company. The supplementary revenue return and capital return columns have been 
prepared in accordance with the AIC's SORP. Revenue and capital return per 
share figures shown are also supplementary information. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
operations. There are no recognised gains or losses other than those passing 
through the Income statement. 
The notes form part of these financial statements. 
Statement of movements in net assets attributable to shareholders 
for the year ended 31 May 2010 
                                                     Year ended     Year ended 
                                            Note     31 May 2010    31 May 2009 
                                                          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Net assets attributable to Shareholders at               13,065         19,149 
the start of the year 
Appropriations to Shareholders 
Income shares                                              (760)        (5,096) 
                                                           (760)        (5,096) 
Dividends paid to Income Shareholders         7               -           (497) 
Repurchase of shares for cancellation                       (77)          (491) 
(including related costs) 
Net assets attributable to Shareholders at               12,228         13,065 
the year end 
Note 16 discloses the reconciliation of movement in assets attributable to 
The notes form part of these financial statements. 
Balance sheet 
as at 31 May 2010 
                                                       31 May 2010  31 May 2009 
                                             Note           GBP'000        GBP'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value through         9           11,801       12,403 
profit or loss 
                                                           11,801       12,403 
Current assets 
Debtors                                       11               36          105 
Cash at bank                                                  876          986 
                                                              912        1,091 
Creditors - amounts falling due within one 
Creditors                                     12              141          119 
Bank loan                                     13              344          310 
Net assets attributable to Shareholders       14           12,228            - 
                                                           12,713          429 
Net current (liabilities)/assets                          (11,801)         662 
Total assets less current liabilities                           -       13,065 
Creditors - amounts falling due after more 
than one year 
Net assets attributable to Shareholders       14                -       13,065 
                                                                -       13,065 
                                                                -            - 
Net asset values per share:                                  pence       pence 
- Capital shares                              14                -            - 
- Income shares                               14            47.34        50.33 
- Zero Dividend Preference shares             14           182.61       182.61 
- Units                                       14            47.34        50.33 
These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 17 
September 2010 and signed on its behalf by: 
Duncan Abbot 
The notes form part of these financial statements. 
Statement of cash flows 
for the year ended 31 May 2010 
                                                     Year ended     Year ended 
                                                     31 May 2010    31 May 2009 
                                            Note          GBP'000          GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Investment income received                                  256            475 
Deposit interest received                                     4            101 
Other income received                                         -             19 
VAT refunded in respect of Investment                         7             10 
Managers' fees 
Investment management fees paid                            (115)          (208) 
Secretarial fees paid                                      (115)          (112) 
Other cash payments                                        (224)          (680) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities   17            (187)          (395) 
Servicing of finance 
Interest paid                                               (15)           (70) 
Non-equity dividends paid (Income shares)                     -           (497) 
Net cash outflow from servicing of finance                  (15)          (567) 
Capital expenditure and financial 
Purchase of investments                                  (4,275)        (9,223) 
Sales of investments                                      4,379         10,838 
Net cash inflow from capital expenditure                    104          1,615 
and financial investment 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow before financing                  (98)           653 
Revolving credit facility repayment                           -         (2,083) 
Repurchase of Income shares for                             (77)             - 
Repurchase of Zero Dividend Preference                        -           (491) 
shares for cancellation 
Buy back/repurchase of shares by tender                       -        (49,034) 
Net cash outflow from financing                             (77)       (51,608) 
Net cash outflow after financing                           (175)       (50,955) 
Decrease in cash                             19            (175)       (50,955) 
The notes form part of these financial statements. 
Notes to financial statements 
for the year ended 31 May 2010 
Accounting convention 
The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention 
except for the measurement at fair value of fixed asset investments and are 
prepared in accordance with applicable law and Accounting Standards in the 
United Kingdom (`UK GAAP') and in accordance with the Statement of Recommended 
Practice "Financial Statements of Investment Companies" (`SORP') issued by the 
Association of Investment Companies (`AIC') in January 2009. 
Wind-up of Company 
The Company is due to wind-up on 29 May 2011 and as a result, the accounts have 
been prepared on a wind-up (break up) basis rather than on a going concern 
basis as it is certain that the wind-up will occur and there is no option for 
the Company to continue after this date. The comparatives have, however, been 
prepared on a going concern basis. 
The Directors have received proposals for liquidator's fees of GBP50,000 and this 
amount has been included in the accounts. These are the only costs known to 
date. As the Company is a split capital trust with both Income and Capital 
Shareholders, the Company has considered it appropriate to apportion these 
costs fairly 50% to revenue and 50% capital. 
At this point in time, being one year until wind-up, there are clearly 
uncertainties as to whether several valuations of the relatively illiquid 
stocks can be realised. Where applicable, the assessment of fair value reflect 
a cost or discount applicable to a one year realisation timetable. 
Following initial attempts to realise certain holdings in the portfolio, the 
Board has concluded that the markets in the shares of certain investments are 
not active. Accordingly the Board has adjusted the valuation of these holdings 
to reflects the likely realisation value in the timescale available as the 
Company approaches its 31 May 2011 liquidation date. 
All creditors, accruals and prepayments that are incurred in the course of the 
day to day running of the Company have also been included at fair value, being 
their face value as of the Balance sheet date. 
Due to the wind-up, all liabilities have been presented as less than one year. 
There are no uncertainties about the carrying amounts of the other assets and 
Interim dividends are accounted for in the period when they are paid and final 
dividends are accounted for when approved by the Shareholders. 
As the Company's business is investing in financial assets with a view to 
profiting from their total return in the form of interest, dividends or 
increases in fair value, quoted equities and fixed income securities are 
designated as fair value through profit or loss on initial recognition. The 
Company manages and evaluates the performance of these investments on a fair 
value basis in accordance with its investment strategy and information about 
the portfolio is provided internally on this basis to the Board. 
As mentioned above, several investments have been revalued in accordance with 
their realisation value within the timescales available prior to the 
liquidation date. 
Investments are recognised and derecognised on the trade date where a purchase 
or sale is under a contract whose terms require delivery within the time frame 
established by the market concerned, and are initially measured at fair value. 
Fair value is defined as the amount for which an asset could be exchanged, or a 
liability settled, between knowledgeable willing parties in an arm's length 
transaction. In arriving at fair value, accounting standards require that bid 
prices are used where they are readily and regularly available from an 
exchange. The Board considers that for several of the Company's US quoted 
investments, the market in the shares is not sufficiently active and reliable 
bid prices are not readily and regularly available and have therefore used the 
price of the most recent transaction in the investment. The Board has used 
alternative methods to value these illiquid holdings including prices of recent 
transactions, indicative sales prices from disposals and other valuation 
Unquoted investments are valued at fair value as follows: 
? Unquoted equity investments and unquoted loan notes are included at fair 
value based on latest dealing prices, stockbroker valuations, net asset values, 
discounted cashflow analysis or other information, as appropriate. This 
valuation incorporates all factors that market participants would consider in 
setting a price. 
? Unquoted convertible debenture investments are valued as follows. Where the 
debentures are paying cash coupons they are valued at the greater of par value 
and the market value of the equity received if converted. If the debentures are 
not paying cash coupons then they are valued at the lower of cost and the 
market value of the equity received if converted. 
? Non-redeemable unquoted convertible preferred stock are valued at the market 
value of the equity received if converted. Redeemable preferred stock 
investments are valued as follows. Where the preferred stocks are paying cash 
coupons they are valued at the greater of cost or market value of the equity 
received if converted. If the preferred stocks are not paying cash coupons then 
they are valued at the lower of cost and the market value of the equity 
received if converted. 
? Unquoted warrant investments are valued at fair value using the Black Scholes 
methodology, which includes a time value which is calculated and added to the 
intrinsic value to arrive at a total valuation for each warrant. The 
application of the Black Scholes methodology requires certain assumptions to be 
made on the volatility of the underlying shares to which the warrants 
The Company has the option to use derivative financial instruments. If used, 
these derivatives would be classified as `fair value through profit or loss' 
and movements in the fair value of these derivatives would be recorded through 
the Income statement. 
Shareholders' funds 
Due to the Company having a fixed life, the Zero Dividend Preference shares, 
Income shares and Capital shares are all classified under FRS 25 as financial 
liabilities rather than as equity in the Balance sheet. This is purely 
presentational and has no effect on the Company's net assets per share or 
returns per share as calculated. 
Income recognition 
Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are brought into account on the 
ex-dividend date. As prescribed in FRS 16: Current tax, UK dividends are 
disclosed excluding the associated tax credit. Dividends receivable on equity 
shares where no ex-dividend date is quoted are brought into account when the 
Company's right to receive payment is established. 
Income arising on fixed interest securities is recognised on a time 
apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective interest rate on that 
The ordinary element of stocks received in lieu of dividends is recognised as 
income of the Company. Any enhancement above the equivalent value of the cash 
dividend that would have been receivable is treated as a capital gain on the 
associated investment. 
? Underwriting commission is recognised as income in so far as it relates to 
the shares the Company is not required to take up. Where the Company is 
required to take up shares underwritten the commission received is treated as a 
deduction from the cost of shares. The balance is taken to income in the Income 
statement for the Company; and 
? Interest receivable is included on an accruals basis. 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. All expenses are charged 
in full to the revenue column in the Income statement except as follows; 
? Transaction costs incurred on the purchase and sale of investments are 
charged through the capital column of the Income statement; 
? Expenses are allocated between capital and revenue where a connection with 
the maintenance or enhancement of the value of the investments can be 
demonstrated. In respect of the investment management fees, debit interest and 
loan arrangement fees, 70% has been allocated to capital and 30% to revenue in 
the Income statement, as stated in the prospectus at the time of the Company's 
inception. The investment management performance fee when payable is charged, 
in total, to the capital column of the Income statement. 
The charge for taxation is based on the net revenue for the year. 
Full provision for deferred taxation is made under the liability method on all 
timing differences that have arisen but not reversed by the Balance sheet date 
in accordance with FRS 19: Deferred Taxation. Deferred tax assets are 
recognised to the extent that is regarded as more likely than not that they 
will be recovered. Timing differences arise from the inclusion of items of 
income and expenditure in tax computations in periods different from those in 
which they are included in the accounts. Provision is made at the average tax 
rates that are expected to apply in the periods when the timing differences are 
expected to reverse, based on tax rates and laws that have been enacted or 
substantially enacted by the Balance sheet date. Deferred tax is measured on a 
non-discounted basis. The tax effect of different items of expenditure is 
allocated between revenue and capital on the same basis as the particular item 
to which it relates. Tax relief on expenses is allocated between revenue and 
capital using the marginal basis in accordance with the SORP. 
Foreign currency transactions 
The currency of the primary economic environment in which the Company operates 
(the functional currency) is sterling. The presentation currency is sterling. 
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are translated into sterling at 
the rate of exchange ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and 
liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the period end are reported at 
the rates of exchange prevailing at the period end. A gain or loss arising from 
a change in exchange rates subsequent to the date of the transaction is 
included as an exchange gain or loss in the capital column or in the revenue 
column of the Income statement depending on whether the gain or loss is of a 
capital or revenue nature respectively. 
Finance costs 
The Directors have allocated 100% of the appropriation relating to the capital 
entitlement of Zero Dividend Preference shares and Income shares to capital. 
Accordingly a redemption reserve has been set up to provide for the capital 
repayment entitlements attached to the Zero Dividend Preference shares and 
Income shares which accrue to the date of the Company's winding-up on 31 May 
2011. On a winding-up of the Company the Zero Dividend Preference shares were 
entitled to a capital repayment of 100.00p per share as at 12 April 2001, 
increasing on a daily basis by approximately 8.8% p.a. compounded annually to 
give a final capital entitlement of 182.608201p on 31 May 2008. This amount 
will not increase until payment is made after 31 May 2011. The Income shares 
were entitled to a capital repayment of 85.00p increased on the last day of 
each calendar month to give a capital entitlement of 100.00p on 31 May 2008 and 
then from 1 June 2008 to 31 May 2011 increased at a daily compound rate so as 
to give a final capital entitlement of 120.82p on 31 May 2011. 
The Income shares are entitled to the revenue reserves of the Company. The 
revenue return for the year is treated as an appropriation and is analysed in 
note 7 between dividends paid in the year and residual returns. 
The Capital shares are entitled to all surplus assets of the Company after 
repayment of the bank facility and after the pre-determined capital 
entitlements of the Zero Dividend Preference shares and the Income shares have 
been satisfied. 
                                                         Year ended  Year ended 
                                                        31 May 2010 31 May 2009 
                                                             GBP'000       GBP'000 
Income from investments designated at fair value 
through profit or loss 
Overseas unfranked investment income                           212         372 
                                                               212         372 
Other income 
Bank interest receivable                                         4          63 
Other income                                                     -          19 
                                                                 4          82 
Total income                                                   216         454 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends from investments designated at fair value              -          64 
through profit or loss 
Interest from investments designated at fair value             212         308 
through profit or loss 
Deposit interest from bank deposits                              4          63 
Other income from investments designed at fair value             -          19 
through profit or loss 
                                                               216         454 
Income from investments: 
Listed overseas                                                  6          64 
Unlisted overseas                                              206         308 
                                                               212         372 
                             Year ended 31 May 2010    Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Investment management fee        35       80     115       35       80     115 
                                 35       80     115       35       80     115 
With effect from 1 June 2008, the Investment Managers are entitled to a monthly 
fee of 0.0625% of the gross assets less current liabilities of the portfolio. A 
performance fee was not payable for the year ended 31 May 2010 (2009: GBPnil). 
Further information regarding the investment management fees from 1 June 2008 
is detailed above. 
At 31 May 2010 there were amounts outstanding of GBP8,000 (2009: GBP8,000). VAT is 
no longer payable on the Investment Managers' fees or performance fees. 
During the year, the Company has received GBP7,000 in respect of past VAT on 
Investment Managers' fees from the previous Investment Manager, BFS Investments 
plc. This amount has been split 70% capital, 30% revenue in accordance with the 
accounting policy on charging Investment Managers' fees. 
                             Year ended 31 May 2010    Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Administrative &                115        -     115      121        -     121 
secretarial fee 
Directors' remuneration          68        -      68       68        -      68 
Auditors' remuneration*          33        -      33       31        -      31 
Other expenses                  107        -     107       93        -      93 
VAT recoverable                  (8)       -      (8)      (2)       -      (2) 
Total other expenses            315        -     315      311        -     311 
                                                             2010       2009 
                                                               GBP'000     GBP'000 
* Auditors remuneration is split as follows: 
Fees payable to the Company's Auditors for the audit of           33        31 
the annual financial statements 
Fees payable to the Company's Auditors and its associates          - 
for other services 
                                                                  33        31 
                             Year ended 31 May 2010    Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
On bank loan                      3        8      11       22       52      74 
                                  3        8      11       22       52      74 
                             Year ended 31 May 2010    Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Analysis of charge for the 
Corporation tax                   -        -       -        -        -       - 
Overseas tax not                  -        -       -        4        -       4 
Tax relief attributable           -        -       -       22      (22)      - 
expenses allocated to 
                                  -        -       -       26      (22)      4 
Factors affecting tax charge for the year 
The tax assessed for the year differs from the smaller companies rate of 
corporation tax of 21% in the United Kingdom (2009: 21%). The differences are 
explained below: 
                             Year ended 31 May 2010    Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
Return on ordinary             (160)    (600)   (760)      91   (5,183) (5,092) 
activities after interest 
payable but before 
Return on ordinary              (34)    (126)   (160)      19   (1,088) (1,069) 
activities multiplied by 
the smaller companies rate 
of corporation tax in the 
United Kingdom 21% (2009: 
Effects of the non-taxable 
Losses on investments,            -      103     103        -    1,062   1,062 
exchange gains on capital 
items and movement on fair 
value of derivative 
financial instruments 
Unrelieved expenses              29       18      47        -        4       4 
Expenses not deductible for       5        5      10        2        -       2 
Accrued income taxable on         -        -       -        1        -       1 
Overseas tax not                  -        -       -        4        -       4 
Current tax charge for the        -        -       -       26      (22)      4 
At 31 May 2010 the Company had unrelieved expenses of GBP6,207,000 (31 May 2009: 
GBP5,989,000). It is unlikely that the Company will generate sufficient taxable 
income in the future to use these expenses to reduce future tax charges and 
therefore no deferred tax asset has been recognised. 
Appropriations in the revenue column of the Income statement in respect of 
Income shares are split between dividends paid in the year and the remaining 
balance of the revenue account for the year. 
                                                    Year ended       Year ended 
                                                   31 May 2010      31 May 2009 
                                                        GBP'000            GBP'000 
Dividends                                                   -              497 
Residual balance of revenue account                      (160)            (432) 
Total appropriations in respect of Income                (160)              65 
Dividends are comprised as follows: 
Relating to prior period 
Fourth interim paid of nil (2008: 1.00p net)                -              497 
                                                            -              497 
Relating to current period 
No dividend (2009: nil) will be proposed for the year ended 31 May 2010. 
Appropriations in the capital column of the Income statement are calculated as 
discussed in note 8 and amounted to: 
                                               Year ended        Year ended 
                                              31 May 2010       31 May 2009 
                                                    GBP'000             GBP'000 
                                                     (600)           (5,161) 
                             Year ended 31 May 2010    Year ended 31 May 2009 
                             Revenue  Capital   Total  Revenue  Capital   Total 
                              pence    pence   pence    pence    pence   pence 
Return per share 
Capital share                     -        -       -        -        -       - 
Income share                  (0.64)   (2.39)  (3.03)    0.26   (20.47) (20.21) 
Zero Dividend Preference          -        -       -        -        -       - 
Unit (1 Capital, 1 Income)    (0.64)   (2.39)  (3.03)    0.26   (20.47) (20.21) 
Capital shares 
The return per Capital share is based on appropriations for the year of GBPnil 
(2009: GBPnil) and on 50,000,000 (2009: 50,000,000) Capital shares. 
Income shares 
The revenue return per Income share is based on revenue appropriations of (GBP 
160,000) (2009: GBP65,000) and on 25,105,967 (2009: 25,210,008) Income shares 
being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. The 
capital return per Income share is based on capital appropriations of GBP 
(600,000) (2009: (GBP5,161,000)) and on 25,105,967 (2009: 25,210,008) Income 
shares being the weighted average number of shares in issue during the year. 
The redemption yield is contingent on the Company having sufficient assets at 
the time of redemption. 
Zero Dividend Preference shares 
The return per Zero Dividend Preference share is based on appropriations of GBP 
nil (2009: GBPnil) and on 206,037 (2009: 206,037) Zero Dividend Preference shares 
being the weighted average number of Zero Dividend Preference shares in issue 
during the year. 
                                                         As at            As at 
                                                  31 May 2010      31 May 2009 
                                                        GBP'000            GBP'000 
Investment portfolio summary 
Listed investments on a recognised                      9,697            8,545 
international exchange 
Unlisted investments with conversion rights             1,457            1,780 
into listed investments 
Other unlisted investments                                647            2,078 
Investments at fair value                              11,801           12,403 
                                              rights into       Other 
                                       Listed      listed    unlisted 
                                  investments investments investments     Total 
                                       GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000 
Analysis of investment portfolio 
Opening book cost                     15,949       4,959       4,896    25,804 
Opening investment holding losses     (7,404)     (3,179)     (2,818)  (13,401) 
Opening valuation                      8,545       1,780       2,078    12,403 
Movements in the year: 
Transfer                                 266           -        (266)        - 
Purchases at cost                      4,320           -           -     4,320 
Proceeds                              (2,076)     (1,187)     (1,136)   (4,399) 
(Losses)/gains on sales                 (962)         20      (2,815)   (3,757) 
Movement in investment holding          (395)        843       2,786     3,234 
Closing valuation                      9,698       1,456         647    11,801 
Analysis of investment portfolio 
Closing book cost                     17,497       3,792         679    21,968 
Closing investment holding losses     (7,799)     (2,336)        (32)  (10,167) 
                                       9,698       1,456         647    11,801 
* The Company is entitled to exercise these conversion rights at any time. 
                                                                2010      2009 
                                                               GBP'000     GBP'000 
Analysis of capital gains/(losses) 
Losses on sales                                               (3,757)   (1,092) 
Movement in investment holding losses                          3,234    (3,974) 
Losses on investments                                           (523)   (5,066) 
A breakdown of the investment portfolio is shown above. 
Transaction costs incidental to the acquisitions of investments totalled GBP 
26,000 (2009: GBP8,000) and disposals of investments totalled GBP45,000 (2009: GBP 
3,000) for the year. These amounts are included in losses on investments, as 
disclosed in the Income statement. 
Details of material holdings in unlisted securities are as follows: 
                                             Last    Aggregate      Profit/ Net income 
                           Fair     Fair Accounts  capital and    after tax       from 
                          value    value 
                 Total   31 May   31 May   period     reserves     for year investment 
                  cost     2010     2009      end 
Investment      GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000                   US$m     US$'000      GBP'000 
preference        287       76       52    30/04/   4,027,167    2,969,785          - 
warrants            -       79       11    31/03/ 193,215,000   25,559,930          - 
warrants            -        -        -    31/03/  (5,806,860)  (2,171,370)         - 
common stock       11       55       49    31/12/  12,769,000    5,281,000          - 
warrants            -        -        -    31/03/      (6,590)    (201,290)         - 
warrants            -        -        -    31/12/  (5,669,510)  (5,991,860)         - 
convertible       382      516      465    31/12/   93,960,000  20,530,000 
preference                                   2009 
warrants            -       34       21    31/03/  12,372,390    4,202,402          - 
Global Axcess 
warrants            -       99        -    31/03/  16,931,640    3,035,010          - 
BPO Management 
common stock    1,732        -       39    31/12/  (3,361,820) (12,344,650)         - 
convertible       352      241      310    30/09/   3,897,000   (2,140,000)      37.8 
debenture                                    2008 
warrants            -        -        -    31/03/   1,479,020    6,242,040          - 
convertible       240       83       58    31/03/ (59,634,000) (23,099,000)      26.6* 
debenture                                    2010 
warrants            -       26       68    31/03/ (59,634,000) (23,099,000)         - 
Pipeline Data 
convertible       826      764    1,059    31/03/ (11,268,680) (36,498,630)      91.4 
debenture                                    2009 
convertible       640        -        4    31/12/   4,264,240  (53,835,640)         - 
preference                                   2006 
warrants            -      128       42    31/03/   49,793,000  13,869,000          - 
warrants            -        2        -    31/12/    (334,680)    (692,370)         - 
Terra Nova 
Financial Group 
warrants            -        -        -    31/03/  16,630,600  (14,450,230)         - 
* GBP23,200 as stock GBP3,400 as cash. 
                                            Disposal       Proceeds    Original 
                                                date          GBP'000       GBP'000 
Datapath                                  02/06/2009             35         812 
e-Original**                              30/06/2009              -       1,933 
Narrowstep**                              16/09/2009              -       4,924 
Vertical Branding**                       21/12/2009              -         364 
Heyspace**                                31/05/2010              -         380 
** Written off 
The Company has a holding of 3% or more of the voting rights in the following 
Name of undertaking        Class of share                       % of class held 
CMSF Corp.                 Common Stock                                    37.0 
Integrated Security        Common Stock                                    26.1 
Systems, Inc. 
Cover-All Technologies     Common Stock                                     6.0 
Global Axcess Corp.        Common Stock                                     6.0 
Hemobiotech, Inc.          Common Stock                                     5.3 
Aurasound, Inc.            Common Stock                                     3.6 
The Company also has substantial interests in convertible debentures and other 
debt instruments as follows: 
Name of undertaking        Class of share                       % of class held 
BPO Management Services,   Series B Preferred                              10.0 
iLinc Communications, Inc. 12% Convertible Debentures                       9.8 
PetroHunter Energy         8.5% Convertible                                 7.1 
Corporation                Debentures 
Pipeline Data, Inc.        10% Convertible Debentures                       4.0 
                                                            As at        As at 
                                                      31 May 2010  31 May 2009 
                                                            GBP\'000        GBP'000 
Sales for future settlement                                    20            - 
Prepayments and accrued income                                 16          105 
                                                               36          105 
                                                            As at        As at 
                                                      31 May 2010  31 May 2009 
                                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Outstanding wind-up and related costs                          50            - 
Sundry creditors and accruals                                  91          119 
                                                              141          119 
                                                            As at        As at 
                                                      31 May 2010  31 May 2009 
                                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Revolving credit drawn down                                   344          310 
                                                              344          310 
As at 31 May 2010 the Company had a US$500,000 revolving credit facility with 
Allied Irish Banks plc. The facility was re-negotiated on 29 May 2010, 
resulting in an extension of two months to 28 July 2010 to allow time for the 
extension agreement to be drawn up. On 26 July 2010 the extension of the 
facility to 31 May 2011 was approved. Utilisation periods may be one, two or 
three months, or any shorter period agreed between the Company and Allied Irish 
Banks plc, but shall not extend beyond the termination date of 31 May 2011. 
At 31 May 2010 the Company had utilised the full amount of US$500,000 (2009: 
US$500,000) of this facility. Interest is payable at LIBOR plus a margin of 
3.0% on any drawn down balance and 1.5% per annum on any undrawn balance. 
Repayment of the loan has priority over any capital repayment on winding-up. 
The principal covenant under the revolving credit facility is that gross 
borrowings will not at any time exceed 40% of the adjusted net asset value. 
Total net asset values attributed to Shareholders are as follows: 
                                        31 May 2010 31 May 2009 
                                             GBP'000       GBP'000 
For the purposes of calculating net 
asset values: 
Total net assets attributable to: 
- Capital Shareholders                           -           - 
- Income Shareholders                       11,852      12,689 
- Zero Dividend Preference                     376         376 
                                            12,228      13,065 
- Unit holders                              11,852      12,689 
                                             pence       pence 
Net asset value per:* 
- Capital share                                  -           - 
- Income share                               47.34       50.33 
- Zero Dividend Preference share            182.61      182.61 
- Unit                                       47.34       50.33 
They are represented by: 
                                      31 May 2010  31 May 2009 
                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Share Capital                                  75           75 
Special reserve                            11,376       11,453 
Capital redemption reserve                     40           40 
Capital reserve                            (4,197)      (3,597) 
Redemption reserve                          4,906        4,906 
Revenue reserve                                28          188 
Assets attributable to shareholders        12,228       13,065 
* Net asset values per share calculated on the number of shares in issue of: 
                                                            31 May 31 May 2009 
- Capital share                                        50,000,000   50,000,000 
- Income share                                         25,035,008   25,210,008 
- Zero Dividend Preference share                          206,037      206,037 
                                                       31 May 2010  31 May 2009 
                                                             GBP'000        GBP'000 
Issued, allotted and fully paid 
50,000,000 (2009: 50,000,000) Capital shares of 0.1p           50           50 
25,035,008 (2009: 25,210,008) Income shares of 0.1p            25           25 
206,037 (2009: 206,037) Zero Dividend Preference                -            - 
shares of 0.1p each 
                                                               75           75 
During the year ended 31 May 2010, 175,000 Income shares were purchased for 
cancellation at a price of GBP0.4385 per share resulting in 25,035,008 remaining 
in issue. Subsequently to the year-end, no further shares have been purchased 
for cancellation. 
The Articles of Association provide that the Directors shall convene a General 
Meeting of the Company to be held on 31 May 2011, or if that day is not a 
business day, on the immediate preceding business day, at which a special 
resolution shall be proposed, pursuant to Section 84 of the Insolvency Act 1986 
requiring the Company to be wound-up voluntarily unless the Board shall have 
previously been released from its obligation to do so by a special resolution 
of the Company. 
As to dividends each year 
The Income shares carry the right to receive all the revenue profits of the 
Company (including accumulated revenue reserves) available for distribution and 
determined to be distributed by way of interim and/or final dividend and at 
such times as the Directors may determine. 
The Zero Dividend Preference shares and the Capital shares carry no right to 
receive dividends out of revenue or any other profits of the Company. 
As to capital on winding-up 
On winding-up, and after repayment of prior ranking creditors, there shall be 
paid to the holders of Zero Dividend Preference shares an amount equal to 100p 
per Zero Dividend Preference shares as increased each day from 12 April 2001 to 
31 May 2008 (inclusive) at a daily compound rate so as to give a final 
entitlement of 182.608201p on 31 May 2008. This amount shall not increase until 
payment is made after 31 May 2011. 
The holders of the Income shares shall be paid prior to the wind-up date an 
amount equal to the amount standing to credit of the Company's revenue reserves 
and, after repayment of prior ranking creditors and the prior capital 
entitlements of the Zero Dividend Preference Shareholders have been met in 
full, an amount equal to 85.00p per Income share as increased on the last day 
of each calendar month from 30 April 2001 to and including 31 May 2008 so as to 
give a capital entitlement of 100.00p on 31 May 2008 and then from 1 June 2008 
to 31 May 2011 increased at a daily compound rate so as to give a final capital 
entitlement of 120.82p on 31 May 2011. 
The holders of the Capital shares are entitled to the surplus assets of the 
Company available for distribution after repayment of the bank loan and payment 
of the entitlements of the Zero Dividend Preference shares and the Income 
                             redemption Special     Capital  Redemption Revenue 
                                reserve reserve     reserve     reserve reserve 
                                 GBP'000   GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000   GBP'000 
Opening balance                     40  11,453      (3,597)      4,906     188 
Net losses on realisation of         -       -      (3,757)          -       - 
Exchange gains on capital            -       -          31           -       - 
Movement in Investment               -       -       3,234           -       - 
holding losses 
Costs charged to capital             -       -        (113)          -       - 
VAT recovered on Investment          -       -           5           -       - 
Management fees 
Repurchase of shares for             -     (77)          -           -       - 
Retained net revenue for the         -       -           -           -    (160) 
At 31 May 2010                      40  11,376      (4,197)      4,906      28 
                                                        31 May 2010 31 May 2009 
                                                             GBP'000       GBP'000 
Net return before finance costs and taxation                  (749)     (5,018) 
Add back: losses on investments                                523       5,066 
Less: Exchange gains on capital items                          (31)         (6) 
Increase/(decrease) in creditors                                26        (583) 
Decrease in debtors                                             89         223 
Reinvested dividends                                           (45)        (73) 
Tax deducted from investment income                              -          (4) 
Net cash outflow from operating activities                    (187)       (395) 
                                                        31 May 2010 31 May 2009 
                                                             GBP'000       GBP'000 
Decrease in cash at bank in year                              (175)    (50,955) 
Revolving credit repayment                                       -       2,083 
Realised foreign exchange gain/(loss)                           31          (5) 
Movement in net funds                                         (144)    (48,877) 
Net cash at start of year                                      676      49,553 
Net cash at 31 May                                             532         676 
For the purposes of this note net funds is defined as cash at bank and the 
revolving credit loan only. 
                                           At      Cash    Exchange           At 
                                  1 June 2009     flows differences  31 May 2010 
                                       GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000 
Cash at bank                             986     (175)           65         876 
Revolving credit loan due within        (310)        -         (34)        (344) 
one year 
                                         676      (175)         31          532 
The Investment Managers, Premier Asset Management (Guernsey) Limited and 
Premier Fund Managers Limited, are regarded as related parties to the Company. 
The amounts paid to the Managers for investment management fees are disclosed 
in note 3. The investment management fee is based on the Company's gross assets 
less current liabilities which are reduced by the value of investments held in 
companies where Premier is the investment manager. At 31 May 2010 the market 
value of these holdings was GBPnil (2009: GBPnil). 
Mr Cleveland of RENN Capital Group, Inc., the Investment Adviser is a director 
of Access Plans, Cover-All Technologies, Integrated Securities Systems, BPO 
Management and CaminoSoft, being companies held within the portfolio. Of these 
companies, Mr Cleveland received fees of US$49,000 per annum in respect of 
Cover-All Technologies. Other officers of RENN Capital Group Inc. also sit on 
the boards of certain companies held as investments within the portfolio. The 
total directors' remuneration received by RENN Capital Group Inc. for 
representation of the Company and its other clients and affiliates, and 
attendance at meetings of the boards of companies in which the Company had a 
interest during the year ended 31 May 2010 was US$nil (2009: US$11,476). 
At 31 May 2010 there were no outstanding commitments or contingent liabilities 
Following the AIC/JPMorgan Claverhouse judgement which was made during 2007 
regarding the charging VAT on investment management fees, the Company has 
recently received a sum of GBP7,000 from the previous Investment Manager. It is 
possible that the Company will be able to recover further amounts of VAT that 
it has paid on its investment management fees during the forthcoming year, 
although the Directors do not believe that any such recoverable sums will be of 
a material amount. 
Sums received to date amount to GBP17,000. 
Objectives, policies and strategies 
Following approval by Shareholders on 30 May 2008 the investment policy was 
revised to invest primarily in equities and equity related instruments issued 
by companies domiciled, listed quoted or traded in North America. The Company 
may invest in bonds, warrants, contracts for difference, other forms of 
derivative investment, bank debt or debt securities. 
The Company borrows money by way of a US$500,000 revolving credit facility at a 
fixed interest rate of LIBOR plus margin of 3.0% on any drawn down balance and 
1.5% per annum on any undrawn balance. 
The Company's financial instruments comprise securities, warrants, other 
investments and bank deposits which are held to achieve its investment 
objective as well as debtors and creditors that arise from its operations, for 
example sales and purchases of securities awaiting settlement and debtors of 
accrued income. 
The nature and extent of the financial instruments outstanding at the Balance 
sheet date and the risk management policies employed by the Company are 
discussed below. 
The principal risks the Company faces through the holding of financial 
instruments are: 
? market risk, comprising currency risk, interest rate risk and other price 
risk; and 
? liquidity/marketability risk. 
As required by FRS 29: Financial Instruments: Disclosure, an analysis of 
financial assets and liabilities, which identifies the risk to the Company of 
holding such items, is given below. 
Market risk 
The Company's strategy on the management of investment risk is driven by the 
Company's investment objective. The Investment Managers and Investment Adviser 
monitor the financial risks affecting the Company on a continual basis in 
accordance with the policies and procedures in place. The Board manages the 
market price risks inherent in the investment portfolio by ensuring full and 
timely access to relevant information from the Investment Managers and 
Investment Adviser. The Board meets quarterly and at each meeting reviews the 
investment performance, the investment portfolio and the rationale for the 
current investment positioning to ensure consistency with the Company's 
objectives and investment policies. 
Financial assets 
All investments and derivatives are stated in sterling and disclosed at fair 
value through profit or loss. 
The Company invests directly in smaller companies. As smaller companies do not 
generally have the financial strength, diversity and resources of large 
companies they may find it more difficult to overcome periods of economic slow 
down or recession. In addition, the relatively small market capitalisation of 
such companies may make the market in their shares less liquid. In the event 
that smaller companies under perform, this may affect the performance of 
smaller companies in which the Company is invested. 
The Company invests in a wide range of industrial sectors therefore the Board 
does not consider there is a significant risk to market fluctuations in any one 
The Company may invest in unlisted securities, or other securities, in which 
there is no active market. In such cases it may be difficult to determine the 
value of such securities and/or to realise the investment or to do so on 
acceptable terms. There may be no certainty that a listing or trading facility 
will be obtained for such securities. Holders of such securities may not have 
the benefit of market rules designed for the protection of holders of listed or 
public traded securities. This may include the absence of publicly available 
information on such securities or their issuers. 
As discussed in the accounting policies of the Company in note 1, unquoted 
warrants are valued at fair value using the Black Scholes methodology, which 
includes a time value which is calculated and added to the intrinsic value to 
arrive to the total valuation for each warrant. The intrinsic value is 
calculated by reference to the quoted price of the investment into which the 
warrant will convert and the conversion price for each warrant. 
The Black Scholes pricing formula requires five inputs: (i) stock price, (ii) 
exercise price, (iii) time to expiration, (iv) volatility and (v) interest 
rate. The stock price, exercise price and time to maturity are straight 
forward. The interest rate is a risk free rate (represented by the yield on US 
Treasury security) for a term that corresponds to the time to expiration of the 
subject warrant. The 90-day volatility of each holding is used but where no 
data exists for any holding a default of 37.5% is used. 
The method of valuing the fixed asset investments is discussed in the 
accounting policies of the Company in note 1. Cash and trade debtors arising 
from the operations of the Company as at 31 May 2010 amounted to GBP876,000 
(2009: GBP986,000) and GBP36,000 (2009: GBP105,000) respectively. 
Foreign currency risk 
Due to the Company's holdings being wholly overseas, the Company is also 
exposed to the risk of movement in the dollar/sterling exchange rate. Bearing 
in mind that the final redemption payment will be sterling payment of 120.82p 
to be made to Income Shareholders on 31 May 2011, the Board will look at taking 
advantage of any future dollar strength versus sterling by hedging some or all 
of the dollar exposure into sterling in those circumstances. 
The Investment Managers monitor the exposure to foreign currencies on a daily 
basis and report to the Directors on a regular basis. The Investment Managers 
measure the risk to the Company of the foreign currency exposure by considering 
the effect on the Company's net asset value and income of a movement in the 
rates of exchange to which the Company's assets, liabilities, income and 
expenses are exposed. 
The Company settles its US investment transactions from its bank accounts in US 
dollars. In the year ended 31 May 2010, exchange gains of GBP31,000 (2009: GBP 
6,000) relating to currency, have been taken to the capital reserve. 
The primary currency risk is between sterling and dollars. 
The Investment Managers risk assessment policy is reflected in its investment 
strategy. In order to protect against inflation and grow capital the fund 
invests in small companies that it believes will grow into larger companies, 
with the intention of increasing the value of the investment. 
The foreign currency profile of the Company's financial assets and liabilities 
at 31 May was as follows: 
                Investment             current Financial   Financial Sensitivity 
                 portfolio      Cash    assets    assets liabilities         gap 
                    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000       GBP'000       GBP'000 
As at 31 May 
US dollars         11,801       855        25    12,681        (344)     12,337 
As at 31 May 
US dollars         12,403       947        93    13,443        (310)     13,133 
The Company has a total exposure as a percentage of funds attributable to 
Shareholders to US dollars of 101% (2009: 101%). 
Sensitivity analysis 
At 31 May 2010, had sterling strengthened by 10% in relation to the US dollar, 
with all other variables held constant, the net assets attributable to 
Shareholders and the return for the year would have decreased by GBP1,122,000 
(2009: GBP1,194,000). A 10% weakening of sterling against the US dollar would 
have resulted in an increase in net assets of GBP1,371,000 (2009: GBP1,459,000). 
Interest rate risk 
The Company's portfolio is partially invested in interest bearing securities of 
various types (as set out below). At the time of investing, interest rates are 
fixed and as long as the security concerned remains unimpaired, cash flows will 
not be affected by movements in long-term interest rates. The Company also 
holds cash, in the short term, which it invests in money market accounts and, 
on occasions, government backed Treasury Bills. The interest rate received on 
these holdings is based on short term interest rates. 
The Company's interest rate risk is managed on a daily basis by the Investment 
Manager in accordance with polices and procedures in place. The overall 
interest rate risks are monitored on a regular basis by the Directors. 
Any surplus cash held at Frost National Bank is invested overnight in an 
institutional high quality commercial liquidity account with a very low 
maturity structure. This is to obtain a higher rate of interest, as interest 
rates on the surplus cash (if not invested) would be minimal. 
The Directors consider interest rate risk as part of their overall assessment 
of risk in the portfolio. 
The interest rate risk profile of the Company's fixed interest financial assets 
at 31 May was as follows: 
                                                           Weighted     average 
                                                            average  period for 
                                                           interest which rates 
                                     Value        Value        rate   are fixed 
                                  US$'000        GBP'000            %    (months) 
As at 31 May 2010 
US convertible debentures           1,581        1,087        6.68         5.1 
US preference shares                  860          592           -           - 
                                    2,441        1,679 
As at 31 May 2009 
US convertible debentures           2,603        1,614         6.4        12.5 
US loan notes                       1,000          620         9.0        17.0 
US preference shares                1,535          952         1.2           - 
                                    5,138        3,186 
The maturity profile of the Company's financial assets at 31 May was as 
                                                             2010         2009 
                                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Within one year                                               836          142 
Within one to two years                                       243        1,079 
Within two to three years                                     169        1,144 
Within three to four years                                    305          196 
Within four to five years                                       -           53 
More than five years                                            -            - 
                                                            1,553        2,614 
Assets with no maturity dates                              11,153       10,873 
                                                           12,706       13,487 
The interest rate risk and maturity profile of the financial liabilities of the 
Company as at 31 May was as follows: 
                                                    Amount               Period 
                                                     drawn     Total   maturity 
                                                    $'000     GBP'000     (years) 
As at 31 May 2010 
Amounts drawn under the floating rate revolving       500       344        0.1 
credit facility 
Financial liabilities upon which no interest is                 134 
paid with no maturity date* 
Amounts attributable to Shareholders upon which              12,228        1.0 
no interest is paid 
As at 31 May 2009 
Amounts drawn under the floating rate revolving       500       310        1.0 
credit facility 
Financial liabilities upon which no interest is                 112 
paid with no maturity date* 
Amounts attributable to Shareholders upon which              13,065         2.0 
no interest is paid 
* Creditors less prepayments 
Sensitivity analysis 
A change in interest rates would have some impact on the fair value of warrants 
and debit instruments but the size of the impact is not easily quantifiable. 
The impact of a 10% increase in the floating rate element of the loan is 
insignificant in value. 
The revolving credit facility pays interest at LIBOR plus a 3% margin. The 
amount of interest payable is therefore subject to LIBOR rate fluctuation. 
Other price risk 
Other price risk is the risk that the value of the instrument will fluctuate as 
a result of changes in market prices (other than those arising from currency 
risk or interest rate risk) and represents the potential loss the Company may 
suffer in the light of adverse market price movements. Since the Company 
invests in financial instruments, the risk is inherent. The Company will always 
face uncertainty as to future price of the financial instruments in which it is 
invested. The price of certain unquoted stocks is also affected by their 
relative illiquidity (see below). 
The Board of Directors manage this risk by ensuring full and timely access to 
relevant information from the Investment Manager and Investment Adviser. The 
Directors monitor compliance with the Company's objectives and are directly 
responsible for investment strategy and asset allocation. 
See the Investment Adviser's report for discussion of investments made during 
the year. The method of valuing the investments is discussed in the accounting 
policies in note 1. 
Sensitivity analysis 
A 10% increase in the market value of investments at 31 May 2010 would have 
increased net assets attributable to Shareholders by GBP1,180,000 (2009: GBP 
1,240,000). An equal change in the opposite direction would have decreased the 
net assets attributable to Shareholders by an equal but opposite amount. 
Liquidity risk 
A significant proportion is held in smaller and unquoted companies. Such 
companies are inherently higher in risk and lower in liquidity than, for 
example, blue-chip equities. Unlisted companies have the additional risk of not 
benefiting from market rules designed to protect investors. Some of the 
investments are in unlisted convertible bonds or preference shares, which may 
at any time be converted into a listed common stock, giving an effective level 
of liquidity equal to the liquidity in the common stock. Other unlisted 
investments do not have the option of converting into a listed stock. 
Credit risk 
The carrying amounts of financial assets including cash balances best represent 
the maximum credit risk exposure as at the Balance sheet date. 
The Company is exposed to credit risk by way of its debenture loan notes and 
preference shares in the portfolio and any interest outstanding thereon. The 
benefit of a convertible debenture is that if a portfolio company becomes 
troubled, the Company is protected through its position as a creditor. The 
Directors do not consider there to be a major risk of material default on any 
convertible debentures held but do not recognise that from time to time, 
default might occur. 
As at 31 May 2010 the fair value of financial assets which are subject to 
credit risk was GBP1,825,000 (2009: GBP3,186,000). In addition there was interest 
outstanding of GBP3,000 (2009: GBP93,000). 
At 31 May 2010 the carrying value of financial assets subject to credit risk 
was split as follows: 
                                                         2010             2009 
                                                        GBP'000            GBP'000 
Unlisted preference                                       592              909 
Unlisted convertible preference                             -               43 
Unlisted convertible debentures                         1,087            1,454 
Listed convertible debentures                               -              160 
Unlisted loan notes                                         -              620 
                                                        1,679            3,186 
The Company's investments are held on its behalf by Frost National Bank, acting 
as agent. Bankruptcy or insolvency of Frost National Bank may cause the 
Company's rights with respect to securities held by the custodian to be 
delayed. The Board monitors the Company's risk by regularly reviewing the 
custodian's internal controls report. 
Investment transactions are carried out with a large number of brokers whose 
creditworthiness is reviewed by the Investment Managers. Transactions are 
ordinarily undertaken on a delivery versus payment basis whereby the Company's 
custodian bank ensures that the counterparty to any transaction entered into by 
the Company has delivered on it obligations before any transfer of cash or 
securities away from the Company is completed. 
Cash is only held at banks that have been identified by the Board as reputable 
and of high credit quality. 
Short-term flexibility is achieved via the use of bank borrowing from a 
facility with Allied Irish Banks plc. This facility, together with funding 
requirements, is regularly reviewed by the Board. 
Financial liabilities 
The Company finances its operations through a revolving credit facility, share 
capital and retained profits, although trade creditors and accruals arise from 
its operations. 
At 31 May 2010, the maturity profile of the Company's financial liabilities was 
as follows: 
                                                             2010         2009 
                                                            GBP'000        GBP'000 
Within one year                                            12,706          422 
2-3 years                                                       -       13,065 
                                                           12,706       13,487 
The Company has a $500,000 margin facility which attracts interest at a 
variable rate. As at 31 May 2010, the full $500,000 was drawn down. The renewal 
date of this facility is 31 May 2011. 
As the facility is drawn in US dollars, the Company is subject to currency 
exchange gains and losses. 
Fair value hierarchy disclosures 
The Company has adopted the amendment to FRS 29, effective 1 January 2009. This 
requires the Company to classify fair value measurements using a fair value 
hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the 
measurements. The fair value hierarchy consists of the following three levels: 
* Level 1 - Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets 
or liabilities. 
An active market is a market in which transactions for the asset or liability 
occur with sufficient frequency and volume on an ongoing basis such that quoted 
prices reflect prices at which an orderly transaction would take place between 
market participants at the measurement date. Quoted prices provided by external 
pricing services, brokers and vendors are included in Level 1, if they reflect 
actual and regularly occurring market transactions on an arms length basis. 
* Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are 
observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or 
indirectly (that is, derived from prices). 
Level 2 inputs include the following: 
* quoted prices for similar (ie not identical) assets in active markets. 
* quoted prices for identical or similar assets or liabilities in markets that 
are not active. Characteristics of an inactive market include a significant 
decline in the volume and level of trading activity, the available prices vary 
significantly over time or among market participants or the prices are not 
* inputs other than quoted prices that are observable for the asset (for 
example, interest rates and yield curves observable at commonly quoted 
* inputs that are derived principally from, or corroborated by, observable 
market data by correlation or other means (market-corroborated inputs). 
* Level 3 - Inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable 
market data (unobservable inputs) 
The level in the fair value hierarchy within which the fair value measurement 
is categorised in its entirety is determined on the basis of the lowest level 
input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety. For 
this purpose, the significance of an input is assessed against the fair value 
measurement in its entirety. If a fair value measurement uses observable inputs 
that require significant adjustment based on unobservable inputs, that 
measurement is a level 3 measurement. Assessing the significance of a 
particular input to the fair value measurement in its entirety requires 
judgement, considering factors specific to the asset or liability. 
The determination of what constitutes `observable' requires significant 
judgement by the Company. The Company considers observable data to investments 
actively traded in organised financial markets, fair value is generally 
determined by reference to Stock Exchange quoted market bid prices at the close 
of business on the Balance sheet date, without adjustment for transaction costs 
necessary to realise the asset. 
The table below sets out fair value measurements of financial assets in 
accordance with the fair value hierarchy system: 
                                                 Total Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 
                                                GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000 
Financial assets at fair value through profit 
or loss at 31 May 2010 
Equity investments                              9,753   7,332       -   2,421 
Convertible Debenture stocks                    1,087       -     846     241 
Preference stocks                                 592       -       -     592 
Warrants                                          369       -     235     134 
Other financial assets and cash                     -       -       -       - 
Total                                          11,801   7,332   1,081   3,388 
There are no other financial assets or liabilities other than those disclosed 
Investments whose values are based on quoted market prices in active markets, 
and therefore classified within level 1, include active listed equities. The 
Company does not adjust the quoted price for these instruments. 
Financial instruments that trade in markets that are not considered to be 
active but are valued based on quoted market prices, dealer quotations or 
alternative pricing sources supported by observable inputs are classified 
within level 2. As level 2 investments include positions that are not traded in 
active markets and/or are subject to transfer restrictions, valuations may be 
adjusted to reflect illiquidity and/or non-transferability, which are generally 
based on available market information. 
Investments classified within level 3 have significant unobservable inputs. 
Level 3 instruments include private equity and corporate debt securities. As 
observable prices are not available for these securities, the Company has used 
valuation techniques to derive the fair value. In respect of unquoted 
instruments, or where the market for a financial instrument is not active, fair 
value is established by using recognised valuation methodologies, in accordance 
with International Private Equity and Venture Capital ("IPEVC") Valuation 
Guidelines. New investments are initially carried at cost, for a limited 
period, being the price of the most recent investment in the investee. This is 
in accordance with IPEVC Guidelines as the cost of recent investments will 
generally provide a good indication of fair value. Fair value is the amount for 
which an asset could be exchanged between knowledgeable, willing parties in an 
arm's length transaction. 
There were no transfers between levels for the year ended 31 May 2010. 
The following table presents the movement in level 3 instruments for the period 
ended 31 May 2010: 
                                 Equity Convertible     Loan Preference 
                      Total investments  debentures    notes     shares  Warrants 
                     GBP'000       GBP'000        GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000      GBP'000 
Opening balance      1,878         966           -        -        912         - 
Purchases            1,384       1,384           -        -          -         - 
Transfer to level 3  6,467       6,115         352        -          -         - 
Sales - proceeds      (217)          -           -     (217)         -         - 
Total (losses)/     (6,124)     (6,044)      (111)      217       (320)      134 
gains for the year 
included in the 
Income statement 
Closing balance      3,388       2,421         241        -        592       134 
The Directors are required under FRS 29 to provide further information on 
holdings categorised as Level 3 in the Table above to illustrate a range of 
values for these positions which might be obtainable in certain circumstances. 
The holdings categorised by the Directors as Level 3 are as follows: 
AnchorFree                         AuraSound 
Business Process Outsourcing       Cover-All Technologies 
CaminoSoft Corporation             Global Axcess Corporation 
China Greenscape                   Hemobiotech Inc 
Integrated Security Systems,       iLinc Communications 
Ronco Corporation 
The Directors show the holdings at what they believe to be fair value, of GBP3.4 
million. There is clearly considerable uncertainty as to whether these 
valuations could be realised due to varying market conditions. Values realised 
on sale could be lower or higher than fair value. The most significant inputs 
used to derive the various valuations are the operational forecasts and the 
discount rate applied to future cash flows. Using reasonably possible 
alternative assumptions commented on elsewhere in this annual report, this 
would give a wide range of values for these positions for all the holdings 
classified as Level 3. 
Capital management 
The Company does not have any externally imposed capital requirements other 
than those relating to the revolving credit facility. Details of the covenant 
attached to this facility together with the Company's principal risks and their 
management are disclosed above and in note 13. 
The Board consider the capital of the Company to be the assets attributable to 
Shareholders. The capital of the Company is managed in accordance with its 
investment objective and policy as detailed above. 
Annual General Meeting 
The Company's Annual General Meeting will be held on 26 October 2010, at the 
offices of Cenkos Securities, 6.7.8 Tokenhouse Yard, London EC2R 7AS at 2.00pm. 
The notice of this meeting can be found in the Annual Report and Accounts at 
Duncan Abbot 
17 September 2010 

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