TUI AG: Q3 INTERIM FINANCIAL REPORT 1 October 2022 - 30 June 2023 
09-Aug-2023 / 08:00 CET/CEST 
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement. 
TUI Group 
Quarterly Statement 
1 October 2022 - 30 June 2023 
Quarterly Statement Q3 2023.. 3 
Summary. 3 
Consolidated earnings. 9 
Segmental performance.. 10 
Cash Flow / Net debt / Net capex and investments. 15 
Consolidated income statement. 16 
Cash flow statement. 17 
Financial position.. 18 
Alternative performance measures. 20 
Other segment indicators. 21 
Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements. 22 
Financial calendar. 22 
Contacts. 22 
This Quarterly Statement of TUI Group was prepared for the reporting period from 1 October 2022 to 30 June 2023. 
Quarterly Statement Q3 2023 
Q3 back to profitability with an underlying EBIT of EUR169.4m improving strongly by EUR196.5m year-on-year. Current booking 
levels confirm our expectations for a strong Summer and we are on track to deliver on FY 2023 expectations. 
  . The continued popularity of our unique product offering was underlined by 5.5m customers enjoying a 
    holiday with us in the quarter, an increase of 0.4m or +9% versus the prior year and at 95% of Q3 2019 customer 
    levels on a like for like basis^1. As a result, average load factor for the quarter was 93% (Q3 2022: load factor 
  . Group revenue of EUR5.3bn, was 19% higher across our segments versus the prior year (Q3 2022: EUR4.4bn), 
    supported by higher volumes and prices. This reflects the strength of demand for our products with Group revenue 
    11% above pre-pandemic levels driven by improved prices (Q3 2019: EUR4.7bn). 
  . Q3 Group underlying EBIT at EUR169.4m, improved strongly by EUR196.5m and EUR122m excluding the impact of EUR75m 
    flight disruption costs in the prior year (Q3 2022: EUR-27.0m loss) and is the first profitable Q3 since the 
      ? Hotels & Resorts surpassed the already strong performance in the prior year, reporting a fifth 
        consecutive quarter above 2019, supported by improved operational performances across our key brands. 
      ? The recovery in Cruises continues with the segment achieving a fifth positive quarter since the start 
        of the pandemic. All of our three Cruise brands contributed to the positive EBIT development boosted by 
        increased volumes as well as higher occupancies. 
      ? Markets & Airlines delivered a solid improvement, driven in particular by higher prices and strong 
        demand. In addition, the segment profited from the absence of the flight disruption costs which impacted the 
        prior year. 
  . Following the EUR1.8bn capital raise in April, we successfully extended our existing syndicated credit 
    lines totaling EUR2.7bn in May. Both are significant measures to improve our credit metrics, restore our balance 
    sheet strength and are a vote of confidence in TUI. As a result we have seen a first improvement in our credit 
    rating during the quarter, with S&P upgrading in April to B and Moody's upgrading in May to B2 both with a positive 
  . The net debt position as of 30 June 2023 was EUR-2.2bn, an improvement of EUR1.1bn year-on-year (30 June 
    2022: EUR-3.3bn). This is driven by the net proceeds (following final repayment of the WSF obligations) from our 
    capital increase in April 2023 and a positive free cash flow. 
  . We confirm our expectations for a strong Summer. Bookings total 12.5m^2 for the season, a 6% increase 
    versus Summer 2022 and an increase of 4.3m guests since our Half-Year Financial Report H1 2023. As a result, 
    bookings are close to pre-pandemic levels at 95%. ASP continues to hold up strongly at +7% against the previous 
    season and +26% against Summer 2019. 
  . Bookings were impacted in the short-term as a result of the wildfires in Southern Europe and flight 
    cancella-tions to Rhodes, but have subsequently recovered as operations have resumed, enabling customers to enjoy 
    their holidays once again. As a result, bookings for the last week were +5% against Summer 2022, with ASP up +9% 
    over the same period and ahead of the cumulative position. 
  . We continue to monitor the situation concerning the wildfires in Southern Europe and remain in close 
    contact with local authorities. As events unfolded in Rhodes, the safety of our guests and colleagues in the 
    affected areas was paramount. Together with our 300 service staff, we were able to provide our guests with 24/7 
    support and welfare. We operated twelve repatriation flights with additional aircraft deployed to bring our guests 
    home safely, all highlighting the benefit of our customer proposition. However, we also want to support the 
    communities on the island directly affected by the fires. The TUI Care Foundation has launched a fundraising 
    campaign. Every donation received will be doubled by the foundation. 
  . In total we evacuated 8,000 of our guests, but it is also important to point out that 80% of our guest on 
    the island have been unaffected. Rhodes accounts for ca. 5% of our full Summer 2023 programme. The financial impact 
    of the wildfires in recent weeks covering cancellations & lost margin, customer compensation as well as 
    repatriation flights & welfare costs has added ca. EUR25m of cost to our full year 2023 results. 
^1Excluding businesses sold and discontinued since 2019 
^2 Bookings up to 6 August 2023 relate to all customers whether risk or non-risk and include amendments and voucher 
  . With 86% of the Summer sold, which is in line with 2022 and 2019 levels and given the latest booking 
    position, we are confident in our Summer 2023 capacity assumption of being close to normalised 2019 Summer levels. 
  . We reconfirm our expectations to increase underlying EBIT significantly for financial year 2023^1. 
^1 Based on constant currency. 
Sustainability as opportunity 
  . Sustainability is a fundamental management principle for the TUI Group and a cornerstone of our strategy 
    for continually enhancing the value of our company. We firmly believe that sustainable development is critical to 
    long-term economic success. 
  . We have near-term targets set for airline, cruises and hotels, to reduce emissions in line with the 
    latest climate science. These 2030 targets were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) and 
    published in our Q1 Interim Report in February 2023. 
  . Together with destinations, TUI is shaping the future of sustainable tourism. As a sign of this joint 
    responsibility, the government of Cape Verde, TUI Group and TUI Care Foundation have signed a Memorandum of 
    Understanding "Tourism for Development" to intensify their cooperation on a wide range of sustainability topics. 
    Their joint goal is to strengthen tourism on the islands as a force for good. The agreement introduces key 
    strategic focus areas that the three signatories want to focus on in their joint efforts. The agreement covers a 
    wide range of 18 issues - from renewable energy and environmental protection to local entrepreneurship empowerment, 
    cultural heritage protection and education. 
  . TUI is driving the sustainability transformation of the tourism sector through its initiatives. An 
    important milestone has been achieved for TUI´s excursion business: 1,000 excursions offered on TUI Musement 
    platforms have now been checked against global sustainability standards. TUI is one of the first companies in the 
    industry to start applying global sustainability standards to its experiences portfolio. The certified process for 
    experiences is designed to support local suppliers on their way to sustainable offerings and therefore advance the 
    entire sector. 
  . In our Cruise operations Mein Schiff has now successfully tested a bio-fuel blend derived from waste 
    cooking oil, on one of its vessels. These fuels reduce sulphur oxide particles and carbon emissions by up to 90% 
    compared to fossil fuels. 
  . Recently, TUI has successfully extended the maturity of its existing credit lines of EUR2.7bn by a further 
    two years. The syndicated credit line will now mature in July 2026. The interest conditions of this revolving 
    credit facility (RCF) are linked to the achievement of the Group's emission reduction targets confirmed by SBTi. 
  . Transparency on TUI´s sustainability progress is an integral part of our journey towards a net-zero 
    company. Independent, external evaluation of our actions means accountability towards the public. ISS ESG has 
    upgraded TUI Group's sustainability rating. With the new C+ rating, TUI is listed as a "Prime Investment" in the 
    tourism sector for the first time. The transparency level for TUI's sustainability commitment is rated as "very 
TUI Group - financial highlights 
                  Q3 2023   Q3 2022    Var.    9M 2023    9M 2022    Var.    Var. % 
                            adjusted   %                  adjusted   %       at 
EUR million                                                                    currency 
                                       +                             + 
Revenue           5,286.0   4,433.2    19.2    12,189.4   8,930.8    36.5    + 37.9 
Hotels &                                                             + 
Resorts           112.5     104.9      + 7.3   262.2      189.7      38.2    + 41.0 
Cruises           64.0      3.0        n. a.   79.0       - 102.3    n. a.   n. a. 
TUI Musement      13.1      13.3       - 1.6   - 13.1     - 18.1     27.9    + 53.9 
Holiday                                +                             + 
Experiences       189.7     121.2      56.5    328.1      69.2       373.9   + 387.8 
Northern                               +                             + 
Region            - 1.1     - 93.1     98.9    - 270.6    - 445.7    39.3    + 33.8 
Central                                -                             - 
Region            8.8       20.3       56.8    - 122.4    - 62.4     96.0    - 98.9 
Western                                +                             + 
Region            - 1.0     - 70.2     98.6    - 103.9    - 159.5    34.9    + 33.5 
Markets &                                                            + 
Airlines          6.3       - 143.0    n. a.   - 496.9    - 667.7    25.6    + 21.3 
All other                              -                             - 
segments          - 26.6    - 5.2      408.0   - 57.2     - 32.0     78.5    - 79.1 
TUI Group         169.4     - 27.0     n. a.   - 225.9    - 630.5    64.2    + 61.2 
EBIT^1            175.4     - 42.5     n. a.   - 230.8    - 657.0    + 
Underlying        366.6     180.8      +       382.0      -7.7 
EBITDA                                 102.8                         n. a. 
EBITDA^2                               + 
                  446.0     171.2      160.4   461.3      - 14.2     n. a. 
                                                          -          + 
Group loss        52.5      - 331.2    n. a.   - 505.5    1,039.1    51.3 
Earnings per                                                         + 
share^3       EUR   0.07      - 1.28     n. a.   - 1.72     - 4.02     57.2 
Net capex and                          - 
investment        92.3      152.0      39.3    310.1      288.7      + 7.4 
Equity ratio 
(31 Mar)^4    %                                4.7        - 1.2      + 5.9 
Net debt (30                                   -          -          + 
Jun)                                           2,171.9    3,314.1    34.5 
Employee (30 
Jun)                                           65,018     60,058     + 8.3 Differences may occur due to rounding. ^1 We define the EBIT in underlying EBIT as earnings before interest, income taxes and result of the measurement of the Group's interest hedges.  For further details please see page 20. ^2 EBITDA is defined as earnings before interest, income taxes, goodwill impairment and amortisation and write-ups of other intangible assets, depreciation and write-ups of property, plant and equipment, investments and current assets. ^3 Earnings per share for all periods presented were adjusted for the impact of the 10-for-1 reverse stock split in February 2023 as well as the impact of the subscription rights issued in the capital increase in March 2023. ^4 Equity divided by balance sheet total in %, variance is given in percentage points. All change figures refer to the same period of the previous year, unless otherwise stated. The present Quarterly Statement Q3 2023 is based on TUI Group's reporting structure set out in the Consolidated Financial Statements of TUI AG as at 30 September 2022. See TUI Group Annual Report 2022 from page 27. Due to the re-segmentation of Future Markets from All other segments to Hotels & Resorts, TUI Musement and Central Region in the current financial year, previous year's figures have been adjusted. Trading update - Booking level remain strong for Summer 2023 supported by higher ASP, confirming customers continue to prioritise holidays. We are confident the capacity for the season will be close to normalised levels Markets & Airlines 
Trading Markets & Airlines Summer season^1 
Variation in % versus            2022               2022            2019 
                                 Summer 2023        last week       Summer 2023 
Bookings^2                       + 6                + 5             - 5 
ASP                              + 7                + 9             + 26 
 . We have a strong pipeline of 12.5m bookings for Summer 2023, with 4.3m bookings added since our H1 2023Report on 10 May 2023. As a result 86% of the programme has already been sold in line with Summer 2022 and Summer2019 levels. . Bookings for Summer 2023 are up +6% year-on-year and at 95% of pre-pandemic levels. . ASP continues to be well up +7% versus Summer 2022 and notably ahead of the +5% we published at H1 2023,highlighting the popularity of our summer holidays and our customers' continued willingness to prioritise spend ontravel and experiences. Compared to Summer 2019 ASP remains significantly up at +26% and in line with the ASPincrease we published in May. . Bookings were impacted in the short-term as a result of the wildfires in Southern Europe and flightcancella-tions to Rhodes, but have subsequently recovered as operations have resumed, enabling customers to enjoytheir holidays once again. As a result, bookings for the last week were +5% against Summer 2022 with ASP up +9%over the same period and ahead of the cumulative position. . The UK remains our most advanced market in terms of booking with 89% of the season sold and bookings at+1% against Summer 2022 and +4% against Summer 2019. In other key markets, bookings for Germany are up +11% againstSummer 2022 and -4% against Summer 2019. In the Netherlands the picture is similar, with bookings +5% higheragainst the prior season and -3% against pre-pandemic levels. . Given the latest booking position, we are confident in our Summer 2023 capacity assumption of being closeto normalised Summer 2019 levels. Winter 2023/24^2 . Bookings for Winter 2023/24 are at a very early stage but the season has started promisingly across ourmarkets. As usual the UK programme is most advanced at 33% sold. Bookings here are up +7% compared to Winter 2022/23. As part of our regular reporting, we expect to update on Winter 2023/24 performance with our Pre-Close TradingUpdate on 19 September 2023. ^1 Depending on the source market, Summer season starts in April or May and ends in September, October or November. ^2 Bookings up to 6 August 2023 relate to all customers whether risk or non-risk and include amendments and voucher re-bookings Holiday Experiences 
Trading Holiday Experiences 
                                             July - September 2023^1 
Variation in % versus                        July - September 2022 
Hotels & Resorts^2 
Available bed nights^3                       + 2 
Occupancy %^4                                + 1 % points 
Average daily rate                           + 5 
Available passenger cruise days^5            0 
Occupancy %^6                                + 13 % points 
Average daily rate                           + 9 
TUI Musement 
Experiences sold                             + 10 
Transfers                                    in-line with Markets & Airlines Holiday Experiences Q4^1 trading remains well on track to deliver FY 2023 expectations. . Hotels & Resorts - Number of available bed nights for Q4^2 is +2% ahead of prior year. Booked occupancyis up year-on-year at +1%pts for Q4. Average daily rates are +5% ahead year-on-year for Q4, driven mainly by Riu. Popular destinations in the key summer quarter are Turkey, the Caribbean, the Balearics, Greece, the Canaries andCape Verde. . Cruises - Our three brands have a full fleet of sixteen ships in operation during the summer. Q4available passenger cruise days are in line with Q4 2022. Booked occupancy rates remain significantly higheragainst prior year and are up +13%pts for Q4. Average daily rates are +9% ahead of Q4 2022, with rates for manyitineraries achieving the peaks last seen in 2019. . TUI Musement - Our Tours and Activities business continues its expansion investing into growth whilereturning to 2019 profitability. The segment benefits from our integrated model, with a global product offering incities as well as sun and beach locations, and growth of third-party sales through the TUI Musement platform. Thetransfer business, providing support to our guests in their destination, is expected to develop in line with ourMarkets & Airlines capacity assumptions in 2023. Sales to date for our Experiences business, providing excursions,activities and tickets, are +10% higher for Q4 against the prior year quarter. The significant growth inExperiences is driven by the enlarged product offering especially online and our diversified distribution via TUI,B2C and B2B. ^1 Q4 covers July to September 2023 with trading data as of 30 July 2023 ^2 2023 trading data as of 30 July 2023 excluding Blue Diamond ^3 Number of hotel days open multiplied by beds available in the hotel (Group owned and leased hotels) ^4 Occupied beds divided by available beds (Group owned and lease hotels) ^5 Number of operating days multiplied by berths available on the operated ships ^6 Achieved passenger cruise days divided by available passenger cruise days Net debt The net debt position as of 30 June 2023 was EUR-2.2bn, an improvement of EUR1.1bn year-on-year (30 June 2022: EUR-3.3bn). This is driven by the net proceeds (following repayment of the final WSF obligations) from our capital increase in April 2023 and a positive free cash flow. Strategic priorities The TUI Group's strategy outlined in the Annual Report 2022^1 and at our FY2022 results presentation, will be continued in the current financial year. TUI's strategy aims to deliver growth in both Holiday Experiences and Markets & Airlines, embedded in one central customer ecosystem, underpinned by our sustainability agenda and our people. Our Holiday Experiences business strategy focuses on asset-right growth in differentiated content and expanding the customer base with multi-channel distribution. Having accelerated our strategic transformation of Markets & Airlines during the pandemic, and fully implemented our Global Realignment Programme, our business strategy is now focused on profitable growth. This will be achieved by offering more product choice, growing our customer ecosystem into untapped segments, and increasing customer value and thus market share. This includes increasing

the volume and proportion of dynamically sourced packages, as well as significantly increasing our component offer in accommodation only and flight only. We also aim to further improve our cash position focusing on optimising working capital and cash from operations and maintaining disciplined capital expenditure through asset right growth. In April 2023, we successfully completed a EUR1.8bn rights issue, facilitating the full repayment of the remaining state aid instruments granted by the German Economic Stabilization Fund (WSF) and enabling a significant reduction in the size of our KfW credits lines as well as a repayment of current drawings under our credit lines in the same magnitude. In May we successfully extended the maturity of our existing credit lines totaling EUR2.7bn from July 2024 to July 2026. The interest conditions of this revolving credit facility (RCF) are also linked to the achievement of the Group's emission reduction targets confirmed by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). With the review and confirmation of the ambitious emission reduction targets by the SBTi, TUI is setting new standards in the tourism sector. Both the rights issue and RCF extension are significant measures to improve our credit metrics and restore our balance sheet strength. As a result we have seen a first improvement in our credit rating during the quarter, with S&P upgrading in April to B and Moody's upgrading in May to B2 both with a positive outlook. FY23 Assumptions^2 - We reconfirm our expectations to increase underlying EBIT significantly for financial year 2023. Mid-term ambitions - We are focused on operational excellence and execution. We have a clear strategy to accelerate profitable market growth with new customer segments and more product sales. Our mid-term 2025/26 ambitions are for underlying EBIT to significantly build on EUR1.2bn^3. We have a target to return to a gross leverage ratio^4 of well below 3.0x and aim to return to a credit rating in line with the pre-pandemic rating of BB / Ba territory. ^1 Details on our strategy see TUI Group Annual Report 2022 from page 23 ^2 Based on constant currency. ^3 FY 2019 underlying EBIT of EUR893m including EUR293m Boeing Max cost impact ^4 Defined as gross debt (Financial liabilities incl. lease liabilities and net pension obligation) divided by reported EBITDA Consolidated earnings

                             Q3 2023   Q3 2022    Var.   9M 2023    9M 2022    Var. 
EUR million                              adjusted   %                 adjusted   % 
Hotels & Resorts             258.2     259.5      0.5    687.4      638.8      + 7.6 
                                                  +                            + 
Cruises                      164.6     103.3      59.3   421.7      178.8      135.9 
                                                  +                            + 
TUI Musement                 216.1     171.3      26.2   506.1      316.9      59.7 
                                                  +                            + 
Holiday Experiences          638.9     534.1      19.6   1,615.2    1,134.5    42.4 
                                                  +                            + 
Northern Region              1,992.7   1,762.8    13.0   4,527.3    3,262.9    38.7 
                                                  +                            + 
Central Region               1,861.2   1,451.9    28.2   4,237.1    3,062.7    38.3 
                                                  +                            + 
Western Region               792.2     683.2      15.9   1,804.8    1,465.5    23.2 
                                                  +                            + 
Markets & Airlines           4,645.9   3,897.9    19.2   10,569.1   7,791.1    35.7 
All other segments           1.2       1.2        3.2    5.0        5.2        - 2.9 
                                                  +                            + 
TUI Group                    5,286.0   4,433.2    19.2   12,189.4   8,930.8    36.5 
TUI Group (at constant                            +                            + 
currency)                    5,333.0   4,433.2    20.3   12,315.3   8,930.8    37.9 
Underlying EBIT 
                              Q3       Q3 2022    Var. %   9M       9M 2022    Var. % 
EUR million                     2023     adjusted            2023     adjusted 
Hotels & Resorts              112.5    104.9      + 7.3    262.2    189.7      + 38.2 
Cruises                       64.0     3.0        n. a.    79.0     - 102.3    n. a. 
TUI Musement                  13.1     13.3       - 1.6    - 13.1   - 18.1     + 27.9 
Holiday Experiences           189.7    121.2      + 56.5   328.1    69.2       373.9 
Northern Region               - 1.1    - 93.1     + 98.9   270.6    - 445.7    + 39.3 
Central Region                8.8      20.3       - 56.8   122.4    - 62.4     - 96.0 
Western Region                - 1.0    - 70.2     + 98.6   103.9    - 159.5    + 34.9 
Markets & Airlines            6.3      - 143.0    n. a.    496.9    - 667.7    + 25.6 
All other segments            - 26.6   - 5.2      408.0    - 57.2   - 32.0     - 78.5 
TUI Group                     169.4    - 27.0     n. a.    225.9    - 630.5    + 64.2 
TUI Group (at constant                                     - 
currency)                     170.7    - 27.0     n. a.    244.8    - 630.5    + 61.2 
                               Q3       Q3 2022    Var.    9M       9M 2022    Var. % 
EUR million                      2023     adjusted   %       2023     adjusted 
Hotels & Resorts               104.1    104.8      - 0.7   253.4    211.6      + 19.7 
Cruises                        64.0     3.0        n. a.   79.0     - 102.3    n. a. 
TUI Musement                   11.3     10.6       + 7.3   - 17.1   - 24.7     + 30.8 
                                                   +                           + 
Holiday Experiences            179.5    118.4      51.6    315.2    84.6       272.7 
Northern Region                87.0     - 97.0     n. a.   187.4    - 457.7    + 59.1 
                                                   -       - 
Central Region                 8.3      12.1       31.4    123.2    - 88.0     - 40.0 
                                                   +       - 
Western Region                 - 1.7    - 71.1     97.7    104.4    - 161.8    + 35.5 
Markets & Airlines             93.2     - 156.0    n. a.   415.0    - 707.5    + 41.3 
                                                           -                   - 
All other segments             - 97.3   - 4.9      n. a.   131.1    - 34.1     284.6 
TUI Group                      175.4    - 42.5     n. a.   230.8    - 657.0    + 64.9 
TUI Group (at constant                                     - 
currency)                      183.1    - 42.5     n. a.   243.3    - 657.0    + 63.0 Segmental performance 
Holiday Experiences 
                                Q3      Q3 2022    Var.   9M 2023   9M 2022    Var. 
EUR million                       2023    adjusted   %                adjusted   % 
Revenue                                            +                           + 
                                638.9   534.1      19.6   1,615.2   1,134.5    42.4 
Underlying EBIT                                    +                           + 
                                189.7   121.2      56.5   328.1     69.2       373.9 
Underlying EBIT at constant                        +                           + 
currency                        194.0   121.2      60.1   337.8     69.2       387.8 
Hotels & Resorts 
                                     Q3       Q3       Var.   9M 2023   9M       Var. 
EUR million                            2023     2022     %                2022     % 
Total revenue^1                                        +                         + 
                                     456.7    385.2    18.6   1,199.6   909.8    31.9 
Revenue                                                -                         + 
                                     258.2    259.5    0.5    687.4     638.8    7.6 
Underlying EBIT                                        +                         + 
                                     112.5    104.9    7.3    262.2     189.7    38.2 
Underlying EBIT at constant                            +                         + 
currency                             114.6    104.9    9.3    267.5     189.7    41.0 
Available bed nights^2 ('000)                          +                         + 
                                     10,908   10,711   1.8    26,473    26,234   0.9 
Riu                                                    +                         + 
                                     3,611    3,514    2.8    10,023    10,004   0.2 
Robinson                                               +                         + 
                                     1,062    1,046    1.5    2,534     2,367    7.0 
Blue Diamond                                           +                         + 
                                     1,525    1,363    11.9   4,489     4,030    11.4 
Occupancy^3 (%, variance in % 
points)                              79       74       + 5    79        68       + 11 
Riu                                  89       88       + 1    89        77       + 12 
Robinson                             66       61       + 5    67        59       + 8 
Blue Diamond                         81       82       - 1    84        78       + 6 
Average daily rate^4 (EUR)                               +                         + 
                                     80       73       9.3    87        76       15.1 
Riu                                                    +                         + 
                                     71       63       12.7   77        66       16.0 
Robinson                                               +                         + 
                                     98       94       3.7    102       101      1.6 
Blue Diamond                                           +                         + 
                                     150      140      7.3    156       134      16.0 
Revenue includes fully consolidated companies, all other KPIs incl. companies 
measured at equity 
^1 Total revenue includes 
intra-Group revenue 
^2 Number of hotel days open multiplied by beds available (Group owned and leased 
^3 Occupied beds divided by available beds (Group owned and leased hotels) 
^4 Board and lodging revenue divided by occupied bed nights (Group owned and leased 
hotels) 9M 2023 total revenue in our Hotels & Resorts segment increased to EUR1,199.6m, up EUR289.8m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR909.8m). 9M underlying EBIT for the segment of EUR262.2m improved by EUR72.5m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR189.7m). Q3 2023 total revenue for the segment grew to EUR456.7m, an increase of 19% year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR385.2m) supported by higher bed nights and rates across our portfolio of brands. Q3 underlying EBIT of EUR112.5m, was EUR7.7m ahead year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR104.9m) and ahead of an already strong prior year quarter and achieving a fifth consecutive quarter above 2019 levels, underlining the continuing strong performance of this segment post pandemic. Results were driven by an improved operational performance for Riu as well as Robinson and were supported by higher occupancies and rates. In the Q3 period, we offered 10.9m available bed nights (capacity), an increase of 2% on 10.7m in Q3 2022. The overall occupancy rate for the segment increased across all our key brands by a total of 5%pts year-on-year to 79%, Again the Canaries, Balearics, Turkey, Greece and Cape Verde proved to be popular summer destinations for both Markets & Airlines and third-party customers. Our year-round hotel offering across the Caribbean delivered average occupancy rates of 90% at high capacity levels, with Mexico being our most popular destination, achieving 94% average occupancy in the quarter. Q3 2023 average daily rate in the segment rose by 9% year-on-year to EUR80 with rates higher in all our key destinations and in particular in the Caribbean. Riu's average daily rate increased by 13% to EUR71 (Q3 2022: EUR63) and Blue Diamond's average daily rate rose by 7% to EUR150 (Q3 2022: EUR140). Robinson achieved an average daily rate of EUR98, up 4% versus prior year (Q3 2022: EUR94). Future content growth in our Hotels & Resorts segment will be delivered both through our well-known hotel brands in existing and new destinations, as well as introducing new brands to complement our portfolio. This growth will be achieved in accordance with our asset-right strategy. Following the announcement in the previous quarter of our expansion plans for TUI Blue, we are now announcing the creation of a new off-balance sheet joint venture with Riu. This targets realising unique opportunities to invest into growth, whilst limiting the financial impact on TUI's leverage and net investments. In addition, the TUI initiated global Hansainvest hotel fund is successfully executing its first two hotel investments on Zanzibar and on Cape Verde. Here, TUI is providing hotel management and investment advisory services to support our asset-light growth development. 
                                     Q3      Q3      Var.    9M      9M      Var. 
EUR million                            2023    2022    %       2023    2022    % 
Revenue^1                                            +                       + 
                                     164.6   103.3   59.3    421.7   178.8   135.9 
Underlying EBIT                                                      - 
                                     64.0    3.0     n. a.   79.0    102.3   n. a. 
Underlying EBIT at constant                                          - 
currency                             64.1    3.0     n. a.   78.6    102.3   n. a. 
Available passenger cruise days^2 
Mein Schiff                                                                  + 
                                     1,438   1,579   - 8.9   4,661   4,019   16.0 
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises                                                          + 
                                     147     137     + 7.6   441     388     13.6 
Marella Cruises                                                              + 
                                     717     656     + 9.3   1,965   1,397   40.6 
Occupancy^3 (%, variance in % 
Mein Schiff                          98      70      + 28    93      59      + 34 
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises                  73      57      + 15    69      50      + 19 
Marella Cruises                      95      70      + 25    94      59      + 35 
Average daily rate (EUR) 
Mein Schiff^4                        191     188     + 1.4   154     166     - 6.8 
Hapag-Lloyd Cruises^4                                +                       + 
                                     706     619     14.1    718     611     17.5 
Marella Cruises^5 (in GBP)                             +                       + 
                                     178     160     11.3    173     155     11.7 
^1 No revenue is carried for Mein Schiff and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises as the joint 
venture TUI Cruises is consolidated at equity 
^2 Number of operating days multiplied by berths available on the operated ships. 
This key figure has changed compared to previous periods 
^3 Achieved passenger cruise days divided by available passenger cruise days 
^4 Ticket revenue divided by achieved passenger cruise 
^5 Revenue (stay on ship inclusive of transfers, flights and hotels due to the 
integrated nature of Marella Cruises) divided by achieved passenger cruise days The Cruises segment comprises the joint venture TUI Cruises in Germany, which operates cruise ships under the brands Mein Schiff and Hapag-Lloyd Cruises, and Marella Cruises in UK. The segment operated a full fleet of 16 ships in the third quarter in line with Q3 2022 when the segment was able to return to normal operations after COVID-19 restrictions were lifted. During the quarter Mein Schiff Herz transferred from TUI Cruises to Marella and after refurbishment the newly named Marella Voyager returned to service at the beginning of June for the summer season. 9M 2023 Cruises revenue only includes Marella Cruises, as TUI Cruises is accounted for using the equity method. Revenue grew to EUR421.7m, a significant improvement of EUR242.9m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR178.8m). 9M 2023 underlying EBIT for the segment (including the equity result of TUI Cruises) was EUR79.0m, up EUR181.3m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR-102.3m loss). Q3 2023 revenue reflecting Marella Cruises solely, increased to EUR164.6m, up EUR61.3m year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR103.3m). Q3 2023 underlying EBIT for the segment (including the equity result of TUI Cruises), was EUR64.0m, an improvement of EUR61.1m (Q3 2022: EUR3.0m) with all of our three Cruise brands contributing to the positive EBIT development boosted by increased volumes as well as higher occupancies. The Cruises business continues to recover post pandemic with this now being the fifth consecutive positive quarter for the segment with TUI Cruises achieving Q3 2023 EAT (earnings after tax) of EUR47m, a significant increase of EUR34m year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR13m). Mein Schiff - Mein Schiff operated their full fleet of six ships at the end of the quarter against seven ships in the previous year following the transfer of Mein Schiff Herz to Marella Cruises during the quarter. The brand offered itineraries to the Mediterranean, Northern Europe and Asia. At EUR191, the average daily rate was 1% above prior year (Q3 2022: EUR188) and virtually in line with pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: 190EUR). Occupancy of the operated fleet in Q3 2023 of 98% was significantly ahead of prior year (Q3 2022: 70%) and moving close to the peaks seen in FY2019, underlining the strong demand for our German language, premium all-inclusive product. Hapag-Lloyd Cruises - Our luxury and expeditions cruise brand, offering itineraries to Europe, Asia, the America's as well as voyages to the Artic during the quarter. As in the previous year, the brand operated all five ships in Q3 2023. Q3 average daily rate was EUR706, an increase of 14% on prior year (Q3 2022: EUR619) and well above pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: EUR577). Q3 occupancy of the fleet was 73% (Q3 2022: 57%), highlighting the popularity of these cruises post pandemic. Marella Cruises - Our UK cruise brand offered itineraries to the Mediterranean, the Caribbean and North America in Q3. With Marella Voyager supplementing the fleet, the brand operated a full fleet of five ships towards the end of the quarter against four ships in the previous year. The business achieved an average daily rate of GBP178 up 11% year-on-year (Q3 2022: GBP160) and well above the pre-pandemic level of GBP144, driven in particular by the expansion of the fleet and itineraries to the Eastern Mediterranean. Occupancy also improved significantly to 95%, versus a prior year Q3 of 70%. 
TUI Musement 
                                    Q3      Q3 2022    Var.   9M      9M 2022    Var. 
EUR million                           2023    adjusted   %      2023    adjusted   % 
Total revenue^1                     332.1   262.9      +      732.5   472.2      + 
                                                       26.3                      55.1 
Revenue                                                +                         + 
                                    216.1   171.3      26.2   506.1   316.9      59.7 
Underlying EBIT                                        -      -                  + 
                                    13.1    13.3       1.6    13.1    - 18.1     27.9 
Underlying EBIT at constant                            +                         + 
currency                            15.3    13.3       14.6   - 8.4   - 18.1     53.9 
^1 Total revenue includes 
intra-Group revenue In TUI Musement, our Tours and Activities business, 9M 2023 revenue of EUR506.1m, was up EUR189.2m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR316.9m). 9M underlying EBIT loss of EUR-13.1m improved against prior year (9M 2022: EUR-18.1m loss). Q3 2023 revenue of EUR216.1m, was EUR44.8m and therefore 26% higher year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR171.3m) highlighting the significant growth in this segment and the advantage of our integrated model as well as growth of third-party sales through the TUI Musement platform. Underlying EBIT of EUR13.1m was in line with prior year (Q3 2022: EUR13.3m). The business continues to focus on its B2C offering driving growth of Experiences sales directly to the consumer and through B2B, as well as focusing on profitability by growing the differentiated own product portfolio globally. During the quarter, TUI Musement benefited from increased guest transfers due to a higher number of tour operator guests, providing 8.2m transfers in the destinations, 1.0m more than in the same quarter last year (Q3 2022: 7.2m). In addition, 2.7m Experiences were sold across our global destinations, up 0.7m and 33% (year-on-year (Q3 2022: 2.0m) as the significant expansion of our business in this segment continued. 
Markets & Airlines 
EUR million                     Q3 2023   Q3 2022    Var.   9M 2023    9M 2022    Var. 
                                        adjusted   %                 adjusted   % 
Revenue                                            +                            + 
                              4,645.9   3,897.9    19.2   10,569.1   7,791.1    35.7 
Underlying EBIT                                    n.                           + 
                              6.3       - 143.0    a.     - 496.9    - 667.7    25.6 
Underlying EBIT at constant                        n.                           + 
currency                      3.4       - 143.0    a.     - 525.3    - 667.7    21.3 
Direct distribution mix^1 
(in %, variance in % 
points)                       76        78         - 2    76         78         - 2 
Online mix^2 
(in %, variance in % 
points)                       52        55         - 3    52         55         - 3 
Customers ('000)                                   +                            + 
                              5,514     5,069      8.8    11,257     9,215      22.2 
^1 Share of sales via own channels (retail and online) 
^2 Share of online sales 
 EBIT of EUR-496.9m, an improvement of EUR170.9m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR-667.7m loss) supported in particular by results in Q3. The prior year results were impacted by operational flight disruptions encountered during May and June 2022 totaling EUR75m. This was mainly caused by third party suppliers and airports due to a shortage in ground handling and airports security staff, reliability issues with lease-in partners and supplier maintenance delays. Q3 2023 revenue of EUR4,645.9m, increased EUR748.0m or 19.2% year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR3,897.9m). The Q3 underlying EBIT profit of EUR6.3m was up significantly by EUR149.3m year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR-143.0m loss) whereby the prior year included EUR75m of costs from flight disruptions. The improvement was driven in particular by higher prices and good demand for our wide and varied product offering. Traditional short- and medium-haul destinations such as the Canaries and Egypt were again popular amongst customers, with long-haul destinations such as Mexico and the Dominican Republic also in good demand. A total of 5,514k customers departed in Q3 2023, an increase of 445k customers versus Q3 2022. 
Northern Region 
                                 Q3 2023   Q3 2022   Var.   9M 2023   9M 2022   Var. 
EUR million                                            %                          % 
Revenue                                              +                          + 
                                 1,992.7   1,762.8   13.0   4,527.3   3,262.9   38.7 
Underlying EBIT                                      +                          + 
                                 - 1.1     - 93.1    98.9   - 270.6   - 445.7   39.3 
Underlying EBIT at constant                          +                          + 
currency                         - 4.1     - 93.1    95.5   - 294.9   - 445.7   33.8 
Direct distribution mix^1 
(in %, variance in % points)     94        94        -      93        94        - 1 
Online mix^2 
(in %, variance in % points)     69        71        - 2    68        71        - 3 
Customers ('000)                                     +                          + 
                                 2,219     2,095     5.9    4,373     3,511     24.5 
^1 Share of sales via own channels (retail and online) 
^2 Share of online sales 9M 2023 revenue of EUR4,527.3m, which was up EUR1,264.4m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR3,262.9m). 9M underlying EBIT loss for the region of EUR-270.6m improved by EUR175.2m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR-445.7m loss). Northern Region reported Q3 2023 revenue of EUR1,992.7m, which was up EUR229.9m year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR1,762.8m). Q3 2023 underlying EBIT loss for the region of EUR-1.1m improved by EUR92.0m year-on-year (Q3 2022:  EUR-93.1m loss) driven by improved margins and the absence of flight disruptions as in the prior year. Q3 2023 customer volumes increased by 5.9% to 2,219k versus 2,095k guests in Q3 2022 underlining the popularity of the summer season offering. Online distribution remained strong at 69% and well up on pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: 66%), but were down 2%pts against prior year (Q3 2022: 71%), as retail shop sales continued their recovery post pandemic. Direct distribution was at 94% in line with prior year (Q3 2022: 94%) and pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: 94%). 
Central Region 
                                Q3 2023   Q3 2022    Var.   9M 2023   9M 2022    Var. 
EUR million                                 adjusted   %                adjusted   % 
Revenue                                              +                           + 
                                1,861.2   1,451.9    28.2   4,237.1   3,062.7    38.3 
Underlying EBIT                                      -                           - 
                                8.8       20.3       56.8   - 122.4   - 62.4     96.0 
Underlying EBIT at constant                          -                           - 
currency                        8.7       20.3       57.3   - 124.2   - 62.4     98.9 
Direct distribution mix^1 
(in %, variance in % points)    56        58         - 2    55        57         - 2 
Online mix^2 
(in %, variance in % points)    30        31         - 1    30        31         - 1 
Customers ('000)                                     +                           + 
                                2,009     1,716      17.1   4,071     3,191      27.6 
^1 Share of sales via own channels (retail and online) 
^2 Share of online sales 
 loss for the region of EUR-122.4m, up EUR59.9m against last year (9M 2022: EUR-62.4m loss). Q3 2023 revenue of EUR1,861.2m, improved EUR409.3m 28.2 %year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR1,451.9m) whilst the underlying EBIT result for the region of EUR8.8m, was EUR11.5m lower year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR20.3m). The improvement in operational performance especially in Germany was generated by higher volumes and prices. This was offset year-on-year by negative valuation effects from ineffective hedge positions. Customer volumes increased by 17.1% to 2,009k versus prior year (previous year 1,716k) reflecting in particular the significant recovery in customer bookings in the region. Online distribution for Central Region reached 30%, and thus virtually in line with the 31%pts in the prior year. Against pre-pandemic levels, online distribution was up by 6%pts (Q3 2019: 24%), emphasising the strong development of our online offering in this region in line with consumer demand. Direct distribution reduced 2%pts to 56% against Q3 2022 of 58% but ahead versus pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: 53%). 
Western Region 
                                  Q3       Q3       Var.    9M 2023   9M 2022   Var. 
EUR million                         2023     2022     %                           % 
Revenue                                             +                           + 
                                  792.2    683.2    15.9    1,804.8   1,465.5   23.2 
Underlying EBIT                                     +                           + 
                                  - 1.0    - 70.2   98.6    - 103.9   - 159.5   34.9 
Underlying EBIT at constant                         +                           + 
currency                          - 0.7    - 70.2   99.0    - 106.1   - 159.5   33.5 
Direct distribution mix^1 
(in %, variance in % points)      76       80       - 4     77        81        - 4 
Online mix^2 
(in %, variance in % points)      55       60       - 5     58        62        - 4 
Customers ('000)                                                                + 
                                  1,285    1,259    + 2.1   2,813     2,513     11.9 
^1 Share of sales via own channels (retail and online) 
^2 Share of online sales In Western Region 9M 2023 revenue of EUR1,804.8m, rose EUR339.3m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR1,465.5m). 9M underlying EBIT loss of EUR-103.9m, decreased by EUR55.7m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR-159.5m loss). Q3 2023 revenue of EUR792.2m, was up EUR108.9m year-on-year (Q2 2022: EUR683.2m). Q3 underlying EBIT loss of        EUR-1.0m, improved  by EUR69.2m year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR-70.2m loss). This was driven in particular by an improved operational performance in both Belgium and the Netherlands supported by the absence of the flight delays and cancellations due to disruptions in particular at Schiphol Airport encountered in the prior year. Customer volumes increased by 2.1% to 1,285k guests year-on-year (Q3 2022: 1,259k). Online distribution for region stood at 55%, 5%pts below prior year but virtually in line with pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: 56 %). Direct distribution was down 4%pts to 76% versus last year (Q3 2022: 80%) but in line with pre-pandemic levels (Q3 2019: 76%). 
All other segments 
                                 Q3      Q3 2022    Var.    9M      9M 2022    Var. 
EUR million                        2023    adjusted   %       2023    adjusted   % 
Revenue                          1.2     1.2        - 3.2   5.0     5.2        - 2.9 
Underlying EBIT                  -                  -       -                  - 
                                 26.6    - 5.2      408.0   57.2    - 32.0     78.5 
Underlying EBIT at constant      -                  -       -                  - 
currency)                        26.7    - 5.2      410.6   57.4    - 32.0     79.1 9M 2023 underlying EBIT loss of EUR-57.2m, increased EUR25.1m year-on-year (9M 2022: EUR-32.0m loss) and Q3 2023 underlying EBIT loss of EUR-26.6m, increased by EUR21.4m year-on-year (Q3 2022: EUR-5.2m loss). Cash Flow / Net debt / Net capex and investments In the first nine months of financial year 2023, TUI Group's business volume was significantly higher than in 9M 2022 which was still impacted by measures to contain the spread of COVID-19. TUI Group's results generally also reflect the significant seasonal swing in tourism between the winter and summer travel months. TUI Group's operating cash inflow in 9M 2023 of EUR1,079.6m decreased by EUR891.0m compared to previous year, which was characterised by normalising business volumes and thus the one-time rebound of customer prepayments to a normal level following the gradual lifting of the COVID-19 travel restrictions in 2022. Net debt position as at 30 June 2023 of EUR-2.2bn was down EUR1.1bn compared to previous year level (30 June 2022: EUR-3.3bn). This improvement is driven by net proceeds (following repayment of the final WSF obligations) from our capital increase in April 2023 and a positive free cash flow. 
Net debt 
EUR million                                      30 Jun 2023    30 Jun 2022    Var. % 
Financial debt                                 1,470.0        1,781.5        - 17.5 
Lease liabilities                              2,919.5        3,231.3        - 9.6 
Cash and cash equivalents                      2,169.1        1,583.4        + 37.0 
Short-term interest-bearing investments        48.5           115.5          - 58.0 
Net debt                                       -2,171.9       -3,314.1       + 34.5 
Net capex and investments 
                                 Q3      Q3 2022    Var.    9M      9M 2022    Var. 
EUR million                        2023    adjusted   %       2023    adjusted   % 
Cash gross capex 
                                                    -                          + 
Hotels & Resorts                 44.0    67.7       35.0    177.4   123.7      43.4 
                                                    +                          + 
Cruises                          24.8    8.0        210.0   68.6    36.3       89.0 
TUI Musement                     6.7     6.9        - 2.9   19.7    17.9       10.1 
Holiday Experiences              75.5    82.6       - 8.6   265.6   177.9      49.3 
Northern Region                  6.7     6.1        + 9.8   17.9    18.9       - 5.3 
Central Region                   4.2     4.0        + 5.0   10.4    9.1        14.3 
                                                    +                          + 
Western Region                   5.5     1.0        450.0   17.1    4.4        288.6 
                                                    -                          - 
Markets & Airlines*              23.1    70.5       67.2    72.6    94.5       23.2 
                                                    +                          + 
All other segments               37.9    27.3       38.8    103.3   77.3       33.6 
                                                    -                          + 
TUI Group                        136.6   180.4      24.3    441.5   349.7      26.3 
Net pre delivery payments on     -                  + 
aircraft                         11.4    - 17.3     34.1    23.6    - 61.9     n. a. 
                                                    -                          + 
Financial investments            0.1     0.3        66.7    0.4     0.3        33.3 
                                 -                  -       - 
Divestments                      33.0    - 11.4     189.5   155.5   0.6        n. a. 
Net capex and investments        92.3    152.0      39.3    310.1   288.7      + 7.4 * Including EUR6.7m for Q3 2023 (Q3 2022: EUR59.4m) and EUR27.2m for 9M 2023 (9M 2022: EUR62.1m ) cash gross capex of the aircraft leasing companies, which are allocated to Markets & Airlines as a whole, but not to the individual segments Northern Region, Central Region and Western Region. Cash gross capex in 9M 2023 was EUR91.8m higher year-on-year. This increase was due, amongst others, to higher investments in Hotels & Resorts, the IT and the airline sector and at Marella for the refurbishment of Mein Schiff Herz prior to its commissioning for the UK market. Net capex and investments of EUR310.1m increased by EUR21.4m year-on-year. The divestments include an inflow of EUR71m from the sale of the stakes in RIU Hotels S.A. in financial year 2021 as well as an inflow from the sale of the non-consolidated share in Peakwork AG. Consolidated income statement 
Unaudited condensed consolidated Income Statement of TUI AG for the period from 1 
Oct 2022 to 30 June 2023 
EUR million                   Q3 2023   Q3 2022   Var. %   9M 2023    9M 2022   Var. % 
Revenue                     5,286.0   4,433.2   +19.2    12,189.4   8,930.8   +36.5 
Cost of sales               5,018.4   4,313.4   +16.3    11,908.2   9,047.8   +31.6 
Gross profit / loss         267.5     119.8     +123.3   281.2      - 117.0   n. a. 
Administrative expenses     253.1     189.6     +33.5    746.5      566.6     +31.8 
Other income                3.2       3.3       - 3.0    14.9       34.1      - 56.3 
Other expenses              32.3      2.2       n. a.    37.0       3.7       +900.0 
Impairment (+) / Reversal 
of impairment (-) of 
financial assets            5.8       - 3.3     n. a.    9.3        - 7.8     n. a. 
Financial income            22.2      4.6       +382.6   60.5       30.5      +98.4 
Financial expense           142.9     127.2     +12.3    427.8      408.5     +4.7 
Share of result of 
investments accounted for 
using the equity method     185.0     26.4      +600.8   259.0      - 9.2     n. a. 
Earnings before income                                              - 
taxes                       47.0      - 161.6   n. a.    - 601.8    1,032.6   +41.7 
Income taxes (expense 
(+), income (-))            - 5.5     169.6     n. a.    - 96.3     6.5       n. a. 
Group profit / loss         52.5      - 331.2   n. a.    - 505.5    1,039.1   +51.4 
Group profit / loss 
attributable to                                                     - 
shareholders of TUI AG      22.6      - 356.7   n. a.    - 597.8    1,076.7   +44.5 
Group profit / loss 
attributable to 
non-controlling interest    29.8      25.5      +16.9    92.3       37.5      +146.1 
 Cash flow statement 
Unaudited consolidated Cash Flow Statement of TUI AG for the period from 1 Oct 2022 
to 30 June 2023 
EUR million                                                           9M 2023   9M 2022 
Group loss                                                          - 505.6   1,039.1 
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment (+) / write-backs (-)     692.1     642.8 
Other non-cash expenses (+) / income (-)                            - 256.9   30.9 
Interest expenses                                                   419.7     394.9 
Dividends from joint ventures and associates                        14.3      0.2 
Profit (-) / loss (+) from disposals of non-current assets          22.7      - 28.7 
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in inventories                          - 16.8    - 18.8 
Increase (-) / decrease (+) in receivables and other assets         - 802.7   1,421.4 
Increase (+) / decrease (-) in provisions                           - 308.3   - 90.1 
Increase (+) / decrease (-) in liabilities (excl. financial 
liabilities)                                                        1,821.1   3,499.9 
Cash inflow / cash outflow from operating activities                1,079.6   1,970.6 
Payments received from disposals of property, plant and equipment 
and intangible assets                                               95.8      112.6 
Payments received/made from disposals of consolidated companies 
(less disposals of cash and cash equivalents due to divestments)    - 0.7     - 2.2 
Payments received/made from disposals of other non-current assets   99.1      - 20.1 
Payments made for investments in property, plant and equipment 
and intangible assets                                               - 502.1   - 376.5 
Payments made for investments in other non-current assets           - 2.1     - 0.3 
Cash inflow / cash outflow from investing activities                - 310.0   - 286.5 
Payments received from capital increase by issuing new shares       1,764.1   1,522.9 
Payments made for repayment of the silent participation             -         - 671.0 
Payments made for the repurchase of equity instruments              - 682.4   - 
Coupon on silent participation                                      - 16.8    - 51.0 
Subsidiaries to non-controlling interest                            - 25.6    - 
Payments received from the raising of financial liabilities         179.2     47.2 
Payments made for redemption of loans and financial liabilities     - 742.7   1,774.4 
Payments made for principal of lease liabilities                    - 475.2   - 437.5 
Interest paid                                                       - 341.2   - 298.7 
Cash inflow / cash outflow from financing activities                - 340.6   1,662.4 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                             428.9     21.7 
Development of cash and cash equivalents 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                    1,736.9   1,586.1 
Change in cash and cash equivalents due to exchange rate 
fluctuations                                                        3.3       - 24.4 
Net change in cash and cash equivalents                             428.9     21.7 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                          2,169.1   1,583.4 
 Financial position 
Unaudited condensed consolidated Statement of Financial Position of TUI AG as at 30 
Jun 2023 
EUR million                                                30 Jun 2023    30 Sep 2022 
Goodwill                                                 2,957.8        2,970.6 
Other intangible assets                                  489.6          507.6 
Property, plant and equipment                            3,476.7        3,400.9 
Right-of-use assets                                      2,770.6        2,971.5 
Investments in joint ventures and associates             991.7          785.4 
Trade and other receivables                              114.4          131.6 
Derivative financial instruments                         4.6            26.6 
Other financial assets                                   11.1           10.6 
Touristic payments on account                            143.7          138.0 
Other non-financial assets                               101.9          169.7 
Income tax assets                                        17.2           17.2 
Deferred tax assets                                      418.4          222.0 
Non-current assets                                       11,497.7       11,351.7 
Inventories                                              73.9           56.1 
Trade and other receivables                              1,258.0        1,011.8 
Derivative financial instruments                         27.8           232.5 
Other financial assets                                   48.5           85.8 
Touristic payments on account                            1,494.5        619.6 
Other non-financial assets                               120.5          135.4 
Income tax assets                                        32.1           23.1 
Cash and cash equivalents                                2,169.1        1,736.9 
Assets held for sale                                     39.7           2.7 
Current assets                                           5,264.0        3,903.8 
Total assets                                             16,761.7       15,255.5 
Unaudited condensed consolidated Statement of Financial Position of TUI AG as at 30 
Jun 2023 
EUR million                                              30 Jun 2023     30 Sep 2022 
Equity and liabilities 
Subscribed capital                                     507.4           1,785.2 
Capital reserves                                       9,093.2         6,085.9 
Revenue reserves                                       - 9,671.7       - 8,432.7 
Silent participation                                   -               420.0 
Equity before non-controlling interest                 - 71.0          - 141.6 
Non-controlling interest                               854.7           787.3 
Equity                                                 783.7           645.7 
Pension provisions and similar obligations             601.7           568.2 
Other provisions                                       741.8           755.0 
Non-current provisions                                 1,343.5         1,323.2 
Financial liabilities                                  1,197.1         1,731.4 
Lease liabilities                                      2,221.5         2,508.7 
Derivative financial instruments                       5.4             3.2 
Other financial liabilities                            2.6             2.8 
Other non-financial liabilities                        243.2           165.2 
Income tax liabilities                                 11.1            11.1 
Deferred tax liabilities                               63.5            121.2 
Non-current liabilities                                3,744.3         4,543.8 
Non-current provisions and liabilities                 5,087.8         5,867.0 
Pension provisions and similar obligations             30.8            33.1 
Other provisions                                       375.9           541.0 
Current provisions                                     406.7           574.2 
Financial liabilities                                  272.9           319.9 
Lease liabilities                                      698.0           698.8 
Trade payables                                         2,628.3         3,316.5 
Derivative financial instruments                       225.7           57.5 
Other financial liabilities                            133.5           174.6 
Touristic advance payments received                    5,974.6         2,998.9 
Other non-financial liabilities                        495.1           519.9 
Income tax liabilities                                 55.3            82.3 
Current liabilities                                    10,483.5        8,168.6 
Current provisions and liabilities                     10,890.2        8,742.7 
Total equity, liabilities and provisions               16,761.7        15,255.5 Alternative performance measures The Group's main financial KPI is underlying EBIT. We define the EBIT in underlying EBIT as earnings before interest, income taxes and expenses for the measurement of the Group's interest hedges. EBIT by definition includes goodwill impairments. One-off items carried here include adjustments for income and expense items that reflect amounts and frequencies of occurrence rendering an evaluation of the operating profitability of the segments and the Group more difficult or causing distortions. These items include gains on disposal of financial investments, significant gains and losses from the sale of assets as well as significant restructuring and integration expenses. Any effects from purchase price allocations, ancillary acquisition costs and conditional purchase price payments are adjusted. Also, any goodwill impairments are adjusted in the reconciliation to underlying EBIT. 
Reconciliation to underlying EBIT 
                                      Q3      Q3      Var.   9M                Var. 
EUR million                             2023    2022    %      2023    9M 2022   % 
                                              -       n.     -       - 
Earnings before income taxes          47.0    161.6   a.     601.8   1,032.6   +41.7 
plus: Net interest expenses 
(excluding expense / income from                      - 
measurement of interest hedges)       120.7   130.6   7.6    353.8   384.4     - 8.0 
plus: (Income) expense from                   -       n. 
measurement of interest hedges        7.7     11.5    a.     17.2    - 8.8     n. a. 
                                              -       n.     - 
EBIT                                  175.4   42.5    a.     230.8   - 657.0   +64.9 
less / plus: Separately disclosed     -                      - 
items                                 11.7    8.3            13.4    5.0 
plus: Expense from purchase price 
allocation                            5.7     7.2            18.4    21.5 
                                              -       n.     - 
Underlying EBIT                       169.4   27.0    a.     225.9   - 630.5   +64.2 The TUI Group's operating loss adjusted for special items decreased by EUR404.6m to EUR-225.9m in the first nine months 2023. The adjusted net income totaling EUR13.4m in the first nine months 2023 includes in particular a positive gain on disposal from the sale of the tour operator business by Sunwing Travel Group Inc., Ontario, which is accounted for using the equity method, in Northern Region as well as subsequent expenses from a company disposal in previous years in Hotels & Resorts. These were offset by adjusted restructuring expenses in various segments, including in particular an impairment loss on self-generated software in All other segments. The adjusted net expenses totaling EUR5.0m in the first nine months 2022 include restructuring expenses in the Northern Region, Central Region and TUI Musement as well as income from the sale of the shares in Nordotel S.A., fully consolidated in Hotels & Resorts, to Grupotel S.A., a joint venture of TUI Group. In addition, an adjustment was made for expenses from the revaluation of a purchase price receivable. Expenses for purchase price allocations of EUR18.4m (previous 

year: EUR21.5m) relate in particular to the amortisation of intangible assets from acquisitions made in previous years.

Key figures of income statement 
                                      Q3      Q3      Var.    9M                Var. 
EUR million                             2023    2022    %       2022    9M 2022   % 
                                                      +                         n. 
EBITDAR                               453.1   175.8   157.8   481.7   1.7       a. 
                                                      -       -                 - 
Operating rental expenses             - 7.1   - 4.5   56.5    20.5    - 16.0    28.1 
                                                      +                         n. 
EBITDA                                446.0   171.2   160.4   461.3   - 14.2    a. 
Depreciation/amortisation less        -       -       -       -                 - 
reversals of depreciation*            270.6   213.8   26.6    692.1   - 642.8   7.7 
                                              -               -                 + 
EBIT                                  175.4   42.5    n. a.   230.8   - 657.0   64.9 
Income/Expense from the measurement           -                                 n. 
of interest hedges                    7.7     11.5    n. a.   17.2    - 8.8     a. 
Net interest expense (excluding 
expense/income from measurement of                                              - 
interest hedges)                      120.7   130.6   - 7.6   353.8   384.4     8.0 
                                              -               -       -         + 
EBT                                   47.0    161.6   n. a.   601.8   1,032.6   41.7 
* on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, right of use assets and other 
assets Other segment indicators 
Underlying EBITDA 
                       Q3 2023   Q3 2022     Var. %    9M 2023   9M 2022     Var. % 
EUR million                        adjusted                        adjusted 
Hotels & Resorts       158.1     147.9       + 6.9     403.4     322.8       + 25.0 
Cruises                82.8      20.7        + 299.8   133.8     - 49.8      n. a. 
TUI Musement           19.8      19.6        + 0.9     5.9       0.1         n. a. 
Holiday Experiences    260.8     188.2       + 38.6    543.1     273.1       + 98.9 
Northern Region        69.4      - 10.9      n. a.     - 47.4    - 212.9     + 77.7 
Central Region         32.7      46.0        - 28.9    - 48.6    20.0        n. a. 
Western Region         32.9      - 34.8      n. a.     1.0       - 55.2      n. a. 
Markets & Airlines     134.8     0.3         n. a.     - 94.8    - 248.1     + 61.8 
All other segments     - 28.9    - 7.8       - 272.9   - 66.3    - 32.7      - 102.9 
TUI Group              366.6     180.8       + 102.8   382.0     - 7.7       n. a. 
                       Q3 2023   Q3 2022     Var. %    9M 2023   9M 2022     Var. % 
EUR million                        adjusted                        adjusted 
Hotels & Resorts       149.7     147.8       + 1.3     394.6     344.7       + 14.5 
Cruises                82.8      20.7        + 299.8   133.8     - 49.8      n. a. 
TUI Musement           19.8      18.7        + 6.3     7.3       - 1.1       n. a. 
Holiday Experiences    252.4     187.2       + 34.8    535.6     293.8       + 82.3 
Northern Region        160.3     - 11.4      n. a.     44.3      - 214.8     n. a. 
Central Region         32.4      37.8        - 14.4    - 49.1    - 3.8       n. a. 
Western Region         32.9      - 34.9      n. a.     2.6       - 54.9      n. a. 
Markets & Airlines     225.3     - 8.5       n. a.     - 2.1     - 273.5     + 99.2 
All other segments     - 31.7    - 7.5       - 324.5   - 72.3    - 34.5      - 109.3 
TUI Group              446.0     171.2       + 160.4   461.3     - 14.2      n. a. 
                                  30 Jun 2023          30 Jun 2022          Var. % 
Hotels & Resorts                  28,587               27,212               + 5.1 
Cruises*                          76                   64                   + 18.8 
TUI Musement                      10,445               8,420                + 24.0 
Holiday Experiences               39,108               35,696               + 9.6 
Northern Region                   11,002               10,191               + 8.0 
Central Region                    7,094                7,063                + 0.4 
Western Region                    5,566                5,110                + 8.9 
Markets & Airlines                23,662               22,364               + 5.8 
All other segments                2,248                1,998                + 12.5 
Total                             65,018               60,058               + 8.3 
* Excludes TUI Cruises (JV) employees. Cruises employees are primarily hired by 
external crew management agencies. Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements The present Quarterly Statement contains various statements relating to TUI Group's and TUI AG's future development. These statements are based on assumptions and estimates. Although we are convinced that these forward-looking statements are realistic, they are not guarantees of future performance since our assumptions involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those anticipated. Such factors include market fluctuations, the development of world market prices for commodities and exchange rates or fundamental changes in the economic environment. TUI does not intend to and does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or developments after the date of this Statement. Financial calendar 
Quarterly Statement Q3 2023                          9 August 2023 
Trading Update                                       19 September 2023 
Annual Report 2023                                   6 December 2023 Contacts Nicola Gehrt Group Director Investor Relations Tel: + 49 (0)511 566 1435 Adrian Bell Senior Manager Investor Relations Tel: + 49 (0)511 2332 James Trimble Investor Relations Manager Tel: +44 (0)1582 315 293 Stefan Keese Investor Relations Manager Tel: + 49 (0)511 566 1387 Anika Heske Junior Investor Relations Manager Tel: + 49 (0)511 566 1425 TUI AG Karl-Wiechert-Allee 4 30625 Hannover Tel: + 49 (0)511 566 00 This Quarterly Statement, the presentation slides and the video webcast for Q3 2023 (published on 9 August 2023) are available at the following link: 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 09, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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