RNS Number:8182I
Triple Point VCT PLC
29 November 2007

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           29 November 2007

                              TRIPLE POINT VCT PLC

                       INTERIM REPORT FOR THE SIX MONTHS
                            ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2007

The directors of Triple Point VCT plc today announce their interim results for
the six months ended 30 September 2007.

For further information, please contact :

Peter Hargreaves, Company Secretary                                 01534 814806

Triple Point VCT plc
Chairman's statement


I am pleased to be writing to you to present the unaudited interim results for
Triple Point VCT plc ("the Company") for the six months ended 30 September 2007.

The investment strategy of the Company is to build a diversified portfolio of
investments in smaller unquoted companies whilst at the same time structuring
transactions so as to limit the risk normally associated with such investments.

Investment review

The important feature of the 6 months under review is that as detailed in the
portfolio summary appearing on page 2, qualifying holdings now comprise 44.4% of
holdings compared to 25.9% at 31 March 2007 representing substantial further
progress towards meeting our target of being 70% invested in qualifying
holdings.  The increase in the 6 months reflects a new investment in Cranmer
Lawrence Engineering Solutions Limited together with five follow on investments
in existing holdings.  Since 30 September 2007 the company has invested #900,000
in another new investment Per-Port Services Limited which will be providing
ultra-thin client network services comprising hardware and services ultimately
to a government agency.  As a result qualifying investments now stand at 47.4%
approximately of all holdings.

Investment pipeline

The pipeline of potential investments presently totals some #65 million with the
range of activities including services for crematoria, combined heat and power
generation, telephony and diagnostic services for the NHS.

For the Company to be 70% invested in qualifying holdings implies investments
costing #20.651m compared to #13.061m of qualifying holdings achieved by 
30 September 2007.

The Company is thus realistically optimistic of achieving its target of being
70% invested before the end date by which this should be achieved.  In order
that this target is achieved the investment manager has increased its
origination staff by three individuals.

Conversion of C Shares

The interim results reflects conversion of the C shares into new ordinary
shares, so that, for the current period the results are reported for a single
class of ordinary shareholders which hopefully makes the figures more


During the period the Company declared and paid a dividend of 2.3p per share in
respect of the year ended 31 March 2007. The Directors do not propose to declare
a dividend in respect of the half year to 30 September 2007.


As at 30 September 2007, the net asset value of the Company's Ordinary Shares,
after payment of a dividend of 2.3p per share, was #30.198 million or 94.40p per
share (2006: Ordinary shares, #3.150 million or 94.73p per share and C Shares,
#27.224 million or 95.52p per share).  The profit after taxation was #0.361
million (2006 #0.162 million).

As always, please do not hesitate to call us on 020 7404 7403 or email me at

Michael Sherry
21 November 2007

Triple Point VCT plc
Financial Summary

                                      Unaudited              Unaudited                         Audited
                                  6 months Ended          6 months Ended                      Year Ended
                                30 September 2007        30 September 2006                  31 March 2007
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
                                       Ord.           Ord.       "C"                 Ord.       "C"    
                                     Shares         Shares    Shares    Total      Shares    Shares    Total
                                      #'000          #'000     #'000    #'000       #'000     #'000    #'000

Net assets                           30,198          3,150    27,224   30,374       3,178    27,395   30,573
Net profit before tax                   506             20       169      189          45       407      455
Share Price at end of period        100.00p        100.00p   100.00p  100.00p     100.00p   100.00p  100.00p
Earnings per share                    1.13p          0.51p     0.51p    0.51p       1.35p     1.12p    1.14p
Net asset value per share            94.40p         94.73p    95.52p   95.43p      95.57p    96.12p   96.06p
Dividend per share                    2.30p              -         -        -           -         -        -
Total return per share               96.70p         94.73p    95.52p   95.43p      95.57p    96.12p   96.06p 

Portfolio summary (unaudited)
As at 30 September 2007

Security                                             Activity             Cost & Valuation     Cost & Valuation
                                                                               31-Mar-07             30-Sep-07
                                                                            #'000       %        #'000       %
Qualifying holdings                                                         7,784   25.91       13,061   44.36
Non-qualifying holdings                                                    18,230   60.67       15,572   52.88
Uninvested funds                                                            4,034   13.43          812    2.76
                                                                           30,048  100.01       29,445  100.00
Qualifying Holdings (All Unquoted)
Beam Carrier Trading Ltd                             Provision of satellite
Equity                                               capacity                 315    4.05          600    4.59
Debt                                                                          685    8.80        1,350   10.33

Broadsword Satellite Communications Ltd              Provision of satellite
Equity                                               capacity                 385    4.95          685    5.24
Debt                                                                          615    7.90        1,315   10.07

Cranmer Lawrence Engineering Solutions Ltd           Ambulance
Equity                                               refurbishment              -       -          475    3.64
Debt                                                                            -       -          475    3.64

High Definition Broadcast Services Ltd               Provision of satellite
Equity                                               capacity                 270    3.47          532    4.07
Debt                                                                          730    9.38        1,343   10.28

Meaujo 732 Ltd                                       Provision of virtual                 
Equity                                               communications           288    3.70          288    2.20
Debt                                                 systems                  650    8.35          657    5.03

Satellite Broadband Access Solutions Ltd             Provision of satellite 
Equity                                               capacity                 280    3.60          526    4.03
Debt                                                                          720    9.25        1,359   10.41

WAN Solutions Ltd (formerly Meaujo 731)              Provision of virtual
Equity                                               communications           328    4.21          328    2.51
Debt                                                 systems                  672    8.63          672    5.15

Wide Area Network Services Ltd (formerly           
Meaujo 733)                                          Provision of virtual
Equity                                               communications           265    3.40          265    2.03
Debt                                                 systems                  600    7.71        1,203    9.21

Wide Area Network Solutions Ltd (formerly            
Meaujo 734)                                          Provision of virtual         
Equity                                               communications           300    3.85          300    2.30
Debt                                                 systems                  681    8.75          688    5.27
                                                                            7,784  100.00       13,061  100.00

Triple Point VCT plc
Profit & Loss Account
                                         Unaudited                Unaudited                    Audited
                                     6 months Ended            6 months Ended                Year Ended
                                  30 September 2007           30 September 2006            31 March 2007
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
                              Rev.     Cap.     Tot.       Rev.     Cap.     Tot.        Rev.     Cap.     Tot.
                             #'000    #'000    #'000      #'000    #'000    #'000       #'000    #'000    #'000

Ordinary Shares
Investment income              934        -      934         63        -       63         135        -      135
Investment management fees     (90)    (271)    (361)        (8)     (24)     (32)        (19)     (57)     (76)
Other expenses                 (67)       -      (67)       (11)        -     (11)        (11)       -      (11)
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
Return on ordinary
activities before taxation     777     (271)     506         44      (24)      20         105      (57)      48
Taxation on 
ordinary activities           (223)      78     (145)        (6)       3       (3)          (7)       4       (3)
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
Profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities after 
taxation                       554     (193)     361         38      (21)      17          98      (53)      45
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________

Earnings/(loss) per share    1.73p   (0.60p)   1.13p      1.13p   (0.62p)   0.51p       2.94p   (1.59p)   1.35p
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
"C" Shares
Investment income                -        -        -        539        -      539       1,142        -    1,142
Investment management fees       -        -        -        (68)    (205)    (273)       (160)    (480)    (640)
Other expenses                   -        -        -        (97)       -      (97)        (95)       -      (95)
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________

Return on ordinary 
activities                       -        -        -        374     (205)     169         887     (480)     407
Taxation on ordinary            
activities                       -        -        -        (54)      30      (24)       (198)     107      (91)
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
Profit/(loss) on
ordinary activities after 
taxation                         -        -        -        320     (175)     145         689     (373)     316
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________

Earnings/(loss) per share        -        -        -      1.13p   (0.62p)   0.51p       2.44p   (1.32p)   1.12p
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________

Investment income              934        -      934        602        -      602       1,277        -    1,277
Investment management fees     (90)    (271)    (361)       (76)    (229)    (305)       (179)    (537)    (716)
Other expenses                 (67)       -      (67)      (108)       -     (108)       (106)       -     (106)
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
Return on ordinary
activities before taxation     777     (271)     506        418     (229)     189         992     (537)     455
Taxation on 
ordinary activities           (223)      78     (145)       (60)      33      (27)       (205)     111      (94)
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
ordinary activities after 
taxation                       554     (193)     361        358     (196)     162         787     (426)     361
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________
Earnings/(loss) per share    1.73p   (0.60p)   1.13p      1.13p   (0.62p)   0.51p       2.49p   (1.35p)   1.14p
                            _________________________    _________________________     _________________________

All earnings / (loss) per share figures are basic as there are no potentially dilutitive instruments in issue.

Triple Point VCT plc
Statement of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                      Unaudited              Unaudited                         Audited
                                  6 months Ended          6 months Ended                      Year Ended
                                30 September 2007        30 September 2006                  31 March 2007
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
                                       Ord.           Ord.       "C"                 Ord.       "C"    
                                     Shares         Shares    Shares    Total      Shares    Shares    Total
                                      #'000          #'000     #'000    #'000       #'000     #'000    #'000

Shareholders' funds at  
1 April 2007                         30,573          3,133    10,114   13,247       3,133    10,114   13,247
Total gain recognised in
period                                  361             17       145      162          45       316      361
Net proceeds of share issues              -              -    16,965   16,965           -    16,965   16,965
Dividends declared                     (736)             -         -        -           -         -        -
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Shareholders' funds at 
30 September 2007                    30,198          3,150    27,224   30,374       3,178    27,395   30,573 
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Balance Sheet

                                      Unaudited              Unaudited                         Audited
                                  6 months Ended          6 months Ended                      Year Ended
                                30 September 2007        30 September 2006                  31 March 2007
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
                                       Ord.           Ord.       "C"                 Ord.       "C"    
                                     Shares         Shares    Shares    Total      Shares    Shares    Total
                                      #'000          #'000     #'000    #'000       #'000     #'000    #'000

Fixed Assets:
Investments                          13,061            393     3,607    4,000         797     6,987    7,784
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Current assets:
Debtors                               1,184              3        22       25          86       732      818
Current asset investments            15,572          1,899    16,275   18,174       1,905    16,325   18,230
Cash at bank                            812            877     7,513    8,390         422     3,612    4,034
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
                                     17,568          2,779    23,810   26,589       2,413    20,669   23,082
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Creditors: amounts falling due
within one year                        (431)           (22)     (193)    (215)        (32)     (261)    (293)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Net current assets                   17,137          2,757    23,617   26,374       2,381    20,408   22,789
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Total assets less current
liabilities                          30,198          3,150    27,224   30,374       3,178    27,395   30,573
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Capital and reserves:
Share capital                           320             33     1,425    1,458          33     1,425    1,458
Share premium                        28,798          3,134    25,665   28,799       3,134    25,665   28,799
Capital redemption reserve            1,139              -         -        -           -         -        -
Capital reserve                        (619)           (21)     (175)    (196)        (53)     (373)    (426)
Revenue reserve                         560              4       309      313          64       678      742
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Shareholders' funds                  30,198          3,150    27,224   30,374       3,178    27,395   30,573
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Net asset value per share 
pence                                94.40p         94.73p    95.52p   95.43p      95.57p    96.12p   96.06p
Dividends paid                        2.30p              -         -        -           -         -        -
Total return to shareholders         96.70p         94.73p    95.52p   95.43p      95.57p    96.12p   96.06p

Triple Point VCT plc
Cash Flow Statement

                                      Unaudited              Unaudited                         Audited
                                  6 months Ended          6 months Ended                      Year Ended
                                30 September 2007        30 September 2006                  31 March 2007
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
                                       Ord.           Ord.       "C"                 Ord.       "C"    
                                     Shares         Shares    Shares    Total      Shares    Shares    Total
                                      #'000          #'000     #'000    #'000       #'000     #'000    #'000

Net cash inflow from operating
Profit on ordinary activities
before tax                              506             20       169      189          48       407      455
Adjusted for:
Taxation charge for the period         (145)            (3)      (24)     (27)         (3)      (91)     (94)
Realised gains on investment 
disposals                                 -              -         -        -           -         -        -
Unrealised appreciation in 
investment values                         -              -         -        -           -         -        -
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Cash generated from
operations before changes               
in working capital                      361             17       145      162          45       316      361
Increase in debtors                    (366)            (3)      (20)     (23)        (86)     (730)    (816)
(Decrease)/Increase in                  
creditors                               138            (71)     (105)    (176)        (62)      (37)     (99)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Net cash (outflow)/inflow 
from operating activities               133            (57)       20      (37)       (103)     (451)    (554)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Financial investment:
Purchase of unquoted securities      (5,277)          (393)   (3,607)  (4,000)       (797)   (6,987)  (7,784)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Net cash outflow from
financial investment                 (5,277)          (393)   (3,607)  (4,000)       (797)   (6,987)  (7,784)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Equity dividends paid                  (736)             -         -        -           -         -        - 
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Management of liquid
Investment in cash
investments                           2,658           (544)     (630)  (1,174)       (549)     (680)  (1,229)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Issue of own shares                       -              -    17,812   17,812           -    17,812   17,812
Share issue expenses                      -              -      (847)    (847)          -      (847)    (847)
Subscriptions received but
not allotted                              -              -   (11,249) (11,249)          -   (11,249) (11,249)
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Net cash inflow from
financing                                 -              -     5,716    5,716           -     5,716    5,716
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Net (decrease)/increase in 
cash and cash equivalents            (3,222)          (994)    1,499      505      (1,449)   (2,402)  (3,851)
Opening Cash and cash
equivalents                           4,034          1,871     6,014    7,885       1,871     6,014    7,885
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________
Closing Cash and cash
equivalents                             812            877     7,513    8,390         422     3,612    4,034
                                _________________   ___________________________    ___________________________

Triple Point VCT plc

Notes to the interim report for the six months ended 30 September 2007

1.       The unaudited interim results cover the six months to 30 September 2007
and have been drawn up in accordance with the Accounting Standard Board's (ASB)
Statement on Half-yearly Financial Reports (July 2007) and adopting the
accounting policies set out in the statutory accounts for the year ended 31
March 2007 which were prepared under UK GAAP and in accordance with the
Statement of Recommended Practice for Investment Companies issued by the
Association of Investment Trust Companies in January 2003, revised December

2.       The financial information set out in this report has not been audited
and does not comprise full financial statements within the meaning of Section
240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March
2007, which were unqualified, have been lodged with the Registrar of Companies.
No statutory accounts in respect of any period after 31 March 2007 have been
reported on by the Company's auditors or delivered to the Registrar of

3.       Taxation has been provided for at a rate of 28.63% based on the
assumption that income for the second half of the year will be equal to that for
the first half.  Given that the business is not seasonal the directors regard
this as a reasonable assumption.

4.       Copies of the Interim Report to Shareholders have been sent to
shareholders and are available at the Company's Registered Office: 10-11 Gray's
Inn Square, Gray's Inn, London WC1R 5JD or from Woodside Corporate Services, 4th
Floor, 150-152 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 6BB

5.      During the period under review, the Company did not issue any new

6.      The earnings per share is based on income from ordinary activities after
tax of #0.361m and on 31,990,482 ordinary shares of 1p, being the weighted
average number of shares in issue during the period.  The net assets per share
is based on total net assets of #30.198m and 31,990,482 ordinary shares of 1p in
issue at the period end.

7.      Related party transactions

         Mr Michael Sherry, Chairman of the Company, is an equity Member of
Triple Point LLP (TPLLP).  TPLLP in turn holds a controlling interest in Triple
Point Investment Management LLP (TPIMLLP).  During the period, TPIMLLP provided
management and administrative services to the Company amounting to #361,147
(2006 - #304,854)

Triple Point VCT plc

Responsibility statement of the Directors in respect of the interim report for
the six months ended 30 September 2007

We confirm to the best of our knowledge:

  * the condensed set of financial statements have been prepared in accordance
    with the Statement Half-yearly financial reports issued by the UK Accounting
    Standards Board;
  * the interim management report includes a fair review of the information
    required by:
      * DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an
        indication of the important events that have occurred during the first
        six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set
        of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and
        uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; and
      * DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related
        party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the
        current financial year and that may have materially effected the
        financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and
        any changes in the related party transactions described in the last
        annual report that could do so.

By order of the Board

Peter Hargreaves
21 November 2007

Triple Point VCT plc

Michael Gabriel Sherry
James Chadwick Murrin
Robin David Morrison

Secretary and Registered Office
Peter William Hargreaves
10-11 Gray's Inn Square,
Gray's Inn,
London WC1R 5JD

Company Registered Number

Howard Kennedy
19a Cavendish Square
London W1A 2AW

60 Queen Victoria Street
London, EC4

Investment Manager and Administrator
Triple Point Investment Management LLP
10-11 Gray's Inn Square,
Gray's Inn,
London WC1R 5JD

VCT Tax Adviser
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
1 Embankment Place
London WC2N 6RH

Independent Auditor
Grant Thornton UK LLP
1 Westminster Way
Oxford OX2 0PZ

Neville Registrars Limited
Neville House
18 Laurel Lane
West Midlands, B63 3DA

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange


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