Octopus Titan VCT 1 plc ("Titan 1") 
   Octopus Titan VCT 2 plc ("Titan 2") 
   Octopus Titan VCT 3 plc ("Titan 3") 
   Octopus Titan VCT 4 plc ("Titan 4") 
   Octopus Titan VCT 5 plc ("Titan 5") 
   (together the "Companies" and Titan 1, Titan 3, Titan 4 and Titan 5 
together "Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5" and each a "Target VCT") 
   16 September 2014 
   Publication of a Prospectus (the "Prospectus") and Circulars (the 
"Circulars") in connection with recommended proposals to merge the 
Companies (to be completed pursuant to a scheme of reconstruction under 
section 110 Insolvency Act 1986) and an offer for subscription by the 
   The boards of the Companies (the "Boards") announced on 3 September 2014 
that the terms for the merger of the Companies into one company (the 
"Enlarged Company") had been agreed in principle (the "Merger" or 
"Scheme"). The Boards are pleased to advise that discussions have now 
concluded and that the Companies have today issued the Circulars to set 
out the proposals for the Merger for consideration by their respective 
shareholders. Each of the Companies is managed by Octopus Investments 
Limited ("Octopus"). 
   The Merger will be completed by Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 each being placed 
into members voluntary liquidation pursuant to a scheme of 
reconstruction under Section 110 of the Insolvency Act 1986. 
Shareholders should note that the Merger will be outside the provisions 
of the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers. 
   The Merger will be completed on a relative net asset basis and the 
benefits shared by each set of shareholders, with the costs being split 
proportionately based on their respective merger net asset values. The 
Merger requires the approval of resolutions by the Companies' 
   The Companies are also seeking to raise GBP50 million under an offer for 
subscription for new ordinary shares ("Offer Shares"), with an over 
allotment facility of a further GBP20 million (the "Offer"), split 
equally in respect of each allotment between those Companies 
participating in the Offer at the time of that allotment. Participation 
by each of the Companies in the Offer is subject to the approval of its 
shareholders and, in the case of Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5, participation in 
respect of any allotment is conditional on the Scheme not having taken 
place prior to the time of that allotment. 
   Titan 2 is also seeking the approval of shareholders of an offer 
agreement relating to the Offer (the "Offer Agreement") and a deed of 
variation to its existing management and administration agreements with 
Octopus, being arrangements with Octopus which is a related party under 
the Listing Rules, and a change of its name to Octopus Titan VCT plc if 
the Merger proceeds. 
   Titan 2 was launched in October 2007 and has been managed by the Octopus 
team since inception. Octopus was launched in March 2000. 
   The latest unaudited NAV of Titan 2, taken from its unaudited management 
accounts to 31 July 2014, was 91.6p per share, and the latest unaudited 
NAVs of Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5, taken from their respective unaudited 
management accounts to 31 July 2014, was 91.6p per share, 91.4p per 
share, 102.8p per share and 91.8p per share respectively. 
   The table below sets out the unaudited NAVs of the Companies and 
provides further detail on the venture capital investments in their 
portfolios as at that date. 
                         NAV per     Number of 
          Net Assets      share       venture                                                       Total 
          (unaudited)  (unaudited)    capital    Carrying value of the venture capital investments  Return 
Company      (GBP)         (p)      investments                        (GBP)                         (p) 
Titan 1    29,981,847         91.6           37                                         21,703,823   139.1 
Titan 2    29,974,279         91.6           37                                         21,703,823   139.1 
Titan 3    33,167,724         91.4           37                                         26,006,640   127.4 
Titan 4    40,258,949        102.8           35                                         32,319,093   107.8 
Titan 5    28,669,345         91.8           30                                         16,306,512    91.8 
   The Companies have the same overall investment objective and policy of 
providing their shareholders with an attractive income and capital 
return by investing their finds in a broad spread of unquoted UK 
companies which meet the relevant criteria for venture capital trusts 
   VCTs are required to be traded on a European Union/European Economic 
Area regulated market. The Companies are listed on the premium segment 
of the Official List, which involves a significant level of listing 
costs, as well as related fees to ensure they comply with all relevant 
legislation. The Enlarged Company should be better placed to spread such 
running costs across a larger asset base and facilitate better liquidity 
management and, as a result, may be able to maximise investment 
opportunities and sustain a higher level of dividends to shareholders 
over its life. 
   In September 2004, the Merger Regulations were introduced allowing VCTs 
to be acquired by, or merge with, each other without prejudicing the VCT 
tax reliefs obtained by their shareholders. A number of VCTs have taken 
advantage of these regulations to create larger VCTs. 
   In addition, the changes announced to the VCT investment limits and size 
test, in particular the removal of the GBP1 million per annum investment 
limit per VCT in an investee company, will reduce the need for sister 
VCTs to co-invest in order to participate in larger investments 
(effective for investments made on or after 6 April 2012). 
   The Merger is expected to cost approximately GBP1 million and deliver 
annual cost savings of approximately GBP0.5 million and will bring a 
number of additional benefits to existing and future including: 
   -- amalgamation of the Companies' portfolio assets, many of which are 
      commonly held, for efficient management and administration; 
   -- participation in a larger VCT with the longer term potential for a more 
      diversified portfolio thereby spreading the portfolio risk across a 
      broader range of investments; 
   -- the creation of a single VCT of a more economically efficient size with a 
      greater capital base over which to spread administration, regulatory and 
      management costs; 
   -- efficiencies in annual running costs for the Enlarged Company compared to 
      the separate companies; 
   -- enhancing the ability of the Enlarged Company to raise new funds, as well 
      as pay dividends and support buy backs in the future; 
   -- the potential for greater liquidity in the secondary market; 
   -- the removal of potential conflicts relating to the Companies' portfolio 
   -- streamlining communications with shareholders; and 
   -- improving risk management in respect of compliance with the VCT rules. 
   The Scheme 
   The mechanism by which the Merger will be completed is as follows: 
   -- Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be placed into members' voluntary liquidation 
      pursuant to a scheme of reconstruction under Section 110 IA 1986; and 
   -- all of the assets and liabilities of Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 will be 
      transferred to Titan 2 in consideration for the issue of new ordinary 
      shares ("Scheme Shares") (to be issued directly to Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 
   The Scheme will be completed on a relative audited NAV basis, adjusted 
for the anticipated costs of the Scheme. The calculation of the NAV of 
the Titan VCTs will take into account any subscription monies received 
by the Titan VCTs under the Offer prior to the Merger. The Merger Value 
and the Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Roll-Over Values will be based on the latest 
unaudited valuations of the Titan VCTs' investee companies. In addition, 
independent valuations will be carried out of those unquoted investee 
companies into which the Titan VCTs have not invested in the previous 12 
month period and which are more than 5% of any of the value of any of 
the Titan VCTs. The effect of the Scheme will be that the Titan 1, 3, 4 
and 5 Shareholders will receive Titan 2 Shares with the same total value 
as their Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Shares. 
   The Scheme is conditional upon its approval by the Titan 2 shareholders 
and by the Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 shareholders, as well as the other 
conditions set out in each of the Prospectus and Circulars. 
   As the Companies have the same investment objective and policy, the same 
investment manager and other common advisers, the proposed Merger should 
be achievable without major additional cost or disruption to the 
Companies and their combined portfolio of investments. 
   Offer Agreements 
   Pursuant to the Offer Agreements, Octopus will receive: 
   -- a fee of up to 5.5% of the gross proceeds received by the Companies under 
      the Offer (comprising an initial charge of 3 % of the gross funds raised 
      and an initial commission of up to 2.5% of gross funds raised from 
      investors who have not invested their money through a financial 
      intermediary ("Direct Investors")); and 
   -- an additional ongoing charge of 0.5% of the net asset value of the 
      investment amounts received by the Companies from Direct Investors, 
      payable for up to nine years, provided the Direct Investors continue to 
      hold the shares. 
   Expected Timetable for the Offer 
   Titan 2 
Latest time and date for receipt of Forms of Proxy      11.00 am on 14 October 
 for the Titan 2 General Meeting                                          2014 
Titan 2 General Meeting                                 11.15 am on 16 October 
Scheme Calculation Date                                    after 5.00 pm on 27 
                                                                  October 2014 
Scheme Effective Date for the transfer of the assets           28 October 2014 
 and liabilities of Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 to Titan 2 
 and the issue of Scheme Shares 
Announcement of the results of the Scheme                      28 October 2014 
Admission of, and dealings in, Scheme Shares issued            29 October 2014 
 to commence 
CREST accounts credited (if applicable)                        29 October 2014 
Certificates for Scheme Shares dispatched to Titan          Week commencing 17 
 1, 3, 4 and 5 Shareholders                                      November 2014 
   Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 
Latest time for receipt of forms of proxy for the           11.00 am on 14 October2014 
 Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 First General Meetings 
Titan 1 First General Meeting                               11.30 am on 16 October2014 
 Titan 3 First General Meeting                               2.15 pm on 16 October2014 
 Titan 4 First General Meeting                              11.45 am on 16 October2014 
 Titan 5 First General Meeting                               2.30 pm on 16 October2014 
Latest time for receipt of forms of proxy for the           10.45 am on 24 October2014 
 Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Second General Meetings 
Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 register of members closed                          27 October2014 
Final expected date of trading of the Titan 1, 3,                      27 October 2014 
 4 and 5 shares 
Scheme Record Date for Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Shareholders'    5.00 pm on 27 October 2014 
 entitlements under the Scheme 
Scheme Calculation Date                                    after 5.00 pm on 27 October 
Dealings in Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Shares suspended            7.30 am on 28 October 2014 
Titan 1 Second General Meeting                             11.30 am on 28 October 2014 
 Titan 3 Second General Meeting                            11.15 am on 28 October 2014 
 Titan 4 Second General Meeting                            11.00 am on 28 October 2014 
 Titan 5 Second General Meeting                            10.45 am on 28 October 2014 
Scheme Effective Date for the transfer of the                          28 October 2014 
 assets and liabilities of Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 to the 
 Company and 
 the issue of Scheme Shares * 
Announcement of the results of the Scheme                              28 October 2014 
Cancellation of the Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Shares' listing     8.00 am on 29 October 2014 
   (*The final expected date of trading of the Titan 1, 3, 4 and 5 Shares 
will be 27 October 2014. See the timetable for Titan 2 with regard to 
admission, CREST accounts being credited and certificates being 
dispatched in respect of the Scheme Shares) 
   Expected Timetable for the Offer 
Launch date of the Offer                                     16 September 2014 
Deadline for receipt of applications for final allotment    12 noon on 1 April 
 in 2014/15 tax year                                                      2015 
Deadline for receipt of applications for final allotment          12 noon on 1 
 in 2015/16 tax year                                            September 2015 
First allotments under the Offer                              17 November 2014 
Closing date of the Offer                                     1 September 2015 
   -- The Offer will close earlier if fully subscribed. The Boards reserve the 
      right to close the Offer earlier and to accept Applications and issue 
      Offer Shares at any time following the receipt of valid applications. 
   -- The results of the Offer will be announced to the London Stock Exchange 
      through a Regulatory Information Service provider authorised by the 
      Financial Conduct Authority. 
   -- Dealing is expected to commence in the Offer Shares within ten business 
      days of allotments and share and tax certificates are expected to be 
      dispatched within 14 business days of allotments. 
   -- The dates set out in the expected timetable above may be adjusted by the 
      Companies, in which event details of the new dates will be notified 
      through a Regulatory Information Service. 
   Offer Statistics 
Costs of Offer                           Up to 7.5% of gross proceeds of Offer 
Initial adviser charge                   Up to 4.5% of gross proceeds of Offer 
or intermediary 
Ongoing adviser charge    Up to 0.5% per annum of the latest NAV of gross sums 
or annual ongoing                      invested in the Offer for up to 9 years 
   -- The cost of the Offer is capped at 7.5%. Octopus has agreed to indemnify 
      the Companies against the costs of the Offer in excess of this amount. 
   Copies of the Prospectus and Circulars will shortly be available for 
inspection at the National Storage Mechanism, which is located at: 
   and on the Company's website: 
   For further information please contact: 
   Patricia Standaloft 
   Company Secretary 
   0207 710 6471 
   This announcement is distributed by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions on 
behalf of NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions clients. 
   The issuer of this announcement warrants that they are solely 
responsible for the content, accuracy and originality of the information 
contained therein. 
   Source: Octopus Titan VCT 3 PLC via Globenewswire 

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