RNS Number:0810J
NMBZ Holdings Ld
30 August 2001


                              Holding company of
                                NMB Bank Limited
                          (registered Commercial Bank)
                Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited

                 RESULTS FOR THE HALF YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2001


*  Profit before tax up 102.1% to Z$952.0 million (2000 - Z$471.0 million)

*  Restated attributable profit up 27.0% to Z$447 million (2000 - Z$352.0       

*  Historical attributable profit up 122.3% to Z$745.0 million  (2000 - Z$335.2 

*  Net operating income up 70.0% to Z$1 862.0 million (2000 - Z$1 095.3 million)

*  Total asset base up 121.3% to Z$18 845.7 million (2000 - Z$8 516.5 million)

*  Dividend per share of 343.0 cents (2000 - 412.2 cents)

*  Cost to income ratio down 24.3% to 25.9% (2000 - 34.2%)

Mr Paddy Zhanda, Chairman, said:

"I am delighted to report the successful launch of commercial banking services
in August last year and the significant growth of the Group's asset base.  The
Group also continued to achieve real profitability after adjusting the results
for inflation despite the unfavourable economic environment.  I am confident
that the Group can achieve commendable results during the second half".


NMBZ HOLDINGS LIMITED                                 Tel: +263-4-759 601/6
Dr Julius Makoni, Managing Director
James Mushore, Deputy Managing Director
Otto Chekeche, Finance Director

SG SECURITIES (LONDON) LIMITED                        Tel: +44-207-638 9000/5699
James Harris/Andrew Dawber

COLLEGE HILL - LONDON                                 Tel: +44-207-457 2020
Corrina Dorward/Matthew Gregorowski



The difficulties experienced by the business sector in 2000 persisted during the
first half of 2001.  The major macro-economic challenges facing the country
during the period were:

*  Decline in GDP growth in 2001
*  Hyperinflation and high money supply growth
*  Weak balance of payment position
*  Foreign currency shortages
*  Negative publicity associated with the land re-distribution exercise and     
   Parliamentary by-elections

Positive factors during the period were:

*  Concessional schemes for exporters and producers
*  Positive fiscal performance


Decline in GDP Growth in 2001

The worsening foreign exchange crisis, decline in national savings, and a
shrinking domestic market continued to hamper the economy's productive capacity
in 2001 despite the introduction of various incentive schemes. The country's
overall output is expected to decrease by a further 6.5% in 2001 compared to an
estimated decline in real GDP of 4.2% in 2000.  Major reductions are expected in
agriculture (16.5%), mining (6.4%), manufacturing (7.5%) and construction

Hyperinflation and High Money Supply Growth

Efforts to re-direct the economy continue to be hampered by the continued rise
in inflation. Inflation, which ended the year 2000 at 55.2%, had risen to 64.4%
by June 2001. This upward trend, driven by sharp increases in fuel prices, the
cost-push effect of high parallel market foreign exchange rates, and continuous
food price hikes, is expected to persist during the remainder of the year.  A
concerted policy thrust aimed at addressing the root causes of inflation is
necessary for any economic recovery strategy in Zimbabwe.

Excessive growth in money supply remains a major cause of the country's rising
inflation. Annual growth in broad money supply, M3, which closed the year 2000
at 59.9%, surged to 68.3% in March 2001.  This trend is expected to continue
against the background of negative real interest rates thereby undermining the
country's savings capacity, as well as the general purchasing power of household

Weak Balance of Payments (BOP) Position

The country's BOP position remains poor, fuelled by the continued decline in
exports and cessation of offshore lines of credit. 

Merchandise exports are estimated to have declined by 5.4% in 2000 and are
forecast to contract by 3.1% in 2001, with mining declining by an estimated 9.5%
and pure manufactures by 4.5%.  

The foreign exchange crisis is expected to continue, with merchandise imports
forecast to shrink by a further 3.0% in 2001 after declining by an estimated
9.3% in 2000.
A current account deficit of US$350 million is forecast in 2001, compared to an
estimated deficit of US$210 million in 2000.

On the capital account, a deficit of US$209 million is forecast in 2001, against
an estimated deficit of US$401 million in 2000.  This was driven by the decrease
in foreign direct investment inflows, as well as donor fatigue and withdrawal of
the multilateral lending institutions in supporting the economy's balance of
payments.  The overall balance of payments deficit is estimated at US$559
million in 2001, compared to an estimated deficit of US$611 million recorded in

Foreign Exchange Market and Exchange Rate Policy

Despite persistently high inflation during the first half of the year, the
official exchange rate remained static at Z$55 to the US dollar. This
development has eroded the viability of most exporting businesses, particularly
those in manufacturing and agriculture.  The start of the tobacco selling season
did not generate significant foreign exchange inflows as farmers withheld their
crop in anticipation of a devaluation.

The emergence of a vibrant parallel market emphasises the need for a clear and
predictable exchange rate management policy if the country is to overcome the
current crisis. The monthly foreign exchange inflows of under US$60 million
registered during the first half is insufficient to halt the economy's decline
into a recession. 

The move by Government to grant a US$343/oz floor price at the official exchange
rate to gold producers in order to restore viability in the mining industry
should be broadened to encompass other equally deserving exporting sectors.

Concessional Financing Schemes for Exporters and Producers

In January 2001, the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ), introduced the Export and
Productive Sector Financing facilities through the release of banks' statutory
reserves for on-lending to exporters and other producers at rates of 15% and 30%
per annum respectively.  Exporters and other producers accessed in excess of
Z$15 billion between February and June 2001 for working capital purposes.  This
move reduced banks' average cost of funds and accordingly lending rates dropped
from approximately 60% in 2000 to approximately 45% during the first half of

The country is yet to reap the full benefits of this initiative, as the expected
supply response has not materialised, due to the lack of foreign exchange for
both imported raw materials and capital equipment.  The negative real interest
rate environment, however, whilst benefiting borrowers, has become a hindrance
for an effective mobilisation of savings, due to the negative returns on
deposits arising from high inflation.

Positive Fiscal Performance 

The Government recorded a positive performance on the fiscal budget during the
first half on a cash accounting basis.  Total expenditure over the four months
to April 2001 was estimated at 34% below budget. This positive performance was
due to the introduction of the cash budgeting system in line ministries, as well
as accumulation of arrears on external payments as a result of foreign exchange

Fiscal revenue under-performed by 6%, reflecting the harsh economic environment.
The resultant fiscal deficit (excluding grants) of Z$12 billion was wholly
financed from domestic sources, in the absence of any foreign lines of credit. 
Impending food production deficits, fuel price increases as well as
inflation-driven wage adjustments are expected to weaken the fiscal position
further in the foreseeable future.


The stock market performed strongly during the first six months. The industrial
index increased by 123% as investors responded to the fall in interest rates. 
Several initial public offerings brought increased activity on the Zimbabwe
Stock Exchange and the listings experienced unprecedented levels of over
subscription.  Continuing negative returns on the money market are expected to
sustain trading activity on the stock market. This should benefit the operations
of the stockbroking subsidiary.



The difficult economic environment affected some income streams severely. Pegged
interest rates, despite a highly inflationary environment, foreign currency
shortages and a shortage of offshore lines of credit all had an impact on the
business.  However, lending growth for the period was strong as the commercial
bank attracted deposits for on lending and export and productive sector
facilities were made available by the Reserve Bank.  The focus has also been on
controlling costs and containing the cost income ratio, which is at 25.9%,      
(2000 - 34.2%).  

The Group achieved inflation adjusted profits before tax of Z$952 million, an
increase of 102.1% over the adjusted result for the same period last year. 
Attributable profit after tax was Z$447 million an increase of 27% over the same
period last year.  The return on shareholders' funds was 24.7% (June 2000 -
19.8%), an improvement despite worsening market conditions.  The effective tax
rate for the six months ended 30 June 2001 is 51.1% compared to 24.4% for the
six months ended 30 June 2000 and 44.8% for the year ended 31 December 2000. 
The effective tax rate is higher compared to prior periods as the current period
did not benefit from assessed tax losses and a comparatively higher  monetary
loss was recorded.

Compliance with International Accounting Standards 

The results have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting
Standards in particular IAS 39 (Revised 2000), Financial Instruments:
Recognition and Measurement, which became effective for periods beginning 1
January 2001.  The comparative figures for the previous periods have been
similarly restated in accordance with IAS 29, Financial Reporting in
Hyperinflationary Economies.  The commentary is based on the restated figures.

Net Interest Income

Net interest income was Z$1 051 million an increase of 372.9% over the same
period last year.  Net interest income represents 56.5% of net operating income
as the bank was able to attract deposits for on-lending at competitive rates. In
addition, lendings grew as clients accessed the cheaper statutory reserve funds
offered by the RBZ through the export and productive sector facilities.  Lending
to the agricultural sector continued to be low due to the disruptions associated
with the land redistribution programme.  Income earned on the money market
increased significantly due to attractive margins earned on treasury bills
purchased before the fall in interest rates at the beginning of the year.

Non-Interest Income

Non-interest income decreased by 7.1% to Z$811 million and contributed 43.6%
(2000 - 79.7%) of net operating income.  The decrease is mainly as a result of a
foreign currency shortage within the market.

Foreign exchange gains decreased by 33.8% compared to the same period last year
as a result of decreased foreign currency trading volumes.
The stockbroking subsidiary, Continental Securities Trading (Private) Limited,
contributed positively during the six months due to the bull run experienced on
the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange.

Operating Expenses

Operating expenditure increased by 28.6% over the same period last year.  Staff
costs, advertising and computer related costs grew in line with the increase in
the staff complement, staff retention strategies and the expanding commercial
banking services.  The 24.3% reduction in the cost income ratio from 34.2% last
year to 25.9% reflects the Group's cost control initiatives in the face of the
expanding commercial banking services.

Charge for Doubtful Debts

The charge for the six month period increased by 40.2% compared to the same
period last year.  The Board continues to adopt a conservative approach on
provisions in view of the unstable economic environment.


An interim dividend of 343.0 cents per share on 29 713 650 shares has been
declared payable to members registered in the books of the company on 13
September 2001.  The dividend cover has been increased to 4.39 times (June
2000-3 times) inter-alia to fund the expansion of the commercial bank.


The asset base grew by 121.3% to Z$18 845.7 million from Z$8 516.5 million at 30
June 2000. The increase is mainly due to deposits and other accounts which have
increased by 247.7% from Z$3 161.7 million at 30 June 2000 to Z$10 991.4 million
as at 30 June 2001. The Group has been able to attract a large deposit base
since the inception of the commercial banking services to support its banking


The banking subsidiary's capital adequacy ratio at 30 June 2001 calculated on
the historical cost basis in accordance with the guidelines of the RBZ was
13.59% (30 June 2000 - 24.73%, 31 December 2000 - 21.09%).  This compares
favourably with the RBZ minimum ratio of 10%.  This decrease is as a result of
the expansion of lending book following the reduction of the lending rates due
to the concessional financing schemes for exporters and producers.



The economic review above to some extent paints a depressing outlook for the
country's economy.  Reversal of this trend requires a common effort encompassing
not only the fiscal and monetary policy aspects, but also the business
community.  On the part of corporates, adoption of cost-effective service
delivery systems should take overriding consideration in their future plans. The
current impasses on the exchange rate, excessive growth in money supply, and
fortuitous containment of fiscal deficits, have to be dealt with resolutely if
the economy is to realise a quicker turn-around.


The Group's aim is to remain a leading financial services provider focusing on
corporates and high net worth individuals.  Innovative products and
technology-enabled delivery channels continue to be introduced as part of the
strategy to meet the ever increasing needs of our target market.

The Group continues to identify and exploit opportunities offered by the
depressed operating environment.  A strong pipeline exists on advisory services,
some of which are expected to be realised during the second half of the year.

The stockmarket may remain bullish due to the negative interest returns on the
money market.  This should create further opportunities for the stockbroking
subsidiary as well as other equity portfolio dealings.  The Group is confident
that it can achieve commendable results during the second half.

Management continue to seek ways to improve liquidity of the Company's shares on
the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. 


I would like to thank our clients for their continued invaluable support.  I
would also like to thank the board, staff and management for achieving positive
results under difficult economic conditions.


28 August 2001

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

Income Statement
                                    Unaudited      Restated     Restated
                                     6 months      6 months         Year
                                        ended         ended        ended
                           NOTE  30 June 2001  30 June 2000  31 Dec 2000
                                       Z$'000        Z$'000       Z$'000

Interest from lending
activities                            364 791       214 005      521 244
Charge for bad and
doubtful debts                       (176 785)     (126 095)    (108 365)
                                      188 006        87 910      412 879
Interest from investing
activities                          1 177 908       261 119      795 870
                                    1 365 914       349 029    1 208 749
Interest expense                     (314 839)     (126 772)    (283 756)

Net interest income                 1 051 075       222 257      924 993
Foreign exchange gains                205 943       311 211      435 027
Net dealing income from
securities                            184 607       271 402      568 449
Other income                 6        420 400       290 425      208 620

Net operating income                1 862 025     1 095 295    2 137 089
Operating expenditure        7       (481 685)     (374 624)    (715 633)
Loss on net monetary position        (428 362)     (249 684)    (522 746)

Profit before taxation                951 978       470 987      898 710
Taxation                             (486 487)     (114 872)    (402 994)

Profit after taxation                 465 491       356 115      495 716
Outside shareholders'
interests                             (18 587)       (4 066)      (5 524)

Profit attributable to
ordinary shareholders                 446 904       352 049      490 192

  Dividend per share (cents)            343.0         412.2        907.9
   Historical cost basis
           - interim proposed           343.0         250.7        250.7
           - final proposed                 -             -        356.3
   Restatement in respect of
   adopting IAS 29                          -         161.5        300.9

 Earnings per share (cents)   8       1 551.9       1 236.7      1 721.7
 Headline earnings per share
 (cents)                              1 537.8       1 236.8      1 719.8
 Diluted earnings per share
 (cents)                              1 551.9       1 220.8      1 681.4
 Diluted headline earnings per
 share (cents)                        1 537.8       1 220.8      1 679.6
 Dividend cover (times)                  4.39          3.00         1.89
 Number of issued shares (000's)       29 714        28 466       28 614

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

Balance Sheet
                                    Unaudited      Restated     Restated
                                      30 June       30 June       31 Dec
                                         2001          2000         2000
                                       Z$'000        Z$'000       Z$'000

Share capital                         586 260       581 373      582 096
Capital reserves                    1 275 161     1 190 899    1 194 947
Revenue reserves                      343 081        19 057       33 978
                                    2 204 502     1 791 329    1 811 021

Minority Interest                      49 691        32 760       32 126
                                    2 254 193     1 824 089    1 843 147


Deferred taxation                     262 973        29 209      280 607
Deposit and other accounts:
- held for trade                    5 430 655     1 897 046    2 413 051
- at restated values                5 560 705     1 264 697    1 489 252
Provision for current taxation        454 347       159 656      161 018
Acceptances                         4 882 874     3 341 760    4 148 380
                                   18 845 747     8 516 457   10 335 455

Balances with banks and cash          357 409        43 201      622 343
Government and public sector
- held for trade                    3 689 734     1 135 439    1 335 352
Advances and other accounts
- at book value                     4 684 206     2 379 995    2 582 908
  Trade investment
  - at book value                      36 988        27 471       17 129
  Short term investments
  - held for trade                  3 241 703        10 990      545 667
  Other  - held for trade           1 029 663       814 828      222 792
Fixed assets                          923 170       762 773      860 884
Customers' indebtedness
for acceptances                     4 882 874     3 341 760    4 148 380
                                   18 845 747     8 516 457   10 335 455

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

                                         Restated           Restated
                                Restated  Capital             Accum-
             Restated  Restated   Statu-  Redemp-             ulated
                Share     Share    tory     tion  Restated   Profit/
              Capital   Premium Reserve  Reserve     Other    (Loss)     Total
              Z$'000    Z$'000   Z$'000    Z$'000  Z$'000    Z$'000      Z$'000

 at 1        
 2000         99 630   172 149   22 500    27 921    675    288 880     611 755
Effects of 
 IAS 10            -         -        -         -      -    250 189     250 189
Effects of 
 IAS 29      481 743   739 681  142 265    84 665  1 043   (754 712)    694 685
 at 1 
 2000        581 373   911 830  164 765   112 586  1 718   (215 643)  1 556 629
Net profit 
 for the 
 period            -         -        -         -      -    352 049     352 049
Dividends          -         -        -         -      -   (117 349)   (117 349)
 at 30 
 June 2000   581 373   911 830  164 765   112 586  1 718     19 057   1 791 329

 at 1 July 
 2000        581 373   911 830  164 765   112 586  1 718     19 057   1 791 329
 2000            723     4 048        -         -      -          -       4 771
Net profit 
 for the 
 period            -         -        -         -      -    138 143     138 143
Dividends          -         -        -         -      -   (123 222)   (123 222)
 at 31 
 2000        582 096   915 878  164 765   112 586  1 718     33 978   1 811 021

 at 1 
 2001        582 096   915 878  164 765   112 586  1 718     33 978   1 811 021
 IAS 39            -         -        -         -      -    (17 728)    (17 728)

As restated 
 at 1 
 2001        582 096   915 878  164 765   112 586  1 718     16 250   1 793 293
 May           4 164    80 214        -         -      -          -      84 378
Net profit 
 for the 
 period            -         -        -         -      -    446 904     446 904
Dividends          -         -        -         -      -   (120 073)   (120 073)
 at 30 
 June 2001   586 260   996 092  164 765   112 586  1 718    343 081   2 204 502

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

Cashflow Statement

                                     Unaudited      Restated         Restated
                                    Six months    Six months             Year
                                         ended         ended            ended
                                       30 June       30 June           31 Dec
                                          2001          2000             2000
                                        Z$'000        Z$'000           Z$'000

Operating cash flow before changes 
in operating assets and liabilities
and loss on net monetary position    1 585 679       717 142        1 597 121

Loss on monetary position             (428 362)     (249 684)        (522 746)
                                     1 157 317       467 458        1 074 375

Operating cash flow before changes
in operating assets and liabilities
Changes in operating assets and
Deposits and other accounts         7 089 057     (1 318 985)        (583 465)
Advances and other accounts        (2 355 158)       241 114          (67 214)
                                    5 891 215       (610 413)         423 696

Net interest received on
government & public sector
securities                              5 888             -            54 112
Dividends paid                       (121 095)     (297 240)         (453 951)
Corporate tax paid                   (125 791)     (136 571)         (146 241)
Net cash outflow from investing
activities                           (949 113)     (906 740)         (551 897)

Net cash inflow/(outflow) before
financing activities                4 701 105    (1 950 965)         (674 281)

Net cash inflow from 
financing activities                   84 378             -             3 432

Cash and cash equivalents
at beginning of period              2 479 197     3 150 046         3 150 046

Cash and cash equivalents
at end of period                    7 264 680     1 199 081         2 479 197

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury bills
included in Government and public sector securities and short-term investments.

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

                  06/01    06/00      12/00      06/01        06/00        12/00
                 Z$'000   Z$'000     Z$'000     Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000


 revenue        256 713        -     65 864    1 605 312   1 095 295   2 071 225
 revenue        256 713        -     65 864    1 605 312   1 095 295   2 071 225

 expenses       118 570        -     (3 596)   1 261 770     720 671  1 425 052 

   on net


                                                06/01        06/00        12/00 
                                               Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000 

External interest and other revenue         1 862 025    1 095 295    2 137 089 

Total revenue                               1 862 025    1 095 295    2 137 089 


Operating profit before unallocated
 expenses                                   1 380 340      720 671    1 421 456 

Unallocated Corporate 
   Income taxes                             (486 487)     (114 872)    (402 994)

 Loss on net monetary position              (428 362)     (249 684)    (522 746)
 Minority interest                           (18 587)       (4 066)      (5 524)

Profit attributable to ordinary 
 shareholders                                446 904       352 049      490 192

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

                  06/01    06/00      12/00      06/01        06/00        12/00
                 Z$'000   Z$'000     Z$'000     Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000


Segment assets 2 818 347  301 218    620 512    16 027 400 8 215 239   9 714 943

Total assets   2 818 347  301 218    620 512    16 027 400 8 215 239   9 714 943

liabilities    2 237 250        -    242 978    13 636 984 6 503 503   7 807 705

Unallocated corporate

liabilities    2 237 250        -    242 978    13 636 984 6 503 503   7 807 705

expenditure      464 189  301 218    344 418       484 924    22 148     118 256
Depreciation      11 171        -     34 818        52 981    24 623      87 140

                                                06/01        06/00        12/00 
                                                Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000

Segment assets                               18,845 747   8,516 457   10 335 455

Total assets                                 18 845 747   8 516 457   10 335 455

liabilities                                  15 874 234   6 503 503    8 050 683

Unallocated corporate
Liabilities                                     717 320     188 865      441 625

Total liabilities                            16 591 554   6 692 368    8 492 308

Capital expenditure



1.     Accounting Policies

       The interim statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting 
       policies set out in the financial statements for the year ended 31       
       December 2000.  

2.     Compliance with International Accounting Standards (IASs)

       The Group's interim statements have been prepared in accordance with IASs
       in particular IAS 39 (Revised 2000), Financial Instruments: Recognition  
       and Measurement which became effective for periods beginning 1 January   

3.     Currency

       These interim statements are expressed in Zimbabwe dollars.

4.     Basis of preparation

       The interim report was approved by the board on 28 August 2001.  The     
       financial information in the interim report for the six months ended 30  
       June 2001 has not been audited, but has been reviewed by the external    
       auditors, KPMG, as was the financial information for the six months ended
       30 June 2000.  The auditors' interim review report is available for      
       inspection at the company's registered office.  The financial information
       for the year ended 31 December 2000 has been restated based on the       
       audited financial statements for that period.

       The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis 
       and restated in accordance with IAS 29, which requires that the results  
       be stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the balance sheet    
       date.  The index used was based on the closing index value for June 2001.
       The comparative figures for the six months ended 30 June 2000 and the    
       financial year ended 31 December 2000 have been restated based on the    
       value current at 30 June 2001.  The income statement for the six month   
       period was derived from monthly index values relative to June 2001, the  
       comparative income statements have been restated on average index values 
       for the respective periods relative to June 2001.


       The indices used were compiled by the Central Statistical Office of      
       Zimbabwe and are based on the consumer price index which is the most     
       widely accepted measure of the inflation rate available.

       The indices and conversion factors were as follows:

                                   Indices             Conversion factors

       June 2001                     765.7                         1.0000
       December 2000                 550.4                         1.3912
       June 2000                     465.7                         1.6442

       IAS 29 discourages the publication of historical results as a supplement 
       to inflation adjusted accounts.  The Zimbabwe Accounting Practices Board 
       and the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange have permitted companies in Zimbabwe to  
       publish historical results in conjunction with inflation adjusted        
5.     Financial Instruments

       Financial instruments are carried in the balance sheet at cost or their  
       estimated fair values, in accordance with the provisions of IAS 39       
       (Revised 2000), Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement.      

       The fair values for 30 June 2001 were determined using appropriate       
       valuation models by discounting the future cash payments or receipts     
       using the prevailing market rates of interest for similar instruments.   
       No fair value adjustments have been effected in respect of prior periods.

       Gains and losses arising from the recognition and measurement of the fair
       value of financial assets and liabilities held for trade at 30 June 2001 
       have been recognised in the income statement.

6.     Other income

                                      Unaudited     Restated        Restated
                                       6 months     6 months      Year ended
                                          ended        ended     31 December
                                   30 June 2001 30 June 2000            2000
                                         Z$'000       Z$'000          Z$'000

Net commission and fee income            86 847       40 130         149 064
Gains less losses from quoted and
other investments                       249 316      178 053               -
Broking income                           76 637       27 147          34 628
Profit on disposal of fixed assets        4 055            -             547
Other operating income                    3 545       45 095          24 381
                                        420 400      290 425         208 620

7.     Operating expenditure

       The operating profit is after
       charging the following:

       Administration costs             131 107       76 138        197 814
       Provision for audit fees           1 621          996          4 848
       Depreciation                      64 152       24 623        121 958
       - Fixed assets leased
         to customers                     1 278        7 964         16 126
       - Own assets                      62 874       16 659        105 832

       Directors remuneration            20 593       23 073         48 155
       Paid by subsidiary companies:     
       - Fees for services as directors   1 022          528          1 533
       - Other emoluments                19 571       22 545         46 622

       Staff costs                      264 212      249 794        342 858
                                        481 685      374 624        715 633

8.     Earnings per share

       8.1    Basic earnings per share

              The calculation of basic earnings per share for the six months    
              ended 30 June 2001 of 1 551.9 cents (2000 - 1 236.7 cents) is     
              based on the profit after taxation attributable to ordinary       
              shareholders of Z$446 904 000 (2000 - Z$352 049 000) and the      
              weighted average shares in issue of 28 797 538 (2000 -
              28 465 589).  The calculation of basic earnings per share for the 
              year ended 31 December 2000 of 1 721.7 cents is based on the      
              profit after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of Z$490
              192 000 and on 28 471 701 weighted average shares in issue.

       8.2    Headline earnings per share

              The calculation of headline earnings per share for the six months 
              ended 30 June 2001 of 1 537.8 cents (2000 - 1 236.8 cents) is     
              based on adjusted profit after taxation attributable to ordinary  
              shareholders of Z$442 849 000 (2000 - Z$352 049 000) and the      
              weighted average shares in issue of 28 797 538 (2000 -
              28 465 589).  The calculation of headline earnings per share for  
              the year ended 31 December 2000 of 1 719.8 cents is based on the  
              adjusted profit after tax attributable to ordinary shareholders of
              Z$489 645 000 and on 28 471 701 weighted average shares in issue. 
              The adjustments were as follows:-

                                      Unaudited     Restated        Restated
                                       6 months     6 months      Year ended
                                          ended        ended     31 December
                                   30 June 2001 30 June 2000            2000
                                         Z$'000       Z$'000          Z$'000

              Profit attributable
              to shareholders           446 904      352 049         490 192

              Deduct non-recurring
              Profit on disposal
              of fixed assets            (4 055)          -            (547)
                                        442 849     352 049         489 645

              Weighted average number of 
              shares (000's)             28 798      28 466          28 472

              The headline earnings are calculated in accordance with the       
              Statement of Investment Practice No.1 issued by the Institute of  
              Investment Management and Research to assist users of accounts    
              identify earnings derived from trading activities.

       8.3    Diluted earnings per share

              The diluted earnings per share for the six months ended 30 June   
              2001 is 1 551.9 cents (2000 - 1 220.8 cents).  The calculation is 
              based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary           
              shareholders of Z$446 904 000 (2000 - Z$352 049 000) and on shares
              of 28 797 538 (2000 - 28 837 716).  The calculation of diluted    
              earnings per share for the year ended 31 December 2000 of 1 681.4 
              cents is based on profit after taxation attributable to ordinary  
              shareholders of Z$490 192 000 and on diluted shares of 29 153 051.
              No dilution in earnings per share arose from share options granted
              to senior employees in terms of the Executive Share Option Scheme 
              at 30 June 2001.

      8.4     Diluted headline earnings per share

              The diluted headline earnings per share for the six months ended  
              30 June 2001 is 1 537.8 cents (2000 - 1 220.8 cents).  The        
              calculation is based on adjusted profit after taxation of 
              Z$442 849 000 (2000 - Z$352 049 000) and on shares of 28 797 538  
              (2000 - 28 837 716).  The calculation of diluted headline earnings
              per share for the year ended 31 December 2000 of 1 679.6 cents is 
              based on adjusted profit after taxation of Z$489 645 000 and on   
              diluted shares of 29 153 051.

9.    Share capital

      9.1     Authorised

              The authorised ordinary share capital at 30 June 2001 is at the   
              historical figure of Z$140 000 000 (2000 - Z$140 000 000)         
              comprising 40 000 000 ordinary (2000 - 40 000 000) shares of      
              Z$3.50 each.

      9.2     Issued and fully paid

              The issued share capital at 30 June 2001 is at the historical     
              figure of Z$103 998 000 (2000 - Z$99 630 000) comprising
              29 713 650 (2000 - 28 465 589) ordinary shares of Z$3.50 each.    
              The increase relates to staff share options exercised under the   
              Executive Share Option Scheme.

      9.3     Purchase of own shares

              Shareholders authorised the directors to purchase for cancellation
              4 000 000 of the company's own shares at the Annual General       
              Meeting held on 29 May 2001.  By the end of June 2001, no shares  
              had been purchased.  

10.  Taxation

     The effective tax rate for the six months ended 30 June 2001 is 51.1%      
     compared to 24.4% for the six months ended 30 June 2000 and 44.8% for the  
     year ended 31 December 2000.  The effective tax rate is higher compared to 
     prior periods as the current year did not benefit from assessed tax losses 
     and a comparatively higher monetary loss was recorded.

11.  Exchange rates

     The official exchange rates applied were as follows:

                            30 June         30 June        31 December
                               2001            2000               2000

     Sterling     GBP 1.00  Z$77.48         Z$62.03            Z$82.07

     Dollar       USD 1.00  Z$55.00         Z$37.95            Z$55.00

     South African
     Rand         ZAR 1.00   Z$6.83          Z$5.51             Z$7.29

The inflation adjusted accounts are the principal accounts of the Group.  The
historical accounts are supplementary and have been included to facilitate

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

Income Statement

                                      Unaudited     Restated        Restated
                                       6 months     6 months      Year ended
                                          ended        ended     31 December
                          NOTE     30 June 2001 30 June 2000            2000
                                         Z$'000       Z$'000          Z$'000

Interest from lending
activities                              325 663      118 578         320 410
Charge for bad and
doubtful debts                         (168 716)     (76 691)        (77 895)
                                        156 947       41 887         242 515
Interest from investing activities    1 059 305      144 685         461 604
                                      1 216 252      186 572         704 119
Interest expense                       (276 817)     (71 009)       (173 949)

Net interest income                     939 435      115 563         530 170
Foreign Exchange Gains                  200 357      175 277         217 578
Net Dealing Income from Securities      165 001      152 840         456 950
Other income               a            366 777      163 552         123 885
Net operating income                  1 671 570      607 232       1 328 583
Operating expenditure      b           (423 696)    (199 933)       (408 790)
Profit before taxation                1 247 874      407 299        919 793

Taxation                               (484 259)     (69 865)      (289 679)

Profit after taxation                   763 615      337 434        630 114
Outside shareholders' interests         (18 587)      (2 221)        (3 352)

Profit attributable to ordinary
shareholders                            745 028      335 213        626 762

Dividend per share (cents)                343.0        250.7          607.0
          - interim                       343.0        250.7          250.7
          - final                             -            -          356.3

Earnings per share (cents) c            2 587.1      1 177.6        2 201.4
Headline earnings per share (cents)     2 576.3      1 177.6        2 197.2
Diluted earnings per share (cents)      2 587.1      1 162.4        2 149.9
Diluted headline earnings per
share (cents)                           2 576.3      1 162.4        2 145.9
Dividend cover (times)                     7.30         4.70           3.62
Number of issued shares (000's)          29 714       28 466         28 614

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

Balance Sheet
                                   Unaudited     Unaudited     Audited
                                  At 30 June    At 30 June   At 31 Dec
                                        2001          2000        2000
Shareholders' funds                   Z$'000        Z$'000      Z$'000

Share capital                        103 998        99 630     100 150
Capital reserves                     299 320       223 245     225 192
Revenue reserves                   1 474 603       624 093     844 279
                                   1 877 921       946 968   1 169 621

Minority Interest                     25 841         8 650       9 781
                                   1 903 762       955 618   1 179 402

Deferred taxation                    262 973        17 765     201 706
Deposits and other accounts:
- held for trade                   5 430 655     1 153 742   1 734 548
- at restated values               5 560 705       769 162   1 070 503
Provision for current taxation       454 347        97 103     115 743
Acceptances                        4 882 874     2 032 464   2 981 936
                                  18 495 316     5 025 854   7 283 838

Balances with banks and cash         357 409        26 275     447 352
Government and public sector
-     held for trade               3 689 734       690 575     959 878
     Advances and other accounts
    - at book value                4 684 206     1 447 517   1 856 644
Trade investment
- at book value                        2 718         7 858       2 718
Short term investments
- held for trade                   3 241 703         6 684     392 236
Other - held for trade             1 029 663       495 580     160 147
Fixed assets                         607 009       318 901     482 927
Customers' indebtedness for
acceptances                        4 882 874     2 032 464   2 981 936
                                  18 495 316     5 025 854   7 283 838

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

                                  Statu-  Redemp-            Accumu-
               Share     Share      tory     tion              lated
             Capital   Premium   Reserve  Reserve   Other     Profit      Total
              Z$'000    Z$'000    Z$'000   Z$'000  Z$'000     Z$'000    Z $'000

Balances at 
 1 January 
 2000         99 630   172 149    22 500   27 921     675    288 880    611 755
Effects of 
 IAS 10            -         -         -        -       -    161 413    161 413
As restated 
 at 1 
 2000         99 630   172 149    22 500   27 921     675    450 293    773 168
Net profit 
 for the 
 period            -         -         -        -       -    335 213    335 213
Dividends          -         -         -        -       -   (161 413)  (161 413)
 at 30 
 June 2000    99 630   172 149    22 500   27 921     675    624 093    946 968
 at 1 July 
 2000         99 630   172 149    22 500   27 921     675    624 093    946 968
 issued          520     1 947         -        -       -          -      2 467
Net profit 
 for the 
 period            -         -         -        -       -    291 549    291 549
Dividends          -         -         -        -       -    (71 363)   (71 363)
Balances at 
 2000        100 150   174 096    22 500   27 921     675    844 279  1 169 621
Balances at 
 2001        100 150   174 096    22 500   27 921     675    844 279  1 169 621
Effects of 
 IAS 39            -         -         -         -      -    (12 743)   (12 743)

As restated 
 at 1 
 2001        100 150   174 096    22 500    27 921    675    831 536  1 156 878
 issued        3 848    74 128         -         -      -          -     77 976
Net profit 
 for the 
 period            -         -         -         -      -    745 028    745 028
Dividends          -         -         -         -      -   (101 961)  (101 961)
Balances at 
 30 June 
 2001        103 998   248 224    22 500    27 921    675  1 474 603  1 877 921

Cashflow Statement
                                           Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                          Six months    Six months         Year
                                               ended         ended        ended
                                             30 June       30 June       31 Dec
                                                2001          2000         2000
                                              Z$'000        Z$'000       Z$'000

Operating cash flow before changes in
 operating assets and liabilities          1 449 063       418 961    1 019 502
 Changes in operating assets and 
  Deposits and other accounts              8 186 309      (157 390)     724 757
  Advances and other accounts             (2 996 278)     (230 598)    (717 620)
                                           6 639 094        30 973    1 026 639

Net interest received on government &
 public sector securities                      5 000             -       33 245
Dividends paid                              (101 961)     (162 980)    (234 344)
Corporate tax paid                           (84 388)      (40 746)     (57 978)
Net cash outflow from investing 
 activities                               (1 046 341)     (560 177)    (451 193)
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before
 financing activities                      5 411 404      (732 930)     316 369

Net cash inflow from 
 financing activities                         77 976             -        2 467

Cash and cash equivalents 
 at beginning of period                    1 775 300     1 456 464    1 456 464
Cash and cash equivalents
 at end of period                          7 264 680       723 534    1 775 300

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash and bank balances, treasury bills
included in Government and public sector securities and short term investments.

for the six months ended 30 June 2001

                        06/01    06/00     12/00     06/01     06/00      12/00 
                       Z$'000   Z$'000    Z$'000    Z$'000    Z$'000     Z$'000 

External interest 
 and other revenue    217 990       -     47 344  1 451 054   607 232  1 281 239
Total revenue         217 990       -     47 344  1 451 054   607 232  1 281 239

Operating profit 
 expenses             100 684       -     (2 585) 1 147 190   407 299    922 378
   Income taxes                                   

Profit attributable 
 to ordinary 

                                                06/01        06/00        12/00 
                                               Z$'000       Z$'000       Z$'000


External interest and other revenue         1 669 044      607 232    1 328 583

Total revenue                               1 669 044      607 232    1 328 583


Operating profit before unallocated
 expenses                                  1 247 874       407 299      919 793

Unallocated corporate Expenses:
  Income taxes                              (484 259)      (69 865)    (289 679)
  Minority interest                          (18 587)       (2 221)      (3 352)

Profit attributable to ordinary
 shareholders                                745 028       335 213      626 762

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