RNS No 4079j 
18 May 1999

The Offer is not being made, directly or indirectly, in or into, or by the use
of the mails of, or by any means or instrumentality (including, without
limitation, the post, facsimile transmission, telex and telephone) of
interstate or foreign commerce of, or of any facility of a national securities
exchange of, or instrumentality or from within the United States, Canada,
Australia or Japan

The Offer is not subject to the UK City Code on Takeovers and Mergers.

Close of Offer Friday 21 May 1999 

Minorco shareholders are reminded of the Offer by Anglo American plc to
acquire all of the ordinary shares of Minorco on the basis of one new Anglo
American plc share for every two Minorco shares with a cash alternative of
US$16 for each Minorco share, details of which are set out in the Offer
Document dated 22 April 1999.

In particular, Minorco shareholders who wish to accept the Offer should note
that in order to do so, they should complete and return the Form of Acceptance
accompanying the Offer Document as soon as possible and, in any event, so as
to be received no later that 3.00pm (London time), 4.00pm (Johannesburg time),
on Friday 21 May 1999.

American Depositary Receipts issued in respect of Minorco shares will not be
accepted in place of Minorco Shares.

Minorco Shareholders who do not validly accept the Offer or whose Form of
Acceptance is not received by 3.00pm (London time), 4.00pm (Johannesburg
time), on Friday 21 May 1999 will, in due course receive US$16 per share under
a capital reduction of Minorco  to be proposed at the extra-ordinary general
meeting convened for 27 May 1999 (assuming that the actions to be considered
at the extra-ordinary general meeting are approved by Minorco shareholders,
and  assuming the Offer has by such date been declared unconditional).

Enquiries: Computershare Services PLC, PO Box 859, The Pavilions, Bridgewater
Road, Bristol, BS99 1XZ, England or by telephone on 0117 305 1001 or
Computershare Services Limited, 1st Floor, Eduran, 41 Fox Street, Johannesburg
2001, South Africa, or by telephone on (0027 11) 370 7700.

This document has been approved solely for the purposes of section 57 of the
Financial Services Act 1986 of the United Kingdom by Warburg Dillon Read, a
division of UBS AG ("Warburg Dillon Read") which is regulated in the United
Kingdom by The Securities and Futures Authority Limited.

Warburg Dillon Read is acting exclusively for Anglo American plc and Anglo
American Corporation of South Africa Limited in connection with the Offer and
no one else and will not be responsible to anyone other than Anglo American
plc and Anglo American Corporation of South Africa Limited for providing the
protections afforded to customers of Warburg Dillon Read or for providing
advice in relation to the Offer.



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