MBS have admitted body status in the Teesside pre-funded defined benefit scheme, as employees of MBS who were previously employed by the local council remain members of the Teesside Pension Fund. Up to 31 May 2011, the assets and liabilities of this scheme were identified under retirement benefit obligations on the Consolidated balance sheet and disclosed as third-party schemes in section d overleaf. From 1 June 2011, as part of the renegotiated extension of the associated customer contract, the pension risk now rests with the original customer (transferor) and from this date the Teesside Scheme has been accounted for on a defined contribution basis under a above. The curtailment gain of GBP1.9m, arising from the elimination of the accounting deficit on this scheme at 31 May 2011, has been included within exceptional items, as disclosed in note 3.

c Schemes accounted for on a defined benefit basis - Group schemes

The Mouchel Business Services Limited Pension Scheme (MBS), the Mouchel Superannuation Fund (MSF) and the Mouchel Staff Pension Scheme (MSPS) are funded defined benefit schemes and are disclosed as Group schemes in section d overleaf. For these three principal defined benefit schemes the future liabilities for benefits are provided for by the accumulation of assets held externally to the Group in separate, trustee-administered funds. The cost of these schemes is determined in accordance with the advice of independent, professionally qualified actuaries on the basis of formal actuarial valuations using the projected unit credit method. In line with normal business practice these valuations are undertaken on a triennial basis.

All schemes are closed to new entrants except for employees transferring to the Group under TUPE, where the Group is required to provide benefits which are broadly comparable to those provided under the Local Government Pension Scheme or another defined benefit scheme provided by the transferring employer. The Group schemes were closed to future accrual of benefit on 31 December 2010 for all non-public sector members with these members being offered entry to the Group's defined contribution schemes from 1 January 2011.

Given the membership of the schemes, under the projected unit credit method the current service cost would be expected to increase as the members of the scheme approach retirement.

The date of the last full actuarial valuation for each of the schemes was March 2010.

Liverpool 2020 Limited has admitted body status in the Merseyside pre-funded defined benefit scheme, as employees of Liverpool 2020 Limited who were previously employed by the local council remain members of the Merseyside Pension Fund. The pricing mechanism within the contract allows for the pension costs to be charged to the council on an annual basis and accordingly we have accounted for this pension scheme on a defined contribution basis. However, there is a risk, due to external factors between the 2010 actuarial valuation and the contract end date of 30 September 2013, that the values advised by the actuaries to be recovered from the council are insufficient and a deficit arises at the end of the contract that cannot be recovered from the customer.

The key assumptions used in valuing the retirement benefit obligation at the end of the year were:

                                                    2011     2010 
                                                       %        % 
==================================================  ====  ======= 
Discount rate                                        5.4  5.4/5.4 
Expected rate of increase in pensionable salaries    3.4  2.6/3.0 
Expected rate of increase in pensions in payment     2.4  2.3/3.0 
Expected rate of price inflation (RPI)               3.4  3.0/3.0 
Expected rate of price inflation (CPI)               2.9        - 
==================================================  ====  ======= 

Note: Data for 2011 is for Group schemes only but for 2010 Group schemes is given first, followed by data for third-party schemes.

                                           2011       2010 
                                          Years      Years 
=======================================  ======  ========= 
Life expectancy at age 65: 
- current pensioners: male                 87.2  87.1/87.2 
                                 female    90.0  90.0/90.1 
- future pensioners: male                  88.2  88.1/88.1 
                                female     91.0  90.9/90.9 
=======================================  ======  ========= 

Note: Data for 2011 is for Group schemes only but for 2010 Group schemes is given first, followed by data for third-party schemes.

The effect of the Government's announcement that increases in future pensions will be in line with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rather than the Retail Price Index (RPI) have, where appropriate, been taken into account in the calculation of the retirement benefit obligations.

The sensitivity associated with these assumptions is as follows:

                                             Effect on deficit 
                                                         Group  MBS Group 
                                                        scheme     scheme 
                                     Change               GBPm       GBPm 
=================================  ========  =================  ========= 
Discount rate                      -/+ 0.1%            -/+ 4.4    -/+ 1.6 
Expected rate of price inflation   -/+ 0.1%            -/+ 3.8    -/+ 1.5 
                                      -/+ 1 
Life expectancy                        year            -/+ 6.2    -/+ 2.5 
=================================  ========  =================  ========= 

The trustees of each scheme determine the investment strategy for the assets held by the scheme, in consultation with the principal employer.

The expected return on the scheme assets in the forthcoming year is as follows:

==============================================  ==== 
Equities and diversified growth funds ('DGF')   8.4% 
Bonds, gilts and cash                           4.4% 
Property                                        6.4% 
==============================================  ==== 

Note: Data is for Group schemes only.

Equity and DGF returns are assumed to return 4.5% above gilts in the long term. Bonds are assumed to return in line with the discount rate (5.4%) and gilts and liability driven investments are assumed to return at the 20 year UK gilt yield rate (3.9%) which reflects the average life of the liabilities. Cash is assumed to return at the Bank of England base rate (0.5%) and property at gilt yield plus a risk premium of 2.5%.

d Defined benefit pension schemes

The amounts recognised in the balance sheet are as follows:

                                                   Group  Third-party 
                                                 schemes      schemes    Total    Total 
                                                    2011         2011     2011     2010 
                                                    GBPm         GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
==============================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 
Equities and diversity growth funds                185.7            -    185.7    216.5 
Bonds and gilts                                     84.9            -     84.9     78.7 
Cash                                                 2.5            -      2.5      7.8 
Property                                            11.5            -     11.5     13.1 
Unpaid contributions                                   -            -        -    (0.7) 
==============================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 
Fair value of plan assets                          284.6            -    284.6    315.4 
Present value of obligations                     (317.4)            -  (317.4)  (368.4) 
==============================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 
Liability in the balance sheet                    (32.8)            -   (32.8)   (53.0) 
==============================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 
Current liability                                  (0.7)            -    (0.7)    (0.7) 
Non-current liability                             (32.1)            -   (32.1)   (52.3) 
==============================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 
Total liability in the balance sheet as above     (32.8)            -   (32.8)   (53.0) 
==============================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 

Movements in the defined benefit obligation are as follows:

                                                       Group  Third-party 
                                                     schemes      schemes    Total    Total 
                                                        2011         2011     2011     2010 
                                                        GBPm         GBPm     GBPm     GBPm 
==================================================  ========  ===========  =======  ======= 
Retirement benefit obligations at the beginning 
 of the year                                         (303.9)       (64.5)  (368.4)  (328.5) 
Service cost                                           (3.2)        (1.0)    (4.2)    (6.4) 
Interest cost                                         (16.2)        (2.7)   (18.9)   (19.9) 
Employee contributions                                 (1.3)        (0.5)    (1.8)    (3.1) 
Past service costs                                       3.9          3.8      7.7        - 
Benefits paid                                           13.0          1.3     14.3     10.9 
Actuarial loss                                         (9.7)        (8.0)   (17.7)   (21.4) 
Elimination upon settlement/curtailment of scheme          -         71.6     71.6        - 
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