The Law Debenture Corporation p.l.c. and its subsidiaries


The Directors recommend an interim dividend of 4.5p on the ordinary shares for
the six months to 30 June 2013. The report including the unaudited results for
the period was as follows:

Financial summary

                                   30 June       30 June      31 December
                                   2013          2012         2012

                                   Pence         Pence        Pence

Share price                        481.50        376.00       425.00

NAV per share after proposed       423.10        348.31       374.55

NAV per share after proposed       418.61        348.31       367.86

with debt at fair value

- Investment trust                 5.60          4.78         8.47

- Independent fiduciary services   3.24          3.45         6.67

Group net revenue return per share 8.84          8.23         15.14

Capital return per share           44.71         21.22        50.24

Dividends per share                4.50          4.50         14.25


Ongoing charges                    0.45

Gearing                            5

Ongoing charges are based on the
cost of the investment trust and
include the Henderson management
fee of 0.30% of NAV for the
investment trust. There is no
performance element related to the

Performance to 30 June 2013

                                   6 months      12 months

                                   %             %

Share price total return 1         15.70         32.20

NAV total return 1                 12.70         24.10

FTSE All-Share Index total return  8.50          17.90

 1. Source AIC. NAV used to calculate total return has been adjusted to reflect the
    fair value of the debenture. The adjustment reduced NAV at 30 June 2013 by 4.49p
    (31 December 2012: 6.69p; 30 June 2012: nil)

Basis of preparation

The results for the period have been prepared in accordance with International
Financial Reporting Standards (IAS 34 - Interim financial reporting).

There have been no changes to the group's accounting policies during the

Half yearly management report


Our net asset value total return for the six months to 30 June 2013 was 12.7%,
compared to a total return of 8.5% for the FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index. Net
revenue per share was 8.84p, an increase of 7.4% over the corresponding period
last year, as a result of a 17.2% increase in the investment trust and a 6.1%
decrease in independent fiduciary services.


The board has declared an interim dividend of 4.5p (2012: 4.5p). The dividend
will be paid on 12 September 2013 to holders on the record date of 16 August
2013. The current expectation of the directors is that the final dividend will
be maintained.

Investment trust

Equity markets rose and good corporate performance led to increased dividends.
Towards the end of the period, markets fell on profit taking inspired by
concerns that quantitative easing would end and that the Chinese economy was

Our exposure to industrial companies remains high and the three best relative
contributors to the portfolio in the first six months of the year were Senior,
GKN and GlaxoSmithKline. Corporate profits continue to increase as costs are
well controlled and sales improve, resulting in higher margins. The growing
profitability is leading to falling corporate debt and increased dividends,
including special dividends. We continue to be fully invested in equities in
the investment portfolio.

Independent fiduciary services

Revenues, net of cost of sales, which represent legal costs recharged to
clients were flat whilst administration costs increased by 5.3% resulting in a
decrease in profit before taxation of 9.7%. Our markets remain difficult
although some sectors, such as service of process, found ways to improve
revenues. Since 2002 and following the commencement of the US trust business, a
US $50 million guarantee has been provided to Law Debenture Trust Company of
New York (LDTCNY) to meet contractual requirements under certain trust
indentures where LDTCNY acts as trustee.  With the advice of legal, tax and
accounting advisers, it has now been deemed necessary to replace the guarantee
with an uncommitted borrowing facility of approximately US $45 million at an
interest rate of 1.5 per cent over LIBOR.  The proceeds of this facility have
been contributed as capital to LDTCNY and will be held by LDTCNY in US $
denominated money market funds.

Group income statement

For the six months ended 30 June 2013 (unaudited)

                          30 June 2013                 30 June 2012

                          Revenue  Capital Total       Revenue  Capital Total
                          £000     £000    £000        £000     £000    £000

UK dividends              6,531    -       6,531       6,104    -       6,104

UK special dividends      778      -       778         181      -       181

Overseas dividends        1,401    -       1,401       1,221    -       1,221

Overseas special          32       -       32          48       -       48

Interest from securities  295      -       295         334      -       334

                          9,037    -       9,037       7,888    -       7,888

Interest income           30       -       30          42       -       42

Independent fiduciary     14,751   -       14,751      14,904   -       14,904
services fees

Other income              21       -       21          58       -       58

Total income              23,839   -       23,839      22,892   -       22,892

Net gain on investments   -        52,737  52,737      -        25,031  25,031
held at fair value
through profit or loss

Gross income and capital  23,839   52,737  76,576      22,892   25,031  47,923

Cost of sales             (1,590)  -       (1,590)     (1,800)  -       (1,800)

Administrative expenses   (9,977)  (128)   (10,105)    (9,314)  (83)    (9,397)

Operating profit          12,272   52,609  64,881      11,778   24,948  36,726

Finance costs

Interest payable          (1,225)  -       (1,225)     (1,225)  -       (1,225)

Profit before taxation    11,047   52,609  63,656      10,553   24,948  35,501

Taxation                  (643)    -       (643)       (876)    -       (876)

Profit for period         10,404   52,609  63,013      9,677    24,948  34,625

Return per ordinary share 8.84     44.71   53.55       8.23     21.22   29.45

Diluted return per        8.83     44.67   53.50       8.23     21.21   29.44
ordinary share (pence)

Statement of comprehensive income

For the six months ended 30 June 2013 (unaudited)

                        30 June 2013                  30 June 2012

                        Revenue   Capital Total       Revenue  Capital  Total
                        £000      £000    £000        £000     £000     £000

Profit for the period   10,404    52,609  63,013      9,677    24,948   34,625

Foreign exchange        -         (254)   (254)       -        (29)     (29)

Total comprehensive     10,404    52,355  62,759      9,677    24,919   34,596
income for the period

Group statement of financial position

                                        30 June 2013 30 June 2012  31 December 2012
                                        (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited)
                                        £000         £000          £000


Non current assets

Goodwill                                2,238        2,210         2,182

Property, plant and equipment           230          300           254

Other intangible assets                 300          429           363

Investments held at fair value          533,083      446,857       479,521
through profit or loss

Deferred tax assets                     1,020        1,223         1,126

Total non current assets                536,871      451,019       483,446

Current assets

Trade and other receivables             3,297        5,113         4,244

Other accrued income and prepaid        5,638        6,473         5,980

Cash and cash equivalents               21,332       16,381        22,201

Total current assets                    30,267       27,967        32,425

Total assets                            567,138      478,986       515,871

Current liabilities

Trade and other payables                11,464       10,585        10,745

Corporation tax payable                 679          783           1,005

Other taxation including social         617          623           629

Deferred income                         4,175        4,184         3,948

Total current liabilities               16,935       16,175        16,327

Non current liabilities and deferred

Long term borrowings                    39,431       39,404        39,418

Retirement benefit obligations          1,867        2,823         2,227

Deferred income                         5,769        5,765         6,035

Total non current liabilities           47,067       47,992        47,680

Total net assets                        503,136      414,819       451,864


Called up share capital                 5,905        5,905         5,905

Share premium                           8,125        8,106         8,122

Capital redemption                      8            8             8

Share based payments                    -            201           -

Own shares                              (1,797)      (1,805)       (1,778)

Capital reserves                        457,943      371,216       405,334

Retained earnings                       32,897       30,704        33,964

Translation reserve                     55           484           309

Total equity                            503,136      414,819       451,864

Group statement of cash flows

For the six months ended 30 June 2013

                                        30 June      30 June       31 December
                                        2013         2012          2012
                                        (unaudited)  (unaudited)   (audited)

                                        £000         £000          £000

Operating activities

Operating profit before interest        64,881       36,726        81,064
payable and taxation

(Gains) on investments                  (52,609)     (24,948)      (59,066)

Foreign exchange                        (62)         8             39

Depreciation of property, plant and     72           56            149

Amortisation of intangible assets       101          109           214

Decrease/(increase) in receivables      1,289        (400)         962

Increase/(decrease) in payables         681          (528)         (314)

Transfer to capital reserves            223          529           772

Normal pension contributions in excess  (360)        (315)         (575)
of cost

Cash generated from operating           14,216       11,237        23,245

Taxation                                (863)        (1,193)       (1,855)

Interest paid                           (1,225)      (1,225)       (2,450)

Operating cash flow                     12,128       8,819         18,940

Investing activities

Acquisition of property, plant and      (43)         (36)          (89)

Expenditure on intangible assets        (37)         (339)         (375)

Purchase of investments                 (49,489)     (20,504)      (48,376)

Sale of investments                     48,305       21,120        50,193

Cash flow from investing activities     (1,264)      241           1,353

Financing activities

Dividends paid                          (11,471)     (10,582)      (15,873)

Proceeds of increase in share capital   3            -             16

Purchase of own shares                  (19)         (121)         (94)

Net cash flow from financing activities (11,487)     (10,703)      (15,951)

Net (decrease)/increase in cash and     (623)        (1,643)       4,342
cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning  22,201       18,063        18,063
of period

Foreign exchange (losses) on cash and   (246)        (39)          (204)
cash equivalents

Cash and cash equivalents at end of     21,332       16,381        22,201

Group statement of changes in equity

                 Share   Share   Own     Capital    Translation Capital  Retained Total
                 capital premium shares  redemption reserve     reserves earnings

                 £000    £000    £000    £000       £000        £000     £000     £000

Equity at 1      5,905   8,122   (1,778) 8          309         405,334  33,964   451,864
January 2013

Net profit       -       -       -       -          -           52,609   10,404   63,013


Foreign exchange -       -       -       -          (254)       -        -        (254)

Total            -       -       -       -          (254)       52,609   10,404   62,759
income for the

Issue of shares  -       3       -       -          -           -        -        3

Movement in own  -       -       (19)    -          -           -        -        (19)

Dividend         -       -       -       -          -           -        (11,471) (11,471)
relating to 2011

Total equity at  5,905   8,125   (1,797) 8          55          457,943  32,897   503,136
30 June 2013

Group segmental analysis

                     Investment trust           Independent fiduciary    Total

                     30 June  30 June  31 Dec   30 June 30 June 31 Dec   30 June  30 June   31 Dec
                     2013     2012     2012     2013    2012    2012     2013     2012      2012

                     £000     £000     £000     £000    £000    £000     £000     £000      £000


Segment income       9,037    7,888    14,392   14,751  14,904  29,760   23,788   22,792    44,152

Other income         -        -        12       21      58      93       21       58        105

Cost of sales        -        -        -        (1,590) (1,800) (3,761)  (1,590)  (1,800)   (3,761)

Administration costs (1,218)  (993)    (1,917)  (8,759) (8,321) (16,721) (9,977)  (9,314)   (18,638)

                     7,819    6,895    12,487   4,423   4,841   9,371    12,242   11,736    21,858

Interest (net)       (1,232)  (1,279)  (2,534)  37      96      224      (1,195)  (1,183)   (2,310)

Return, including    6,587    5,616    9,953    4,460   4,937   9,595    11,047   10,553    19,548
profit on ordinary
activities before

Taxation             -        -        -        (643)   (876)   (1,753)  (643)    (876)     (1,753)

Return, including    6,587    5,616    9,953    3,817   4,061   7,842    10,404   9,677    17,795
profit attributable
to shareholders

Revenue return per   5.60     4.78     8.47     3.24    3.45    6.67     8.84     8.23     15.14
ordinary share

Assets               545,371  454,766  491,643  21,767  24,220  24,228   567,138  478,986  515,871

Liabilities          (58,480) (55,424) (54,915) (5,522) (8,743) (9,092)  (64,002) (64,167) (64,007)

Total net assets     486,891  399,342  436,728  16,245  15,477  15,136   503,136  414,819  451,864

Analysis of the investment portfolio

By geographical location

               Valuation                                                  Valuation
               31 December           Costs of    Sales     Appreciation/  30 June
               2012        Purchases acquisition proceeds  (depreciation) 2013
               £000        £000      £000        £000      £000           £000      %

United Kingdom 330,297     24,135    (128)       (24,009)  37,808         368,103   69.0

North America  31,440      3,092     (4)         -         6,114          40,642    7.6

Europe         38,203      2,878     (4)         (4,796)   4,517          40,798    7.7

Japan          13,174      -         -           -         3,917          17,091    3.2

Other Pacific  31,937      -         -           -         568            32,505    6.1

UK Gilts       34,470      19,384    -           (19,500)  (410)          33,944    6.4

               479,521     49,489    (136)       (48,305)  52,514         553,083   100.0

By Sector (excluding cash)

                                                    As at         As at
                                                    30 June       31 December
                                                    2013          2012

                                                    %             %

Oil & gas                                           9.5           9.6

Basic materials                                     4.7           4.9

Industrials                                         23.8          22.8

Consumer goods                                      10.4          9.9

Health care                                         8.5           7.5

Consumer services                                   7.9           6.6

Telecommunications                                  0.6           1.8

Utilities                                           3.4           4.3

Financials                                          12.2          13.1

Technology                                          2.9           2.4

Pooled equity investments                           9.7           9.9

UK Gilts                                            6.4           7.2

                                                    100.0         100.0

Investment portfolio valuation
as at 30 June 2013

UK unless otherwise stated.

                            £'000     %

Oil & gas

Oil & gas producers

BP                          13,202    2.48

Royal Dutch Shell           10,878    2.04

Premier Oil                 2,497     0.47

Indus Gas                   2,473     0.46

Xcite Energy                1,470     0.28

Providence Resources        1,337     0.25

Total (Fra)                 1,332     0.25

                            33,189    6.23

Oil equipment & services

Cape                        5,445     1.02

Gibson Energy (Can)         4,803     0.90

Schlumberger (USA)          3,777     0.71

National Oilwell Varco      2,271     0.43

AMEC                        1,005     0.19

                            17,301    3.25

Basic materials


Oxford Catalysts            5,835     1.09

Croda                       4,329     0.81

Brenntag (Ger)              1,224     0.23

Linde (Ger)                 1,223     0.23

Elementis                   735       0.14

                            13,346    2.50

Forestry & paper

Mondi                       3,266     0.61

                            3,266     0.61


Rio Tinto                   6,037     1.13

BHP Billiton                2,522     0.47

                            8,559     1.60


Construction & materials

Balfour Beatty              3,491     0.65

Accsys Technologies         1,999     0.37

Marshalls                   833       0.16

                            6,323     1.18

Aerospace & defence

Senior                      17,757    3.33

Meggitt                     7,245     1.36

BAE Systems                 6,894     1.29

Rolls Royce                 6,798     1.28

Lockheed Martin (USA)       3,216     0.60

                            41,910    7.86

General industrials

Smith (DS)                  8,814     1.65

                            8,814     1.65

Electronic & electrical

Morgan Advanced Materials   5,196     0.97

Applied Materials (USA)     4,912     0.92

Spectris                    4,775     0.90

TT Electronics              2,197     0.41

XP Power                    1,438     0.27

Philips Electronics (Net)   1,115     0.21

Legrand (Fra)               996       0.19

                            20,629    3.87

Industrial engineering

Hill & Smith                6,686     1.25

Weir Group                  6,453     1.21

Cummins (USA)               5,006     0.94

Caterpillar (USA)           2,176     0.42

IMI                         1,239     0.23

Renold                      1,110     0.21

Severfield-Rowen            392       0.07

                            23,062    4.33

Industrial transportation

AP Moller-Maersk (Den)      1,179     0.22

Wincanton                   302       0.06

Goldenport                  235       0.04

                            1,716     0.32

Support services

Interserve                  8,114     1.52

Carillion                   3,445     0.65

Babcock                     2,755     0.52

Johnson Service             2,731     0.51

Deutsche Post (Ger)         2,379     0.45

SGS (Swi)                   1,838     0.34

Sodexo (Fra)                1,613     0.30

Adecco (Swi)                1,137     0.21

Augean                      336       0.06

                            24,348    4.56

Consumer goods

Automobiles & parts

GKN                         13,932    2.61

Toyota Motor (Jap)          2,713     0.51

                            16,645    3.12


Diageo                      7,142     1.34

Pernod-Ricard (Fra)         1,370     0.26

                            8,512     1.60

Food producers

Unilever                    4,657     0.87

Associated British Foods    3,904     0.73

Nestlé (Swi)                3,440     0.65

                            12,001    2.25

Household goods & home construction

Bellway                     5,711     1.07

Redrow                      4,822     0.90

L'Oreal (Fra)               1,731     0.32

Essilor (Fra)               1,571     0.29

                            13,835    2.58


Imperial Tobacco            3,420     0.64

Swedish Match (Swe)         1,410     0.26

                            4,830     0.90

Health care

Health care equipment &

Becton Dickinson (USA)      4,881     0.92

Smith & Nephew              3,454     0.65

Fresenius (Ger)             3,326     0.63

Fresenius Medical Care      1,812     0.34

                            13,473    2.54

Pharmaceuticals &

GlaxoSmithKline             12,360    2.32

BTG                         7,376     1.38

Pfizer (USA)                2,770     0.52

Novartis (Swi)              2,546     0.48

AstraZeneca                 2,335     0.44

Roche (Swi)                 2,127     0.40

Shire                       2,085     0.39

                            31,599    5.93

Consumer services

Food & drug retailers

Tesco                       2,485     0.47

                            2,485     0.47

General retailers

Dunelm                      8,028     1.51

Findel                      1,470     0.28

Inditex (Spa)               1,160     0.22

Topps Tiles                 519       0.10

                            11,177    2.11


Reed Elsevier               5,603     1.05

Pearson                     3,220     0.60

Daily Mail & General Trust  2,299     0.43

British Sky Broadcasting    1,980     0.37

Hibu                        4         -

                            13,106    2.45

Travel & leisure

Greene King                 4,879     0.92

Carnival                    4,580     0.86

Marstons                    2,872     0.54

International Consolidated  2,176     0.41

Betfair                     853       0.16

                            15,360    2.89


Mobile telecommunications

Inmarsat                    2,443     0.46

Ericsson (Swe)              853       0.16

                            3,296     0.62



SSE                         4,569     0.86

SSE 5.75% 05/02/14          2,402     0.45

                            6,971     1.31

Gas water & multiutilities

National Grid 6.125% 15/04/ 5,546     1.04

National Grid               4,548     0.85

Centrica                    1,260     0.24

                            11,354    2.13



HSBC                        10,229    1.92

Barclays                    4,176     0.79

                            14,405    2.71

Nonlife insurance

Amlin                       9,619     1.80

Hiscox                      6,825     1.28

                            16,444    3.08

Life insurance / assurance

Prudential                  3,222     0.60

Aviva                       2,666     0.50

Chesnara                    2,492     0.47

Permanent TSB (Ire)         9         -

                            8,389     1.57

Real estate investments & services

St Modwen Properties        3,619     0.68

                            3,619     0.68

Real estate investment

Mucklow (A&J) Group         3,103     0.58

Land Securities             2,845     0.53

                            5,948     1.11

Financial services

International Personal      5,988     1.12

IP Group                    4,645     0.88

Provident Financial         4,086     0.77

Deutsche Börse (Ger)        1,430     0.27

                            16,149    3.04

Equity investment

Henderson Japan Capital     14,378    2.70

Henderson Asia Pacific      12,052    2.26
Capital Growth

Baillie Gifford Pacific     10,692    2.01

First State Asia Pacific    9,761     1.83

Herald Investment Trust     4,641     0.87

                            51,524    9.67


Software & computer

Microsoft (USA)             6,830     1.28

Amadeus IT (Spa)            2,137     0.40

Sage                        1,940     0.36

SAP (Ger)                   1,797     0.34

                            12,704    2.38

Technology hardware & equipment

Imagination Technologies    2,585     0.48

                            2,585     0.48

UK Gilts

UK Treasury 2.25% 07/03/14  33,944    6.37

                            33,944    6.37

Principal risks and uncertainties

The principal risks of the Corporation relate to the investment activities and
include market price risk, foreign currency risk, liquidity risk, interest rate
risk and credit risk. These are explained in the notes to the annual accounts.
In the view of the board these risks are as applicable to the remaining six
months of the financial year as they were to the period under review.

The principal risks of the independent fiduciary services business arise during
the course of defaults, potential defaults and restructurings where we have
been appointed to provide services. To mitigate these risks we work closely
with our legal advisers and, where appropriate, financial advisers, both in the
set up phase to ensure that we have as many protections as practicable, and at
all other stages whether or not there is a danger of default.

Related party transactions

There have been no related party transactions during the period which have
materially affected the financial position or performance of the group. During
the period transactions between the Corporation and its subsidiaries have been
eliminated on consolidation. Details of related party transactions are given in
the notes to the annual accounts.

Directors' responsibility statement

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

  * the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared in accordance
    with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU;

  * the half yearly report includes a fair review of the information required

 a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of
    important events that have occurred during the first six months of the
    financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial
    statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for
    the remaining six months of the year; and

 b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party
    transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current
    financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or
    performance of the entity during that period.

On behalf of the board

Christopher Smith
25 July 2013


 1. The financial information presented herein does not amount to full
    statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act
    2006  and has neither been audited nor reviewed pursuant to guidance issued
    by the Auditing Practices Board. The annual report and financial statement
    for 2012 have been filed with the Registrar of Companies.
    The  independent  auditors'  report on the  annual  report
    and  financial  statements  for 2012 was unqualified, did not include a
    reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of
    emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain a statement
    under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

 2. The calculations of NAV and earnings per share are based on:

NAV: shares at end of the period 117,664,360 (30 June 2012: 117,575,226) (31
December 2012: 117,583,308).

Income: average shares during the period 117,657,023 (30 June 2012:
117,565,430) (31 December 2012: 117,568,771).

Group summary

From its origins in 1889, Law Debenture has diversified to become a group with
a unique range of activities in the financial and professional services
sectors. The group divides into two distinct complementary areas of business.

Investment trust

We are a global investment trust, listed on the London Stock Exchange.

Our portfolio of investments is managed by Henderson Global Investors Limited
under a contract terminable by either side on six months' notice.

Our objective is to achieve long term capital growth in real terms and steadily
increasing income. The aim is to achieve a higher rate of total return than the
FTSE Actuaries All-Share Index through investing in a portfolio diversified
both geographically and by industry.

Independent fiduciary services

We are a leading provider of independent fiduciary services. Our activities are
corporate trusts, treasury and agency solutions, pension trusts, corporate
services (including agent for service of process) whistle blowing services and
corporate governance services. We have offices in London, Sunderland, New York,
Delaware, Hong Kong, the Channel Islands and the Cayman Islands.

Companies, agencies, organisations and individuals throughout the world rely
upon Law Debenture to carry out its duties with the independence and
professionalism upon which its reputation is built.

Registered office

Fifth Floor
100 Wood Street
London EC2V 7EX
Telephone: 020 7606 5451
Facsimile: 020 7606 0643

(Registered in England No 30397)

Copyright y 24 PR Newswire

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Historical Stock Chart
From Jun 2024 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Law Debenture Charts.
Law Debenture (LSE:LWDB)
Historical Stock Chart
From Jul 2023 to Jul 2024 Click Here for more Law Debenture Charts.