5 December 2022 
            The Lindsell Train Investment Trust plc (the "Company") 
             Unaudited Half-Year Results for the six months ended 
                               30 September 2022 
This Announcement is not the Company's Half-year Report & Accounts. It is an 
abridged version of the Company's full Half-year Report & Accounts for the six 
months ended 30 September 2022. The full Half-year Report & Accounts together 
with a copy of this announcement, will shortly be available on the Company's 
website at www.ltit.co.uk where up to date information on the Company, 
including NAV, share prices and monthly updates, can also be found. 
The Company's Half-year Report & Accounts for the six months ended 30 September 
2022 has been submitted to the UK Listing Authority, and will shortly be 
available for inspection on the National Storage Mechanism (NSM) at https:// 
Financial Highlights 
Performance comparisons 1 April 2022 - 30 September 2022                            Change 
Share price total return per Ordinary Share*^                                        -6.5% 
Net asset value total return per Ordinary Share*^                                    -3.0% 
MSCI World Index total return (Sterling)                                             -7.3% 
UK RPI Inflation (all items)                                                         +7.5% 
  * The net asset value and the share price at 30 September 2022 have been 
    adjusted to include the ordinary dividend of £51.12 per share and a special 
    dividend of £1.88 per share paid on 13 September 2022, with the associated 
    ex-dividend date of 11 August 2022. 
^       Alternative Performance Measure ("APM"). See Glossary of Terms and 
Alternative Performance Measures. 
Source: Morningstar/Bloomberg 
Investment Objective 
The objective of the Company is to maximise long-term total returns with a 
minimum objective to maintain the real purchasing power of Sterling capital. 
Investment Policy 
The Investment Policy of the Company is to invest: 
(i)      in a wide range of financial assets including equities, unlisted 
equities, bonds, funds, cash and other financial investments globally with no 
limitations on the markets and sectors in which investment may be made, 
although there is likely to be a bias towards equities and Sterling assets, 
consistent with a Sterling-dominated investment objective. The Directors expect 
that the flexibility implicit in these powers will assist in the achievement of 
the investment objective; 
(ii)     in Lindsell Train managed fund products, subject to Board approval, up 
to 25% of its gross assets; and 
(iii)    in LTL and to retain a holding, currently 24.2%, in order to benefit 
from the growth of the business of the Company's Manager. 
The Company does not envisage any changes to its objective, its investment 
policy, or its management for the foreseeable future. The current composition 
of the portfolio as at 30 September 2022, which may be changed at any time 
(excluding investments in LTL and LTL managed funds) at the discretion of the 
Investment Manager within the confines of the policy stated above. 
The Company expects to invest in a concentrated portfolio of securities with 
the number of equity investments averaging fifteen companies. The Company will 
not make investments for the purpose of exercising control or management and 
will not invest in the securities of, or lend to, any one company (or other 
members of its group) more than 15% by value of its gross assets at the time of 
The Company will not invest more than 15% of gross assets in other closed-ended 
investment funds. 
The Directors have discretion to permit borrowings up to 50% of the Net Asset 
Value. However, the Directors have decided that it is in the Company's best 
interests not to use gearing. This is in part a reflection of the increasing 
size and risk associated with the Company's unlisted investment in LTL, but 
also in response to the additional administrative burden required to adhere to 
the full scope regime of the AIFMD. 
The Directors' policy is to pay annual dividends consistent with retaining the 
maximum permitted earnings in accordance with investment trust regulations, 
thereby building revenue reserves. 
In a year when this policy would imply a reduction in the ordinary dividend, 
the Directors may choose to maintain the dividend by increasing the percentage 
of revenue paid out or by drawing down on revenue reserves. Revenue reserves on 
31 March 2022 were twice the annual 2022 ordinary dividend paid on 13 September 
All dividends have been distributed from revenue or revenue reserves. 
Chairman's Statement 
The Company's net asset value per share ("NAV") fell by 7.6% (from £1,113.81 to 
£1,029.42) over the first six months of the financial year ending 31 March 
2023; although once the dividend was added in, the total return to shareholders 
was minus 3.0%. The total return of the share price registered a steeper fall 
of 6.5% with the price falling from £1,105 to £991 and ended the half year 
trading at a 3.7% discount to the NAV. These returns are better than the 7.3% 
fall in the benchmark MSCI World Index (including dividends). This fall is 
understandable when one considers the background uncertainties surrounding the 
conflict in Ukraine, rising inflation and rising interest rates. 
In this environment it was not surprising that the Company's 24.2% ownership of 
Lindsell Train Limited ("LTL"), which accounted for 42.7% of NAV at 30 
September 2022, had the most bearing on performance. LTL's valuation fell by 
10.4% reflecting its reduced funds under management ("FUM"). FUM fell from £ 
20.5bn to £18.6bn over the six months, £1.5bn due to net redemptions and £0.4bn 
due to falling market prices. LTL has suffered from more than two years of 
disappointing relative performance across all its four equity strategies which, 
together with widespread outflows from equity funds generally, underlies this 
loss of FUM. The experience of recent years illustrates the investment risk 
inherent in a fund management business that has a singular approach to 
investing. Although LTL offers four strategies differentiated by geography, all 
its portfolios are run following a consistent approach and tend to be populated 
with the same type of companies. LTL and the Company's Directors strongly 
believe that this approach will outperform in the long term, given the 
Investment Manager's concentration on companies that should generate 
consistently higher returns on capital over time. However, the strategy can 
fall out of favour when it is seen to be generating inferior short-term returns 
compared with alternative strategies. Whilst the falls in LTL's FUM and 
valuation (they are inextricably linked through the Directors' valuation 
formula) are painful, the total return from the Company's investment in LTL 
over the six months of minus 4.0% is less negative. This is because LTL's 
current profits generate a dividend yield on LTL's shares of more than 10% per 
annum, which negates the bulk of the fall in the LTL valuation. 
Putting LTL's valuation fall in the context of its peers, the recent fall in 
markets has hit the valuation of many quoted fund management businesses hard. 
The Directors monitor a universe of quoted fund managers listed in developed 
markets and a year ago they were valued on average at 3.2% of FUM. That same 
universe was valued at 1.4% of FUM at the end of September 2022, a 60% fall. It 
is a sobering reminder of how today's reality of falling FUM bears down on the 
industry. In this environment, we judge that it is important to be 
differentiated, to offer value for money and to be cognisant of the ESG 
priorities that clients increasingly demand in addition to adding value through 
performance. LTL possesses all these qualities. We take encouragement that LTL 
is defined by a well-articulated investment approach that over the longer term 
has generated competitive returns. The costs of delivering that approach are 
generally well below the industry average and the type of companies favoured 
using this approach rank highly on ESG credentials. For these reasons we have 
confidence in LTL's future and with what it offers to its clients including 
you, our shareholders. It is also for these reasons as well as in 
acknowledgment of LTL's superior profitably (notional operating margins of 
approximately 50% versus the peer group average of 35%) that the Board values 
LTL at 1.95% of FUM at 30 September 2022. 
One way in which the Company can directly assist LTL is to help seed its new 
fund launches. The Company has used this option - limited to a maximum of 25% 
of NAV at cost - throughout its history. Today it retains a holding in the 
Lindsell Train North American Equity Fund ("LTNA"), which was bought on its 
inception in 2020. It amounted to 8.2% of net assets on 30 September 2022. 
LTNA's first two years have been burdened with the same sort of relative 
underperformance that has affected all LTL strategies. Since the fund's 
inception (on 22 April 2020) to 30 September 2022, its total return has been 
13.0% per annum versus the 17.5% per annum rise in the MSCI North American 
Index. The underlying investments represent many of the same industries and 
themes that are present in our other funds but currently with more of a bias to 
media and software. And like LTL's other funds, its companies boast impressive 
returns on capital that have been sustained for decades and well exceed 
comparative benchmark index returns; this provides the foundation for the 
durability in companies that the Manager seeks. Its largest holdings - all 
above 5% of the fund's NAV - include Estée Lauder, American Express, Alphabet 
and Pepsi. From the time the portfolio was created, with 23 constituent 
companies, it has not changed aside from the additions of Madison Square Garden 
Sports later in 2020 and FICO earlier this year. Now into its third year, LTL 
and the fund's manager James Bullock are beginning to promote the fund more 
widely with its recent addition to multiple investment platforms. 
Notwithstanding its relative underperformance, LTNA has made an important 
contribution to the Company's returns through its strong absolute performance 
of 13% per annum since inception, from a market (North America) otherwise less 
represented within the Company's portfolio. We hope that it will also grow and 
flourish as a core strategy for LTL in the future. 
I am also pleased to welcome two new additions to the Board. Roger Lambert and 
Helena Vinnicombe joined as Non-Executive Directors at the end of September. 
They have joined the Audit, Nomination and Management Engagement Committees. 
Roger and Helena will offer themselves for election by shareholders at the 2023 
AGM. Both bring relevant experience and skills and, I dare say, some new 
Julian Cazalet 
4 December 2022 
Investment Manager's Report 
"The best is yet to come." This attitude to life is both rational and 
psychologically therapeutic - certainly for those facing the challenges of 
investment markets. 
I admit that threading through today's macro-economic and geopolitical thickets 
I must work harder than usual to maintain my native optimism. But when I turn 
to the prospects for the businesses we are invested in - they appear brighter 
and brighter. 
Here are some facts or anecdotes that help justify a view that the best is 
still to come for your Company's key portfolio holdings. 
Nintendo is the creator of some of the most sought-after entertainment content 
on the planet. This content includes at least 33% ownership of purportedly the 
biggest grossing media franchise of all-time: Pokémon, with estimated lifetime 
revenues of $90bn. Nintendo has rights to make all Pokémon console games, in 
addition to its ownership stake. Now, the biggest ever Japanese launch for a 
Pokémon game was that of Pokémon Black and White, which sold 2.6m copies in 
7 days back in 2010. This was the biggest first week sale for any game in Japan 
ever, until September 2022 when Nintendo released Splatoon 3.  This relatively 
new (2015) and fun series, which is 100% owned by Nintendo, sold 3.6m copies in 
3 days - a new record for a first week - and continues to top the Japanese 
charts and perform strongly worldwide. Well done to Nintendo for creating a new 
franchise with the potential for revenues of billions of dollars. Meanwhile, 
the Mario and Zelda franchises have sold more games on Switch than any previous 
Nintendo device; with Mario Kart 8, at 55m copies sold, the bestselling in this 
series and now the 6th bestselling video game of all time. Gaming is an 
immature industry; Nintendo's content is beloved; new sales records for its 
games and devices are likely to be set for years to come. 
RELX's Elsevier academic publishing division recently confirmed it publishes 
18% of global research articles, but that it commands 27% of all citations 
(demonstrating the high calibre of research submitted to its journals). 
Reinforcing the value of Elsevier's market position, consider the following 
statistics RELX shares on its website. Back in 1950, the quantum of medical 
research undertaken worldwide was doubling every 50 years. By 2020, it was 
doubling every 73 days. Meanwhile, the data handled by RELX's legal and 
business information subsidiary, LexisNexis, is doubling every year. Finally, 
note that RELX's fastest growing division, Risk, derives 65% of its profits 
from services that didn't exist 7 years ago. It's hard to conclude anything but 
that RELX's customers are going to need even more of its data and analytics 
services in years to come, as business and academic professionals are required 
to make sense of exponentially growing scads of data. 
At another data service provider, London Stock Exchange Group, we were 
encouraged by the chutzpah demonstrated by CEO David Schwimmer in July, when he 
remarked that in his previous role at Goldman Sachs he had advised on hundreds 
of transactions, but he genuinely couldn't think of a single one "as 
transformational and value-creating as this one" (LSE's 2021 acquisition of 
Refinitiv). It has to be said that with each passing update from the company, 
Schwimmer's assertion looks better and better based. Meanwhile, while turmoil 
in fixed interest and currency markets is, of course, troubling for asset 
owners, it is not necessarily so for the owners of liquidity pools where trades 
are executed, or for providers of post-trade services. It seems clear volumes 
are exceptionally strong across LSE's business currently. 
Ivan Menezes, CEO of Diageo, was rightly proud to note that in 2022 one in 
every ten pints served in a London pub or bar was a pint of Guinness. That's a 
new record and another milestone for this extraordinary global brand. Guinness 
is Diageo's second biggest brand by sales value and grew at 32% last year and 
not all of that is just a rebound from Covid-19. And, sticking to beer, what to 
make of the fact that Heineken 0% has become the world's #1 non-alcoholic beer 
brand, 2.5 billion pints sold last year, growing at 30%? That's 6% of 
Heineken's total business and it appears it does not cannibalise the rest of 
group sales. In other words, this is a new and dynamically growing brand for 
Heineken. Heineken shares traded at c.?6 in 1992 and are close to ?90 today. No 
one will complain if the stock gives another 15-fold increase over the next 
three decades - and looking at its brands and market opportunities - why 
shouldn't it? 
Of course, I can continue. We don't own any companies where we don't expect 
their future to be better than the past, however glorious. To conclude and 
turning to the geopolitics - we admired Narendra Modi, India's prime minister, 
when he proclaimed: "I know that today's era is not the era of war." Factually, 
of course, he is sadly incorrect. But we must hope that his aspiration is 
shared around the world, especially by the young. If he turns out to be right: 
the best really is still yet to come. 
Nick Train 
Lindsell Train Limited 
Investment Manager 
4 December 2022 
Portfolio Holdings at 30 September 2022 
(All ordinary shares unless otherwise stated) 
                                                                  Fair       % of     basis: 
                                                                 value        net % of total 
Holding     Security                                             £'000     assets    assets? 
6,450       Lindsell Train Limited                              87,855      42.7%      42.7% 
235,000     London Stock Exchange                               17,926       8.7%       8.9% 
12,500,000  LF Lindsell Train North American Equity Fund        16,841       8.2%       0.0% 
420,500     Diageo                                              15,966       7.7%       8.0% 
410,000     Nintendo                                            14,845       7.2%       7.2% 
222,000     Unilever                                             8,811       4.3%       4.4% 
363,000     RELX                                                 7,990       3.9%       4.1% 
97,400      PayPal                                               7,510       3.6%       3.9% 
150,000     Mondelez International                               7,365       3.6%       4.0% 
1,263,393   A.G. Barr                                            5,748       2.8%       2.8% 
89,000      Heineken                                             5,506       2.7%       2.8% 
420,000     Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC                   3,322       1.6%       0.0% 
36,621      Laurent Perrier                                      3,092       1.5%       1.5% 
            The Lindsell Train Investment 
            Trust plc Indirect Holdings                              -          -       8.2% 
            Total Investments                                  202,777      98.5%      98.5% 
            Net current Assets                                   3,106       1.5%       1.5% 
            Net Assets                                         205,883     100.0%     100.0% 
?       Look-through basis: This adjusts the percentages held in each security 
upwards by the amount held by LTL managed funds and adjusts the funds' holdings 
downwards to account for the overlap. It provides shareholders with a measure 
of stock specific risk by amalgamating the direct holdings of the Company with 
the indirect holdings held within the LTL funds. 
The balance sheet positions of the Funds managed by LTL as at 30 September 2022 
are shown below: 
                                                                                Net equity 
Fund                                                                              exposure 
LF Lindsell Train North American Equity Fund Acc                                     99.0% 
Finsbury Growth & Income Trust PLC                                                  102.4% 
Analysis of Investment Portfolio at 30 September 2022 
Breakdown by location of listing 
(look-through basis)^ 
                                                                               30 September 
UK*                                                                                     71% 
USA                                                                                     16% 
Japan                                                                                    7% 
Europe excluding UK                                                                      4% 
Cash and equivalents                                                                     2% 
Breakdown by location of underlying company revenues 
(look-through basis)^ 
UK^^                                                                                    28% 
Europe excluding UK^^                                                                   30% 
USA^^                                                                                   26% 
Rest of the World^^                                                                     11% 
Japan                                                                                    3% 
Cash and Equivalents                                                                     2% 
Breakdown by sector 
(look-through basis)^ 
Financials*                                                                             53% 
Consumer Staples                                                                        26% 
Communication services                                                                   8% 
Information Technology                                                                   5% 
Industrials                                                                              5% 
Cash and Equivalents                                                                     2% 
Consumer Discretionary                                                                   1% 
^       Look-through basis: This adjusts the percentages held in each asset 
class, country or currency by the amount held by LTL managed funds. It provides 
Shareholders with a more accurate measure of country and currency exposure by 
aggregating the direct holdings of the Company with the indirect holdings held 
by the LTL funds. 
*        LTL accounts for 42.7% and is not listed. 
^^ LTL accounts for 18 percentage points of the Europe figure, 19 percentage 
points of the UK figure, 5 percentage points of the USA figure, and 
1 percentage point of the Rest of the World figure. 
Income Statement 
                                              Six months ended           Six months ended 
                                             30 September 2022          30 September 2021 
                                                     Unaudited                  Unaudited 
                                     Revenue  Capital    Total  Revenue  Capital    Total 
                              Notes    £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000    £'000 
(Losses)/gains on                          - (13,047) (13,047)        -    7,764    7,764 
investments held at fair 
value through profit or loss 
Exchange (loss)/gains on                   -     (10)     (10)        -        2        2 
Income                            2    7,793        -    7,793    7,647        -    7,647 
Investment management fees        3    (586)        -    (586)    (675)        -    (675) 
Other expenses                    4    (371)        -    (371)    (340)        -    (340) 
Return/(loss) before tax               6,836 (13,057)  (6,221)    6,632    7,766   14,398 
Tax                               5     (57)        -     (57)     (42)        -     (42) 
Return/(loss) after tax for            6,779 (13,057)  (6,278)    6,590    7,766   14,356 
the financial period 
Return/(loss) per Ordinary        6   £33.90 £(65.29) £(31.39)   £32.95   £38.83   £71.78 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
The total columns of this statement represent the profit and loss accounts of 
the Company. The revenue and capital columns are supplementary to this and are 
prepared under the guidance published by the Association of Investment 
The Company does not have any other recognised gains or losses. The net loss 
for the period disclosed above represents the Company's total comprehensive 
No operations were acquired or discontinued during the period. 
Statement of Changes in Equity 
                                         Share    Special    Capital    Revenue 
                                       capital    reserve    reserve    reserve      Total 
                                         £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
For the six months ended 30 
September 2022 (unaudited) 
At 31 March 2022                           150     19,850    180,982     21,779    222,761 
(Loss)/return after tax for the              -          -   (13,057)      6,779    (6,278) 
financial period 
Dividends paid                               -          -          -   (10,600)   (10,600) 
At 30 September 2022                       150     19,850    167,925     17,958    205,883 
                                         Share    Special    Capital    Revenue 
                                       capital    reserve    reserve    reserve      Total 
                                         £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000      £'000 
For the six months ended 30 
September 2021 (unaudited) 
At 31 March 2021                           150     19,850    198,066     19,050    237,116 
Return after tax for the financial           -          -      7,766      6,590     14,356 
Dividends paid                               -          -          -   (10,000)   (10,000) 
At 30 September 2021                       150     19,850    205,832     15,640    241,472 
Statement of Financial Position 
                                                                30 September      31 March 
                                                                        2022          2022 
                                                                   Unaudited       Audited 
                                                          Note         £'000         £'000 
Fixed assets 
Investments held at fair value through 
profit or loss                                                       202,777       215,768 
Current assets 
Other receivables                                                        469           513 
Cash at bank                                                           2,839         6,708 
                                                                       3,308         7,221 
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
Other payables                                                         (202)         (228) 
                                                                       (202)         (228) 
Net current assets                                                     3,106         6,993 
Net assets                                                           205,883       222,761 
Capital and reserves 
Called up share capital                                                  150           150 
Special reserve                                                       19,850        19,850 
                                                                      20,000        20,000 
Capital reserve                                                      167,925       180,982 
Revenue reserve                                                       17,958        21,779 
Total shareholders' funds                                            205,883       222,761 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                           7     £1,029.42     £1,113.81 
Cash Flow Statement 
                                                                   Six months    Six months 
                                                                        ended         ended 
                                                                 30 September  30 September 
                                                                         2022          2021 
                                                                    Unaudited     Unaudited 
                                                                        £'000         £'000 
Net (loss)/return before finance costs and tax                        (6,221)        14,398 
Losses/(gains) on investments held at fair value                       13,047       (7,764) 
Losses/(gains) on exchange movements                                       10           (2) 
Decrease/(increase) in other receivables                                   13           (5) 
Decrease in accrued income                                                 33           120 
Decrease in other payables                                               (35)       (2,675) 
Taxation on investment income                                            (50)          (49) 
Net cash inflow from operating activities                               6,797         4,023 
Purchase of investments held at fair value                               (56)          (47) 
Sale of investments held at fair value                                      -           694 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from investing activities                      (56)           647 
Equity dividends paid                                                (10,600)      (10,000) 
Net cash outflow from financing activities                           (10,600)      (10,000) 
Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                                 (3,859)       (5,330) 
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period                        6,708         5,541 
(Losses)/gains on exchange movements                                     (10)             2 
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period                              2,839           213 
Notes to the Financial Statements 
1 Accounting policies 
The financial statements of the Company have been prepared under the historical 
cost convention modified to include the revaluation of investments and in 
accordance with FRS 104 "Interim Financial Reporting" and with the Statement of 
Recommended Practice ("SORP") "Financial Statements of Investment Trust 
Companies and Venture Capital Trusts", issued by the Association of Investment 
Companies updated in July 2022 and the Companies Act 2006. 
The accounting policies followed in this Half-year Report are consistent with 
the policies adopted in the audited financial statements for the year ended 31 
March 2022. 
2 Income 
                                                                 Six months      Six months 
                                                                      ended           ended 
                                                               30 September    30 September 
                                                                       2022            2021 
                                                                  Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                                      £'000           £'000 
Income from investments 
Overseas dividends                                                      493             369 
UK dividends 
- Lindsell Train Limited                                              6,288           6,476 
- Other UK dividends                                                  1,006             802 
- Deposit interest                                                        6               - 
                                                                      7,793           7,647 
3 Investment management fees 
                                                                 Six months      Six months 
                                                                      ended           ended 
                                                               30 September    30 September 
                                                                       2022            2021 
                                                                  Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                                      £'000           £'000 
Investment management fee                                               644             754 
Rebate of investment management fee                                    (58)            (79) 
Net management fees                                                     586             675 
4 Other expenses 
                                                                 Six months      Six months 
                                                                      ended           ended 
                                                               30 September    30 September 
                                                                       2022            2021 
                                                                  Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                                      £'000           £'000 
Directors' emoluments                                                    61              58 
Company Secretarial & Administration fee                                 99             109 
Auditor's remuneration?*                                                 30              18 
Tax compliance fee                                                        2               2 
Other**                                                                 179             153 
                                                                        371             340 
?       Remuneration for the audit of the Financial Statements of the Company. 
*        Excluding VAT. 
**      Includes registrar's fees, printing fees, marketing fees, safe custody 
fees, London Stock Exchange/FCA fees, Key Man and Directors' and Officers' 
liability insurance, Employer's National Insurance and legal fees. 
5 Effective rate of tax 
The effective rate of tax reported in the revenue column of the income 
statement for the six months ended 30 September 2022 is 0.83% (six months ended 
30 September 2021: 0.63%), based on revenue profit before tax of £6,836,000 
(six months ended 30 September 2021: £6,632,000). This differs from the 
standard rate of tax, 19% (six months ended 30 September 2021: 19%) as a result 
of revenue not taxable for Corporation Tax purposes. 
6 Total (loss)/return per Ordinary Share 
                                                                 Six months      Six months 
                                                                      ended           ended 
                                                               30 September    30 September 
                                                                       2022            2021 
                                                                  Unaudited       Unaudited 
Total (loss)/return                                            £(6,278,000)     £14,356,000 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares 
in issue during the period                                          200,000         200,000 
Total (loss)/return per Ordinary Share                             £(31.39)          £71.78 
The total (loss)/return per Ordinary Share detailed above can be further 
analysed between revenue and capital, as below: 
Revenue return per Ordinary Share 
Revenue return                                                   £6,779,000      £6,590,000 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during          200,000         200,000 
the period 
Revenue return per Ordinary Share                                    £33.90          £32.95 
Capital (loss)/return per Ordinary Share 
Capital (loss)/return                                         £(13,057,000)      £7,766,000 
Weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during          200,000         200,000 
the period 
Capital (loss)/return per Ordinary Share                           £(65.29)          £38.83 
7 Net asset value per Ordinary Share 
                                                             Six months ended    Year ended 
                                                                 30 September      31 March 
                                                                         2022          2022 
                                                                    Unaudited       Audited 
Net assets attributable                                          £205,883,000  £222,761,000 
Ordinary Shares in issue at the period/year end                       200,000       200,000 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share                                  £1,029.42     £1,113.81 
8 Valuation of financial instruments 
The Company's investments and derivative financial instruments as disclosed in 
the Statement of Financial Position are valued at fair value. 
FRS 102 requires an entity to classify fair value measurements using a fair 
value hierarchy that reflects the significance of the inputs used in making the 
measurements. Categorisation within the hierarchy has been determined on the 
basis of the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value 
measurement of the relevant asset as follows: 
  * Level 1 - The unadjusted quoted price in an active market for identical 
    assets or liabilities that the entity can access at the measurement date. 
  * Level 2 - Inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are 
    observable (i.e. developed using market data) for the asset or liability, 
    either directly or indirectly. 
  * Level 3 - Inputs are unobservable (i.e. for which market data is 
    unavailable) for the asset or liability. 
The tables below set out fair value measurements of financial instruments as at 
the year end by the level in the fair value hierarchy into which the fair value 
measurement is categorised. 
Financial assets/liabilities at fair value through profit or loss 
                                    Level 1         Level 2         Level 3           Total 
At 30 September 2022                  £'000           £'000           £'000           £'000 
Investments                          98,081          16,841          87,855         202,777 
                                    Level 1         Level 2         Level 3           Total 
At 31 March 2022                      £'000           £'000           £'000           £'000 
Investments                         101,257          17,601          96,910         215,768 
Note: Within the above tables, level 1 comprises all the Company's ordinary 
investments, level 2 represents the investment in LF Lindsell Train North 
American Equity Fund and level 3 represents the investment in LTL. 
During the year ended 31 March 2022 the Board appointed J.P. Morgan Cazenove 
Ltd to undertake an independent review of the Company's valuation methodology 
applied to its unlisted investment in LTL. The new methodology was adopted and 
applied to monthly valuations from 31 March 2022 onwards. 
The new methodology has a single component based on a percentage of LTL's funds 
under management ("FUM"), with the percentage applied being reviewed monthly 
and adjusted to reflect the ongoing profitability of LTL. At the end of each 
month the ratio of LTL's notional annualised net profits* to LTL's FUM is 
calculated and, depending on the result, the percentage of FUM is adjusted 
according to the table shown in Appendix 2. 
The valuation methodology was formally reviewed previously in March 2018 and 
March 2020. 
The Board reserves the right to vary its valuation methodology at its 
*       LTL's notional net profits are calculated by applying a fee rate 
(averaged over the last six months) to the most recent end-month FUM to produce 
annualised fee revenues excluding performance fees. Notional staff costs of 45% 
of revenues, annualised fixed costs and tax are deducted from revenues to then 
produce notional annualised net profits. 
9 Sections 1158/1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010 
It is the intention of the Directors to conduct the affairs of the Company so 
that the Company satisfies the conditions for approval as an Investment Trust 
Company set out in Sections 1158/1159 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010. 
10 Going Concern 
The Directors believe, having considered the Company's investment objective, 
risk management policies, capital management policies and procedures, and the 
nature of the portfolio and the expenditure projections, that the Company has 
adequate resources, an appropriate financial structure and suitable management 
arrangements in place to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable 
future, and, more specifically, that there are no material uncertainties 
relating to the Company that would prevent its ability to continue in such 
operational existence for at least twelve months from the date of the approval 
of this Half-year Report. For these reasons, they consider there is reasonable 
evidence to continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the 
financial statements. In reviewing the position as at the date of this Report, 
the Board has considered the guidance on this matter issued by the Financial 
Reporting Council. 
As part of their assessment, the Directors have given careful consideration to 
the consequences for the Company of continuing uncertainty in the global 
economy. As previously reported, stress testing was also carried out in April 
2022 to establish the impact of a significant and prolonged decline in the 
Company's performance and prospects. This included a range of plausible 
downside scenarios such as reviewing the effects of substantial falls in 
investment values and the impact of the Company's ongoing charges ratio. 
11 2022 Accounts 
The figures and financial information for the year to 31 March 2022 are 
extracted from the latest published accounts of the Company and do not 
constitute statutory accounts for the year. 
Those accounts have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and included 
the Report of the Company's auditor which was unqualified and did not contain a 
reference to any matters to which the Company's auditor drew attention by way 
of emphasis without qualifying the report, and did not contain a statement 
under section 498 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Interim Management Report 
The Directors are required to provide an Interim Management Report in 
accordance with the UK Listing Authority's Disclosure and Transparency Rules. 
They consider that the Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's 
Report, the following statements and the Directors' Responsibility Statement 
below together constitute the Interim Management Report for the Company for the 
six months ended 30 September 2022. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The Directors continue to review the key risk register for the Company which 
identifies the risks that the Company is exposed to, the controls in place and 
the actions being taken to mitigate them. This is set against the backdrop of 
increased risk levels within the global economy created by ongoing global 
supply chain disruption, rising levels of inflation and interest rates, 
together with the consequences of the war in Ukraine and the subsequent 
long-term effects on economies and international relations. The Directors have 
considered the impact of the continued uncertainty on the Company's financial 
position and, based on the information available to them at the date of this 
Report, have concluded that no adjustments are required to the accounts as at 
30 September 2022. 
A review of the half-year and the outlook for the Company can be found in the 
Chairman's Statement and in the Investment Manager's Review. The principal 
risks and uncertainties faced by the Company include the following: 
  * The Board may have to reduce the Company's dividend. 
  * The Company's share price total return may differ materially from the NAV 
    per share total return. 
  * The growth of retail platforms has a detrimental effect on shareholder 
  * The departure of a key individual at the Investment Manager may affect the 
    Company's performance. 
  * The investment strategy adopted by the Investment Manager, including the 
    high degree of concentration of the investment portfolio, may lead to an 
    investment return that is materially lower than the Company's benchmark 
    index, and/or a possible failure to achieve the Company's investment 
  * The investment in LTL becomes an even greater proportion of the overall 
    value of the Company's portfolio. 
  * Adverse reputational impact of one or more of the Company's key service 
    providers which, by association, causes the Company reputational damage. 
  * Fraud (including unauthorised payments and cyber-fraud) occurs leading to a 
  * The Company is exposed to credit risk. 
  * The Company is exposed to market price risk. 
  * The Company and/or the Directors fail(s) to comply with its legal 
    requirement with any applicable regulations or the regulatory environment 
    in which the Company operates changes, affecting its modus operandi. 
  * The regulatory environment in which the Company operates changes, affecting 
    the Company's business model. 
  * The Company's valuation of its investment in LTL is materially misstated. 
The Audit Committee identified the following emerging risks during the year to 
be included in the risk register. 
The invasion of Ukraine by Russia introduces new risks and exacerbates existing 
risks. These include: 
  * Increased inflationary pressures, that were already elevated from supply 
    shortages as the Covid-19 pandemic eased. 
  * Higher inflation is leading policy makers to increase interest rates. This 
    in turn may lead to a reduction in trade, a threat of recession and higher 
  * Sanctions damage the prospects of investee companies with material exposure 
    to Russia. 
  * Increased market volatility and reduced risk appetites across a wide 
    variety of asset classes. 
  * Increased threat of state-sponsored cyber-attacks. 
Information on these risks is given in the Annual Report for the year ended 31 
March 2022. 
The Board believes that the Company's principal risks and uncertainties have 
not changed materially since the date of that report and are not expected to 
change materially for the remaining six months of the Company's financial year. 
Related Party Transactions 
During the first six months of the current financial year, no transactions with 
related parties have taken place which have materially affected the financial 
position or the performance of the Company. 
Directors' Responsibilities 
The Board of Directors confirms that, to the best of its knowledge: 
 i. the condensed set of financial statements contained within the Half-year 
    Report have been prepared in accordance with applicable United Kingdom 
    Generally Accepted Accounting Practice standards; and 
ii. the Interim Management Report includes a true and fair review of the 
    information required by: 
     a. DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being an 
        indication of important events that have occurred during the first six 
        months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of 
        financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and 
        uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year; 
     b. DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules, being 
        related party transactions that have taken place in the first six 
        months of the current financial year and that have materially affected 
        the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; 
     c. any changes in the related party transactions described in the last 
        Annual Report that could do so. 
The Half-year Report has not been audited by the Company's auditors. 
This Half-year Report contains certain forward-looking statements. These 
statements are made by the Directors in good faith based on the information 
available to them up to the date of this Report and such statements should be 
treated with caution due to the inherent uncertainties, including both economic 
and business risk factors, underlying any such forward-looking information. 
For and on behalf of the Board 
Julian Cazalet 
4 December 2022 
Appendix 1 
Half-year review of Lindsell Train Limited ("LTL") the Investment Manager of 
The Lindsell Train Investment Trust plc ("LTIT") as at 31 July 2022 
Funds under Management 
                                                          Jul 2022    Jan 2022    Jul 2021 
FUM by Strategy                                                 £m          £m          £m 
UK                                                           8,099       8,475       9,483 
Global                                                      10,810      12,040      13,900 
Japan                                                          624         702         887 
North America                                                   29          28          28 
Total                                                       19,562      21,245      24,298 
Largest Client Accounts 
                                                          Jul 2022    Jan 2022    Jul 2021 
                                                          % of FUM    % of FUM    % of FUM 
Largest Pooled Fund Asset                                      30%         34%         37% 
Largest Segregated Account                                     10%         10%          9% 
                                                          Jul 2022    Jul 2021           % 
Profit & Loss                                                £'000       £'000      Change 
Fee Revenue 
Investment Management Fee                                   49,259      60,539        -19% 
Performance Fee                                                  0       2,662       -100% 
Bank Interest & Other Income                                    38           4 
                                                            49,297      63,205 
Staff Remuneration*                                       (15,101)    (20,700)        -27% 
Fixed Overheads                                            (2,228)     (2,207)          1% 
Operating Profit                                            31,968      40,298        -21% 
FX Currency Translation Gain/(Loss)                          3,005       (563) 
Investment Unrealised (Loss)/Gain                             (14)       1,154 
Profit before taxation                                      34,959      40,889 
Taxation                                                   (6,202)     (7,919) 
Net Profit                                                  28,757      32,970        -13% 
Dividends                                                 (25,879)    (26,751) 
Retained profit                                              2,878       6,219 
Capital & Reserves 
Called up Share Capital                                        266         266 
Treasury Shares                                            (1,794)       (132) 
Profit and Loss Account                                     95,500      86,632 
Shareholders' Funds                                         93,972      86,766 
Balance Sheet 
Fixed Assets                                                   133         185 
Investments                                                  6,900       7,153 
Current Assets (inc cash at bank)                           94,206      88,728 
Liabilities                                                (7,267)     (9,300) 
Net Assets                                                  93,972      86,766 
  * Staff costs include permanent staff remuneration, social security, 
    temporary apprentice levy, introduction fees and other staff related costs. 
    No more than 25% of fees (other than LTIT) can be paid as permanent staff 
Five Year History 
                                          Jul 2022   Jul 2021   Jul 2020   Jul 2019   Jul 2018 
Operating Profit Margin                        65%      64%**      66%**      64%**      61%** 
Earnings per share (£)*                      1,083      1,237      1,084      1,054        717 
Dividends per share (£)*                       975      1,004        949        776        525 
Total Staff Cost as % of Revenue               31%        33%        29%        33%        36% 
Opening FUM (£m)                            24,298     21,151     22,563     15,304     11,326 
- Effect of market movements (£m)           -1,271      3,041     -1,385      4,568      2,044 
- Net new fund flows (£m)                   -3,465        106        -27      2,691      1,934 
                                            -4,736      3,147     -1,412      7,259      3,978 
Changes in FUM (£m) 
Closing FUM (£m)                            19,562     24,298     21,151     22,563     15,304 
LTL Open-ended funds as % of total             66%        73%        72%        75%        72% 
Client Relationships 
- Pooled funds                                   5          5          5          4          4 
- Separate accounts                             18         17         17         17         17 
                                          Jul 2022   Jan 2022   Jul 2021   Jan 2021   Jul 2020 
Michael Lindsell & spouse                    9,650      9,650      9,650      9,650      9,650 
Nick Train & spouse                          9,650      9,650      9,650      9,650      9,650 
The Lindsell Train Investment Trust plc      6,450      6,450      6,450      6,450      6,450 
Other Directors/employees                      805        778        899        875        871 
                                            26,555     26,528     26,649     26,625     26,621 
Treasury Shares                                105        132         11         35         39 
Total Shares                                26,660     26,660     26,660     26,660     26,660 
*        On 1 February 2019 LTL undertook a share split with each share sub 
divided into 10 shares of £10 each. The per share figures in the table above 
are retrospectively changed in y/e January 2018 and y/e January 2019 based on 
26,660 shares for ease of comparison. 
**      Amended from previous Half-year Reports to exclude the effect of FX 
translation and unrealised investment gain/losses. 
Board of Directors 
Nick Train            Chairman and Portfolio Manager 
Michael Lindsell      Chief Executive and Portfolio Manager 
Michael Lim           IT Director and Secretarial 
Keith Wilson          Head of Marketing & Client Services 
Jane Orr              Director of Marketing 
Joss Saunders         Chief Operating Officer 
James Alexandroff     Non-Executive Director 
Julian Bartlett       Non-Executive Director 
                                             Jul 2022  Jan 2022  Jul 2021  Jan 2021  Jul 2020 
Investment Team (including three Portfolio          7         7         6         6         6 
Client Servicing and Marketing                      7         7         6         6         6 
Operations and Compliance                          12        11         8         7         8 
Non-Executive Directors                             2         2         2         2         2 
                                                   28        27        22        21        22 
Appendix 2 
LTIT Director's valuation of LTL (unaudited) 
                                                               30 Sept 2022  30 Sept 2021^ 
Notional annualised net profits (A)* (£'000)                         38,368         50,166 
Funds under Management less LTIT holdings (B) (£'000)            18,548,853     23,650,721 
Normalised notional net profits as % of FUM A/B = (C)                0.207%         0.212% 
% of FUM (D) (see table below to view % corresponding to C)           1.95%          2.00% 
Valuation (E) i.e. B x D (£'000)                                    361,703        473,014 
Number of shares in issue (F)?                                       26,555         26,649 
Valuation per share in LTL i.e. E / F                               £13,621        £17,750 
*        Notional annualised net profits are made up of: 
-       annualised fee revenue, based on 6-mth average fee rate applied to most 
recent month-end AUM 
-       annualised fee revenue excludes performance fees 
-       annualised interest income, based on 3-mth average 
-       notional staff costs of 45% of annualised fee revenue 
-       annualised operating costs (excluding staff costs), based on 3-mth 
normalised average 
-       notional tax at 19% 
^       The 30 September 2021 valuation (shown above) was derived by applying 
new valuation methodology, which came into effect from 31 March 2022. 
?       The reduction in shares in issue is accounted for by net purchases of 
Treasury shares from LTL employees. 
Notional annualised net   Valuation of LTL - 
profits*/FUM (%)          Percentage of FUM 
       0.15 - 0.16                   1.70% 
       0.16 - 0.17                   1.75% 
       0.17 - 0.18                   1.80% 
       0.18 - 0.19                   1.85% 
       0.19 - 0.20                   1.90% 
       0.20 - 0.21                   1.95% 
       0.21 - 0.22                   2.00% 
       0.22 - 0.23                   2.05% 
       0.23 - 0.24                   2.10% 
       0.24 - 0.25                   2.15% 
       0.25 - 0.26                   2.20% 
       0.26 - 0.27                   2.25% 
Glossary of Terms and Alternative Performance Measures 
Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive ("AIFMD") 
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (the "Directive") is a 
European Union Directive that entered into force on 22 July 2013. The Directive 
regulates EU fund managers that manage alternative investment funds (this 
includes investment trusts). 
Alternative Performance Measure ("APM") 
An alternative performance measure is a financial measure of historical or 
future financial performance, financial position or cash flow that is not 
prescribed by the relevant accounting standards. The APMs are the discount and 
premium, dividend yield, share price and NAV total returns and ongoing charges. 
The Directors believe that these measures enhance the comparability of 
information between reporting periods and aid investors in understanding the 
Company's performance. 
With effect from 1 April 2021 the Company's performance benchmark is the MSCI 
World Index total return in Sterling. 
Prior to 1 April 2021 the benchmark was the annual average redemption yield on 
the longest-dated UK government fixed rate (1.625% 2071) calculated using 
weekly data, plus a premium of 0.5%, subject to a minimum yield of 4.0%. 
Discount and premium (APM) 
If the share price of an investment trust is higher than the Net Asset Value 
(NAV) per share, the shares are trading at a premium to NAV. In this 
circumstance the price that an investor pays or receives for a share would be 
more than the value attributable to it by reference to the underlying assets. 
The premium is the difference between the share price (based on mid-market 
share prices) and the NAV, expressed as a percentage of the NAV. 
A discount occurs when the share price is below the NAV. Investors would 
therefore be paying less than the value attributable to the shares by reference 
to the underlying assets. 
A premium or discount is generally the consequence of the balance of supply and 
demand for the shares on the stock market. 
The discount or premium is calculated by dividing the difference between the 
share price and the NAV by the NAV. 
                                                                         As at       As at 
                                                                            30    31 March 
                                                                          2022        2022 
                                                                             £           £ 
Share Price                                                                991       1,105 
Net Asset Value per Share                                             1,029.42    1,113.81 
Discount to Net Asset Value per Share                                     3.7%        0.8% 
MSCI World Index total return in Sterling 
The Company's benchmark provider requires the following statement to be 
"The MSCI information (relating to the Benchmark) may only be used for your 
internal use, may not be reproduced or redisseminated in any form and may not 
be used as a basis for or a component of any financial instruments or products 
or indices. None of the MSCI information is intended to constitute investment 
advice or a recommendation to make (or refrain from making) any kind of 
investment decision and may not be relied on as such. Historical data and 
analysis should not be taken as an indication or guarantee of any future 
performance analysis, forecast or prediction. The MSCI information is provided 
on an "as is" basis and the user of this information assumes the entire risk of 
any use made of this information. MSCI, each of its affiliates and each other 
person involved in or related to compiling, computing or creating any MSCI 
information (collectively, the "MSCI Parties") expressly disclaims all 
warranties (including, without limitation, any warranties of originality, 
accuracy, completeness, timeliness, non-infringement, merchantability and 
fitness for a particular purpose) with respect to this information. Without 
limiting any of the foregoing, in no event shall any MSCI Party have any 
liability for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, punitive, 
consequential (including, without limitation lost profits) or any other 
damages. (www.msci.com)." 
Net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary Share 
The NAV is shareholders' funds expressed as an amount per individual share. 
Equity shareholders' funds are the total value of all the Company's assets, at 
current market value, having deducted all current and long-term liabilities and 
any provision for liabilities and charges. 
The NAV of the Company is published weekly and at each month end. 
The figures disclosed in the Statement of Financial Position have been 
calculated as shown below: 
                                                                   Six months 
                                                                        ended    Year ended 
                                                                 30 September      31 March 
                                                                         2022          2022 
Net Asset Value (a)                                              £205,883,000  £222,761,000 
Ordinary Shares in issue (b)                                          200,000       200,000 
Net asset value per Ordinary Share (a) ÷ (b)                        £1,029.42     £1,113.81 
Revenue return per share 
The revenue return per share is the revenue return profit for the period 
divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the 
Share price and NAV total return (APM) 
This is the return on the share price and NAV taking into account both the rise 
and fall of share prices and valuations and the dividends paid to shareholders. 
Any dividends received by a shareholder are assumed to have been reinvested in 
either additional shares (for share price total return) or the Company's assets 
(for NAV total return). 
The share price and NAV total returns are calculated as the return to 
shareholders after reinvesting the net dividend in additional shares on the 
date that the share price goes ex-dividend. 
The figures disclosed in the Financial Highlights and Chairmans Statement have 
been calculated as shown below: 
                                                                     Six months ended 
                                                                     30 September 2022 
                                                                     LTIT NAV    LTIT Price 
NAV/Price at 30 September 2022                  a                   £1,029.42       £991.00 
Dividend Adjustment Factor*                     b                       1.049         1.043 
Adjusted closing NAV/Price                      c = a x b           £1,080.03     £1,033.27 
NAV/Price 31 March 2022                         d                   £1,113.81     £1,105.00 
Total return                                    [(c/d)-1]*100           -3.0%         -6.5% 
*       The dividend adjustment factor is calculated on the assumption that the 
dividends of £53.00 paid by the Company during the year were reinvested into 
shares or assets of the Company at the cum income NAV per share/share price, as 
appropriate, at the ex-dividend date. 
LTL total return performance 
The total return performance for LTL is calculated as the return after 
receiving but not reinvesting dividends received over the period. 
                                                                          Six months ended 
                                                                         30 September 2022 
                                                                             LTL valuation 
Valuation at 31 March 2022                                   a                     £15,205 
Valuation at 30 September 2022                               b                     £13,621 
Dividends paid during the period                             c                        £975 
Total return                                   [(b-a)+c]/a*100                       -4.0% 
Treasury Shares 
Shares previously issued by a company that have been bought back from 
Shareholders to be held by the Company for potential sale or cancellation at a 
later date. Such shares are not capable of being voted and carry no rights to 
For further information please contact 
Victoria Hale 
Company Secretary 
Frostrow Capital LLP 
020 3100 8732 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 05, 2022 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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