RNS Number:6931Z
Liberty Group Ld
07 August 2002

Liberty Group Limited interim results - 30 June 2002

(Registration number 1957/002788/06)

(JSE Share code LGL)

(Issuer code LIBU)

(ISIN: ZAE000024543)

(Incorporated in the Republic of South Africa)

These results and additional actuarial information are available at


-Indexed new business up 22%

-New business up 18%

-New business margin of 18%

-Significant gains in market share

-Bancassurance new business up 81% to R1,2 billion

-Headline earnings per share down 5%

-Net cash inflow from insurance operations of R1,6 billion up 60%

-Embedded value per share up 5% to R56,68

-Dividend cover amended

-Dividend per share of 162 cents up 27%

* Commentary on results

Liberty Group has performed well in all aspects under its control during the six
months ended 30 June 2002. The Group has grown new business in testing markets
and substantial progress has been made in creating further value in the in force
insurance portfolio. This good operational performance could however not escape
the investment market trends experienced throughout the world which have had the
effect of reducing life fund earnings.

* Life fund operating surplus

The life fund operating surplus for the half year ended 30 June 2002 of R563,0
million decreased by R30,5 million (5,1%) compared with the life fund operating
surplus for the half year ended 30 June 2001 of R593,5 million. The decrease in
the life fund operating surplus is directly attributable to the impact of
significantly lower returns on investment portfolios. The weighted average
return used for the six months to 30 June 2002 was -0,4% compared with +10,2%
for the six months to 30 June 2001.

The lower life fund earnings were offset by benefits arising from better than
assumed costs per policy.

* Headline earnings

Headline earnings from continuing operations decreased by 4,7% from R694,2
million for the half year ended 30 June 2001 to R661,5 million in respect of the
half year ended 30 June 2002. The decrease is mainly attributable to the effect
that the weak investment markets have had on the life fund operating surplus,
which reduced by 5,1%.

The current period also includes a R44,2 million Secondary Tax on Companies
(STC) charge in respect of the payment of the 2001 final dividend, whereas the
comparative period had no charge for STC in headline earnings as the 2000 final
dividend was incorporated in the capital reduction which was paid on 4 April

* New business production

On-balance sheet new business increased in total by 18,4% from R4 824,0 million
for the half year ended 30 June 2001 to R5 712,5 million for the half year ended
30 June 2002. Indexed new business increased by 21,6% from R1 378,2 million to
R1 676,4 million. This level of increase is most pleasing as it reflects the
efforts and commitment of the sales force and strategies deployed by the Group
in recent years to maintain the medium term growth rate at 12% above inflation
in our target market. New business sales have been supported by attractive new
product developments and STANLIB Asset Management's (STANLIBAM's) strong track
record of investment performance.

Liberty continues to gain market share. This is confirmed in recently published
statistics for 2001. Liberty's market share for new recurring individual
premiums increased from 15,72% for the twelve months ended 31 December 2000 to
17,86% for the same period ended 31 December 2001. Market share for new
individual single premiums increased from 11,49% to 14,76% compared with all
life offices during this period. Over the same period, Liberty's market share
for group premiums increased from 7,50% to 8,78%.

Total Liberty Group new business from Bancassurance increased by 81,3% compared
with the same period in 2001.

* Net insurance cash flow

Net cash flow from insurance operations for the Group (net premium inflow less
claims and policyholder benefits) was positive at R1 636,5 million for the half
year ended 30 June 2002 compared with a positive R1 024,3 million for the same
period in 2001.  Net premium income increased by 11,4% from R6 781,6 million to
R7 551,7 million.

Group business scheme member withdrawals and group terminations and withdrawals
decreased by 40,6% and by 10,4% respectively for the six months ended 30 June
2002 compared with the same period in 2001. Liberty Personal Benefits' surrender
and maturity claims increased by 8,7% for the six months ended 30 June 2002
compared with the same period in 2001.  The lapse experience in Liberty Personal
Benefits has improved considerably relative to the same period in 2001.

Charter Life's net cash flow increased by 21,9% from R253,1 million for the half
year to 30 June 2001 to R308,6 million in the current period under review, as a
result of increased single premium income.

* Embedded value and value of new business

Embedded value increased by 4,8% from R14 767,4 million at 31 December 2001 to
R15 477,5 million at 30 June 2002 despite poor market performance. The increase
in the value of life business in force is due to higher new business volumes and
better retention of policies. Lower than anticipated expenses also contributed
to the increase in embedded value. The embedded value also reflects the impact
of the change in the dividend cover with higher STC charges being taken into

Embedded value per share increased by 4,6% from R54,21 at 31 December 2001 to
R56,68 at 30 June 2002.

The value of new business increased by 10,3% from R224,8 million for the period
ended 30 June 2001 to R247,9 million for the period ended 30 June 2002.

The new business margin (value of new business expressed as a percentage of
indexed new business excluding natural increases) of 18% compares with 19% in
respect of the year ended 31 December 2001.  Margins on all lines of business
have been sustained other than on Liberty Corporate business. Higher volumes of
Bancassurance sales, where Standard Bank shares in the new business profits,
also led to lower margins.

* Financial services activities

Income from the Group's financial services activities of R80,2 million for the
half year ended 30 June 2002 was substantially higher than the R20,3 million
recorded for the comparative period in 2001. Lower expenditure in Electric
Liberty as a result of the repositioning of MyLife, as well as profits generated
in the Group's shareholder treasury operations and investment trading portfolio
contributed to this increase.

Liberty Healthcare generated higher fees from increased membership and costs
were well contained. Liberty Healthcare's contribution to Group headline
earnings of R6,9 million to 30 June 2002 compares with a loss of R8,6 million in
respect of the same period in 2001.

Headline earnings of Liberty Ermitage increased threefold from R3,1 million in
respect of the six months ended 30 June 2001 to R9,2 million in 2002 as a result
of a higher asset base as well as the conversion of Sterling into Rand.


The implementation of the STANLIB merger of asset and wealth management
activities of Liberty and Standard Bank is progressing according to plan.

STANLIBAM's assets under management have grown by 4% or R5,7 billion from R129,4
billion at 31 December 2001 to R135,1 billion at 30 June 2002. STANLIB Wealth
Management generated positive cash inflows of R4,4 billion in the six months to
30 June 2002 compared with R3,1 billion in respect of the comparative period in
2001. The merger transaction has had no material impact on the headline earnings
of Liberty in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2002.

* Investment performance

The managed and equity portfolios performed well on a relative basis for the
half year ended 30 June 2002 in volatile and weak investment markets, which was
offset by a negative return of 16,5% on the foreign assets portfolio for the
half year ended 30 June 2002 as a result of the strengthened Rand and weak
offshore markets. The weighted average return of -0,4% of these portfolios is
one of the key drivers of the life fund operating surplus.

STANLIBAM has continued to perform exceptionally well compared with its peers
and benchmarks. STANLIBAM ranks second out of the nine largest asset managers
for the 12 months ended 30 June 2002.

* Liberty Healthcare

On 23 April 2002 Liberty announced that administration of the Liberty Medical
Scheme would be transferred to Medscheme from 1 August 2002. In terms of this
arrangement Liberty has retained the following involvement in the Liberty
Medical Scheme:

- Liberty's distribution forces will continue to market membership of the
Liberty Medical Scheme.

- Liberty will continue to reinsure some of the risk of the Liberty Medical
Scheme in terms of the reinsurance contract currently in place between Liberty
and the Liberty Medical Scheme.

- Liberty Healthcare will continue to provide input to product development and
benefit design.

* Capital and dividend cover

Shareholders' funds increased from R8 345,8 million at 31 December 2001 to R9
136,1 million at 30 June 2002. The annualised headline return on equity in
respect of continuing operations of 16,9% for the six months to 30 June 2002
compares with 24,9% at 31 December 2001 and is attributable to the decrease in
the life fund operating surplus together with a higher level of capital.

The Group's level of capital adequacy cover (shareholders' capital and reserves
divided by the capital adequacy requirement) has reduced marginally from 3,5 at
31 December 2001 to 3,4 at 30 June 2002. As part of the ongoing review of the
level of capital and the cash earnings trends of the Group, the board has
resolved to change the dividend cover by retaining only one third of headline
earnings on continuing operations (previously 50%).

* Dividend

Notice is hereby given that interim ordinary dividend No. 73 of 162 cents per
share has been declared in respect of the year ending 31 December 2002. This
represents an increase of 27% over the interim dividend for 2001 of 128 cents
per share.

The important dates pertaining to this dividend are:

Last day to trade cum dividend on the JSE and LSE.   Friday, 23 August 2002

First trading day ex dividend on the JSE and LSE.    Monday, 26 August 2002

Record date.                                         Friday, 30 August 2002

Payment date.                                      Monday, 2 September 2002

Share certificates may not be dematerialised or rematerialised between Monday,
26 August 2002 and Friday, 30 August 2002, both days inclusive. Payment in
respect of dividends issued by the United Kingdom transfer secretaries will be
converted from Rand to the Sterling equivalent on Monday, 2 September 2002.

Where applicable, dividends in respect of certificated shareholders will be
transferred electronically to shareholders' bank accounts on payment date.  In
the absence of specific mandates, dividend cheques will be posted to
shareholders.  Shareholders who have dematerialised their share certificates
will have their bank accounts, which are linked to their CSDP or broker's safe
custody accounts, credited on Monday, 2 September 2002.

* Prospects

Profitable new business growth, market share improvements and operating
efficiencies will continue to be the focus of attention during the remainder of
the year.

The life fund operating surplus has been negatively impacted by weak investment
markets. Since the half year end markets have continued to weaken and this will
have a negative impact on earnings should these conditions prevail to the end of
the year.

Derek Cooper                        Roy Andersen

Chairman                            Group Chief Executive

6 August 2002

Transfer secretaries:

                     South Africa

                     Computershare Investor Services Limited

                     (Registration number 1958/003546/06)

                     11 Diagonal Street, Johannesburg, 2001.

                     PO Box 1053, Johannesburg, 2000.

                     Telephone +27 11 370-5000

                     United Kingdom

                     Capita IRG plc,

                     Bourne House,

                     34 Beckenham Road, Beckenham,

                     Kent BR34TU.

                     Telephone +44 208 639-2000


        Merrill Lynch (Pty) Ltd

        Registration number 1995/001805/07

        Registered Sponsor and Member of the JSE Johannesburg

        Securities Exchange South Africa

Accounting policies and presentation

The accounting policies adopted, comply with South African Statements of
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice, as well as the South African Companies
Act of 1973 and the Long-term Insurance Act of 1998.

These accounting policies are consistent with those applied at 31 December 2001,
except for the determination of the life fund operating surplus and capital
adequacy requirement, which reflect the Statutory Actuary's best estimate for
interim reporting purposes. A full actuarial valuation is not performed at the
half year.

The income statement reflects earnings from continuing operations separately
from proforma earnings attributable to the capital reduction in order to make
comparison of results more meaningful. The proforma earnings attributable to the
capital reduction for the six months ended 30 June 2001 represent the earnings
that were attributed to shareholders' assets that were utilised to fund the
capital reduction on 4 April 2001.

The results for the six months to 30 June 2002 include 50% of STANLIB Limited's
consolidated results. Liberty's investment in STANLIB has been equity accounted
both at company level and at Group level from the implementation date of the
merger. The Liberty entities that now form part of STANLIB were previously

* Related party transactions

* Holding company

Liberty Group Limited's immediate holding company is Liberty Holdings Limited,
which in turn is controlled by Standard Bank Group Limited (Stanbank), the
company's ultimate holding company. Liberty provides certain administrative and
secretarial services to Liberty Holdings Limited for which it is reimbursed at

* Banking arrangements

The Group makes use of banking facilities provided by The Standard Bank of South
Africa Limited (Standard Bank). At 30 June 2002 substantially all of the cash
and cash equivalents amounting to R771,6 million (31 December 2001: R485,2
million) were held with Standard Bank. In addition, term deposits and other
money market securities with Standard Bank amounted to R234,0 million at 30 June
2002 (31 December 2001: R257,4 million). These deposits were made in the normal
course of business at prevailing market rates.

* Asset management

The Group makes use of asset management facilities provided by STANLIB Limited
(A joint venture between Liberty and Stanbank). At 30 June 2002 R54,8 billion of
life fund assets were held with STANLIB. The asset management fee for the six
months to 30 June 2002 amounted to R51,1 million.

* Insurance policies

Inter-group insurance policies amounting to R1 114,4 million (2001: R1 004,0
million) have been eliminated on consolidation. No premium income was received
in this regard in respect of the six months ended 30 June 2002 (2001: Rnil).

* Liberty Ermitage fee income

During the period Liberty Ermitage earned administration and management fee
income of R0,9 million (30 June 2001: Rnil) from the Standard Liberty Distressed
Securities Fund. The Standard Bank group has provided seed capital for this

Summarised group income statement

                        Continuing                Capital            Total
                        Operations              Reduction#      Operations
                        (unaudited)            (unaudited)      (unaudited)
                        Six months             Six months       Six months
                             ended                  ended            ended
                           30 June                30 June          30 June
                      2002    2001       %   2002    2001     2002    2001
                        Rm      Rm  Change     Rm      Rm       Rm      Rm

Life fund

 operating surplus   563,0   593,5    (5,1)                  563,0   593,5

Revenue earnings

 attributable to

 shareholders' funds 170,7   120,5    41,7           47,0    170,7   167,5

Secondary tax

 on companies

 relating to

 ordinary dividends  (44,2)                                  (44,2)

Preference dividend

 in subsidiary

 company             (28,0)  (19,8)   41,4                   (28,0)  (19,8)

Headline earnings    661,5   694,2    (4,7)          47,0    661,5   741,2


 amortisation        (23,4)   (7,7)  203,9                   (23,4)   (7,7)

Investment surpluses

 attributable to

 shareholders' funds 617,2   515,1    19,8           12,9    617,2   528,0

Secondary tax

 on companies

 relating to

 capital reduction                                 (232,8)          (232,8)

Capital Gains

 Tax on


 investments         (56,0)                                  (56,0)

Total earnings      1199,3  1201,6    (0,2)        (172,9)  1199,3  1028,7

Per share details

Headline earnings

 per share (cents)

    Basic            242,5   255,7    (5,2)          17,3    242,5   273,0

    Fully diluted    241,2   248,2    (2,8)          15,8    241,2   264,0

Total earnings

 per share (cents)

    Basic            439,7   442,2    (0,6)         (63,6)   439,7   378,6

    Fully diluted    422,8   418,3     1,1          (58,0)   422,8   360,3

Weighted average

 number of shares

 in issue (millions) 272,8   271,8     0,3          271,8    272,8   271,8

Number of ordinary

 shares in issue

 (millions)          273,1   271,9     0,4          271,9    273,1   271,9

Fully diluted

 weighted average

 number of shares

 in issue (millions) 298,6   298,1     0,2          298,1    298,6   298,1

#The proforma earnings attributable to the capital reduction for the six months
ended 30 June 2001 represent the earnings on shareholders' assets that were
utilised to fund the capital reduction on 4 April 2001.

Summarised group balance sheet

                                               (unaudited)          (audited)
                                             30 June 2002   31 December 2001
                                                       Rm                 Rm


Investments                                       84 871,6           84 984,1

Owner-occupied properties                            663,0              633,4

Goodwill*                                            397,5              112,9

Intangible assets                                     43,9               69,9

Office furniture, computer equipment

 and other tangible assets                           337,9              371,9

Current assets                                     3 474,5            3 229,2

Total assets                                      89 788,4           89 401,4

Capital, reserves and liabilities

Shareholders' funds                                9 136,1            8 345,8

Minority interests                                     1,0                1,0

Life funds                                        75 521,4           75 918,4

Convertible bonds                                  2 432,6            2 874,2

Retirement benefit obligation                        138,8              135,4

Deferred tax                                         169,8              118,5

Current liabilities                                2 388,7            2 008,1

Total capital, reserves and liabilities           89 788,4           89 401,4

*The increase in goodwill results from the implementation of the STANLIB merger
and now includes goodwill in respect of Liberty's acquisition of 50% of the
former Standard Bank entities.

Returns on equity (ROE) and embedded value (ROEV)

                                            Annualised            (audited)
                                               30 June         31 December
                                                  2002                2001

Headline return on equity                         16,9%               24,9%

Total return on equity                            31,6%               40,4%

Return on embedded value                          15,4%               26,4%

Statement of changes in shareholders' funds

                                            (unaudited)         (unaudited)
                                               30 June             30 June
                                                  2002                2001
                                                    Rm                  Rm

Shareholders' funds as previously published                        6 152,4

Changes in accounting policies

Capital reduction of 1 200 cents

 - LDR 30 March 2001                                               3 260,0

Secondary Tax on Companies relating

 to capital reduction                                                232,8

Provision for leave pay net of deferred tax                          (29,6)

Shareholders' funds restated at

 the beginning of period                       8 345,8             9 615,6

Total earnings 1 199,3 1 028,7

Final 2001 ordinary dividend No.72 of 150 cents

 - LDR 20 March 2002                            (408,6)

Capital reduction of 1 200 cents

 - LDR 30 March 2001                                              (3 260,0)

Translation difference relating to the

 equity component of convertible bonds           (23,7)                3,2

Subscriptions for shares                          23,3                 9,4

Shareholders' funds at end of period           9 136,1             7 396,9

Group embedded value and value of new business

                                     (unaudited)     (audited)
                                        30 June   31 December
                                           2002          2001            %
                                             Rm            Rm       Change

Risk discount rate                        14,50%        13,75%

Shareholders' funds                     9 136,1       8 345,8         9,5%

Net value of life business in force     5 506,2       5 111,9         7,7%

Value of life business in force         5 636,7       5 235,1         7,7%

Cost of solvency capital(1)              (130,5)       (123,2)        5,9%

Financial services subsidiaries

 fair value adjustment                    835,2       1 309,7       (36,2%)

Embedded value                         15 477,5      14 767,4         4,8%

Embedded value per share (Rand)          R56,68        R54,21        4,60%

                                     Six months    Six months
                                          ended         ended
                                        30 June       30 June
                                           2002          2001            %
                                             Rm            Rm       Change

Total value of new business               247,9         224,8        10,3%

(1)The cost of solvency capital arises from the difference between the net
after-tax expected return on the shareholders' assets backing the capital
adequacy requirement and the risk discount rate.

The principal bases and assumptions used are:

                                          30 June 2002    31 December 2001

Government stocks                               12,50%              11,75%

Equity return                                   14,50%              13,75%

Property return                                 13,50%              12,75%

Risk discount rate                              14,50%              13,75%

Maintenance expense inflation rate               8,67%               7,90%

Analysis of



                      Group funds         Group net        Group investment
                      invested at      revenue earned  surpluses/(deficits)
                  30 June    31 Dec      (unaudited)  (unaudited)Six months
                     2002      2001     ended 30 June        ended 30 June
                unaudited   audited     2002      2001      2002      2001

                       Rm        Rm       Rm        Rm        Rm        Rm

Charter Life

 (excluding life

 fund operating

 surplus)             680,2     645,1      17,1     14,0      14,4      37,9

Financial services

 activities           879,2     947,6      80,2     20,3     367,8      12,0

Listed investments   1459,8    1526,3      24,9     56,0     387,0     431,9

Edcon                  81,5      58,1         2      1,5      23,3       7,3

GoldFields            320,1     292,9         5      5,4     356,6      53,7

Metro Cash and Carry  221,7     194,7                         26,6      54,3

SABMiller             767,2     934,8        18     47,0      15,2     320,8

Other                  69,3      45,8         1      2,1     (34,7)     (4,2)

Other investments    6116,9    5226,8      85,6    120,0    (152,0)     46,2

Cash and cash

 equivalents          995,9    1066,8        54     65,0       1,8      (2,8)

Cash and cash


 - Jersey assets     2574,6    2993,0        82     75,4    (501,7)    120,2

Convertible bonds   (2432,6)  (2874,2)     (100)   (76,0)    468,0    (119,8)

Fixed assets and

 working capital     1120,4    1110,3

Pooled portfolios

 and unlisted

 investments         3858,6    2930,9        50     55,6    (120,1)     48,6

Management expenses                       (25,9)   (23,3)

Taxation                                  (55,4)   (19,5)

Total                9136,1    8345,8     126,5    167,5     617,2     528,0

Summarised group cash flow statement

                                            Six months
                                           ended 30 June
                                                  2002                2001

                                                    Rm                  Rm

Cash flow from operating activities              1 651,0            (1 649,2)

Net (acquisition)/disposal of investments       (1 395,3)              743,0

Cash flow from financing activities                 22,4                12,6

Net increase/(decrease) in cash

 and cash equivalents                              278,1              (893,6)

Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period   912,1             1 424,3

Cash balances of subsidiaries sold                (389,8)

Foreign exchange movements on cash balances        (13,7)               (1,1)

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period         786,7               529,6


                                            (unaudited)           (audited)
                                               30 June         31 December
                                                  2002                2001
                                                    Rm                  Rm

Capital Commitments                                317,3                41,0

Under contracts                                     46,4                24,7

Authorised by the directors but not contracted     270,9                16,3

Operating lease commitments - 1 to 5 years          69,9                32,2

Total commitments                                  387,2                73,2

Analysis             Single          Recurring            Total
of new              premiums          premiums          premiums
business          (unaudited)        (unaudited)       (unaudited)
sales              Six months        Six months         Six months
                      ended             ended             ended
                    30 June            30 June           30 June           %
               2002     2001      2002     2001      2002     2001   Change

 Benefits     3804,7    2936,6   1044,9     829,0   4849,6   3765,6     28,8
 Benefits      679,9     892,0    183,0     166,4    862,9   1058,4    (18,5)
Total         4484,6    3828,6   1227,9     995,4   5712,5   4824,0     18,4
Change          17,1%              23,4%              18,4%
Index                                               1676,4   1378,2     21,6

Net cash             Individual         Corporate
flows from            business           business           Total
insurance           (unaudited)        (unaudited)       (unaudited)
operations           Six months        Six months        Six months
                        ended             ended             ended
                       30 June            30 June           30 June           %
                    2002     2001      2002     2001      2002     2001   Change

Total premiums    5967,7   5131,7    1584,0   1649,9    7551,7   6781,6     11,4
Single            3550,6   2800,7     654,4    892,2    4205,0   3692,9     13,9
Recurring         2417,1   2331,0     929,6    757,7    3346,7   3088,7      8,4
Totalclaims      (4715,2) (4338,2)  (1200,0) (1420,1)  (5915,2) (5757,3)     2,7
Netcashinflow     1252,5    793,5     384,0    229,8    1636,5   1024,3     59,8

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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