Invesco Property Income Trust Limited 
Half Yearly Financial Report for the Six Months to 30 September 2011 
Key Facts 
Invesco Property Income Trust Limited (`the Company') is a closed-ended 
investment company with limited liability incorporated in Jersey. The Company's 
ordinary shares are listed on the London and the Channel Islands Stock 
Objective of the Company 
The investment objective of the Company is to repay its bank borrowings and 
other liabilities on or before 28 September 2014 and, having met those 
obligations, to provide a return for shareholders. 
Full details of the Company's Investment Policy (incorporating the Company's 
investment objective) can be found on pages 6 and 7 of the circular to 
shareholders dated 17 August 2011 at: http://itinvestor.invescoperpetual.co.uk/ 
Investment Manager 
Invesco Asset Management Limited acts as Investment Manager to the Company. 
The Company's loan facility has been restructured, including revisions to 
covenants. The Company is in compliance with the revised covenants but gearing 
levels remain very high, with borrowing representing 99.1 per cent of property 
valuation as at 30 September 2011. 
Share Capital 
The Company's share capital consists of 153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par 
Financial Highlights 
                                                             At              At 
                                                   30 September        31 March 
                                                           2011            2011 
Net (liabilities)/assets (GBP'000)                       (28,951)        (23,840) 
Adjusted net (liabilities)/assets(1) (GBP'000)           (12,536)         (7,908) 
Net asset value per share (per accounts)                (18.9)p         (15.6)p 
Adjusted net (liability)/asset value per share(1)        (8.2)p          (5.2)p 
Ordinary mid-market share price                           1.35p           1.77p 
Gearing based on: 
- gross assets(2)                                           99%             98% 
- net assets                                                n/a             n/a 
(1) The difference between the Accounts Net Asset Value per share and the 
Adjusted Net Asset Value per share arises from the treatment of derivatives, 
goodwill and tax charges in the published accounts as explained in Note 5. 
(2) Gearing represents the LTV ratio under the Company's banking arrangements 
(excluding applicable cash balances). 
Chairman's statement 
It is with some relief that we can finally report to shareholders that the 
outcome of the strategic review announced three years ago is complete and that 
the revised loan facility agreement is now wholly unconditional. Your directors 
believe that the terms agreed represent the best outcome that could have been 
achieved in the current market. 
In my statement in the last annual report I expressed little optimism for a 
broad market recovery in the short term for the types of secondary asset that 
we own. It is therefore unsurprising to report that, on a like for like basis, 
the value of the UK portfolio fell 3.4% over the six months while the European 
assets added 1% in euro terms. Overall, in sterling, the like for like capital 
return was -1.6% for the half year. 
The adjusted NAV per share as at 30 September 2011 was -8.19p, down from -5.17p 
as at 31 March 2011, while the IFRS NAV also fell to -18.92p (from -15.58p) 
over the same period. 
There was one disposal completed during the period; the sale of Pegasus House, 
which locked in the value added through a lease restructuring last December. We 
will continue to pursue, on a selective basis, opportunities to realise 
investments, especially where we have been successful in adding value through 
active asset management as was the case here. 
We have achieved further asset management successes, notably in Europe where 
vacancies had risen sharply due to departing tenants in the second half of last 
year. The re-letting of a significant proportion of this vacated space over the 
period has improved the overall portfolio vacancy rate. Negotiations since the 
period end have secured further leases. Further details are set out in the 
Investment Manager's report below. 
The Directors are pleased with asset management progress across the portfolio, 
and value the commitment of the Investment Manager's teams around Europe in 
seeking to deliver, consistently, leasing successes ahead of schedule and 
within budget. 
As at 30 September 2011 borrowings comprised GBP75.3m in sterling and EUR140.2m in 
Euros. GBP10m of sterling borrowings were repaid following the sale of Pegasus 
House. Following the revisions to the loan agreement the Company is once more 
compliant with its banking covenants. The loan to value ratio at 30 September 
was 99.1% (31 March: 97.6%) and interest cover had improved to 146.7% (31 
March: 132.8%). The covenants are to maintain these ratios below 110% and above 
110% respectively. 
Shareholders will need no reminding of the economic and political headwinds 
facing Europe and the UK. If anything the situation has worsened since my 
statement in the last annual report and supports even less hope that economic 
growth or positive investor appetite will, in the short term, offer any 
sustained stimulus to asset values. In these circumstances the importance to 
shareholder returns of seeking to improve values through asset-specific 
initiatives is critical. 
Richard Barnes 
16 November 2011 
Investment Manager's report 
Property Activity 
The property portfolio has continued to provide a stable income flow, 
benefitting from the diversity created through more than 70 different tenancies 
and the relative lack of exposure to recession-sensitive occupiers. There are a 
number of active tenant negotiations for new leases or to remove break options. 
The offer of reasonable quality, efficient office and industrial space at cost 
effective rents has supported much of the successful leasing activity.  This 
strategy has been particularly effective over the period in the French office 
portfolio, where following the departure of a number of tenants at the start of 
2011 new tenants have been attracted to the empty offices more quickly than 
anticipated. Le Diapason is a case in point where 2,500 sqm of office space was 
vacated by a tenant departing in January 2011, taking vacancy in the building 
from 9% to around 46%. We have since attracted 3 new tenants, who together with 
the expansion of an existing tenant, have now committed to leasing all of the 
vacated space. The vacancy rate at the building is now back to 9% with further 
tenant discussions on-going for the remaining space. 
Along with other successful leasing events, the overall vacancy rate, which 
peaked at 15% in June 2011, has trended down to 12.4% as at the end of 
September 2011, with the overall weighted average unexpired lease term 
maintained at around 3.6 years. 
With the revised loan facility now in place, the Investment Manager is able 
once again to consider undertaking capital expenditure on a highly selective 
basis, to improve individual properties with the intention of improving letting 
prospects. This may be required in locations where there is a weaker underlying 
tenant market, and higher competition from other landlords for the few `active' 
With the greater certainty provided by the signing of the new loan facility, we 
will continue to seek to hold on to the properties through the current weak 
market conditions to give us time for the secondary markets to recover, while 
focusing on active asset management initiatives to help secure a stronger exit 
position for each asset. 
Selective disposals will continue to be considered across the portfolio, and as 
mentioned by the Chairman a good example of this being the sale of Pegasus 
House in Peterborough, where the valuation increase of some 46% following a 
lease re-gear with the existing tenant achieved in December 2010, was felt to 
be a peak and this uplift was crystallised with the conclusion of the sale to 
the tenant, at the improved valuation level. 
We wrote 12 months ago of our expectations for the UK and European property 
markets, of a continuing trend towards relative stability, in the face of 
on-going uncertain economic conditions. It is fair to say that the reality of 
the position in which we find ourselves today is one of rather greater 
uncertainty than anticipated. The wider Eurozone economic turmoil continues, 
with the UK continuing to face its own challenges both domestically and from 
its associations with Europe. As a result the UK and continental European 
property markets continue to face a set of challenges that have remained 
broadly unchanged over the last 12 months or more. 
We expect the current climate of subdued growth, patchy occupier demand, and a 
more challenging financing market to prevail through much of 2012, delaying 
further any expectations of a recovery in values for more `secondary' property 
assets such as those owned by the Company. Investors continue to shy away from 
higher risk assets, and the focus on `prime' assets remains in most markets 
around the UK and Europe. Against this background we continue to seek to 
`control the controllables', by prioritising high quality asset management to 
fill empty space, and retain tenants on longer term leases. 
This strategy is designed to help to preserve and potentially improve values 
through this on-going period of uncertainty, while giving more time to allow 
for an orderly disposal of assets before September 2014 into a stronger 
investment market. The revised terms secured with the Company's lending bank 
give the Manager the flexibility to be able to take this approach, having no 
specific short term disposal targets to be met. 
Invesco Asset Management Limited 
16 November 2011 
Related Party 
Invesco Asset Management Limited (`IAML'), a wholly owned subsidiary of Invesco 
Ltd, acts as Investment Manager to the Company. Invesco Ltd has provided a 
credit facility to the Company. Details of IAML's services and fee 
arrangements and the Invesco loan are given in the latest annual financial 
report, which is available on the Investment Manager's website. 
Principal Risks and Uncertainties 
The principal risks and uncertainties that could affect the Company's business 
can be divided into the following various areas: 
* Investment Policy; 
* Ordinary Shares and Dividends; 
* Gearing; 
* Interest and Currency Risks; 
* Market Movements and Portfolio Performance; and 
* Regulatory. 
A detailed explanation of these principal risks and uncertainties can be found 
on pages 17 to 19 of the 2011 annual financial report, which is available on 
the Investment Manager's website at 
In the view of the Board, these principal risks and uncertainties are equally 
applicable to the remaining six months of the financial year as they were to 
the six months under review. 
Going Concern 
As noted on page 36 of the 2011 annual financial report there was, at the time 
that report was prepared, uncertainty regarding the outcome of the discussions 
with the lending bank, and therefore a material uncertainty which may have cast 
significant doubt as to the Group's ability to continue as a going concern. 
The restructuring of the Company's loan facility completed in September 2011, 
thereby resolving the previous uncertainties. Accordingly, this half-yearly 
financial report has been prepared on a going concern basis. The Directors 
consider this is the appropriate basis as they have a reasonable expectation 
that the Company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence 
for the foreseeable future. In considering this, the Directors took into 
account the revenue forecasts for the year and the cash resources which can be 
used to meet the Company's short term liabilities and ongoing expenses. 
Directors' Responsibility Statement 
In respect of the preparation of the half-yearly financial report 
The Directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report 
using accounting policies consistent with applicable law and International 
Financial Reporting Standards. 
The Directors confirm that to the best of their knowledge: 
- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half-yearly 
financial report have been prepared in accordance with International Accounting 
Standard 34 `Interim Financial Reporting'; 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required by DTR 4.2.7R and DTR 4.2.8R of the FSA's Disclosure and Transparency 
Rules; and 
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information 
required on related party transactions. 
The half-yearly financial report has not been audited or reviewed by the 
Company's auditors. 
Signed on behalf of the Board of Directors. 
Richard Barnes 
16 November 2011 
Investment Properties 
Top ten investments as at 30 September 2011 
                                                             Value         % of 
Property                              Country                GBP'000    Portfolio 
Directoire, St Cloud                  France                38,250         18.7 
St Michel Sur Orge, Ile de France     France                19,316          9.5 
Schickardstrase 30, Boblingen         Germany               17,837          8.7 
Le Diapason, Paris                    France                16,358          8.0 
11 Old Jewry, London EC2              UK                    11,790          5.8 
Priory Business Park, Bedforshire     UK                     8,950          4.4 
Brackmills Industrial Estate, Brants  UK                     8,490          4.2 
Verdun, Paris                         France                 8,214          4.0 
Colonel Bourg, Brussels               Belgium                8,179          4.0 
Hellaby Lane, Rotherham               UK                     7,960          3.9 
Total of top ten investment                                145,344         71.2 
Other properties:                                           53,767         28.8 
Total market value of properties (23                       199,111        100.0 
Investment properties are analysed after deduction of obligations under finance 
leases of GBP6.9 million. 
Lease Expiry Profile 
                                    30 September 2011        31 March 2011 
                                    annual         % of      annual        % of 
                                    income       annual      income      annual 
                                     GBP'000       income       GBP'000      income 
0-3 yrs                             11,328         59.0       8,716        43.5 
3-7 yrs                              5,574         29.0       7,871        39.3 
7-10 yrs                             1,682          8.7       2,822        14.0 
10-15 yrs                              281          1.5         281         1.4 
15-20 yrs                              255          1.3         255         1.3 
>20 yrs                                 93          0.5          93         0.5 
Current annual income from          19,213        100.0      20,038       100.0 
Annual income is derived from leases in place at 30 September 2011 and so will 
differ from total annual income received by the Group. 
Sector Weightings of Portfolio by Geographic Area 
As at 30 September 2011 
                                              % of portfolio 
SECTOR              Total       UK     France     Belgium     Spain     Germany 
Industrial           44.2     28.1       12.7           -       3.4           - 
Offices              55.8     10.3       29.1         7.4         -         9.0 
Retail                  -        -          -           -         -           - 
                    100.0     38.4       41.8         7.4       3.4         9.0 
As at 31 March 2011 
                                              %of portfolio 
SECTOR              Total       UK     France     Belgium     Spain     Germany 
Industrial           43.4     27.9       11.9           -       3.6           - 
Offices              56.6     14.5       25.3         8.2         -         8.6 
Retail                  -        -          -           -         -           - 
                    100.0     42.4       37.2         8.2       3.6         8.6 
Condensed Statement of Comprehensive Income 
                          Six months to           Six months to      Year ended 
                        30 September 2011       30 September 2010      31 March 
                           (unaudited)             (unaudited)        (audited) 
                     Revenue Capital   Total Revenue Capital   Total      Total 
                       GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000   GBP'000      GBP'000 
Rental and service    12,843       -  12,843  13,294       -  13,294     25,906 
charge income 
Interest receivable     (77)       -    (77)      37       -      37      4,134 
and other income 
Unrealised (loss)/         -   (528)   (528)       -   1,487   1,487      1,814 
gains on swaps 
(Losses)/gains on 
Unrealised (loss)/         - (1,733) (1,733)       - (7,638) (7,638)    (6,864) 
gain on revaluation 
of properties 
Lease incentive            -   (739)   (739)       -   (158)   (158)    (1,601) 
Realised (loss)/           -   (329)   (329)       -   1,023   1,023      1,833 
gains on disposal of 
                      12,766 (3,329)   9,437  13,331 (5,286)   8,045     25,222 
Management fees        (470)    (64)   (534)   (445)    (60)   (505)      (987) 
Property expenses    (5,329)       - (5,329) (3,610)       - (3,610)    (8,800) 
Professional fees    (1,696)       - (1,696)   (882)       -   (882)    (2,009) 
Goodwill impairment        -       -       -       -       -       -      (273) 
                     (7,495)    (64) (7,559) (4,937)    (60) (4,997)   (12,069) 
Profit/(loss) before   5,271 (3,393)   1,878   8,394 (5,346)   3,048     13,135 
finance costs and 
Finance costs        (5,712)   (779) (6,491) (5,990)   (817) (6,807)   (13,959) 
Profit/(loss) before   (441) (4,172) (4,613)   2,404 (6,163) (3,759)      (806) 
Tax (credit)/charge     (49) (1,964) (2,013)    (48)     851     803      1,242 
Profit/(loss) for      (490) (6,136) (6,626)   2,356 (5,312) (2,956)        436 
the period 
attributable to 
equity shareholders 
Loss per ordinary     (0.3)p  (4.0)p  (4.3)p    1.5p  (3.6)p  (1.9)p       0.3p 
share - basic and 
Other comprehensive                    1,516                     677      6,116 
Total comprehensive                  (5,110)                 (2,279)      6,552 
profit/(loss), net 
of tax 
The total column of this statement represents the Group's consolidated income 
statement. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are presented in 
accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice issued by the Association 
of Investment Companies. All items in the above statement are derived from 
continuing operations. No operations were discontinued in the period. For 
details on other comprehensive income/(expenses) please refer to the Condensed 
Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity. 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 
                                            At               At              At 
                                  30 September     30 September        31 March 
                                          2011             2010            2011 
                                   (unaudited)      (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                         GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000 
Non-current assets 
Investment properties                  206,057          228,322         220,647 
Intangible assets - goodwill             6,069            6,278           6,128 
                                       212,126          234,600         226,775 
Current assets 
Trade and other receivables              4,785            5,647           4,152 
Cash and cash equivalents               15,721           10,769          17,846 
                                        20,506           16,416          21,998 
Total assets                           232,632          251,016         248,773 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables              (17,575)         (15,377)        (18,331) 
Taxation                                     -                -               - 
Bank loan                            (197,305)        (217,156)       (208,558) 
Total assets less current               17,752           18,483          21,884 
Non-current liabilities 
Other payables                         (3,845)          (3,634)         (3,739) 
Interest rate swaps liability          (8,413)         (15,407)         (9,805) 
Currency swaps liability              (13,430)         (13,264)        (12,976) 
Obligations under finance              (6,946)          (6,426)         (6,949) 
Deferred taxation                     (14,069)         (12,424)        (12,255) 
                                      (46,703)         (51,155)        (45,724) 
Net assets                            (28,951)         (32,672)        (23,840) 
Capital and reserves 
Stated capital                         101,368          101,368         101,368 
Other reserve                          (8,413)         (15,407)         (9,805) 
Translation reserve                      1,611            1,650           1,488 
Capital reserves                     (182,049)        (175,627)       (175,913) 
Revenue reserve                         58,532           55,344          59,022 
Issued capital and reserves           (28,951)         (32,672)        (23,840) 
Net asset value - note 5               (18.9)p          (21.4)p         (15.6)p 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow 
                                    Six months       Six months 
                                         ended            ended      Year ended 
                                  30 September     30 September        31 March 
                                          2011             2010            2011 
                                   (unaudited)      (unaudited)       (audited) 
                                         GBP'000            GBP'000           GBP'000 
Operating activities 
Rent and service charges                14,145           13,642          32,386 
Bank interest received                       6                2               2 
Bank loan interest paid                (6,491)          (6,805)        (13,959) 
Operating expense payments            (10,133)          (3,979)         (8,257) 
Tax received/(paid)                      (142)               42              43 
Net cash inflow from                   (2,615)            2,902          10,215 
operating activities 
Investing activities 
Capital expenditure and                  (756)            (968)         (2,456) 
Sale of investment properties           11,335            6,125          18,524 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow               10,579            5,157          16,068 
from investing activities 
Financing activities 
Repayment of loan                      (9,967)          (6,027)        (17,213) 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow              (9,967)          (6,027)        (17,213) 
from financing activities 
Change in cash and cash                (2,003)            2,032           9,070 
Cash and cash equivalents at            17,846            8,821           8,821 
beginning of period 
Effect of foreign exchange               (122)             (84)            (45) 
Cash and cash equivalents at            15,721           10,769          17,846 
end of period 
Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes In Equity 
                          Stated    Other Translation   Capital Revenue 
                         Capital  Reserve     Reserve   Reserve Reserve    Total 
                           GBP'000    GBP'000       GBP'000     GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000 
Six months ended 
30 September 2011 (unaudited) 
Balance at 31 March 2011 101,368  (9,805)       1,487 (175,913)  59,022 (23,841) 
(Loss)/profit for the          -        -           -   (6,136)   (490)  (6,626) 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on             -        -          73         -       -       73 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on        -        -          51         -       -       51 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on             -    1,392           -         -       -    1,392 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 30 September  101,368  (8,413)       1,611 (182,049)  58,532 (28,951) 
Six months ended 
30 September 2010 (unaudited) 
Balance at 31 March 2010 101,368 (15,864)       1,430 (170,315)  52,988 (30,393) 
(Loss)/profit for the          -        -           -   (5,312)   2,356  (2,956) 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on             -        -         439         -       -      439 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on        -        -       (219)         -       -    (219) 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on             -      457           -         -       -      457 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 30 September  101,368 (15,407)       1,650 (175,627)  55,344 (32,672) 
Year ended 31 March 2011 
Balance at 31 March 2010 101,368 (15,864)       1,430 (170,315)  52,988 (30,393) 
(Loss)/profit for the          -        -           -   (5,598)   6,034      436 
Other comprehensive 
Unrealised gain on             -        -         399         -       -      399 
revaluation of cross 
currency swaps 
Exchange differences on        -        -       (342)         -       -    (342) 
translating foreign 
Unrealised gain on             -    6,059           -         -       -    6,059 
revaluation of interest 
rate swaps 
Balance at 31 March 2011 101,368  (9,805)       1,487 (175,913)  59,022 (23,841) 
Notes to the Condensed Financial Statements 
1. Accounting Policies 
Accounting Standards and Policies 
The condensed financial statements of the Group have been prepared using the 
same accounting policies as those adopted in the 2011 annual financial report, 
which are consistent with International Financial Reporting Standards (`IFRS'), 
and Standing Interpretation Committee and International Financial Reporting 
Interpretation Committee interpretations issued by International Accounting 
Standards Board to the extent adopted by the EU. 
2. Taxation 
Profits arising in the Company are subject to Jersey income tax at the rate of 
3. Basis of Returns 
The total, revenue and capital, basic and diluted earnings per ordinary share, 
are based on the applicable net returns for the period and on 153,000,000 
ordinary shares being the amount of ordinary shares in issue in the period. 
4. Status of Half-Yearly Financial Report 
The financial information contained in this half-yearly financial report, which 
has not been audited or reviewed by the auditors, does not constitute statutory 
accounts as defined in Article 104 of Companies (Jersey) Law 1991. The 
financial information for the half years ended 30 September 2011 and 2010 has 
not been audited. The figures and financial information for the year ended 31 
March 2011 are extracted and abridged from the latest published accounts and do 
not constitute the statutory accounts for that period. Those accounts included 
the Report of the Independent Auditors, which was unqualified. 
5. Net Asset Value per Ordinary Share 
The NAV per ordinary share is based on 153,000,000 ordinary shares of no par 
value in issue at 30 September 2011. 
Reconciliation of accounts NAV per share to adjusted NAV: 
                                                   30 September 2011 
                                                  Per share             GBP'000 
Accounts net asset value                             (18.9)          (28,951) 
Accounting for derivatives on balance                   5.5             8,413 
Goodwill                                              (4.0)           (6,069) 
Tax charge: deferred tax                                9.2            14,071 
Adjusted net asset value                              (8.2)          (12,536) 
The adjusted NAV is per the European Public Real Estate Association (`EPRA') 
measure, published in January 2006. The EPRA NAV per share excludes the fair 
value adjustments for debt and interest rate derivatives, deferred taxation on 
revaluations, capital allowances and goodwill. 
By order of the Board 
R & H Fund Services (Jersey) Limited 
Company Secretary 
16 November 2011 

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