ENSOR HOLDINGS PLC - Interim results for the period ended 30 September 2012
5 December 2012

                              ENSOR HOLDINGS PLC                               

                    ("Ensor" the "Group" or the "Company")                     

            Interim results for the period ended 30 September 2012             

Chairman's Statement

  * Operating profit: up 100% to £1.2 million
  * Earnings per share: doubled to 2.8p
  * Interim dividend: increased by 45% to 0.4p per share

In our announcement of results for the financial year to March 2012, I cautiously anticipated steady progress. I am delighted to report that the Group generated operating profits for the six months to the end of September 2012 of £1,215,000 - a 100% increase over the same period last year (2011: £607,000) - on sales of £16.2 million (2011: £11.1 million).

These very pleasing results include the first full contribution by Technocover which has continued to improve since the acquisition of the company in January this year. The results for our other established businesses have been in line with our expectations, holding up well during an economically flat period. There are some signs of improvements in the economy as we start the second half of our financial year, but we are not relying on these signs and continue to work hard to maintain a `tight ship'.

Financial costs have increased to £146,000 (2011: £58,000), principally in relation to the Technocover acquisition, resulting in a Group pre-tax profit of £1,069,000 (2011: £549,000).

Last time I reported to shareholders, I let you know that we had agreed the sale of our tools business, CMS Tools, to a management buyout. We informed the market in October that the sale was not completed and CMS remains a fully contributing Group company. A robust plan has been agreed which we believe will see CMS making good profits for the Group, now and in the future.

Group cash flows continue to be excellent with cash of £1,219,000 being generated from operations. During the half year we have financed a pension scheme enhanced transfer value exercise, paid dividends, repaid loans and furthered our capital expenditure plans whilst reducing our gearing to 28% (2011: 34%).

The enhanced transfer value exercise which we have undertaken for our pension scheme has been very successful. To date, based on March 2012 values, the exercise has removed 65% of the scheme's deferred pension liabilities, for a cash cost to the company of about £750,000.

Steady but slow movement towards full planning permission at Brackley continues, as does work to realise value at our other land holdings. These land assets hold real value for us but there is no urgency or immediate need to dispose of them. We will sell only when there is an improved market, we are ready and are able to achieve an acceptable deal.

As I have said before, we intend to grow our dividend payments to our shareholders, when prudent to do so. I am pleased therefore to let you know that the Board is proposing to pay a net interim dividend of 0.4p per share. This is a 45% increase on last year (2011: 0.275p) and will be paid on 25 January 2013 to shareholders registered on 28 December 2012.

As I am constantly reminded when I travel around our Group, we have a team of very talented people working hard to produce these very good results. It is to everyone within Ensor that I say thank you very much for your continued efforts.

K A Harrison TD
5 December 2012

Ensor Holdings PLC
Roger Harrison / Marcus Chadwick
0161 945 5953

Westhouse Securities Limited
Richard Baty / Paul Gillam
020 7601 6100

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2012

                                    Note    Unaudited  Unaudited      Audited
                                             6 months   6 months    12 months
                                              30/9/12    30/9/11      31/3/12
                                                £'000      £'000     Restated
Revenue                                        16,240      11,132      24,677     
Cost of sales                                 (12,063)    (8,423)     (18,200)   
                                          ----------- ----------- -----------
Gross profit                                    4,177       2,709       6,477      
Administrative expenses                        (2,962)     (2,102)     (5,017)    
                                          ----------- ----------- -----------
Operating profit before impairment              1,215         607       1,460      
Goodwill impairment charge            2             -           -      (1,014)    
                                          ----------- ----------- -----------
Profit before financial expenses                1,215         607         446        
Financial costs                                  (146)        (58)       (164)      
                                          ----------- ----------- -----------
Profit before tax                               1,069         549         282        
Income tax expense                    3          (229)       (135)       (210)      
                                          ----------- ----------- -----------
Profit for the period attributable                840         414          72         
to equity shareholders                                                       
                                               ======      ======      ======
Earnings per share                    4                                      
Basic and fully diluted                          2.8p        1.4p        0.3p
                                               ======      ======      ======
Dividends per share                   5                                      
Dividends paid                                 0.525p      0.350p      0.625p
Dividends proposed                             0.400p      0.275p      0.525p
                                               ======      ======      ======

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income for the six months ended 30 September 2012

Profit for the period                             840         414          72         
Other comprehensive income:                                                 

Actuarial loss and related deferred tax (114) - (258)

Revaluation of land and buildings                   -           -         140        
                                          ----------- ----------- -----------
Total comprehensive income attributable           726         414         (46)       
to equity shareholders                                                      
                                               ======      ======      ======

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
at 30 September 2012

                                      Unaudited       Unaudited         Audited
                                        30/9/12         30/9/11         31/3/12
                                          £'000           £'000           £'000
Non-current assets                                                             
Property, plant & equipment               6,837           4,056           6,753
Intangible assets                         3,105           2,438           2,771
Deferred tax asset                          654             778             806
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total non-current assets                 10,596           7,272          10,330
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Current assets                                                                 
Assets held for sale                          -             542             138
Assets of disposal group classified           -               -           1,031
as held for sale                                                               
Inventories                               2,907           2,610           3,005
Trade and other receivables               7,426           5,029           6,508
Cash and cash equivalents                     -             463               -
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total current assets                     10,333           8,644          10,682
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total assets                             20,929          15,916          21,012
                                         ======          ======          ======
Non-current liabilities                                                        

Retirement benefit obligations (2,723) (3,036) (3,223)

Borrowings                                (905)               -         (1,007)
Other creditors                           (886)            (14)           (897)
Deferred tax                               (92)               -            (65)
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total non-current liabilities           (4,606)         (3,050)         (5,192)
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Current liabilities                                                            
Borrowings                              (1,519)               -         (1,706)
Liabilities of disposal group                 -               -           (223)
classified as held for sale                                                    
Trade and other payables                (6,279)         (4,456)         (5,933)
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total current liabilities               (7,798)         (4,456)         (7,862)
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total liabilities                      (12,404)         (7,506)        (13,054)
                                         ======          ======          ======
NET ASSETS                                8,525           8,410           7,958
                                         ======          ======          ======
Share capital                             3,062           3,062           3,062
Share premium                               557             505             557
Treasury shares                            (79)           (152)            (79)
Revaluation reserve                         140               -             140
Retained earnings                         4,845           4,995           4,278
                                    -----------     -----------     -----------
Total equity attributable to equity       8,525           8,410           7,958
                                         ======          ======          ======

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity for the six months ended 30 September 2012

Attributable to equity shareholders of the parent

                        Issued       Share    Treasury   Revaluation    Retained       Total 
                       Capital     Premium      Shares       Reserve    Earnings      Equity 
                         £'000       £'000       £'000         £'000       £'000       £'000 
Balance at 1 April       3,062         557        (79)           140       4,278       7,958 
Total                        -           -           -             -         726         726 
Dividend paid                -           -           -             -       (159)       (159) 
                   ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------- 
Balance at 30            3,062         557        (79)           140       4,845       8,525 
September 2012                                                                               
                        ======      ======      ======       =======      ======      ====== 
Balance at 1 April       2,945         470           -             -       4,686       8,101 
Issue of equity            117          35           -             -           -         152 
Purchase of                  -           -       (152)             -           -       (152) 
treasury shares                                                                              
Total                        -           -           -             -         414         414 
Dividend paid                -           -           -             -       (105)       (105) 
                   ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------- 
Balance at 30            3,062         505       (152)             -       4,995       8,410 
September 2011                                                                               
                        ======      ======      ======       =======      ======      ====== 
Balance at 1 April       2,945         470           -             -       4,686       8,101 
Issue of equity            117          35           -             -           -         152 
Purchase of                  -           -       (152)             -           -       (152) 
treasury shares                                                                              
Sale of treasury             -          52          73             -        (35)          90 
Total                        -           -           -           140       (186)        (46) 
Dividend paid                -           -           -             -       (187)       (187) 
                   ----------- ----------- ----------- ------------- ----------- ----------- 
Balance at 31            3,062         557        (79)           140       4,278       7,958 
March 2012                                                                                   
                        ======      ======      ======       =======      ======      ====== 

Condensed Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 30 September 2012

                                          Unaudited       Unaudited     Audited 
                                           6 months        6 months   12 months 
                                            30/9/12         30/9/11     31/3/12 
                                              £'000           £'000       £'000 
Cash flows from operating                                                       
Profit for the period                           840             414          72 
attributable to equity                                                          
Depreciation charge                             256             131         309 
Financial costs                                 146              58         164 
Income tax expense                              229             135         210 
Profit on disposal of property,                (16)            (12)        (38) 
plant & equipment                                                               
Amortisation of intangible asset                 16               -           - 
Cost of enhanced transfer                        26               -           - 
Impairment of goodwill of                         -               -       1,014 
discontinued operation                                                          
                                            _______         _______     _______ 
Operating cash flow before                    1,497             726       1,731 
changes in working capital                                                      
Decrease/(increase) in                          314           (218)       (462) 
(Increase)/decrease in                        (536)           (431)         268 
(Decrease)/increase in payables                (56)             477     (2,064) 
                                            _______         _______     _______ 
Cash generated from/(absorbed by)             1,219             554       (527) 
Interest paid                                  (90)            (58)       (164) 
Income taxes received/( paid)                    10               -       (104) 
                                            _______         _______     _______ 
Net cash generated from/(absorbed             1,139             496       (795)       
by) operating activities                                                        
                                        -----------     ----------- ----------- 
Cash flows from investing                                                       
Proceeds from disposal of                        10              29          88          
property, plant & equipment                                                     
Proceeds from disposal of assets                150               -           -           
held for sale                                                                   
Acquisition of property, plant &              (263)            (92)       (293)       
                                        -----------     ----------- ----------- 
Net cash absorbed by investing                (103)            (63)       (205)       
                                        -----------     ----------- ----------- 
Cash flows from financing                                                       
Equity dividends paid                         (159)           (105)       (187)       
Issue of shares                                   -               -         152         
Purchase of treasury shares                       -               -       (152)       
Proceeds from sale of own shares                  -               -          90          
Amounts repaid in respect of                   (27)             (2)         (3)         
finance leases                                                                  
Pension fund enhanced transfer                (561)               -           -           
values paid                                                                     
Loan repayments                               (419)               -        (92)        
                                        -----------     ----------- ----------- 
Net cash absorbed by financing              (1,166)           (107)       (192)       
                                        -----------     ----------- ----------- 
Net (decrease)/(increase) in cash             (130)             326     (1,192)     
and equivalents                                                                 
Cash and cash equivalents at                (1,055)             137         137         
beginning of period                                                             
                                        -----------     ----------- ----------- 
Cash and cash equivalents at end            (1,185)             463     (1,055)     
of period                                                                       
                                             ======          ======      ======      

Notes to the Interim Report

1. Basis of preparation

The unaudited results for the six months have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") and do not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The interim report has not been prepared in accordance with IAS 34, "Interim Financial Reporting" in that it does not contain full disclosure of accounting policies and does not detail compliance with other standards. These disclosures are dealt with in the Group's annual report.

The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2012, prepared under IFRS, have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies and received an unqualified audit report.

2. Goodwill impairment charge

At 31 March 2012 there was an agreement in place for the sale of a subsidiary business, CMS Tools, to the management of the company. The sale was considered to be highly probable and so, in accordance with IFRS, the operation was treated as held for sale in the Statement of Financial Position at that date. The result of the operation, including an impairment of goodwill charged in anticipation of the disposal, was treated as a discontinued operation in the Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2012.

Subsequently, the sale was aborted and in accordance with IFRS, the operation is no longer treated as held for sale. The Income Statement for the year ended 31 March 2012 has been restated, with the result of the company now included in continuing operations. However, IFRS dictates that the impairment of goodwill which was recognised in this period must not be reversed or restated. Therefore the comparative figures for the year ended 31 March 2012 include this impairment charge as a separate item.

3. Income tax expense

The income tax expense is calculated using the estimated tax rate for the year ended 31 March 2013.

4. Earnings per share

The calculation of earnings per share for the period is based on the profit for the period divided by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue, being 30,295,976 (6 months to 30 September 2011 - 29,781,819 and year ended 31 March 2012 - 29,888,168). The fully diluted loss per share is based upon the weighted average of 30,370,576 shares (6 months to 30 September 2011 - 30,618,074 and year ended 31 March 2012 - 30,002,190). The dilution is due to subsisting share options.

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