Downing Absolute Income VCT 2 plc 
Half-Yearly Report for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                                                 30 Sept    31 Mar   30 Sept 
                                                    2011      2011      2010 
                                                   pence     pence     pence 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share                 84.9      91.2      92.1 
 Net asset value per 'A' Share                       0.1       0.1       0.1 
 Cumulative distributions per Ordinary Share         7.5       5.0       2.5 
 Total return per Ordinary Share and 'A' Share      92.5      96.3      94.7 
I am pleased to present the Company's Half-Yearly Report for the period ended 
30 September 2011.  During the period, the Company has continued to make 
progress in building its VCT-qualifying portfolio and has also seen a 
significant level of activity in respect of its non-qualifying investments. 
Venture capital investments 
During the period, the Company made five new VCT-qualifying investments at a 
total cost of  GBP1.5 million and also invested  GBP1.3 million as non-qualifying 
elements in new or existing qualifying investments. 
An investment of  GBP450,000 was made in Redmed Limited, which purchased The Annexe 
nightclub  in Lincoln city  centre.  The club  has been refurbished and recently 
reopened as Home. 
 GBP333,000  was invested into Alpha Schools Holdings Limited. The company owns and 
operates  an independent  prep school  and is  working on  the acquisition  of a 
second school. 
An investment of  GBP400,000 was made into Gingerbread Pre-School (UK) Limited. The 
company owns and operates three children's day nurseries in Liverpool. 
Your Company also invested  GBP499,000 in Future Biogas (Reepham Road) Limited. The 
company  is  in  the  process  of  constructing  an anaerobic digestion plant in 
Norfolk, which is expected to start initial operations shortly. 
The  remaining new qualifying investment was  GBP200,000 invested into Tracsis plc, 
an  AIM-quoted software  business focussing  on data  collation software for the 
transport sector. 
The  funds for the above investments were  raised by disposals or redemptions of 
six  non-qualifying investments,  which generated  proceeds of   GBP3.1 million and 
total realised gains of  GBP18,000. 
In  addition to  the above,  the Company  also invested  a further  GBP320,000 into 
existing  non-qualifying portfolio companies and   GBP200,000 in new non-qualifying 
At  the period  end, the  Board reviewed  the unquoted investment valuations and 
have made a number of adjustments. 
Two  investments  have  shown  significant  negative  deviations  from  plan and 
accordingly provisions have been made against their valuations. 
Camandale  Limited owns and  operates two pubs  in Kilmarnock, Scotland.  It has 
recently  become clear that  one of the  pubs has been  trading very poorly. The 
management  has now  been replaced  and steps  are being  taken to stabilise the 
business.  The  poor  trading  has  clearly  had  an  impact on the value of the 
underlying  assets and, as a result, the Board has agreed to make a provision of 
 GBP503,000 against the investment at this time. 
EPI  Services  Limited  is  a  designer  and  builder  of  corporate data rooms. 
Historically, the company has generated a significant proportion of its business 
from  large contracts, however,  delays in securing  several such contracts have 
caused  a  significant  deterioration  in  the  company's  trading results.  The 
company  has  recently  secured  a  number  of  new smaller contract wins and is 
focused  on reducing  overheads, however,  based on  the recent performance, the 
investment has been revalued downwards by  GBP520,000. 
On  a positive note, two investments,  Tramps Nightclub Limited and Antelope Pub 
Company  Limited, have made good  progress and, as a  result, have been revalued 
upwards  by   GBP72,000  and   GBP43,000  respectively.  Most  of  the other portfolio 
companies  have not shown any  departures from plan which  might impact on their 
value and therefore continue to be carried at original cost. 
The  AIM-quoted investments,  Accumuli plc  and Tracsis  plc, were valued at bid 
price  at the period end,  resulting in a reduction  of  GBP38,000 and an uplift of 
 GBP76,000 respectively. 
The total unrealised loss for the period was  GBP870,000. 
Net asset value and results 
At 30 September 2011, the net asset value ("NAV") per Ordinary Share stood at 
84.9p and the NAV per 'A' Share stood at 0.1p, producing a combined total of 
85.0p. This is a decrease of 3.8p per share (4.2%) since the period end of 31 
March 2011 (after adjusting for the 2.5p dividend paid during the period). Total 
return (NAV plus dividends to date) was 92.5p at 30 September 2011. 
The  loss on  ordinary activities  after taxation  for the  period was  GBP768,000, 
comprising a profit of  GBP166,000 on the revenue account and a loss of  GBP934,000 on 
the capital account. 
As set out in the Company's prospectus, the Board intends to pay dividends of 
5p per annum. 
The  next dividend of 2.5p per  Ordinary Share will be  paid on 30 March 2012 to 
Ordinary Shareholders on the register at 24 February 2012. 
Share buybacks 
The  Company  operates  a  share  buyback  policy  whereby,  subject  to certain 
restrictions,  it intends to buy in any  of its own shares that become available 
in the market for cancellation.  In its initial years, the Company will normally 
seek  to undertake  any buybacks  at a  price equal  to the latest published NAV 
(i.e. at a nil discount). 
During  the period, the Company purchased 18,755 each of its own Ordinary Shares 
and 'A' Shares at an average price of 80.0p and 0.1p per share respectively. 
Risks and uncertainties 
Under  the Disclosure and  Transparency Directive, the  Board is required in the 
Company's  Half-Year Results to report on  the principal risks and uncertainties 
facing the Company over the remainder of the financial year. 
The Board has concluded that the key risks facing the Company over the remainder 
of the financial period are as follows: 
(i) compliance risk of failure to maintain approval as a VCT; and 
(ii) investment risk associated with investing in small and immature businesses. 
The  Company's compliance with  the VCT regulations  is continually monitored by 
the  Manager, who reports  regularly to the  Board on the  current position. The 
Company  also  retains  PricewaterhouseCoopers  to  provide  regular reviews and 
advice in this area.  The Board considers that this approach reduces the risk of 
a breach of the VCT regulations. 
In  order to make VCT-qualifying investments, the Company has to invest in small 
businesses  which are often immature.  It also  has a limited period in which it 
must  invest the majority of its funds.   The Manager follows a rigorous process 
in vetting and careful structuring of new investments, including taking a charge 
over  the assets of the  business wherever possible and,  after an investment is 
made, closely monitoring the business. The Board is satisfied that this approach 
reduces  the investment  risk described  in (ii)  above as  far as is reasonably 
Going concern 
The Directors have reviewed the Company's financial resources at the period end 
and conclude that the Company is well placed to manage its business risks. 
The  Board confirms that it is satisfied that the Company has adequate resources 
to  continue in business for the foreseeable  future. For this reason, the Board 
believes  that  the  Company  continues  to  be  a  going concern and that it is 
appropriate  to  apply  the  going  concern  basis  in  preparing  the financial 
The Company is still at an early stage in its life and, although two investments 
have  been revalued downwards, the performance of most of the investee companies 
is  satisfactory  to  date.  The  economic  climate  will, no doubt, provide all 
portfolio companies with challenges, but, in time, we expect to see the stronger 
businesses make progress. 
The  job  of  building  the  qualifying  investment  portfolio  is  ongoing. The 
continued  limited availability of bank funding  is helping to increase the flow 
of  good  quality  investment  opportunities  and  we  therefore expect to see a 
reasonably high level of new investment activity over the remainder of the year. 
Chad Murrin 
as at 30 September 2011 
                                                  30 Sept   30 Sept   31 Mar 
                                                     2011      2010     2011 
                                                    Total     Total    Total 
                                                     GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
 Fixed assets 
 Investments                                       14,640    13,100   15,387 
 Current assets 
 Debtors                                              284       646    1,183 
 Cash at bank and in hand                           2,369     4,841    2,025 
                                                    2,653     5,487    3,208 
 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year 
                                                    (310)     (145)    (329) 
 Net current assets                                 2,343     5,342    2,879 
 Net assets                                        16,983    18,442   18,266 
 Capital and reserves 
 Called up share capital                               20        20       20 
 Share premium                                         30        30       30 
 Special reserve                                   17,591    18,271   18,188 
 Revaluation reserve                                (793)         -       77 
 Capital reserve - realised                            18         -        - 
 Revenue reserve                                      117       121     (49) 
 Equity shareholders' funds                        16,983    18,442   18,266 
 Net asset value per Ordinary Share                  84.9      92.1    91.2p 
 Net asset value per 'A' Share                        0.1       0.1     0.1p 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                                  Period ended          Period ended      Period 
                                  30 Sept 2011          30 Sept 2010       ended 
                                                                          31 Mar 
                             Revenue Capital  Total Revenue Capital Total  Total 
                                GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000  GBP'000   GBP'000 
Income                           419       -    419     360       -   360  1,051 
Gains on investments 
- realised                         -      18     18       -       -     -      - 
- unrealised                       -   (870)  (870)       -       -     -     77 
                                 419   (852)  (433)     360       -   360  1,128 
Investment management fees      (82)    (82)  (164)    (88)    (89) (177)  (344) 
Other expenses                 (136)       -  (136)   (142)       - (142)  (317) 
Return on ordinary 
activities before taxation       201   (934)  (733)     130    (89)    41    467 
Taxation                        (35)       -   (35)     (9)       -   (9)  (111) 
Return attributable to 
equity shareholders              166   (934)  (768)     121    (89)    32    356 
Return per Ordinary Share       0.8p  (4.7p) (3.9p)    1.1p  (0.8p)  0.3p 2.5p 
Return per 'A' Share               -       -      -       -       -     -      - 
A  Statement of Total Recognised  Gains and Losses has  not been prepared as all 
gains and losses are recognised in the Income Statement as noted above. 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                                               30 Sept    30 Sept    31 Mar 
                                                  2011       2010      2011 
                                                  GBP'000       GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Opening Shareholders' funds                    18,266          -         - 
 Issue of shares                                     -     20,010    20,010 
 Share issue costs                                   -    (1,100)   (1,100) 
 Purchase of own shares                           (15)          -         - 
 Distributions                                   (500)      (500)   (1,000) 
 Total recognised (loss)/gain for the period     (768)         32       356 
 Closing shareholders' funds                    16,983     18,442    18,266 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
                                               30 Sept  30 Sept   31 Mar 
                                                  2011     2010     2011 
                                          Note    GBP'000     GBP'000     GBP'000 
Cash inflow from operating activities and 
returns on investments                     1     1,074    (469)    (575) 
Corporation tax paid                             (110)        -        - 
Capital expenditure 
Purchase of investments                        (3,294) (13,100) (17,991) 
Sale of investments                              3,189        -    2,681 
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure        (105) (13,100) (15,310) 
Equity dividends paid                            (500)    (500)  (1,000) 
Net cash outflow before financing                  359 (14,069) (16,885) 
Proceeds from Ordinary Share issue                   -   19,477   19,980 
Proceeds from 'A' Share issue                        -       30       30 
Proceeds from Preference Share issue                 -       50       50 
Redemption of Preference Shares                      -     (50)     (50) 
Share issue costs                                    -    (597)  (1,100) 
Purchase of own shares                            (15)        -        - 
Net cash inflow from financing                    (15)   18,910   18,910 
Increase in cash                           2       344    4,841    2,025 
Notes to the cash flow statement: 
1 Cash inflow from operating activities 
and returns on investments 
(Loss)/return on ordinary activities before 
taxation                                         (733)       32      467 
Loss/(gain) on investments                         852        -     (77) 
Decrease/(increase) in other debtors               899    (646)  (1,183) 
Increase in other creditors                         56      145      218 
Net cash inflow from operating activities        1,074    (469)    (575) 
2 Analysis of net funds 
Beginning of period                              2,025        -        - 
Net cash inflow                                    344    4,841    2,025 
End of period                                    2,369    4,841    2,025 
as at 30 September 2011 
                                                          Unrealised      % of 
                                                         gain/(loss) Portfolio 
                                          Cost Valuation   in period  by value 
                                          GBP'000      GBP'000        GBP'000 
Helcim Group Limited*                    1,460     1,460           -      8.6% 
Tramps Nightclub Limited*                1,349     1,421          72      8.4% 
Antelope Pub Company Limited*            1,088     1,131          43      6.6% 
EPI Services Limited*                    1,500       980       (520)      5.8% 
Quadrate Catering Limited*                 835       835           -      4.9% 
Quadrate Spa Limited*                      740       740           -      4.4% 
Rostima Limited*                           682       682           -      4.0% 
Camandale Limited*                       1,136       633       (503)      3.7% 
The 3D Pub Co Limited                      517       517           -      3.0% 
Future Biogas (Reepham Road) Limited*      499       499           -      2.9% 
Redmed Limited                             450       450           -      2.6% 
Gingerbread Pre-School (UK) Limited*       400       400           -      2.4% 
Domestic Solar Limited*                    400       400           -      2.4% 
Slopingtactic Limited                      380       380           -      2.2% 
Alpha Schools Holdings Limited             333       333           -      2.0% 
Accumuli plc                               250       288        (38)      1.7% 
Tracsis plc                                200       276          76      1.6% 
Chapel Street Services Limited             250       250           -      1.5% 
Chapel Street Food and Beverage Limited    250       250           -      1.5% 
Mosaic Spa and Health Clubs Limited*       250       250           -      1.5% 
Ridgeway Pub Company Limited*              136       136           -      0.8% 
                                        13,105    12,311       (870)     72.5% 
Non VCT-qualifying 
Lullingstone Limited                     1,238     1,238           -      7.3% 
Retallack Surfpods Limited                 500       500           -      2.9% 
Fenkle Street LLP                          346       346           -      2.0% 
Kidspace Adventures Limited                200       200           -      1.1% 
Commercial Street Hotel Limited             35        35           -      0.2% 
Chapel Street Hotel Limited                 10        10           -      0.1% 
                                         2,329     2,329           -     13.6% 
Total                                   15,434    14,640       (870)     86.1% 
                                       --------         ------------- 
Cash at bank and in hand                           2,369                 13.9% 
                                              -----------           ---------- 
Total investments                                 17,009                100.0% 
                                              -----------           ---------- 
*partly non qualifying 
for the six months ended 30 September 2011 
 Qualifying investments                   GBP'000 
 Future Biogas (Reepham Road) Limited*     499 
 Redmed Limited                            450 
 Gingerbread Pre-School (UK) Limited*      400 
 Alpha Schools Holdings Limited            333 
 Tracsis plc                               200 
 Non-qualifying investments 
 Helcim Group Limited                      460 
 Rostima Limited                           232 
 Domestic Solar Limited                    200 
 Kidspace Adventures Limited               200 
 Edison House Limited                      118 
 Lullingstone Limited                      114 
 Woolmer Properties Limited                 65 
 Looe Road Student Accommodation            23 
 Total                                   3,294 
                                         Market             Gain    Total 
                                       value at Disposal against realised 
                                 Cost  01/04/11 proceeds    cost     gain 
Non-qualifying investments       GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000     GBP'000 
Edison House Limited            1,384     1,384        -       -        - 
Woolmer Properties Limited      1,211     1,229       18      18       18 
Looe Road Student Accommodation   403       403        -       -        - 
Lullingstone Limited              100       100        -       -        - 
Tramps Nightclub Limited           72        72        -       -        - 
Bowman Care Homes Limited           1         1        -       -        - 
Total                           3,171     3,189       18      18       18 
* includes a non qualifying element.  GBP249,000 for Future Biogas (Reepham Road) 
Limited and  GBP120,400 for Gingerbread Pre-School (UK) Limited. 
1. The unaudited half-yearly results cover the six months to 30 September 2011 
and have been prepared in accordance with the Statement of Recommended Practice 
"Financial Statements of Investment Trust Companies and Venture Capital Trusts" 
revised January 2009 ("SORP") and in accordance with the accounting policies set 
out in the statutory accounts for the period ended 31 March 2011, which were 
prepared under UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice ("UK GAAP"). 
2. All  revenue and capital items in the Income Statement derive from continuing 
3. The  Company  has  only  one  class  of  business and derives its income from 
investments made in shares, securities and bank deposits. 
4. The  comparative figures are  in respect of  the eight-month period ended 30 
September 2010 and the fourteen month period ended 31 March 2011 respectively. 
5. Net  Asset Value per share has  been calculated on 19,981,245 Ordinary Shares 
and  29,981,245 'A' Shares, being  the number of  shares in issue  at the period 
6. Return  per  share  has  been  calculated  on  19,995,672 Ordinary Shares and 
29,995,672 'A'  Shares, being the  weighted average number  of shares during the 
7. Dividends 
                                   Six months ended            31 March 
                                   30 September 2011               2011 
                         Per   Revenue   Capital   Total          Total 
                       share      GBP'000      GBP'000    GBP'000           GBP'000 
 Paid in year 
 2011 Final             2.5p         -       500     500              - 
 2011 Second Interim    2.5p         -         -       -            500 
 2011 First Interim     2.5p         -         -       -            500 
                             -----------------------------   ----------- 
                                     -       500     500          1,000 
                             -----------------------------   ----------- 
No dividends have been paid or declared in respect of the 'A' Shares. 
8. Reserves 
                                  Special   Revaluation     reserve   Revenue 
                                  reserve       reserve   -realised   reserve 
                                     GBP'000          GBP'000        GBP'000      GBP'000 
 At 1 April 2011                   18,188            77           -      (49) 
 Realised gain on investments           -             -          18         - 
 Unrealised loss on investments         -         (870)           -         - 
 Purchase of own shares              (15)             -           -         - 
 Expenses capitalised                   -             -        (82)         - 
 Transfer between reserves          (582)             -         582         - 
 Distributions                          -             -       (500)         - 
 Retained revenue                       -             -           -       166 
 At 30 September 2011              17,591         (793)          18       117 
The  Revenue  reserve,  Special  reserve  and  Capital  reserve  -  realised are 
distributable  reserves. The  revaluation reserve  includes losses of  GBP1,023,000 
which  are included in the  calculation of distributable reserves. Distributable 
reserves at 30 September 2011 were  GBP16,703,000. 
9. The unaudited condensed financial statements set out herein do not constitute 
statutory  accounts within the meaning of Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 
and  have not been delivered to the  Registrar of Companies. The figures for the 
period ended 31 March 2011 have been extracted from the financial statements for 
that  year,  which  have  been  delivered  to  the  Registrar  of Companies; the 
auditor's report on those financial statements was unqualified. 
10. The  Directors confirm that, to the best of their knowledge, the half-yearly 
financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the "Statement: Half- 
Yearly  Financial Reports" issued  by the UK  Accounting Standards Board and the 
half-yearly  financial report includes a fair review of the information required 
(a)  DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of 
important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial 
year  and  their  impact  on  the  condensed  set of financial statements, and a 
description  of  the  principal  risks  and  uncertainties for the remaining six 
months of the year; and 
(b)  DTR 4.2.8R of  the Disclosure  and Transparency  Rules, being related party 
transactions  that  have  taken  place  in  the  first six months of the current 
financial  year  and  that  have  materially  affected the financial position or 
performance  of the entity  during that period,  and any changes  in the related 
party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so. 
11. Copies  of the  unaudited half-yearly  report will  be sent  to Shareholders 
shortly.  Further copies can be obtained from the Company's Registered Office or 
will be available for download from www.downing.co.uk. 
This announcement is distributed by Thomson Reuters on behalf of 
Thomson Reuters clients. The owner of this announcement warrants that: 
(i) the releases contained herein are protected by copyright and 
    other applicable laws; and 
(ii) they are solely responsible for the content, accuracy and 
     originality of the information contained therein. 
Source: Downing Absolute Income VCT 2 Plc via Thomson Reuters ONE 

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