RNS No 7530m
11th June 1998

                                  COMINO PLC
                              1998 FINAL RESULTS
       #1.95m Pre-tax Profits up 37%; Dividend up 11%; Strong Order Book
Comino plc, the Workflow technology and software applications group, announces
its  final  results  for  the  year  to 31  March  1998.  The  results  firmly
demonstrate that the company has achieved its goal during its first full  year
on the Alternative Investment Market.

Key points from the final results:

* Turnover up 68% to #13.15m (1997: #7.79m)
* Strong recurring support revenue from customer base
* All  group  companies among the market  leaders  in  their
  respective fields
* Profit before tax up by 37% to #1.95m (1997: #1.42m)
* Earnings per share up 8% to 12.33p (1997: 11.46p),
  enhanced by trading and acquisition activity
* Net cash #4.3m  (1997: #1.86m before raising additional
  #1.53m on AIM listing)
* Final dividend up 11% to 2.50p (1997: 2.25p)
* Gross margins maintained; costs controlled
* Major order won in Australia
* Acquisition of Excelsis last October integrated into Context;
  ISE incorporated as wholly-owned company;
  Turnover run-rate approximately #16m
* Continuing expansion across the Group in Workflow and  Call
  Centre applications

Commenting  on the results and future prospects Garth Selvey, Chief Executive,

"We  remain determined to build shareholder value.  With Context's acquisition
and  overseas  sales  success, ISE's strong order book  and  Prologic's  early
success  in  writing  new  business, Comino is well placed  for  a  successful

Enquiries :
Garth Selvey, Chief Executive
Paul Clifford, Finance Director
Comino plc
Tel:  0171 786 9600 until 1.00pm, thereafter 01628 525433

Peter Binns
Jane Mallinson
Binns & Co
Tel: 0171 786 9600

Editors' Notes:

1. Context  Software, embracing Workflow and electronic document  management,
   is  used  by 200 UK housing customers - associations and local authorities
   -  of  which  27  are  local authorities.  Context also  has  one  housing
   customer in  Canada and one in Australia.
2. ISE's  software is used by one quarter of  The Times 100 companies, in  30
   pension   administration  departments  and  22  local  authority   revenue
   departments around the UK.
   ISE  is  Comino's  fastest growing company, with increasing  opportunities
   for Workflow-based and Call Centre solutions.
3. Prologic  provides complete 'business to business' supply chain  solutions
   for  the  fashion and clothing industry, with 40 customers in the  UK  and
4. Context  contributed 61% of the subsidiaries' operating  profit,  ISE  25%
   and  Prologic 14%.
5. Compared  to  the  previous 12 months, Context increased turnover  by  53%
   (via   its  acquisition  of  Excelsis)  and  operating  profits  by   46%.
   Similarly,  Prologic  increased turnover by 28% and operating  profits  by
6. In  the  12  months  to 31 March 1998, compared to its previous  18  month
   accounting period, ISE increased turnover by 18% and operating profits  by

Chairman and Chief Executive's Statement

Technology  today plays a part in almost every conceivable business  activity.
Comino  companies  use information technology to deliver  effective,  reliable
business  solutions  to  our customers at the right  price;  giving  them  the
opportunities that technology brings, but without the risks.  We  do  this  in
specialist  market  sectors  that  we know  well,  successfully  blending  our
business  and  technical expertise.  It therefore comes as  no  surprise  that
Comino has enjoyed an excellent year.

Turnover of #13.2m reflects an increase of 68 per cent on the previous period.
With  the  inclusion of a full year for the Excelsis acquisition, the turnover
run-rate  is approximately #16m.  More importantly, gross profit margins  have
been  maintained and costs have been controlled to produce a healthy operating
profit,  and  an overall profit before tax of #1.95m, up 37 per  cent  on  the
previous period.

Net assets at the year end were #1.72m compared to #1.28m.  Cash balances were
#4.3m  compared  to #1.9m.  In line with comments made in the  prospectus,  no
interim dividend was paid during the year.  The final dividend proposed by the
Directors is 2.50 pence per share, increased from 2.25 pence.  In future,  the
Company  expects  to  pay  both interim and final  dividends.   Fully  diluted
earnings per share increased from 9.95 pence to 11.46 pence, an increase of 15
per  cent.  Further improvement is anticipated with a full year's contribution
from acquisitions.

The  Group  has strong recurring support revenue from its customer base  which
last  year  represented 35 per cent of turnover.  The gross profit from  these
revenues  covered 51 per cent of operating subsidiary overheads.  We see  such
revenue as the backbone of the Group.

In  October  1997,  we acquired the business of Excelsis  Limited,  a  housing
solutions  competitor of Context, which effectively doubled the size  of  this
business in terms of turnover and customers.  It has also considerably widened
Context's target market.  This development of the company's critical mass  has
contributed  to  a  major  contract  with the  Defence  Housing  Authority  in
Canberra, Australia for housing software and services.

The  importance  of ISE's Workflow technology to Context's operations  in  the
housing  sector accelerated the acquisition of the final minority shareholding
in ISE in November 1997.  This 'business to client' technology is built around
large numbers of the public requiring high service levels in response to their
enquiries.   ISE's  products are currently used in 30  pension  administration
departments and 22 local authority revenue departments around the  UK.   ISE's
order book at the year end was up 81 per cent compared with the same point  in
the previous year.

We  regard  Workflow  as  one  of  Comino's principal  assets,  and  there  is
considerable interest in this product across ISE's traditional business  areas
and   in  Context's  housing  base.   We  have  already  witnessed  its  first
application  in housing by the English Churches Housing Group  -  an  existing
Context customer which has purchased Workflow call-centre technology from ISE.

There  are  strong  synergies between ISE and Context, and  we  will  actively
continue  to develop these links in the future, as we seek to bring continuous
added-value services to our customers.

Unlike   ISE  and  Context,  Prologic's  Enterprise  Resource  Management   is
principally  a  'business to business' product.  Focused  exclusively  on  the
fashion and clothing industry, Prologic achieved an excellent performance, and
finished  the year particularly strongly.  It has recently won two  new  major
contracts, enhancing its growth prospects for the current year.

Being  well established in their respective markets, all three companies  have
hitherto required only a modest amount of advertising and public relations  to
sustain awareness of their activities.  The Board now believes that it is time
to reinforce these individual identities to unlock the latent value within the
Group,  and is taking steps to promote Comino's overall strengths to  a  wider

The  Group  is  likely  to  develop further its focus  on  housing  and  local
authorities,  and  promote  the use of its Workflow  technology  by  acquiring
companies  whose products serve large numbers of the public.  The  Group  will
also  seek  -  initially by publication on the Internet - additional  overseas
customers   for  its  products.   For  Workflow,  the  company   will   target
distributors  or  value-added  resellers, and in  other  cases  they  will  be
selected end-users of significant size.

Whilst   ensuring  that  appropriate  attention  has  been  given  to  product
compliance, the Board has seen fit to distance itself from revenues that arise
solely  from the Millennium, preferring instead to take a longer term view  to
protect 2001 business levels.

Comino's  success  to  date has been founded on giving our  customers  a  high
quality product coupled with outstanding service and attention to detail.   We
have  only  been able to deliver this through the efforts of our professional,
effective  and well-motivated employees.  We thank them for  the  contribution
they  have  made  over  the  year.  We would also like  to  thank  our  fellow
directors for their commitment and support.

We  remain  determined to build shareholder value.  With Context's acquisition
and  overseas  sales  success, ISE's strong order book  and  Prologic's  early
success  in  writing  new  business, Comino is well placed  for  a  successful

Mike Brooke Chairman
Garth Selvey  Chief Executive

10 June 1998

Consolidated Profit and Loss for the year 31 March 1998

                         Year ended    Year ended    Year ended  Period ended
                           31 March      31 March      31 March      31 March
                               1998          1998          1998          1997
                              #'000         #'000         #'000         #'000
                         Activities  Acquisitions         Total
Turnover                     10,609         2,542        13,151         7,792
Cost of sales                (3,486)         (603)       (4,089)       (2,875)
                            --------     --------     ---------      --------
Gross profit                  7,123         1,939         9,062         4,917
  expenses                   (5,574)       (1,711)       (7,285)       (3,563)
                            --------     --------     ---------      --------
Operating profit              1,549           228         1,777         1,354
                            -------      --------
Interest receivable                                         176            71
Interest payable                                             (3)           (5)
                                                       ---------     --------
Profit on ordinary                                                           
 activities  before                                                          
 taxation                                                 1,950         1,420
Tax on profit on                                                             
 ordinary activities                                       (453)         (292)
                                                       ---------     --------
Profit on ordinary                                                           
 activities after                                                             
 taxation                                                 1,497         1,128
Minority interest - equity                                  (56)         (130)
                                                       ---------    ---------
Profit for the                                                               
 financial year                                           1,441           998
Dividends                                                  (330)         (201)
                                                       ---------    ---------
Retained profit                                                              
 for the                                                                      
 financial year                                           1,111           797
                                                          =====         =====
Earnings per share                                        12.33p       11.46p
                                                           =====        =====
Fully diluted                                                                
 per share                                                11.46p        9.95p
                                                           =====        =====

The  Group  had no recognised gains or losses during the year ended  31  March
1998 other than those included in the results above.

Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 March 1998

                                                            1998          1997
                                                           #'000         #'000
Fixed assets                                                                  
Tangible assets                                              714           256
Current assets
Stocks                                                       291           175
Debtors                                                    5,449         2,491
Cash at bank and in hand                                   4,329         1,894
                                                       ---------      --------
                                                          10,069         4,560
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year           (4,245)       (1,866)
                                                       ---------     ---------
Net current assets                                         5,824         2,694
                                                        --------      --------
Total assets less current liabilities                      6,538         2,950
Creditors: amounts falling due after 
 more than one year                                        (118)           (4)
Deferred income                                          (4,705)       (1,667)
                                                       ---------     ---------
                                                           1,715         1,279
                                                           =====          ====
Capital and reserves                                                          
Share capital                                                657           479
Share premium reserve                                      4,324           426
Goodwill reserve                                         (5,174)         (434)
Profit and loss account                                    1,908           797
                                                        --------      --------
Equity shareholders' funds                                 1,715         1,268
Minority interests                                             -            11
                                                        --------      --------
                                                           1,715         1,279
                                                           =====         =====

These financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on 10  June

G R Selvey
P L Clifford

Company Balance Sheet at 31 March 1998

                                                            1998          1997
                                                           #'000         #'000
Fixed assets                                                                  
Tangible assets                                                2             -
Investments                                                6,433         2,281
                                                        --------      --------
                                                           6,435         2,281
                                                        --------      --------
Current assets                                                                
Debtors                                                       19           816
Cash at bank                                               1,436           440
                                                        --------      --------
                                                           1,455         1,256
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year           (2,024)       (1,874)
                                                        --------      --------
Net current liabilities                                    (569)         (618)
                                                        --------      --------
Total assets less current liabilities                      5,866         1,663
                                                           =====         =====
Capital and reserves                                                          
Share capital                                                657           479
Share premium account                                      4,324           426
Profit and loss account                                      885           758
                                                       ---------      --------
Shareholders' funds                                        5,866         1,663
                                                           =====         =====

The  financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors on  10  June

G R Selvey
P L Clifford

Cash Flow Statement for the year 31 March 1998

                                                      Year ended  Period ended
                                                        31 March      31 March
                                                            1998          1997
                                                           #'000         #'000
Net cash inflow from operating activities                  3,344         1,006
Returns on investment and servicing of finance                                
Interest received                                            176            71
Interest paid                                                (3)           (5)
                                                        --------      --------
Net cash inflow from returns on investments and                               
 servicing of finance                                        173            66
                                                        --------       -------
Taxation                                                   (299)         (289)
                                                        --------       -------
Capital expenditure
Purchase of tangible fixed assets                          (441)         (110)
Sale of tangible fixed assets                                  3             3
                                                        --------       -------
Net cash outflow from capital expenditure                  (438)         (107)
                                                       ---------       -------
Acquisitions and disposals
Purchase of business and subsidiary undertakings         (1,688)         1,135
Disposal of subsidiary undertakings                            -            50
                                                        --------       -------
Net  cash  (outflow)/inflow from 
 acquisitions and disposals                              (1,688)         1,185
                                                        --------       -------
Equity dividends paid                                      (201)             -
Issue of shares                                            1,521             -
Increase/(repayment) of borrowings                            62           (6)
                                                        --------       -------
Net cash outflow from financing                            1,583           (6)
                                                           =====         =====
Management of liquid resources*
Increase in short term deposits                          (1,200)       (1,000)
                                                        --------       -------
Increase in cash                                           1,274           855
                                                           =====         =====

* Comino plc includes as liquid resources term deposits of less than a year.


1.  Earnings  per  ordinary share have been calculated on the profit  for  the
    financial  period of #1,441,000 after taxation and minority interests  and
    on  the  weighted number of ordinary shares in issue during the period  on
2.  The  financial information set out above does not constitute the statutory
    accounts for the period ended 31 March 1998.  Statutory accounts  for  the
    period  will  be  delivered to the Registrar of  Companies  following  the
    Company's Annual General Meeting.
3.  The  annual report and accounts will be posted to shareholders on 17  June
    1998  and  will also be available on request from the Company's registered
    office,   2   The  Courtyard,  Meadowbank,  Furlong  Road,   Bourne   End,
    Buckinghamshire, SL8 5AJ.



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