RNS Number:8983U
Claims Direct PLC
29 November 2000

                        CLAIMS DIRECT PLC
  "Excellent maiden interim results from the UK market leader"
   Interim Results for the six months ended 30 September 2000

Claims  Direct  plc ("Claims Direct"), the UK market  leader  in
personal  injury  compensation, announces its unaudited  results
for the six months ended 30th September 2000:


  -    Underlying operating profits* up 174% to #11.8m (1999:
  -    Turnover up 336% to #42.7m (1999: #9.8m)
  -    Basic earnings per share of 3.9p (1999: 1.9p)
  -    Maiden interim dividend per share of 0.5p
  -    First half accepted cases run rate average of 5,065 per
        month (1999: 1,857)
  -    First half number of accepted cases rose 172% to 30,388
       (1999: 11,141) greater than last year as a whole
  -    Number of cases covered by insurance total 25,886 (1999:

*before amortisation and exceptional employee costs

Tony  Sullman,  Chairman  of Claims Direct,  commenting  on  the
interim results, said:

"Our  half-year  results reflect our market  leadership  in  the
personal injury claims management industry, the success  of  our
brand, and our marketing drive.

"We  are determined to rebuild consumer confidence by continuing
to  enable  members  of the public who have suffered  injury  or
disability through the fault of another party to have 'Access to

"We  are operating in a long term growth market and are confident
that  the  strong momentum we have demonstrated  will  continue.
The  outlook  for  the remainder of the current financial  year,
although clouded by recent events, continues to be positive."

An  analysts' meeting will be held today at 9:30am  at  Founders
Hall, Cloth Fair, EC1

For further information, please contact:

Claims Direct plc

Colin Poole, Chief Executive                        01952 284838
Paul Doona, Finance Director                        01952 284938
Web Site                                    www.claimsdirect.com

Golin/Harris Ludgate                               0207 253 2252

Reg Hoare/Robin Hepburn

                      Chairman's Statement

I  am  pleased to report Claims Direct's maiden set  of  interim
results  since  becoming a quoted company, for  the  six  months
ended 30 September 2000.

Operating results

The  group has recorded an excellent performance for the period.
Operating   profit   before  exceptional  employee   costs   and
amortisation,  the  best measure of our underlying  performance,
rose 174% to #11.8m (1999: #4.3m). Basic earnings per share were
3.9p (1999: 1.9p).

Balance Sheet

At  the  end  of  the  period the Group had a  robust  financial
position,  with net assets of #57.8m (1999 #2.1m)  and  cash  at
bank  and in hand of #43.2m (1999: #0.6m). #48.5m was raised  in
the flotation as proceeds for the Company's use.


As  a  sign of your board's confidence in the progress  of  your
company, it is proposed to pay a maiden interim dividend of 0.5p
on  14 January 2001 to all shareholders on the register as at 15
December   2000.   As  indicated  in  the  Company's   flotation
prospectus, the Directors intend to adopt a progressive dividend
policy while maintaining an appropriate level of dividend cover.

Operating review

The  last six months have been an exciting period for the group,
during  which we achieved a successful flotation on  the  London
Stock  Exchange and acquired the vetting business of  Poole  and
Company  for  a consideration of #9.75 million.  The  number  of
cases  accepted during the period was 30,388 (1999: 11,141),  of
which 25,886 were covered by the Claims Direct Protect insurance
policy.   Furthermore, substantial progress  has  been  made  in
relation to the litigation initiated by certain franchisees  who
declined to operate the Claims Direct Protect insurance  policy.
Gross  payments  to  potential litigants were  #976,000  in  the
period,  but  taking  into  account the  benefit  of  the  cases
returned  to Claims Direct from these franchisees, the costs  to
the Group are not expected to be material.

The  accounts  include the estimated cost of ex gratia  payments
which  the  company  expected  to  make  to  claimants  who  had
voluntarily  transferred  to  the  insurance  policy  from   the
previous  percentage fee arrangement, and had not been  able  to
recover the cost of insurance premiums from third party insurers
on policies taken out before 1 April 2000.

Subsequent  to  the  period end your company  suffered  damaging
media  comment about the issue of premium recoverability  pre  1
April  2000.  The  Board has therefore taken the  initiative  by
announcing  that  all  clients  who  have  taken  out  insurance
policies  prior  to 1 April will be guaranteed  that  they  will
placed  in  no worse a position than they would have been  under
the Company's previous arrangements.

The  cost  of this guarantee is expected to be approximately  #5
million,  thus  requiring a further provision of #4  million  to
that  contained  in  the interim results.   This  will  also  be
treated as an exceptional cost in  the  second  half. The  Board 
believes that this action will arrest and  reverse any slow down 
in business activity which may result from a reduction in consumer 
confidence due to media comment.

Recent  comment  has  also  centred on the  defendant  insurance
industry's  apparent reluctance to re-imburse the premiums  paid
by  claimants for after-event insurance effective since 1  April
2000.  We remain confident and will continue to support the Lord
Chancellor's   stated   objective  to   protect   the   client's
compensation in full via the Access to Justice legislation.   We
continue  to monitor the situation closely and should  the  need
arise are prepared to refine our business model as we have  done
in the past.

The Claims Direct Protect policy still, however, remains central
to  our business.  It is a means of protecting our clients  from
paying  legal  costs, or even the cost of the insurance  premium
itself,  if  they  lose  their case.  It  ensures  that  we  can
continue  to provide access to justice for all, no matter  their
means, on a 'no win, no fee' basis.

As we had predicted competition has increased with the emergence
of new entrants into the market.  We believe that this acts as a
spur  to  growth  as well as to our own aim of  maintaining  our
market  leadership.  We  operate a network  of  claims  managers
providing nationwide coverage in support of more than 300  firms
of  solicitors.   This unique and expensive  infrastructure  has
taken  years to build - and encompasses considerable  experience
backed  by  full  training  and accreditation  through  the  law
industry's leading training organisation, Central Law Training.

Our  direct response TV advertising has been and will remain our
principal  marketing tool as evidenced by the fact  that  Claims
Direct  is  the  UK's leader by reference to  rate  card  spend.
Advertising expenditure in the first half totalled approximately
#7m. We intend to refresh the campaign in the second half and to
use advertising to support our position as UK market leader.

As the increase in administrative costs show, staff numbers have
increased  to  cope with the demands of a growing business.   In
particular,  we have invested in well-proven senior managers  at
operational board level.

During the last 12 months we have developed a retail presence of
some  20  shop-units.  We will closely monitor  progress  before
making a decision about further expansion next year, but we  are
encouraged by the results to date.

New developments

We  are in the process of finalising arrangements for the launch
of  Accident  Assist, a unique form of work in progress  funding
for solicitors which we are arranging through a leading UK bank.
The  importance of this initiative lies not only in  freeing  up
solicitor capacity, but also in providing an additional route to
market,  as  it encourages solicitors, both panel and non-panel,
to refer claims to the Company.

While  we build our share of the UK market, we are also  looking
to develop the "Claims Direct" brand overseas and have appointed
an International Business Development Director to explore master
licensing   agreements  in  Europe,  the  USA  and  Australasia.
Overseas  development is an area of the business which I  intend
to concentrate upon in the second half of the year.

We   are   also  developing  an  advanced  computerised   claims
management  system.   This  will  not  only  ensure  rapid   co-
ordination   between   claims  managers,  central   office   and
solicitors, but will also enable insurance companies to  proceed
more rapidly to settlement.  The system is due to be in place by
the middle of next year.


Our  half-year  results  reflect our market  leadership  in  the
personal injury claims management industry, the success  of  our
brand, and our marketing drive.

We  are determined to re-build consumer confidence by continuing
to  enable  members  of the public who have suffered  injury  or
disability through the fault of another party to have 'Access to

We  are operating in a long term growth market and are confident
that  the  strong momentum we have demonstrated  will  continue.
The  outlook  for  the remainder of the current financial  year,
although clouded by recent events, continues to be positive.

Tony Sullman
29 November 2000

Consolidated profit and loss accounts

                                   Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited
                                 6 months to     6 months to   12 months to
                                30 Sept 2000    30 Sept 1999    31 Mar 2000
                          Note         #'000           #'000          #'000
                                 -----------     -----------    -----------

Turnover - continuing
            operations                42,710           9,796         39,964
                                     -------         -------        -------
Cost of sales
- before exceptional costs           (24,249)         (2,369)       (22,215)
- exceptional costs          1        (1,913)             --             --
                                     -------         -------        -------
                                     (26,162)         (2,369)       (22,215)
                                     -------         -------        -------

Gross profit                          16,548           7,427         17,749
                                     -------         -------        -------

Administrative expenses
- before amortisation of goodwill
   and exceptional costs              (4,705)         (3,142)        (6,027)
- amortisation of goodwill              (612)            (68)          (968)
- exceptional employee
   costs                     1        (1,611)             --           (350)
                                     -------         -------        -------
                                      (6,928)         (3,210)        (7,345)
                                     -------         -------        -------

Operating profit-continuing
 operations                            9,620           4,217         10,404

Net interest receivable/
 (payable)                               689             (82)          (297)
                                     -------         -------        -------

Profit on ordinary activities
 before taxation                      10,309           4,135         10,107

Tax on profit on ordinary
 activities                  2        (3,435)         (1,171)        (3,457)
                                     -------         -------        -------

Profit on ordinary
 activities after taxation             6,874           2,964          6,650

Dividends                               (963)           (216)        (2,858)
                                     -------         -------        -------

Profit for the period                  5,911           2,748          3,792
                                     -------         -------        -------

Earnings per ordinary share

- before exceptional employee
   costs, amortisation of
   goodwill and
   interest                  3           4.7p            1.9p           5.1p
- basic                      3           3.9p            1.9p           4.2p
- diluted                    3           3.8p            1.9p           4.2p

Dividend per ordinary share*             0.5p            2.3p          47.8p

There  were  no recognised gains and losses in the period  other
than those arising in the profit and loss account.

* The  dividend  per ordinary share declared in  the  six  month
period  to 30 September 1999 and the year to 31 March  2000  are
not  comparable  with  that declared in the  six  month  period.
These  being  dividends paid in the run up  to  flotation  to  a
significantly smaller shareholder base.

Consolidated balance sheets

                                     Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                            at             at            at
                                  30 Sept 2000   30 Sept 1999   31 Mar 2000
                             Note        #'000          #'000         #'000
                                   -----------    -----------   -----------

Fixed assets

Intangible assets               4       12,610            572         3,472
Tangible assets                          1,180            189           466
Investments                     5          623             --            --
                                       -------        -------       -------

Total fixed assets                      14,413            761         3,938
                                       -------        -------       -------

Current assets

Debtors                                 30,311         10,691        19,103
Investments                     6       10,535             --            --
Cash at bank and in hand                43,210            611         5,059
                                       -------        -------       -------

Total current assets                    84,056         11,302        24,162
                                       -------        -------       -------

Creditors: amounts falling
 due within one year                   (33,784)        (8,620)      (17,450)

Net current assets                      50,272          2,682         6,712

Total assets less current
 liabilities                            64,685          3,443        10,650

Creditors: amounts falling
 due after more than one year               --            (13)           --

Provisions for liabilities
 & charges                              (6,868)        (1,375)       (7,296)
                                       -------        -------       -------

Net assets                              57,817          2,055         3,354
                                       -------        -------       -------

Capital & reserves

Called up share capital                  1,926             94            94
Share premium account                   48,222             --            --
Merger reserve                             333            644           401
Profit & loss account                    7,336          1,317         2,859
                                       -------        -------       -------

Equity shareholders' funds              57,817          2,055         3,354
                                       -------        -------       -------

The  interim financial statements were approved by the Board  of
Directors on 29 November 2000.

Consolidated cash flow statements

                                     Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                  30 Sept 2000  30 Sept 1999  31 March 2000
                                         #'000         #'000          #'000
                                   -----------   -----------    -----------

Net cash inflow/(outflow)
 from operating activities               6,160        (1,294)         4,813
                                       -------       -------        -------
Returns on investments and
 servicing of finance

Interest received                          764            --             44
Interest paid                             (341)          (82)          (341)
                                       -------       -------        -------

Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
 returns on investments and 
 servicing of  finance                     423           (82)          (297)

Taxation                                (2,074)           --            (76)

Capital expenditure and
 financial investment -

Purchase of tangible fixed assets         (903)          (59)          (426)
Purchase of fixed asset
 investments                              (623)           --             --


Poole & Company vetting
 operation                              (9,750)           --             --
Deferred consideration
 in relation to acquisition 
 in previous period                     (1,000)           --             --

Equity dividends paid
 to shareholders                          (590)          (33)        (1,605)
                                       -------       -------        -------

Net cash (outflow)/inflow
 before use of liquid
 resources and financing                (8,357)       (1,468)         2,409
                                       -------       -------        -------

Management of liquid resources

Increase in short-term
 restricted deposits
 with banks                             (4,003)           --         (4,259)
Current asset investments              (10,535)           --             --


Issue of ordinary
 shares (net of costs)                  48,552            --             --
 in bank loans                              (5)            4             (8)
Capital element of
 finance lease payments                     (3)           (3)            (9)
Increase in invoice
 discounting facility                    8,572         2,629          3,144
                                       -------       -------        -------

Net cash inflow from financing          57,117         2,630          3,127
                                       -------       -------        -------

Increase in cash in the period          34,222         1,162          1,277
                                       -------       -------        -------

Reconciliation to net cash/(debt) 

Net cash/(debt) at 1 April               1,131        (1,278)        (1,278)
Increase in net cash                    34,222         1,162          1,277
Movement in liquid resources            14,538            (9)         4,259
Movement in financing                   (8,565)       (2,630)        (3,127)
                                       -------       -------        -------

Net cash/(debt) at period end           41,326        (2,755)         1,131
                                       -------       -------        -------

Supplementary statements to the consolidated cash flow statement

Reconciliation of operating profit to operating cash flow

                                     Unaudited     Unaudited        Audited
                                   6 months to   6 months to   12 months to
                                  30 Sept 2000  30 Sept 1999  31 March 2000
                                         #'000         #'000          #'000
                                   -----------   -----------    -----------

Operating profit                         9,620         4,217         10,404
Depreciation charge                        189            23             89
Loss on sale of fixed assets                --            --             15
UITF 17 charge                              --            --            255
Amortisation of goodwill                   612            68            968
Increase in debtors                    (10,942)       (6,437)       (15,197)
Increase in creditors                    6,109         1,376          6,756
Increase/(decrease) in
 provisions                                572          (541)         1,523
                                       -------       -------        -------

Net cash inflow/(outflow)
 from operating activities               6,160        (1,294)         4,813
                                       -------       -------        -------

Reconciliation of movement in net debt

                                    At 1 April                   At 30 Sept
                                          2000     Cash flow           2000
                                         #'000         #'000          #'000
                                   -----------   -----------    -----------

Cash at bank and in hand                   800        34,148         34,948

Overdrafts                                 (74)           74             --
                                       -------       -------        -------

                                           726        34,222         34,948
                                       -------       -------        -------

Debt due within one year                (3,848)       (8,568)       (12,416)
Finance leases                              (6)            3             (3)
                                       -------       -------        -------

                                        (3,854)       (8,565)       (12,419)
                                       -------       -------        -------

Liquid Resources

-    restricted cash balances            4,259         4,003          8,262
-    current asset investments               -        10,535         10,535
                                       -------       -------        -------

                                         4,259        14,538         18,797
                                       -------       -------        -------

                                         1,131        40,195         41,326
                                       -------       -------        -------

Supplementary statement
                                     Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                   6 months to    6 months to  12 months to
                                  30 Sept 2000   30 Sept 1999   31 Mar 2000
                                         #'000          #'000         #'000
                                   -----------    -----------   -----------

Reconciliation of movements
 in shareholders' funds

Profit attributable to
 shareholders                            6,874          2,964         6,650
Dividends                                 (963)          (216)       (2,858)
UITF 17 charge                              --             --           255
                                       -------        -------       -------

                                         5,911          2,748         4,047
New share capital (net of costs)        48,552             --            --
                                       -------        -------       -------

Net addition to shareholders'
 funds                                  54,463          2,748         4,047
Opening shareholders' funds              3,354           (693)         (693)
                                       -------        -------       -------

Closing shareholders' funds             57,817          2,055         3,354

Notes to the accounts

1.  Exceptional costs

                                     Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited
                                   6 months to    6 months to  12 months to
                                  30 Sept 2000   30 Sept 1999   31 Mar 2000
                                         #'000          #'000         #'000
                                   -----------    -----------   -----------

(a)  Included in cost of sales
      - ex-gratia payments
        and provision                      937              -             -
      - gross payments to potential
        litigants                          976              -             -
                                       -------        -------       -------
                                         1,913              -             -
                                       -------        -------       -------

(b)  Included in administrative
     - flotation bonuses                   481              -             -
     - national insurance paid on
        share options exercised            654              -             -
     - national insurance provided
        on share options not
        exercised                          476              -             -
     - UITF 17 charge                        -              -           350
                                       -------        -------       -------
                                         1,611              -           350
                                       -------        -------       -------
                                         3,524              -           350
                                       -------        -------       -------


  The  taxation  charge for the six months to 30 September  2000
  has  been  calculated by applying the estimated tax  rate  for
  the current financial year ending 31 March 2001.

3.Earnings per ordinary share

  Earnings  per ordinary share before amortisation of  goodwill,
  interest  and  exceptional employee  costs  is  calculated  by
  adjusting the profit attributable to ordinary shareholders  by
  the  after  tax  effect of those items (#1,257,000)  and  then
  dividing the adjusted earnings by the weighted average  number
  of ordinary shares (174,103,729).

  Basic  and diluted earnings per ordinary share, the latter  of
  which  allows  for the impact of the exercise  of  outstanding
  share   options,  are  calculated  by  dividing   the   profit
  attributable  to  ordinary shareholders of  #6,874,000  (1999:
  #2,964,000)  by  the  weighted  average  number  of   ordinary

  In  the case of basic earnings per share, the weighted average
  number  of ordinary shares, excluding the shares held  by  the
  long-term  share  incentive scheme  which  are  owned  by  the
  company,  totals  174,103,729  (1999:  159,706,993);  and  for
  diluted   earnings   per  share,  totals  181,576,271   (1999:

4.Intangible fixed assets

  Intangible   fixed   assets  comprise  goodwill   arising   on
  consolidation and on acquisitions. During the period  goodwill
  of   #9,750,000  arose  on  the  acquisition  of  the  vetting
  business  of Poole & Co.  This and other goodwill arising  has
  been  capitalised  and is being amortised over  its  estimated
  useful economic life, being five years for past acquisitions.

5.Fixed assets investments

  Fixed  assets  investments comprise investment in  own  shares
  held  within  an  Employee Trust and relate to  the  long-term
  incentive scheme for executive directors. The costs of  shares
  acquired  are amortised over the performance period  to  which
  they relate.

6.Current assets investments

  Current  assets  investments comprise loans to  claimants  and
  were  made  to  facilitate  the movement  from  the  company's
  previous to present funder.

7.Contingent liabilities

  As  disclosed in the annual report for the year ended 31 March
  2000,  the  group  had  become aware of the  intentions  of  a
  number   of   current  and  former  franchises   to   initiate
  proceedings  against  the group.  As  commented  upon  in  the
  Chairman's  statement,  substantial  progress  has  been  made
  towards settling these disputes.

  The   Directors,  accordingly,  remain  confident   that   the
  resolution   of  outstanding  disputes,  will   not   have   a
  significant impact on the group's financial position.

8. Other information

  (a)  The  figures  for  the year to 31 March  2000  have  been
  extracted  from  the full group accounts for  that  period  on
  which  an  unqualified report was made by the group's auditors
  and which have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.

  (b)  The interim financial statements for the six months ended
  30  September 2000, whilst not constituting statutory accounts
  within  the meaning of section 240 of the Companies Act  1985,
  are   prepared   in  accordance  with  applicable   accounting
  standards,  using the same accounting policies as set  out  in
  the group accounts for the year ended 31 March 2000.

  (c)  A  copy  of this  interim statement will be sent  to  all
  shareholders  on 6 December 2000 and copies will be  available
  at  the  company's registered office, Grosvenor House, Central
  Park, Telford, TF2 9TU from that date

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