RNS No 2153v
1st June 1998

(The Group, based in Egham, Surrey, develops and invests
in commercial and residential property close to Heathrow
       Airport and the Western sector of the M25)


*  Turnover #445,000 (1997:  #1.053m)
*  Sales of investment property #435,000 (not included in
*  Pre-tax profit up 14% to #240,000 (1997:  #210,000)
*  Earnings per share 7.0p (1997:  5.9p)
*  Interim dividend up 10% to 1.1p net per share  (1997:
*  Group's current development programme totals #5m
*  Developments taking place at Windsor, Bracknell, Egham
   and Hambledon
*  New  office letting to Fairey Group Plc  at  #160,000
   p.a. now completed
*  17,000 sq. ft. of Group's office building at  Burnham
   let at #24.00 per sq. ft.
*  Net assets 323p per share - (properties not re-valued
   at half year).

Richard Wollenberg, Chairman, commented:

"The  demand for modern high quality office space in  the
Heathrow  area  remains  strong.  Numerous  pre-lets  and
owner occupier purchases have recently been completed  in
the Thames Valley and a supply shortage is still evident.
The  Group's  development programme is well advanced  and
should achieve further progress in the coming months."

For Further Information

The Cardiff Property Plc      
Richard Wollenberg  01784 437444
Albert E Sharp                
Will Martin  0171 638 7275
Binns & Co Public Relations   
Brian Coleman-Smith  0171 786 9600

Chairman's Interim Statement

Further  positive  progress has been achieved  since  the
year-end.  Profit on ordinary activities before  tax  for
the  half  year  to  31 March 1998 amounted  to  #240,000
(1997:  #210,000)  an increase of 14%. Turnover  totalled
#445,000  (1997:  #1.035m), which included  gross  rental
income   #387,000   (1997:  #388,000),   and   sales   of
development  property #58,000 (1997: #665,000).  Proceeds
of  sale  of  investment property  not  included  in  the
turnover figures totalled #435,000. Disposal of  part  of
our  listed investment realised proceeds of #285,000. The
Group's  share of profits from our 47.62% owned associate
undertaking,  Campmoss Property Company Ltd,  contributed
#12,000 (1997: #71,000).

Earnings  per share amounted to 7.0p (1997:  5.9p).  Your
board  has declared an interim dividend of 1.1p per share
(1997: 1.0p), an increase of 10%.

The  interim  dividend is payable  on  31  July  1998  to
shareholders on the register on 3 July 1998.

The Property Market
(close to Heathrow Airport and the western sector of  the
M25 motorway)

As  evidenced  by  our own success in  achieving  various
lettings, the demand for high quality office space within
the Group's area of operation remains strong. A number of
companies,  especially those within the  service  sector,
are  leasing  more space than they initially  require.  A
strong  UK  economy and encouraging business  environment
allow  such companies to plan for future expansion,  part
of the space being sub-let in the interim period.

A supply shortage of prime office space is still evident.
This  has  inevitably encouraged further  development  to
take place, but the underlying strength of the market has
been  demonstrated  by  a series of recent  announcements
confirming  a  substantial number of  pre-lets.  Numerous
high profile lettings and owner occupier purchases within
the  Thames Valley have been completed and it is commonly
accepted by the market place that lease terms are now for
a minimum 15 years.

Investment yields remain attractive relative to long term
gilts   and   most  other  fixed  interest   investments.
Furthermore the prospect of increased rental  returns  is
attracting  the  attention of many private  and  overseas

For investors and occupiers, the office investment market
in   the  M4  corridor  has  returned  to  the  level  of
popularity  enjoyed  during  the  late  1980s.   Although
speculative  development is not at levels  seen  at  that
time,  I expect a period of consolidation to take  place.
The  expectation of low long-term interest rates  should,
however,  contribute to property remaining an  attractive

At  the  half  year,  based  on September  1997  property
values,  net  assets  including  our  share  of  Campmoss
Property  totalled #10.7m, equivalent to 323p per  share.
Since  September last year, the Group has progressed  its
substantial development programme and achieved  a  number
of  lettings and planning permissions. Existing cash  and
borrowing  facilities are being used to fund the  Group's
development  costs  and additional facilities  have  been
negotiated to allow further acquisitions to take place.

Gearing at the half year was 44% against 50% at the year-

Our  quoted investment in the retail warehouse sector has
been  the  subject of a recent take-over offer  with  the
market value substantially increasing since the year-end.

The Investment Portfolio
At  Station Road, Egham, the pre-letting of our  recently
built  8,000 sq. ft. net office building to Fairey  Group
plc  has been completed.  Annual rental of #160,000  will
commence in July this year.

At  Hatton  Cross, close to Heathrow Airport,  new  lease
terms at our 3,000 sq. ft. net office building have  been
agreed   with   the  existing  tenant.   Annual   rental,
commencing November this year, is anticipated at #75,840,
an increase of 20%.

The  Group's  associate  company  Campmoss  Property  has
recently let 17,000 sq. ft. at "The Priory", Burnham, our
26,000  sq.  ft.  headquarters building  located  between
Maidenhead  and  Slough.  The  letting  on  a   long-term
institutional lease is for the new part of  the  building
and  achieved an annual rental of #400,000 equivalent  to
#24.00 per sq. ft.. The refurbished part of the building,
being  9,000 sq. ft., is currently under offer at  #22.00
per sq. ft..

The  Group's  investment portfolio  located  at  Windsor,
Egham  and Woking continue to provide a secure return  of
long  term income with the majority of space let to  good
covenants on long term institutional leases.

The Development Portfolio
The  Group's  property  development programme,  including
Campmoss  Property, continues to gather  momentum.  Sites
under construction include 35,000 sq. ft. industrial  and
office space at Bracknell, 20,000 sq. ft. industrial  and
office  space  at  Windsor and  9,000  sq.  ft.  new  and
refurbished office space at Redhill.

Detailed  planning  consent for a new  office  scheme  at
Woking  has been obtained. The development will  comprise
12,500 sq. ft. of new space with the existing building of
3,000  sq.  ft. being refurbished. Discussions  are  well
advanced  with  a  prospective  plc  tenant.  A  planning
application has also been submitted in respect of  a  new
office scheme at the Group's property at Bracknell.

Our  residential development programme is similarly  well
advanced.  Construction of a 6 bedroom country  house  at
Hambledon,  Surrey  and  7 flats  at  Egham,  Surrey  has
commenced and completion is expected by the end  of  this
calendar year.

At   Windsor  a  revised  planning  application   for   a
residential scheme has been submitted and, meanwhile,  we
continue to await the outcome of our planning appeal  for
21 flats.

The   Group's  construction  and  development   programme
remains  at  the  forefront  of  your  directors'   daily
activities. Our current development programme,  including
Campmoss  Property, costing #5m should add  significantly
to  gross rental income and capital value when completed.
The  sale  or  investment value of  these  properties  is
expected  to be in excess of #12m. In the event  that  we
achieve planning consents at Bracknell and Windsor  these
figures  should  substantially  increase  over  the  next
twelve months.

Your   directors  are  keen  to  increase   the   Group's
development  projects  and  are  currently  involved   in
negotiations to acquire two freehold properties.

I  remain  confident that the Group's current  activities
are  correctly focused and that further progress will  be
achieved  in  the  coming  months.  I  look  forward   to
reporting to you with the year end figures.

J Richard Wollenberg

1 June 1998

Consolidated Profit and Loss Account
for the six months ended 31 March 1998

                                    Six      Six    Year to
                                 months   months         30
                               31 March       31  September
                                   1998    March       1997
                            (Unaudited)     1997  (Audited)
                                      (Unaudited)     #'000
                                 #'000     #'000
Turnover (note 2)                   445    1,053      2,923
Cost of sales                      (119)    (700)   (2,103)
                                 -------  -------   -------
Gross profit                        326      353        820
Administrative expenses            (195)    (166)     (380)
Other operating income               76       64        109
                                -------  -------    -------
Operating profit                    207      251        549
Income from interest in              12       71         59
associated undertaking
Profit on sale of                                          
investment property                  27        -          5
Property on sale of                                        
other investments                   133        -         87
                                -------  -------    -------
Profit on ordinary activities                              
before interest                     379      322        700
Interest receivable and                                    
similar income                       51       20         90
Interest payable                   (190)    (132)     (316)
                                 -------  -------   -------
Profit on ordinary activities               
before taxation                     240      210        474
Tax on profit on ordinary                                  
activities (note3)                   (9)     (13)      (21)
                                 -------  -------   -------
Profit after taxation                                      
for the period                      231      197        453
Dividends (note 4)                  (36)     (33)     (103)
                                 -------  -------   -------
Retained profit for                                        
the period                          195      164        350
                                -------  -------    -------
Earnings per share                 7.0p     5.9p      13.7p
                                 ======   ======     ======

Consolidated Balance Sheet
at 31 March 1998

                             31 March  31 March          30
                                 1998      1997   September
                             (Unaudited)(Unaudited)    1997
                                #'000     #'000       #'000
Fixed assets                                               
Tangible assets                                            
Investment properties          10,241     8,495       8,310
Other                              59        50       1,644
                              -------   -------     -------
                               10,300     8,545       9,954
Investments                     2,383     2,193       2,371
                              -------  --------    --------
                               12,683    10,738      12,325
Current assets                                             
Stock and work in progress      1,203     1,425       1,018
Debtors                         2,268     1,126       3,145
Investments                        50        45          50
Cash at bank and in hand            7        38           6
                                3,528     2,634       4,219
Creditors:  amounts                                        
falling due within one         (2,286)   (1,240)    (2,875)
Creditors: amounts falling                                 
due after more than one        (3,200)   (3,200)    (3,139)
year                          --------   -------    -------
Net assets                     10,725     8,932      10,530
                              -------   -------     -------
Capital and reserves                                       
Called up share capital           664       664         664
Share premium account           4,810     4,810       4,810
Investment property                                        
revaluation reserve             1,003      (460)        165
Other revaluation reserve           -         -         773
Other reserves                  1,969     1,969       1,969
Profit and loss account         2,279     1,949       2,149
                              -------   -------     -------
Shareholders' funds            10,725     8,932      10,530
                              -------   -------     -------

Consolidated Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 31 March 1998

                                    Six       Six     Year to
                                 months    months          30
                               31 March  31 March   September
                                   1998      1997        1997
                             (Unaudited) (Unaudited)   (Audited)
                                  #'000      #'000       #'000
Cash inflow/(outflow) from                                   
operating activities                926     (185)     (1,316)
Returns on investment and                                    
servicing of finance               (139)    (102)       (251)
Taxation                              -         5         (2)
Capital expenditure and                                      
financial investment               (185)    (709)       (807)
Equity dividends paid               (70)     (65)        (98)
                                 -------  -------     -------
Cash inflow/(outflow)                                        
before financing                    532   (1,056)     (2,474)
Financing                          (950)        -       1,300
                                 -------  -------     -------
Decrease in cash                   (418)  (1,056)     (1,174)
                                 -------  -------     -------

Notes to the Financial Information

1. Basis of preparation

The  figures  for the half-year ended 31 March  1998  are
prepared on the same basis of accounting as for the  year
ended 30 September 1997 and are unaudited.

The  figures  for  the year ended 30 September  1997  are
extracted  from  the statutory accounts  for  that  year,
which have been filed with the Registrar of Companies and
on which the auditors gave an unqualified report, without
any   statement  under  section  237(2)  or  (3)  of  the
Companies Act 1985.

2. Analysis of turnover and profit on ordinary activities
before taxation

                                   Six  Six months     Year to
                                months    31 March          30
                              31 March        1997   September
                                  1998  (Unaudited)        1997
                             (Unaudited)              (Audited)
                                #'000       #'000        #'000
(wholly in the United                                         
Kingdom):                          387         388         807
Gross rents receivable              58         665        2116
Sales of development
                               -------     -------     -------
                                   445       1,053       2,923
                               -------     -------     -------
Profit on ordinary activities                                 
before interest and taxation:                                 
Property investment                318         232         463
Property development                60          90         237
                               -------     -------     -------
                                   378         322         700
                               -------     -------     -------
Net operating assets:                                         
Property investment              7,175       5,605       7,018
Property development             3,550       3,327       3,512
                              --------    --------     -------
                                10,725       8,932      10,530
                              --------    --------     -------

3. Taxation

The  tax  charge  for the half-year is estimated  on  the
basis of the anticipated tax rates applying for the  full

4. Dividends

                           Year to                     Year to
                      30 September                          30
                              1998                   September
                             #'000                        1997
Interim 1.1p per share          36   1.0p per share         33
Final                            -   2.1p per share         70
                        ----------                  ----------
                                36                         103
                        ----------                  ----------

The interim dividend of 1.1p per share will be paid on 31
July 1998 to shareholders on the register on 3 July 1998.

5. Earnings per share

Earnings  per  share has been calculated by dividing  the
profit after tax for the period of #231,000 (March  1997:
#197,000;  September  1997:  #453,000)  by  the  weighted
average  number  of ordinary shares in issue  during  the
period 3,317,514 (March and September 1997: 3,317,514).

Financial Calendar

1998    1 June       Interim     results    for    1997/98
        3 July       Record date for interim dividend
        31 July      Interim dividend to be paid
        30           End of accounting year
1999    January      Preliminary announcement  of  1997/98
        March        Annual general meeting
        March        Final dividend to be paid

Directors and Advisers

Directors                            Auditors
J Richard Wollenberg,                KPMG Audit plc
chairman and chief executive         
David A Whitaker FCA,                Bankers
finance director                     Midland Bank plc
Nigel D Jamieson BSc, ARICS,         
non-executive director               Financial advisers and
                                     Albert E Sharp
David A Whitaker FCA                 Solicitors
                                     Charles Russell
Non-executive directors of wholly    Morgan Bruce
owned subsidiaries
First Choice Estates plc             
Derek M Joseph BCom, FCIS, MIMC,     Public relations
                                     Binns & Co Public Relations
Thames Valley Retirement Homes Ltd   
Richard S G Sale MA, LLB(Cantab)     Registrar and transfer
                                     Computershare Services plc
Head office                          PO Box 82
56 Station Road                      Caxton House
Egham TW20 9LF                       Redcliffe Way
Telephone: 01784 437444              Bristol BS99 7NH
Fax:01784 439157                     Telephone: 0117 930 6666
Registered office                    
Marlborough House                    
Fitzalan Court                       
Fitzalan Road                        
Cardiff CF2 1TE                      
Registered number                    

This report is being sent to shareholders and a copy will
be available to the Public at the Company's head office
at The Cardiff Property Plc, 56 Station Road, Egham,
Surrey TW20 9LF.



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