BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc

                Half Yearly Financial Report 28 February 2013

For further information please contact:

Simon White, Head of Investment Trusts, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - 020 7743 5284

Vincent Devlin, Fund Manager, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - 020 7743 3000

Emma Phillips, Media & Communications, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited - 020 7743 2922

Chairman's Statement


The six months to 28 February 2013 witnessed a remarkable turnaround in
sentiment towards European equities, largely driven by the forceful, and now
famous, commitment in July 2012 from the president of the European Central
Bank (ECB), Mario Draghi, that the ECB would, within its mandate, do 'whatever
it takes' to defend the integrity of the Euro.

Against this backdrop, we are pleased to report that in the six months ended
28 February 2013, the Company's undiluted net asset value (NAV) per share
increased by 26.3%, compared with a rise of 21.9% in the FTSE World Europe ex
UK Index. The Company's share price rose by 30.7% over the same period (all
percentages calculated in sterling terms with income reinvested).

Since the period end, the Company's NAV has declined by 3.5% compared with a fall in the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index of 1.7% over the same period.

Tender offers
The Directors exercised their discretion to operate the half yearly tender
offer on 30 November 2012, which in common with previous tender offers was for
up to 20% of the shares in issue at the prevailing NAV less 2%. Valid tenders
for 4,661,723 shares were received at a price of 194.76p per share,
representing 3.85% of the shares in issue, excluding treasury shares. Of these
shares, 3,370,061 were cancelled and 1,291,662 were placed in treasury, in
line with the Directors' current policy to limit the number of treasury shares
to 5% of the ordinary shares in issue at such time.

It was announced on 25 March 2013 that the next semi-annual tender offer will take place on 31 May 2013. A circular relating to the tender offer will be available either on the BlackRock Investment Management website at or in hard copy on request from the Company's registered office c/o The Company Secretary, BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc, 12 Throgmorton Avenue, London EC2N 2DL.

Subscription shares
At a General Meeting held on 18 April 2013, shareholders approved the proposal
to make a bonus issue of subscription shares. A total of 23,254,813 subscription
shares were allotted to ordinary shareholders on the Company's register on
16 April 2013 by way of a bonus issue on the basis of one subscription share for
every five ordinary shares held at that date.

The subscription share rights conferred by the subscription shares are
exercisable quarterly on the last business day of January, April, July and
October between and including the last business day in July 2013 and the last
business day in April 2016, after which the subscription share rights will lapse.
Between July 2013 and April 2014 the subscription share price will be 233p per
ordinary share and thereafter until April 2016, 248p per ordinary share. The
detailed terms and conditions of the subscription shares are set out in the
combined Prospectus and Circular dated 25 March 2013.

Board of Directors We were very pleased to welcome Eric Sanderson, a chartered accountant and banker with extensive business experience, to the Board with effect from 1 April 2013.

Retail Distribution Review
From 1 January 2013, the implementation of the Financial Services Authority's
(with effect from 1 April 2013 known as the Financial Conduct Authority
(FCA)) Retail Distribution Review (RDR) means that advisers will have to
charge directly rather than receiving commissions from the funds in which
their clients invest. Investment trusts should now be on a level playing field
with their open ended counterparts such as unit trusts. We hope that, over
time, more investors will see the attraction of investing in investment trusts
which have the ability to borrow to enhance overall returns and which, unlike
open ended funds, are a quoted security which can be readily traded on the
stock market.

In the context of the implementation of RDR, it is worth noting that the
shares of the Company are designed for private investors in the UK, including
retail investors, professionally-advised private clients and institutional
investors who seek income and the potential for capital growth from investment
in global markets and who understand and are willing to accept the risks of
exposure to equities. When assessing the suitability of the shares, private
investors should also consider consulting an independent financial adviser who
specialises in advising on the acquisition of shares and other securities
before acquiring shares. Naturally, investors should also be capable of
evaluating the risks and merits of an investment in the Company and should
always have sufficient resources to bear any loss that may result.

Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive
The Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (the Directive) seeks to
reduce potential systemic risk by regulating the managers of alternative
investment funds (AIFMs). The Company falls within the category of alternative
investment funds. The Directive focuses on how alternative investment funds
conduct business, how they disclose and use borrowings, and how they appoint key
service providers. The implementation of the Directive will require all
investment trusts to appoint an AIFM or become an AIFM themselves and also to
appoint an independent depositary. The latter will fulfil a broader role
than that currently performed by the custodian, and will be obliged to ensure that
companies comply with the relevant rules on portfolio composition and
diversification. We expect the implementation of the Directive to be effective
from 22 July 2013 although it is currently anticipated that the FCA will
permit a transitional period of one year within which UK AIFMs must seek
authorisation. The Board is currently taking independent advice from Dickson
Minto W.S. on the consequences for the Company and will inform shareholders
when we have decided on the most appropriate course of action.


It is difficult at this stage to determine whether recent market strength
reflects the abundant liquidity currently being provided by central banks or
is correctly anticipating a return to economic growth. Although the evidence
from the US suggests that the world economic recovery has gained
some momentum, signs of growth in the Eurozone are less conclusive. Our
Investment Manager continues to focus primarily on individual companies, and has
been able to identify many examples of enterprises which are well placed to benefit
from the improving global outlook. We also draw some comfort from the fact that
European shares generally remain at a lower rating relative to their earnings than
companies elsewhere in the world.

John Walker-Haworth
22 April 2013

Interim Management Report and Responsibility Statement

The Chairman's Statement and the Investment Manager's Report give details of
the important events which have occurred during the period and their impact on
the financial statements.

Principal risks and uncertainties
The principal risks faced by the Company can be divided into various areas

- Performance;
- Income/dividend;
- Regulatory;
- Operational;
- Market; and
- Financial.

The Board reported on the principal risks and uncertainties faced by the
Company in the Annual Report and Financial Statements for the year ended
31 August 2012. A detailed explanation can be found in the Directors' Report
on pages 13 and 14 and in note 18 on pages 41 to 46 of the Annual Report and
Financial Statements which are available on the website maintained by the
Investment Manager, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited, at

In the view of the Board, there have not been any changes to the fundamental
nature of these risks since the previous report and these principal risks and
uncertainties are equally applicable to the remaining six months of the
financial year as they were to the six months under review.

Related party disclosure and transactions with Investment Manager
The Investment Manager is regarded under the Listing Rules as a related party
and details of the management fees payable are set out in note 4 and note 10.
The related party transactions with the Directors are set out in note 9.

Going concern
The Directors are satisfied that the Company has adequate resources to continue
in operational existence for the foreseeable future and is financially sound.
For this reason, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing the
financial statements. The Company has a portfolio of investments which are
considered to be readily realisable and is able to meet all of its liabilities
from its assets and income generated from these assets.

Directors' responsibility statement The Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR) of the UK Listing Authority require the Directors to confirm their responsibilities in relation to the preparation and publication of the Interim Management Report and Financial Statements.

The Directors confirm to the best of their knowledge that:

- the condensed set of financial statements contained within the half yearly
financial report has been prepared in accordance with applicable UK Accounting
Standards and the Accounting Standards Board's Statement 'Half Yearly Financial
Reports'; and

- the Interim Management Report, together with the Chairman's Statement and Investment Manager's Report, include a fair review of the information required by 4.2.7R and 4.2.8R of the FCA's Disclosure and Transparency Rules.

This half yearly financial report has been reviewed by the Company's auditor.

The half yearly financial report was approved by the Board on 22 April 2013 and the above responsibility statement was signed on its behalf by the Chairman.

John Walker-Haworth
For and on behalf of the Board
22 April 2013

Investment Manager's Report

Both the Company's share price and underlying NAV increased over the six months
to 28 February 2013, with the share price increasing by 30.7% and the underlying
NAV rising by 26.3%. By way of comparison, the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index
increased by 21.9% during the same period (all percentages calculated in sterling
terms with income reinvested).

Europe made strong progress during the second half of 2012. Mario Draghi made
it clear that the European Central Bank would support the Euro, 'whatever it
takes', and this alleviated the potential break-up risk of the single
currency. German attitudes towards European support of the weaker nations
softened, and the German Constitutional Court ratified the European Stability
Mechanism, an important (if broadly expected) step. European equities rose
sharply and the Euro appreciated. While we still lacked a fundamental turning
point in the economy, the risk of a meltdown in the Eurozone had been removed
for the time being and European equities began to look increasingly
attractive. Investor allocation to the region rose as a consequence.

Consequently, markets performed strongly in response to the continued progress
at the European political level, with improving prospects for global growth
driving a rally into the end of the year. In October we saw stronger data from
the US, and in November the German IFO business confidence indicator rebounded
and purchasing manager indices began to reflect an increase in business
expectations for the coming period both in the Eurozone and abroad. This mood
of optimism continued throughout January, as investors looked through a muted
beginning to the corporate earnings season and instead focused on the
potential for an economic re-bound in the second half of 2013. The end of the
six month period, however, reminded us of the fragility of the situation in
southern Europe as the Italian electorate voted against the established
parties and consequently against additional austerity, causing further
volatility in the market.

Stock selection was the significant driver of the Company's strong performance
during the period, especially within consumer services and consumer goods. The
portfolio also benefited from the use of gearing. The allocation of capital at
a sector level was also beneficial to returns, especially through the decision
to avoid telecoms and utilities, both of which continued to underperform the
broader market.

Within consumer services, two positions in short-haul airline businesses
gave the best returns over the period. A holding in Irish airline Ryanair
performed strongly as yields proved better than expected during the second half
of the year and a position in German airline Deutsche Lufthansa benefited from
a new cost-cutting programme put in place by the management team and the report
of very strong performance for the third quarter of 2012. Also, within consumer
goods, a holding in Swiss luxury goods company Richemont rose after reporting a
continuation of strong organic growth trends, even in domestic Europe and
despite concerns over a slow-down in Chinese economic growth over the summer
of 2012.

Within technology, Dutch semiconductor company ASML also aided performance. It
appeared that the semiconductor equipment order cycle was bottoming and ASML
could report improved performance as we entered 2013. Also, in January, the
company gave more clarity on its next generation semiconductor tool which is
the foundation for ASML's next significant up-cycle. Within industrials, a
long-held position in Finnish elevator and escalator company Kone performed
strongly after the company reported strong new equipment sales in its Chinese
business and the prospects for increased margin expansion in its servicing
business in key new markets.

Stock selection within the oil & gas sector was the greatest cause of
disappointment within the portfolio over the period. Specifically, positions
in CGG Veritas, a French geophysical services company, and Technip, a French
based project management, engineering and construction company for the energy
industry, underperformed, especially in December as the former suffered from a
delay in a deal with Fugro. A position in Italian energy services stock Saipem
also underperformed as the management team resigned over an enquiry into
contracts previously won by the company in North Africa.

At the end of the period, the portfolio was particularly weighted towards
holdings in the basic materials, consumer goods and consumer services sectors.
Within materials, the portfolio was focused on higher quality global companies
in the chemicals and crop protection industries. In the consumer-related areas
of the portfolio, we favoured globally branded businesses with sustainable
pricing power and higher barriers to entry. The portfolio had lower exposure
to the utilities and financials sectors as neither offered sufficient growth
prospects in our view and both remained subject to high regulatory burdens.
The portfolio also had broadly higher weightings in the technology and health
care sectors and lower weightings in telecoms, oil & gas and industrials.

The Company's weighting in Emerging Europe marginally increased during the
period from 6.0% to 7.6% as the MSCI Emerging Europe 10/40 benchmark returned
16% (in sterling terms). The holdings in Emerging Europe that contributed to
performance included positions in Hungarian bank, OTP, and Russian
telecommunication provider, Mobile TeleSystems.  OTP returned 37% as the shares
benefited from the general improvement in sentiment towards European risk, as
well as a company specific improvement in non-performing loan formation.  Mobile
TeleSystems rallied, with the shares benefiting from strong growth in data usage
in Russia.  The Company's holding in Russian internet company, Mail.Ru,
detracted from performance over the period.  Reported results from Mail.Ru were
strong but the shares were held back by a large placement of stock by one of the
major shareholders.


Following a trough in activity in the summer of 2012, some global leading economic
indicators have been improving from their lows and we believe that the outlook for
2013 appears brighter than it was for 2012. The earnings growth profile for
European companies remains supportive, although the recent currency moves could
put some pressure on the ability of European exporters to deliver very strong
earnings growth. Exposure to the region amongst global investors remains low
compared to historic norms, even though flows recently have been increasing.
Valuations of European equities are undemanding and the market should continue
to be supportive in the mid-term, underpinned by attractive dividend yields
relative to bonds and corporate earnings growth.

Vincent Devlin and Sam Vecht
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited
22 April 2013

Ten Largest Investments
28 February 2013

Roche - 5.6% (2012: 4.9%) is a Swiss pharmaceuticals and diagnostics company
with global exposure. Roche has gone through a strong period of growth but has
now transitioned to focusing on profitability and improving shareholder
returns. Continued cost control, combined with a growing and attractive
dividend yield and robust earnings growth, make this an attractive investment

Novo Nordisk - 4.9% (2012: 4.8%) is a Danish pharmaceuticals company and the
dominant global franchise in diabetes treatment. The company has high levels
of market share in Asia ex-Japan, which is a rapidly growing market for
insulin demand, and we believe that the company has significant potential to
continue its strong track record of delivering double-digit earnings growth
per year for the foreseeable future.

BASF - 4.0% (2012: 3.7%) is a global diversified chemicals company, with
product ranges including plastics, coatings, chemicals, agricultural products
and oil and gas. The company is a key beneficiary of global growth trends and
we initially bought into the stock at a cheap valuation following a period of
strong downgrades in the market. We remain positive about the stock given its
attractive valuation and exposure to growth in the global economy.

Zurich Insurance Group - 3.9% (2012: 3.8%) is a Swiss-based insurance company.
The company is relatively defensive compared to the broad insurance sector due
to its exposure to non-life products and has a resilient balance sheet in our
view. The company also offers a high and stable dividend yield and has a solid
management team.

Sanofi - 3.7% (2012: nil) is a French-based pharmaceuticals company. Sanofi
discovers, develops and distributes therapeutic solutions focused on patients'
needs. The company has attractive exposures through its emerging market
business and offers further potential for cost cutting. The stock is currently
priced attractively relative to its solid earnings growth profile and dividend

Swiss Re - 3.7% (2012: 3.2%) is a Swiss re-insurance business. The attraction
of the company lies within its strong underwriting skills, defensive asset
allocation, high dividend yield and more active management of spare capital.
The company's solvency ratios, based on the Swiss Solvency Test, remain strong
and it has very little exposure to the peripheral European countries in its
investment portfolio. We view the stock as a resilient business with an
attractive and sustainable dividend yield.

Compagnie Financière Richemont - 3.6% (2012: nil) is a Swiss luxury goods
company and the owner of Mont Blanc, Jaeger LeCoultre, Cartier, Alfred Dunhill
and a number of other well-known brands. Richemont offers attractive exposure
to consumption growth, especially in Asia and other high-growth global
markets, and is currently priced at a very attractive valuation relative to
its growth potential.

Schneider Electric - 3.5% (2012: 2.2%) is a global electrical engineering business domiciled in France. The company's businesses are increasingly focused around the energy efficiency requirements of industries and buildings. The company has a strong management team and relatively stable margins, and offers attractive exposure to improving industrial end markets around the world.

Continental - 3.2% (2012: 1.9%) is a German auto supplier. We believe it is
one of the highest quality large cap auto-related stocks in Europe and is able
to benefit from the 'mega trends' of CO2 emissions reduction and active safety
in the global car market. The company's premium tyre division also currently
offers strong pricing power. The company is priced at a very attractive
valuation and at a discount to the broader sector.

Pernod Ricard - 3.2% (2012: 3.1%) is a global spirit and beverage company. The
company possesses a strong portfolio of wines and spirits and offers a higher
exposure to emerging market growth with high barriers to entry. It currently
trades as one of the attractively-valued spirits stocks in Europe and is
enjoying strong earnings growth in its cognac business through higher pricing
power. We believe the stock offers attractive double digit growth over a
number of years.

All percentages reflect the value of the holding as a percentage of total investments. Percentages in brackets represent the value of the holding as at 31 August 2012. Together the ten largest investments represent 39.3% of the Company's portfolio (ten largest investments at 31 August 2012: 36.1%).

28 February 2013

                                         Country           Market
                                              of            value             % of
                                   incorporation            £'000      investments
Consumer Goods
Compagnie Financière Richemont       Switzerland            9,791         
Continental                              Germany            8,666              3.2
Pernod Ricard                             France            8,555              3.2
Volkswagen                               Germany            8,209              3.0
Renault                                   France            7,444              2.7
Rémy Cointreau                            France            6,932              2.6
Anheuser-Busch                           Belgium            6,041              2.2
MHP                                      Ukraine            1,563              0.6
                                                           ------             ----
                                                           57,201             21.1
                                                           ------             ----
Health Care
Roche                                Switzerland           15,234              5.6
Novo Nordisk                             Denmark           13,188              4.9
Sanofi                                    France           10,049              3.7
Chr. Hansen                              Denmark            2,941              1.1
Gedeon Richter                           Hungary            1,713              0.6
                                                           ------             ----
                                                           43,125             15.9
                                                           ------             ----
Zurich Insurance Group               Switzerland           10,632              3.9
Swiss Re                             Switzerland            9,961              3.7
KBC                                      Belgium            7,043              2.6
Partners Group                       Switzerland            3,942              1.5
Sberbank                                  Russia            3,638              1.3
GAM                                  Switzerland            2,982              1.1
OTP Bank                                 Hungary            2,688              1.0
                                                           ------             ----
                                                           40,886             15.1
                                                           ------             ----
Basic Materials
BASF                                     Germany           10,839              4.0
Lanxess                                  Germany            8,112              3.0
Syngenta                             Switzerland            7,811              2.9
Bayer                                    Germany            7,193              2.6
Linde                                    Germany            6,379              2.4
                                                           ------             ----
                                                           40,334             14.9
                                                           ------             ----
Schneider Electric                        France            9,668              3.5
EADS                                 Netherlands            7,611              2.8
Hexagon                                   Sweden            4,142              1.5
Wartsila                                 Finland            3,612              1.3
Kone                                     Finland            3,300              1.2
Geberit                              Switzerland            3,169              1.2
Rieter                               Switzerland            2,656              1.0
Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port          Russia              697          
                                                           ------             ----
                                                           34,855             12.8
                                                           ------             ----
Consumer Services
Ryanair                                  Ireland            6,259              2.3
Jerónimo Martins                        Portugal            6,157              2.3
Deutsche Lufthansa                       Germany            5,784              2.1
PPR                                       France            3,912              1.4
                                                           ------              ---
                                                           22,112              8.1
                                                           ------              ---
SAP                                      Germany            6,328              2.3
ASML                                 Netherlands            5,418              2.0
Mail.Ru                                   Russia            4,098              1.5
                                                           ------              ---
                                                           15,844              5.8
                                                           ------              ---
Oil & Gas
Technip                                   France            6,866              2.5
Gazprom                                   Russia            3,771              1.4
                                                           ------              ---
                                                           10,637              3.9
                                                           ------              ---
Telefónica Deutschland                   Germany            3,815              1.4
Mobile TeleSystems                        Russia            2,798              1.0
                                                          -------              ---
                                                            6,613              2.4
                                                          -------            -----
Total investments                                         271,607            100.0
                                                          =======            =====

All investments are in ordinary shares unless otherwise stated. The total number of investments held at 28 February 2013 was 44 (31 August 2012: 46).

Income Statement
for the six months ended 28 February 2013

                       Revenue £'000                     Capital £'000                           Total £'000
                                               Year                              Year                              Year
                     Six months ended         ended    Six months ended         ended    Six months ended         ended
                     28.02.13    29.02.12  31.08.12    28.02.13    29.02.12

31.08.12 28.02.13 29.02.12 31.08.12

            Notes (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) 

(audited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (audited)

Gains on
held at fair
profit or
loss                        -           -         -      57,784       6,067     1,121      57,784       6,067     1,121
Income from
held at fair
profit or
loss            3       1,220         328     7,411           -           -         -       1,220         328     7,411
Other income    3           -          10        19           -           -         -           -          10        19
fees            4        (164)       (116)     (262)     (1,816)     (1,238)   (2,264)     (1,980)     (1,354)   (2,526)
expenses        5        (350)       (255)     (504)           -          

- (6) (350) (255) (510)

                    ---------   --------- ---------   ---------   --------- ---------   ---------   --------- ---------
finance costs
and taxation              706         (33)    6,664      55,968       4,829    (1,149)     56,674       4,796     5,515
Finance costs             (10)         (2)       (7)        (39)         (7)      (26)        (49)         (9)      (33)
                    ---------   --------- ---------   ---------   --------- ---------   ---------   --------- ---------
on ordinary
taxation                  696         (35)    6,657      55,929       4,822    (1,175)     56,625       4,787     5,482
Taxation on
activities                (60)        (49)     (673)          -           -         -         (60)        (49)     (673)
                    ---------   --------- ---------   ---------   --------- ---------   ---------   --------- ---------
taxation        7         636         (84)    5,984      55,929       4,822    (1,175)     56,565       4,738     4,809
                      =======     =======   =======     =======     =======   =======     =======     =======   =======
per ordinary
- basic and
diluted         7       0.54p      (0.09p)    5.52p      47.29p       5.03p

(1.08p) 47.83p 4.94p 4.44p

                      =======     =======   =======     =======     ======= 

======= ======= ======= =======

The total column of this statement represents the profit or loss of the
Company. The supplementary revenue and capital columns are both prepared under
guidance published by the Association of Investment Companies (AIC). The
Company had no recognised gains or losses other than those disclosed in the
Income Statement and the Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds.
All items in the above statement derive from continuing operations.

There is no material difference between the profit on ordinary activities before taxation and the profit for the financial year stated above and their historical cost equivalents.

Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds

                                              Called-up     Share     Capital
                                                  Share   premium  redemption   Special   Capital  Revenue
                                                capital   account    

reserve reserve reserves reserve Total

                                                  £'000     £'000       £'000     £'000     £'000    £'000     £'000
For the six months ended 28 February 2013
At 31 August 2012                                   148    53,420          68    55,124   104,055   10,226   223,041
Return for the period                                 -         -           -         -    55,929      636    56,565
Exercise of subscription shares                       -     2,111           -         -         -        -     2,111
Cancellation of subscription shares                 (22)        -           -         -        22        -         -
Ordinary shares purchased into treasury               -         -           -    (9,080)        -        -    (9,080)
Cancellation of treasury shares                      (4)        -          
4         -         -        -         -
Share purchase costs                                  -         -           -      (132)        -        -      (132)
Dividend paid*                                        -         -           -         -         -   (5,031)   (5,031)
                                                    ---    ------         ---    ------   -------   ------   -------
At 28 February 2013                                 122    55,531         

72 45,912 160,006 5,831 267,474

                                                    ---    ------         ---    ------   -------   ------   -------
For the six months ended 29 February 2012
At 31 August 2011                                   116     2,813          68    60,284   105,230   10,024   178,535
Return for the period                                 -         -           -         -     4,822      (84)    4,738
Shares issued#                                       32    50,491           -         -         -        -    50,523
Ordinary shares purchased                             -         -           -    (2,484)        -        -    (2,484)
Exercise of subscription shares                       -        27           -         -         -        -        27
Sale of shares out of treasury                        -         -           -       825         -        -       825
Share purchase costs                                  -         -           -       (78)        -        -       (78)
Dividend paid*                                        -         -          

- - - (5,782) (5,782)

                                                    ---    ------         ---    ------   -------   ------   -------
At 29 February 2012                                 148    53,331          68    58,547   110,052    4,158   226,304
                                                    ---    ------         ---    ------   -------   ------   -------
For the year ended 31 August 2012 (audited)
At 31 August 2011                                   116     2,813          68    60,284   105,230   10,024   178,535
(Loss)/return for the year                            -         -           -         -    (1,175)   5,984     4,809
Ordinary and subscription shares issued#             32    50,490           -         -         -        -    50,522
Ordinary shares purchased                             -         -           -    (5,855)        -        -    (5,855)
Exercise of subscription shares                       -       117           -         -         -        -       117
Sale of shares out of treasury                        -         -           -       825         -        -       825
Share purchase costs                                  -         -           -      (130)        -        -      (130)
Dividend paid**                                       -         -          

- - - (5,782) (5,782)

                                                    ---    ------         ---    ------   -------   ------   -------
At 31 August 2012                                   148    53,420         

68 55,124 104,055 10,226 223,041

                                                    ---    ------         

--- ------ ------- ------ -------

* In respect of the year ended 31 August 2012 a final dividend of 4.20p per share was declared on
10 October 2012 and paid on 7 December 2012.
** Final dividend in respect of the year ended 31 August 2011 of 3.50p per share and a special dividend of
2.50p per share were declared on 12 October 2011 and paid on 8 December 2011.
# Shares issued following the acquisition of assets of Charter European Trust plc (Charter) as part of the
reconstruction and winding-up of Charter.

The transaction costs incurred on the acquisition and disposal of investments
are included within the capital reserves and amounted to £352,000 for the six
months ended 28 February 2013 (six months ended 29 February 2012: £346,000;
year ended 31 August 2012: £715,000).

Balance Sheet
as at 28 February 2013

                                                                28 February       29 February       31 August
                                                                       2013              2012            2012
                                                                      £'000             £'000           £'000
                                                      Notes     (unaudited)       (unaudited)       (audited)
Fixed assets
Investments held at fair value through profit or loss               271,607           226,203         245,575
                                                                   ========          ========        ========
Current assets
Debtors                                                                 748               933           3,032
Cash at bank and in hand                                                  -             3,134               -
                                                                      -----            ------          ------
                                                                        748             4,067           3,032
                                                                      -----            ------          ------
Creditors - amounts falling due within one year
Bank overdraft                                                       (1,455)                -         (21,909)
Other creditors                                                      (3,426)           (3,966)         (3,657)
                                                                     ------           -------        --------
                                                                     (4,881)           (3,966)        (25,566)
                                                                     ------           -------        --------
Net current (liabilities)/assets                                     (4,133)              101         (22,534)
                                                                     ------          --------        --------
Net assets                                                          267,474           226,304         223,041
                                                                   ========          ========        ========
Capital and reserves
Called-up share capital                                  8              122               148             148
Share premium account                                                55,531            53,331          53,420
Capital redemption reserve                                               72
               68              68
Special reserve                                                      45,912            58,547          55,124
Capital reserves                                                    160,006           110,052         104,055
Revenue reserve                                                       5,831             4,158          10,226
                                                                   --------          --------        --------
Total equity shareholders' funds                                    267,474

226,304 223,041

                                                                   ========          ========        ========
Net asset value per share - undiluted                    7          230.02p

185.85p 186.19p

                                                                   ========          ========        ========
Net asset value per share - diluted                      7          230.02p
          185.39p         185.67p
                                                                   ========          ========        ========

Summarised Cash Flow Statement
for the six months ended 28 February 2013

                                                                 Six months        Six months            Year
                                                                      ended             ended           ended
                                                                28 February       29 February       31 August
                                                                       2013              2012            2012
                                                                      £'000             £'000           £'000

(unaudited) (audited)

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                    (672)             (536)          4,474
Servicing of finance                                                    (64)              (21)            (30)
Taxation refunded                                                         -               292             718
                                                                   --------          --------        --------
Capital expenditure and financial investment
Purchase of investments                                            (127,774)         (185,249)       (395,537)
Proceeds from sale of investments                                   161,291           144,227         327,727
Realised losses on foreign currency transactions                       (197)             (399)           (571)
                                                                   --------          --------        --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) from capital expenditure and
financial investment                                                 33,320           (41,421)        (68,381)
                                                                    -------          --------        --------
Equity dividends paid                                                (5,031)           (5,782)         (5,782)
                                                                    -------          --------        --------
Net cash inflow/(outflow) before financing                           27,553

(47,468) (69,001)

                                                                    -------          --------        --------
Purchase of ordinary shares                                          (9,080)           (2,484)         (5,855)
Exercise of subscription shares                                       2,111                27             117
Proceeds from issue of ordinary shares out of treasury                    -             1,538           1,538

Net proceeds from issue of ordinary shares to acquire Charter European Trust plc's investment portfolio

(75)           50,700          50,565
Share purchase costs                                                    (55)              (20)           (114)
                                                                    -------           -------         -------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing                             (7,099)           49,761          46,251
                                                                    -------           -------         -------
Increase/(decrease) in cash                                          20,454
            2,293         (22,750)
                                                                    =======           =======         =======

Reconciliation of Net Return before Finance Costs and Taxation to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities

                                                                 Six months        Six months            Year
                                                                      ended             ended           ended
                                                                28 February       29 February       31 August
                                                                       2013              2012            2012
                                                                      £'000             £'000           £'000

(unaudited) (audited)

Net return before finance costs and taxation                         56,674             4,796           5,515
Gains on investments held at fair value through
profit or loss                                                      (57,784)           (6,067)         (1,121)
Decrease/(increase) in accrued income                                   114               (88)            (74)
Decrease in other debtors                                                 3                 -               8
Increase in other creditors                                             381               895           1,208
Tax on investment income included within gross income                   (60)              (72)         (1,062)
                                                                      -----             -----          ------
Net cash (outflow)/inflow from operating activities                    (672)             (536)          4,474
                                                                      =====             =====          ======

Notes to the Financial Statements
for the six months ended 28 February 2013

1. Principal activity
The principal activity of the Company is that of an investment trust company
within the meaning of section 1158 of the Corporation Tax Act 2010.

2. Basis of preparation The half yearly financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies set out in the Company's financial statements at 31 August 2012.

The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis on the historical cost basis of accounting, modified to include the revaluation of fixed asset investments in accordance with the Companies Act 2006, UK Generally Accepted Accounting Practice (UK GAAP) and with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) for investment trusts and venture capital trusts issued by the Association of Investment Companies, revised in January 2009.

3. Income

                                         Six months        Six months            Year
                                              ended             ended           ended
                                        28 February       29 February       31 August
                                               2013              2012            2012
                                        (unaudited)       (unaudited)       (audited)
                                              £'000             £'000           £'000
Investment income:
Overseas dividends                            1,220               328           7,411
Other income:
Deposit interest                                  -                10              19
                                              -----              ----           -----
Total                                         1,220               338           7,430
                                              =====              ====           =====

4. Investment management and performance fees

                                   Six months ended           Six months ended             Year ended
                                   28 February 2013           29 February 2012           31 August 2012
                                     (unaudited)                (unaudited)                (audited)
                               Revenue  Capital  Total    Revenue  Capital  Total    Revenue  Capital  Total
                                 £'000    £'000  £'000      £'000    £'000  £'000      £'000    £'000  £'000

Investment management fees 164 656 820 116 464

  580        262    1,049  1,311
Performance fees                     -    1,160  1,160          -      774    774          -    1,215  1,215
                                   ---    -----  -----        ---    -----  -----        ---    -----  -----
Total                              164    1,816  1,980        116    1,238  1,354        262    2,264  2,526
                                   ===    =====  =====        ===    =====  =====        ===    =====  =====

The investment management fee is levied quarterly, based on the value of the
market capitalisation of the Company on the last day of each month. The
investment management fee is allocated 80% to the capital reserves and 20% to
the revenue reserve.

A performance fee has been accrued of £1,160,000 for the six months ended
28 February 2013 (six months ended 29 February 2012: £774,000; year ended
31 August 2012: £1,215,000). The performance fee accrued at 28 February 2013 is
based on the outperformance of the Company's share price relative to the FTSE
World Europe ex UK Index for a three year rolling period.

5. Operating expenses

                                    Six months        Six months            Year
                                         ended             ended           ended
                                   28 February       29 February       31 August
                                          2013              2012            2012
                                   (unaudited)       (unaudited)       (audited)
                                         £'000             £'000           £'000

Custody fee                                 18                16              32
Other administration costs                 332               239           
                                           ---               ---             ---
                                           350               255             504
                                           ===               ===             ===
6. Dividend

The Board has not declared an interim dividend, as dividends are considered and paid annually in respect of each financial year.

7. Return and net asset value per ordinary share

                                                                  28 February       29 February         31 August
                                                                         2013              2012              2012
                                                                  (unaudited)       (unaudited)         (audited)

Net revenue return attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000) 636

               (84)            5,984
Net capital return attributable to ordinary shareholders (£'000)       55,929             4,822            (1,175)
                                                                       ------             -----            ------
Total return (£'000)                                                   56,565             4,738             4,809
                                                                       ======             =====             =====
Equity shareholders' funds (£'000)                                    267,474           226,304           223,041
                                                                      -------           -------           -------

The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the period on which the undiluted return per ordinary share was calculated was:

118,266,456 95,828,373 108,410,736

                                                                  -----------        ----------       -----------
The actual number of ordinary shares in issue at the end of
each period on which the undiluted net asset value was
calculated was:                                                   116,285,355       121,769,700       119,793,123
                                                                  -----------       -----------       -----------
Return per share
Calculated on weighted average number of shares
Revenue return                                                          0.54p            (0.09p)            5.52p
Capital return                                                         47.29p             5.03p            (1.08p)
                                                                       ------             -----            ------
Total                                                                  47.83p             4.94p             4.44p
                                                                       ======           =======           =======
Net asset value per share - undiluted                                 230.02p           185.85p           186.19p
                                                                      =======           =======           =======
Calculated on actual number of shares
Revenue return                                                          0.55p            (0.07p)            4.99p
Capital return                                                         48.09p             3.96p            (0.98p)
                                                                       ------             -----            ------
Total                                                                  48.64p             3.89p             4.01p
                                                                       ======             =====             =====
Return per share
The weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during
the period on which the diluted return per ordinary share was
calculated was:                                                   

118,266,456 95,828,373 108,410,736

----------- ---------- ------------ The actual number of ordinary shares in issue, including subscription shares, at the end of each period on which the fully diluted net asset value was calculated was:

116,285,355 145,302,821 143,277,136

                                                                  -----------       -----------     -------------
Calculated on weighted average number of shares
Revenue return                                                          0.54p            (0.09p)            5.52p
Capital return                                                         47.29p             5.03p            (1.08p)
                                                                       ------             -----            ------
Total                                                                  47.83p             4.94p             4.44p
                                                                      =======           =======           =======
Net asset value per share - diluted                                   230.02p           185.39p           185.67p
                                                                      =======           =======           =======

Dilution for subscription shares is assessed at the reporting date and over the duration of the reporting period. A diluted NAV is calculated to the extent that the period end NAV and the mid-market closing share price are both above the exercise price for the subscription shares. Diluted returns are calculated where, over the reporting period, the average NAV and mid-market closing share price are both above the subscription share exercise price.

The diluted NAV per share at 29 February 2012 and 31 August 2012 is calculated
by adjusting equity shareholders' funds for the consideration receivable on
the exercise of the subscription shares (six months ended 29 February 2012:
23,533,122; year ended 31 August 2012: 23,484,013) at the exercise price of
183p per share, and dividing by the total number of shares that would have
been in issue at those dates had all the subscription shares been exercised.
There were no subscription shares in issue at the period end and therefore
there was no dilution at 28 February 2013.

Diluted returns per share for a reporting period are calculated using the weighted average number of subscription shares in issue and the notional equivalent number of ordinary shares based on the average mid-market closing prices during the reporting period. There was no dilution for any of the represented reporting periods.

At 28 February 2013, the Company had 6,052,299 shares held in treasury. The treasury shares will not have a dilutive effect if they are cancelled. The Company's policy on issuing treasury shares, set out on page 17 of the Annual Report for the year ended 31 August 2012, permits the Board of Directors to sell treasury shares at a price below NAV in certain circumstances. As a result this would have a dilutive effect.

8. Share capital and shares held in treasury

                                                Number       Number          Number
                                                    of           of              of
                                              ordinary     treasury    subscription
                                                shares       shares          shares                    Nominal
                                                    in           in              in                      value
                                                 issue        issue           issue          Total           £
Allotted, called up and fully paid share
capital comprised:
Ordinary shares of 0.1p each:
At 1 September 2012                        119,793,123    4,760,637               -    124,553,760     124,554
Shares repurchased and cancelled
pursuant to tender offer on
3 December 2012                             (3,370,061)           -        

- (3,370,061) (3,370)

Shares transferred into treasury
pursuant to tender offer on
3 December 2012                             (1,291,662)   1,291,662               -              -           -
                                           -----------    ---------     -----------    -----------     -------
                                           115,131,400    6,052,299               -    121,183,699     121,184
Subscription shares of 0.1p each:
At 1 September 2012                                  -            -      

23,484,013 23,484,013 23,484

Conversion of subscription shares
into ordinary shares                         1,153,955            -      (1,153,955)             -           -
Subscription shares cancelled                        -            -     (22,330,058)   (22,330,058)    (22,330)
                                           -----------    ---------     -----------    -----------     -------
At 28 February 2013                        116,285,355    6,052,299        

- 122,337,654 122,338

                                           ===========    =========     

=========== =========== =======

9. Related party disclosure
The Board consists of five non-executive Directors, all of whom are considered
to be independent by the Board. None of the Directors has a service contract
with the Company. The Chairman receives an annual fee of £32,000, the Chairman
of the Audit and Management Engagement Committee receives an annual fee of
£26,500 and each other Director receives an annual fee of £22,000.

Three members of the Board hold shares in the Company. John Walker-Haworth
holds 40,718 ordinary shares, Carol Ferguson holds 48,000 ordinary shares and
Gerald Holtham holds 11,100 ordinary shares. Davina Curling and Eric Sanderson
do not hold any shares in the Company.

Subsequent to the period end and following the allotment of subscription shares
on 19 April 2013, John Walker-Haworth, Carol Ferguson and Gerald Holtham also
now hold 8,143, 9,600 and 2,220 subscription shares respectively.

10. Transactions with Investment Manager
BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Limited (BlackRock) provides management
and administration services to the Company under a contract which is
terminable on six months' notice. BlackRock receives an annual fee in relation
to these services of 0.70% of market value plus a performance fee of 15% of
any outperformance of the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index, up to a maximum total
investment management fee of 1.15%. Where the Company invests in other
investment or cash funds managed by BlackRock, any underlying fee charged is

The investment management and performance fees for the six months ended
28 February 2013 were £1,980,000 (six months ended 29 February 2012: £1,354,000;
year ended 31 August 2012: £2,526,000). At the period end, an amount of
£2,341,000 was outstanding in respect of the investment management and
performance fees (six months ended 29 February 2012: £1,642,000; year ended
31 August 2012: £2,237,000).

11. Contingent liabilities
There were no contingent liabilities at 28 February 2013 (29 February 2012: nil;
31 August 2012: nil).

12. Publication of non statutory accounts
The financial information contained in this half yearly report does not
constitute statutory accounts as defined in section 435 of the Companies Act
2006. The financial information for the six months ended 28 February 2013 and
29 February 2012 has not been audited.

The information for the year ended 31 August 2012 has been extracted from the
latest published audited financial statements, which have been filed with the
Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditor on those accounts contained
no qualification or statement under sections 498(2) or (3) of the Companies
Act 2006.

13. Events after the Balance Sheet date On 19 April 2013, the Company issued and allotted 23,254,813 subscription shares to shareholders of the Company by way of a bonus issue.

14. Annual Results
The Company expects to announce the results for the year ending 31 August 2013
in October 2013. The annual report should be available by the end of
October 2013, with the Annual General Meeting being held on Wednesday,
4 December 2013.

12 Throgmorton Avenue

Independent Review Report
to BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc


We have been engaged by the Company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half yearly financial report for the six month period ended

28 February 2013 which comprises the Income Statement, Reconciliation of Movements in Shareholders' Funds, Balance Sheet, Summarised Cash Flow Statement, Reconciliation of Net Return before Finance Costs and Taxation to Net Cash Flow from Operating Activities and the related notes. We have read the other information contained in the half yearly financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the condensed set of financial statements.

This report is made solely to the Company in accordance with guidance
contained in International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland)
2410 "Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent
Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest
extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone
other than the Company, for our work, for this report, or for the conclusions
we have formed.

Directors' responsibilities The half yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the Directors. The Directors are responsible for preparing the half yearly financial report in accordance with the Listing Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority.

As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the Company are prepared in accordance with United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board Statement "Half Yearly Financial Reports".

Our responsibility
Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed
set of financial statements in the half yearly financial report based on our

Scope of review
We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review
Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim Financial Information
Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing
Practices Board for use in the United Kingdom. A review of interim financial
information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for
financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review
procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and
consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware
of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly,
we do not express an audit opinion.


Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half yearly financial report for the six month period ended 28 February 2013 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board Statement "Half Yearly Financial Reports" and the Disclosure and Transparency Rules of the United Kingdom's Financial Conduct Authority.

Ernst & Young LLP
22 April 2013


The Half Yearly Financial Report will also be available on the BlackRock Investment Management website at Neither the contents of the Manager's website nor the contents of any website accessible from hyperlinks on the Manager's website (or any other website) is incorporated into, or forms part of, this announcement.

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