RNS Number : 8129U
  Birmingham City PLC
  20 May 2008

    Birmingham City plc
    Chairman's Statement

    The six month period under review was very difficult for the Club and has subsequently resulted in our relegation. Following a
satisfactory start to the season Steve Bruce left the Club and Alex McLeish and his management team were recruited. We suffered a terribly
disappointing end to the season, with other clubs overhauling us in the fight to avoid dropping into the second tier of English football. I
am confident that our managerial appointments can enable us to progress our aims of regaining and then consolidating the Club in the Premier

    This has been a tremendously challenging year and I would like to thank our entire staff for their efforts and our fan base for its
continuing loyal support.

    David Sullivan

    Managing Director's Review

    *     Turnover for the 6 months, £32.6m (up from £14.3m in 2007 H1)
    *     Operating profit £7.8m (up from £3m in 2007 H1)

    A terribly disappointing season has seen the Club relegated from the FA Premier League to the Championship.

    The figures being reported on in the six months cover the first half of the season (entirely in the Premier League) and show turnover
considerably higher at £32.6m (2007 H1: £14.3m). The 2007 figures cover the same period in the Championship. Operating profit before
interest and taxation was £7.8m, compared to a profit in 2007 of £3.0m. Wage costs increased by £5.18m and there was a gain on the sale
of player registrations, £1.65m compared to £5.6m in the previous year. The full year results will include the remainder of the season in
the Premier League and the first month of the new Championship season. 

    Relegation to the Championship will have a significant financial effect with broadcast and media income likely to be £12m lower.
Revenues generated from ticket sales, sponsorship and commercial streams are also expected to fall as a direct result of relegation. The
Club will receive Premier League parachute payments of approximately £12m next year. There will be a fundamental review of all aspects of
the Club to ensure that we put in place an organisation capable of regaining and maintaining membership of the Premier League. 

    The Club has a nucleus of young players, Semih Aydilek, Shaun Timmins, Shane Williams, Jordan Mutch, Krystian Pearce, Artur Krysiak,
David Joyce, Jamie Sheldon, Dean Lyness and Mitchell McPike who have all represented their countries during the current season. These young
prospects will enhance the future of the Club.

    We have managed the business to enable us, despite relegation, to be in a position to ensure that the quality of the playing squad is

    The Club's relegation will have a very negative effect on the business but we believe we have the right management team in place to
regain membership of the Premier League at the first attempt.

    Karren Brady
    Managing Director

    Consolidated Income Statement

                                 Notes                    Six months ended        year ended
                                                     29        28 February                31
                                                February              2007            August
                                                    2008             £'000              2007
                                                   £'000                               £'000

 Continuing operations
 Revenue                           2              32,581            14,267            25,039
 Operating expenses                             (18,678)          (13,351)          (30,541)
 Profit/ (loss) from operations                   13,903               916           (5,502)
 before player amortisation and
 Player amortisation and                         (7,770)           (3,521)           (8,213)
 Profit on sale of players                         1,650             5,614             7,769

 Operating profit/ (loss)                          7,783             3,009           (5,946)
 Finance income                                       16                24                62
 Finance cost                                      (553)               101             (671)

 Profit/ (loss) before taxation                    7,246             3,134           (6,555)
 Taxation                                        (2,115)             (953)             1,853
 Profit/ (loss) attributable to
 equity shareholders                               5,131             2,181           (4,702)


 Earnings per ordinary share       3
 - Basic (pence)                                   6.30p             2.70p           (5.82p)
 - Diluted (pence)                                 6.30p             2.67p           (5.82p)

    Statement of Recognised income and expense

    There were no recognised gains or losses other than those reported above.

    Consolidated Balance Sheet

                                                           Six months ended      year ended
                                              29 February   28 February         31 August
                                                     2008          2007              2007    
                                                    £'000         £'000             £'000

 Non-current assets
 - Intangible fixed assets                     23,860            12,941            25,292
 - Property, plant and                         13,099            13,099            13,138
 - Deferred tax assets                              -                 -               841
                                               36,959            26,040            39,271
 Current assets
 - Inventories                                    421               364               555
 - Trade and other receivables                 13,916            14,112            13,825
 - cash and cash equivalents                        -                 -             3,905
                                               14,337            14,476            18,285
 Total assets                                  51,296            40,516            57,556
 Non-current liabilities
 Preference shares                                 18                18                18
 Interest bearing loans and                       851               991               981
 Deferred income                                  889             1,440             1,233
 Capital grants (deferred                       2,051             2,108             2,079
 Deferred and current tax                       1,266             1,965                 -
 Trade and other payables                       4,200             2,887                 -
                                                9,275             9,409             4,311
 Current liabilities
 Interest bearing loans,                        2,485               985               105
 overdrafts and borrowings
 Trade and other payables                      16,084             9,090            22,744
 Deferred income                                9,081             4,992            21,156
 Capital Grant (deferred                           57                57                57
                                               27,707            15,124            44,062
 Total liabilities                             36,982            24,533            48,373
 Net assets                                    14,314            15,983             9,183
 Capital and reserves
 Issued capital                                 8,150             8,075             8,150
 Share premium                                 10,081            10,073            10,081
 Revaluation reserve                              313               313               313
 Other reserve                                (2,539)           (2,539)           (2,539)
 Retained earnings                            (1,691)                61           (6,822)
 Equity shareholders' funds                    14,314            15,983             9,183

    Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

                                 Notes                      Six months ended          year ended
                                               29 February       28 February           31 August
                                                      2008              2007                2007
                                                     £'000             £'000               £'000

 Net cash flow from operations         4             6,748           (5,685)             8,167

 Cashflow from investing
 Acquisition of property, plant                      (243)             (851)           (1,162)
 and equipment
 Proceeds from sale of                                   -                 5                12
 property, plant and equipment
 Acquisition of player's                          (12,238)           (1,537)          (16,997)
 Proceeds from sale of players                       4,311             2,519             8,739

 Net cashflow from investing                       (8,170)               136           (9,408)

 Cashflows from financing
 Proceeds from issue of capital                          -                 -                83
 Capital repayments of                                (53)              (20)              (81)
 New loans                                               -               836               836
 Net cashflow from financing                          (53)               816               838

 Net (decrease)/increase in                        (1,475)           (4,733)             (403)
 cash and cash equivalents
 Cash and cash equivalents at                        (828)             3,905             4,308
 start or period
 Cash and cash equivalents at                      (2,303)             (828)             3,905
 end of period

 Represented by:
 Cash and cash equivalents                               -                 -             3,905
 Bank overdraft                                    (2,303)             (828)                 -

                                                   (2,303)             (828)             3,905

    Notes to the Interim Financial Statements

    1.    Principal Accounting Policies
    The Group Interim financial statements consolidate those of the Company and its subsidiary (together referred to as "the Group").  

    The Group Interim financial statements, which are unaudited, have been prepared and approved by the Directors in accordance with
International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRSs") as adopted by the European Union ("Adopted IFRSs") and IFRIC Interpretations and with
those parts of the Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies adopting IFRS for the first time.  

    The financial information set out in this interim report does not constitute full statutory accounts within the meaning of section 240
of the Companies Act 1985. The auditors report on the accounts for the year ended 31 August 2007 was unqualified. Copies of these financial
statements are available from the offices of Birmingham City Football club, St Andrew's Stadium, Birmingham, B9 4NH. 

    The accounting policies set out below have, unless otherwise stated, been applied consistently for the Group to all periods presented in
these consolidated financial statements and in preparing an opening IFRSs balance sheet at transition date, being 1 September 2006.

    a)    Transition to Adopted IFRSs

        The Group has prepared their financial statements in accordance with Adopted IFRSs for the first time and consequently have applied
IFRS 1. An explanation of how the transition to Adopted IFRSs has affected the previously reported financial position, financial performance
and cash flows of the Group is provided in note 6.

    IFRS 1 grants certain exemptions form the full reporting requirements of IFRSs in the transitional period. The following exemptions have
been applied in these Interim financial statements:

    *     Business combinations: The Group has applied the business combinations exemption in IFRS 1. It has not restated business
combinations that took place prior to 1 September 2006 (being its transition date).
    *     Fair value as deemed cost: the Group has not taken the option to restate items of property, plant and equipment to their fair
value at 1 September 2006. Instead, the deemed cost under Adopted IFRSs will be the cost amount of each asset, previously shown under UK
    *     The Group has not taken advantage of the transitional provisions contained in IFRS 5 "Non-current Assets Held for Sale", and has
applied this standard with effect from 1 September 2006.
    *     Share based payments:  the Group has elected to apply the share based payment exemption and only apply IFRS 2 to those share
options granted after 7 November 2002.
    *     Estimates:  Estimates under IFRS at 1 September 2006 are consistent with estimates made for the same date under UK GAAP.
    b)    Measurement convention
    The Interim financial statements are prepared on the historical cost basis. Non-current assets groups held for sale are stated at the
lower of previous carrying amount and fair value less costs to sell.

    1.    Principal Accounting Policies (continued)

    c)    Basis of consolidation

    Control exists where the Group has the power, directly or indirectly, to govern the financial and operating policies of an entity so as
to obtain benefits from its activities. In assessing control, potential voting rights that are currently exercisable or convertible are
taken into account. The financial statements of the subsidiary are included in the consolidated financial statements from the date that
control commences until the date that control ceases.
    Intra group balances and any unrealised gains and losses or income and expenses arising from intra group transactions are eliminated in
preparing the consolidated financial statements.

    d)    Revenue recognition

    Revenue represents income arising from sales to third parties, and excludes transfer fees receivable and value added tax.

    i)    Season ticket and corporate hospitality revenue is recognised over the period of the football season as home matches are played.

    ii)    Fixed elements of FA Premier League central broadcasting contracts are recognised over the period of the football season as
league matches (home and away) are played. Appearance fees are accounted for as earned. The merit based payment is recognised at the end of
the league season, when the final league position is known.

    iii)    Sponsorship contracts are recognised over the duration of the contract, either on a straight-line basis, or over the period of
the football season, as appropriate based on the terms of the contract. Catering revenues are recognised on an earned basis. Revenue from
the sale of branded products is recognised at the point of despatch when significant risks and rewards of ownership is deemed to have been
transferred to the buyer.

    e)    Expenses

    Operating lease payments 
    Payments made under operating leases are recognised in the income statement on a straight-line basis over the term of the lease. Lease
incentives are recognised in the income statement as an integral part of the total lease expense.

    Net financing costs
    Net financing costs comprise interest payable on borrowings, calculated using the effective interest rate method and interest receivable
on funds invested.

    The discounting of the deferred payments for the purchase of players' registrations produces a notional interest payable amount and this
is charged to finance costs.

    f)    Taxation

    Tax on the result for each period comprises current and deferred tax. Tax is recognised in the income statement except to the extent
that it relates to items recognised directly in equity, in which case it is recognised in equity.

    Current tax is the expected tax payable on the taxable income for the period, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the
balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.
    Deferred tax is provided on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities for financial reporting
purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected manner of realisation or
settlement of the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantially enacted at the balance sheet date.
    A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against which
the asset can be utilised.

    g)    Intangible assets 

    i)    Acquired players' registrations
    The costs associated with the acquisition of players' registrations are initially recorded at their fair value at the date of
acquisition as intangible fixed assets. These costs are fully amortised over the period of the respective players' contracts, being between
1 and 5 years.

    For the purposes of impairment reviews, acquired players' registrations are classified as a single cash-generating unit until the point
at which it is made clear that the player no longer remains an active member of the playing squad. In these circumstances the carrying value
of the players' registration is reviewed against a measurable net realisable value.

    Acquired players' registrations are classified as 'Assets held for sale' on the balance sheet if, at any time it is considered that the
carrying amount of a registration will be recovered principally through a sale the measurement of the registration is lower of (a) fair
value (less costs to sell) and (b) carrying value. Amortisation of the asset is suspended at the time of reclassification, although
impairment charges still need to be made if applicable.

    ii)     amortisation
    Amortisation is charge to profit or loss on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of intangible fixed assets unless such
lives are indefinite. Intangible assets with an indefinite life are systematically tested for impairment at each balance sheet date.

    h)    Property, plant and equipment

    i)    Owned assets
    Property, plant and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses.

    ii)    Depreciation
    Depreciation is charged to the income statement, to write off the cost of property, plant and equipment less estimated residual value,
on a straight-line basis, over their estimated useful lives as follows:

 Freehold land            -        Not depreciated
 Freehold property        -               50 years
 Long leasehold property  -               50 years
 Fixtures and equipment   -  Between 3 and 5 years
 Motor vehicles           -                5 years


    1.    Principal Accounting Policies (continued)
    i)    Inventories

    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost is based on the expenditure incurred in acquiring the
inventories and bringing them to their existing location and condition. Net realisable value is based on the estimated selling price in the
ordinary course of business. Provision is made for obsolete, slow-moving or defective items where appropriate.

    j)    Cash and cash equivalents

    Cash and cash equivalents comprises cash balance and call deposits.

    k)    Signing on fees

    Signing on fees are charged, on a straight-line basis, to the income statement over the period of the player's contract.
Prepayments/accruals arising at each period end are included within prepayments and accrued income or accruals within current assets or
current liabilities, as appropriate. Where a player's registration is transferred, any signing on fees payable in respect of future periods
are charge against the profit/(loss) on disposal of players' registrations in the period in which the disposal is recognised.

    l)    Deferred income

    Deferred income comprises amounts received from capital grants, sponsorship and season ticket income. Capital grants are released to the
income statement on a straight-line basis over the estimated useful lives of the assets to which they relate. Other deferred income is
released to the income statement on a straight-line basis over the period to which it relates.

    m)     Derivative financial instruments and hedging

    The Group does not use derivative financial instruments to hedge its exposure to risks arising from its operational, financing and
investment activities. In accordance with its treasury policy, the Group does not hold or issue derivative financial instruments for trading

    n)    Interest-bearing borrowings

    Interest-bearing borrowings are recognised initially at fair value less attributable transaction costs. Subsequent to initial
recognition, interest-bearing borrowings are stated at amortised cost with any difference between cost and redemption being recognised in
profit or loss over the period of the borrowings on an effective interest basis.

    Debt is initially stated at the amount of the net proceeds after deducting any issue costs which are amortised over the life of the
debt. The carrying amount is increased by the finance cost in respect of the accounting period and reduced by payments made in the period.

        o)    Employee benefits

        i)    Pensions
    Eligible employees of the company are members of the Football League Limited Pensions and Life Assurance Scheme. The company does not
make contributions to the scheme. The assets and liabilities of the scheme are managed independently of the group and therefore do not form
part of these financial statements.

        ii)    Share based payments
    Share based incentive arrangements are provided to employees under the Group's share option schemes. Share based arrangements put in
place since 7 November 2002 and invested at transaction date are valued at date of grant and charged to operating profit over the vesting
period of the scheme. Share options are valued using an appropriate pricing model. There were no share options outstanding at 28 February

    p)    Impairment

    The carrying value of the Group's assets, other than inventories, are reviewed at each balance sheet date to determine whether there is
any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, the asset's recoverable amount is estimated.

    An impairment loss is recognised whenever the carrying amount of an asset or its cash-generating unit exceeds its recoverable amount.
Impairment losses are recognised in the income statement.

    q)    Trade and other payables and receivables

    Trade and other payables and receivables on normal terms are stated at their nominal value, less, in the case of receivables, any
impairment losses that may be required.

    Other payables on deferred terms, in particular the purchase of players' registrations, are recorded at their fair value on the date of
the transaction and subsequently at amortised cost.

    Other receivables on deferred terms, in particular the proceeds from sales of players' registrations are recorded at their fair value at
the date of sale and subsequently at amortised cost less allowances for impairment.

    r)    Segment reporting

    A segment is a distinguishable component of the Group that is engaged either in providing products or services (business segment) or in
providing products or services within a particular economic environment (geographical segment) which is subject to risks and rewards that
are different from those of the other segments.

    s)    Investments

    Interest in subsidiary undertakings is valued at cost less impairment.

      2.    Segment analysis
    The Group has one main business segment, that of professional football operations. As a result, no additional business segment
information is required to be provided. It operates in one geographical segment, in the United Kingdom, and accordingly no additional
geographical segmental information is required to be provided.

    A voluntary analysis of the revenue streams is given below to assist with an understanding of the business.

                               Six months ended        year ended
                  29 February       28 February         31 August
                         2008              2007              2007
                        £'000             £'000             £'000

 Matchday              13,111             6,928            11,379
 Media                 12,718             3,652             6,701
 Commercial             6,752             3,687             6,959

                       32,581            14,267            25,039

    Revenue streams comprise:
    Matchday - season and matchday tickets and corporate hospitality income.
    Media - television and broadcasting income, including distributions form the FA Premier League broadcasting agreements, cup competitions
and local radio.
    Commercial - sponsorship income, merchandising, conference and banqueting and other sundry revenue.

    3.    Earnings per share

                                                   Six months ended        year ended
                                      29 February       28 February         31 August
                                             2008              2007              2007
                                            £'000             £'000             £'000

 The earning per ordinary share
 has been calculated as
 (Loss)/profit on ordinary                  5,131             2,181           (4,702)
 activities after taxation

 Weighted average number of            81,505,000        80,755,000        80,849.520
 ordinary shares in issue
 during the year
 Earnings per ordinary share                6.30p             2.70p           (5.82)p

 Weighted average number of            81,505,000        81,625,000        80,849,520
 ordinary shares in issue
 during the year
 Earnings per ordinary share                6.30p             2.67p           (5.82)p


    4. Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement 

                                                   Six months ended        year ended
                                      29 February       28 February         31 August
                                             2008              2007              2007
                                            £'000             £'000             £'000

 Cashflows from operating 
 Operating profit/(loss)                    7,783             3,009           (5,946)
 Amortisation of intangible                 7,770             3,521             8,213
 Profit on sale of players                (1,650)           (5,614)           (7,769)
 Loss on disposal of property,                  -                 -               (2)
 plant and equipment
 Depreciation on property,                    282               271               543
 plant and equipment
 Amortisation of deferred grant              (28)              (28)              (57)
 Decrease/(increase) in                       134               (4)             (195)
 (Increase)/decrease in                      (91)           (2,649)           (2,362)
 (Decrease)/increase in trade             (7,282)           (4,187)            15,876
 and other payables

 Cash flow from operations                  6,918           (5,681)             8,301
 Interest paid                              (178)              (28)             (196)
 Interest received                             16                24                62
 Tax paid                                     (8)                 -                 -

 Net cash flow from operations              6,748           (5,685)             8,167

    5.    Statement of movement in Equity

                                                                                                      Profit and loss      Total equity
                                Share      Share Premium  Revaluation reserve     Other reserve               account             £'000
                               capital             £'000                £'000             £'000                 £'000

 At 1 September 2006             8,075            10,073                  313           (2,539)               (2,120)            13,802
 Retained loss                       -                 -                    -                 -               (4,702)           (4,702)
 Issue of shares                    75                 8                                                                             83

 At 31 August 2007               8,150            10,081                  313           (2,539)               (6,822)             9,183
 Retained profit                     -                 -                    -                 -                 5,131             5,131

 At 29 February 2008             8,150            10,081                  313           (2,539)               (1,691)            14,314


    As stated in the accounting policies, these are the Group's first consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with IFRS.
All comparative information presented in these financial statements have been restated to IFRS. In preparing the opening balance sheet at 1
September 2006, an explanation of the IFRS adjustments is given in the tables below: 

    6 (a) Consolidated Income Statement for the year ended 31 August 2007

                                 Notes           UK GAAP       Adjustments              IFRS
                                                   £'000             £'000             £'000

 Continuing operations
 Revenue                                          25,039                 -            25,039
 Operating expenses                  b          (30,821)               280          (30,541)
 Profit from operations before                   (5,782)               280           (5,502)
 player amortisation and
 Player amortisation and             a           (8,371)               158           (8,213)
 Profit on sale of players
 registrations                                     7,769                 -             7,769

 Operating loss                                  (6,384)               438           (5,946)
 Finance income                                       62                 -                62
 Finance cost                        a             (196)             (475)             (671)

 Loss before taxation                            (6,518)              (37)           (6,555)
 Taxation                            d             1,794                59             1,853
 Loss attributable to equity
 shareholders                                    (4,724)                22           (4,702)


    6 (a) Consolidated Income Statement for period ended 28 February 2007

                                 Notes           UK GAAP       Adjustments              IFRS
                                                   £'000             £'000             £'000

 Continuing operations
 Revenue                                          14,267                 -            14,267
 Operating expenses                  b          (12,969)             (382)          (13,351)
 Profit from operations before                     1,298             (382)               916
 player amortisation and
 Player amortisation and             a           (3,478)              (43)           (3,521)
 Profit on sale of players
 registrations                                     5,614                 -             5,614

 Operating profit                                  3,434             (425)             3,009
 Finance income                                       24                 -                24
 Finance cost                        a              (28)               129               101

 Profit before taxation                            3,430             (296)             3,134
 Taxation                            d           (1,029)                76             (953)
 Profit attributable to equity
 shareholders                                      2,401             (220)             2,181


    6 (c).    Consolidated Opening Balance Sheet at 1 September 2006 (transition date)

                                 Notes       UKGAAP£'000  Adjustments£'000         IFRS£'000
 Non-current assets                                                                         
 - Intangible fixed assets           a            14,185             (208)            13,977
 - Property, plant and                            12,529                 -            12,529
                                                  26,714             (208)            26,506
 Current assets                                                                             
 - Inventories                                       360                 -               360
 - Trade and other receivables       b            10,407             1,056            11,463
 - Cash and cash equivalents                       4,308                 -             4,308
                                                  15,075             1,056            16,131
 Total assets                                     41,789               848            42,637
 Non-current liabilities                                                                    
 Preference shares                                    18                 -                18
 Interest bearing loans and                          282                 -               282
 Deferred income                                   2,514                 -             2,514
 Capital grants (deferred                          2,136                 -             2,136
 Deferred tax                        d                10                91               101
                                                   4,960                91             5,051
 Current liabilities                                                                        
 Interest bearing loans,                              90                 -                90
 overdrafts and borrowings
 Trade and other payables         b, c            12,423               443            12,866
 Deferred income                                  10,771                 -            10,771
 Capital Grant (deferred                              57                                  57
                                                  23,341               443            23,784
 Total liabilities                                28,301               534            28,835
 Net assets                                       13,488               314            13,802
 Capital and reserves                                                                       
 Issued capital and reserves                      15,922                 -            15,922
 Retained earnings                               (2,434)               314           (2,120)
 Equity Shareholders' funds                       13,488               314            13,802


    6 (d)    Consolidated Balance Sheet at 28 February 2007

                                 Notes           UK GAAP       Adjustments              IFRS
                                                   £'000             £'000             £'000
 Non-current assets
 - Intangible fixed assets           a            13,063             (122)            12,941
 - Property, plant and                            13,099                 -            13,099
                                                  26,162             (122)            26,040
 Current assets
 - Inventories                                       364                 -               364
 - Trade and other receivables       b            13,357               755            14,112
                                                  13,721               755            14,476
 Total assets                                     39,883               633            40,516
 Non-current liabilities
 Preference shares                                    18                 -                18
 Interest bearing loans and
 borrowings                                          991                 -               991
 Deferred income                                   1,440                 -             1,440
 Capital grants (deferred                          2,108                 -             2,108
 Deferred tax                                        921                 -               921
 Trade and other payables                          2,887                 -             2,887
                                                   8,365                 -             8,365
 Current liabilities
 Interest bearing loans,
 overdrafts and borrowings                           985                 -               985
 Trade and other payables         b, c             8,566               524             9,090
 Deferred income                                   4,992                 -             4,992
 Capital Grant (deferred                              57                 -                57
 Corporation tax                     d             1,029                15             1,044
                                                  15,629               539            16,168

 Total liabilities                                23,994               539            24,533
 Net assets                                       15,889                94            15,983
 Capital and reserves
 Issued capital and reserves                      15,922                 -            15,922
 Retained earnings                                  (33)                94                61
 Equity Shareholders' funds                       15,889                94            15,983


    6 (e)    Consolidated Balance Sheet at 31 August 2007

                                 Notes           UK GAAP       Adjustments              IFRS
                                                   £'000             £'000             £'000
 Non-current assets
 - Intangible fixed assets           a            25,817             (525)            25,292
 - Property, plant and                            13,138                 -            13,138
 Deferred tax asset                  d               873              (32)               841
                                                  39,828             (557)            39,271
 Current assets
 - Inventories                                       555                 -               555
 - Trade and other receivables       b            11,196             2,629            13,825
 - Cash and cash equivalents                       3,905                 -             3,905
                                                  15,656             2,629            18,285
 Total assets                                     55,484             2,072            57,556
 Non-current liabilities
 Preference shares                                    18                 -                18
 Interest bearing loans and
 borrowings                                          981                 -               981
 Deferred income                                   1,233                 -             1,233
 Capital grants (deferred                          2,079                 -             2,079
                                                   4,311                 -             4,311
 Current liabilities
 Interest bearing loans,
 overdrafts and borrowings                           105                 -               105
 Trade and other payables         b, c            21,008             1,736            22,744
 Deferred income                                  21,156                 -            21,156
 Capital Grant (deferred                              57                                  57
                                                  42,326             1,736            44,062

 Total liabilities                                46,637             1,736            48,373
 Net assets                                        8,847               336             9,183
 Capital and reserves
 Issued capital and reserves                      16,005                 -            16,005
 Retained earnings                               (7,158)               336           (6,822)
 Equity Shareholders' funds                        8,847               336             9,183


    a) Intangible fixed assets

    Under IAS 38 "Intangible Assets", Players acquired on deferred terms are recorded at their fair value at the date of acquisition. The
related creditor is then increased to the settlement value on an effective interest rate over the period of the deferral, with this value
being charged as notional interest within interest payable in the Income Statement. The interest charged for the year ended 31 August 2007
was £475,000 (28 February 2007 : a credit of £129,000). The corresponding player registration value in intangible fixed assets is also
reduced by the notional interest amount. 

    An adjustment has also been made to reflect the respective adjustment to the amount of amortisation charged on the intangible fixed
asset as a result of the above adjustment. This results in a reduction in amortisation charged in the year ended 31 August 2007 of £153,000
(28 February 2007 : £43,000).

    b) Signing on fees

    Signing on fees are charged to the Income Statement on a straight-line basis over the period of the players contracts and are now
recognised on an accruals basis. At 31 August 2007, signing on fees results in the recognition of a prepayment of £2,629,000 (28 February
2007 : £755,000, 1 September 2006 : £1,056,000) and accruals of £1,736,000 (28 February 2007 : £516,000, 1 September 2006 : £443,000).
The impact on the Income Statement for the year ended 31 August 2007 is an increase in profit before tax of £662,000 (28 February 2007 :
decrease in profit of £374,000).

    c)  Holiday pay
    In accordance with IAS 19, an accrual has been recognised for holiday pay. This results in a charge to the income statement of £8,000
for the period ended 28 February 2007. There is no holiday pay accrual for the year ended 31 August 2007. 

    d) Taxation
    Taxation has been adjusted in respect of tax on the signing on fees, holiday pay accrual and the notional interest cost. 

    e) Non current assets held for sale

    Under IFRS 5 "Non current assets held for sale" if at any time, it is considered that the carrying amount of an asset (including players
registrations) will be recovered principally through sale rather than continuing use, then the value of the asset is classified as an asset
held for sale. The asset will be disclosed as current assets at its lower of cost or net realisable value. At such time of the
reclassification, no further amortisation will be charged to the Income Statement, unless there is an indication of impairment. At each date
of the balance sheet, the directors do not consider any assets were held for sale and therefore no reclassification has been made to current


    A full copy of these results are available from the Company's website, www.bcfc.com

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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