2 February 2022 
Unaudited Net Asset Value as at 31 December 2021 
Net Asset Value and Valuations 
  * Net asset value ("NAV") per ordinary share was 101.0p (Sep 2021 - 93.1p), 
    an increase of 8.5% for Q4 2021, resulting in a NAV total return, including 
    dividends, of 9.5% for the quarter; 
  * The portfolio valuation (before CAPEX) increased by 6.9% on a like for like 
    basis, whilst the MSCI Monthly Index increased by 6.6% over the same 
Investment and letting activity 
  * Two purchases completed in Q4, both in the Industrial sector. £7.8m was 
    invested into a completed let unit in Washington, Tyne and Wear, and £2.8m 
    on a site purchase in St Helen's as part of a pre-let development that has 
    a total cost of £15m. 
  * Three new leases completed (£715,730pa of rent), three lease extensions / 
    renewals securing £1,158,859pa, and three rent reviews completed with an 
    uplift in rent of £94,430pa. 
Financial Position and Gearing 
  * Strong balance sheet with significant financial resources available for 
    investment of £50 million in the form of the Company's low cost, revolving 
    credit facility of £55 million net of current cash after dividend and other 
    financial commitments. 
  * As at 31 December 2021, the Company had a Loan to Value ("LTV") of 19.2%*. 
    The debt currently has an overall blended interest rate of 2.725% per 
*LTV calculated as debt less cash divided by portfolio value 
  * Dividend for Q4, 2021 increased by 12% to 1p per share. 
  * Dividend cover for the year was 102% 
Rent collection 
During Q4 2021 we received payment of all arrears from the Company's tenant 
with the largest arrears where legal action was being taken. Collection rates 
for Q4 are currently 97.1% with a further 2% expected shortly from tenants that 
have confirmed payment will be made, or have always paid, though often late. 
That theme has continued into Q1 2022 with collections currently only at 84.9% 
but anticipated to be similar to Q4 2021 shortly. 
2021       Q1      96.0% 
           Q2      92.5% 
           Q3      95.3% 
           Q4      97.1% 
2022       Q1      84.9% 
The Board fully recognises the importance of dividends to the Company's 
shareholders and is pleased to announce a further increase in the dividend to 
1p per share for the quarter. The new dividend level reflects continued 
improvements in the Company's revenue account, with dividend cover 102% for the 
financial year to December 2021. 
The dividend cover for Q4 was 133% however this is impacted by two one offs. 
These were a write-back of bad debt provisions following the payment of 
historic arrears and a lease surrender premium received in the quarter. 
Excluding the impact of these one offs would have given a Q4 dividend cover of 
102%, and, on that basis, the Board considers the new dividend level of 1p per 
share to be at a sustainable level. 
Net Asset Value ("NAV") 
The unaudited net asset value per ordinary share of Standard Life Investments 
Property Income Trust Limited ("SLIPIT") at 31 December 2021 was 101.0p. The 
net asset value is calculated under International Financial Reporting Standards 
The net asset value incorporates the external portfolio valuation by Knight 
Frank LLP at 31 December 2021 of £499.9 million. 
Breakdown of NAV movement 
Set out below is a breakdown of the change to the unaudited NAV calculated 
under IFRS over the period 30 September 2021 to 31 December 2021. 
                             Per  Share   Attributable    Comment 
                             (p)          Assets (£m) 
Net assets as at 30 June     93.1         369.6 
Unrealised increase in       7.9          31.4            Like for like increase 
valuation of property                                     of 6.9% in property 
portfolio                                                 valuations. 
CAPEX in the quarter         -0.4         -1.8            Principally works at 
                                                          101 Princess Street 
                                                          and Hagley Road, 
                                                          together with 
                                                          acquisition costs of 
                                                          St Helens and 
Net income in the quarter    0.3          1.2             133% dividend cover. 
after dividend                                            Rolling 12 month 
                                                          dividend cover of 102% 
                                                          based on all dividends 
                                                          paid in last 12 months 
Interest rate swaps mark to  0.3          1.1             Decrease in swap 
market revaluation                                        liabilities in the 
                                                          quarter following 
                                                          interest rate 
Other movements in reserves  -0.2         -0.7            Movement relating to 
                                                          lease incentives in 
                                                          the quarter 
Net assets as at 31 December 101.0        400.8 
European Public Real Estate 
Association ("EPRA")           31 Dec 2021            30 Sep 2021 
EPRA Net Tangible Assets       £401.4m                £371.2m 
EPRA Net Tangible Assets per   101.1p                 93.5p 
The Net Asset Value per share is calculated using 396,922,386 shares of 1p each 
being the number in issue on 31 December 2021. 
Investment Manager Review and Portfolio Activity 
The Company completed two purchases during the quarter. The first was a 
development funding in St Helen's where the land was purchased for £2.8m, and 
over the course of the next 18 months further payments will be made to fund the 
developer totaling £15.1m until the building completes and the new lease to St 
Helen's Council starts. The lease will be for a term of 15 years, and the 
Council has sublet to Glass Futures, a not for profit organization, which 
carries out research seeking to improve the environmental characteristics of 
glass production.  The second purchase was of an industrial unit in Washington, 
Tyne and Wear, that is let for a further 14 years, which benefits from adjacent 
vacant land for future development. The purchase price of £7.8m reflected an 
income yield of 5.75%. 
It is the Investment Manager and Board's desire to increase the LTV of the 
Company from the current 19% to a longer term range of 25% - 35%, and further 
investments are under active consideration. Future purchases will be financed 
through remaining cash on the balance sheet and from drawing down from the 
revolving credit facility. 
Over the course of Q4 three lettings were concluded, including that of the 
Company's only industrial vacancy, securing £611,000pa of rent. This unit in 
Dover was let to DEFRA and forms an important part of the Government's food 
standard control. The two office lettings that completed were at 54 Hagley Rd 
Birmingham, continuing the strong run at that asset, with £104,000 pa secured. 
Since the quarter end two further lettings have completed (one office and a 
retail unit let to a gym) securing £130,000pa. Two leases were extended 
securing £319,000pa of rent, along with three rent reviews, one on a Bristol 
office securing an uplift of £37,500pa (19%) and one industrial unit securing 
an uplift of £47,000pa (10%) - in both cases well ahead of valuation 
assumptions. The third review was of a leisure unit in London showing a 7% 
uplift in rent. One lease renewal was completed, securing a rent of £840,000pa, 
8.5% ahead of the September ERV. 
Although the Company's vacancy rate fell to 9.7% over the quarter as the 
lettings completed, it is still above our long-term average, and we want to 
reduce it further. The closure of offices at the end of 2021 has slowed demand, 
however early indications of a pick-up in office demand across the portfolio is 
The Company's interest rate swap liability fell in the quarter to £568,000 as 
the market anticipates rising interest rates. This liability will unwind to nil 
on maturity in April 2023. 
Investment Manager Market review 
Economic Outlook 
  * Despite the emergence of Omicron and the subsequent economic and social 
    restrictions, the Bank of England (BoE) increased interest rates from 0.1% 
    to 0.25% in December. This was in response to strong inflation and labour 
    market data. Policymakers took note of the tight labour market, with rising 
    pressures on wages. Unemployment fell to 4.2% in the three months to 
    October 2021, while inflation surged to 5.1% year-on-year (y/y) in 
    November. This exceeded expectations, with rising energy prices, supply 
    chain disruption and a low base effect from 2020 contributing to inflation. 
  * With cases looking to have peaked and the government now rolling back 
    restrictions, the abrdn Research Institute (aRI) expects activity to 
    rebound relatively quickly through the rest of the quarter.  Full-year 2021 
    growth is still expected to be relatively robust at 6.8%, with any slowdown 
    in late-2021 and early-2022 likely to be compensated for by slightly 
    stronger growth in late-2022. 
  * aRI expects interest rates to reach 1% by the end of 2022. This is low in a 
    historical context, but the risks remain skewed towards a faster tightening 
    cycle. aRI now expects inflation to peak slightly above 6% in April 2022, 
    given rising energy prices and ongoing supply bottlenecks. Inflation is 
    then expected to fall during the rest of the year, as challenging base 
    effects drag inflation lower. Real income growth will be squeezed by 
    inflation, but the build-up in household savings over the last two years 
    should cushion this impact. 
Occupier Trends 
  * The long-term impact on office occupation remains difficult to assess, but 
    we expect occupiers to focus more on best-in-class accommodation, with 
    strong ESG and wellbeing credentials. Poorer-quality accommodation will 
    struggle to attract interest. This is seen in the most recent take-up 
    statistics, which show that over 90% of tenants are taking space in Grade A 
    office accommodation. We expect this trend to drive an increasing wedge 
    between rental value growth for the best and the rest in the office sector. 
  * Occupier demand for industrial and logistics space continues unabated and 
    we expect this to endure over the course of 2022. Supply remains tight and 
    the level of new development is unlikely to satisfy demand. According to 
    CBRE data, the UK-wide vacancy rate has fallen to below 2% and, as a 
    result, we anticipate robust rental value growth to continue within this 
  * Rising inflation and National Insurance contributions are also likely to 
    affect consumer spending over the course of the first half of 2022. As 
    such, we anticipate weaker occupier sentiment and downward pressure on 
    rental values across the retail sector over the first quarter of 2022. 
    Demand will be concentrated on well-located and well-specified retail 
    warehouse accommodation where footfall has remained more resilient. 
Investment Trends 
  * In 2021, UK real estate performance reached levels not seen since 2015, 
    with the industrial sector outperforming the all property average by a 
    significant margin. Indeed, the spread between the best and worst 
    performing sectors reached the highest level on record in 2021. However, we 
    anticipate that the spread in performance between sectors will begin to 
    converge, predominantly as a result of where we are in the UK real estate 
  * The office sector was the worst performing sector in 2020. We think that 
    the structural headwinds facing the sector will result in offices 
    underperforming the wider market in 2022. But there will be a clear 
    polarization in performance between Grade A and secondary office buildings. 
    A divergence in performance by quality is beginning to emerge, particularly 
    in markets where vacancy rates are not significantly above historical 
    averages. Premiums are being paid for Grade A office stock that is truly 
    'future-fit' and possesses the necessary credentials: flexibility, amenity, 
    connectivity, technology and sustainability. Assets that score strongly on 
    these metrics will be best placed to capture and retain tenants during a 
    period of significant structural change for the sector. 
  * ESG considerations are crucial for all UK real estate sectors. This has 
    become increasingly pertinent following the implementation of the 
    government's Minimum Level of Energy Efficiency standard (MEES). By 2025, 
    MEES will make it unlawful for commercial landlords to lease space with an 
    EPC rating below E. By 2030, all commercial properties must have a rating 
    of EPC B or higher. This requires landlords to place a greater emphasis on 
    the ESG credentials of their commercial properties. 
Net Asset analysis as at 31 December 2021 (unaudited) 
                                   £m           % of net assets 
Industrial                       273.6               68.2 
Office                           126.2               31.5 
Retail                            56.5               14.1 
Other Commercial                  36.1                9.0 
Land                              7.5                 1.9 
Total Property Portfolio         499.9               124.7 
Adjustment for lease              -8.8               -2.2 
Fair value of Property           491.1               122.5 
Cash                              13.8                3.4 
Other Assets                      21.7                5.5 
Total Assets                     526.6               131.4 
Current liabilities              -15.5               -3.9 
Non-current liabilities          -110.3              -27.5 
(bank loans & swap) 
Total Net Assets                 400.8               100.0 
Breakdown in valuation movements over the period 1 October 2021 to 31 December 
                        Portfolio     Exposure as  Like for Like    Capital Value 
                      Value as at 30   at 30 Sep   Capital Value     Shift (incl 
                      Sep 2021 (£m)    2021 (%)     Shift (excl   transactions (£m) 
                                                   transactions & 
External valuation at                                                   457.7 
30 Sept 21 
Retail                     56.5          11.3           4.7              2.6 
South East Retail                         1.7           1.2              0.1 
Retail Warehouses                         9.6           5.4              2.5 
Offices                   126.2          25.3           1.1              1.4 
London City Offices                       2.6           0.0              0.0 
London West End                           2.7           0.6              0.1 
South East Offices                        9.9           1.1              0.6 
Rest of UK Offices                       10.1           1.6              0.7 
Industrial                273.6          54.7           11.1            37.1 
South East Industrial                    13.0           14.1             8.1 
Rest of UK Industrial                    41.7           10.1            29.0 
Other Commercial*          36.1           7.2           3.4              1.1 
Land*                      7.5            1.5           0.0              0.0 
External valuation at     499.9          100.0          6.9             499.9 
31 Dec 21 
*: The land on the Ralia estate is presented as 'Land', having previously been 
presented as 'Other Commercial', now that MSCI has confirmed the 
Top 10 Properties 
                                       31 Dec 21 (£m) 
Hagley Road, Birmingham                    25-30 
B&Q, Halesowen                             20-25 
Symphony, Rotherham                        20-25 
Marsh Way, Rainham                         20-25 
Timbmet, Shellingford                      15-20 
Atos Data Centre, Birmingham               15-20 
Tetron 141, Swadlincote                    15-20 
Walton Summit, Preston                     15-20 
Hollywood Green, London                    10-15 
The Pinnacle, Reading                      10-15 
Top 10 tenants 
Tenant Name                    Passing Rent         % of total Passing Rent 
B&Q Plc                        1,560,000            6.1% 
The Symphony Group Plc         1,225,000            4.8% 
Schlumberger Oilfield UK plc   1,138,402            4.4% 
CEVA Logistics Limited         840,000              3.3% 
Jenkins Shipping Co Ltd        843,390              3.3% 
Timbmet Group Limited          799,683              3.1% 
Atos IT Services UK Ltd        780,727              3.0% 
Public Sector                  732,210              2.9% 
Time Wholesale Services (UK)   656,056              2.6% 
ThyssenKrupp Materials (UK)    643,565              2.5% 
                               9,219,033            35.9% 
Regional Split 
South East                   27.5% 
West Midlands                19.1% 
East Midlands                12.7% 
Scotland                     11.6% 
North West                   10.6% 
North East                   8.7% 
South West                   4.5% 
London West End              2.7% 
City of London               2.6% 
The Board is not aware of any other significant events or transactions which 
have occurred between 31 December 2021 and the date of publication of this 
statement which would have a material impact on the financial position of the 
The information contained within this announcement is deemed by the Company to 
constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulations 
(EU) No. 596/2014). Upon the publication of this announcement via Regulatory 
Information Service this inside information is now considered to be in the 
public domain. 
Details of the Company may also be found on the Investment Manager's website 
at: www.slipit.co.uk 
For further information:- 
Jason Baggaley - Real Estate Fund Manager, abrdn 
Tel:  07801039463 or jason.baggaley@abrdn.com 
Mark Blyth - Real Estate Deputy Fund Manager, abrdn 
Tel: 07703695490 or mark.blyth@abrdn.com 
Gregg Carswell - Senior Fund Control Manager, abrdn 
Tel: 07800898212 or gregg.carswell@abrdn.com 
The Company Secretary 
Northern Trust International Fund Administration Services (Guernsey) Ltd 
Trafalgar Court 
Les Banques 
St Peter Port 
GY1 3QL 
Tel: 01481 745001 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 02, 2022 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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