29 November 2024
Atlantic Lithium Limited (AIM: ALL, ASX: A11,
GSE: ALLGH, OTCQX: ALLIF, "Atlantic Lithium" or the
"Company"), the Africa-focused lithium
exploration and development company targeting the delivery of
Ghana's first lithium mine, announces that at the Company's Annual
General Meeting ("AGM"), which will be held at 2 p.m. (Perth time)
today at the offices of HopgoodGanim Lawyers, Allendale Square,
Level 27, 77 St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6000, Chief Executive
Officer Keith Muller will issue the following statement:
"On behalf of the Board of Atlantic
Lithium, I am pleased to welcome shareholders to Perth for the
Company's 2024 Annual General Meeting.
"Following the grant of the Ewoyaa
Mining Lease in October 2023, just a month prior to last year's
AGM, considerable progress has been made towards the advancement of
the Project. Major milestones include the grant of the
Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA") environmental permit, the
Mine Operating Permit and the Land Use Certificate, and the
completion of the key criteria agreed under the terms of the Mining
Lease; notably the successful admission of the Company's shares to
trading on the Ghana Stock Exchange and the completion and
submission of the Feldspar and Downstream Conversion Studies. It is
a testament to every member of our team and the Company's partners
and advisors that we have achieved these successes in such an
impressive timeframe.
"Accordingly, the ratification of the
Mining Lease now represents the final regulatory step in the
permitting process to enable the Company to break ground at Ewoyaa.
We had expected that the Mining Lease would have been ratified by
now. With elections in Ghana fast approaching, however, political
crosswinds have had repercussions on the completion of
parliamentary business, which has held up our progress. The delay
in ratification, accentuated by the subdued lithium pricing
environment, has forced us to make significant cuts across the
business, including to our employee headcount, to ensure cash is
allocated to activities critical to the advancement of the
"Knock-on effects have also been felt
across our funding activities. Despite reaching the final stages of
our competitive offtake partnering process, we remain steadfast on
the preferred terms that we had defined going into the process and,
despite lower current prices, we refuse to settle on terms that we
believe compromise the best interests of the Company's
shareholders. We continue to receive considerable demand for
product from Ewoyaa from potential offtakers and, as such, remain
confident in securing the funding that Atlantic Lithium requires to
sufficiently cover its allocation of development expenditure for
the Project.
"At this point, we must recognise our
key Project partners for their unwavering support over the year.
Following the completion of the Minerals Income Investment Fund's
("MIIF") US$5m subscription in the Company in January 2024, we are
delighted to welcome MIIF as a key shareholder and Project partner.
We continue to work with MIIF to close its agreed Project-level
investment, which we expect will occur once the final permitting
requirements are completed. We are also grateful to Assore for its
role in leading the successful A$10m Equity Placing that we
completed in October 2024, enabling us to complete several key
activities to advance the Project towards a Final Investment
Decision ("FID"). Assore has demonstrated itself to be an avid
advocate for what we have set out to achieve at Ewoyaa and its
support of the Company continues to be pivotal in driving the
Project forward. In addition, with Piedmont Lithium Inc. announcing
that it is moving forward to undertake a proposed merger with
lithium producer Sayona Mining Limited, we welcome the ongoing
commitment to the development and funding of the Project that we
have received from Lucas Dow, who is expected to assume the role of
CEO and MD of the enlarged entity, and his team. This marks the
latest example of consolidation in the lithium market, following
the likes of Pilbara Minerals and Latin Resources, and Rio Tinto
and Arcadium Lithium, which we believe indicates the commodity's
longevity as a critical mineral globally. We look forward to our
ongoing collaboration with MIIF, Assore and Piedmont towards our
shared goal of delivering commercial spodumene production at
"While the ongoing delays to
ratification continue to impact the Project timeline, we remain
resolute in our belief that the year ahead will present a clearer
path and that ratification will be forthcoming once the dust
settles, post-elections. In the meantime, essential work is being
undertaken to ensure that the Project continues to advance towards
FID. This includes a technical refinement and optimisation of the
Definitive Feasibility Study for the Project and work associated
with the award of the key contracts for the Project; notably the
Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Management ("EPCM") and
Mining contracts. In addition, considerable steps have been taken,
and will continue to be taken, towards maximising safety across the
Company's operations. The well-being of our employees, contractors
and local stakeholders remains of upmost importance to the Company.
Across all of its activities, Atlantic Lithium is committed to
maintaining practices that ensure the safety of everyone impacted
by the Project, which we consider imperative to the Company's
success at Ewoyaa.
"We remain confident that the
Project's low-cost profile, driven largely by its proximity to
existing infrastructure and the nature of the deposit, will enable
it to withstand current lithium prices. We are seeing a number of
our peers' higher cost projects delayed, slowed down or placed into
care and maintenance. We believe, however, that Ewoyaa's favourable
development and operating costs place the Company advantageously as
we close in on FID. We remain confident in the significant
long-term demand for lithium as EV adoption continues at pace
around the world and expect the current oversupply to be absorbed
in the near-medium term. As we push forward towards shovel
readiness, we, therefore, believe that Ewoyaa can be among the
fastest out of the blocks as prices recover.
"Notwithstanding ratification of the
Mining Lease, the year ahead presents itself as a hugely important
period for the Company. Key milestones include achieving FID, the
completion of remaining operational activities required to achieve
shovel-readiness, the award of key Project contracts and breaking
ground itself.
"On behalf of the Board, I would like
to take the opportunity to thank our host community chiefs, whose
vocal backing of the Project continues to be greatly appreciated,
and all of the Company's shareholders for their unwavering support,
during what have been challenging times across our
"We firmly believe in the potential
that Ewoyaa presents and that we are on the right path to deliver
upon this potential.
"I look forward to reporting on our
further progress in due course."
Authorised for release by Amanda Harsas,
Finance Director and Company Secretary, Atlantic Lithium
For any further information, please
Atlantic Lithium Limited
Neil Herbert (Executive Chairman)
Amanda Harsas (Finance Director and Company



Tel: +61 2 8072

Angel Corporate Finance LLP
Nominated Adviser
Jeff Keating
Charlie Bouverat
Tel: +44 (0)20 3470 0470

Yellow Jersey PR
Elliot atlantic@yellowjerseypr.com
Tel: +44 (0)20 3004

Canaccord Genuity
Raj Khatri (UK)
Duncan St John,
Christian Calabrese (Australia)
Tel: +44 (0) 20 7523
Notes to Editors:
About Atlantic
Atlantic Lithium is an AIM, ASX, GSE
and OTCQX-listed lithium company advancing its flagship project,
the Ewoyaa Lithium Project, a significant lithium spodumene
pegmatite discovery in Ghana, through to production to become the
country's first lithium-producing mine.
The Definitive Feasibility Study for
the Project indicates the production of 3.6Mt of spodumene
concentrate over a 12-year mine life, making it one of the largest
spodumene concentrate mines in the world.1 2
The Project was awarded a Mining
Lease in October 2023, an Environmental Protection Agency ("EPA")
Permit in September 2024, and a Mine Operating Permit in October
2024 and is being developed under an earn-in agreement with
Piedmont Lithium Inc.
The Ewoyaa Mineral Resource Estimate
(JORC) totals 36.8Mt @ 1.24% Li2O and includes 3.7Mt @
1.37% Liâ‚‚O in the Measured category, 26.1Mt @ 1.24% Liâ‚‚O in the
Indicated category and 7.0Mt @ 1.15% Liâ‚‚O in the Inferred
category.1 Ore Reserves (Probable) of 25.6Mt @ 1.22%
Li2O have been reported for the Project.
Atlantic Lithium holds a portfolio of
lithium projects within 509km2 and 771km2 of
granted and under-application tenure across Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire
respectively, which, in addition to the Project, comprises
significantly under-explored, highly prospective
End Note
1 Ore Reserves, Mineral
Resources and Production Targets
The information in this announcement
that relates to Exploration Results, Ore Reserves, Mineral
Resources and Production Targets complies with the 2012 Edition of
the Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral
Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code). The information in this
announcement relating to the Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") of
36.8Mt @ 1.24% Liâ‚‚O
for the Ewoyaa Lithium Project ("Ewoyaa" or the "Project") is
extracted from the Company's announcement entitled
"New Dog-Leg Target Delivers Increase to
Ewoyaa MRE", dated 30 July 2024, which is
available at www.atlanticlithium.com.au.
The MRE includes a total of 3.7Mt @ 1.37% Liâ‚‚O in the Measured category, 26.1Mt @
1.24% Liâ‚‚O in the
Indicated category and 7.0Mt @ 1.15% Liâ‚‚O in the Inferred category. The
information in this announcement relating to the Ore Reserves
(Probable) of 25.6Mt @ 1.22% Li2O and relating to the
Production Target of 3.6Mt of spodumene concentrate over a 12-year
mine life is extracted from the Company's announcement entitled
"Ewoyaa Lithium Project Definitive
Feasibility Study", dated 29 June 2023,
which is available at www.atlanticlithium.com.au.
The Company confirms, in the case of Mineral Resources, Ore
Reserves and Production Targets, that all material assumptions and
technical parameters underpinning the estimates continue to apply.
Material assumptions for the Project have been revised on grant of
the Mining Lease for the Project, announced by the Company on 20
October 2023 in the announcement entitled, "Mining Lease Granted for Ewoyaa Lithium
Project". The Company is not aware of any
new information or data that materially affects the information
included in this announcement, the announcement dated 30 July 2024,
the announcement dated 29 June 2023, or the announcement dated 20
October 2023.
2 Ewoyaa to become one of
the largest spodumene concentrate producers globally - Based on a
comparison of targeted spodumene concentrate production capacity
(ktpa, 100% basis) of select hard rock spodumene projects globally
(refer Company presentation dated
8 September
Competent Persons
Information in this announcement
relating to Mineral Resources was compiled by Shaun Searle, a
Member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists. Mr
Searle has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of
mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the
activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as
defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting
of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' and is
a Qualified Person under the AIM Rules. Mr Searle is a director of
Ashmore. Ashmore and the Competent Person are independent of the
Company and other than being paid fees for services in compiling
this report, neither has any financial interest (direct or
contingent) in the Company. Mr Searle consents to the inclusion in
the report of the matters based upon the information in the form
and context in which it appears.
Information in this announcement
relating to Ore Reserves was compiled by Mr Harry Warries. All
stated Ore Reserves are completely included within the quoted
Mineral Resources and are quoted in dry tonnes. Mr Warries is a
Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and
an employee of Mining Focus Consultants Pty Ltd. He has sufficient
experience, relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of
deposit under consideration and to the activity he is undertaking,
to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 'Australasian
Code for Reporting of Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves' of
December 2012 ("JORC Code") as prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves
Committee of the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy,
the Australian Institute of Geoscientists and the Minerals Council
of Australia. Mr Warries gives Atlantic Lithium Limited consent to
use this reserve estimate in reports.
The Company confirms that the form
and context in which the Competent Persons' findings are presented
have not been materially modified from the original market