RNS Number : 2921U 
Albany Investment Trust PLC 
22 June 2009 

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 Albany Investment Trust PLC 
22 June 2009 
Albany Investment Trust Plc (the "Company") 
Final Results 
Chairman's Statement 
Reflecting on 2009 
Last year I commented that the credit crisis, which was in its early stages 
then, would likely have an effect on the 'real' economy. 
This has indeed been the case, with GDP growth around the world projected to be 
either negative or, if not, certainly below trend. 
The equity and credit markets have been hit significantly with the FTSE 
All-share index down 35.95% and the Iboxx non gilt index down 10.7%. 
With the banking system in both the US and the UK near-nationalised following 
numerous capital injections and bailout plans, this truly has been an awful time 
both economically and in capital markets. Compared to these figures, Albany's 
NAV performed slightly ahead of the All-share benchmark, falling 34.21%. 
The capital performance is obviously disappointing, however given this backdrop, 
I would highlight that the investment income generated this year showed growth 
of 3.2%. Given the uncertain nature of the markets at the interim stage, the 
board felt it prudent to hold the interim dividend at 3.85p. The board is now 
pleased to announce an increase in the final dividend of 4.2% to 6.15p, giving a 
total dividend of 10.0p for the year. 
The outlook is still somewhat opaque. However, the huge government intervention, 
both fiscally and monetarily, we have seen to date should at some point begin to 
gain traction and after such point, we hope to report better performance. 
I do hope to see as many of you as possible at the Annual General Meeting at 
2.30pm on the 9th of July where you will be able to meet the board, the 
investment managers and advisers. 
P T Furlong 
2 June 2009 
Investment Managers' Report 
The prevailing 12 months have been all about one sector; banks. At the time of 
writing this report last year the loss write-downs to date were then already 
huge but this has proved to be the tip of the iceberg. Numerous capital 
injections, orchestrated mergers and bailout plans have seen a vast swathe of 
financial institutions be quasi-nationalised. For income investors this has been 
a particularly painful time as the banking sector had always been a stable 
source of dividend income. 
The authorities have been working overtime trying to control the decline in 
economic output and to stabilise the financial system. However, as yet this has 
not proved fully successful. The trigger for the revelation of this 
over-extended and over-leveraged banking and shadow banking industry was the 
bursting of the property bubble in the US, UK, Ireland and Spain among others. 
The covenant breaches for mortgage and commercial property loans made at the 
cheap credit heights - combined with financial instrument defaults - has blown 
bank balance sheets apart. The wider effect of this is that it has disabled some 
of the traditional monetary policy responses as this important conduit for 
policy has become critically dysfunctional. 
Lower interest rates are not being passed onto consumers and business, and loan 
growth has turned significantly negative. Capital injections are not filtering 
into the system as banks are hoarding capital. For this reason, quantitative 
easing and measures aimed at spreading liquidity directly to the economy, 
bypassing the banks, are now being introduced. 
This time last year inflation was a significant concern as commodity-led price 
rises were threatening to bring about a spate of stagflation (slowing growth 
with rising inflation). 
The focus now has very much turned towards deflation. 
GDP is falling rapidly, unemployment is rising and consumer wealth effects are 
reducing spending. Add to that lower mortgage payments resulting from lower 
interest rates and it is little wonder that RPI now stands at 0% year-on-year. 
However, the massive injection of money into the system, providing it eventually 
works, could see a sharp correction in the inflation trajectory leaving the 
authorities in a difficult situation of needing to control inflation, and 
crucially future expectations thereof, without stalling any economic recovery. 
This may not be as manageable as some believe and some inflation protection is 
The portfolio has suffered from exposure to financials, and some construction 
affiliated companies. However, there have been positive contributions from 
Dechra Pharmaceuticals, Diageo and resilient showings from Centrica and British 
American Tobacco. 
The outlook for the coming year is, as last year, uncertain. The rebuilding of 
the financial system and restoration of confidence will take time and tighter 
regulation is bound to be a feature in the near future. On a number of valuation 
metrics that use long-term, trend or normalised earnings, the market is 
beginning to look good value. 
However, we think volatility will continue to be a feature and inflation and 
unemployment will be the key macroeconomic statistics to monitor. The banking 
sector will see further losses on their existing portfolio as property prices 
will likely fall further but continued low base rates will give them the 
opportunity to write profitable business at good margins as low rate benefits 
will not be passed on. High levels of debt will remain unpopular with investors 
as the scars of over-leverage remain fresh. Dividend growth is likely to be 
rewarded and diversified international earnings will be favoured although we 
expect the Euro to weaken from here against sterling as the ECB face up to the 
issues across Europe. Another testing year lies ahead, but one that will almost 
certainly present opportunity. 
Rathbone Investment Management 
2 June 2009 
Report of the Directors 
The directors submit to the shareholders the annual report and financial 
statements for the year ended 28th February 2009. 
Accounts and dividends 
Details of revenue are contained in the Income Statement. An Interim dividend of 
3.85 pence per Ordinary share was paid to shareholders on 5th December 2008. 
The directors recommend payment of a final dividend of 6.15 pence per Ordinary 
share in respect of the year ended 28th February 2009. Subject to approval at 
the Annual General Meeting, the dividend will be paid on 10 July 2009. 
Activities of the company 
The company carries on the normal business of an investment trust as defined by 
Section 266, Companies Act 1985. The annual report adheres to the principles and 
recommendations in the AITC code. 
Business review 
A review of the business and future prospects is contained in the Chairman's 
Statement and the Investment Managers' Report. 
The affairs of the company have been conducted in such a way as to comply with 
the qualifying equity rule as defined in the ISA Regulations. It is the current 
intention of the directors that the company will continue to conduct its affairs 
to satisfy this requirement. 
Mr R A Morris, Mr J R A Nottingham and Mr P T Furlong retire under the terms of 
the Articles of Association and being eligible offer themselves for re-election. 
The company's procedures regarding the appointment of directors are contained in 
the Corporate Governance report. Qualifying third party indemnity provisions are 
in place for the benefit of the directors. 
Directors' interests 
The interests of each director in the company's Ordinary 20p shares at 1st March 
2008 and 28th February 2009 are shown on page five. There were no changes in 
these shareholdings between 28th February 2009 and 31st May 2009. The directors 
do not have the right to subscribe for any further shares via share option 
Net Asset Value 
Particulars appear in the summary of results. 
Capital structure 
Details of the company's capital structure are set out in note 13 to the 
financial statements. There were no substantial shareholdings as at 31st May 
Inland Revenue approval 
The company, which is an Investment Company within the meaning of Section 266 
Companies Act 1985, has received approval as an Investment Trust from the Inland 
Revenue under Section 842 of the Income and Corporation Taxes Act 1988 in 
respect of the year ended 28th February 2008 and has subsequently directed its 
affairs to enable it to continue to seek such approval. 
Principal risks, uncertainties and future performance 
The principal risks facing the company relate to the company's investment 
activities. An explanation of these risks and how they are managed is contained 
in note 11 to the accounts. In addition, breach of section 842 of the Income and 
Corporation Taxes Act 1998 could lead to the company being subject to capital 
gains tax. The Investment Managers monitor investment movements to ensure the 
provisions of section 842 are not breached. 
Payment policy and practice 
It is the company's policy to settle the terms of payment with suppliers when 
agreeing the terms of the transaction, to ensure that suppliers are aware of 
these terms and to abide by them. At 28th February 2009 the company had no trade 
creditors (2008: Nil). 
Environmental policy 
The directors are aware of environmental issues and will keep in mind the 
company's impact thereon. 
Contractual arrangements 
Details of arrangements with Rathbone Investment Management are set out in note 
International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) 
The directors have decided not to voluntarily adopt IFRS.  IFRS are mandatory 
only for consolidated financial statements. 
Grant Thornton UK LLP offer themselves for a reappointment in accordance with 
Section 489 of the Companies Act 2006. 
Port of Liverpool Building, Pier Head, Liverpool, L3 1NW 
TW Evans 
Secretary - 2nd June 2009 
Corporate Governance 
The company is committed to applying the highest principles of corporate 
governance commensurate with its size and nature. The Board is accountable to 
the company's shareholders for good corporate governance.  This report and the 
Directors' Remuneration Report describe how it complies with the provisions of 
the Combined Code (2006). 
The company has complied throughout the year with the Code provisions set out in 
Section 1 of the Combined Code except as follows: 
A.3.3:      A senior independent director has not been nominated. 
A.4.1:  A nomination committee has not been set up. 
B.1:     Directors are paid only a basic salary. 
B.2:     A remuneration committee has not been set up. 
C.3.1:  An audit committee has not been set up. 
The Board do not believe that the above committees would benefit the company at 
this time, as the work normally undertaken by such committees is carried out by 
the Board as a whole. Further, the Board do not believe that the nomination of a 
senior independent director, nor the payment of performance related remuneration 
to the directors, would be of benefit to the company given the size of the 
Application of the principles 
The company supports the concept of an effective Board leading and controlling 
the company. 
The Board met six times during the year (P T Furlong and R A Morris attended six 
meetings, J R A Nottingham and Sir David Henshaw attended five) and is 
responsible for approving company policy and strategy, reviewing investment 
performance, financial reporting and communication. 
The Board is supplied with appropriate and timely information and the directors 
are free to seek any further information they consider necessary.  All directors 
have access to advice from the company secretary and independent professionals 
at the company's expense. Training is available from the appropriate sources for 
directors as necessary. 
The Board comprises the Chairman and three non-executive directors, two of whom 
are independent (J R A Nottingham and Sir David Henshaw). The directors consider 
that J R A Nottingham remains independent despite his period of service 
exceeding nine years. The Board composition provides a balance whereby the 
Board's decision making cannot be dominated by any individual. All directors 
take decisions objectively in the interests of the company. 
The Chairman of the Board is P T Furlong. The Chairman is responsible for 
leadership of the Board, ensuring its effectiveness in all aspects of its role, 
and setting its agenda. The Board confirms the appointment of the Chairman 
All independent directors are subject to re-election every three years up to the 
age of 70 or nine years' service and annually thereafter, and, on appointment, 
at the first AGM after appointment. Non-independent directors are re-elected 
Appointments of new directors are made on merit. Care is taken to ensure that 
appointees have sufficient time available to devote to the job. 
Individual director's performance and the performance of the Board as a whole 
are evaluated annually. 
Relations with shareholders 
The company values the views of its shareholders and recognises their interest 
in the company's strategy and performance, Board membership and quality of 
management. The Chairman ensures that the views of shareholders are communicated 
to the Board as a whole. 
The AGM, which is normally attended by all Board members, is used to communicate 
with private investors and they are encouraged to participate. Separate 
resolutions are proposed on each issue so that they can be given proper 
consideration and there is a resolution to adopt the annual report and accounts 
and a resolution to approve the Directors' Remuneration Report. The company 
counts all proxy votes and will indicate the level of proxies lodged on each 
resolution, after it has been dealt with by a show of hands. The company 
arranges for notices of the AGM and related papers to be sent to shareholders at 
least 20 working days before the meeting. 
The share price discount, in absolute terms and relative to other similar 
investment trust companies, and the composition of the share register is 
discussed at every Board meeting. While there is no discount target, the Board 
is aware that discount volatility is unwelcome to many shareholders and that 
share price performance is the measure used by most investors. 
The Board oversees the company's stockbroker's activities which are designed to 
stimulate demand for the company's shares and provide effective communication to 
existing and potential shareholders. 
Accountability and audit 
The Board presents a balanced and understandable assessment of the company's 
position and prospects in all interim and price-sensitive reports and reports to 
regulators as well as in the information required to be presented by statutory 
The Board has formal and transparent arrangements for considering how it applies 
the financial reporting and internal control procedures and for maintaining an 
appropriate relationship with the company's auditors. 
The Board reviews the nature and extent of non-audit services supplied by the 
external auditors, seeking to balance objectivity and value for money. The 
directors review annually the level and nature of non-audit services provided by 
the external auditors. 
Internal control 
The Board is responsible for maintaining a sound system of internal control to 
safeguard shareholders' investment and the company's assets and for reviewing 
its effectiveness. Such a system is designed to manage rather than eliminate the 
risk of failure to achieve business objectives and can only provide reasonable 
and not absolute assurance against material misstatement or loss. 
The Board conducts a review annually of the company's system of internal 
controls. All material controls are covered, including financial, operational 
and compliance controls and systems to manage risks. 
The company has established a system for identifying, evaluating and managing 
the company's key risks. Strategic risks are regularly reviewed by the Board and 
it has determined that the Risk Register which it has established will be 
monitored by the Board and reviewed formally at Board meetings, at least 
annually. The latest review was completed in December 2008. 
The key risks reviewed cover the areas of: 
- Strategy and management 
- Independence 
- Outsourcing arrangements 
- Reputational risk 
- Reliability of investment manager 
- Fraud 
- Legislative requirements 
- Insurance 
The key features of the company's system of internal financial control are as 
The directors have delegated day-to-day investment decisions to Rathbone 
Investment Management Limited. 
The Investment Manager operates within the investment guidelines set out by the 
Board. Compliance with the investment policy is monitored on a daily basis by 
Rathbone Investment Management Limited and reviewed by the Board monthly. The 
portfolio management is at the discretion of the Investment Manager. The board 
of directors have however laid down the following guidelines. 
The trust must remain a general UK trust with up to 25% invested overseas, 
seeking to achieve a balance between capital growth and income. Investments may 
comprise UK listed companies, overseas listed companies, unit and investment 
trusts, fixed interest securities and cash. No more than 15% can be invested in 
any one company or held in cash. Unless with the express authority of the Board 
the fund manager will not invest in deriviatives such as warrants and futures. 
Rathbone Investment Management Limited, under instruction from the Board, also 
provides administration services for Albany Investment Trust plc. Management 
fees are payable for investment and administration services. 
Rathbone Investment Management Limited is regulated by the Financial Services 
Authority and has a banking licence under the Financial Services Market Act 
2000. This provides a high level of control over the procedures of Albany 
Investment Trust plc. The directors receive a report from the internal audit 
department of Rathbone Investment Management Limited in respect of internal 
procedures and controls on an annual basis. 
The Board has considered the need for an internal audit function but has decided 
the size of the company does not justify it at present. However, it will keep 
the decision under annual review. 
Going concern 
After making enquiries, the directors have a reasonable expectation that the 
company has adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the 
foreseeable future, and its assets consist mainly of securities that are readily 
realisable. For this reason they continue to adopt the going concern basis in 
preparing the financial statements. 
P T Furlong 2nd June 2009 
Statement of Directors' Responsibilities 
The directors are responsible for preparing the Annual Report and the financial 
statements in accordance with applicable law and regulations. 
Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each 
financial year. Under that law, the directors have elected to prepare financial 
statements in accordance with United Kingdom Accounting Standards (United 
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice). 
The financial statements are required by law to give a true and fair view of the 
state of affairs of the company and of its return for that period. 
In preparing those financial statements, the directors are required to: 
select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently; make 
judgements and estimates that are reasonable and prudent; state whether 
applicable accounting standards have been followed, subject to any material 
departures disclosed and explained in the financial statements; prepare the 
financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to 
presume that the company will continue in business. 
The directors are responsible for keeping proper accounting records which 
disclose with reasonable accuracy at any time the financial position of the 
company and enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the 
Companies Act 1985. They are also responsible for safeguarding the assets of the 
company and hence for taking reasonable steps for the prevention and detection 
of fraud and other irregularities. 
In so far as the directors are aware; 
there is no relevant audit information of which the auditors are unaware; 
and the directors have taken all steps that they ought to have taken to make 
themselves aware of any relevant audit information, and to establish that the 
auditors are aware of that information. 
To the best of the directors' knowledge: 
the financial statements, prepared in accordance with the applicable set of 
accounting standards, give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, 
financial position and profit of the company, and the annual report includes a 
fair review of the development and performance of the business and the position 
of the company, together with a description of the principal risks and 
uncertainties that they face. 
P T Furlong 
2nd June 2009 
Directors' remuneration report 
The Board recognises that directors' remuneration is of legitimate concern to 
the shareholders. 
SECTION 1: Information not subject to audit 
The remuneration committee 
A Remuneration Committee has not been set up, directors' remuneration being 
agreed by the Board as a whole. 
Policy on directors' remuneration 
The remuneration of the non-executive directors is determined by the Board. 
Letters of appointment are in place for a fixed period of three years for Sir 
David Henshaw and for one year for Messrs Furlong, Morris and Nottingham. 
No compensation payments are due on termination. 
The non-executive directors' remuneration consists entirely of a basic annual 
salary which is reviewed annually. Directors' salaries were last reviewed in 
December 2008 and will next be reviewed in December 2009. 
SECTION 2: Information subject to audit 
Directors' emoluments 
Directors do not receive bonuses or share options. Pension contributions are not 
paid by the company on behalf of the directors. 
|                             | 2009                | 2008               | 
|                             | GBP                 | GBP                | 
| P T Furlong                 | 16,500              | 16,000             | 
| R A Morris                  | 10,750              | 10,000             | 
| J R A Nottingham            | 10,750              | 10,000             | 
| Sir David Henshaw           | 10,750              | 10,000             | 
|                             | 48,750              | 46,000             | 
This report was approved by the Board of Directors on 2nd June 2009 and signed 
on its behalf by: P T Furlong. 
Report of the Independent Auditors 
to the members of Albany Investment Trust plc 
We have audited the financial statements of Albany Investment Trust Plc for the 
year ended 28th February 2009 ("the financial statements") which comprise the 
income statement, the balance sheet, the cash flow statement, the 
reconcilliation of movements in shareholders' funds and notes 1 to 19. These 
financial statements have been prepared under the accounting policies set out 
therein. We have also audited the information in the directors' remuneration 
report that is described as having been audited. 
This report is made solely to the company's members, as a body, in accordance 
with Section 235 of the Companies Act 1985. 
Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company's 
members those matters we are required to state to them in an auditors' report 
and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not 
accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the 
company's members as a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the 
opinions we have formed. 
Respective responsibilities of directors and auditors 
The directors' responsibilities for preparing the annual report, the directors' 
remuneration report and the financial statements in accordance with United 
Kingdom law and accounting standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted 
Accounting Practice) are set out in the statement of directors' 
Our responsibility is to audit the financial statements and the part of the 
directors' remuneration report to be audited in accordance with relevant legal 
and regulatory requirements and International Standards on Auditing (UK and 
We report to you our opinion as to whether the financial statements give a true 
and fair view and whether the financial statements and the part of the 
directors' remuneration report to be audited have been properly prepared in 
accordance with the Companies Act 1985. We also report to you whether in our 
opinion the information given in the report of the directors is consistent with 
the financial statements. This information includes that specific information 
presented in the Chairman's statement and Investment Managers' Report that is 
cross-referenced from the Business Review section of the report of the 
In addition, we report to you if, in our opinion, the company has not kept 
proper accounting records, if we have not received all the information and 
explanations we require for our audit, or if information specified by law 
regarding directors' remuneration and other transactions is not disclosed. 
We review whether the Corporate Governance statement reflects the company's 
compliance with the nine provisions of the 2006 Combined Code specified for our 
review by the Listing Rules of the Financial Services Authority and we report if 
it does not. We are not required to consider whether the board's statements on 
internal control cover all risks and controls, or form an opinion on the 
effectiveness of the company's corporate governance procedures or its risks and 
control procedures. 
We read other information contained in the annual report and consider whether it 
is consistent with the audited financial statements. This other information 
comprises only the report of the directors, the unaudited part of the directors' 
remuneration report, the summary of results, the recent trends, the Chairman's 
statement, the Investment Managers' report, the corporate governance statement, 
the analysis of investment funds and the ten year historical record. We consider 
the implications for our report if we become aware of any apparent misstatements 
or material inconsistencies with the financial statements. Our responsibilities 
do not extend to any other information. 
Basis of opinion 
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing 
(UK and Ireland) issued by the Auditing Practices Board. An audit includes 
examination, on a test basis, of evidence relevant to the amounts and 
disclosures in the financial statements and the part of the directors' 
remuneration report to be audited. It also includes an assessment of the 
significant estimates and judgements made by the directors in the preparation of 
the financial statements, and of whether the accounting policies are appropriate 
to the company's circumstances, consistently applied and adequately disclosed. 
We planned and performed our audit so as to obtain all the information and 
explanations which we considered necessary in order to provide us with 
sufficient evidence to give reasonable assurance that the financial statements 
and the part of the directors' remuneration report to be audited are free from 
material misstatement, whether caused by fraud or other irregularity or error. 
In forming our opinion, we also evaluated the overall adequacy of the 
presentation of information in the financial statements and the part of the 
directors' remuneration report to be audited. 
In our opinion: 
the financial statements give a true and fair view in accordance with United 
Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice of the state of the company's 
affairs as at 28th February 2009 and of its loss for the year then ended; the 
financial statements and the part of the directors' remuneration report to be 
audited have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985; 
and the information given in the report of the directors is consistent with the 
financial statements. 
Chartered Accountants, Registered Auditors. 
Liverpool, 2nd June 2009 
  Income Statement 
for the year ended 28th February 2009 (incorporating Profit & Loss Account 2009) 
|               |       |         | 2009     |          |         | 2008    |         | 
|               | Notes | Revenue | Capital  | Total    | Revenue | Capital | Total   | 
|               |       | GBP'000 | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| (Losses) on   | 8     |       - | (12,474) | (12,474) |       - | (3,079) | (3,079) | 
| investments   |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| Income        | 2     |   1,406 |          |    1,406 |   1,362 |       - |   1,362 | 
| Expenses      | 3     |   (237) |    (103) |    (340) |   (221) |   (182) |   (403) | 
|               |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| Return on     |       |   1,169 | (12,577) | (11,408) |   1,141 | (3,261) | (2,120) | 
| ordinary      |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| activities    |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| before        |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| taxation      |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
|               |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| Taxation on   | 5     |       - |        - |        - |       - |       - |       - | 
| ordinary      |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| activities    |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
|               |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| Return on     | 12    |   1,169 | (12,577) | (11,408) |   1,141 | (3,261) | (2,120) | 
| ordinary      |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| activities    |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| after         |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| taxation for  |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| the financial |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| year          |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
|               |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| Return per    | 7     |   11.7p |  -125.5p |  -113.8p |   11.4p |  -32.5p |  -21.1p | 
| ordinary      |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
| share: Basic  |       |         |          |          |         |         |         | 
Reconciliation of movements in shareholders' funds 
|                                 |            | 2009     |       | 2008     | 
|                                 |            | GBP' 000 |       | GBP '000 | 
| At beginning of year            |            |   36,290 |       |   39,367 | 
| Total gains and losses          |            | (11,408) |       |  (2,120) | 
| recognised since last financial |            |          |       |          | 
| statements                      |            |          |       |          | 
| Dividends paid                  |            |    (977) |       |    (957) | 
| At end of year                  |            |   23,905 |       |   36,290 | 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
All revenue and capital items in the above statement derive from continuing 
The total column represents the company's profit and loss account, the revenue 
and capital columns represent supplementary information. 
No operations were acquired or discontinued in the year. 
There were no recognised gains and losses other than as included in the income 
| Balance sheet     |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| as at 28th        |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| February 2008     |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
|                   |          Notes |         | 2009      |         | 2008      |         | 
|                   |                |         | GBP'000   |         | GBP'000   |         | 
| Fixed assets      |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Investments       |          8     |         |    22,826 |         |    34,206 |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Current assets    |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Debtors           |          9     |         |        72 |         |        52 |         | 
| Cash at bank and  |                |         |     1,051 |         |     2,071 |         | 
| in hand           |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |     2,123 |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Creditors:        |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| amounts falling   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| due within one    |          10    |         |      (44) |         |      (39) |         | 
| year              |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Net current       |                |         |     1,079 |         |     2,084 |         | 
| assets            |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Total assets less |                |         |    23,905 |         |    36,290 |         | 
| current           |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| liabilities       |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Capital and       |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| reserves          |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Called up share   |          13    |         |     2,005 |         |     2,005 |         | 
| capital           |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Capital reserve - |          12    |         |    19,954 |         |    32,526 |         | 
| realised          |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Capital reserve - | 12             |         |        81 |         |        86 |         | 
| unrealised        |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Revenue reserve   |          13    |         |     1,865 |         |     1,673 |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Total             |                |         |    23,905 |         |    36,290 |         | 
| shareholders'     |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| funds             |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
|                   |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Net asset value   |          14    |         |    238.48 |         |   362.04p |         | 
| per ordinary      |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
| share: Basic      |                |         |           |         |           |         | 
The financial statements were approved by the Board of directors on 2nd June 
2009 and were signed on its behalf by: 
P T Furlong Chairman 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
| Cash Flow   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Statement   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| for the     |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| year ended  |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| 28th        |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| February    |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| 2009        |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
|             |           Notes |         | 2009      |         | 2008      |         | 
|             |                 |         | GBP'000   |         | GBP'000   |         | 
| Operating   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| activities  |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Investment  |                 |         | 1,335     |         | 1,331     |         | 
| income      |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| received    |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Bank        |                 |         | 75        |         | 49        |         | 
| interest    |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| received    |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Expenses    |                 |         | (335)     |         | (397)     |         | 
| paid        |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
|             |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Net cash    |           16    |         | 1,075     |         | 983       |         | 
| inflow      |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| from        |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| operating   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| activities  |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
|             |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Financial   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| investment  |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Purchase    |                 |         | (11,539)  |         | (10,252)  |         | 
| of          |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| investments |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Disposals   |                 |         | 10,421    |         | 11,719    |         | 
| of          |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| investments |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
|             |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Cash        |                 |         | (1,118)   |         | 1467      |         | 
| inflow      |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| from        |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| financial   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| investment  |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
|             |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Equity      |                 |         | (977)     |         | (957)     |         | 
| dividends   |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| paid        |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
|             |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
| Increase    |           15    |         | (1,020)   |         | 1,493     |         | 
| in cash     |                 |         |           |         |           |         | 
The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 
  Notes to the Financial Statements 
1. Accounting policies 
A summary of the principal accounting policies is set out below which have 
remained unchanged from the preceding year. 
a) Basis of accounting 
The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, 
except for the measurement at fair value of investments. The financial 
statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable United Kingdom law 
and accounting standards (United Kingdom Generally Accepted Accounting Practice) 
and with the Statement of Recommended Practice: 'Financial Statements of 
Investment Trust Companies' (revised December 2005). 
b) Dividends 
Dividends declared during the year to the holders of the equity instruments are 
recognised in the financial statements. 
Dividends declared to the holders of the equity instruments after the balance 
sheet date are not recognised as a liability. 
The aggregate amount of equity dividends proposed before approval of the 
financial statements, which have not been shown as liabilities at the balance 
sheet date, are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Dividends 
are charged direct to equity. 
c) Valuation of investments 
Investments are classified at fair value through profit and loss upon initial 
recognition. Subsequent to initial recognition, investments are measured at fair 
value with changes in fair value recognised in the income statement. Quoted 
investments are valued at bid prices, as reported by the UK Listing Authority. 
Unquoted investments are valued by the Board, at the Board's estimate of fair 
value, by reference to the following valuation guidelines: Asset values, 
earnings, dividends and other relevant factors. 
Realised surpluses or deficits on the disposal of investments and permanent 
impairments in the value of investments are taken to capital reserve - realised, 
surpluses on revaluation of investments held on a recognised active market are 
taken to capital reserves - realised and unrealised surpluses and deficits on 
the revaluation of investments with no active market are taken to capital 
reserve - unrealised, as explained in note 1(h) below. Year end exchange rates 
are used to translate the value of investments which are denominated in foreign 
d) Income 
Dividends receivable on quoted equity shares are brought into account on the 
ex-dividend date. Dividends receivable on equity shares where no ex-dividend 
date is quoted are brought into account when the company's right to receive 
payment is established. Fixed returns on non-equity shares are recognised on a 
time apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield on the shares. 
Other returns on non-equity shares are recognised when the right to return is 
established. The fixed return on a debt security is recognised on a time 
apportionment basis so as to reflect the effective yield on the debt security. 
e) Expenses 
All expenses are accounted for on an accruals basis. Expenses are charged 
through the revenue account except as follows: 
 Expenses which are incidental to the disposal of an investment are deducted 
from the disposal proceeds of the investment. 
Expenses relating to investment management are allocated between capital and 
revenue in accordance with the Board's expected long-term split of returns, in 
the form of capital gains and income respectively, from the entire investment 
f) Taxation 
Investment income is shown excluding the related tax credit. 
The company has not provided deferred taxation on any capital gains and losses 
arising on the revaluation or disposal of investments due to the company's 
status as an Investment Trust Company. 
g) Foreign currency 
Transactions denominated in foreign currencies are recorded in the local 
currency at actual exchange rates as at the date of the transaction. Monetary 
assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the year end are 
reported at the rates of exchange prevailing at the year end. Any gain or loss 
arising from a change in exchange rates subsequent to the date of the 
transaction is included as an exchange gain or loss in the profit and loss 
account, allocated to the capital reserve or the revenue reserve depending on 
whether the gain or loss is of a capital or revenue nature respectively. 
h) Capital reserves 
Capital Reserve - Realised 
The following are accounted for in this reserve: 
Gains and losses on the realisation of investments ? Realised exchange 
differences of a capital nature ?  A proportion of the expenses relating to 
investment management as set out above   Permanent impairments in the value of 
investments below cost ? Distributions received deemed to be capital in nature ? 
Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held on an active market 
at the year end. 
Capital reserve - unrealised 
The following are accounted for in this reserve: 
  *  Increases and decreases in the valuation of investments held outside an active 
  market at the year end. 
  *  Unrealised exchange differences of a capital nature. 
i) Financial instruments 
Financial liabilities 
Financial liabilities and equity instruments are classified according to the 
substance of the contractual arrangements entered into. 
A financial liability exists where there is a contractual obligation to deliver 
cash or another financial asset to another entity, or to exchange financial 
assets or liabilities under potentially unfavourable conditions. Shares 
containing such obligations are classified as financial liabilities. An equity 
instrument is any contract that evidences a residual interest in the assets of 
the entity after deducting all of its financial liabilities. Dividends and 
distributions relating to equity instruments are debited direct to equity. 
Financial liabilities are obligations to pay cash or other financial assets and 
are recognised when the company becomes a party to the contractual provisions of 
the instrument. All financial liabilities are recorded initially at fair value, 
net of direct issue costs. Subsequently they are accounted for at amortised cost 
via the effective interest rate method. 
Financial assets 
Financial assets are divided into the following categories: loans and 
receivables and financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. Financial 
assets are assigned to the different categories by management on initial 
recognition, depending on the purpose for which they were acquired. The 
designation of financial assets is re-evaluated at every reporting date at which 
a choice of classification or accounting treatment is available. 
All financial assets are recognised when the company becomes a party to the 
contractual provisions of the instrument. Financial assets other than those 
categorised as at fair value through profit or loss are recognised at fair value 
plus transaction costs. Financial assets categorised as at fair value through 
profit or loss are recognised initially at fair value with transaction costs 
expensed through the profit and loss account. 
Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss represent investments 
designated by the entity as at fair value through profit or loss upon initial 
recognition. Subsequent to initial recognition, the financial assets included in 
this category are measured at fair value with changes in fair value recognised 
in the profit and loss account. Financial assets originally designated as 
financial assets at fair value through profit or loss may not be reclassified 
Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or 
determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. Debtors and cash 
are classified as loans and receivables. Loans and receivables are measured 
subsequent to initial recognition at amortised cost using the effective interest 
method, less provision for impairment. Any change in their value through 
impairment or reversal of impairment is recognised in the profit and loss 
An assessment for impairment is undertaken at least at each balance sheet date. 
2. Income 
2009    2008 
Income from investmentsGBP'000    GBP'000 
Franked investment income1,194    1,214 
Overseas dividends135    98 
Other income1,329    1,312 
Bank interest    77    50 
Total income1,406    1,362 
Total income comprises: 
Dividends1,329    1,312 
Interest    77    50 
Income from investments:1,406    1,362 
Listed UK1,189    1,210 
Listed overseas    135    98 
Unlisted5    4 
1,329    1,312 
  3. Expenses 
    2009    2008 
    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Secretarial and other services110    110 
Directors' remuneration (Note 4)49    46 
Investment management fees121    185 
Other professional fees    29    29 
Auditors' remuneration (net of VAT) for 
- audit26    28 
- other services pursuant to such legislation4    4 
- taxation1    1 
340    403 
4. Directors' remuneration 
The remuneration of the highest paid director amounted to GBP16,500 (2008: 
GBP16,000). During the year, there were no employees other than the directors, 
further details are set out in the Directors' remuneration report and details of 
related party transactions are provided in note 18. 
5. Taxation on ordinary activities 
    2009    2008 
Revenue CapitalTotal    Revenue Capital    Total 
GBP'000GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000GBP'000    GBP'000 
Current Taxation    _    _    _    _    _    _ 
The tax assessed for the period is lower than the standard rate of corporation 
tax in the UK of 21% (2008: 20%). 
  The differences are explained as follows: 
20092008GBP'000    GBP'000 
Revenue return on ordinary activities before tax1,1691,141 
Revenue return on ordinary activities multiplied by standard 
rate of corporation tax in the UK of 21%245    228 
Effect of: 
Franked investment income being exempt from taxation    (251)     (242) 
Tax relief on expenses allocated to capital    (22)    (36) 
Non-recognition of tax losses28    50 
Current tax charge for the year-    - 
At 28 February 2009 the Company had a potential deferred tax asset of GBP220,000 
(2008: GBP233,000) in respect of taxable losses which are available to be 
carried forward and offset against future taxable profits. A deferred tax asset 
has not been provided on these losses as it is considered unlikely that the 
Company will make suitable taxable revenue profits in excess of deductible 
expenses in future periods. 
As an investment trust, the Company's capital gains are not taxable and 
therefore the note above which reconciles the tax charge to the net return on 
ordinary activities does not include capital items. The potential deferred tax 
asset has been calculated using a corporation tax rate of 21% (2008: 20%). 
6. Dividends 
|           |        |       2009        |       2008        | 
|           |        | Revenue | Total   | Revenue | Total   | 
| Dividends |        | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | GBP'000 | 
| on equity |        |         |         |         |         | 
| shares    |        |         |         |         |         | 
| paid in   |        |         |         |         |         | 
| the year  |        |         |         |         |         | 
|           |        |         |         |         |         | 
| ordinary  |        | 386     | 386     | 386     | 386     | 
| -         |        |         |         |         |         | 
| interim   |        |         |         |         |         | 
| 2009      |        |         |         |         |         | 
| dividend  |        |         |         |         |         | 
| of 3.85p  |        |         |         |         |         | 
| per       |        |         |         |         |         | 
| share     |        |         |         |         |         | 
| (2008:    |        |         |         |         |         | 
| 3.85p)    |        |         |         |         |         | 
|           |        | 591     | 591     | 571     | 571     | 
| -         |        |         |         |         |         | 
| ordinary  |        |         |         |         |         | 
| - final   |        |         |         |         |         | 
| 2009      |        |         |         |         |         | 
| dividend  |        |         |         |         |         | 
| of 5.90p  |        |         |         |         |         | 
| per       |        |         |         |         |         | 
| share     |        |         |         |         |         | 
| (2008:    |        |         |         |         |         | 
| 5.70p)    |        |         |         |         |         | 
|           |        |         |         |         |         | 
|           |        | 977     | 977     | 957     | 957     | 
|           |        |                  2009                   |             2008              | 
|           |        | Revenue           | Total               | Revenue | Total               | 
| Dividends |        | GBP'000           | GBP'000             | GBP'000 | GBP'000             | 
| paid and  |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| proposed  |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| in the    |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| year:     |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| Interim   |        | 386    | 386                 |                        386386 | 
| - paid    |        |        |                     |                               | 
| in the    |        |        |                     |                               | 
| year      |        |        |                     |                               | 
|  (3.85p,  |        |        |                     |                               | 
| 2007:     |        |        |                     |                               | 
| 3.50p)    |        |        |                     |                               | 
| Final     |        | 616               | 616                 | 591     | 591                 | 
| -         |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| proposed  |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| (5.90p,   |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| 2007:     |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
| 5.70p)    |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
|           |        | 1,002             | 1,002               | 977     | 977                 | 
|           |        |                   |                     |         |                     | 
7. Return per ordinary share 
Basic revenue return per ordinary share is based on the revenue return on 
ordinary activities after taxation, and on 10,023,750 (2008: 10,023,750) 
ordinary shares. Basic capital return per ordinary share is based on capital 
return on ordinary activities after taxation, and on 10,023,750 (2008: 
10,023,750) ordinary shares. Basic total return per ordinary share is based on 
the sum of revenue return and capital return as defined above, and on 10,023,750 
(2008: 10,023,750) ordinary shares. Diluted returns equate to basic returns as 
there are no share options or other potentially dilutive ordinary shares. 
8. Investments 
2009    2008 
GBP'000    GBP'000 
Investments listed on a recognised investment exchange    22,743    34,118 
Unlisted investments    83    88 
    22,826    34,206 
|                     | UK      | UK Fixed   | Listed   | Listed   |          |          | 
|                     | Unit    | Interest   | Equities | Equities |          |          | 
|                     | Trusts  | Securities |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |         |            |  UK      | Overseas | Unlisted | Total    | 
|                     |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |GBP'000  |  GBP'000   | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | GBP'000  | 
| Opening book cost   |       - |          - |   24,129 |    2,832 |        2 |   26,963 | 
| Opening fair value  |       - |          - |    7,050 |      107 |       86 |    7,243 | 
| adjustment          |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Opening valuation   |       - |          - |   31,179 |    2,939 |       88 |   34,206 | 
|                     |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Movements in the    |   1,072 |        992 |    8,541 |      934 |        - |   11,539 | 
| year:               |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Purchases at cost   |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Sales               |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| - proceeds          |     (5) |          - |  (9,888) |    (528) |        - | (10,421) | 
| - realised          |       - |          - |  (1,587) |    (406) |        - |  (1,993) | 
| gains/(losses) on   |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| sales               |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| (Decrease)/Increase |      67 |       (62) |  (9,669) |    (879) |      (5) | (10,505) | 
| in fair value       |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Closing valuation   |   1,134 |        973 |   18,576 |    2,060 |       83 |   22,826 | 
|                     |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
| Closing book cost   |   1,067 |        992 |   21,195 |    2,832 |        2 |   26,088 | 
| Closing fair value  |      67 |       (19) |  (2,619) |    (772) |       81 |  (3,262) | 
| adjustment          |         |            |          |          |          |          | 
|                     |   1,134 |        973 |   18,576 |    2,060 |       83 |   22,826 | 
|                             |          |     | 2009      |          | 2008    | 
|                             |          |     | GBP'000   |          | GBP'000 | 
| Realised (losses)/gains on  |          |     |  (1,993)  |          |   2,371 | 
| sale of investments         |          |     |           |          |         | 
| Capital distributions       |          |     |    24     |          |      23 | 
| received                    |          |     |           |          |         | 
| Decrease in fair value      |          |     | (10,505   |          | (5,473) | 
|                             |          |     |           |          |         | 
| Losses on investments       |          |     |  (12,474) |          | (3,079) | 
|                             |          |     |           |          |         | 
|                             |          |     | 2009      |          | 2008    | 
| 9. Debtors                  |          |     | GBP'000   |          | GBP'000 | 
| Dividends due               |          |     |    68     |          |   50    | 
| Interest due                |          |     |    4      |          |    2    | 
|                             |          |     |    72     |          |   52    | 
|                             |          |     |           |          |         | 
|                             |          |     | 2009      |          | 2008    | 
| 10. Creditors               |          |     | GBP'000   |          | GBP'000 | 
| Sundry creditors and        |          |     |     44    |          |   39    | 
| accruals                    |          |     |           |          |         | 
11. Financial instruments and derivatives 
The holding of investments involves certain inherent risks. Events may occur 
that would result in either a reduction in the company's net assets or a 
reduction of revenue returns. Set out below are the principal risks inherent to 
the company's activities and the actions taken to manage those risks. The major 
risk arising from the company's financial instruments is market price risk. The 
Board reviews and agrees policies for reviewing these risks and these are 
summarised below. 
The carrying value of the Company's investments, debtors, cash at bank and 
current liabilities is considered to be a fair approximation of their fair 
Albany Investment Trust Plc had no defaults during the period in respect of 
Financial risk management 
(i) Market risk analysis 
Market price risk arises mainly from uncertainty about the future prices of the 
financial instruments used in the company's business. It represents the 
potential loss the company might suffer through holding market positions in the 
face of price movements and movements in exchange rates. The risk is monitored 
by the Board on a monthly basis and on a daily basis by the Investment Manager. 
95% of the company's net assets are invested in quoted equities. 
Investment value sensitivity 
The following table illustrates the sensitivity of the net result for the year 
to a resonably possible change in quoted equity valuations of +10% and -10% 
(2008: +10% and -10%), with effect from the beginning of the year. The 
calculations are based on Albany Investment Trust Plc's investments held at each 
balance sheet date. All other variables are held constant. 
2009    2009    2008    2008 
GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000    GBP'000 
+10%    -10%    +10%    -10% 
Net result for the year    +2274    -(2274)    +3,412    -(3,412) 
(ii) Credit risk analysis 
Albany Investment Trust Plc's management considers that all the above financial 
assets are not impaired for each of the reporting dates under review and are of 
good credit quality and no amounts are past due. Albany Investment Trust Plc's 
financial assets are not secured by collateral or other credit enhancements. 
(iii) Currency risk 
The company is exposed to translation foreign exchange risk as noted above under 
market risk. 
 (iv) Interest rate risk 
The company reviews the location and duration of its bank deposits to reduce the 
impact of interest rate fluctuations. 
(v) Credit risk 
The main credit risk arises from investment transactions with the companys' 
investment manager. Such transactions are normally settled within three days. 
(vi) Liquidity risk analysis 
The company seeks to manage financial risk, to ensure sufficient liquidity is 
available to meet foreseeable needs and to invest cash assets safely and 
profitability. Liquidity is ensured by the accumulation of investment income and 
controls over the timing of investment purchaes and sales. 
Albany Investment Trust Plc manages its liquidity needs by carefully monitoring 
the investment markets and disinvesting where necessary. Liquidity needs are 
monitored in various time bands, on a day to day and week to week basis, as well 
as on the basis of a rolling 30 day projection. Long-term liquidity needs for a 
180 day and a 360 day lookout period are identified monthly. 
Albany Investment Trust Plc maintains cash to meet its liquidity requirements 
for up to 30 day periods. Funding in regards to long term liquidity needs is 
additionally secured by realising investments. 
Albany Investment Trust Plc holds bank deposits with a limited number of 
financial institutions. 
| Assets      |             |           |         | 
| as 28       |             |           |         | 
| February    |             |           |         | 
| 2009        |             |           |         | 
|             |    Loans    |Financial  |  Total  | 
|             |    and      |assets at  |         | 
|             |receivables  |   fair    |         | 
|             |             |  value    |         | 
|             |             |  through  |         | 
|             |             |profit or  |         | 
|             |             |   loss    |         | 
|             |   GBP'000   |  GBP'000  |GBP'000  | 
| Investments |           - |    22,826 |  22,826 | 
| Debtors     |          72 |         - |      72 | 
| Cash        |       1,051 |         - |   1,051 | 
| in          |             |           |         | 
| bank        |             |           |         | 
| and in      |             |           |         | 
| hand        |             |           |         | 
|             |       1,123 |    22,826 |  23,949 | 
|             |             |           |         | 
| Assets      |             |           |         | 
| as 29       |             |           |         | 
| February    |             |           |         | 
| 2008        |             |           |         | 
|             |    Loans    |Financial  |  Total  | 
|             |    and      |assets at  |         | 
|             |receivables  |   fair    |         | 
|             |             |  value    |         | 
|             |             |  through  |         | 
|             |             |profit or  |         | 
|             |             |   loss    |         | 
|             |  GBP'000    | GBP'000   |GBP'000  | 
| Investments |           - |    34,206 |  34,206 | 
| Debtors     |          52 |         - |      52 | 
| Cash        |       2,071 |         - |   2,071 | 
| in          |             |           |         | 
| bank        |             |           |         | 
| and in      |             |           |         | 
| hand        |             |           |         | 
|             |        ,123 |    34,206 |  36,329 | 
At 29 February 2008, Albany Investment Trust Plc's liabilities have contractual 
maturities which are summarised below: 
|          | Current | Current | 
|          | with 6  | with 6  | 
|          | months  | months  | 
|          |  2009   |  2008   | 
|          |GBP'000  |GBP'000  | 
| Accrued  |   44    |   39    | 
| expenses |         |         | 
The above contractual maturities reflect the gross undiscounted cash flows, 
which are equivalent to the carrying values of the liabilities at the balance 
sheet date. 
Significant accounting policies 
Details of the significant accounting policies and methods adopted, including 
the criteria for recognition, the basis of measurement and the basis on which 
income and expenses are recognised, in respect of each class of financial asset, 
financial liability and equity instrument are disclosed in the accounting 
|                        |        | Capital  |     | Capital    |      | Revenue | 
|                        |        | reserve  |     | reserve    |      |         | 
|                        |        | -        |     | -          |      | reserve | 
|                        |        | realised |     | unrealised |      |         | 
| 12. Reserves           |        | GBP'000  |     | GBP'000    |      | GBP'000 | 
| At beginning of year   |        |   32,526 |     | 86         |      |   1,673 | 
| Net loss on            |        |  (1,993) |     | -          |      |       - | 
| realisation of         |        |          |     |            |      |         | 
| investments            |        |          |     |            |      |         | 
| Expenses allocated to  |        |    (103) |     | -          |      |       - | 
| capital reserve        |        |          |     |            |      |         | 
| Capital distributions  |        |       24 |     | -          |      |       - | 
| received               |        |          |     |            |      |         | 
| Decrease in fair value |        | (10,500) |     | (5)        |      |       - | 
| Net revenue for the    |        |        - |     | -          |      |   1,169 | 
| year after tax         |        |          |     |            |      |         | 
| Dividends paid in the  |        |        - |     | -          |      |   (977) | 
| year                   |        |          |     |            |      |         | 
| At end of year         |        |   19,954 |     | 81         |      |   1,865 | 
The balance on the revenue reserve represents the company's distributable 
reserves. The directors have proposed a final dividend for the year of 
| 13. Called-up share capital |          |       | 2009    |           | 2008    | 
| Authorised:                 |          |       | GBP'000 |           | GBP'000 | 
| 10,500,000 ordinary shares  |          |       | 2,100   |           | 2,100   | 
| of 20p each                 |          |       |         |           |         | 
|                             |          |       |         |           |         | 
| Allotted, called-up and     |          |       |         |           |         | 
| fully-paid:                 |          |       |         |           |         | 
| 10,023,750 ordinary shares  |          |       | 2,005   |           | 2,005   | 
| of 20p each                 |          |       |         |           |         | 
|                             |          |       |         |           |         | 
|                             |          |       |         |           |         | 
Dividends - The ordinary shares carry a right to receive dividends. Interim 
dividends are determined by the Directors, whereas the proposed final dividend 
is subject to shareholder approval. 
Capital entitlement - On winding up, after meeting the liabilities of the 
Company, the surplus assets will be paid to ordinary shareholders in proportion 
to their shareholdings. 
Voting - on a show of hands, every ordinary shareholder present in person or by 
proxy has one vote and on a poll every ordinary shareholder present in person 
has one vote for every share he/she holds and a proxy has one vote for every 
share in respect of which he/she is appointed. 
14. Net asset value per share 
The net asset value per share and the net asset values attributable to each 
class of share at the year end calculated in accordance with the Articles of 
Association were as follows: 
|                     | Net asset      |          | Net          |         |       |      | 
|                     | value          |          | asset        |         |       |      | 
|                     | Per share      |          | value        |         |       |      | 
|                     | attributable   |          | attributable |         |       |      | 
|                     | 2009           | 2008     | 2009         | 2008    |       |      | 
|                     |                |          | GBP'000      |         |       |      | 
|                     |                |          |              | GBP'000 |       |      | 
|                     | 238.48p        | 362.04p  |    23,905    | 36,290  |       |      | 
|                     |                |          |              |         |       |      | 
|                     |                |          |              |         |       |      | 
Basic net asset value per ordinary share is based on net assets and on 
10,023,750 (2007: 10,023,750) ordinary shares. 
15. Analysis of changes in net funds during the year 
2009    2008 
    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Beginning of year    2,071    578 
Net cash (outflow)/inflow    (1,020)    1,493 
End of year1,051    2,071 
Analysis of balances: 
Cash at bank and in hand    1,051    2,071 
16. Reconciliation of net total return on ordinary activities before taxation to 
net cash inflow from operating activities 
    2009    2008 
    GBP'000    GBP'000 
Net total return on ordinary activities before taxation    (11,408)(2,120) 
Add: Realised losses/(gains) on sale of investments1,993    (2,371) 
Add: Fair value movements10,505    5,473 
Increase in debtors    (20)    (5) 
Increase in sundry creditors and accruals    5    6 
Net cash inflow from operating activities    1,075    983 
17. Contingent liabilities 
The company did not have any contingent liabilities at 28th February 2009 or 
29th February 2008. 
18. Related party transactions 
The directors have delegated day-to-day investment decisions to Rathbone 
Investment Management Limited (RIM). 
The appointment is for an indefinite period, subject to six months' notice by 
either party. RIM also provide administration services for the company. A 
management fee is payable of 0.7% per annum on the first GBP35m of the total 
value of investments and cash held within the portfolio and 0.5% thereafter, as 
well as a commission of GBP10 charged on acquisitions and disposals of 
investments. RIM is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rathbone Bros Plc, a listed 
FTSE 250 company, specialising in investment management for companies, private 
clients, trusts and pensions. Rathbone is regulated by the FSA and more details 
can be found on its website www.rathbones.com. 
Fees of GBP150,339 (2008: GBP290,575) were payable to RIM during the year and 
are made up as follows: 
    2009    2008 
GBP'000    GBP'000 
Investment management fees121    185 
Administration fees29    32 
Dealing commission - sales    -    40 
- purchases    -    34 
VAT refunded(82)    - 
    68    291 
In June 2007 the European Court of Justice ruled that investment trust 
management fees should be exempt from VAT and this decision has now been 
accepted by HM Revenue and Customs. The result of this decision is that future 
management fees will not be subject to VAT and the Company has recovered some of 
the VAT incurred on past management fees. 
19. Capital management policies and procedures 
The company's capital management objectives are: 
To ensure the company's ability to continue as a going concern 
To provide an adequate return to shareholders by investing in an appropriate 
portfolio of listed entities 
The company's equity base is largely fixed and therefore capital is sourced 
through retained earnings and investment disposals. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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