Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. (NYSE: TOO) -


- Generated distributable cash flow of $9.0 million in the second quarter of 2009, down from $10.0 million in the previous quarter.

- Declared and paid cash distribution of $0.45 per unit for the second quarter of 2009.

- Completed follow-on public equity offering in August 2009, raising $104.3 million in net proceeds used to repay drawn revolver debt and for general corporate purposes.

- Received a formal offer from Teekay Corporation to acquire the Petrojarl Varg FPSO unit and associated fixed-rate contract.

Teekay Offshore GP LLC, the general partner of Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. (Teekay Offshore or the Partnership) (NYSE: TOO) today reported its results for the quarter ended June 30, 2009. During the second quarter, the Partnership generated distributable cash flow(1) of $9.0 million, a decrease from $10.0 million in the quarter ended March 31, 2009, primarily as a result of lower shuttle tanker utilization, partially offset by decreases in operating expenses and time-charter hire expense in the second quarter of 2009 as compared to the previous quarter.

(1) Distributable cash flow is a non-GAAP financial measure used by certain investors to measure the financial performance of the Partnership and other master limited partnerships. Please see Appendix B for a reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.

On July 23, 2009, the Partnership declared a cash distribution of $0.45 per unit for quarter ended June 30, 2009. The cash distribution was paid on August 14, 2009, to all unitholders of record on July 29, 2009.

"Consistent with our previous guidance, the Partnership's second quarter 2009 results were affected by several factors which reduced income from vessel operations and distributable cash flow for the quarter," commented Peter Evensen, Chief Executive Officer of Teekay Offshore GP LLC. "These include costs related to higher than anticipated operating expenses primarily related to our North Sea shuttle tanker operations, restructuring costs associated with the re-flagging of certain of our shuttle tankers, lower shuttle tanker utilization as a result of reduced oil production and seasonal field maintenance, and reduced revenues due to start-up delays at some of the new North Sea fields." Mr. Evensen added, "We continue to make progress on re-flagging and other initiatives as demonstrated by our lower operating expenses in the second quarter, compared to the previous quarter, and we are still targeting further reductions. In addition, proceeds from our recently completed follow-on equity offering have resulted in a stronger balance sheet and increased liquidity which could be utilized by the Partnership to make future accretive acquisitions. We are excited about the recent offer from our sponsor, Teekay Corporation, for us to acquire the Petrojarl Varg FPSO. The offer is currently under review by our Conflicts Committee and we expect to be in a position to respond within the coming weeks."

Teekay Offshore's Fleet

The following table summarizes Teekay Offshore's fleet, including vessels owned by OPCO, as of August 31, 2009:

                                                  Number of Vessels
                                             Owned  Chartered-in
                                           Vessels       Vessels      Total
Shuttle Tanker Segment                        27(i)            8         35
Conventional Tanker Segment                     11             -         11
FSO Segment                                      5             -          5
Total                                           43             8         51
(i) Includes five shuttle tankers in which OPCO's ownership interest is 50%
    and two shuttle tankers directly owned by Teekay Offshore, of which one
    is 50% owned.

Future Growth Opportunities

Pursuant to an Omnibus Agreement that Teekay Offshore entered into in connection with its initial public offering in December 2006, Teekay Corporation (Teekay) is obligated to offer to the Partnership its interest in certain shuttle tankers, Floating Storage and Offloading units (FSO) and Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) units and joint ventures it may acquire in the future, provided the vessels are servicing contracts in excess of three years in length. Teekay Offshore also may acquire additional limited partner interests in OPCO or vessels that Teekay may offer the Partnership from time to time in the future.

Shuttle Tankers

Teekay has ordered four Aframax shuttle tanker newbuildings that are scheduled to deliver in 2010 and 2011, for a total delivered cost of approximately $460 million. Teekay Offshore anticipates that these vessels will be offered to the Partnership pursuant to the Omnibus Agreement and will be used to service either new long-term, fixed-rate contracts Teekay may be awarded prior to the vessel deliveries or OPCO's contracts-of-affreightment in the North Sea.

FSO Unit

Teekay has recently entered into a fixed-rate FSO contract with a major oil company, which will involve converting one of its existing shuttle tankers to an FSO unit. The conversion is expected to be completed in December 2009 at which time it will commence its charter based in the Qatar offshore region for an initial contracted duration of 7.5 years (plus extension options). Under the Omnibus Agreement, Teekay is obligated to offer its interest in this FSO project to the Partnership within one year after the commencement of the charter.

FPSO Units

On July 9, 2008, Teekay completed the acquisition of the remaining 35.3 percent of Teekay Petrojarl ASA (Teekay Petrojarl) it did not previously own. Teekay Petrojarl is a leading operator of FPSO units, with four units operating in the North Sea and one unit operating in Brazil.

In late-August 2009, Teekay made a formal offer to sell one of these FPSO units, the Petrojarl Varg, to Teekay Offshore, which is currently being reviewed by the Board of Directors of Teekay Offshore's General Partner and its Conflicts Committee.

In addition, prior to July 9, 2010, Teekay Offshore has the right to acquire Teekay's existing FPSO units that are servicing contracts in excess of three years in length.

Teekay's Remaining Interest in OPCO

Teekay may offer to Teekay Offshore additional limited partner interests in OPCO that Teekay owns. Teekay currently owns 49 percent of OPCO and Teekay Offshore owns the remaining 51 percent.

Financial Summary

The Partnership reported adjusted net income attributable to the partners(1) (as detailed in Appendix A to this release) of $7.0 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2009, compared to $7.5 million for the previous quarter. Adjusted net income attributable to the partners excludes a number of specific items which had the net effect of increasing net income by $26.5 million and $9.5 million for the quarters ended June 30, 2009 and March 31, 2009, respectively, as detailed in Appendix A. Including these items, the Partnership reported net income attributable to the partners of $33.5 million(3), on a GAAP basis, for the second quarter of 2009, compared to $16.9 million(3), for the previous quarter. Net voyage revenues(2) for the second quarter of 2009 decreased to $150.8 million from $158.6 million for the previous quarter.

(1) Adjusted net income attributable to the partners is a non-GAAP financial measure. Please refer to Appendix A to the Consolidated Statements of Income included in this release for a reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure to the most directly comparable financial measure under United States generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and information about specific items affecting net income which are typically excluded by securities analysts in their published estimates of the Partnership's financial results.

(2) Net voyage revenues represents voyage revenues less voyage expenses, which comprise all expenses relating to certain voyages, including bunker fuel expenses, port fees, canal tolls and brokerage commissions. Net voyage revenues is a non-GAAP financial measure used by certain investors to measure the financial performance of shipping companies. Please see the Partnership's web site at www.teekayoffshore.com for a reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure as used in this release to the most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.

(3) Commencing in 2009, and applied retroactively in accordance with SFAS 160, the Partnership's GAAP net income is presented before non-controlling interest on the Statements of Income. Net income attributable to Partners represents the net income attributable to the limited partners and general partner of Teekay Offshore.

For accounting purposes, the Partnership is required to recognize the changes in the fair value of certain derivative instruments, as unrealized gains or losses, through the statements of income. This revaluation does not affect the economics of any hedging transactions or have any impact on the Partnership's actual cash flows or the calculation of its distributable cash flow.

Operating Results

The following table highlights certain financial information for Teekay Offshore's three main segments: the shuttle tanker segment, the conventional tanker segment, and the FSO segment (please refer to the "Teekay Offshore's Fleet" section of this release above and Appendix C for further details).

                                         Three Months Ended
                                           June 30, 2009

                              Shuttle  Conventional
(in thousands of               Tanker        Tanker         FSO
U.S. dollars)                 Segment       Segment     Segment       Total
Net voyage revenues           109,860        25,043      15,888     150,791

Vessel operating
 expenses(i)                   34,737         5,942       6,257      46,936
Time-charter hire
 expense                       29,144             -           -      29,144
Depreciation and
 amortization                  23,185         5,984       5,419      34,588

Cash flow from
 vessel operations(ii)         31,833        17,818       8,611      58,262

                                         Three Months Ended
                                           March 31, 2009

                              Shuttle  Conventional
(in thousands of               Tanker        Tanker         FSO
U.S. dollars)                 Segment       Segment     Segment       Total
Net voyage revenues           119,897        23,862      14,853     158,612

Vessel operating
 expenses(i)                   39,522         5,390       5,822      50,734
Time-charter hire
 expense                       32,145             -           -      32,145
Depreciation and
 amortization                  23,155         5,974       5,402      34,531

Cash flow from
 vessel operations(ii)         31,404        17,038       8,591      57,033
(i)  Commencing in the quarter ended March 31, 2009 and applied
     retroactively, the gains and losses related to non-designated
     derivative instruments have been reclassified to a separate line
     item in the Consolidated Statements of Income and are no longer
     included in the amounts above.
(ii) Cash flow from vessel operations represents income from vessel
     operations before depreciation and amortization expense and
     amortization of deferred gains, and includes the realized gains
     (losses) on the settlements of foreign currency exchange forward
     contracts. Cash flow from vessel operations is a non-GAAP financial
     measure used by certain investors to measure the financial
     performance of shipping companies. Please see the Partnership's web
     site at www.teekayoffshore.com for a reconciliation of this non-GAAP
     measure as used in this release to the most directly comparable GAAP
     financial measure.

Shuttle Tanker Segment

Cash flow from vessel operations from the Partnership's shuttle tanker segment was consistent with the previous quarter, increasing slightly to $31.8 million for the second quarter of 2009, compared to $31.4 million for the previous quarter, primarily due to decreases in vessel operating expenses and time charter hire expense. This was partially offset by a decrease in net voyage revenues resulting from lower shuttle tanker utilization due to reduced oil production, seasonal maintenance of oil fields and start-up delays at certain new North Sea oil fields.

Conventional Tanker Segment

Cash flow from vessel operations from the Partnership's conventional tanker segment increased slightly to $17.8 million in the second quarter of 2009 from $17.0 million in the first quarter of 2009.

FSO Segment

Cash flow from vessel operations from the Partnership's FSO segment was unchanged at $8.6 million for the second and first quarters of 2009.

Follow-on Equity Offering and Liquidity

On August 4, 2009, the Partnership completed a follow-on equity offering for a total of 7.475 million common units (including underwriters' overallotment option which was exercised in full), generating net proceeds of $104.3 million. Proceeds from the offering were used to repay amounts drawn under one of the Partnership's revolving credit facilities and for general corporate purposes.

As of June 30, 2009, the Partnership had total liquidity of $242.6 million, which consisted of $97.3 million in cash and cash equivalents and $145.3 million in undrawn revolving credit facilities. This excludes the $104.3 million in net proceeds from the equity offering completed in August 2009.

About Teekay Offshore Partners L.P.

Teekay Offshore Partners L.P., a publicly-traded master limited partnership formed by Teekay Corporation (NYSE: TK), is an international provider of marine transportation and storage services to the offshore oil industry. Teekay Offshore owns a 51 percent interest in and controls Teekay Offshore Operating L.P., a Marshall Islands limited partnership with a fleet of 33 shuttle tankers (including eight chartered-in vessels), four FSO units, nine double-hull conventional oil tankers and two lightering vessels. In addition, Teekay Offshore has direct ownership interests in two shuttle tankers and one FSO unit. Teekay Offshore also has rights to participate in certain FPSO opportunities.

Teekay Offshore's common units trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol "TOO".


(in thousands of U.S. dollars, except unit data)


                            Three Months Ended            Six Months Ended

                    June 30,   March 31,    June 30,    June 30,    June 30,
                       2009        2009        2008        2009        2008
                 (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited) (unaudited)

VOYAGE REVENUES     173,020     183,425     224,484     356,445     429,416

Voyage expenses      22,229      24,813      59,811      47,042     111,188
Vessel operating
 expenses(1)         46,936      50,734      45,768      97,670      87,699
 hire expense        29,144      32,145      32,262      61,289      65,908
Depreciation and
 amortization        34,588      34,531      36,447      69,119      69,359
General and
 (1)                 13,351      11,922      15,778      25,273      31,604
 charge(2)            1,481       2,201           -       3,682           -
                    147,729     156,346     190,066     304,075     365,758
Income from
 operations          25,291      27,079      34,418      52,370      63,658
Interest expense     (9,089)    (10,568)    (15,658)    (19,657)    (36,924)
Interest income         128         826       1,051         954       2,300
Realized and
 unrealized gain
 (loss) on
 instruments (3)     44,256      17,584      39,166      61,840      (6,249)
Foreign exchange
 loss (1)            (1,353)     (2,248)     (1,110)     (3,601)     (3,573)
Income tax
 (expense)            3,037      (4,138)      6,826      (1,101)      5,913
Other income -
 net                  1,910       3,081       3,030       4,991       6,372
Net income           64,180      31,616      67,723      95,796      31,497
Net income
 attributable to:
   interests (4)     30,715      14,676      42,498      45,391      19,021
   Predecessor            -           -         848           -       1,333
  Partners           33,465      16,940      24,377      50,405      11,143
 partners' units
 number of common
 - Basic and
 diluted         20,425,000  20,425,000  11,151,648  20,425,000  10,475,824
 number of
 - Basic and
 diluted          9,800,000   9,800,000   9,800,000   9,800,000   9,800,000
 number of total
 - Basic and
 diluted         30,225,000  30,225,000  20,951,648  30,225,000  20,275,824
(1) The Partnership has entered into foreign exchange forward contracts,
    which are economic hedges of vessel operating expenses and general and
    administrative expenses. Certain of these forward contracts have been
    designated as cash flow hedges pursuant to United States generally
    accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Unrealized gains and losses
    arising from hedge ineffectiveness from such forward contracts are
    reflected in vessel operating expenses, general and administrative
    expenses, and foreign exchange gains (losses) in the above Statements
    of Income as detailed in the table below:

                                   Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended

                              June 30, March 31, June 30,  June 30, June 30,
                                 2009      2009     2008      2009     2008
    Vessel operating expenses     716       735      246     1,451     (199)
    General and administrative    516     1,202       91     1,718     (140)
    Foreign exchange loss           -         -     (443)        -        8

(2) Restructuring charges were incurred in connection with the re-flagging
    of certain of the Partnership's vessels, which will result in lower
    future crewing costs. The Partnership expects to incur an additional
    $0.7 million in similar restructuring charges in the second half of

(3) Commencing in the three months ended March 31, 2009, and applied
    retroactively, the realized and unrealized gains and losses related to
    derivative instruments that are not designated as hedges for accounting
    purposes have been reclassified to a separate line item in the
    statements of income. The realized gains (losses) relate to the amounts
    the Partnership actually paid to settle such derivative instruments and
    the unrealized gains (losses) relate to the change in fair value of such
    derivative instruments as detailed in the table below:

                                   Three Months Ended      Six Months Ended

                       June 30,   March 31,   June 30,   June 30,   June 30,
                          2009        2009       2008       2009       2008
     (losses) gains
     relating to:
       Interest rate
        swaps           (9,196)     (8,459)    (3,141)   (17,656)    (3,681)
        contract          (679)     (2,934)        44     (3,612)        44
                        (9,875)    (11,393)    (3,097)   (21,268)    (3,637)
    Unrealized gains
     relating to:
       Interest rate
        swaps           52,931      26,626     41,952     79,557     (3,431)
        contracts        1,200       2,351        311      3,551        819
                        54,131      28,977     42,263     83,108     (2,612)
    Total realized
     and unrealized
     gains (losses)
     on non
     instruments        44,256      17,584     39,166     61,840     (6,249)

(4) Commencing in 2009, and applied retroactively in accordance with SFAS
    160, net income includes the net income attributable to non-controlling


(in thousands of U.S. dollars)


                                            As at        As at        As at
                                             June        March     December
                                         30, 2009     31, 2009     31, 2008
                                       (unaudited)  (unaudited)  (unaudited)
Cash and cash equivalents                  97,290      147,837      131,488
Other current assets                       98,635       92,675      100,470
Vessels and equipment                   1,658,129    1,680,279    1,708,006
Other assets                               56,211       61,260       67,725
Intangible assets                          40,761       43,026       45,290
Goodwill                                  127,113      127,113      127,113
Total Assets                            2,078,139    2,152,190    2,180,092
Accounts payable and accrued
 liabilities                               49,955       57,944       54,368
Other current liabilities                  51,479       33,921       29,734
Current portion of long-term debt          85,417      118,598      125,503
Current portion of derivative
 instruments                               41,168       48,815       54,937
Long-term debt                          1,407,103    1,435,656    1,440,933
Other long-term liabilities                82,235      143,801      172,368
  Non-controlling interest                228,520      206,102      201,383
  Partners' equity                        132,262      107,353      100,866
Total Liabilities and Equity            2,078,139    2,152,190    2,180,092


(in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                                        Six Months Ended
                                                            June 30,
                                                          2009         2008
                                                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)
Cash and cash equivalents provided by (used for)
Net operating cash flow                                 92,735      102,227

Proceeds from issuance of long-term debt                     -      111,338
Scheduled repayments of long-term debt                 (18,917)     (14,298)
Prepayments of long-term debt                          (55,000)     (41,000)
Net advances to affiliates                                   -      (46,544)
Prepayments of joint venture partner advances           (2,237)           -
Proceeds from equity offering                                -      209,184
Expenses from equity offering                              (12)      (5,431)
Distribution to Teekay Corporation relating to
 purchase of SPT  Explorer L.L.C. and SPT
 Navigator L.L.C.                                            -      (16,661)
Excess of purchase price over the contributed
 basis of a 25% interest in Teekay Offshore
 Operating L.P.                                              -      (93,782)
Cash distributions paid                                (56,096)     (62,788)
Other                                                     (644)      (1,319)
Net financing cash flow                               (132,906)      38,699

Expenditures for vessels and equipment                  (5,227)     (49,055)
Investment in direct financing lease assets                  -          (29)
Direct financing lease payments received                11,200       11,701
Purchase of 25% interest in Teekay Offshore
 Operating L.P.                                              -     (111,746)
Net investing cash flow                                  5,973     (149,129)

Decrease in cash and cash equivalents                  (34,198)      (8,203)
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of the period     131,488      121,224
Cash and cash equivalents, end of the period            97,290      113,021



(in thousands of U.S. dollars)

Set forth below is a reconciliation of the Partnership's unaudited adjusted net income attributable to the partners, a non-GAAP financial measure, to net income as determined in accordance with GAAP, adjusted for some of the significant items of income and expense that affected the Partnership's net income for the three months ended June 30, 2009 and March 31, 2009, all of which items are typically excluded by securities analysts in their published estimates of the Partnership's financial results:

                                                         Three        Three
                                                        Months       Months
                                                         Ended        Ended
                                                          June        March
                                                      30, 2009     31, 2009
                                                    (unaudited)  (unaudited)
Net income - GAAP basis                                 64,180       31,616
  Net income attributable to non-controlling
   interests                                           (30,715)     (14,676)
Net income attributable to the partners                 33,465       16,940
Add (subtract) specific items affecting net
  Restructuring charges (1)                              1,481        2,201
  Foreign currency exchange losses (2)                     121          311
  Deferred income tax expense relating to
   unrealized foreign exchange gains (3)                 1,904        8,364
  Unrealized gains on derivative instruments (4)       (54,131)     (28,977)
  Non-controlling interests' share of
  items above (5)                                       24,116        8,628
Total adjustments                                      (26,509)      (9,473)
Adjusted net income attributable to the partners         6,956        7,467

(1) Restructuring charges were incurred in connection with the re-flagging
    of certain of the Partnership's vessels, which will result in lower
    future crewing costs.
(2) Foreign currency exchange gains (losses) primarily relate to the
    Partnership's revaluation of all foreign currency-denominated monetary
    assets and liabilities based on the prevailing exchange rate at the end
    of each reporting period and also includes the unrealized gains and
    losses, arising from hedge ineffectiveness, from foreign exchange
    forward contracts that are or have been designated as hedges for
    accounting purposes.
(3) Portion of deferred income tax expense related to unrealized foreign
    exchange gains and losses.
(4) Reflects the unrealized gain or loss due to changes in the
    mark-to-market value of derivative instruments that are not designated
    as hedges for accounting purposes.
(5) Primarily relates to Teekay's non-controlling interest share of the
    items noted above.



(in thousands of U.S. dollars)

Description of Non-GAAP Financial Measure - Distributable Cash Flow (DCF)

Distributable cash flow represents net income adjusted for depreciation and amortization expense, non-controlling interest, non-cash items, estimated maintenance capital expenditures, gains and losses on vessel sales, unrealized gains and losses from derivatives, non-cash income taxes and unrealized foreign exchange related items. Maintenance capital expenditures represent those capital expenditures required to maintain over the long-term the operating capacity of, or the revenue generated by, the Partnership's capital assets. Distributable cash flow is a quantitative standard used in the publicly-traded partnership investment community to assist in evaluating a partnership's ability to make quarterly cash distributions. Distributable cash flow is not defined by United States generally accepted accounting principles and should not be considered as an alternative to net income or any other indicator of the Partnership's performance required by United States generally accepted accounting principles. The table below reconciles distributable cash flow to net income.

                                                         Three Months Ended
                                                              June 30, 2009

Net income                                                           64,180
  Depreciation and amortization                                      34,588

  Income tax recovery                                                (3,158)
  Foreign exchange and other, net                                      (525)
  Unrealized gains on non-designated derivative instruments         (54,131)
  Estimated maintenance capital expenditures                        (20,288)
Distributable Cash Flow before Non-Controlling Interest              20,666
  Non-controlling interests' share of DCF                           (11,630)
Distributable Cash Flow                                               9,036



(in thousands of U.S. dollars)

                                   Three Months Ended June 30, 2009

                              Shuttle  Conventional
                               Tanker        Tanker         FSO
                              Segment       Segment     Segment       Total
Net voyage revenues (1)       109,860        25,043      15,888     150,791
Vessel operating
 expenses(2)                   34,737         5,942       6,257      46,936
Time-charter hire
 expense                       29,144             -           -      29,144
Depreciation and
 amortization                  23,185         5,984       5,419      34,588
General and
 administrative(2)             11,048         1,283       1,020      13,351
Restructuring charges           1,481             -           -       1,481
Income from vessel
 operations                    10,265        11,834       3,192      25,291

                                  Three Months Ended March 31, 2009

                              Shuttle  Conventional
                               Tanker        Tanker         FSO
                              Segment       Segment     Segment       Total
Net voyage revenues (1)       119,897        23,862      14,853     158,612
Vessel operating
 expenses(2)                   39,522         5,390       5,822      50,734
Time-charter hire
 expense                       32,145             -           -      32,145
Depreciation and
 amortization                  23,155         5,974       5,402      34,531
General and
 administrative(2)             10,048         1,434         440      11,922
Restructuring charges           2,201             -           -       2,201
Income from vessel
 operations                    12,826        11,064       3,189      27,079

(1) Net voyage revenues represents voyage revenues less voyage expenses,
    which comprise all expenses relating to certain voyages, including
    bunker fuel expenses, port fees, canal tolls and brokerage commissions.
    Net voyage revenues is a non-GAAP financial measure used by certain
    investors to measure the financial performance of shipping companies.
    Please see the Partnership's web site at www.teekayoffshore.com for a
    reconciliation of this non-GAAP measure as used in this release to the
    most directly comparable GAAP financial measure.
(2) Commencing in the quarter ended March 31, 2009, and applied
    retroactively, the gains and losses related to derivative instruments
    that are not designated as hedges for accounting purposes have been
    reclassified to a separate line item in the Statements of Income and
    are no longer included in the amounts above.


This release contains forward-looking statements (as defined in Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended) which reflect management's current views with respect to certain future events and performance, including statements regarding: the impact on the Partnership's operating expenses due to the re-flagging of certain shuttle tankers and other cost management initiatives; the impact on the Partnership's shuttle tanker fleet utilization as a result of reduced oil production, seasonal maintenance on certain North Sea oil facilities and start-up delays on certain North Sea oil fields; the Partnership's future growth prospects; the potential for Teekay to offer up to four Aframax shuttle tanker newbuildings either with new long-term fixed-rate contracts, or to service the contracts-of-affreightment in the North Sea; Teekay's recent offer to sell the Petrojarl Varg FPSO unit to the Partnership and the potential for Teekay to offer Teekay Petrojarl's other existing FPSO units, and the expected accretion to the Partnership's distributable cash flow from such FPSO acquisitions; the timing and certainty of the Partnership's acceptance, or election, to acquire the FPSOs and FSO from Teekay; the potential for Teekay to secure future FPSO projects; the potential for Teekay to offer to Teekay Offshore additional limited partner interests in OPCO; and the Partnership's exposure to foreign currency fluctuations.

The following factors are among those that could cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements, which involve risks and uncertainties, and that should be considered in evaluating any such statement: changes in production of offshore oil, either generally or in particular regions; changes in trading patterns significantly affecting overall vessel tonnage requirements; changes in applicable industry laws and regulations and the timing of implementation of new laws and regulations; the potential for early termination of long-term contracts and inability of the Partnership or OPCO to renew or replace long-term contracts; higher than expected increases in vessel operating expenses; the failure of Teekay to offer additional assets to Teekay Offshore; required approvals by the Conflicts Committee of Teekay Offshore's General Partner to acquire assets from Teekay, including the Petrojarl Varg FPSO; the Partnership's ability to raise financing to purchase additional vessels and/or interests in OPCO; changes to the amount or proportion of revenues, expenses, or debt service costs denominated in foreign currencies; and other factors discussed in Teekay Offshore's filings from time to time with the SEC, including its Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008. The Partnership expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements contained herein to reflect any change in the Partnership's expectations with respect thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

Contacts: Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. Kent Alekson Investor Relations +1 (604) 609-6442 Teekay Offshore Partners L.P. Nicole Breuls Media Enquiries +1 (604) 844-6631 www.teekayoffshore.com

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