How do I vote by proxy?
If your shares
are held in your name, you may vote by proxy as follows:
Vote by Telephone
Please call toll-free from the U.S. or Canada the
phone number listed on your proxy card and follow the simple instructions provided. You will be required to provide the unique control number printed on your proxy card.
Vote by Internet
Please access the website linked on your proxy card and follow the simple instructions provided. Please note you
must type an s after http. You will be required to provide the unique control number printed on your proxy card.
You may vote by telephone or Internet 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your telephone or Internet vote authorizes the named proxies to vote your
shares in the same manner as if you had executed a proxy card.
Vote by Mail
If you do not have access to a touch-tone
telephone or to the Internet or wish to vote by mail, please sign, date and return the proxy card in the envelope provided, or mail to: Third Point LLC, c/o Okapi Partners, 1212 Avenue of the Americas, 24th Floor, New York, New York 10036.
The telephone and Internet voting procedures use a control number that appears on your
proxy card to authenticate you as a
stockholder of record and to allow you to confirm that your voting instructions have been correctly recorded. If you vote by telephone or Internet, you do not need to return the
proxy card.
How do I vote shares that I hold through a broker, bank or other custodian?
If you hold shares through someone else, such as a broker, bank or other custodian, you will receive voting material from that firm. You can
complete the
voting form and return it as requested by the firm. If the firm offers Internet or telephone voting, the voting form will contain instructions on how to access and utilize those voting methods. If you hold your
shares in a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other custodian, you will not be able to vote in person at the Annual Meeting unless you have previously requested and obtained a legal proxy from your broker, bank or other custodian
and present it at the Annual Meeting.
What if I plan to attend the Annual Meeting, should I still submit a
proxy card?
Yes. Whether or not you plan to attend the Annual Meeting, we urge you to submit a
proxy card. Returning the enclosed proxy
card will not affect your right to attend and vote at the Annual Meeting.
What if I want to revoke my proxy?
Any proxy may be revoked as to all matters covered thereby at any time prior to the time a vote is taken by (i) submitting a duly executed
proxy bearing a later date or submitting a later proxy using the telephone or Internet voting procedures described above, (ii) filing a later-dated written revocation with the Secretary of the Company, or (iii) attending and voting at the
Annual Meeting in person. Attendance at the Annual Meeting will not in and of itself constitute a revocation. If you hold your shares in a brokerage account or by a bank or other custodian, unless you have obtained a legal proxy from
your bank, broker or other custodian, you will need to follow the instructions provided by your bank, broker or other custodian to revoke your voting form or submit a new voting form.
What should I do if I receive a proxy card solicited by the Company?
If you submit a proxy to us by signing and returning the enclosed
proxy card, do not sign or return the proxy card
solicited by the Company or follow any voting instructions provided by the Company unless you intend to change your vote, because only your latest-dated proxy will be counted.