WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549  
(Exact name of registrant as specified in charter)  
40 Wall Street  
New York, NY 10005  
(Address of principal executive offices) (Zip code)  
Joseph I. Benedek  
First Investors Management Company, Inc.  
Raritan Plaza I  
Edison, NJ 08837-3620  
(Name and address of agent for service)  


Item 1.   Reports to Stockholders  
  The Annual Report to Shareholders follows  




This report is for the information of the shareholders of the Funds. It is the policy of each Fund described in this report to mail only one copy of a Fund’s prospectus, annual report, semi-annual report and proxy statements to all shareholders who share the same mailing address and share the same last name and have invested in a Fund covered by the same document. You are deemed to consent to this policy unless you specifically revoke this policy and request that separate copies of such documents be mailed to you. In such case, you will begin to receive your own copies within 30 days after our receipt of the revocation. You may request that separate copies of these disclosure documents be mailed to you by writing to us at: Administrative Data Management Corp., Raritan Plaza I, Edison, NJ 08837-3620 or calling us at 1-800-423-4026.

The views expressed in the portfolio manager’s letter reflect those views of the Director of Fixed Income of First Investors Management Company, Inc. through the end of the period covered. Any such views are subject to change at any time based upon market or other conditions and we disclaim any responsibility to update such views. These views may not be relied on as investment advice.

You may obtain a free prospectus for any of the Funds by contacting your representative, calling 1-800-423-4026, writing to us at the following address: First Investors Corporation, 40 Wall Street, New York, NY 10005, or by visiting our website at www.firstinvestors.com . You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of a Fund carefully before investing. The prospectus contains this and other information about the Fund, and should be read carefully before investing.

An investment in a Fund is not a bank deposit and is not insured or guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) or any other government agency. It is possible to lose money by investing in any of the Funds. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

A Statement of Additional Information (“SAI”) for any of the Funds may also be obtained, without charge, upon request by calling 1-800-423-4026, writing to us at our address or by visiting our website listed above. The SAI contains more detailed information about the Funds, including information about their Trustees.

Portfolio Manager’s Letter
California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia


Dear Investor:

This is the annual report for the First Investors Tax Exempt Funds for the year ended December 31, 2013. The principal objective of each of the Funds is to seek a high level of interest income that is exempt from federal income tax, including the alternative minimum tax, as well as state income tax in the case of the single state Funds. One of the Funds, the Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund, has a secondary objective of seeking total return.

For 2013, the broad U.S. bond market returned –2.2%, according to Bank of America Merrill Lynch (“BofA Merrill Lynch”), its worst year since 1994. The market’s performance resulted from a substantial increase in long-term interest rates from historically low levels caused by the Federal Reserve’s (the “Fed’s”) decision to begin to taper — or slow—its bond-buying program due to an improved economic outlook.

In particular, the housing market rebounded strongly during the year and the unemployment rate fell from 7.9% to 6.7%. The benchmark ten-year Treasury-note yield rose from 1.76% to 3.03%, ending 2013 at its highest level in two-and-a-half years. In contrast, short-term interest rates remained very low due to the Fed’s commitment to maintain the federal funds rate close to zero. Consequently, the two-year Treasury note yield moved from 0.25% to 0.38% year-over-year.

The municipal bond market had a challenging year, returning –2.9%. Long-term municipal bonds, in particular, where the First Investors Tax Exempt Funds typically invest, were down 6%.

Three headwinds impacted the market in 2013. First, interest rates in general increased substantially, prompting the decline in the municipal bond market. Second, municipal bond mutual funds had record net-redemptions of almost $60 billion as investors reacted to rising interest rates and falling bond and bond fund prices. Faced with redemptions, fund managers were forced to sell bonds, which put additional pressure on the market.

Lastly, the municipal bond market faced two high-profile credit stories that weighed on investors’ sentiment.

First, the City of Detroit filed for bankruptcy, the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history. The Michigan Fund, while not holding any Detroit general obligation bonds, was adversely affected by Detroit’s bankruptcy filing through its holdings of secured debt issued by authorities related to Detroit, such as water and sewer bonds.



Portfolio Manager’s Letter (continued)
California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey,
New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia


Second, bonds issued by the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its agencies, which are widely held because their interest is exempt from both federal and state taxes, came under substantial pressure. During the second half of the year, Puerto Rico’s municipal bonds traded at distressed levels as investors became concerned about the ability of the Commonwealth to service its considerable debt.

The table below sets forth the total return performance for 2013 of each Fund on a net asset value basis (“NAV”). Total return takes into account not only dividends and distributions paid for the year, but also the change in each Fund’s NAV that occurred during the year.

  Class A Class B Advisor Class Class
Fund Total Return Total Return Total Return Total Return
——— —————— —————— —————— ——————
Tax Exempt Income Fund –3.18% –3.96% –4.97% –4.68%
Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund –4.97% –5.65% –6.78% –6.49%
California Tax Exempt Fund –2.91% –3.63% –4.89% –4.58%
Connecticut Tax Exempt Fund –4.16% –4.85% –5.43% –5.07%
Massachusetts Tax Exempt Fund –4.49% –5.13% –5.93% –5.69%
Michigan Tax Exempt Fund –5.81% –6.47% –6.48% –6.32%
Minnesota Tax Exempt Fund –3.07% –3.84% –4.35% –4.12%
New Jersey Tax Exempt Fund –4.31% –5.11% –6.09% –5.72%
New York Tax Exempt Fund –3.78% –4.52% –5.40% –5.06%
North Carolina Tax Exempt Fund –4.30% –4.96% –5.42% –5.28%
Ohio Tax Exempt Fund –3.92% –4.63% –5.59% –5.35%
Oregon Tax Exempt Fund –5.08% –5.83% –6.74% –6.39%
Pennsylvania Tax Exempt Fund –3.77% –4.56% –5.41% –5.26%
Virginia Tax Exempt Fund –4.38% –5.06% –6.03% –5.59%


The returns of the First Investors Tax Exempt Funds generally underperformed their benchmark, the BofA Merrill Lynch U.S. Municipal Master Index, after adjusting for expenses. The primary reason for the underperformance was that the Funds typically invest in long-term municipal bonds, which fell more than the broad market. The underperformance of long-term bonds occurred because the municipal bond yield curve steepened—longer-term interest rates rose more than shorter-term interest rates—and because longer-term bonds are typically more sensitive to changes in interest rates than shorter-term bonds.

Notwithstanding the Funds’ underperformance versus their benchmark, twelve of First Investors’ fourteen tax-exempt funds outperformed their respective Lipper peer groups. The primary reason for this outperformance was the higher credit quality



bias of the First Investors Funds. In particular, the Funds had minimal exposure to BBB-rated and below investment grade bonds, whose returns were substantially below the broad market. The two Funds that underperformed their Lipper peer groups, the Tax Exempt Opportunities and Oregon Funds, had relatively longer durations (i.e., greater interest rate risk).

Despite the decline in the municipal bond market, the Funds provided a consistently high level of tax-exempt income to shareholders. Management of the Funds focused on taking advantage of higher market interest rates to increase each Fund’s yield. As well, the Funds generally remained fully invested throughout the review period in order to provide as high a level of tax-exempt income as possible, particularly given the negligible returns available on cash investments.

Thank you for placing your trust in First Investors. As always, we appreciate the opportunity to serve your investment needs.


Clark D. Wagner
Portfolio Manager and
Director of Fixed Income, First Investors Management Company, Inc.

January 31, 2014



Understanding Your Fund’s Expenses

As a mutual fund shareholder, you incur two types of costs: (1) transaction costs, including a sales charge (load) on purchase payments (on Class A shares only) and a contingent deferred sales charge on redemptions (on Class B shares only); and (2) ongoing costs, including advisory fees; distribution and service fees (12b-1) (on Class A and Class B shares only); and other expenses. This example is intended to help you understand your ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in the Funds and to compare these costs with the ongoing costs of investing in other mutual funds.

The examples are based on an investment of $1,000 in each Fund at the beginning of the period, July 1, 2013, and held for the entire six-month period ended December 31, 2013. The calculations assume that no shares were bought or sold during the period. Your actual costs may have been higher or lower, depending on the amount of your investment and the timing of any purchases or redemptions.

Actual Expenses Example:

These amounts help you to estimate the actual expenses that you paid over the period. The “Ending Account Value” shown is derived from the Fund’s actual return, and the “Expenses Paid During Period” shows the dollar amount that would have been paid by an investor who started with $1,000 in the Fund. You may use the information here, together with the amount you invested, to estimate the expenses that you paid over the period.

To estimate the expenses you paid on your account during this period, simply divide your ending account value by $1,000 (for example, an $8,600 account value divided by $1,000 = 8.60), then multiply the result by the number given for your Fund under the heading “Expenses Paid During Period”.

Hypothetical Expenses Example:

These amounts provide information about hypothetical account values and hypothetical expenses based on the Fund’s actual expense ratios for Class A, Class B, Advisor Class and Institutional Class shares, and an assumed rate of return of 5% per year before expenses, which is not the Fund’s actual return. The hypothetical account values and expenses may not be used to estimate the actual ending account balance or expenses you paid for the period. You may use this information to compare the ongoing costs of investing in the Fund and other funds. To do so, compare this 5% hypothetical example with the 5% hypothetical examples that appear in the shareholder reports of the other funds.

Please note that the expenses shown in the table are meant to highlight and help you compare your ongoing costs only and do not reflect any transaction costs, such as front-end or contingent deferred sales charges (loads). Therefore, the hypothetical expense example is useful in comparing ongoing costs only and will not help you determine the relative total costs of owning different funds. In addition, if these transaction costs were included, your costs would have been higher.



Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 0.97%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 999.51 $4.89
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.32 $4.94
Class B Shares 1.73%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 995.91 $8.70
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.49 $8.79
Advisor Class Shares 0.82%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 997.45 $4.13
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.08 $4.18
Institutional Class Shares 0.67%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 999.51 $3.38
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.83 $3.41


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Tax Exempt Income Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (3.18%) (3.96%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.95% 4.19% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.48% 2.89% (4.97%) (4.68%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (8.78%) (7.68%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.70% 3.85% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.86% 2.89% (4.97%) (4.68%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.96% 2.39% 2.75% 3.19%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Tax Exempt Income Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.82%), 3.66% and 2.80%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.92%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (7.72%), 3.82% and 2.83%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.34%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.62%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been .39%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (7.60%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 3.01%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount    Security          Value
$  5,000M   Mobile Public Edl. Bldg. Auth. Rev. 5% 3/1/2033         $      5,110,850
3,200M   Alaska State Housing Fin. Corp. St. Cap. Proj. 5% 12/1/2027         3,429,856
5,000M Arizona Health Facs. Auth. Rev. 6% 1/1/2027   5,541,550
7,015M Arizona State Trans. Brd. Hwy. Rev. 5% 7/1/2029   7,567,431
5,000M Salt River Proj. Agric. Impt. & Pwr. Dist. Elec. Sys. Rev.    
    5% 1/1/2033         5,218,450
5,000M   Pulaski County Children’s Hosp. Rev. 5.5% 3/1/2039         5,310,450
5,000M California Health Facs. Fing. Auth. Rev. 5.125% 7/1/2031   5,071,700
  California State General Obligation:    
5,000M 5.25% 9/1/2030   5,417,450
5,000M 5% 11/1/2030   5,310,950
5,000M California Statewide Cmntys. Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.125% 7/1/2024   5,500,950
5,000M   Los Angeles Community College Dist. GO 5% 8/1/2027         5,395,750
5,000M   Colorado Health Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.5% 7/1/2034         5,426,850
  District of Columbia—1.8%    
5,000M District of Columbia GO 6% 6/1/2021   6,140,050
5,000M   District of Columbia Rev. 5.5% 8/15/2028          5,220,300
5,000M Broward County Airport Sys. Rev. 5.375% 10/1/2029   5,363,000
5,000M Duval County School Board COP 5.25% 7/1/2035   5,151,450
4,110M Florida Housing Fin. Corp. Rev. 5% 1/1/2026   4,423,552
5,500M Florida State Board of Education GO 5.5% 6/1/2038   6,090,975
5,000M Florida State Mun. Pwr. Agy. Elec. Rev. 5.5% 10/1/2028   5,480,200
5,000M   Manatee County School Board COP 5.625% 7/1/2031         5,308,950




Amount   Security         Value
  Florida (continued)    
$  5,000M Miami-Dade County Prof. Sports Franchise Fac. Tax. Rev.    
  5.375% 10/1/2028 $        5,328,550
5,000M Miami-Dade County Pub. Facs. 5.5% 6/1/2029   5,241,450
5,000M Miami-Dade County School Board COP 5.375% 2/1/2034   5,187,400
5,000M Miami-Dade County Spl. Oblig. 5% 4/1/2029   5,188,750
5,000M Miami-Dade County Water & Sewer Rev. 5.125% 10/1/2025   5,473,400
5,000M Orange County School Board COP 5.5% 8/1/2034   5,320,350
5,000M   Port St. Lucie Utility Rev. 5% 9/1/2029         5,262,200
5,000M Atlanta Airport Revenue 5.25% 1/1/2030   5,296,900
  Atlanta Water & Wastewater Revenue:    
9,040M 5.5% 11/1/2019   10,742,142
5,000M 5.25% 11/1/2034   5,190,200
7,500M Georgia State Environmental Loan Acquisition Corp.    
  5.125% 3/15/2031   7,930,650
5,000M   JPMorgan Chase Putters 8.064% 1/1/2016 (a)         5,335,200
  Chicago Board of Education Lease Certificates:    
5,000M 6% 1/1/2016   5,450,000
26,000M 6% 1/1/2020   28,755,480
5,000M Chicago O’Hare Intl. Airport Rev. 6.5% 1/1/2041   5,582,100
  Illinois Finance Auth. Revenue:    
5,000M Alexian Rmkt. 5.25% 1/1/2022   5,383,350
5,000M Children’s Mem. Hosp. 5.25% 8/15/2033   5,025,150
7,000M Northwestern Mem. Hosp. 5.75% 8/15/2030   7,695,590
5,000M Metropolitan Pier & Exposition Auth. Rev. 5% 6/15/2042   5,013,550
4,000M Regional Transportation Auth. 7.75% 6/1/2019   4,752,960
5,000M   Springfield Electric Rev. 5% 3/1/2027         5,036,050




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$10,000M Franklin Township Multi-School Bldg. Corp. Rev. 5% 1/15/2035 $  10,367,800
7,540M Greater Clark County Sch. Bldg. First Mtg. Rev. 5.25% 7/15/2026 8,372,265
3,025M Indiana State Hsg. & Cmnty. Dev. Auth. Mtg. Rev.  
  6.125% 7/1/2029 3,169,686
8,330M   Indianapolis Gas Util. Rev. 5.25% 8/15/2025         8,823,386
5,000M Kentucky Eco. Dev. Fin. Auth. Rev. 5.75% 12/1/2028 5,144,750
  Kentucky St. Turnpike Auth. Eco. Dev. Road Revenue:  
3,000M 5% 7/1/2029 3,299,910
3,000M   5% 7/1/2030         3,287,340
10,250M   Regional Trans. Auth. Zero Coupon 12/1/2021         6,997,163
2,910M   Maine Edl. Ln. Auth. Student Ln. Rev. 5.875% 12/1/2039         3,057,537
3,590M Massachusetts Edl. Fin. Auth. Loan Rev. 5.25% 1/1/2028 3,739,775
5,000M Massachusetts St. Health & Edl. Facs. Auth Rev. 5% 7/1/2034 5,096,200
5,185M   Massachusetts St. Wtr. Res. Auth. ROLS 9.429% 2/1/2016 (a)         5,700,700
5,000M Detroit Swr. Disp. Rev. 7.5% 7/1/2033 5,318,900
5,000M Detroit Water Supply Sys. Rev. 6.25% 7/1/2036 5,054,550
10,000M Michigan State Grant Antic. Bds. 5.25% 9/15/2025 10,788,500
5,000M Michigan State Hosp. Fin. Auth. 6.25% 12/1/2028 5,662,600
4,500M   Monroe County Economic Dev. Corp. 6.95% 9/1/2022         5,600,115
5,000M   Missouri State Health & Educ. Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.5% 11/15/2028         5,386,800
2,445M   Montana State Brd. Hsg. Single Family Prog. 5.45% 12/1/2033         2,519,230




Amount   Security         Value
$  5,000M Clark Cnty Passenger Facs. Chrg. McCarran Arpt. Rev.    
    5% 7/1/2030         $        5,164,700
  New Jersey—1.6%    
5,000M New Jersey State Higher Educ. Assist. Student Ln. Rev.    
  5.625% 6/1/2030   5,277,350
5,000M   New Jersey State Turnpike Auth. Rev. 5% 1/1/2030         5,283,450
  New Mexico—1.7%    
5,000M Grant County Dept. of Health 5.25% 7/1/2031   5,338,200
5,000M   University of New Mexico Univ. Rev. ROLS 9.573% 6/1/2014 (a)         5,358,600
  New York—9.9%    
22,000M New York City Municipal Water Fin. Auth. Rev. 6% 6/15/2021   27,471,840
  New York State Dorm. Auth. Revenue:    
3,950M Cornell University 5% 7/1/2040   4,104,682
10,000M New York University 5.75% 7/1/2027   11,857,900
5,000M State University 5.875% 5/15/2017   5,587,550
5,000M New York State Thruway Hwy. & Brdg. Tr. Fd. Auth. 5% 4/1/2021   5,385,350
7,780M Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Drivers    
    7.912% 8/15/2015 (a)         9,275,939
  North Carolina—.8%    
5,000M Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hospital Auth. Health Care Rev.    
    5.25% 1/15/2034         5,228,500
5,000M American Mun. Pwr. Rev. 5.25% 2/15/2026   5,339,500
5,285M Jefferson County GO 5.75% 12/1/2019   5,951,122
5,000M Ohio State Hospital Facility Health Rev. 5.5% 1/1/2034   5,281,200
  Ohio State Housing Fin. Agy. Residential Mtg. Revenue:    
1,875M 6.125% 9/1/2028   1,973,381
3,270M   5.85% 9/1/2033         3,509,887




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$  5,000M Allegheny County Port Authority Special Rev. 5% 3/1/2025 $        5,374,850
5,000M Penn. St. Economic Dev. Auth. Rev. 5% 3/1/2034   5,080,100
5,000M Philadelphia GO 7.125% 7/15/2038   5,519,900
5,000M   Philadelphia Water & Wastewater Rev. 5% 11/1/2028         5,330,400
  Puerto Rico—1.3%    
5,000M Puerto Rico Commonwealth GO 5.25% 7/1/2024   4,692,450
5,000M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fin. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2040         3,925,450
  Rhode Island—1.2%    
7,000M   Convention Center Auth. Rev. 5.25% 5/15/2025         7,675,010
  South Carolina—.8%    
5,000M   Piedmont Municipal Power Agency Electric Rev. 5.75% 1/1/2034         5,420,600
5,000M Dallas County Util. & Reclamation Dist. GO 5.375% 2/15/2029   5,201,450
5,000M Hitchcock Ind. School District GO 5.25% 2/15/2030   5,389,500
  Houston Utilities Systems Revenue:    
5,000M Util. Sys. Rev. 5.125% 11/15/2032   5,324,850
5,000M Wtr. And Swr. Rev. 5% 11/15/2027   5,428,400
6,035M Houston Water Conv. Sys. COP 6.25% 12/15/2015   6,463,364
5,000M JP Morgan Chase Putters 7.914% 2/1/2030 (a)   5,541,700
5,000M Medina Valley Indpt. School District GO ROLS    
  9.413% 8/15/2015 (a)   5,665,400
10,000M North Texas Twy. Auth. Rev. 5.125% 1/1/2028   10,412,400
5,000M San Antonio Airport Sys. Rev. 5.25% 7/1/2035   5,223,650
5,000M   Waco Ind. School District GO 5.25% 8/15/2030         5,428,050
455M   Provo Electric System Rev. 10.375% 9/15/2015         497,984




Amount   Security          Value
  Washington State Health Care Facs. Auth. Revenue:  
$  5,000M Catholic Health Initiatives 6.375% 10/1/2033   $       5,580,250
7,000M Providence Health 5.25% 10/1/2033   7,354,550
  Washington State ROLS:    
5,000M 9.397% 7/1/2014 (a)   5,709,900
5,500M   9.397% 7/1/2016 (a)         6,510,790
  West Virginia—.7%    
4,500M   West Virginia State Hospital Fin. Auth. Hosp. Rev. 5.375% 6/1/2028       4,730,625
12,000M Superior Wisconsin Ltd. Oblig. Rev. 6.9% 8/1/2021 14,843,520
6,905M   Wisconsin State General Rev. 5.75% 5/1/2033         7,595,776
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $584,067,115) 98.5 % 632,369,413
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 1.5       9,688,158
Net Assets     100.0 %     $642,057,571


(a)  Inverse floating rate securities (see Note 1F). Interest rates are determined and reset periodically
and are the rates in effect at December 31, 2013.


Summary of Abbreviations:

COP Certificate of Participation
GO General Obligation
ROLS Reset Option Longs


See notes to financial statements 13


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.02%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 994.86 $5.13
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.07 $5.19
Class B Shares 1.76%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 991.55 $8.83
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.34 $8.94
Advisor Class Shares 0.85%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 993.60 $4.27
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.93 $4.33
Institutional Class Shares 0.70%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 996.10 $3.52
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.68 $3.57


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (4.97%) (5.65%) N/A N/A
Five Years 5.83% 5.10% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 4.34% 3.74% (6.78%) (6.49%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (10.45%) (9.33%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.58% 4.77% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.73% 3.74% (6.78%) (6.49%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.90% 2.34% 2.66% 3.23%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (10.50%), 4.53% and 3.60%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.85%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.38%), 4.73% and 3.61%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.29%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (10.53%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been .26%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.45%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 3.07%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Alabama State University Rev. 5.25% 9/1/2034 $        1,027,020
2,500M   Birmingham Spl. Care Facs. Fing. Auth. Rev. 6% 6/1/2039         2,788,800
3,000M   Matanuska-Susitna Boro Lease Rev. 6% 9/1/2028         3,504,810
1,250M Arizona Brd. Regents University Sys. Rev. 6% 7/1/2027   1,429,400
5,000M Arizona State Trans. Brd. Hwy. Rev. 5% 7/1/2029   5,393,750
2,000M   Rio Nuevo Multipurpose Facs. Rev. 6.625% 7/15/2025         2,376,540
1,100M Alhambra Unified Sch. District GO 5.25% 8/1/2028   1,178,386
5,000M California State GO 5% 4/1/2037   5,118,650
3,000M California State Public Works Lease Rev. 5% 9/1/2034   3,054,720
1,000M   San Diego County 5% 5/1/2033         1,066,080
5,000M   Colorado Health Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 2/1/2031         5,120,000
1,000M   South Cent. Regl. Wtr. Sys. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2030         1,074,120
  District of Columbia—1.2%    
3,000M   Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Airport Auth. Sys. Rev. 5% 10/1/2029 3,182,940
5,000M Broward County Airport Sys. Rev. 5.25% 10/1/2030   5,305,150
  Broward County Sch. Brd. Certificates of Participation:    
1,000M 5.125% 7/1/2026   1,059,360
1,000M 5.25% 7/1/2027   1,057,130
1,375M Deltona Util. Sys. Rev. 5.25% 10/1/2029   1,483,735
5,000M Florida State Municipal Power Agy. Rev. 5% 10/1/2028   5,279,150
3,535M Fort Pierce Capital Impt. Rev. 5.875% 9/1/2028   3,994,621
5,000M Orlando & Orange County Expwy. Auth. Rev. 5% 7/1/2028   5,237,050
5,000M   Tampa-Hillsborough County 5% 7/1/2037         5,041,350




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$5,000M Atlanta Airport Rev. 5.25% 1/1/2030 $        5,272,150
3,400M Atlanta Water & Wastewater Rev. 6.25% 11/1/2034   3,863,964
2,500M Bibb County Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.75% 7/1/2040   2,643,275
1,500M Cobb County Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.75% 7/15/2039   1,645,305
1,000M Georgia Municipal Association, Inc. COP 5.125% 12/1/2021   1,001,210
2,500M Georgia St. Environmental Loan Acquisition Corp.    
  5.125% 3/15/2031   2,643,550
2,000M   Medical Ctr. Hospital Auth. Rev. 6.5% 8/1/2038         2,143,820
2,500M   Hawaii State Harbor Sys. Rev. 5.25% 7/1/2030         2,669,950
  Chicago O’Hare Intl. Airport Revenue:    
5,000M 5% 1/1/2027   5,269,850
5,000M 6.5% 1/1/2041   5,582,100
2,500M Illinois State Fin. Auth. Rev. 5% 12/1/2030   2,577,350
2,000M Illinois State GO 5.5% 7/10/2027   2,108,160
1,000M   Illinois State Sales Tax Rev. 6% 6/15/2026         1,210,930
  Tri-Creek Middle School Bldg. Corp. Revenue:    
1,500M 5.25% 7/15/2028   1,572,315
1,000M   5.25% 7/15/2029         1,044,220
1,500M Louisiana State Citizens Ppty. Rev. 6.125% 6/1/2025   1,708,020
3,000M Louisiana State GO 5% 9/1/2028   3,266,310
1,000M New Orleans Aviation Brd. Rev. 6% 1/1/2023   1,124,500
2,310M   New Orleans Sewer Svc. Rev. 6.25% 6/1/2029         2,545,412
  Massachusetts State General Obligation:    
4,500M 5% 12/1/2031 (a)   4,846,950
7,250M   5% 8/1/2035         7,623,085




Amount   Security         Value
$5,000M Lansing Brd. Wtr. & Lt. Utility Sys. Rev. 5.5% 7/1/2041 $        5,292,450
1,900M Michigan Mun. Bd. Auth. Rev. 5% 5/1/2023   1,797,381
1,000M   Michigan State Bldg. Auth. Rev. 5% 10/15/2029         1,037,140
2,305M   Minnesota State Gen. Fund Rev. 5% 3/1/2025         2,599,901
  Mississippi Dev. Bk. Spl. Obligation:    
  Jackson Cnty. Ltd. Tax Revenue:    
2,660M 5.375% 7/1/2029   2,820,105
2,000M 5.625% 7/1/2039   2,097,640
1,000M Jackson Wtr. & Swr. Sys. Proj. 6.75% 12/1/2030   1,211,380
3,250M Mississippi State Cap. Impt. Projs. GO 5% 10/1/2036   3,426,865
1,000M   Mississippi State Univ. Educ. Bldg. Corp. 5% 8/1/2030         1,073,980
1,000M Bi-State Dev. Agy. 5% 10/1/2028   1,067,010
1,000M   St. Louis Mun. Fin. Corp. Lease Rev. 5.625% 7/15/2030         1,036,480
  Nebraska St. Public Pwr. Dist. Revenue:    
2,000M 5% 1/1/2031   2,128,740
1,000M   5% 1/1/2032         1,058,060
  New Jersey—1.6%    
4,000M New Jersey State Trans. Trust Fd. Auth. Trans. Sys. Rev.    
    5.5% 12/15/2038         4,276,880




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  New York—6.7%    
$4,050M Nassau County GO 5% 4/1/2031 $        4,217,022
5,000M New York City Trans. Fin. Auth. 5% 7/15/2037   5,168,350
  New York State Dorm. Auth. Revenue:    
  St. Personal Inc. Tax Revenue:    
1,000M 5% 2/15/2034   1,048,210
5,000M 5% 3/15/2034   5,243,050
1,775M   State University Edl. Facs. 5% 5/15/2029         1,900,155
  North Carolina—1.2%    
3,000M   North Carolina Tpk. Auth. Rev. 5.75% 1/1/2039         3,204,960
2,000M American Mun. Pwr. Rev. 5% 2/15/2024   2,141,080
1,000M Hamilton Cnty. Sales Tax 5% 12/1/2032   1,017,970
1,135M Ohio State Bldg. Auth. State Facs. Rev. 5.25% 4/1/2031   1,210,943
5,000M   University of Cincinnati 5% 6/1/2028         5,364,300
5,000M Allegheny County Port. Auth. Spl. Rev. 5.25% 3/1/2024   5,510,800
2,500M Beaver County GO 5.55% 11/15/2031   2,716,075
1,000M Pennsylvania State Econ. Dev. Fing. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 1/1/2044   989,570
1,500M Pennsylvania State Higher Edl. Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 8/15/2025   1,653,930
1,470M Pittsburgh Wtr. & Swr. Auth. 5% 9/1/2029   1,542,295
4,000M State Pub. Sch. Bldg. Auth. Rev. 5% 2/15/2032   4,122,480
  West Mifflin Area School Dist. General Obligations:    
2,910M 5.375% 4/1/2027   3,199,487
1,000M   5.375% 4/1/2028         1,080,570
  Puerto Rico—.5%    
1,500M   Puerto Rico Commonwealth GO 5.25% 7/1/2024         1,407,735
  Rhode Island—2.4%    
  Rhode Island Hlth. & Edl. Bldg. Corporation:    
  Pub. Schs. Fing. Program:    
3,250M 5.25% 5/15/2029   3,449,322
1,400M 5% 5/15/2034   1,370,152
1,415M   University of Rhode Island 5.25% 9/15/2029         1,499,900




Amount   Security         Value
  South Carolina—.8%      
$2,000M   South Carolina State Pub. Svc. Auth. Rev. 5% 1/1/2033       $        2,052,420
  South Dakota—.6%      
1,500M   South Dakota State Hlth. & Edl. Fac. Auth. Rev. 5.125% 8/1/2028       1,573,440
5,000M Dallas-Fort Worth Intl. Arpt. Rev. 5.25% 11/1/2030   5,307,250
5,000M Harris County Hlth. Facs. Thermal Util. Rev. 5% 11/15/2032   5,148,350
2,000M Harris County Met. Transit Auth. Sales & Use Tax Rev.    
  5% 11/1/2036     2,088,100
5,000M Houston Utility System Rev. 5.25% 11/15/2031     5,402,300
3,000M North Texas Tollway Auth. Rev. 5% 9/1/2031     3,173,910
1,250M Parker County GO 5% 2/15/2029     1,335,363
2,000M Sinton Indep. Sch. Dist. GO 5% 8/15/2038     2,131,040
3,500M   Socorro Independent School Dist. GO 5% 8/15/2033       3,763,550
1,300M Utah Infrastructure Agy. Tele. & Franchise Tax Rev.    
    5.5% 10/15/2030         1,401,348
2,500M Washington State GO 5% 8/1/2033     2,668,800
5,000M   Washington State Health Care Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 10/1/2033       5,253,250
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $248,089,186) 98.7 %   258,416,677
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 1.3       3,373,946
Net Assets     100.0 %   $261,790,623


(a)  A portion or all of the security purchased on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis (see Note 1E).


Summary of Abbreviations:

COP Certificate of Participation
GO General Obligation


See notes to financial statements 21


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.00%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,009.52 $5.07
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.17 $5.09
Class B Shares 1.81%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,005.27 $9.15
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.09 $9.20
Advisor Class Shares 0.85%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,007.02 $4.30
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.93 $4.33
Institutional Class Shares 0.70%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,010.31 $3.55
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.68 $3.57


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors California Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (2.91%) (3.63%) N/A N/A
Five Years 5.83% 5.09% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.86% 3.27% (4.89%) (4.58%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (8.48%) (7.38%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.58% 4.76% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.25% 3.27% (4.89%) (4.58%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.46% 1.79% 2.27% 3.01%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors California Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.54%), 4.53% and 3.12%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.39%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (7.44%), 4.71% and 3.12%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.72%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.61%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (7.50%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.77%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Los Angeles Dept. of Airports Rev. 5.25% 5/15/2033 $   1,039,970
1,000M Sacramento County Airport Sys. Rev. 5.5% 7/1/2034 1,094,590
1,000M   San Francisco City & County Airport Rev. 5.25% 5/1/2025         1,139,990
500M California Educ. Facs. Auth. Rev. (Harvey Mudd College)  
  5.25% 12/1/2031 532,950
  California State Public Works Lease Revenue:  
1,000M 5% 9/1/2030 1,044,370
1,000M   5% 9/1/2033         1,021,090
500M Anaheim Public Fing. Auth. Rev. 5% 10/1/2031 526,345
1,000M Imperial Irrigation District Elec. Rev. 6.25% 11/1/2031   1,116,210
1,000M   Tuolumne Wind Proj. Auth. 5.625% 1/1/2029         1,107,040
  General Obligation—20.6%  
1,000M Alhambra Unified School District 5.25% 8/1/2028 1,071,260
500M Alvord Unified School District 5.25% 8/1/2030 529,310
1,000M Centinela Valley Union School District 5% 8/1/2031 1,038,300
1,000M Chico Unified School District 5% 8/1/2026 1,082,170
1,000M College of the Sequoias 5.25% 8/1/2029 1,051,230
1,000M Corona-Norco Unified School District 5.125% 8/1/2029 1,064,960
650M Jefferson Unified High Sch. District 6.25% 2/1/2016 725,433
1,000M Lake Tahoe Unified School District 5.375% 8/1/2029 1,075,410
750M Natomas Unified School District 5.95% 9/1/2021 856,327
1,000M   West Contra Costa Unified School District 5.25% 8/1/2032         1,067,550




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  Health Care—9.4%  
  California Health Facs. Fin. Auth. Revenue:  
$1,000M Children’s Hospital Los Angeles 5.125% 7/1/2031 $   1,014,340
1,000M Providence Health Services 6.5% 10/1/2033 1,139,680
500M Stanford Hospital 5.25% 11/15/2031 521,630
  California Statewide Communities Dev. Auth. Revenue:  
1,000M St. Joseph’s 5.125% 7/1/2024 1,100,190
500M   Sutter Health 5.5% 8/15/2026         556,175
  California State Public Works Lease Revenue:  
500M 5% 12/1/2029 521,895
1,000M 5.5% 11/1/2030 1,091,150
1,000M Los Angeles Mun. Impt. Corp. Lease Rev. 5.5% 4/1/2028 1,099,130
700M   San Mateo Joint Powers Auth. Lease Rev. 6.5% 7/1/2015         739,249
  Other Revenue—1.2%  
500M   Sacramento Area Flood Control Agency 5.5% 10/1/2028         544,755
  Other Tax—8.3%    
620M Long Beach Fing. Auth. Rev. 6% 11/1/2017 658,483
1,000M Riverside County Trans. Commission Sales Tax Rev.  
  5% 6/1/2032 1,056,070
1,000M San Joaquin County Trans. Auth. Sales Tax 5.75% 3/1/2028 1,118,620
1,000M   West Contra Costa Healthcare 5.375% 7/1/2024         1,005,190
  California State Public Works Lease Revenue:  
1,000M 5% 4/1/2019 (a) 1,183,830
1,000M 5% 3/1/2023 (a) 1,189,850
1,000M   San Bernardino Cmnty. College District 6.5% 8/1/2018 (a)         1,242,380




Amount   Security         Value
  State General Obligation—6.7%    
  California State Various Purpose:    
$1,000M 5% 9/1/2031   $ 1,055,640
2,000M   5% 4/1/2037         2,047,460
  Toll & Turnpike—2.2%    
1,000M   Bay Area Toll Auth. Toll Bridge Rev. 5% 4/1/2032         1,043,580
1,080M   San Francisco Muni. Transportation Agy. Rev. 5% 3/1/2032       1,130,879
750M Bakersfield Wastewater Rev. 5% 9/15/2028   788,288
1,000M El Dorado Irrigation District 6.25% 8/1/2029   1,026,520
1,000M Los Angeles Wastewater System Rev. 5% 6/1/2027   1,097,190
500M Metropolitan Water District So. Cal. 5% 7/1/2029   549,635
1,000M Mojave Water Agency 5.5% 6/1/2029   1,073,370
1,000M San Diego County Water Authority 5% 5/1/2033   1,066,080
1,000M   San Francisco City & Cnty. Pub. Util. Commission 5% 11/1/2035       1,049,960
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $43,200,425) 99.1 % 45,895,724
Other Assets, Less Liabilities .9       402,081
Net Assets 100.0 %     $46,297,805


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


See notes to financial statements 27


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.01%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 989.72 $5.07
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.12 $5.14
Class B Shares 1.76%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 986.05 $8.81
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.34 $8.94
Advisor Class Shares 0.87%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 988.20 $4.36
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.82 $4.43
Institutional Class Shares 0.72%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 991.24 $3.61
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.58 $3.67


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Connecticut Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (4.16%) (4.85%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.99% 4.24% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.57% 2.97% (5.43%) (5.07%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.68%) (8.56%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.76% 3.89% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.95% 2.97% (5.43%) (5.07%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.18% 1.58% 1.99% 2.37%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Connecticut Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes .




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.74%), 3.71% and 2.83%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.11%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.62%), 3.85% and 2.84%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.51%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.14%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (7.97%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.30%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Capital City Econ. Dev. Auth. Pkg. & Energy Fee Rev.  
  5.75% 6/15/2034 $   1,098,000
  Connecticut State Hlth. & Educ. Facs. Auth. Revenue:  
1,000M Child Care Facilities Program 6% 7/1/2038 1,060,280
1,000M State Supported Child Care 5% 7/1/2028 1,050,360
1,750M   Connecticut State Hsg. Fin. Auth. 5% 6/15/2024         1,932,088
  Connecticut St. Hlth. & Educ. Facs. Auth. Revenue:  
1,000M Loomis Chafee School 5% 7/1/2030 1,030,220
1,000M Quinnipiac University 5.75% 7/1/2033 1,098,830
1,000M Salisbury School 5% 7/1/2028 1,060,670
1,000M Trinity College 5% 7/1/2019 1,022,980
1,000M Wesleyan University 5% 7/1/2035 1,049,150
1,000M Westminster School 5% 7/1/2037 1,006,470
1,000M   University of Connecticut University Rev. 4.75% 2/15/2029         1,055,710
500M Connecticut St. Transmission Muni. Elec. Energy Rev.  
    5% 1/1/2030         530,780
  General Obligation—14.4%  
1,000M Bridgeport 5% 12/1/2023 1,095,630
1,000M Hartford 5% 4/1/2031 1,045,040
1,500M New Haven 5% 3/1/2026 1,564,950
1,000M   Waterbury 5% 12/1/2032         1,039,610
  Health Care—12.1%  
  Connecticut St. Hlth. & Educ. Facs. Auth. Revenue:  
500M Lawrence & Memorial Hospital 5% 7/1/2031 513,365
  Middlesex Hospital:  
350M 5% 7/1/2026 365,452
460M 5% 7/1/2027 476,132
500M   Stamford Hospital 5% 7/1/2030         507,060




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  Health Care (continued)    
$1,000M William W. Backus Hospital 5% 7/1/2025   $   1,050,270
  Yale-New Haven Hospital:    
500M 5% 7/1/2026   521,400
500M   5.25% 7/1/2030         531,055
500M   Puerto Rico Pub. Bldgs. Auth. Rev. 6% 7/1/2028         448,205
  Other Tax—6.6%    
  Connecticut State Special Tax Obligation Rev. Trans. Infrastructure:  
1,000M 5% 11/1/2025   1,102,860
1,000M   5% 8/1/2027         1,077,820
  Connecticut State Hlth. & Educ. Facs. Auth. Revenue:  
1,000M Children’s Medical Center 5% 7/1/2014 (a)   1,023,490
1,000M Renbrook School 5% 7/1/2017 (a)   1,144,490
1,050M   South Windsor 5% 2/15/2016 (a)         1,150,443
  State General Obligation—3.2%    
1,000M   Connecticut State 5% 11/1/2031         1,065,240
1,000M Hartford Cnty. Met. Dist. Clean Wtr. Proj. 5% 4/1/2036 1,048,830
1,000M Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Swr. Auth. Rev.  
  5% 7/1/2025   896,280
1,000M South Central Connecticut Regl. Wtr. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2029 1,072,950
750M   Stamford Water Pollution Control Sys. Rev. 5.5% 8/15/2038       808,620
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $31,219,159) 98.9 % 32,544,730
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 1.1       348,330
Net Assets     100.0 %     $32,893,060


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


32 See notes to financial statements


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.09%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 998.72 $5.49
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,019.72 $5.55
Class B Shares 1.81%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 995.35 $9.10
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.09 $9.20
Advisor Class Shares 0.94%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 996.99 $4.73
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.47 $4.79
Institutional Class Shares 0.79%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 998.73 $3.98
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.23 $4.02


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Massachusetts Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (4.49%) (5.13%) N/A N/A
Five Years 5.19% 4.44% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.40% 2.81% (5.93%) (5.69%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.99%) (8.82%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.94% 4.10% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.79% 2.81% (5.93%) (5.69%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.56% 2.00% 2.44% 2.69%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Massachusetts Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (10.05%), 3.89% and 2.61%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.49%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.87%), 4.06% and 2.64%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.93%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.66%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.63%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.47%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$  500M   Massachusetts State Port Auth. Airport Rev. 5% 7/1/2030         $        536,475
670M Massachusetts Edl. Fing. Auth. Ed. Ln. Revenue 6% 1/1/2028   717,175
1,000M Massachusetts State College Building Auth. 5% 5/1/2035   1,058,450
  Massachusetts State Dev. Fin. Agy. Revenue:    
1,000M Boston University 5.6% 10/1/2035   1,114,660
1,000M Lesley University 5.25% 7/1/2033   1,047,940
  Massachusetts State Hlth. & Educ. Facs. Auth. Revenue:    
1,000M Berklee College of Music 5% 10/1/2037   1,017,730
1,000M Harvard University 5.5% 11/15/2036   1,108,020
1,000M   University of Massachusetts Bldg. Auth. Proj. Rev. 5% 11/1/2039         1,041,230
  General Obligation—8.0%    
500M Quincy 5% 12/1/2028   539,360
1,000M Revere Mun. Purpose Loan 5% 4/1/2033   1,027,320
215M   Worcester 5.5% 8/15/2017         215,907
  Health Care—4.8%    
1,000M   Massachusetts State Hlth. & Educ. Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.375% 2/1/2027 1,070,730
1,000M   Massachusetts State Hsg. Fin. Agy. Rev. 5.25% 12/1/2035         1,027,890
  Other Revenue—5.0%    
1,000M   Massachusetts Bay Trans. Auth. Rev. 5% 7/1/2028         1,109,380
  Other Tax—18.8%    
1,000M Massachusetts State Dev. Fin. Agy. Rev. 5.75% 9/1/2025   1,160,750
1,500M Massachusetts State Sch. Bldg. Auth. Sales Tax Rev. 5% 10/15/2032 1,602,555
1,000M Massachusetts State Trans. Accelerated Brdg. Prog. 5% 6/1/2036   1,063,600
500M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2040         392,545
285M   University of Massachusetts Bldg. Auth. Rev. 6.875% 5/1/2014         290,965




Amount   Security         Value
  State General Obligation—5.4%    
$1,000M   Massachusetts State 5.5% 8/1/2030         $ 1,197,410
  Toll & Turnpike—4.6%    
1,000M   Massachusetts State Dept. of Trans. 5% 1/1/2035         1,038,820
500M Boston Water & Sewer Commission Rev. 5% 11/1/2030 548,575
1,000M Massachusetts State Water Res. Auth. 5% 8/1/2031 1,084,980
1,000M   Springfield Water & Sewer Comm. Rev. 5.75% 10/15/2025       1,171,100
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $20,981,549) 99.1 % 22,183,567
Other Assets, Less Liabilities .9       212,578
Net Assets     100.0 %     $22,396,145


See notes to financial statements 37


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.08%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 988.50 $5.41
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,019.77 $5.50
Class B Shares 1.82%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 985.78 $9.11
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.04 $9.25
Advisor Class Shares 0.93%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 987.64 $4.66
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.52 $4.74
Institutional Class Shares 0.78%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 989.32 $3.91
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.28 $3.97


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Michigan Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (5.81%) (6.47%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.67% 3.94% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.30% 2.70% (6.48%) (6.32%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (11.20%) (10.10%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.43% 3.59% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.69% 2.70% (6.48%) (6.32%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.96% 2.35% 2.83% 3.35%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Michigan Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (11.25%), 3.37% and 2.56%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.89%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (10.16%), 3.55% and 2.57%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.28%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (10.23%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been .37%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.27%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 3.13%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Ferris State University Revenue 5% 10/1/2028 $   1,033,740
500M   Western Michigan University 5.25% 11/15/2033         517,500
500M Monroe County Economic Dev. Corp. 6.95% 9/1/2022 622,235
1,000M   Wyandotte Electric Rev. 5.25% 10/1/2028         1,043,320
  General Obligation—27.4%  
1,000M Genesee County Sewer Disp. Sys. 5% 11/1/2025 1,035,710
1,000M Goodrich Area School District 5.5% 5/1/2032 1,059,250
770M Montrose Township School District 6.2% 5/1/2017 834,857
500M Northview Public School District 5% 5/1/2041 505,100
1,000M Troy City School District 5% 5/1/2026 1,064,160
1,000M   Wayne Charter County Capital Improvement 5% 2/1/2030         1,008,030
  Health Care—10.8%  
1,000M Kent Hosp. Fin. Auth. Rev. 5% 11/15/2029 1,034,800
1,000M   Michigan St. Hosp. Fin. Auth. Rev. 6.25% 12/1/2028         1,132,520
1,000M   Michigan St. Building Auth. Revenue 5.25% 10/15/2025         1,079,350
  Other Tax—10.6%  
500M Detroit Distributable State Aid 5% 11/1/2030 479,095
1,000M Michigan Municipal Bond Auth. Revenue 5% 10/1/2029 1,061,930
750M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2040         588,817
  State General Obligation—5.5%  
1,000M   Michigan State 5% 11/1/2022         1,094,570




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Detroit Sewer Disposal Revenue 7.5% 7/1/2033   $   1,063,780
  Detroit Water Supply System Revenue:    
1,000M 6.5% 7/1/2015   1,012,790
1,000M 5.5% 7/1/2027   1,024,170
1,000M Grand Rapids Water Supply 5% 1/1/2029   1,062,130
500M   Saginaw Water Supply Sys. Rev. 5% 7/1/2031         513,305
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $19,129,430) 99.0 % 19,871,159
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 1.0       198,701
Net Assets     100.0 %     $20,069,860


42 See notes to financial statements


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.11%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,004.18 $5.61
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,019.61 $5.65
Class B Shares 1.93%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 999.31 $9.73
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,015.48 $9.80
Advisor Class Shares 0.97%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,002.52 $4.90
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.32 $4.94
Institutional Class Shares 0.82%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $1,004.17 $4.14
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.08 $4.18


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Minnesota Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (3.07%) (3.84%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.88% 4.12% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.75% 3.16% (4.35%) (4.12%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (8.67%) (7.58%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.64% 3.78% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.14% 3.16% (4.35%) (4.12%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 1.88% 1.19% 1.73% 2.09%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Minnesota Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.72%), 3.59% and 2.89%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.81%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (7.64%), 3.74% and 2.90%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.11%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.03%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (6.95%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.06%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
500M Minneapolis & St. Paul Met. Arpts. Comm. Arprt. Revenue    
    5% 1/1/2026         $     537,370
1,000M   Minnesota St. Gen. Fund Rev. 5% 3/1/2029         1,092,330
750M Minnesota State Colleges & Univ. Rev. 5% 10/1/2031   802,605
  Minnesota State Higher Ed. Facs. Auth. Revenue:    
500M Carleton College 5% 1/1/2028   535,480
250M Gustavus Adolfus College 5% 10/1/2031   262,320
500M Macalester College 5% 6/1/2035   530,940
250M University of St. Thomas 5.25% 4/1/2039   258,025
250M   University of Minnesota 5.25% 12/1/2030         280,103
250M Minnesota St. Municipal Pwr. Agy. Elec. Rev. 5.25% 10/1/2035   261,977
  Northern Minnesota Municipal Pwr. Agy. Elec. Sys. Revenue:    
500M 5% 1/1/2021   558,205
500M 5% 1/1/2026   540,445
500M Southern Minnesota Municipal Pwr. Agy. Supply Sys.    
    Rev. 5.25% 1/1/2030         525,760
  General Obligation—25.9%    
500M Bemidji 5% 2/1/2028   537,235
500M Dakota Cnty. Cmnty. Dev. Agy. 5% 1/1/2026   534,020
700M Fairmont Ind. Sch. Dist. #2752, 5% 2/1/2026   760,914
500M Fergus Falls Ind. Sch. Dist. #544, 5% 1/1/2024   557,185
500M Hennepin County 5% 12/1/2025   554,215
750M Kasson & Mantorville Ind. Sch. Dist. #204, 5% 2/1/2024   827,258
500M New Brighton 5% 2/1/2032   526,060
500M Scott County 5% 12/1/2023   555,290
500M   St. Louis County 5% 12/1/2023         555,290




Amount   Security         Value
  Health Care—16.4%    
  Minneapolis Health Care Sys. Revenue:    
$  500M 5.5% 5/15/2017 $     504,350
500M 6.5% 11/15/2038   569,185
750M Minnesota St. Agric. & Econ. Dev. Brd. Rev. Health Care    
  5% 2/15/2030   770,438
  St. Cloud Health Care Revenue:    
250M 5.125% 5/1/2030   263,012
500M 5.375% 5/1/2031   526,560
750M   St. Paul Hsg. & Redev. Auth. Health Care Rev. 5.25% 11/15/2029         783,225
  Minnesota State Housing Finance Agency:    
160M Multi-Family Hsg. 5.05% 7/1/2034   168,811
  Rental Hsg. Revenue:    
250M 5% 8/1/2030   255,757
300M 5.05% 8/1/2031   305,970
220M 5% 8/1/2033   221,489
230M   Single-Family Hsg. Rev. 5.9% 7/1/2028         239,545
600M Blue Earth Cnty. Econ. Dev. Lease Rev. 5% 12/1/2027   621,168
250M Minnesota State Housing Finance Agency    
  (Nonprofit Hsg. Rev.) 5% 8/1/2031   260,393
250M   Minnetonka Indpt. Sch. Dist. #276, 5% 3/1/2029         266,112
  Other Tax—6.9%    
300M Minneapolis Dev. Rev. Ltd. Tax Supported 6.25% 12/1/2030   337,914
1,000M   Minnesota State 911 Rev. 5% 6/1/2024         1,112,360
500M Crow Wing County Jail 5% 2/1/2015 (a)   525,865
300M   University of Minnesota 5.75% 7/1/2017         351,777




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  State General Obligation—4.1%    
$  500M Minnesota State 5% 6/1/2022   $      570,900
250M   Minnesota State Highway 5% 8/1/2026         274,595
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $19,142,115) 98.3 % 20,522,453
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 1.7       348,572
Net Assets     100.0 %     $20,871,025


(a) Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


48 See notes to financial statements


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 0.99%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 988.90 $4.96
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.22 $5.04
Class B Shares 1.78%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 983.90 $8.90
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.24 $9.05
Advisor Class Shares 0.84%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 986.57 $4.21
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.98 $4.28
Institutional Class Shares 0.69%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 988.90 $3.46
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.73 $3.52


* Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
** Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors New Jersey Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (4.31%) (5.11%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.99% 4.23% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.52% 2.92% (6.09%) (5.72%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.78%) (8.79%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.76% 3.89% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.91% 2.92% (6.09%) (5.72%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.54% 1.91% 2.34% 2.71%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors New Jersey Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.84%), 3.70% and 2.82%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.47%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.85%), 3.85% and 2.83%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.84%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.81%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.63%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.62%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Garden St. Preservation Tr. Open Space & Farmland  
  5.75% 11/1/2028 $    1,192,690
1,000M New Jersey Economic Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.5% 12/15/2029 1,076,400
  New Jersey State Health Care Facs. Fing. Authority Rev.  
  Hospital Asset Transformation Program:  
1,000M 5% 10/1/2028 1,055,830
1,000M 5.75% 10/1/2031 1,109,200
  New Jersey St. Trans. Tr. Fd. Auth. Trans. Sys. Revenue:  
1,000M 5.5% 12/15/2020 1,173,190
1,000M 5.25% 6/15/2036 1,036,780
1,000M   5.5% 12/15/2038         1,069,220
1,000M New Jersey Economic Dev. Auth. Rev. 5% 6/15/2030 1,086,280
  New Jersey Educational Facilities Auth. Revenue:  
1,000M New Jersey City University 5% 7/1/2028 1,051,910
1,000M Princeton University 5% 7/1/2034 1,080,640
  Rowan University:  
1,000M 5% 7/1/2025 1,083,210
1,000M 5% 7/1/2026 1,075,970
1,000M New Jersey State Higher Education Assistance Auth. Loan Rev.  
    5.625% 6/1/2030         1,055,470
  General Obligation—21.8%  
1,750M Atlantic City Board of Education 6.1% 12/1/2015 1,915,725
1,000M Bayonne 5.25% 7/1/2027 1,064,720
1,000M Cumberland County Impt. Auth. Rev. Solid Waste Sys.  
  5.125% 1/1/2025 1,093,740
1,000M Elizabeth 5.25% 4/15/2027 1,081,860
1,000M Essex County Impt. Authority Rev. 5.5% 10/1/2027 1,160,860
1,000M Hudson County Impt. Authority Pkg. Rev. 5.125% 1/1/2034 1,044,080
1,000M Jersey City 5% 1/15/2026 1,061,950
1,000M Middlesex County Impt. Auth. Lease Rev. 5% 12/15/2025 1,080,650
1,000M   Monmouth County Impt. Auth. Rev. 5% 1/15/2029         1,094,810




Amount   Security         Value
  Health Care—6.4%  
  New Jersey State Health Care Facs. Fing. Authority Revenue:  
$2,000M Hackensack Univ. Med. Ctr. 5.25% 1/1/2031 $    2,075,460
1,000M   Virtua Health 5.5% 7/1/2038         1,028,380
1,235M New Jersey State Hsg. & Mtg. Fin. Agy. Rev.  
  6.375% 10/1/2028 1,297,269
2,000M Newark Hsg. Auth. Rev. (South Ward Police Facility)  
    6.75% 12/1/2038         2,268,560
  Industrial Development Revenue/Pollution Control  
1,665M   Cape May County Indl. Poll. Cntl. Fin. Auth. 6.8% 3/1/2021         2,016,415
1,000M Hudson County Impt. Authority Lease Rev. 5.375% 10/1/2024 1,141,420
  New Jersey State Equip. Lease Purchase Revenue:  
1,000M 5.25% 6/15/2027 1,062,770
1,000M   5.25% 6/15/2028         1,056,190
  Other Revenue—1.9%  
840M   New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust 5% 9/1/2027         940,708
  Other Tax—1.9%  
  Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Revenue:  
1,000M 5.75% 8/1/2037 740,280
250M   5.25% 8/1/2040         196,272
1,455M Atlantic County Impt. Auth. Lux. Tax 7.4% 7/1/2016 1,598,172
1,000M Cape May County Bridge Commission 5% 6/1/2015 (a) 1,067,230
80M New Jersey Environmental Infrastructure Trust 5% 9/1/2018 (a) 94,118
530M New Jersey State Health Care Facs. Fing. Authority Rev.  
    (General Hospital Center at Passaic) 6% 7/1/2014         545,534




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  State General Obligation—1.9%    
$1,000M   Puerto Rico Commonwealth 6% 7/1/2028         $      896,410
  Toll & Turnpike—6.5%    
1,000M Delaware River Port Authority of Pennsylvania & New Jersey  
  5% 1/1/2030   1,055,580
  New Jersey St. Turnpike Auth. Revenue:    
1,000M 5% 1/1/2029   1,062,530
1,000M   5% 1/1/2031         1,045,280
  Port Authority of New York & New Jersey :    
1,000M 5% 10/15/2031   1,077,610
1,000M   5% 12/1/2032         1,075,230
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $45,298,500) 98.8 % 48,086,603
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 1.2       583,246
Net Assets     100.0 %     $48,669,849


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


54 See notes to financial statements


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 0.95%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 996.05 $4.78
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.42 $4.84
Class B Shares 1.69%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 991.75 $8.48
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.69 $8.59
Advisor Class Shares 0.80%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 993.95 $4.02
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.18 $4.08
Institutional Class Shares 0.65%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 996.76 $3.27
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.93 $3.31


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors New York Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (3.78%) (4.52%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.96% 4.21% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.42% 2.83% (5.40%) (5.06%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.32%) (8.23%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.72% 3.87% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.81% 2.83% (5.40%) (5.06%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.64% 2.10% 2.35% 2.89%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors New York Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.38%), 3.67% and 2.75%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.57%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.29%), 3.83% and 2.76%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.02%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.11%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (7.93%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.80%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$2,000M Hudson Yards Infra. Corp. Rev. 5.75% 2/15/2047 $        2,127,540
1,000M New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Bldg. Aid Rev.    
  5% 7/15/2033   1,050,300
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue:    
3,000M City University 6% 7/1/2020   3,553,380
1,000M Mental Health Services 5% 2/15/2033   1,027,320
1,500M State University 5.25% 5/15/2021   1,752,900
2,600M   Syracuse Indl. Dev. Agy. Sch. Fac. Rev. 5% 5/1/2027         2,783,040
500M Albany Indl. Dev. Agy. Civic Fac. Rev. 5.5% 5/1/2032   529,025
1,000M Canton Capital Resource Corp. Student Hsg. Fac. Rev.    
  5% 5/1/2030   1,044,590
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue:    
2,350M Colgate University 6% 7/1/2021   2,773,658
3,000M Cornell University 5% 7/1/2040   3,117,480
1,000M Fordham University 5% 7/1/2028   1,073,630
  New York University:    
1,610M 6% 7/1/2018   1,946,764
2,000M 5% 7/1/2030   2,174,920
1,000M 5% 7/1/2037   1,047,760
1,200M Pratt Institute 5% 7/1/2034   1,230,708
500M Skidmore College 5% 7/1/2027   534,465
1,000M St. John’s University 5% 7/1/2024   1,070,170
3,500M The New School 5.5% 7/1/2043   3,657,255
1,000M   Onondaga Cnty. Cultural Resource Rev. 5% 12/1/2030         1,073,540
5,000M   Long Island Power Auth. Elec. Rev. 5.5% 5/1/2033         5,483,300
  General Obligation—16.2%    
5,000M Erie County Indl. Dev. Agy. 5.75% 5/1/2026   5,647,850
1,000M Monroe County 5% 6/1/2029   1,050,720
4,465M Nassau County 5% 10/1/2029   4,687,402
435M   New York City 5.75% 8/1/2018         439,572




Amount   Security         Value
  General Obligation (continued)    
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue:    
$5,520M Albany Public Library 5% 7/1/2030 $        5,608,485
1,000M Master Boces Program 5% 8/15/2028   1,058,120
  School Districts Financing Program:    
1,000M Albany 5% 10/1/2031   1,045,630
3,400M Croton Hudson 5.625% 10/1/2029   3,690,156
1,540M   Niagara Falls Public Improvement 7.5% 3/1/2015         1,650,695
  Health Care—2.2%    
625M Dutchess Cnty. Indl. Dev. Agy. Civic Fac. Rev.    
  5.5% 4/1/2030   658,575
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue:    
1,140M 5% 7/1/2025   1,232,123
500M 6% 7/1/2036   522,445
1,000M   United Cerebral Palsy 5.125% 7/1/2021          1,000,800
1,000M Buffalo & Erie Cnty. Indl. Dev. Corp. Rev. 6% 10/1/2031   1,108,130
1,840M New York City Hsg. Dev. Corp. Rev.    
    (Multi-Family Hsg. Rev.) 5% 11/1/2026         1,929,001
  New York City Indl. Dev. Agy. Revenue:    
1,250M Queens Baseball Stadium Pilot 6.125% 1/1/2029   1,358,238
1,000M Yankee Stadium Pilot 7% 3/1/2049   1,137,800
2,500M New York State Dormitory Authority Rev.    
    (Court Facs. Lease) 5.5% 5/15/2027         2,900,175
  Other Revenue—2.2%    
3,000M   Nassau Cnty. Swr. & Storm Wtr. Fin. Auth. 5.375% 11/1/2028         3,341,070




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  Other Tax—19.0%    
$5,000M JPMorgan Chase Putters 7.904% 12/15/2024 (a) $        5,966,100
1,500M Metropolitan Trans. Auth. Dedicated Tax Fund Rev.    
  5% 11/15/2029   1,615,680
  New York City Transitional Fin. Auth. Revenue:    
2,500M 5% 2/1/2028   2,689,525
1,000M 5% 11/1/2033   1,057,380
2,500M 5% 11/1/2038   2,606,750
  New York State Dormitory Authority Rev.    
  Personal Income Tax Revenue:    
2,500M 5% 3/15/2026   2,795,550
1,000M 5% 3/15/2032   1,057,830
1,990M 5% 3/15/2035   2,082,535
3,000M 5.75% 3/15/2036   3,362,460
2,000M New York State Urban Corp. Dev. Corp. Rev. 5% 12/15/2027   2,181,020
5,000M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Rev. 5.75% 8/1/2037         3,701,400
1,000M New York City Hsg. Dev. Corp. Rev. 5% 7/1/2015 (b)   1,070,520
  New York State Dormitory Authority Revenue:    
330M Judicial Facs. Lease 7.375% 7/1/2016   362,393
500M New York-Presbyterian Hospital 5.25% 8/15/2014 (b)   515,795
5,000M   Suffolk County Water Auth. Rev. 6% 6/1/2017         5,613,700
  Toll & Turnpike—4.5%    
5,000M New York State Thruway Auth. 5% 1/1/2026   5,295,500
1,500M   Triborough Bridge & Tunnel Auth. Rev. 5% 11/15/2027         1,633,350
  Metropolitan Trans. Auth. New York Revenue:    
5,000M 5.25% 11/15/2022   5,020,500
5,000M 5% 11/15/2029   5,248,450
1,000M 5% 11/15/2031   1,025,200
3,110M New York State Thruway Authority Rev.    
  Highway & Bridge Tr. Fd. Auth. 5% 4/1/2027   3,341,385
5,000M   Port Authority of New York & New Jersey 5% 10/15/2031         5,388,050




Amount   Security         Value
  New York City Muni. Wtr. Fin. Auth. Revenue:    
$2,750M 6% 6/15/2021   $       3,433,980
1,000M 5% 6/15/2029   1,079,310
2,000M 5% 6/15/2032   2,126,480
1,500M    Upper Mohawk Valley Regl. Fin. Auth. 6.25% 4/1/2029       1,711,740
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $141,873,910) 98.4 % 151,101,315
Excess of Liabilities Over Other Assets 1.6       2,436,803
Net Assets     100.0 %     $153,538,118


(a)  Inverse floating rate securities (see Note 1F). Interest rates are determined and reset periodically
and are the rates in effect at December 31, 2013.
(b)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


See notes to financial statements 61


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.02%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 993.44 $5.13
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.07 $5.19
Class B Shares 1.76%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 989.89 $8.83
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.34 $8.94
Advisor Class Shares 0.88%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 992.69 $4.42
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.77 $4.48
Institutional Class Shares 0.73%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 993.47 $3.67
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.53 $3.72


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors North Carolina Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (4.30%) (4.96%) N/A N/A
Five Years 5.10% 4.36% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.76% 3.17% (5.42%) (5.28%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.81%) (8.66%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.87% 4.02% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.14% 3.17% (5.42%) (5.28%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.34% 1.76% 2.16% 2.66%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors North Carolina Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.87%), 3.81% and 2.96%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.27%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.72%), 3.98% and 2.98%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.69%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.12%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.18%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.47%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  Combined Utility—9.1%  
$1,000M Concord Utilities Sys. Rev. 5% 12/1/2027 $     1,067,600
1,000M   Raleigh Comb. Enterprise Sys. Rev. 5% 3/1/2030         1,091,660
1,000M   University of North Carolina Sys. Pool Rev. 5% 10/1/2025         1,078,280
1,000M North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency Rev.  
    6% 1/1/2019         1,092,520
  General Obligation—4.8%  
1,000M   Charlotte 5% 7/1/2027         1,134,190
  Health Care—15.5%  
1,000M Charlotte-Mecklenburg Hosp. Auth. Health Care Sys. Rev.  
  5.25% 1/15/2034 1,045,700
1,000M Nash Health Care Sys. Rev. 5.5% 11/1/2026 1,065,720
1,000M New Hanover Cnty. Hosp. Rev. 5% 10/1/2027 1,042,240
500M North Carolina State Medical Care Commission Hlth. Facs. Rev.  
    5% 10/1/2031         509,725
  Cabarrus County:  
1,000M 5.25% 6/1/2027 1,104,910
1,000M 5% 1/1/2029 1,077,100
1,000M Charlotte 5% 6/1/2029 1,047,240
1,000M Durham County 5% 6/1/2027 1,088,280
500M Harnett County 5% 6/1/2027 523,210
1,000M Monroe 5.5% 3/1/2034 1,039,500
1,000M   Salisbury 5.625% 3/1/2026         1,085,500
  Other Tax—3.1%  
1,000M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Rev. 5.75% 8/1/2037         740,280




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$ 475M Brunswick County Enterprise Sys. Rev. 5.25% 4/1/2014 (a) $ 481,066
1,000M Lincoln County 5.5% 6/1/2018 (a)   1,192,820
1,000M North Carolina State Medical Care Commission Hlth. Facs. Rev.  
    5.625% 10/1/2014 (a)         1,040,900
  Toll & Turnpike—4.6%    
1,000M   North Carolina Tpk. Auth. Rev. 5.375% 1/1/2026         1,084,370
1,000M Buncombe County Enterprise Sys. Rev. 5% 7/1/2034 1,068,010
  Dare County Utilities Sys. Revenue:    
320M 5% 2/1/2030   341,593
465M 5% 2/1/2031   493,421
1,000M   Oak Island Enterprise Sys. Wastewater Rev. 6% 6/1/2034       1,072,840
Total Market Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $22,265,844) 99.9 % 23,608,675
Other Assets, Less Liabilities .1       25,696
Net Assets     100.0 %     $23,634,371


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


66 See notes to financial statements


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.05%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 992.00 $5.27
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,019.92 $5.35
Class B Shares 1.91%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 988.59 $9.57
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,015.58 $9.70
Advisor Class Shares 0.90%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 991.17 $4.52
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.67 $4.58
Institutional Class Shares 0.75%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 992.81 $3.77
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.43 $3.82


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Ohio Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (3.92%) (4.63%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.41% 3.67% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.39% 2.80% (5.59%) (5.35%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.42%) (8.33%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.18% 3.33% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.78% 2.80% (5.59%) (5.35%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.38% 1.68% 2.22% 2.62%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Ohio Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.48%), 3.13% and 2.59%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.31%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.39%), 3.28% and 2.60%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.60%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.29%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.21%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.58%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$  500M Ohio St. Higher Educational Fac. Rev. (Univ. Dayton Proj.)    
  5.375% 12/1/2030 $        534,005
1,000M University of Akron Gen. Rcpts. 5% 1/1/2028   1,049,070
330M University of Cincinnati 5% 6/1/2036   343,071
1,000M   Youngstown State University General Receipts 5.25% 12/15/2029         1,046,730
500M American Mun. Power Rev. (Prairie State Energy Campus)    
    5.375% 2/15/2028         531,060
  General Obligation—43.9%    
385M Adams County Valley Local School District 7% 12/1/2015   416,116
500M Avon Local School District 6.5% 12/1/2015   541,735
1,000M Beavercreek County School District 5% 12/1/2029   1,071,870
195M Beavercreek Local School District 6.6% 12/1/2015   210,194
1,000M Cleveland Municipal School District 5.25% 12/1/2023   1,021,330
1,000M Columbus 5% 8/15/2029   1,112,970
500M Dayton Ohio Met. Library 5% 12/1/2029   540,675
1,000M Franklin County 5% 12/1/2031   1,064,680
570M Jefferson County Jail Construction 5.75% 12/1/2019   641,843
  Richland County Correctional Facs. Improvement:    
400M 6% 12/1/2028   433,900
250M 6.125% 12/1/2033   267,275
1,000M St. Mary’s City School District 5% 12/1/2025   1,055,790
1,000M   Wapakoneta City School District 5% 12/1/2025         1,099,820
  Health Care—9.8%    
1,000M Montgomery County Rev. 5.5% 5/1/2034   1,087,610
1,000M   Ohio St. Higher Educational Fac. Rev. 5.25% 1/1/2033          1,029,020
  Ohio State Hsg. Fin. Agy. Residential Mtg. Revenue:    
350M 6.125% 9/1/2028   368,364
120M   5.45% 9/1/2033         124,238




Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M   Ohio State Capital Facs. Lease Rev. 5% 4/1/2027         $        1,061,370
  Other Revenue—4.8%    
1,000M   Summit County Port Auth. Rev. 5.375% 12/1/2030       1,041,520
  Other Tax—3.5%    
1,000M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Corp. Sales Tax Rev. 6% 8/1/2039       750,680
  State General Obligation—5.2%    
1,000M   Ohio State 5.375% 9/1/2028         1,115,300
  Toll & Turnpike—2.0%    
400M   Ohio State Turnpike Commission 5% 2/15/2028         426,208
1,000M   Toledo Waterworks Rev. 5% 11/15/2038         1,027,060
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $20,163,022) 97.3 % 21,013,504
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 2.7       577,909
Net Assets     100.0 %     $21,591,413


See notes to financial statements 71


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.00%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 986.94 $5.01
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.17 $5.09
Class B Shares 1.79%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 982.56 $8.94
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.19 $9.10
Advisor Class Shares 0.84%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 984.68 $4.20
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.98 $4.28
Institutional Class Shares 0.69%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 987.69 $3.46
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.73 $3.52


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Oregon Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (5.08%) (5.83%) N/A N/A
Five Years 5.01% 4.26% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.56% 2.96% (6.74%) (6.39%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (10.54%) (9.50%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.77% 3.92% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.95% 2.96% (6.74%) (6.39%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.13% 1.48% 1.90% 2.28%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Oregon Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (10.60%), 3.71% and 2.81%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.06%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.56%), 3.88% and 2.81%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.41%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (10.49%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.33%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.09%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M   Port of Portland Airport Rev. 5% 7/1/2029         $    1,029,560
1,000M   Oregon State Facs. Auth. Rev. (Reed College) 5% 7/1/2029         1,073,300
2,000M   Eugene Electric Util. Rev. 5% 8/1/2038         2,086,400
  General Obligation—36.8%  
  Beaverton School District #48J:  
750M 5% 6/1/2031 813,097
1,500M 5.125% 6/1/2036 1,616,055
1,000M Central Oregon Community College District 5% 6/15/2030 1,095,060
1,000M Chemeketa Community College District 5% 6/15/2025 1,120,640
1,000M Clackamas Community College District 5% 5/1/2024 1,093,950
1,000M Clackamas County School District #7J, 5.25% 6/1/2021 1,197,090
  Clackamas & Washington Cntys. Sch. District #3:  
500M 5% 6/15/2030 546,220
500M 5% 6/15/2032 547,050
  Jackson County School District #549C:  
1,000M 5% 12/15/2027 1,094,550
1,000M 5% 6/15/2030 1,077,110
1,000M Linn County School District #55, 5.5% 6/15/2027 1,206,780
1,000M Multnomah County School District #3, 5% 6/30/2035 1,052,330
1,225M Newport Zero Coupon 6/1/2029 617,792
1,000M Polk Marion & Benton Cntys. School District #13J, 5% 6/15/2027 1,092,840
500M Redmond Terminal Expansion Project 5% 6/1/2034 513,575
1,500M Salem 5% 6/1/2028 1,625,970
600M Washington and Clackamas Counties School District #23,  
  5.25% 6/1/2016 668,550
1,000M   Washington Cnty. School District #15 Zero Coupon 6/15/2023         731,720




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  Health Care—8.6%  
$1,000M Deschutes County Hosp. Facs. Rev. 5.375% 1/1/2035 $     1,012,180
1,000M Medford Hosp. Facs. Auth. Rev. 5.5% 8/15/2028 1,079,150
500M Oregon State Facs. Auth. Rev. 5% 3/15/2030 509,170
1,500M   Oregon State Health Sciences Univ. Rev. 5% 7/1/2032         1,560,015
505M   Oregon State Hsg. & Cmnty. Svcs. Dept. Mtg. Rev. 5.35% 7/1/2030         538,077
  Industrial Development Revenue/Pollution Control  
500M   Port Morrow Pollution Ctl. Rev. 5% 5/1/2033         517,635
  Puerto Rico Pub. Bldgs. Auth. Govt. Facs. Revenue:  
1,000M 5.25% 7/1/2027 910,130
500M   6% 7/1/2028         448,205
  Other Tax—11.0%  
1,465M Medford Revenue Limited Tax 5% 7/15/2035 1,541,004
1,000M Oregon State Admin. Svcs. Lottery Rev. 5% 4/1/2026 1,111,950
  Oregon State Department Trans. Hwy. User Tax Revenue:  
1,000M 5% 11/15/2028 1,074,760
1,000M 5% 11/15/2031 1,071,610
500M   Portland Urban Renewal & Redevelopment 5.25% 6/15/2030         517,750
1,000M Deschutes & Jefferson Cntys. School Dist. #2J, 6% 6/15/2018 (a) 1,215,720
1,000M Tillamook & Yamhill Counties School Dist. #101,  
  5% 6/15/2015 (a) 1,068,680
1,000M   Yamhill County School Dist. #40, 5% 6/15/2017 (a)         1,146,720
  State General Obligation—4.2%  
1,000M Oregon State 5% 8/1/2036 1,071,520
1,000M   Puerto Rico Commonwealth 5.375% 7/1/2025         935,990




Amount   Security         Value
$  750M Lane Cnty. Met. Wastewater 5.25% 11/1/2028   $          813,937
  Portland Sewer System Revenue:    
1,000M 4.75% 6/15/2025   1,081,920
1,000M 5% 6/15/2027   1,070,810
500M Portland Water Sys. Rev. 5% 5/1/2034   530,500
1,000M Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Swr. Auth. Rev.  
  5% 7/1/2028   870,710
1,000M Sunrise Water Authority Water Rev. 5.25% 3/1/2024 1,007,660
2,195M   Tigard Water Sys. Rev. 5% 8/1/2031         2,326,876
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $44,434,569) 97.4 % 46,932,318
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 2.6       1,235,003
Net Assets     100.0 %     $48,167,321


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


See notes to financial statements 77


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.01%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 996.48 $5.08
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.12 $5.14
Class B Shares 1.87%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 992.29 $9.39
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,015.78 $9.50
Advisor Class Shares 0.86%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 995.72 $4.33
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.87 $4.38
Institutional Class Shares 0.71%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 997.24 $3.57
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.63 $3.62


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**  Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Pennsylvania Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (3.77%) (4.56%) N/A N/A
Five Years 5.08% 4.32% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.71% 3.10% (5.41%) (5.26%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.31%) (8.26%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.83% 3.98% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.09% 3.10% (5.41%) (5.26%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.59% 1.94% 2.43% 2.86%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Pennsylvania Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited) (continued)

* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.37%), 3.78% and 2.98%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.52%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.32%), 3.93% and 2.99%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.86%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.13%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.15%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.80%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M   Philadelphia Airport Rev. 5.375% 6/15/2029         $    1,093,030
1,000M   Commonwealth Financing Auth. Rev. 5% 6/1/2031         1,024,240
1,000M Northampton Cnty. Auth. Rev. 5.5% 11/15/2033 1,063,370
500M Pennsylvania St. Higher Ed. Facs. Auth. Rev. 5% 4/1/2035 512,875
500M   State Pub. Sch. Bldg. 5.5% 3/1/2031         530,305
  General Obligation—39.6%  
1,000M Beaver County 5.55% 11/15/2031 1,086,430
1,000M Centennial Bucks County School District 5.125% 12/15/2032 1,104,540
1,000M Daniel Boone Area School District 5% 8/15/2029 1,043,190
1,000M East Stroudsburg Area School District 5% 9/1/2029 1,054,580
1,000M Easton Area School District 5.2% 4/1/2028 1,078,380
1,000M Erie Parking Auth. Facs. Rev. 5.2% 9/1/2035 1,043,970
1,000M Methacton School District 6.375% 3/1/2024 1,179,740
1,000M Penn Delco School District 5% 6/1/2034 1,045,030
1,000M Philadelphia 7% 7/15/2028 1,112,580
1,000M Philadelphia School District 6% 9/1/2038 1,065,900
1,000M Reading 6.25% 11/1/2033 1,064,020
1,000M Scranton School District 5% 7/15/2027 1,032,770
1,000M   West Mifflin Area School District 5.375% 4/1/2028         1,080,570
  Health Care—16.8%    
1,000M Allegheny County Hosp. Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.375% 8/15/2029 1,076,760
1,000M Central Bradford Progress Auth. Hosp. Rev. 5.5% 12/1/2031 1,054,360
1,000M Geisinger Auth. Hlth. Systems Rev. 5.125% 6/1/2034 1,018,640
1,000M Penn. St. Higher Educ. Facs. Auth. Hlth. Rev. 5.5% 8/15/2018 1,179,220
500M Philadelphia Hosp. & Higher Educ. Facs. Rev. 5% 7/1/2032 518,180
1,000M   Southcentral Gen. Auth. Rev. 6% 6/1/2025         1,096,710




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
  Other Tax—6.6%    
$1,000M Allegheny County Port. Auth. Spl. Rev. 5.25% 3/1/2024 $    1,102,160
500M Pittsburgh & Allegheny Cnty. Regl. Asset Dist. 5% 2/1/2031 518,415
1,000M   Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Corp. Rev. 5.75% 8/1/2037       740,280
615M   Boyertown Area School District 5% 4/1/2015 (a)         651,673
  Toll & Turnpike—9.1%    
  Pennsylvania State Turnpike Comm. Tpk. Revenue:  
1,000M 6% 6/1/2028   1,122,910
1,000M 5% 6/1/2029   1,031,030
1,000M   5% 12/1/2030         1,047,880
1,000M Bucks County Water & Sewer Auth. Rev. 5% 12/1/2035 1,029,400
1,000M Erie Water Auth. Rev. 5% 12/1/2031   1,037,780
500M North Penn Water Auth. Rev. 5% 11/1/2032   517,990
1,000M Philadelphia Water & Wastewater Rev. 5% 11/1/2028 1,066,080
1,000M   Scranton Sewer Auth. Rev. 5.25% 12/1/2031         1,037,310
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $33,030,361) 99.2 % 35,062,298
Other Assets, Less Liabilities .8       290,508
Net Assets     100.0 %     $35,352,806


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


82 See notes to financial statements


Fund Expenses (unaudited)

The examples below show the ongoing costs (in dollars) of investing in your Fund and will help you in comparing these costs with costs of other mutual funds. Please refer to page 4 for a detailed explanation of the information presented in these examples.

  Annualized Beginning Ending Expenses Paid
  Expense Account Value Account Value During Period
Expense Example Ratio (7/1/13) (12/31/13) (7/1/13–12/31/13)*
Class A Shares 1.01%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 989.21 $5.06
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.12 $5.14
Class B Shares 1.81%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 985.60 $9.06
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,016.09 $9.20
Advisor Class Shares 0.86%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 986.90 $4.31
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,020.87 $4.38
Institutional Class Shares 0.71%      
Actual   $1,000.00 $ 990.75 $3.56
Hypothetical**   $1,000.00 $1,021.63 $3.62


Expenses are equal to the annualized expense ratio, multiplied by the average account value over
the period, multiplied by 184/365 (to reflect the one-half year period). Expenses paid during the
period are net of expenses waived and/or assumed.
**   Assumed rate of return of 5% before expenses.


Portfolio Composition


Portfolio holdings and allocations are subject to change. Percentages are as of December 31, 2013, and are based on the total value of investments.



Cumulative Performance Information (unaudited)

Comparison of change in value of $10,000 investment in the First Investors Virginia Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) and the Bank of America (“BofA”) Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index.

    Average Annual Total Returns*  
      Advisor Institutional
N.A.V. Only Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (4.38%) (5.06%) N/A N/A
Five Years 4.51% 3.76% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 3.34% 2.75% (6.03%) (5.59%)
      Advisor Institutional
S.E.C. Standardized Class A Class B Class Class
One Year (9.90%) (8.76%) N/A N/A
Five Years 3.28% 3.41% N/A N/A
Ten Years, Since Inception** 2.73% 2.75% (6.03%) (5.59%)
S.E.C. 30-Day Yield*** 2.27% 1.62% 2.06% 2.70%


The graph compares a $10,000 investment in the First Investors Virginia Tax Exempt Fund (Class A shares) beginning 12/31/03 with a theoretical investment in the BofA Merrill Lynch Municipal Securities Master Index (the “Index”). The Index is a total return performance benchmark for the investment grade tax exempt bond market. The Index does not reflect fees and expenses or cost of insurance of bonds associated with the active management of a mutual fund portfolio. It is not possible to invest directly in this Index. For purposes of the graph and the accompanying table, unless otherwise indicated, it has been assumed that the maximum sales charge was deducted from the initial $10,000 investment in the Fund and all dividends and distributions were reinvested. Class B shares, Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares performance may be greater than or less than that shown in the line graph above for Class A shares based on differences in sales loads and fees paid by shareholders investing in the different classes.




* Average Annual Total Return figures (for the periods ended 12/31/13) include the reinvestment of all distributions. “N.A.V. Only” returns are calculated without sales charges. The Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are based on the maximum sales charge of 5.75%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are adjusted for the applicable deferred sales charge (maximum of 4% in the first year). The Advisor Class and Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” returns shown are the same as the N.A.V. Only returns since these classes are sold without sales charges. During the periods shown, some of the expenses of the Fund were waived or assumed. If such expenses had been paid by the Fund, the Class A “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (9.96%), 3.23% and 2.61%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.20%. The Class B “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Returns for One Year, Five Years and Ten Years would have been (8.82%), 3.37% and 2.63%, respectively, and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 1.54%. The Advisor Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (9.75%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 0%. The Institutional Class “S.E.C. Standardized” Average Annual Total Return Since Inception would have been (8.53%) and the S.E.C. 30-Day Yield for December 2013 would have been 2.48%. Results represent past performance and do not indicate future results. The graph and the returns shown do not reflect the deduction of taxes that a shareholder would pay on distributions or the redemption of fund shares. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than the original cost. Index figures are from Bank of America Merrill Lynch & Co. and all other figures are from First Investors Management Company, Inc.

** The returns for Advisor Class shares and Institutional Class shares are for the periods beginning 5/1/2013 (commencement of operations).

*** The S.E.C. 30-Day Yield shown is for December 2013.



Portfolio of Investments
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M Capital Regional Airport Rev. 5% 7/1/2024 $        1,061,100
1,000M Metropolitan Washington, D.C. Airport Auth. Sys. Rev.  
    5% 10/1/2026         1,095,230
  Arlington Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Revenue:  
500M 5% 2/15/2029 534,170
500M   5% 2/15/2030         527,445
  Combined Utility—3.9%  
  Richmond Public Util. Revenue:  
500M 5% 1/15/2038 529,435
1,000M   5% 1/15/2040         1,033,220
500M Prince William Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. 5.5% 9/1/2034 525,795
350M University of Virginia University Rev. 5% 6/1/2037 364,046
1,070M   Virginia College Bldg. Auth. Rev. 5% 9/1/2023         1,240,162
  General Obligation—24.6%  
1,000M Danville 5% 8/1/2029 1,106,960
500M Hanover Cnty. 5.25% 1/15/2031 550,235
1,000M Hopewell 5.875% 7/15/2034 1,172,420
1,000M Norfolk 5% 8/1/2034 1,069,060
1,000M Portsmouth 5% 2/1/2035 1,061,410
500M Powhatan Cnty. 5% 1/15/2032 517,060
1,000M Suffolk 5% 6/1/2028 1,091,470
  Virginia State Public School Authority Revenue:  
1,000M 5% 8/1/2026 1,102,860
1,000M 5% 8/1/2028 1,110,120
1,000M   Waynesboro 5% 1/15/2034         1,014,770




Amount   Security         Value
  Health Care—5.3%  
$1,000M Fairfax Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 5/15/2026 $        1,074,980
1,000M   Norfolk Econ. Dev. Auth. Hlth. Care Facs. Rev. 5% 11/1/2036         1,019,250
135M Bedford Cnty. Econ. Dev. Auth. Public Facs. Rev. 5.25% 5/1/2031 142,281
1,000M Fairfax Cnty. Econ Dev. Auth. Rev. 5% 3/1/2029 1,066,210
1,000M New Kent Cnty. Econ. Dev. Auth. Lease Rev. 5% 2/1/2024 1,088,910
1,000M Roanoke Cnty. Econ. Dev. Auth. Lease Rev. 5% 10/15/2027 1,067,100
775M Stafford Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2031 783,905
1,765M Virginia St. Cmnwlth. Trans. Rev. 5% 5/15/2029 1,931,492
1,000M   Washington Cnty. Indl. Dev. Auth. Lease Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2030         1,058,630
  Other Revenue—5.3%  
  Virginia St. Res. Auth. Infrastructure Revenue:  
1,000M 5% 11/1/2029 1,077,390
1,000M   5% 11/1/2033         1,051,620
  Other Tax—2.9%  
  Puerto Rico Sales Tax Fing. Revenue:  
1,000M 6% 8/1/2039 750,680
500M   5.25% 8/1/2040         392,545
865M Bedford Cnty. Econ. Dev. Auth. Public Facs. Rev. 5.25% 5/1/2016 (a) 961,655
1,000M Roanoke Indl. Dev. Auth. Hosp. Rev. Proj. 6.125% 7/1/2017 1,111,040
225M Stafford County Indl. Dev. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 8/1/2016 (a) 252,045
650M   University of Virginia University Rev. 5% 6/1/2015 (a)         693,407




Portfolio of Investments (continued)
December 31, 2013

Amount   Security         Value
$1,000M   Washington, D.C. Met. Area Trans. Auth. Rev. 5.25% 7/1/2029       $       1,079,960
1,000M Fairfax Cnty. Water Auth. Rev. 5% 4/1/2028   1,117,070
1,000M Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist. Wastewater Rev. 5% 4/1/2033 1,050,560
500M Hopewell Swr. Sys. Rev. 5% 7/15/2033   520,040
1,000M Norfolk Water Rev. 5% 11/1/2037   1,046,770
700M Puerto Rico Commonwealth Aqueduct & Swr. Auth. Rev.  
  5% 7/1/2028   609,497
1,000M   Upper Occoquan Sewer Auth. Rev. 5% 7/1/2024         1,070,520
Total Value of Municipal Bonds (cost $37,367,671) 97.3 % 38,724,525
Other Assets, Less Liabilities 2.7       1,068,332
Net Assets     100.0 %     $39,792,857


(a)  Municipal Bonds which have been prerefunded are shown maturing at the prerefunded call date.


88 See notes to financial statements







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Statements of Assets and Liabilities
December 31, 2013

    TAX EXEMPT     TAX EXEMPT                                
Investments in securities:                                          
At identified cost $ 584,067,115   $ 248,089,186   $ 43,200,425   $ 31,219,159   $ 20,981,549   $ 19,129,430   $ 19,142,115  
At value (Note 1A) $ 632,369,413   $ 258,416,677   $ 45,895,724   $ 32,544,730   $ 22,183,567   $ 19,871,159   $ 20,522,453  
Cash   31,676     4,827,978     56,640                 104,149  
Interest   11,239,254     3,986,671     679,813     583,510     320,791     300,627     287,997  
Shares sold   375,842     222,752     21,068     58,484     7,098     22,608     749  
Other assets   31,523     13,095     2,256     1,471     1,022     940     1,073  
Total Assets   644,047,708     267,467,173     46,655,501     33,188,195     22,512,478     20,195,334     20,916,421  
Cash overdraft               243,874     16,815     6,639      
Investment securities purchased       4,862,745                      
Dividends payable   520,071     122,891     36,743     18,477     13,937     14,593     12,312  
Shares redeemed   1,050,436     512,722     281,154     694     62,693     80,413     7,777  
Accrued advisory fees   310,279     127,080     21,688     15,334     10,489     9,393     9,720  
Accrued shareholder servicing costs   25,466     14,749     1,948     1,217     1,120     929     799  
Accrued expenses   83,885     36,363     16,163     15,539     11,279     13,507     14,788  
Total Liabilities   1,990,137     5,676,550     357,696     295,135     116,333     125,474     45,396  
Net Assets $ 642,057,571   $ 261,790,623   $ 46,297,805   $ 32,893,060   $ 22,396,145   $ 20,069,860   $ 20,871,025  
Net Assets Consist of:                                          
Capital paid in $ 602,132,355   $ 258,926,038   $ 45,142,275   $ 32,127,592   $ 21,651,701   $ 19,325,213   $ 19,789,066  
Undistributed net investment income   684,424     547,492     76,739     19,960     102     27,105     2,405  
Accumulated net realized loss on investments                                          
and futures transactions   (9,061,506 )   (8,010,398 )   (1,616,508 )   (580,063 )   (457,676 )   (24,187 )   (300,784 )
Net unrealized appreciation in value of investments   48,302,298     10,327,491     2,695,299     1,325,571     1,202,018     741,729     1,380,338  
Total $ 642,057,571   $ 261,790,623   $ 46,297,805   $ 32,893,060   $ 22,396,145   $ 20,069,860   $ 20,871,025  


90 91


Statements of Assets and Liabilities
December 31, 2013

Net Assets:                
Class A $ 640,624,704 $ 258,897,689 $ 46,230,758 $ 32,099,697 $ 22,163,811 $ 19,867,300 $ 20,801,705
Class B $ 1,430,963 $ 2,891,067 $ 65,142 $ 791,469 $ 230,450 $ 200,687 $ 67,404
Advisor Class $ 950 $ 932 $ 951 $ 945 $ 940 $ 936 $ 957
Institutional Class $ 954 $ 935 $ 954 $ 949 $ 944 $ 937 $ 959
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (Note 2):                
Class A   67,008,017 16,373,553 3,796,085 2,463,582 1,931,224 1,700,726 1,723,437
Class B   149,998 183,346 5,359 60,822 20,113 17,217 5,601
Advisor Class   100 59 78 73 82 80 79
Institutional Class   100 59 78 73 82 80 79
Net asset value and redemption price                
per share – Class A $ 9.56 $ 15.81 $ 12.18 $ 13.03 $ 11.48 $ 11.68 $ 12.07
Maximum offering price per share – Class A                
(Net asset value/.9425)* $ 10.14 $ 16.77 $ 12.92 $ 13.82 $ 12.18 $ 12.39 $ 12.81
Net asset value and offering price per share –                
Class B $ 9.54 $ 15.77 $ 12.16 $ 13.01 $ 11.46 $ 11.66 $ 12.03
Net asset value and offering price per share –                
Advisor Class $ 9.54 $ 15.79 $ 12.16 $ 13.01 $ 11.46 $ 11.67 $ 12.05
Net asset value and offering price per share –                
Institutional Class $ 9.57 $ 15.84 $ 12.20 $ 13.06 $ 11.49 $ 11.69 $ 12.08


*On purchases of $100,000 or more, the sales charge is reduced.


92 See notes to financial statements 93


Statements of Assets and Liabilities
December 31, 2013

Investments in securities:                                          
At identified cost $ 45,298,500   $ 141,873,910   $ 22,265,844   $ 20,163,022   $ 44,434,569   $ 33,030,361   $ 37,367,671  
At value (Note 1A) $ 48,086,603   $ 151,101,315   $ 23,608,675   $ 21,013,504   $ 46,932,318   $ 35,062,298   $ 38,724,525  
Cash       804,964         396,025     832,673     49,177     520,677  
Interest   695,120     2,050,208     330,512     218,694     468,310     394,404     619,353  
Shares sold   740     40,182     1,356         16,155     13,322     1,392  
Other assets   2,384     7,713     1,164     1,032     2,450     1,635     1,870  
Total Assets   48,784,847     154,004,382     23,941,707     21,629,255     48,251,906     35,520,836     39,867,817  
Cash overdraft   7,303         147,075                  
Dividends payable   36,397     120,889     17,545     12,771     23,839     46,026     38,916  
Shares redeemed   29,201     239,897     116,701     125     19,351     87,809      
Accrued advisory fees   22,711     71,504     11,141     10,043     22,340     16,753     18,388  
Accrued shareholder servicing costs   1,934     6,383     782     827     2,311     1,383     1,625  
Accrued expenses   17,452     27,591     14,092     14,076     16,744     16,059     16,031  
Total Liabilities   114,998     466,264     307,336     37,842     84,585     168,030     74,960  
Net Assets $ 48,669,849   $ 153,538,118   $ 23,634,371   $ 21,591,413   $ 48,167,321   $ 35,352,806   $ 39,792,857  
Net Assets Consist of:                                          
Capital paid in $ 46,649,931   $ 147,560,971   $ 22,628,041   $ 21,021,435   $ 47,161,936   $ 33,479,926   $ 39,522,343  
Undistributed net investment income   204     118,878     11,873     17,761     30,760     24,854     17,816  
Accumulated net realized loss on investments   (768,389 )   (3,369,136 )   (348,374 )   (298,265 )   (1,523,124 )   (183,911 )   (1,104,156 )
Net unrealized appreciation in value of investments   2,788,103     9,227,405     1,342,831     850,482     2,497,749     2,031,937     1,356,854  
Total $ 48,669,849   $ 153,538,118   $ 23,634,371   $ 21,591,413   $ 48,167,321   $ 35,352,806   $ 39,792,857  


94 95


Statements of Assets and Liabilities
December 31, 2013

Net Assets:                            
Class A $ 48,022,870 $ 152,201,458 $ 23,348,880 $ 21,506,205 $ 47,715,763 $ 35,056,049 $ 39,637,771
Class B $ 645,096 $ 1,334,763 $ 283,596 $ 83,318 $ 449,689 $ 294,863 $ 153,202
Advisor Class $ 939 $ 947 $ 946 $ 944 $ 932 $ 946 $ 939
Institutional Class $ 944 $ 950 $ 949 $ 946 $ 937 $ 948 $ 945
Shares of beneficial interest outstanding (Note 2):                            
Class A   3,812,658   10,780,478   1,757,052   1,782,656   3,643,620   2,742,821   3,123,372
Class B   51,346   94,639   21,347   6,922   34,432   23,124   12,114
Advisor Class   75   67   71   78   71   74   74
Institutional Class   75   67   71   78   71   74   74
Net asset value and redemption price                            
per share – Class A $ 12.60 $ 14.12 $ 13.29 $ 12.06 $ 13.10 $ 12.78 $ 12.69
Maximum offering price per share – Class A                            
(Net asset value/.9425)* $ 13.37 $ 14.98 $ 14.10 $ 12.80 $ 13.90 $ 13.56 $ 13.46
Net asset value and offering price per share –                            
Class B $ 12.56 $ 14.10 $ 13.29 $ 12.04 $ 13.06 $ 12.75 $ 12.65
Net asset value and offering price per share –                            
Advisor Class $ 12.57 $ 14.09 $ 13.28 $ 12.04 $ 13.07 $ 12.77 $ 12.66
Net asset value and offering price per share –                            
Institutional Class $ 12.62 $ 14.14 $ 13.30 $ 12.07 $ 13.12 $ 12.79 $ 12.72


*On purchases of $100,000 or more, the sales charge is reduced.


96 See notes to financial statements 97


Statements of Operations
Year Ended December 31, 2013

    TAX EXEMPT     TAX EXEMPT                                
Investment Income                                          
Interest income $ 34,112,925   $ 12,267,155   $ 2,141,041   $ 1,555,786   $ 1,068,320   $ 1,052,524   $ 1,017,182  
Expenses (Notes 1 and 5):                                          
Advisory fees   4,077,594     1,721,830     291,307     210,374     146,948     133,043     138,193  
Distribution plan expenses – Class A   2,052,704     850,359     145,258     102,826     72,643     65,844     68,879  
Distribution plan expenses – Class B   15,563     35,174     1,306     7,856     2,757     2,246     713  
Shareholder servicing costs – Class A   366,760     212,176     28,855     17,090     15,853     13,574     11,726  
Shareholder servicing costs – Class B   1,418     3,592     150     655     226     212     102  
Shareholder servicing costs – Advisor Class   27     27     27     27     27     27     27  
Shareholder servicing costs – Institutional Class   19     19     19     19     19     19     19  
Professional fees   124,133     50,558     17,211     16,006     13,968     13,760     18,586  
Registration fees   69,000     71,796     2,916     2,769     9,210     4,665     1,976  
Custodian fees   42,281     32,482     7,042     5,393     4,509     3,510     4,371  
Reports to shareholders   29,546     13,037     2,701     2,314     2,066     2,205     2,122  
Trustees’ fees   35,222     14,708     2,456     1,797     1,263     1,144     1,190  
Other expenses   94,032     46,881     16,919     13,956     9,529     10,530     14,413  
Total expenses   6,908,299     3,052,639     516,167     381,082     279,018     250,779     262,317  
Less: Expenses waived   (305,779 )   (143,527 )   (29,896 )   (21,534 )   (15,040 )   (13,583 )   (14,122 )
Net expenses   6,602,520     2,909,112     486,271     359,548     263,978     237,196     248,195  
Net investment income   27,510,405     9,358,043     1,654,770     1,196,238     804,342     815,328     768,987  
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Investments                                          
and Futures Contracts (Note 4):                                          
Net realized gain (loss) on:                                          
Investments   (3,720,628 )   (8,015,908 )   (1,227,958 )   (580,063 )   (457,676 )   (24,187 )   (158,901 )
Futures contracts (Note 1F)       5,510                      
Net realized loss on investments                                          
and futures transactions   (3,720,628 )   (8,010,398 )   (1,227,958 )   (580,063 )   (457,676 )   (24,187 )   (158,901 )
Net unrealized depreciation of investments   (46,725,511 )   (16,925,809 )   (1,924,149 )   (2,162,584 )   (1,514,789 )   (2,161,714 )   (1,339,034 )
Net loss on investments and futures   (50,446,139 )   (24,936,207 )   (3,152,107 )   (2,742,647 )   (1,972,465 )   (2,185,901 )   (1,497,935 )
Net Decrease in Net Assets Resulting                                          
from Operations $ (22,935,734 ) $ (15,578,164 ) $ (1,497,337 ) $ (1,546,409 ) $ (1,168,123 ) $ (1,370,573 ) $ (728,948 )


98 See notes to financial statements 99


Statements of Operations
Year Ended December 31, 2013

Investment Income                                          
Interest income $ 2,519,316   $ 7,570,664   $ 1,208,291   $ 1,061,316   $ 2,239,015   $ 1,836,970   $ 1,749,390  
Expenses (Notes 1 and 5):                                          
Advisory fees   321,420     986,313     155,729     137,682     313,051     232,664     242,889  
Distribution plan expenses – Class A   158,509     488,831     76,785     68,415     155,018     115,191     120,822  
Distribution plan expenses – Class B   7,325     14,406     3,583     1,409     4,965     3,790     2,063  
Shareholder servicing costs – Class A   28,356     92,239     10,848     12,221     32,840     20,179     21,627  
Shareholder servicing costs – Class B   794     1,166     279     192     591     567     251  
Shareholder servicing costs – Advisor Class   27     27     27     27     27     27     27  
Shareholder servicing costs – Institutional Class   19     19     19     19     19     19     19  
Professional fees   18,654     34,705     14,109     13,810     17,719     16,353     16,491  
Registration fees   1,977     3,966     1,976     1,976     2,117     2,076     1,976  
Custodian fees   7,287     14,344     3,954     4,190     8,083     5,558     5,425  
Reports to shareholders   3,125     6,819     2,138     2,044     3,196     2,627     2,650  
Trustees’ fees   2,765     8,431     1,335     1,180     2,676     1,989     2,060  
Other expenses   16,665     32,403     11,429     11,696     17,692     14,958     15,384  
Total expenses   566,923     1,683,669     282,211     254,861     557,994     415,998     431,684  
Less: Expenses waived   (32,787 )   (100,695 )   (15,950 )   (14,100 )   (31,952 )   (23,802 )   (24,909 )
Net expenses   534,136     1,582,974     266,261     240,761     526,042     392,196     406,775  
Net investment income   1,985,180     5,987,690     942,030     820,555     1,712,973     1,444,774     1,342,615  
Realized and Unrealized Gain (Loss) on                                          
Investments (Note 4):                                          
Net realized loss on investments   (768,389 )   (1,827,240 )   (300,091 )   (297,641 )   (1,393,640 )   (183,911 )   (694,462 )
Net unrealized depreciation of investments   (3,685,161 )   (10,706,164 )   (1,825,082 )   (1,451,172 )   (3,153,958 )   (2,786,241 )   (2,492,375 )
Net loss on investments   (4,453,550 )   (12,533,404 )   (2,125,173 )   (1,748,813 )   (4,547,598 )   (2,970,152 )   (3,186,837 )
Net Decrease in Net Assets Resulting                                          
from Operations $ (2,468,370 ) $ (6,545,714 ) $ (1,183,143 ) $ (928,258 ) $ (2,834,625 ) $ (1,525,378 ) $ (1,844,222 )


100 See notes to financial statements 101


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                          SINGLE STATE TAX EXEMPT FUNDS  
Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations                                                
Net investment income $ 27,510,405   $ 28,751,213   $ 9,358,043   $ 8,314,409   $ 1,654,770   $ 1,439,878   $ 1,196,238   $ 1,206,474  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments, futures and                                                
swap agreements   (3,720,628 )   (1,264,407 )   (8,010,398 )   4,066,304     (1,227,958 )   45,842     (580,063 )   300,333  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   (46,725,511 )   23,166,341     (16,925,809 )   9,059,891     (1,924,149 )   1,736,494     (2,162,584 )   781,586  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                                                
from operations   (22,935,734 )   50,653,147     (15,578,164 )   21,440,604     (1,497,337 )   3,222,214     (1,546,409 )   2,288,393  
Distributions to Shareholders                                                
Net investment income – Class A   (26,859,808 )   (28,973,049 )   (8,750,480 )   (8,285,690 )   (1,576,909 )   (1,447,188 )   (1,173,369 )   (1,188,749 )
Net investment income – Class B   (50,288 )   (58,665 )   (85,950 )   (111,021 )   (3,365 )   (7,641 )   (21,302 )   (19,591 )
Net investment income – Advisor Class   (25 )       (20 )       (21 )       (22 )    
Net investment income – Institutional Class   (25 )       (20 )       (21 )       (22 )    
Net realized gains – Class A               (934,796 )               (232,990 )
Net realized gains – Class B               (13,425 )               (4,956 )
Total distributions   (26,910,146 )   (29,031,714 )   (8,836,470 )   (9,344,932 )   (1,580,316 )   (1,454,829 )   (1,194,715 )   (1,446,286 )
Trust Share Transactions                                                
Class A:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   28,986,045     35,957,620     39,831,240     81,699,878     8,294,121     14,591,889     2,379,756     5,148,805  
Reinvestment of distributions   20,308,996     21,814,242     7,253,443     7,634,790     1,109,045     1,031,681     957,702     1,146,197  
Cost of shares redeemed   (82,195,236 )   (62,959,233 )   (58,866,220 )   (28,395,505 )   (7,916,324 )   (5,196,049 )   (4,513,657 )   (5,834,917 )
    (32,900,195 )   (5,187,371 )   (11,781,537 )   60,939,163     1,486,842     10,427,521     (1,176,199 )   460,085  
Class B:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   210,896     170,845     231,966     628,565     6,600     76,600     116,298     100,933  
Reinvestment of distributions   41,583     47,070     61,184     84,646     2,297     5,664     17,013     22,312  
Cost of shares redeemed   (316,561 )   (819,833 )   (1,312,306 )   (1,162,762 )   (211,955 )   (84,518 )   (46,089 )   (64,296 )
    (64,082 )   (601,918 )   (1,019,156 )   (449,551 )   (203,058 )   (2,254 )   87,222     58,949  
Advisor Class:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   25         20         21         22      
Cost of shares redeemed                                
    1,025         1,020         1,021         1,022      
Institutional Class:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   25         20         21         22      
Cost of shares redeemed                                
    1,025         1,020         1,021         1,022      
Net increase (decrease) from trust share transactions   (32,962,227 )   (5,789,289 )   (12,798,653 )   60,489,612     1,285,826     10,425,267     (1,086,933 )   519,034  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets   (82,808,107 )   15,832,144     (37,213,287 )   72,585,284     (1,791,827 )   12,192,652     (3,828,057 )   1,361,141  
Net Assets                                                
Beginning of year   724,865,678     709,033,534     299,003,910     226,418,626     48,089,632     35,896,980     36,721,117     35,359,976  
End of year † $ 642,057,571   $ 724,865,678   $ 261,790,623   $ 299,003,910   $ 46,297,805   $ 48,089,632   $ 32,893,060   $ 36,721,117  
†Includes undistributed net investment income of $ 684,424   $ 84,165   $ 547,492   $ 25,919   $ 76,739   $ 2,285   $ 19,960   $ 18,429  


102 103


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

                    SINGLE STATE TAX EXEMPT FUNDS  
Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Trust Shares Issued and Redeemed                                    
Class A:                                    
Sold   2,934,023   3,513,659   2,396,430   4,799,382     654,632   1,134,639   176,618   365,628  
Issued for distributions reinvested   2,056,417   2,130,069   443,086   447,978     88,938   80,253   71,028   81,265  
Redeemed   (8,385,561 )   (6,171,530 )   (3,640,962 )   (1,670,436 )   (637,723 )   (405,450 )   (339,852 )   (413,590 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class A trust shares outstanding   (3,395,121 )   (527,802 )   (801,446 )   3,576,924     105,847     809,442     (92,206 )   33,303  
Class B:                                    
Sold   21,211   16,662   14,118   37,056     529   5,979   8,515   7,167  
Issued for distributions reinvested   4,220   4,606   3,732   4,974     183   441   1,262   1,584  
Redeemed   (32,408 )   (80,998 )   (80,833 )   (69,049 )   (16,868 )   (6,626 )   (3,336 )   (4,529 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class B trust shares outstanding   (6,977 )    (59,730 )   (62,983 )   (27,019 )   (16,156 )   (206 )   6,441     4,222  
Advisor Class:                                    
Sold   97     58       76     71    
Issued for dividends reinvested   3     1       2     2    
Net increase in Advisor Class trust shares outstanding   100          59         78         73      
Institutional Class:                                    
Sold   97     58       76     71    
Issued for dividends reinvested   3     1       2     2    
Net increase in Institutional Class trust shares outstanding   100         59         78         73      


104 See notes to financial statements 105


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations                                                
Net investment income $ 804,342   $ 872,806   $ 815,328   $ 828,690   $ 768,987   $ 812,186   $ 1,985,180   $ 2,045,862  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments and swap agreements   (457,676 )   391,523     (24,187 )   64,622     (158,901 )   (11,592 )   (768,389 )   275,300  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   (1,514,789 )   488,288     (2,161,714 )   743,943     (1,339,034 )   751,306     (3,685,161 )   1,225,307  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                                                
from operations   (1,168,123 )   1,752,617     (1,370,573 )   1,637,255     (728,948 )   1,551,900     (2,468,370 )   3,546,469  
Distributions to Shareholders                                                
Net investment income – Class A   (829,469 )   (861,151 )   (795,534 )   (813,880 )   (775,326 )   (830,458 )   (1,974,470 )   (2,103,164 )
Net investment income – Class B   (7,632 )   (10,635 )   (6,600 )   (7,284 )   (1,966 )   (1,987 )   (22,444 )   (24,088 )
Net investment income – Advisor Class   (22 )       (23 )       (22 )       (24 )    
Net investment income – Institutional Class   (22 )       (23 )       (22 )       (24 )    
Net realized gains – Class A       (136,670 )       (60,394 )               (105,812 )
Net realized gains – Class B       (1,790 )       (682 )               (1,520 )
Total distributions   (837,145 )   (1,010,246 )   (802,180 )   (882,240 )   (777,336 )   (832,445 )   (1,996,962 )   (2,234,584 )
Trust Share Transactions                                                
Class A:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   1,612,884     1,831,019     1,112,112     2,357,310     1,504,516     1,815,183     4,269,414     5,023,219  
Reinvestment of distributions   652,560     798,206     611,130     651,306     617,112     645,454     1,482,982     1,590,223  
Cost of shares redeemed   (3,922,054 )   (2,747,648 )   (3,158,869 )   (2,641,738 )   (4,397,034 )   (2,170,268 )   (9,996,175 )   (4,709,739 )
    (1,656,610 )   (118,423 )   (1,435,627 )   366,878     (2,275,406 )   290,369     (4,243,779 )   1,903,703  
Class B:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   12,565     18,500         15,804         20,000     84,295     250,610  
Reinvestment of distributions   5,491     9,763     5,344     6,627     1,965     1,987     15,997     20,414  
Cost of shares redeemed   (101,657 )   (121,001 )   (41,120 )   (26,265 )   (8,867 )   (12,233 )   (205,302 )   (253,553 )
    (83,601 )   (92,738 )   (35,776 )   (3,834 )   (6,902 )   9,754     (105,010 )   17,471  
Advisor Class:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   22         23         22         24      
Cost of shares redeemed                                
    1,022         1,023         1,022         1,024      
Institutional Class:                                                
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   22         23         22         24      
Cost of shares redeemed                                
    1,022         1,023         1,022         1,024      
Net increase (decrease) from trust share transactions   (1,738,167 )   (211,161 )   (1,469,357 )   363,044     (2,280,264 )   300,123     (4,346,741 )   1,921,174  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets   (3,743,435 )   531,210     (3,642,110 )   1,118,059     (3,786,548 )   1,019,578     (8,812,073 )   3,233,059  
Net Assets                                                
Beginning of year   26,139,580     25,608,370     23,711,970     22,593,911     24,657,573     23,637,995     57,481,922     54,248,863  
End of year † $ 22,396,145   $ 26,139,580   $ 20,069,860   $ 23,711,970   $ 20,871,025   $ 24,657,573   $ 48,669,849   $ 57,481,922  
†Includes undistributed net investment income of $ 102   $ 32,905   $ 27,105   $ 10,411   $ 2,405   $ 10,754   $ 204   $ 11,986  


106 107


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Trust Shares Issued and Redeemed                                  
Class A:                                  
Sold   133,922   146,754   88,623   183,977   120,285   142,623   326,158   367,093  
Issued for distributions reinvested   54,988   64,074   50,221   50,800   49,726   50,328   113,322   115,962  
Redeemed   (332,568 )   (220,973 )   (262,001 )   (205,532 )   (354,934 )   (170,479 )   (771,308 )   (344,064 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class A trust shares outstanding   (143,658 )   (10,145 )   (123,157 )   29,245     (184,923 )   22,472     (331,828 )   138,991  
Class B:                                  
Sold   1,058   1,488     1,234     1,566   6,435   18,250  
Issued for distributions reinvested   461   785   440   517   159   155   1,221   1,491  
Redeemed   (8,557 )   (9,727 )   (3,358 )   (2,059 )   (704 )   (966 )   (15,832 )   (18,601 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class B trust shares outstanding   (7,038 )   (7,454 )   (2,918 )   (308 )   (545 )   755     (8,176 )   1,140  
Advisor Class:                                  
Sold   80     78     77     73    
Issued for dividends reinvested   2     2     2     2    
Net increase in Advisor Class trust shares outstanding   82         80         79         75      
Institutional Class:                                  
Sold   80     78     77     73    
Issued for dividends reinvested   2     2     2     2    
Net increase in Institutional Class trust shares outstanding   82         80         79         75      


108 See notes to financial statements 109


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31 2013   2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations                                    
Net investment income $ 5,987,690   $ 6,159,664   $ 942,030   $ 941,346   $ 820,555   $ 863,360  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments and swap agreements   (1,827,240 )   (89,300 )   (300,091 )   56,133     (297,641 )   146,344  
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   (10,706,164 )   4,561,397     (1,825,082 )   695,945     (1,451,172 )   462,145  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                                    
from operations   (6,545,714 )   10,631,761     (1,183,143 )   1,693,424     (928,258 )   1,471,849  
Distributions to Shareholders                                    
Net investment income – Class A   (5,832,384 )   (6,278,795 )   (926,442 )   (955,258 )   (799,611 )   (862,457 )
Net investment income – Class B   (41,426 )   (40,412 )   (10,452 )   (13,749 )   (3,988 )   (6,404 )
Net investment income – Advisor Class   (23 )       (23 )       (23 )    
Net investment income – Institutional Class   (23 )       (23 )       (23 )    
Net realized gains – Class A                       (13,213 )
Net realized gains – Class B                       (104 )
Total distributions   (5,873,856 )   (6,319,207 )   (936,940 )   (969,007 )   (803,645 )   (882,178 )
Trust Share Transactions                                    
Class A:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   10,740,572     14,824,233     1,268,460     2,246,326     943,681     1,550,517  
Reinvestment of distributions   4,278,035     4,499,328     705,087     736,104     636,575     679,499  
Cost of shares redeemed   (21,951,857 )   (11,683,117 )   (3,574,143 )   (1,984,562 )   (2,485,559 )   (1,836,415 )
    (6,933,250 )   7,640,444     (1,600,596 )   997,868     (905,303 )   393,601  
Class B:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   103,258     745,074         76,216     11,200     1,200  
Reinvestment of distributions   37,859     37,397     7,816     9,079     3,621     5,928  
Cost of shares redeemed   (337,487 )   (298,608 )   (116,977 )   (193,806 )   (109,944 )   (68,188 )
    (196,370 )   483,863     (109,161 )   (108,511 )   (95,123 )   (61,060 )
Advisor Class:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   23         23         23      
Cost of shares redeemed                        
    1,023         1,023         1,023      
Institutional Class:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   23         23         23      
Cost of shares redeemed                        
    1,023         1,023         1,023      
Net increase (decrease) from trust share transactions   (7,127,574 )   8,124,307     (1,707,711 )   889,357     (998,380 )   332,541  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets   (19,547,144 )   12,436,861     (3,827,794 )   1,613,774     (2,730,283 )   922,212  
Net Assets                                    
Beginning of year   173,085,262     160,648,401     27,462,165     25,848,391     24,321,696     23,399,484  
End of year † $ 153,538,118   $ 173,085,262   $ 23,634,371   $ 27,462,165   $ 21,591,413   $ 24,321,696  
†Includes undistributed net investment income of $ 118,878   $ 5,044   $ 11,873   $ 6,783   $ 17,761   $ 232  


110 111


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Trust Shares Issued and Redeemed                          
Class A:                          
Sold   731,951   975,131   91,175   155,685   75,109   119,382  
Issued for distributions reinvested   293,068   295,684   51,178   51,204   50,952   52,214  
Redeemed   (1,513,902 )   (768,477 )   (262,975 )   (138,171 )   (199,208 )   (141,304 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class A trust shares outstanding   (488,883 )   502,338     (120,622 )   68,718     (73,147 )   30,292  
Class B:                          
Sold   7,121   49,132     5,359   859   92  
Issued for distributions reinvested   2,590   2,458   565   631   287   456  
Redeemed   (22,804 )   (19,719 )   (8,634 )   (13,539 )   (8,818 )   (5,260 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class B trust shares outstanding   (13,093 )   31,871     (8,069 )   (7,549 )   (7,672 )   (4,712 )
Advisor Class:                          
Sold   65     69     76    
Issued for dividends reinvested   2     2     2    
Net increase in Advisor Class trust shares outstanding   67         71         78      
Institutional Class:                          
Sold   65     69     76    
Issued for dividends reinvested   2     2     2    
Net increase in Institutional Class trust shares outstanding   67         71         78    


112 See notes to financial statements 113


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Increase (Decrease) in Net Assets From Operations                                    
Net investment income $ 1,712,973   $ 1,650,962   $ 1,444,774   $ 1,456,198   $ 1,342,615   $ 1,315,222  
Net realized gain (loss) on investments and swap agreements   (1,393,640 )   86,075     (183,911 )   56,568     (694,462 )   (25,058 )
Net unrealized appreciation (depreciation) of investments   (3,153,958 )   1,447,064     (2,786,241 )   1,369,107     (2,492,375 )   957,705  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets resulting                                    
from operations   (2,834,625 )   3,184,101     (1,525,378 )   2,881,873     (1,844,222 )   2,247,869  
Distributions to Shareholders                                    
Net investment income – Class A   (1,683,159 )   (1,629,688 )   (1,411,634 )   (1,510,371 )   (1,335,336 )   (1,335,195 )
Net investment income – Class B   (12,718 )   (14,709 )   (11,453 )   (16,101 )   (5,405 )   (10,392 )
Net investment income – Advisor Class   (21 )       (24 )       (21 )    
Net investment income – Institutional Class   (21 )       (24 )       (21 )    
Net realized gains – Class A               (44,778 )        
Net realized gains – Class B               (488 )        
Total distributions   (1,695,919 )   (1,644,397 )   (1,423,135 )   (1,571,738 )   (1,340,783 )   (1,345,587 )
Trust Share Transactions                                    
Class A:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   5,595,178     8,738,158     2,181,071     4,036,975     6,034,187     5,651,397  
Reinvestment of distributions   1,363,789     1,312,469     852,061     930,168     887,378     909,624  
Cost of shares redeemed   (8,632,925 )   (4,644,846 )   (5,267,603 )   (3,652,053 )   (5,284,001 )   (2,531,054 )
    (1,673,958 )   5,405,781     (2,234,471 )   1,315,090     1,637,564     4,029,967  
Class B:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   6,409     2,972     15,595     74,609     2,400     5,695  
Reinvestment of distributions   12,390     13,833     9,287     14,235     4,703     7,492  
Cost of shares redeemed   (91,034 )   (106,032 )   (138,560 )   (248,486 )   (125,737 )   (152,266 )
    (72,235 )   (89,227 )   (113,678 )   (159,642 )   (118,634 )   (139,079 )
Advisor Class:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   21         24         21      
Cost of shares redeemed                        
    1,021         1,024         1,021      
Institutional Class:                                    
Proceeds from shares sold   1,000         1,000         1,000      
Reinvestment of dividends   21         24         21      
Cost of shares redeemed                        
    1,021         1,024         1,021      
Net increase (decrease) from trust share transactions   (1,744,151 )   5,316,554     (2,346,101 )   1,155,448     1,520,972     3,890,888  
Net increase (decrease) in net assets   (6,274,695 )   6,856,258     (5,294,614 )   2,465,583     (1,664,033 )   4,793,170  
Net Assets                                    
Beginning of year   54,442,016     47,585,758     40,647,420     38,181,837     41,456,890     36,663,720  
End of year † $ 48,167,321   $ 54,442,016   $ 35,352,806   $ 40,647,420   $ 39,792,857   $ 41,456,890  
†Includes undistributed net investment income of $ 30,760   $ 13,706   $ 24,854   $ 3,215   $ 17,816   $ 15,984  


114 115


Statements of Changes in Net Assets

Year Ended December 31   2013     2012     2013     2012     2013     2012  
Trust Shares Issued and Redeemed                        
Class A:                        
Sold 407,430   613,716   163,922   294,570   457,618   413,792  
Issued for distributions reinvested 100,218   91,918   64,463   67,772   67,370   66,409  
Redeemed   (642,539 )   (325,472 )   (403,046 )   (266,494 )   (402,525 )   (185,045 )
Net increase (decrease) in Class A trust shares outstanding   (134,891 )   380,162     (174,661 )   95,848     122,463     295,156  
Class B:                        
Sold 480   207   1,177   5,464   182   417  
Issued for distributions reinvested 912   971   702   1,039   357   549  
Redeemed   (6,553 )   (7,505 )   (10,547 )   (18,256 )   (9,472 )   (11,099 )
Net decrease in Class B trust shares outstanding   (5,161 )   (6,327 )   (8,668 )   (11,753 )   (8,933 )   (10,133 )
Advisor Class:                        
Sold 70     72     72    
Issued for dividends reinvested 1     2     2    
Net increase in Advisor Class trust shares outstanding   71         74         74      
Institutional Class:                        
Sold 70     72     72    
Issued for dividends reinvested 1     2     2    
Net increase in Institutional Class trust shares outstanding   71         74         74      


116 See notes to financial statements 117


Notes to Financial Statements
December 31, 2013

1. Significant Accounting Policies —First Investors Tax Exempt Funds, a Delaware statutory trust (“the Trust”), is registered under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (“the 1940 Act”) as a diversified, open-end management investment company. The Trust operates as a series fund, issuing shares of beneficial interest in the Tax Exempt Income Fund, Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund and the Single State Tax Exempt Funds, comprising the California, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia Funds (each a “Fund”, collectively, the “Funds”). The Trust’s Board of Trustees (“the Board”) has approved changes recommended by management to the policies of certain Funds. Specifically, effective May 26, 2009, for the Connecticut, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Virginia Funds and effective February 1, 2010, for Tax Exempt Income Fund, Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund, California and New York Funds, the policy of investing in insured securities was eliminated and the name of each Fund was changed to remove the word “Insured”. Prior to September 4, 2012, Tax Exempt Income Fund was known as Tax Exempt Fund and Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund was known as Tax Exempt Fund II. Each Fund accounts separately for its assets, liabilities and operations. The investment objective of each Fund is as follows:

Tax Exempt Income Fund seeks a high level of interest income that is exempt from federal income tax and is not a tax preference item for purposes of the federal alternative minimum tax (“AMT”).

Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund seeks a high level of interest income that is exempt from federal income tax and is not a tax preference item for purposes of the AMT and, secondarily, total return.

Single State Tax Exempt Funds seek a high level of interest income that is exempt from both federal and state income tax for individual residents of a particular state and is not a tax preference item for purposes of the AMT.

A. Security Valuation—The municipal securities in which the Funds invest are traded primarily in the over-the-counter markets. Such securities are valued daily based upon valuations provided by a pricing service approved by the Board. The pricing service considers security type, rating, market condition and yield data, as well as market quotations and prices provided by market makers. If prices are not available or determined to be unreliable, the securities are valued at fair value as determined in good faith pursuant to procedures adopted by the Board.

The Funds may retain any insured municipal bond which is in default in the payment of principal or interest until the default has been cured, or the principal and interest



outstanding are paid by an insurer or the issuer of any letter of credit or other guarantee supporting such municipal bond. In such case, the Funds may value the defaulted bond daily based upon the value of a comparable bond which is not in default. In selecting a comparable bond, the Funds will consider security type, rating, market condition and yield.

In accordance with Accounting Standards Codification 820 “Fair Value Measurements and Disclosures” (“ASC 820”), investments held by the Funds are carried at “fair value”. As defined by ASC 820, fair value is the price that a fund would receive upon selling an investment in an orderly transaction to an independent buyer in the principal or most advantageous market for the investment under current market conditions. Various inputs are used in determining the value of the Funds’ investments.

In addition to defining fair value, ASC 820 established a three-tier hierarchy of inputs to establish a classification of fair value measurements for disclosure purposes. The three-tier hierarchy of inputs is summarized in the three broad Levels listed below:

Level 1 — Unadjusted quoted prices in active markets for identical securities that the Fund has the ability to access.

Level 2 — Observable inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly or indirectly. These inputs may include quoted prices for the identical instrument on an inactive market, prices for similar instruments, interest rates, prepayment speeds, credit risk, yield curves, default rates and similar data.

Level 3 — Unobservable inputs for the asset or liability, to the extent relevant observable inputs are not available, representing the Fund’s own assumption about the assumptions a market participant would use in valuing the asset or liability, and would be based on the best information available.

Municipal bonds are categorized in Level 2 to the extent that the inputs are observable and timely, otherwise they would be categorized as Level 3. Short-term tax exempt investments are categorized in Level 2.

The inputs methodology used for valuing securities are not necessarily an indication of the risk associated with investing in those securities. For example, amortized cost approximates the current fair value of a security, but since the value is not obtained from a quoted price in an active market, such securities are reflected as Level 2.

The following is a summary, by category of Level, of inputs used to value the Funds’ investments as of December 31, 2013:



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2013

    Level 1   Level 2   Level 3
Investments in Municipal Bonds*            
Tax Exempt Income     $632,369,413  
Tax Exempt Opportunities     258,416,677  
California     45,895,724  
Connecticut     32,544,730  
Massachusetts     22,183,567  
Michigan     19,871,159  
Minnesota     20,522,453  
New Jersey     48,086,603  
New York     151,101,315  
North Carolina     23,608,675  
Ohio     21,013,504  
Oregon     46,932,318  
Pennsylvania     35,062,298  
Virginia     38,724,525  

*The Portfolio of Investments provides information on the industry categorization for the portfolio.

There were no transfers into or from Level 1 or Level 2 by the Funds during the year ended December 31, 2013. Transfers, if any, between Levels are recognized at the end of the reporting period.

B. Federal Income Taxes—No provision has been made for federal income taxes on net income or capital gains since it is the policy of each Fund to continue to comply with the special provisions of the Internal Revenue Code applicable to investment companies, and to make sufficient distributions of income and capital gains (in excess of any available capital loss carryovers) to relieve it from all, or substantially all, such taxes. At December 31, 2013, capital loss carryovers were as follows:



        Year Capital Loss   Not Subject
      Carryovers Expire   to Expiration
Fund   Total   2015   2017   Short-Term   Long-Term
Tax Exempt Income   $8,311,602 $ $   $7,419,423   $892,179
Tax Exempt Opportunities   6,504,141       6,504,141  
California   1,287,923       1,014,340   273,583
Connecticut   348,743       154,484   194,259
Massachusetts   457,411       388,022   69,389
Michigan   24,187         24,187
Minnesota   300,784   24,765     260,544   15,475
New Jersey   287,854       213,959   73,895
New York   3,172,219     634,149   1,917,762   620,308
North Carolina   210,719       172,109   38,610
Ohio   262,402       221,733   40,669
Oregon   1,320,037       654,116   665,921
Pennsylvania   156,793       35,746   121,047
Virginia   973,653     289,554   453,189   230,910

As a result of the passage of the Regulated Investment Company Modernization Act of 2010 (“Modernization Act of 2010”), losses incurred in this fiscal year and beyond retain their character as short-term or long-term, have no expiration date and are utilized prior to capital loss carryovers occurring prior to the enactment of the Modernization Act of 2010.

The Funds recognize the tax benefits of uncertain tax positions only where the position is “more likely than not” to be sustained assuming examination by tax authorities. Management has analyzed the Funds’ tax positions, and has concluded that no liability for unrecognized tax benefits should be recorded related to uncertain tax positions taken on returns filed for open tax years 2010–2012, or expected to be taken in the Funds’ 2013 tax returns. The Funds identify their major tax jurisdictions as U.S. Federal, New York State and New York City; however, the Funds are not aware of any tax position for which it is reasonably possible that the total amounts of unrecognized tax benefits will change materially in the next twelve months.

C. Distributions to Shareholders—Dividends from net investment income of the Funds are declared daily and paid monthly, and distributions from net realized capital gains, if any, are generally declared and paid annually. Income dividends and capital gain distributions are determined in accordance with income tax regulations which may differ from accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. These differences are primarily due to differing treatments for capital loss carryforwards, post-October losses and net operating losses.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2013

D. Expense Allocation/Class Allocation—Expenses directly charged or attributable to a Fund or Class are paid from the assets of that Fund or Class, respectively. General expenses of the Trust are allocated among and charged to the assets of each Fund in the Trust on a fair and equitable basis, which may be based on the relative assets of each Fund or the nature of the services performed and relative applicability to each Fund.

E. Other—Security transactions are generally accounted for on the first business day following the date the securities are purchased or sold, except for financial reporting purposes, which is trade date. Investments in securities issued on a when-issued or delayed delivery basis are generally reflected in the assets of the Funds on the first business day following the date the securities are purchased and the Funds segregate assets for these transactions. Cost is determined, and gains and losses are based on the identified cost basis for both financial statement and federal income tax purposes. Interest income is earned from settlement date and recorded on the accrual basis. Bond premiums and discounts on securities are accreted or amortized using the interest method. Interest income on zero coupon bonds is accrued daily at the effective interest rate. Estimated expenses are accrued daily. The Bank of New York Mellon, custodian of the Funds, may provide credits against custodian charges based on uninvested cash balances of the Funds. For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Funds did not receive any credits.

F. Derivatives—The Funds may invest in derivatives such as futures contracts, options on futures contracts (“options”), inverse floating rate securities (“inverse floaters”), interest rate swap agreements (“swap agreements”) and Municipal Market Data rate locks (“MMD Rate Locks”) to increase income, hedge against changes in interest rates or enhance potential return.

The Funds may enter into interest rate futures contracts on U.S. Treasury obligations and options thereon that are traded on a U.S. exchange. An interest rate futures contract provides for the future sale by one party and the purchase by another party of a specified amount of a particular financial instrument (debt security) at a specified price, date, time and place. Such investments may be used for the purpose of hedging against changes in the value of a Fund’s portfolio securities due to anticipated changes in interest rates and market conditions. A public market exists for interest rate futures contracts covering a number of debt securities, including long-term U.S. Treasury Bonds, 10-year U.S. Treasury Notes and three-month U.S. Treasury Bills. No price is paid upon entering into futures contracts. Instead, upon entering into a futures contract, the Funds are required to deposit with their custodian in a segregated



account in the name of the futures broker through which the transaction is effected an amount of cash or U.S. Government securities generally equal to 3–5% or less of the contract value. This amount is known as “initial margin.”

An option on an interest rate futures contract generally gives the purchaser the right, in return for the premium paid, to assume a position in a futures contract at a specified exercise price at any time prior to the expiration date of the option. The Funds may purchase put and call options on interest rate futures contracts on U.S. Treasury obligations which are traded on a U.S. exchange as a hedge against changes in interest rates, and may enter into closing transactions with respect to such options to terminate existing positions. There is no guarantee such closing transactions can be effected. When writing a call or put option on a futures contract, margin also must be deposited in accordance with applicable exchange rules. Initial margin on futures contracts is in the nature of a performance bond or good-faith deposit that is returned to a Fund upon termination of the transaction, assuming all obligations have been satisfied. Under certain circumstances, such as periods of high volatility, a Fund may be required by an exchange to increase the level of its initial margin payment. Subsequent payments, called “variation margin,” to and from the broker, are made on a daily basis as the value of the futures position varies, a process known as “marking to market.” Variation margin does not involve borrowing to finance the futures transactions, but rather represents a daily settlement of a Fund’s obligation to or from a clearing organization. A Fund is also obligated to make initial and variation margin payments when it writes options on futures contracts.

To the extent that a Fund participates in the futures or options markets, it will incur investment risks and transaction costs to which it would not be subject absent the use of these strategies. The use of these strategies involves certain special risks, including: (1) dependence on the ability of the Funds’ adviser, First Investors Management Company, Inc. (“FIMCO”) to predict correctly movements in the direction of interest rates and securities prices; (2) imperfect correlation between the price of futures contracts and options thereon and movements in the prices of the securities or currencies being hedged; (3) the fact that skills needed to use these strategies are different from those needed to select portfolio securities; (4) the leverage (if any) that is created by investing in the option or futures contract; and (5) the possible absence of a liquid secondary market for any particular instrument at any time. If FIMCO’s prediction of movements in the direction of the securities and interest rate markets is inaccurate, the adverse consequences to that Fund may leave it in a worse position than if such strategies were not used. At December 31, 2013, the Funds had no outstanding investments in futures contracts or options.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2013

Inverse floaters are securities on which the rate of interest varies inversely with interest rates on other securities or the value of an index. For example, an inverse floater may pay interest at a rate that increases as a specified interest rate index decreases but decreases as that index increases. The secondary market for inverse floaters may be limited and they may be illiquid. The market values of such securities generally are more volatile than the market values of ordinary fixed rate obligations. The interest rates on inverse floaters may be significantly reduced, even to zero, if interest rates rise.

The Funds may enter into transactions in which they transfer fixed rate bonds to trusts in exchange for cash and residual interests in the trusts’ assets and cash flows, which are in the form of inverse floating rate securities. The inverse floating rate securities issued in connection with the trusts give the Funds the right (1) to cause the holders of the floating rate notes to be tendered at par and (2) to transfer the fixed rate bond from the trusts to the Funds, thereby collapsing the trusts. The Funds account for these transactions as secured borrowings, with the fixed rate bonds remaining in the Funds’ investment assets, and the related floating rate notes reflected as Fund liabilities under the caption “floating rate notes issued” in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. The notes issued by the trusts have interest rates that generally reset weekly, and the floating rate note holders have the option to tender their notes to the trusts for redemption at par at each reset date. Expenses of the trusts, including interest paid to holders of the floating rate notes, are included in the Statements of Operations. For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Funds had no investments in inverse floaters that were acquired through exchanges with trusts.

Interest rate swap transactions are agreements between two parties to exchange interest payments on a designated amount of two different securities for a designated period of time. For example, two parties may agree to exchange interest payments on variable and fixed rate instruments. The Funds may enter into interest rate swap transactions to preserve a return or spread on a particular investment or portion of its bond portfolio. Swap agreements are marked-to-market daily based on valuations provided by a pricing service and changes in value, if any, are recorded as unrealized appreciation or depreciation in the Statements of Operations. Gains or losses are realized upon early termination of the swap agreements. Risks may exceed the amounts shown in the Statements of Assets and Liabilities. These risks include failure of the counterparty to perform under the contract’s terms and the possible lack of liquidity with respect to the swap agreements. For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Funds had no investments in swap agreements.

An MMD Rate Lock permits a Fund to lock in a specified municipal interest rate for a portion of its portfolio to preserve a return on a particular investment or a portion of its portfolio as a duration management technique or to protect against any increase



in the price of securities to be purchased at a later date. MMD Rate Locks may be used for hedging purposes. There is no payment made or received at inception of the MMD Rate Lock. The net amount of the excess, if any, of a Fund’s obligations over its entitlements with respect to an MMD Rate Lock will be accrued on a daily basis and an amount of liquid assets that have an aggregate net asset value at least equal to the accrued excess will be maintained in a separate account by the Fund. In entering into MMD Rate Locks, there is a risk that municipal yields will move in the direction opposite the direction anticipated by a Fund. The use of MMD Rate Locks is a highly specialized activity that involves investment techniques and risks different than those associated with ordinary portfolio securities transactions. If the other party to an MMD Rate Lock defaults, a Fund’s risk of loss consists of the amount of payments that the Fund contractually is entitled to receive. For the year ended December 31, 2013, the Funds had no investments in MMD Rate Locks.

For the year ended December 31, 2013, the effect of derivative instruments in the Statements of Operations is as follows:

  Net Realized
  Gain on
Fund Futures Contracts
Tax Exempt Opportunities $5,510

G. Use of Estimates—The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenue and expense during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates.

2. Capital — The Trust is authorized to issue an unlimited number of shares of beneficial interest without par value. The Trust consists of the Funds listed on the cover page, each of which is a separate and distinct series of the Trust. Each Fund has designated four classes of shares, Class A, Class B, Advisor Class and Institutional Class shares (each, a “Class”). Institutional Class and Advisor Class shares are new classes that have been added to the Trust and were available for sale to the public in May 2013 and October 2013, respectively. Not all classes of shares of each Fund may be available in all jurisdictions. Each share of each Class has an equal beneficial interest in the assets, has identical voting, dividend, liquidation and other rights and is subject to the same terms and conditions. Expenses allocated to a Class may be borne solely by that Class as determined by the Trustees and a Class may have exclusive voting rights with respect to matters affecting only that Class. The shares sold by the Funds have a public offering price that reflects different sales charges and expense levels.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2013

Class A shares are sold with an initial sales charge of up to 5.75% of the amount invested and together with the Class B shares are subject to distribution plan fees as described in Note 5. Class B shares are sold without an initial sales charge, but are generally subject to a contingent deferred sales charge which declines in steps from 4% to 0% over a six-year period. Class B shares automatically convert into Class A shares after eight years. There are no sales charges or distribution plan fees associated with the purchase of Advisor Class and Institutional Class shares. Realized and unrealized gains or losses, investment income and expenses (other than distribution plan fees) are allocated daily to each class of shares based upon the relative proportion of net assets of each class.

3. Concentration of Credit Risk —The Funds invest in debt instruments of municipal issuers whose ability to meet their obligations may be affected by economic developments in a state, industry or region. Since each Single State Tax Exempt Fund generally invests in the municipal securities of a particular state, each of these Funds is vulnerable to events in that particular state that could reduce the value of municipal securities issued within the state, including erosion of taxes or other revenues supporting debt obligations, failure of the revenue generated to meet levels sufficient to satisfy debt obligations, state budget deficits and other related financial difficulties.

4. Security Transactions —For the year ended December 31, 2013, purchases and sales of municipal securities, other than short-term municipal notes, were as follows:

    Cost of   Proceeds
Fund   Purchases   of Sales
Tax Exempt Income   $ 79,664,238   $107,268,305
Tax Exempt Opportunities   238,121,394   249,576,631
California   29,023,123   26,446,815
Connecticut   8,034,369   9,000,811
Massachusetts   12,459,853   12,926,440
Michigan   3,600,783   4,558,823
Minnesota   5,515,395   7,763,601
New Jersey   15,530,987   19,807,648
New York   72,526,471   78,902,866
North Carolina   6,171,494   7,565,200
Ohio   15,511,689   16,745,706
Oregon   22,247,378   24,064,835
Pennsylvania   15,720,756   17,653,236
Virginia   16,538,139   15,276,441




At December 31, 2013, aggregate cost and net unrealized appreciation of securities for federal income tax purposes were as follows:

        Gross   Gross   Net
    Aggregate   Unrealized   Unrealized   Unrealized
Fund   Cost   Appreciation   Depreciation   Appreciation
Tax Exempt Income   $584,067,115   $51,167,889   $2,865,591   $48,302,298
Tax Exempt Opportunities   248,089,186   11,991,742   1,664,251   10,327,491
California   43,200,425   2,754,803   59,504   2,695,299
Connecticut   31,219,159   1,577,889   252,318   1,325,571
Massachusetts   20,981,549   1,202,018     1,202,018
Michigan   19,129,430   1,020,452   278,723   741,729
Minnesota   19,142,115   1,380,338     1,380,338
New Jersey   45,298,500   3,201,884   413,781   2,788,103
New York   141,873,910   10,551,385   1,323,980   9,227,405
North Carolina   22,265,844   1,559,121   216,290   1,342,831
Ohio   20,163,022   1,088,133   237,651   850,482
Oregon   44,434,569   2,805,739   307,990   2,497,749
Pennsylvania   33,030,361   2,248,227   216,290   2,031,937
Virginia   37,367,671   1,872,502   515,648   1,356,854

5. Advisory Fee and Other Transactions With Affiliates —Certain officers of the Trust are officers of the Trust’s investment adviser, First Investors Management Company, Inc. (“FIMCO”), its underwriter, First Investors Corporation (“FIC”) and/or its transfer agent, Administrative Data Management Corp. (“ADM”). Trustees of the Trust who are not officers or directors of FIMCO or its affiliates are remunerated by the Funds. For the year ended December 31, 2013, total trustees fees accrued by the Funds amounted to $78,216.

The Investment Advisory Agreements provide as compensation to FIMCO for each Fund, an annual fee, payable monthly, at the rate of .60% on the first $500 million of the average daily net assets of each Fund, declining by .02% on each $500 million thereafter, down to .54% on average daily net assets over $1.5 billion. For the year ended December 31, 2013, FIMCO has voluntarily waived advisory fees in excess of .55% for the Tax Exempt Income and Tax Exempt Opportunities Funds. For the periods January 1, 2013 through May 31, 2013 and June 1, 2013 through December 31, 2013, FIMCO has voluntarily waived advisory fees in excess of .55% and .53%, respectively, for each of the Single State Tax Exempt Funds. For the year ended December 31, 2013, advisory fees accrued by the Funds to FIMCO were $9,109,037 of which $787,097 was waived as noted above.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2013

For the year ended December 31, 2013, FIC, as underwriter, received $2,965,307 in commissions from the sale of shares of the Funds after allowing $231,631 to other dealers.

ADM has entered into an agreement with the Funds to limit the transfer agency expenses for Advisor Class and Institutional Class shares to the extent that transfer agency expenses exceed .20% and .05%, respectively, of the Advisor Class and Institutional Class shares average daily net assets. The agreement expires on May 1, 2014. ADM can be reimbursed by each Class within three years after the date the expense limitation has been made by ADM, provided that such repayment does not cause the transfer agency expenses of Advisor Class and Institutional Class shares to exceed the foregoing limits. The expense limitation may be terminated or amended prior to May 1, 2014, only with the approval of the Board. For the year ended December 31, 2013, shareholder servicing costs included $811,188 in transfer agent fees accrued to ADM by all classes of which $579 was waived as noted above.

Pursuant to Distribution Plans adopted under Rule 12b-1 of the 1940 Act, each Fund is authorized to pay FIC a fee up to .30% of the average daily net assets of the Class A shares and up to 1% of the average daily net assets of the Class B shares, on an annual basis, payable monthly. The fee consists of a distribution fee and a service fee. The service fee is paid for the ongoing servicing of clients who are shareholders of that Fund. For the year ended December 31, 2013, total distribution plan fees accrued to FIC by the Funds amounted to $4,645,240.

6. Tax Components of Capital and Distributions to Shareholders —The tax character of distributions declared for the years ended December 31, 2013 and December 31, 2012 were as follows:



    Year Ended December 31, 2013   Year Ended December 31, 2012
    Distributions Declared from       Distributions Declared from    
          Long-Term               Long-Term    
    Tax-Exempt   Ordinary   Capital       Tax-Exempt   Ordinary   Capital    
Fund   Income Income   Gain   Total   Income   Income   Gain   Total
Tax Exempt                              
Income   $26,854,132 $56,014   $ —   $26,910,146   $28,998,821   $ 32,893   $ —   $29,031,714
Tax Exempt                              
Opportunities   8,823,759 12,711     8,836,470   8,388,021   396,550   560,361   9,344,932
California   1,579,361 955     1,580,316   1,453,914   915     1,454,829
Connecticut   1,193,897 818     1,194,715   1,208,128   11,091   227,067   1,446,286
Massachusetts   836,793 352     837,145   871,595   191   138,460   1,010,246
Michigan   796,579 2,055   3,546   802,180   819,801   1,363   61,076   882,240
Minnesota   777,223 113     777,336   832,349   96     832,445
New Jersey   1,996,432 530     1,996,962   2,126,789   24,084   83,711   2,234,584
New York   5,861,393 12,463     5,873,856   6,312,965   6,242     6,319,207
North Carolina   936,462 478     936,940   968,518   489     969,007
Ohio   801,975 1,670     803,645   867,688   14,490     882,178
Oregon   1,693,502 2,417     1,695,919   1,641,816   2,581     1,644,397
Pennsylvania   1,422,035 1,100     1,423,135   1,523,034   13,541   35,163   1,571,738
Virginia   1,333,983 6,800     1,340,783   1,343,705   1,882     1,345,587

As of December 31, 2013, the components of distributable earnings on a tax basis were as follows:

    Tax-Exempt   Capital   Other     Total
    Ordinary   Loss   Accumulated Unrealized   Distributable
Fund   Income   Carryover   Losses *   Appreciation   Earnings **
Tax Exempt Income   $684,424   $(8,311,602)   $ (749,904) $48,302,298   $39,925,216
Tax Exempt Opportunities   547,492   (6,504,141)   (1,506,257) 10,327,491   2,864,585
California   76,739   (1,287,923)   (328,585) 2,695,299   1,155,530
Connecticut   19,960   (348,743)   (231,320) 1,325,571   765,468
Massachusetts   102   (457,411)   (265) 1,202,018   744,444
Michigan   27,105   (24,187)   741,729   744,647
Minnesota   2,405   (300,784)   1,380,338   1,081,959
New Jersey   204   (287,854)   (480,535) 2,788,103   2,019,918
New York   118,878   (3,172,219)   (196,917) 9,227,405   5,977,147
North Carolina   11,873   (210,719)   (137,655) 1,342,831   1,006,330
Ohio   17,761   (262,402)   (35,863) 850,482   569,978
Oregon   30,760   (1,320,037)   (203,087) 2,497,749   1,005,385
Pennsylvania   24,854   (156,793)   (27,118) 2,031,937   1,872,880
Virginia   17,816   (973,653)   (130,503) 1,356,854   270,514

*Other accumulated losses consist of late loss deferrals and post-October loss deferrals, which will be utilized on the first day of the Funds’ next fiscal year.

**Differences between book distributable earnings and tax distributable earnings consist primarily of post-October losses and amortization of bond premium and discounts.



Notes to Financial Statements (continued)
December 31, 2013

For the year ended December 31, 2013, the following reclassifications were made to reflect permanent differences between book reporting and tax reporting:

  Undistributed   Net Realized
  Net Investment   Losses on
Fund Income   Investments
Connecticut $ 8   $ (8)
Michigan   3,546     (3,546)
Ohio   619     (619)

7. Subsequent Events —Subsequent events occurring after December 31, 2013, have been evaluated for potential impact to this report through the date the financial statements were issued. There were no subsequent events to report that would have a material impact on the Funds’ financial statements.











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Financial Highlights

The following table sets forth the per share operating data for a share outstanding, total return, ratios to average net assets and other supplemental data for each year ended December 31, except as otherwise indicated.

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                       R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A      
                          Less Distributions                                  Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                   Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset       Net Realized                       Net Asset         Net Assets **   Waived or Assumed      
      Value,   Net   and Unrealized     Total from     Net   Net       Value,       Net Assets Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment   Gain (Loss) on     Investment     Investment   Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income   Investments     Operations     Income   Gain   Distributions   Year   Return *      (in thousands)   Credits   Credits (a) Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
TAX EXEMPT INCOME FUND                                                            
Class A                                                                      
2009   $ 9.28 $ .423 $ .523   $ .946   $ .426 $ .426 $ 9.80 10.36 % $ 715,079 .96 % .96 % 4.40 % 1.02 % 4.34 % 26 %
2010     9.80   .424   (.346 )   .078     .426   .012   .438   9.44 .71     686,589 .96   .96   4.30   1.00   4.26   18  
2011     9.44   .421   .530     .951     .421     .421   9.97 10.32     706,877 .96   .96   4.37   1.01   4.32   15  
2012     9.97   .408   .304     .712     .412     .412   10.27 7.23     723,256 .95   .96   3.99   1.00   3.94   10  
2013     10.27   .398   (.719 )   (.321 )   .389     .389   9.56 (3.18 )   640,625 .96   .96   4.01   1.00   3.97   12  
Class B                                                                      
2009     9.27   .359   .507     .866     .356     .356   9.78 9.47     6,338 1.66   1.66   3.70   1.72   3.64   26  
2010     9.78   .364   (.346 )   .018     .356   .012   .368   9.43 .11     4,081 1.66   1.66   3.60   1.70   3.56   18  
2011     9.43   .382   .490     .872     .352     .352   9.95 9.43     2,157 1.66   1.66   3.67   1.71   3.62   15  
2012     9.95   .358   .294     .652     .342     .342   10.26 6.62     1,610 1.65   1.66   3.29   1.70   3.24   10  
2013     10.26   .327   (.728 )   (.401 )   .319     .319   9.54 (3.96 )   1,431 1.70   1.70   3.28   1.74   3.24   12  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013 (b)   10.31   .241   (.753 )   (.512 )   .258     .258   9.54 (4.97 )   1 .81   .81   4.16   .85   4.12   12  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013 (b)   10.31   .280   (.762 )   (.482 )   .258     .258   9.57   (4.68 )   1   .66   .66   4.31   .70   4.27   12  
TAX EXEMPT OPPORTUNITIES FUND                                                        
Class A                                                                      
2009   $ 14.54 $ .597 $ 1.414   $ 2.011   $ .591 $ .591 $ 15.96 14.02 % $ 174,905 1.00 % 1.00 % 3.89 % 1.07 % 3.82 % 110 %
2010     15.96   .604   (.483 )   .121     .616   .285   .901   15.18 .67     192,875 1.01   1.01   3.75   1.06   3.70   107  
2011     15.18   .604   1.143     1.747     .607     .607   16.32 11.76     221,961 1.01   1.01   3.87   1.06   3.82   91  
2012     16.32   .541   .901     1.442     .547   .055   .602   17.16 8.92     294,784 1.00   1.00   3.17   1.05   3.12   90  
2013     17.16   .539   (1.381 )   (.842 )   .508     .508   15.81 (4.97 )   258,898 1.01   1.01   3.27   1.06   3.22   84  
Class B                                                                      
2009     14.54   .498   1.410     1.908     .488     .488   15.96 13.27     8,436 1.70   1.70   3.19   1.77   3.12   110  
2010     15.96   .511   (.503 )   .008     .513   .285   .798   15.17 (.04 )   5,860 1.71   1.71   3.05   1.76   3.00   107  
2011     15.17   .515   1.127     1.642     .502     .502   16.31 11.03     4,458 1.71   1.71   3.17   1.76   3.12   91  
2012     16.31   .428   .888     1.316     .441   .055   .496   17.13 8.14     4,220 1.70   1.70   2.47   1.75   2.42   90  
2013     17.13   .437   (1.395 )   (.958 )   .402     .402   15.77 (5.65 )   2,891 1.73   1.73   2.53   1.78   2.48   84  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013 (b)   17.30   .338   (1.510 )   (1.172 )   .338     .338   15.79 (6.78 )   1 .84   .84   3.44   .89   3.39   84  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013 (b)   17.30   .385   (1.507 )   (1.122 )   .338     .338   15.84   (6.49 )   1   .69   .69   3.59   .74   3.54   84  


132 133


Financial Highlights (continued)

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                        R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A      
                            Less Distributions                             Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                 Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset         Net Realized                       Net Asset         Net Assets**   Waived or Assumed      
      Value,   Net     and Unrealized     Total from     Net   Net       Value,       Net Assets    Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment     Gain (Loss) on     Investment     Investment   Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income     Investments     Operations     Income   Gain   Distributions   Year Return *     (in thousands) Credits   Credits (a) Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
CALIFORNIA FUND                                                                  
Class A                                                                        
2009   $ 11.09 $ .475   $ 1.015   $ 1.490   $ .480 $ .480 $ 12.10 13.62 % $ 29,206 1.01 % 1.01 % 4.04 % 1.08 % 3.97 % 60 %
2010     12.10   .479     (.408 )   .071     .480   .021   .501   11.67 .50     31,423 1.03   1.03   3.94   1.08   3.89   42  
2011     11.67   .476     .704     1.180     .480     .480   12.37 10.35     35,628 1.04   1.04   4.00   1.09   3.95   20  
2012     12.37   .449     .595     1.044     .454     .454   12.96 8.53     47,811 1.01   1.01   3.49   1.06   3.44   26  
2013     12.96   .426 ^   (.798 )   (.372 )   .408     .408   12.18 (2.91 )   46,231 1.00   1.00   3.41   1.06   3.35   56  
Class B                                                                        
2009     11.09   .392     1.025     1.417     .397     .397   12.11 12.92     1,089 1.71   1.71   3.34   1.78   3.27   60  
2010     12.11   .426     (.438 )   (.012 )   .397   .021   .418   11.68 (.18 )   675 1.73   1.73   3.24   1.78   3.19   42  
2011     11.68   .537     .550     1.087     .397     .397   12.37 9.49     269 1.74   1.74   3.30   1.79   3.25   20  
2012     12.37   .362     .589     .951     .371     .371   12.95 7.75     279 1.71   1.71   2.79   1.76   2.74   26  
2013     12.95   .326 ^   (.791 )   (.465 )   .325     .325   12.16 (3.63 )   65 1.75   1.75   2.60   1.81   2.54   56  
Advisor Class                                                                  
2013 (b)   13.07   .265 ^   (.905 )   (.640 )   .270     .270   12.16 (4.89 )   1 .85   .85   3.56   .91   3.50   56  
Institutional Class                                                                  
2013 (b)   13.07   .311 ^   (.911 )   (.600 )   .270     .270   12.20 (4.58 )   1 .70   .70   3.71   .76   3.65   56  
Class A                                                                        
2009 $ 12.33 $ .505   $ 1.062   $ 1.567   $ .507 $ .507 $ 13.39 12.88 % $ 36,229 1.01 % 1.01 % 3.87 % 1.08 % 3.80 % 20 %
2010     13.39   .502     (.465 )   .037     .507     .507   12.92 .20     33,912 1.02   1.02   3.74   1.07   3.69   15  
2011     12.92   .500     .822     1.322     .502     .502   13.74 10.45     34,671 1.02   1.02   3.78   1.07   3.73   30  
2012     13.74   .472     .423     .895     .473   .092   .565   14.07 6.58     35,957 1.00   1.00   3.35   1.05   3.30   24  
2013     14.07   .464     (1.041 )   (.577 )   .463     .463   13.03 (4.16 )   32,100 1.01   1.01   3.43   1.07   3.37   23  
Class B                                                                        
2009     12.32   .415     1.048     1.463     .413     .413   13.37 12.00     1,557 1.71   1.71   3.17   1.78   3.10   20  
2010     13.37   .411     (.470 )   (.059 )   .411     .411   12.90 (.52 )   888 1.72   1.72   3.04   1.77   2.99   15  
2011     12.90   .411     .823     1.234     .404     .404   13.73 9.73     689 1.72   1.72   3.08   1.77   3.03   30  
2012     13.73   .372     .416     .788     .376   .092   .468   14.05 5.78     764 1.70   1.70   2.65   1.75   2.60   24  
2013     14.05   .364     (1.038 )   (.674 )   .366     .366   13.01 (4.85 )   791 1.74   1.74   2.70   1.80   2.64   23  
Advisor Class                                                                  
2013 (b)   14.08   .283     (1.045 )   (.762 )   .308     .308   13.01 (5.43 )   1 .87   .87   3.57   .93   3.51   23  
Institutional Class                                                                  
2013 (b)   14.08   .337     (1.049 )   (.712 )   .308     .308   13.06 (5.07 )   1 .72   .72   3.72   .78   3.66   23  


134 135


Financial Highlights (continued)

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                      R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A    
                          Less Distributions                             Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                 Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset       Net Realized                       Net Asset         Net Assets**   Waived or Assumed      
      Value,   Net   and Unrealized     Total from     Net   Net       Value,       Net Assets   Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment   Gain (Loss) on     Investment     Investment   Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income   Investments     Operations     Income   Gain   Distributions   Year Return     (in thousands) Credits   Credits (a) Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $ 10.77 $.453 $ .921   $ 1.374   $ .444 $ — $.444 $11.70 12.94 % $24,776 1.03 % 1.03 % 3.97 % 1.10 % 3.90 % 42 %
2010     11.70   .456   (.406 )   .050     .450     .450   11.30 .35     24,258 1.05   1.05   3.88   1.10   3.83   20  
2011     11.30   .446   .786     1.232     .452     .452   12.08 11.15     25,190 1.05   1.05   3.84   1.10   3.79   37  
2012     12.08   .418   .426     .844     .418   .066   .484   12.44 7.05     25,802 1.04   1.04   3.36   1.09   3.31   44  
2013     12.44   .392   (.944 )   (.552 )   .408     .408   11.48 (4.49 )   22,164 1.07   1.07   3.29   1.13   3.23   52  
Class B                                                                      
2009     10.78   .388   .907     1.295     .365     .365   11.71 12.15     1,177 1.73   1.73   3.27   1.80   3.20   42  
2010     11.71   .412   (.450 )   (.038 )   .372     .372   11.30 (.41 )   697 1.75   1.75   3.18   1.80   3.13   20  
2011     11.30   .441   .713     1.154     .374     .374   12.08 10.40     418 1.75   1.75   3.14   1.80   3.09   37  
2012     12.08   .374   .372     .746     .340   .066   .406   12.42 6.22     337 1.74   1.74   2.66   1.79   2.61   44  
2013     12.42   .373   (1.003 )   (.630 )   .330     .330   11.46 (5.13 )   230 1.79   1.79   2.57   1.85   2.51   52  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013 (b)   12.47   .243   (.982 )   (.739 )   .271     .271   11.46 (5.93 )   1 .91   .91   3.45   .97   3.39   52  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013 (b)   12.47   .275   (.984 )   (.709 )   .271     .271   11.49 (5.69 )   1 .76   .76   3.60   .82   3.54   52  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $ 11.43 $.480 $ .696   $ 1.176   $ .486 $ — $.486 $12.12 10.46 % $27,142 1.03 % 1.03 % 4.04 % 1.10 % 3.97 % 31 %
2010     12.12   .479   (.340 )   .139     .486   .123   .609   11.65 1.07     25,111 1.04   1.04   3.92   1.09   3.87   36  
2011     11.65   .474   .826     1.300     .477   .023   .500   12.45 11.40     22,340 1.07   1.07   3.96   1.12   3.91   25  
2012     12.45   .452   .439     .891     .448   .033   .481   12.86 7.24     23,453 1.05   1.05   3.54   1.10   3.49   28  
2013     12.86   .451   (1.188 )   (.737 )   .443     .443   11.68 (5.81 )   19,867 1.06   1.06   3.69   1.12   3.63   17  
Class B                                                                      
2009     11.42   .406   .686     1.092     .402     .402   12.11 9.69     823 1.73   1.73   3.34   1.80   3.27   31  
2010     12.11   .399   (.344 )   .055     .402   .123   .525   11.64 .38     504 1.74   1.74   3.22   1.79   3.17   36  
2011     11.64   .401   .805     1.206     .393   .023   .416   12.43 10.55     254 1.77   1.77   3.26   1.82   3.21   25  
2012     12.43   .362   .445     .807     .364   .033   .397   12.84 6.55     259 1.75   1.75   2.84   1.80   2.79   28  
2013     12.84   .363   (1.184 )   (.821 )   .359     .359   11.66 (6.47 )   201 1.80   1.80   2.95   1.86   2.89   17  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013 (b)   12.79   .291   (1.118 )   (.827 )   .293     .293   11.67 (6.48 )   1 .90   .90   3.85   .96   3.79   17  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013 (b)   12.79   .308   (1.115 )   (.807 )   .293     .293   11.69 (6.32 )   1 .75   .75   4.00   .81   3.94   17  


136 137


Financial Highlights (continued)

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                        R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A      
                          Less Distributions                             Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                 Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset       Net Realized                       Net Asset         Net Assets**     Waived or Assumed      
      Value,   Net   and Unrealized     Total from     Net   Net       Value,       Net Assets   Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment   Gain (Loss) on     Investment     Investment   Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income   Investments     Operations     Income   Gain   Distributions   Year Return *   (in thousands) Credits   Credits (a) Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $11.34 $.426 $ .712   $1.138   $.418   $.418 $12.06 10.16 % $21,211 1.05 % 1.05 % 3.60 % 1.12 % 3.53 % 22 %
2010     12.06   .440   (.356 )   .084     .434     .434   11.71 .63     21,784 1.05   1.05   3.63   1.10   3.58   30  
2011     11.71   .441   .793     1.234     .444     .444   12.50 10.74     23,571 1.04   1.04   3.66   1.09   3.61   11  
2012     12.50   .429   .391     .820     .440     .440   12.88 6.63     24,579 1.03   1.03   3.35   1.08   3.30   5  
2013     12.88   .416   (.806 )   (.390 )   .420     .420   12.07 (3.07 )   20,802 1.08   1.08   3.34   1.14   3.28   24  
Class B                                                                      
2009     11.35   .354   .695     1.049     .339     .339   12.06 9.33     276 1.75   1.75   2.90   1.82   2.83   22  
2010     12.06   .412   (.406 )   .006     .356     .356   11.71 (.02 )   144 1.75   1.75   2.93   1.80   2.88   30  
2011     11.71   .504   .642     1.146     .366     .366   12.49 9.94     67 1.74   1.74   2.96   1.79   2.91   11  
2012     12.49   .311   .421     .732     .362     .362   12.86 5.91     79 1.73   1.73   2.65   1.78   2.60   5  
2013     12.86   .336   (.824 )   (.488 )   .342     .342   12.03 (3.84 )   67 1.87   1.87   2.55   1.93   2.49   24  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   12.89   .261   (.822 )   (.561 )   .279     .279   12.05 (4.35 )   1 .93   .93   3.49   .99   3.43   24  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   12.89   .287   (.818 )   (.531 )   .279     .279   12.08 (4.12 )   1 .78   .78   3.64   .84   3.58   24  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $12.02 $.508 $ .990   $1.498   $.498 $ — $.498 $13.02 12.63 % $52,592 .99 % .99 % 4.00 % 1.06 % 3.93 % 40 %
2010     13.02   .521   (.453 )   .068     .518     .518   12.57 .44     52,542 .99   .99   3.99   1.04   3.94   21  
2011     12.57   .523   .779     1.302     .522     .522   13.35 10.60     53,470 .99   .99   4.07   1.04   4.02   12  
2012     13.35   .497   .366     .863     .517   .026   .543   13.67 6.52     56,669 .98   .98   3.63   1.03   3.58   24  
2013     13.67   .488   (1.067 )   (.579 )   .491     .491   12.60 (4.31 )   48,023 .99   .99   3.72   1.05   3.66   29  
Class B                                                                      
2009     12.01   .437   .982     1.419     .409     .409   13.02 11.94     1,727 1.69   1.69   3.30   1.76   3.23   40  
2010     13.02   .448   (.479 )   (.031 )   .429     .429   12.56 (.31 )   1,285 1.69   1.69   3.29   1.74   3.24   21  
2011     12.56   .490   .723     1.213     .433     .433   13.34 9.85     779 1.69   1.69   3.37   1.74   3.32   12  
2012     13.34   .398   .366     .764     .428   .026   .454   13.65 5.77     813 1.68   1.68   2.93   1.73   2.88   24  
2013     13.65   .403   (1.091 )   (.688 )   .402     .402   12.56 (5.11 )   645 1.74   1.74   2.96   1.80   2.90   29  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.73   .293   (1.127 )   (.834 )   .326     .326   12.57 (6.09 )   1 .84   .84   3.87   .90   3.81   29  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.73   .342   (1.126 )   (.784 )   .326     .326   12.62 (5.72 )   1 .69   .69   4.02   .75   3.96   29  


138 139


Financial Highlights (continued)

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                     R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A      
                          Less Distributions                             Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                 Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset       Net Realized                       Net Asset         Net Assets**   Waived or Assumed      
      Value,   Net    and Unrealized       Total from     Net   Net       Value,       Net Assets   Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment   Gain (Loss) on     Investment     Investment   Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income   Investments     Operations     Income   Gain   Distributions   Year Return *     (in thousands) Credits   Credits (a) Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $13.45 $.578 $ .949   $1.527   $.567   $.567 $14.41 11.52 % $149,941 .96 % .96 % 4.10 % 1.03 % 4.03 % 38 %
2010     14.41   .576   (.450 )   .126     .576     .576   13.96 .79     149,798 .97   .97   3.97   1.02   3.92   29  
2011     13.96   .579   .860     1.439     .579     .579   14.82 10.54     159,525 .97   .97   4.05   1.02   4.00   25  
2012     14.82   .556   .405     .961     .571     .571   15.21 6.55     171,448 .96   .97   3.66   1.02   3.61   26  
2013     15.21   .535   (1.101 )   (.566 )   .524     .524   14.12 (3.78 )   152,201 .96   .96   3.65   1.02   3.59   45  
Class B                                                                      
2009     13.44   .481   .944     1.425     .465     .465   14.40 10.73     2,382 1.66   1.66   3.40   1.73   3.33   38  
2010     14.40   .481   (.447 )   .034     .474     .474   13.96 .16     1,453 1.67   1.67   3.27   1.72   3.22   29  
2011     13.96   .487   .840     1.327     .477     .477   14.81 9.68     1,123 1.67   1.67   3.35   1.72   3.30   25  
2012     14.81   .445   .414     .859     .469     .469   15.20 5.84     1,638 1.66   1.67   2.96   1.72   2.91   26  
2013     15.20   .428   (1.107 )   (.679 )   .421     .421   14.10 (4.52 )   1,335 1.68   1.68   2.92   1.74   2.86   45  
Advisor Class  
2013(b)   15.26   .329   (1.151 )   (.822 )   .348     .348   14.09 (5.40 )   1 .81   .81   3.80   .87   3.74   45  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   15.26   .384   (1.156 )   (.772 )   .348     .348   14.14 (5.06 )   1 .66   .66   3.95   .72   3.89   45  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $12.52 $.513 $1.001   $1.514   $.514 $ — $.514 $13.52 12.28 % $ 24,580 1.02 % 1.02 % 3.90 % 1.09 % 3.83 % 71 %
2010     13.52   .520   (.408 )   .112     .519   .013   .532   13.10 .74     23,224 1.03   1.03   3.80   1.08   3.75   18  
2011     13.10   .524   .898     1.422     .522     .522   14.00 11.08     25,331 1.02   1.02   3.89   1.07   3.84   21  
2012     14.00   .503   .415     .918     .518     .518   14.40 6.63     27,039 1.01   1.01   3.51   1.06   3.46   24  
2013     14.40   .504   (1.114 )   (.610 )   .500     .500   13.29 (4.30 )   23,349 1.02   1.02   3.64   1.08   3.58   24  
Class B                                                                      
2009     12.52   .421   1.007     1.428     .418     .418   13.53 11.55     2,217 1.72   1.72   3.20   1.79   3.13   71  
2010     13.53   .428   (.422 )   .006     .423   .013   .436   13.10 (.04 )   1,212 1.73   1.73   3.10   1.78   3.05   18  
2011     13.10   .448   .888     1.336     .426     .426   14.01 10.37     518 1.72   1.72   3.19   1.77   3.14   21  
2012     14.01   .410   .402     .812     .422     .422   14.40 5.84     424 1.71   1.71   2.81   1.76   2.76   24  
2013     14.40   .407   (1.113 )   (.706 )   .404     .404   13.29 (4.96 )   284 1.75   1.75   2.89   1.81   2.83   24  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   14.39   .326   (1.104 )   (.778 )   .332     .332   13.28 (5.42 )   1 .88   .88   3.78   .94   3.72   24  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   14.39   .343   (1.101 )   (.758 )   .332     .332   13.30 (5.28 )   1 .73   .73   3.93   .79   3.87   24  


140 141


Financial Highlights (continued)

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                     R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A      
                          Less Distributions                             Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                 Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset       Net Realized                       Net Asset Net Assets**   Waived or Assumed      
      Value, Net and Unrealized     Total from     Net   Net Value,       Net Assets     Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment   Gain (Loss) on     Investment     Investment     Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income   Investments       Operations     Income   Gain   Distributions   Year Return *     (in thousands) Credits   Credits (a) Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $11.80 $.483 $ .719   $1.202   $.484 $.048 $.532 $12.47 10.33 % $22,635 1.03 % 1.03 % 3.93 % 1.10 % 3.86 % 42 %
2010     12.47   .484   (.369 )   .115     .488   .017   .505   12.08 .84     23,079 1.04   1.04   3.85   1.09   3.80   30  
2011     12.08   .486   .599     1.085     .485     .485   12.68 9.18     23,155 1.04   1.04   3.95   1.09   3.90   35  
2012     12.68   .464   .330     .794     .467   .007   .474   13.00 6.32     24,132 1.03   1.03   3.57   1.08   3.52   28  
2013     13.00   .449   (.949 )   (.500 )   .440     .440   12.06 (3.92 )   21,506 1.04   1.04   3.58   1.10   3.52   69  
Class B                                                                      
2009     11.81   .402   .717     1.119     .401   .048   .449   12.48 9.58     1,106 1.73   1.73   3.23   1.80   3.16   42  
2010     12.48   .406   (.374 )   .032     .405   .017   .422   12.09 .18     566 1.74   1.74   3.15   1.79   3.10   30  
2011     12.09   .422   .570     .992     .402     .402   12.68 8.36     245 1.74   1.74   3.25   1.79   3.20   35  
2012     12.68   .382   .319     .701     .384   .007   .391   12.99 5.57     190 1.73   1.73   2.87   1.78   2.82   28  
2013     12.99   .361   (.954 )   (.593 )   .357     .357   12.04 (4.63 )   83 1.82   1.82   2.77   1.88   2.71   69  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.06   .279   (1.007 )   (.728 )   .292     .292   12.04 (5.59 )   1 .89   .89   3.73   .95   3.67   69  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.06   .305   (1.003 )   (.698 )   .292     .292   12.07 (5.35 )   1 .74   .74   3.88   .80   3.82   69  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $12.23 $.482 $ 1.079   $1.561   $.481 $ — $.481 $13.31 12.91 % $39,182 1.01 % 1.01 % 3.71 % 1.08 % 3.64 % 35 %
2010     13.31   .485   (.397 )   .088     .487   .021   .508   12.89 .58     42,724 1.02   1.02   3.61   1.07   3.56   16  
2011     12.89   .483   .935     1.418     .488     .488   13.82 11.24     46,952 1.01   1.01   3.65   1.06   3.60   26  
2012     13.82   .455   .439     .894     .454     .454   14.26 6.51     53,879 1.00   1.00   3.19   1.05   3.14   14  
2013     14.26   .450   (1.165 )   (.715 )   .445     .445   13.10 (5.08 )   47,716 1.00   1.00   3.29   1.06   3.23   43  
Class B                                                                      
2009     12.21   .392   1.076     1.468     .388     .388   13.29 12.14     1,413 1.71   1.71   3.01   1.78   2.94   35  
2010     13.29   .393   (.397 )   (.004 )   .395   .021   .416   12.87 (.11 )   967 1.72   1.72   2.91   1.77   2.86   16  
2011     12.87   .392   .924     1.316     .396     .396   13.79 10.39     633 1.71   1.71   2.95   1.76   2.90   26  
2012     13.79   .355   .443     .798     .358     .358   14.23 5.81     563 1.70   1.70   2.49   1.75   2.44   14  
2013     14.23   .345   (1.166 )   (.821 )   .349     .349   13.06 (5.83 )   450 1.76   1.76   2.54   1.82   2.48   43  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   14.33   .276   (1.240 )   (.964 )   .296     .296   13.07 (6.74 )   1 .84   .84   3.45   .90   3.39   43  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   14.33   .323   (1.237 )   (.914 )   .296     .296   13.12 (6.39 )   1 .69   .69   3.60   .75   3.54   43  


142 143


Financial Highlights (continued)

          P E R  S H A R E  D A T A                       R A T I O S / S U P P L E M E N T A L  D A T A      
                          Less Distributions                             Ratio to Average Net      
          Investment Operations     from                 Ratio to Average   Assets Before Expenses      
      Net Asset       Net Realized                       Net Asset         Net Assets**   Waived or Assumed      
      Value,   Net   and Unrealized     Total from     Net   Net       Value,       Net Assets     Net Expenses   Expenses   Net       Net   Portfolio  
      Beginning   Investment   Gain (Loss) on     Investment       Investment     Realized   Total   End of Total     End of Year After Fee   Before Fee   Investment       Investment   Turnover  
      of Year   Income   Investments     Operations     Income   Gain     Distributions   Year Return*       (in thousands) Credits   Credits (a)   Income   Expenses   Income   Rate  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $12.24 $.525 $ .743   $1.268   $.518 $— $.518 $12.99 10.50 % $41,046 1.00 % 1.00 % 4.11 % 1.07 % 4.04 % 56 %
2010     12.99   .533   (.364 )   .169     .531   .068   .599   12.56 1.24     38,601 1.01   1.01   4.07   1.06   4.02   46  
2011     12.56   .534   .772     1.306     .536     .536   13.33 10.64     37,602 1.01   1.01   4.14   1.06   4.09   34  
2012     13.33   .505   .490     .995     .530   .015   .545   13.78 7.56     40,210 1.01   1.01   3.69   1.06   3.64   33  
2013     13.78   .496   (1.008 )   (.512 )   .488     .488   12.78 (3.77 )   35,056 1.00   1.00   3.74   1.07   3.67   41  
Class B                                                                      
2009     12.25   .465   .706     1.171     .431     .431   12.99 9.67     1,413 1.70   1.70   3.41   1.77   3.34   56  
2010     12.99   .479   (.398 )   .081     .443   .068   .511   12.56 .56     961 1.71   1.71   3.37   1.76   3.32   46  
2011     12.56   .536   .673     1.209     .449     .449   13.32 9.81     580 1.71   1.71   3.44   1.76   3.39   34  
2012     13.32   .484   .423     .907     .442   .015   .457   13.77 6.88     438 1.71   1.71   2.99   1.76   2.94   33  
2013     13.77   .423   (1.043 )   (.620 )   .400     .400   12.75 (4.56 )   295 1.80   1.80   2.93   1.87   2.86   41  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.84   .313   (1.060 )   (.747 )   .323     .323   12.77 (5.41 )   1 .85   .85   3.89   .92   3.82   41  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.84   .339   (1.066 )   (.727 )   .323     .323   12.79 (5.26 )   1 .70   .70   4.04   .77   3.97   41  
Class A                                                                      
2009   $12.19 $.482 $ .770   $1.252   $.482   $.482 $12.96 10.42 % $33,321 1.02 % 1.02 % 3.80 % 1.09 % 3.73 % 25 %
2010     12.96   .496   (.327 )   .169     .489     .489   12.64 1.25     34,516 1.02   1.02   3.81   1.07   3.76   24  
2011     12.64   .493   .759     1.252     .492     .492   13.40 10.11     36,247 1.01   1.01   3.80   1.06   3.75   34  
2012     13.40   .453   .332     .785     .465     .465   13.72 5.92     41,169 1.01   1.01   3.32   1.06   3.27   19  
2013     13.72   .438   (1.030 )   (.592 )   .438     .438   12.69 (4.38 )   39,638 1.00   1.00   3.32   1.06   3.26   38  
Class B                                                                      
2009     12.17   .395   .758     1.153     .393     .393   12.93 9.59     1,176 1.72   1.72   3.10   1.79   3.03   25  
2010     12.93   .419   (.342 )   .077     .397     .397   12.61 .54     541 1.72   1.72   3.11   1.77   3.06   24  
2011     12.61   .414   .746     1.160     .400     .400   13.37 9.35     417 1.71   1.71   3.10   1.76   3.05   34  
2012     13.37   .374   .309     .683     .373     .373   13.68 5.15     288 1.71   1.71   2.62   1.76   2.57   19  
2013     13.68   .368   (1.052 )   (.684 )   .346     .346   12.65 (5.06 )   153 1.77   1.77   2.54   1.83   2.48   38  
Advisor Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.78   .259   (1.088 )   (.829 )   .291     .291   12.66 (6.03 )   1 .85   .85   3.47   .91   3.41   38  
Institutional Class                                                                
2013(b)   13.78   .321   (1.090 )   (.769 )   .291     .291   12.72 (5.59 )   1 .70   .70   3.62   .76   3.56   38  

* Calculated without sales charges
** Net of expenses waived or assumed by the investment adviser (Note 5)
(a) The ratios do not include a reduction of expenses from cash balances maintained with the custodian or from brokerage service arrangements (Note 1E).
(b) For the period May 1, 2013 (commencement of operations) to December 31, 2013.
^ Based on average shares outstanding during the year.

144 See notes to financial statements 145


Report of Independent Registered Public
Accounting Firm

To the Shareholders and Board of Trustees of
First Investors Tax Exempt Funds

We have audited the accompanying statements of assets and liabilities, including the portfolios of investments, of the Tax Exempt Income Fund, Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund, and the twelve Funds comprising the Single State Tax Exempt Funds, as of December 31, 2013, the related statements of operations for the year then ended, the statements of changes in net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and the financial highlights for each of the five years in the period then ended. These financial statements and financial highlights are the responsibility of the Funds’ management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and financial highlights based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements and financial highlights are free of material misstatement. The Funds are not required to have nor were we engaged to perform an audit of the Funds’ internal control over financial reporting. Our audits included consideration of internal control over financial reporting as a basis for designing audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the Funds’ control over financial reporting. Accordingly, we express no such opinion. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. Our procedures included confirmation of securities owned as of December 31, 2013, by correspondence with the custodian and brokers. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements and financial highlights referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Tax Exempt Income Fund, Tax Exempt Opportunities Fund, and the twelve Funds comprising the Single State Tax Exempt Funds, as of December 31, 2013, and the results of their operations for the year then ended, changes in their net assets for each of the two years in the period then ended, and their financial highlights for each of the five years in the period the ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America.

Tait, Weller & Baker LLP  


Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
February 27, 2014



Trustees and Officers *

    Length of      
    Time Served   Number of   Other  
  Position(s)   (including with   Portfolios in   Trusteeships/  
Name, Year of Birth   Held with   Predecessor   Fund Complex   Directorships  
and Address   Funds   Funds)   Overseen   Held  
———————   ————   ————   —————   ———  
Susan E. Artmann (1954)   Trustee   Since 11/1/12   41   None  
c/o First Investors          
Legal Department          
40 Wall Street          
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Retired. Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer of HSBC Insurance North America    
(2012-September 2013); Executive Vice President and President (2008-2011) and Chief Financial Officer (2000-2008)  
of HSBC Taxpayer Financial Services.        
Mary J. Barneby (1952)   Trustee   Since 11/1/12   41   None  
c/o First Investors          
Legal Department          
40 Wall Street          
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scouts of Connecticut (since October 2012); Executive Director of UBS Financial  
Services, Inc. and Head of Stamford Private Wealth Office (2002-2012).      
Charles R. Barton, III (1965)   Trustee   Since 1/1/06   41   None  
c/o First Investors          
Legal Department          
40 Wall Street          
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Chief Operating Officer (since 2007), Board Director (since 1989, currently Ex-Officio) and Trustee (since 1994)  
of The Barton Group/Barton Mines Corporation (mining and industrial abrasives distribution); President of Noe  
Pierson Corporation (land holding and management services provider) (since 2004).    
Arthur M. Scutro, Jr. (1941)   Trustee and   Trustee since   41   None  
c/o First Investors   Chairman   1/1/06 and      
Legal Department     Chairman since      
40 Wall Street     1/1/13      
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        




Trustees and Officers * (continued)

      Number of   Other  
  Position     Portfolios in   Trusteeships/  
Name, Year of Birth   Held with   Length of   Fund Complex   Directorships  
and Address   Funds   Time Served   Overseen   Held  
———————   ————   ————————   —————   ———  
  DISINTERESTED TRUSTEES (continued)      
Mark R. Ward (1952)   Trustee   Since 1/1/10   41   None  
c/o First Investors          
Legal Department          
40 Wall Street          
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Self-employed, consultant (since 2008).        


*Each Trustee serves for an indefinite term with the Funds, until his/her successor is elected.



    Length of      
    Time Served   Number of   Other  
  Position   (including with   Portfolios in   Trusteeships/  
Name, Year of Birth   Held with   Predecessor   Fund Complex   Directorships  
and Address   Funds   Funds)   Overseen   Held  
———————   ————   ————   —————   ———  
Derek Burke (1963)   President   Since 2012   N/A   None  
c/o First Investors          
Management Company, Inc.          
Raritan Plaza I          
Edison, NJ 08837          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Director (since 2012) and President (since 2011) of First Investors Management Company, Inc., and Admin-  
istrative Data Management Corp.; Board of Managers and Chief Executive Officer of First Investors Advisory  
Services, LLC (since 2012); Consultant, Burke Consulting (2010-2011); UBS - Managing Director, Co-Head of  
Investment Solutions (2009-2010) and Managing Director, Head of Institutional, Retirement and Fund Services  
Joseph I. Benedek (1957)   Treasurer   Since 1988   N/A   None  
c/o First Investors          
Management Company, Inc.          
Raritan Plaza I          
Edison, NJ 08837          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Treasurer of First Investors Management Company, Inc.        
Mary Carty (1950)   Secretary   Since 2010   N/A   None  
c/o First Investors          
Legal Department          
40 Wall Street          
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
General Counsel of First Investors Management Company, Inc. and various affiliated companies since  
December 2012; Assistant Counsel of First Investors Management Company, Inc., (2010-2012). Special  
Counsel and Associate at Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP (1998-2009).      




Trustees and Officers * (continued)

      Number of   Other  
  Position     Portfolios in   Trusteeships/  
Name, Year of Birth   Held with   Length of   Fund Complex   Directorships  
and Address   Funds   Time Served   Overseen   Held  
———————   ————   ————————   —————   ———  
Marc S. Milgram (1957)   Chief   Since 2010   N/A   None  
c/o First Investors   Compliance        
Legal Department   Officer        
40 Wall Street          
New York, NY 10005          
Principal Occupation During Past 5 Years:        
Investment Compliance Manager of First Investors Management Company, Inc., (2009-2010); First Investors  
Federal Savings Bank, President (2000-2011), Treasurer (1987-2011) and Director (2004-2011); First Investors  
Corporation, Vice President (2008-2009); Administrative Data Management Corp., Vice President (2008-2009).  





Shareholder Information    
Investment Adviser  
First Investors Management  
Company, Inc.  
40 Wall Street  
New York, NY 10005  
First Investors Corporation  
40 Wall Street  
New York, NY 10005  
The Bank of New York Mellon  
One Wall Street  
New York, NY 10286  
Transfer Agent  
Administrative Data Management Corp.  
Raritan Plaza I – 8th Floor  
Edison, NJ 08837-3620  
Independent Registered Public  
Accounting Firm  
Tait, Weller & Baker LLP  
1818 Market Street  
Philadelphia, PA 19103  
Legal Counsel  
K&L Gates LLP  
1601 K Street, N.W.  
Washington, D.C. 20006  




A description of the policies and procedures that the Funds use to vote proxies relating to a portfolio’s securities is available, without charge, upon request by calling toll free 1-800-423-4026 or can be viewed online or downloaded from the EDGAR database on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (“SEC”) internet website at http://www.sec.gov . In addition, information regarding how the Funds voted proxies relating to portfolio securities during the most recent 12-month period ended June 30, is available, without charge, upon request in writing or by calling 1-800-423-4026 and on the SEC’s internet website at http://www.sec.gov .

The Funds file their complete schedule of portfolio holdings with the SEC on Form N-Q, for the first and third quarters of each fiscal year. The Funds’ Form N-Q is available on the SEC’s website at http://www.sec.gov ; and may also be reviewed and copied at the SEC’s Public Reference Room in Washington D.C. Information on the operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling 1-800-SEC-0330. The schedule of portfolio holdings is also available, without charge, upon request in writing or by calling 1-800-423-4026.



























Item 2.   Code of Ethics  
As of December 31, 2013, the Registrant has adopted a code of ethics that applies to the  
Registrant's principal executive officer and principal financial officer. On October 30, 2013  
revisions were made to the code of ethics to reflect our new 40 Wall Street address on the  
certification forms.  
For the year ended December 31, 2013, there were no waivers granted from a provision of the code  
of ethics.  
A copy of the Registrant's code of ethics is filed under Item 12(a)(1).  
Item 3.   Audit Committee Financial Expert  
During the reporting period the Registrant's Board determined that it had at least one "audit  
committee financial expert" serving on its audit committee. Arthur M. Scutro, Jr. and Mark R.  
Ward were the "audit committee financial experts" during all or part of the period and were  
considered to be "independent" as defined in Item 3 of Form N-CSR.  
Item 4.   Principal Accountant Fees and Services  


    Fiscal Year Ended    
    December 31,    
    2013   2012  
    ----   ----  
(a)   Audit Fees          
First Investors Tax Exempt Funds   $   171,900   $   166,000  
(b)   Audit-Related Fees          
First Investors Tax Exempt Funds   $   0   $   0  
(c)   Tax Fees          
First Investors Tax Exempt Funds   $   58,100   $   55,400  
Nature of services: tax returns preparation and tax compliance      
(d)   All Other Fees          
First Investors Tax Exempt Funds   $   0   $   0  


(e)(1) Audit committee's pre-approval policies  
The Charter of the Audit Committee requires the Audit Committee (a) to pre-approve, and to  
recommend to the full Board, the selection, retention or termination of the independent auditors to  
provide audit, review or attest services to the First Investors Funds (“Funds”) and, in connection  
therewith, evaluate the independence of the auditors and to obtain the auditors’ specific  
representations as to their independence; (b) to pre-approve all non-audit services to be provided to  
the Funds by the independent auditor; and (c) to pre-approve all non-audit services to be provided  
by the Funds’ independent auditor to the Funds’ investment adviser or to any entity that controls, is  
controlled by or is under common control with the Funds’ investment adviser and that provides  
ongoing services to the Funds, if the engagement relates directly to the operations and financial  
reporting of the Funds. The Audit Committee has not adopted pre-approval policies or procedures  
to permit the services in (b) and (c) above to be pre-approved by other means.  
(e)(2) None, or 0%, of the services relating to the Audit-Related Fees, Tax Fees and All Other Fees  
paid by the Registrant and Related Entities disclosed above were approved by the Audit Committee  
pursuant to paragraph (c)(7)(i)(C) of Rule 2-01 of Regulation S-X (which permits audit committee  
approval after the start of the engagement with respect to services other than audit review or attest  
services, if certain conditions are satisfied).  
(f) Not Applicable  
(g) Aggregate non-audit fees billed by the Registrant's accountant for services rendered to the  
Registrant and the Registrant's investment adviser and any entity controlling, controlled by, or  
under common control with the adviser that provides ongoing services to the Registrant for the two  
fiscal years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012 were $121,200 and $49,500, respectively.  
(h) Not Applicable  


Item 5.   Audit Committee of Listed Registrants  
  Not applicable  
Item 6.   Schedule of Investments  
  Schedule is included as part of the report to shareholders filed under Item 1 of this  
Item 7.   Disclosure of Proxy Voting Policies & Procedures for  
  Closed-End Management Investment Companies  
  Not applicable  


Item 8.   Portfolio Managers of Closed-End Management Investment Companies  
  Not applicable  
Item 9.   Purchases of Equity Securities by Closed-End Management  
  Investment Companies and Affiliated Purchasers  
  Not applicable  
Item 10.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders  
There were no material changes to the procedure by which shareholders may recommend nominees  
to the Registrant's Board of Trustees.  
Item 11.   Controls and Procedures  


(a)   The Registrant's Principal Executive Officer and Principal Financial Officer have concluded  
that the Registrant's disclosure controls and procedures (as defined in Rule 30a-3(c) under the  
Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended) are effective, based on their evaluation of these  
disclosure controls and procedures as of a date within 90 days of the filing date of this report.  
(b)   There were no changes in the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting (as defined   
in Rule 30a-3(d) under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as amended)  that occurred during the   
second fiscal quarter of the period covered by this report that have materially affected, or are reasonably   
likely to materially affect, the Registrant's internal control over financial reporting.  


Item 12.   Exhibits  


(a)(1)   Code of Ethics - Filed herewith  
(a)(2)   Certifications pursuant to Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act  
  of 2002 - Filed herewith  
(b)   Certifications pursuant to Section 906 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act  
  of 2002 - Filed herewith  


  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment  
Company Act of 1940, the Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the  
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.  
First Investors Tax Exempt Funds  
By   /S/   DEREK BURKE  
  Derek Burke  
  President and Principal Executive Officer  
Date:   March 6, 2014  
  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Investment  
Company Act of 1940, this report has been signed below by the following persons on behalf of the  
Registrant and in the capacities and on the dates indicated.  
By   /S/   DEREK BURKE  
  Derek Burke  
  President and Principal Executive Officer  
  Joseph I. Benedek  
  Treasurer and Principal Financial Officer  
Date:   March 6, 2014  


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Brookfield High Income Fund Inc. (NYSE:HHY)
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